Your Pokemon Technic & Team Strategy...!!!!!(R,S,E,FR,LG
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Magicman DX Nebula

Joined: 04 Jul 2005 Posts: 647 Location: long.... long.... ago in the far.... far.... away
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:30 am Post subject: |
hey thank's....!!!
now i need strategy with my Shuckle,have an idea? _________________
The Revenge of Dianna the D.N.A. Doll |
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Joined: 16 Jul 2005 Posts: 39 Location: U.S.
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:32 am Post subject: |
I want to give this one a wack. Shuckle has very impressive defense and special defense, but it is quite low in attack. Since it stands a chance of lasting a while in a battle (of Pokemon with the same level and no type disadvantages), I would teach it toxic, since the poison is more effective the longer the battle goes on. Teach it protect for back-up. Toxic can be taught via TM06 and Protect can be taught via TM17. _________________
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Ssargon.EXE Net Savior

Joined: 03 Dec 2005 Posts: 100 Location: BlizzardNet, A.K.A Canada
Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:01 pm Post subject: |
Hmmm... personally, I don't think Shuckle is worth much more than a slight annoyance. It's defensive stats are really high, yes, but it doesn't have the HP stat to back it up, Seismic Tossing Blisseys, Night Shading... whatever anyone uses it on these days... heh. Ouch. Personally I don't usually go for walls/annoyers [or play NB enough for that matter XD], so if ya want something a bit As a defender, I hear Claydol is a standard... Light Screen and Reflect with its high defenseive stats, plus the fact that you get a STABbed EQ [who cares that it's attack is sub-par, EQ @ 150 power will hurt] so... yeah. Umbreon is a good annoyer 'cause she'll stand a good choice of lasting awhile, plus Mean Look'll keep them trapped and you can Toxic away, and Baton Pass [I'm fairly certian she can use it] if things get too hairy, or in case you use, say, Curse, and you have a Tauros or something waiting with a White Herb... ^.=.^;;;;
...Or you could ignore me completely too, my strategies suck anyway 'cause I only use what I like XD It's up to you ^.=.^;; _________________ Proud Griega×Faltzer shipper ^.=.^
...Am I the only one? O.=.o;; Ohhhh... eiede diede diede diede diede diede die...
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Magicman DX Nebula

Joined: 04 Jul 2005 Posts: 647 Location: long.... long.... ago in the far.... far.... away
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:41 pm Post subject: |
hehe thank;s for the tips
now i'm still looking for pokemon that had a high sp def & def....!!!
have suggestion?? _________________
The Revenge of Dianna the D.N.A. Doll |
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Azgalor Guest
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:01 pm Post subject: |
For high def/ sp. def you could go with Dusclops:
Dusclops @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 129 Def / 129 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Rest
- Will-O-Wisp
The idea is pretty simple, if you're facing a special sweeper, Calm Mind, if you're facing a physical sweeper, Will-O-Wisp.
If you're low on health, Rest.
Icebeam is there to use the Sp Att. boost from Calm Mind. |
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Magicman DX Nebula

Joined: 04 Jul 2005 Posts: 647 Location: long.... long.... ago in the far.... far.... away
Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:22 pm Post subject: |
hehehe thank's a lot....!!! _________________
The Revenge of Dianna the D.N.A. Doll |
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Hatsuharu Net Savior

Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 126 Location: Seattle, Washington
Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:34 pm Post subject: |
I like the Dusclops, leftovers is always great... rest, however. Does the dusclops usually survive attacks when it's in the rest state or...? It's always seemed to me to be a pretty glaring weakness. Maybe I'm just biased against rest because I don't like my Pokemon to be left vulnerable. The only other thing is, when ice beam runs out of PP you can't do much. I suppose if your Dusclops can kill quickly it's no problem though. _________________ I'm the new cancer, never looked better
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Magicman DX Nebula

Joined: 04 Jul 2005 Posts: 647 Location: long.... long.... ago in the far.... far.... away
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:41 am Post subject: |
hmmm i think i'll using togetic now...!!! _________________
The Revenge of Dianna the D.N.A. Doll |
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NotJim :3c

Joined: 13 Jun 2005 Posts: 973
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:11 am Post subject: |
I MUCH prefer RegIce though. With stats that only take 1/4 damage from fire even though it is its elemental weakness, you are NOT going to die quickly against any special attacks.
Metagross is a very solid Pokémon to have, too, as is Salamence and Marshstomp. I also like using Breloom - level up Shroomish to level 55 without evolving it (i.e. with a Moonstone equipped), have it learn Spore, have it evolve to Breloom, then teach it Focus Punch and abuse Spore+Focus Punch. I believe that's banned in tournaments though because it's so broken. Still, fun to use against an unsuspecting opponent. _________________
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Hatsuharu Net Savior

Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 126 Location: Seattle, Washington
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 6:51 am Post subject: |
That's an amusing Breloom trick I've never tried.
Obviously Metagross is supposed to be godly...|D Its stats are through the roof, man. And Steel/Psychic is an insane combo. Metagross can bring down Blazikens and such with its psychic powers and it's not weak to fighting like most steels are. On the other hand, pure fires do some damage, and overheat is a great way to kill a metagross. But, not a lot of selection in Metagross' native games. >_>
So yeah, Metagross is good. Ugly but good!
Magicman, why Togetic? Just curious. _________________ I'm the new cancer, never looked better
And you can't stand it
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You're reading lips, "When did he get at all confident?"
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Viewtiful Starman Puzzle Game Addict

Age: 37 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 708
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:38 am Post subject: |
Earthquake's another effective move on it... That goes for a lot of things you use Earthquake on, but Metagross being weak to it and all and a lot of defensive Pokemon being able to learn earthquakes makes it even more so than on most guys. |
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Hatsuharu Net Savior

Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 126 Location: Seattle, Washington
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:11 pm Post subject: |
Indeed. I tend to try to avoid using legendaries, but Groudon would of course be a nice choice here. My first encounter with Metagross was when I fought Steven...and he basically owned most of my party.
Since I was speaking of fire moves before, who here thinks Overheat is a good move? It is, of course, a gamble, with the great decrease in special attack. In my case, I use it when I'm sure of a one hit KO. _________________ I'm the new cancer, never looked better
And you can't stand it
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You're reading lips, "When did he get at all confident?"
Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?
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Azureman.EXE Music Hunter

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 509 Location: So I herd you liek Pikakips!
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:08 pm Post subject: |
This is a little strategy for a Pokemon I find rarely gets any love, and yet is a favorite of mine. Namely, Linoone. It's a physical sweeper set, made to be sent out first in battle and gauge the enemy's strength.
Linoone @ Choice Band
Shadow Ball
Dig OR Brick Break
EVs: Maxed out Attack and Defense.
Strategy: Your average physical sweeper. Send it in right off the bat and sweep away. Dig and Shadow Ball are for those pesky Steel and Ghost types that might otherwise give this badger a little trouble. Facade is here in case you run into an annoyer and Return is simply there as a power move. This set is made for quick hit and runs, and I don't suggest having it in play for more than two turns at a time. Linoone's special stats aren't all that great, and if you run into a special sweeper like your typical Venusaur or Houndoom, then it's definately time to swap out for a special tank or something that can at least take one hit. If you don't feel like risking Dig, since many Pokemon it's useful against carry EQ, Then Brick Break is an excellent substitute if you haven't already given the TM to another Pokemon. I however, find that most people don't expect Dig on a Linoone and will try to hit it with something along the lines of a steel, rock or fighting move that their EQ'er may be carrying.
Drawbacks: Like I said, Linoone's special defense SUCKS. Period. The only special-based enemies I would suggest using this set against would be those like Alakazam and Gardevoir, who are very physically frail and not quite that quick. Shadow Ball can pick them off quite easily unless they've swapped in on a Iron Defense/Baton Pass combo. Also, although the Defense is maxed out, Fighting moves will, as always, put a big dent in this normal-type's HP, if not completely faint it.
Notes: Some people have suggested using Belly Drum on phys sweeping Linoone. I say that such an action is risky at best. Linoone's HP is average and putting EVs into that would detract from the physical defenses it needs in order to be a good sweeper. A Belly Drumming Linoone will easily be picked off unless the enemy is using a defensive-type move as well. _________________
Author of Sakurai Diaries on Bob and George! |
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Hatsuharu Net Savior

Joined: 13 Jan 2006 Posts: 126 Location: Seattle, Washington
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:06 pm Post subject: |
I agree with you about belly drum, totally. XD
For some reason, I always like to keep accuracy diminishing moves on Linoone when I use it. It's cool that you developed a moveset for it, and an all attack one at that. More power too you. Linoone is cute. I think brick break is a very reliable move, I'd probably go with it over dig. _________________ I'm the new cancer, never looked better
And you can't stand it
I know because you say so under your breath
You're reading lips, "When did he get at all confident?"
Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer?
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Jean Net Police

Age: 37 Joined: 31 Oct 2005 Posts: 428 Location: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 5:02 pm Post subject: |
My Blaziken pwned Metagross gud.
I'm another vehement non-legendary user. If a legendary is a favourite of mine, like Lugia, I might use it, but not BECAUSE it has better stats. I had a Minun in my Emerald team, teehee. _________________ deviantART / Live Journal / Yaoi Gallery |
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Magicman DX Nebula

Joined: 04 Jul 2005 Posts: 647 Location: long.... long.... ago in the far.... far.... away
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:15 am Post subject: |
why i choose togetic?
cause my togetic had a hi sp def!!
my other friend love to use a famous attack like flame thrower or ice beam....!! so i choose pokemon with hi sp def + it's a flying normal so it don't affect with earthquake.....!!!
and i'll combo this with my snorlax...!!
-first use follow me(my togetic. name is Poi)
-then snorlax use belly drum...!!!(name Big)
-always use my togetic softboiled (cause he always attacked....!!!)
-then use rest for snorlax
-attack with snore
-then attack with body slam if snorlax wake up....!!!
oh yeah i have some rule with my pokemon club
there's just only 1 partner( like blaziken or venusaur) and legendary at battle cause it had a higher status than a normal pokemon...!!
i use only my latias or metagrosss
like Notjim and jon said, metagross is totally great defender pokemon.....!!
i love to make my enemy mad by make the battle longer, plus i like to kill the enemy slowly..... muahahahahahaahahah what a slick laugh....!!!!! _________________
The Revenge of Dianna the D.N.A. Doll |
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NotJim :3c

Joined: 13 Jun 2005 Posts: 973
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 3:04 am Post subject: |
I don't like Linoone though... Compared with many other Pokémon, all it's stats suck expect its speed, which is above average. THe rest are well below average. Nice strategy though.
And yes, Earthquake's one of the very few things that can quash Metagross. That and Fire Blast/Flamethrower, depending on your likingness to accuracy/power. Out of the starters in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, though, I'd have to perfer Mudkip away and through. Like I said earlier, its stats are reasonably stable, and it can learn some decent moves like Earthquake, can be taught Surf, annnnnnd... that's all. >_> _________________
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Azureman.EXE Music Hunter

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 509 Location: So I herd you liek Pikakips!
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:28 pm Post subject: |
NJ, Linoone's physical attack is servicible enough that if you max out it's EV for said stat, it can become a great hit-and-run sweeper, which is what the set is designed for. _________________
Author of Sakurai Diaries on Bob and George! |
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NotJim :3c

Joined: 13 Jun 2005 Posts: 973
Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:10 pm Post subject: |
Azureman.EXE wrote: | NJ, Linoone's physical attack is servicible enough that if you max out it's EV for said stat, it can become a great hit-and-run sweeper, which is what the set is designed for. |
Oh yes, it can be. I just don't like hit-and-run tactics personally. I CAN see it working though, mind. _________________
Avatar and banner by Spork-Queen.EXE. |
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Jean Net Police

Age: 37 Joined: 31 Oct 2005 Posts: 428 Location: North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:09 am Post subject: |
Magicman DX wrote: | oh yeah i have some rule with my pokemon club
there's just only 1 partner( like blaziken or venusaur) and legendary at battle cause it had a higher status than a normal pokemon...!!
Actually, Dragonite, Tyranitar, and I think.. Salamence? have higher stats than the starters. Maybe a few others, but my memory sucks butt. I've never used more than one starter in a team before, but I didn't really get much of a chance to trade, no one to trade with around here.
I just like to use my favourites. Some are weak, some are defensive (like my favourite, Umbreon!), and some are powerhouses!
Zangoose is the pwn for powerhouse plowing through.  _________________ deviantART / Live Journal / Yaoi Gallery |
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