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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:08 pm Post subject: Rockman.EXE X (Beast/EXE 6 spoilers) |
Here is the first chapter of my newest Rockman fic. A couple pre fic notes
1)This is AU, it incorperates parts of t he anime with parts of the games, character, pairings, events basically.
2)This fic takes place after the EXE 6 Epilouge so will contain SOME EXE 6 Spoilers, characters, events, etc.
3)There is a navi in this fic of a certain name, and no it is not the same navi from Transmission, or Beast Plus, just has the same name, but clearly different in looks, and symbol.
4)Finally Airi, and Nikita are mine and Mugen.exe's characters that we came up with. Therefore our permission is needed in order for others to use them.
Ooops I almost forgot, I do not own Rockman, though everyone on this site should know that.
Rockman.EXE X
Transmission 01: Emergency Mission!
"Raito, you need to pay more attention to your enemy." A voice said to a young boy with messy brown hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing a blue vest with a dark blue stripe down the center of the front. Under the vest he had a white long sleeve shirt on, with short blue shorts, and blue shoes.
"Mamoru, would you shut up? I can't concentrate if you are always telling me what to do!" Raito shouted as he rolled to dodge an arm from the training robot that he was trying to defeat.
"I wouldn't have to get after you, if you focused more on your opponent than your do on showing off." Mamoru said calmly through the speaker.
"Plug in!" Raito shouted as he aimed his black Link PET at the robot, plugging his net navi into it. Within seconds the robot shut down and fell apart. "Thanks X."
"Plug in!" A young girl shouted as she rolled out from under a pipe that a training robot swung down at her. She had long orange hair, and blue eyes. She wore a brown jacket over a white shirt. She had a purple scarf, brown gloves, and a flower print skirt.
"Good job Airi, you are almost as quick as your father in training." Mamoru's voice said through the speaker in the training chamber that the girl was in.
"Don't compare me to him, we are totally different!" Airi shouted as she had her navi return to her crimson red Link PET.
"Yes you are different, all I was saying is..."
"I don't want to hear it Mamoru!"
"Nikita, you are usually the quickest one of the three of you. Why did you hesitate earlier?" Mamoru asked the girl that had just entered the observation room with the other two. She was wearing a white sweater, and black pants with white leg-warmers. She also had a pair of white gloves, and a navy blue belt on. Nikita had short blond hair, in a bob, and dark blue eyes.
"I am sorry, I was just wondering what would be done if there is an attack while everyone is in Ameropa." Nikita said as she put her gray Link PET away.
"It will be alright, if there is an attack the three of you are capable of handling it." Mamoru said as he walked over to Nikita. You could clearly see his messy brown hair, and the fact that his outfit resembled the outfit he wore in the hospital, except for the fact that on the back of it was a green circle, with a black indent, his navi's insignia.
"Are you sure that Raito will be able to handle it?" Airi asked as she sneered at the only guy in the group.
"Yes, he takes after his father, though I am not sure if that is a good thing or not." Mamoru said, laughing slightly.
"Mamoru, bad news!" A guy shouted as he burst into the room. The guy had light blueish-gray hair, and light-brown eyes. He was wearing a dark blue hoody, with a light blue hood, and stripes on the sleeves. He was also wearing navy blue jeans, and white shoes, and in his hand was an emergency report.
"What is so bad Shun?" Mamoru asked as he walked over to his assistant.
"A bank has been attacked."
"By who?"
"Neo Sparkman! This would normally be a mission for Netto, Enzan, or Laika alone, but..."
"I know, they are at a conference in Ameropa. Nikita, Raito, Airi, you need to go to the bank immediately!" Mamoru shouted as he glanced at the trio.
"Where is the security room?" Nikita shouted as her, Airi, and Raito burst into the bank.
"Listen up, we are Net Savior's so we need access to the security room, you did send a message that said Neo Sparkman was attacking your system, right." Raito shouted.
"Well in that case, right that way." One of the teller said as she pointed down a hall and the trio dashed down it.
"I can't believe they fell for Raito's lie. Isn't it obvious that we aren't Net Savior's I mean we didn't even show ID." Airi said as she plugged her navi into the lock to open the door. When the three of them stepped inside they noticed that the security panel was seriously damaged, but luckily there was one transmission port still intact.
"Plug in! X.EXE, Transmission!" Raito shouted as he aimed his Link PET at the sensor and plugged his navi in.
"Plug in! Axl.EXE, Transmission!" Nikita said as she pulled out her gray Link PET, and plugged her navi in as well.
"Plug in! Zero.EXE, Transmission!" Airi said as she followed the example of the other two.
Inside the cyber-net of the security panel, three navi's appeared. X, the first navi to appear was wearing a pure black suit with blue boots, blue gloves and a blue helmet that had a light blue area around the face. The tops of his boots, as well as their soles, and the opening of his gloves were gold, along with a small gold collar around his neck. On his chest was his insignia, a red circle with a black X, made from the Hikari Lab's insignia. His insignia was also on the earmuffs that are on the side of his helmet. X had blue eyes, and a red scarf that hung from his golden collar.
The second of the three navi's to appear was Nikita's, Axl. Axl's under suit was gray, his boots and gloves were a dark gray, almost black color, with red stripes running up them lengthwise. His chest plate was dark gray, and he had white wings sticking out of the back of it. His helmet was dark gray with a red triangle pointing at his chest. His insignia was a double helix on a blue background with a sword thrust through it's center, and was located on the center of his chest, and on the front of his helmet. Axl had green eyes and spiky light-brown hair that jutted out from under his helmet.
Finally Zero, Airi's net navi, was the final navi to appear. Zero had a light off white under suit His gloves were crimson red, along with his boots though they had black soles. His chest plate slightly resembled a red crop top, but was as thick as a vest. He lacked a helmet, but instead he wore something similar to boxing headgear, with a black visor attached to it, and two white triangular attachments over the ear pieces. His insignia consisted of three elemental swords, fire, aqua, and elec, on a black background inside of a green number zero, and was located above his visor. Zero had long blond hair in the same style of Blues.EXE.
"Who are you?" The large navi shouted at the three intruders
"Sparkman, surrender now!" Zero shouted as he pulled out his Z Saber.
"Ground Spark!" N Sparkman shouted as he touched his two spark rods together than slammed them into the ground sending a blast of electricity at the trio. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
My art
Last edited by kram_elbog on Wed May 03, 2006 10:56 pm; edited 5 times in total |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 11:09 pm Post subject: |
This chapter seemed very rushed, and I wish you'd have given Nikita's hesitation some screentime. I don't really understand Nikita's being lost in thought about what she was, but if you're going for a character who gets lost in thought about those random kinds of things (maybe a pessimist/worrier type) I guess that's all part of her personality. If that's the case, it's a great idea. The beginning of it was kind of a tedious read, solely based on your sentance structure. As I've told you before, a few sentance variations would be nice. That said, the chapter left me wanting to read more, so you are doing some things right ^_^ .
Now that the constructive criticism is done *lets out a sigh of relief, going into abnormally-cheery-character mode.
I really did like the chapter, and where you're going with it. It's nice to see Mamoru up and on his feet, healthy as a horse again (or rather for the first time). Nice to see Shun too! I cannot wait to see what you do with these children, as they have really cool parents! Hopefully they will be as cool as mom and pop.
Keep up the good work! _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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Hatsuya Kanzaki Net Savior

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 129 Location: Cybertopia (Philippines)
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:38 pm Post subject: |
Not rushed but it's cool! I wish that you can borrow my characters...especially Yuiichi Takano. Until now, I'm still stuck on third episode just to introduce all 90 NetBattlers involved in my fan fiction series...also, you can borrow my villains like the Sparklings! _________________ Rockman.EXE Level-Up! coming soon! Work in progress to be exact! |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:30 pm Post subject: |
Thanks for the comment Katsuya, though I am not into borrowing characters, unless they are official characters from the series I am doing a fic for. However there is only one character I might wind up borrowing and that is one of Mugen's characters that might show up later on in this fic. But that is solely because we work together on fic's I help him with idea's and he helps me.
Well onto the main reason for this post.
Transmission 02: Lights Out! A New Pair of Sparks Plugged!
Axl, X, and Zero all quickly scattered to dodge Neo Sparkman's attack. However N. Sparkman simply fired a few dozen spark mines which all collided with the three navi's, sending them flying backwards.
“Heat Katana, slot in!” Airi said as she quickly sent the fire attribute blade to her net navi.
“Thanks Airi.” Zero said as he leaped towards the electric navi and swung the katana at his spikes.
“Axl, use this! Corn Shot, slot in!” Nikita shouted as she sent Axl a corn shot chip. Axl's quickly pulled his hand gun from his belt holster, and shot several corn kernels at N. Sparkman. As the kernels slammed into the electric navi they started to pop and created a field of grass around the damaged navi.
“X, watch out!” Raito shouted as N. Sparkman staggered to his feet and used his Spark Lite attack and created a shadow clone of X, Axl, and Zero. X's shadow clone fired a X shot at the back of his head, but thanks to Raito's warning he was able to avoid the shot.
“Netto, we have a message.” Rockman said when Netto stepped outside of the conference room that they had been in for the past hour.
“Why didn't you tell me sooner?”
“This meeting is important and I didn't want it disturbed.”
“Who is the message from?”
“Mamoru, and Shun. They said that Terry and N. Sparkman attacked a bank, since all the Net Savior's are here they sent the kids to handle it.” Rockman said in an extremely quiet tone.
“What? Why would Mamoru send them?” Netto shouted at the top of his lungs.
“Netto, Mamoru knows what he is doing. After all our kids are the three best net officials that are under Mamoru's command.” Enzan said a he put his hand on Netto's shoulder trying to get him to quiet down. ”Plus it was the best he could do, his navi is powerful, but we decided that his navi shouldn't leave it's post unless absolutely necessary.”
“What about Shun then?” Netto asked as he sat down near the door to the conference room.
“Shun's navi is also powerful, but against Terry's, he wouldn't be a good choice.” Laika said as he walked up to his two fellow Net Savior's with a tray of coffee. “Meiru ordered me to get these.” he said as he handed one to each of his friends then sat down with his own.
“Teruo!” A voice called out from a man's PET. The man was wearing white jeans, and a dark shirt with a circle of electricity on the chest, and electric lines on the sleeves, and magenta sunglasses. He had short messy black hair, and a yellow PET.
“What do you want Atsuki?” The guy said into his Link PET.
“Did you send your navi into a system alone? If you did just because the Net Saviors are out of town then you are an idiot because three B rank Net Officials are currently fighting against Sparkman!”
“What? You are worried about B rank Net Officials? Do you not realize that B is a rather low rank?”
“How about the fact that the last names of the Net Official's are as follows Hikari, Ijuin, and Pride. If I am not mistaken that means they are the children of the most famous Net Saviors of all time!”
“Damn it! Hikari's son, he can't be as skilled as his father could he?”
“From the rumors yes. His navi was modeled after that of his father's.”
“Then I'll go retrieve Sparkman right away!”
“Kawarimi, slot in!” Raito, and Nikita shouted as they slotted in their kawarimi battle chips.
“Shirahadori, slot in!” Airi said as she slid in the shirahadori chip. X and Axl were instantly shot by their shadow clones, which triggered their trap chips causing them to leap into the air and fire a shuriken at the clone, and then one at N. Sparkman. Zero's clone sliced at him with his Z-Saber and he was able to quickly counter with a few sword slashes to the clone, and to N Sparkman as well.
“Airi, we need to take him out now!” Zero said calmly as he dodged several spark mines.
“Right, I am sending you the P.A now! Sword, Wide Sword, Long Sword, slot in!” Airi said as she sent the chips fro the Dream Sword P.A.
“Program Advance, Dream Sword!” Zero said as the large sword formed and he instantly attacked N. Sparkman with it, as he did this the enemy navi vanished as it logged out.
“He got away!” Raito shouted as him and Nikita plugged their navi's out.
“Zero, let's report back to Mamoru.” Airi said plugging Zero out.
“So Teruo made it to the bank at the last second in order to plug his navi out. They got rather lucky didn't they.” Shun said as he overheard Airi's mission report.
“Actually, Teruo did the worst possible thing. We now know that the Neo navi's that have been attacking are definitely associated with some group similar to that of World Three.” Mamoru said with a smile.
“So are you going to try and get any new information?” Shun questioned.
“Actually I'll have her look into this, after all I have eyes and ears all over the net.”Mamoru said as he glanced at his PET.
“Sir, do you want us to stay here any longer today, or may we head home?” Nikita asked, trying not to interrupt her superiors.
“Shun will escort the three of you.” Mamoru said glancing at Shun.
“Right, so where are you all staying again?” Shun asked as he started out of the debriefing room.
“Grandpa Hikari's.” Raito said calmly as he followed Shun.
“Nikita is staying at my place.” Airi said as she started the Link PET's navi diagnosis system.
“Ok, then, that makes things simple, two stops.” Shun said as he got into his dark blue compact. “Sorry that this isn't what you are used to riding in Airi.” Shun said quietly as Raito got in to the passenger side and the girls sat in the back.
Foot notes/translations
Kawarimi is the Japanese name for the Anti Damage chip.
Shirahadori is the Japanese name for the Anti Sword chip. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:02 pm Post subject: |
Good chapter- simple and to the point. Also made me want to read more. Keep up the good work.
Also, since when did Sparky learn to summon mines? Was he using mine chips, or *gasp!* a new breed of chip- Elec Mine Slotto In! PA, Mines (not your's, Mines!) J/k. Wait, could it be a new ability only N. Sparkman has? It is I suppose. _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:37 pm Post subject: |
Transmission 03: Atsuki's Burning Challenge!
“Raito! Mamoru just sent us an e-mail.” X said from his PET.
“Well what does it say?” Raito said as he rubbed his eyes.
“He wants to see us right away. He said it is urgent.”
“Doesn't he always say things are urgent?” Raito asked groggily.
“Nikita, wake up!” Airi shouted at her friend, and fellow Official Net Battler.
“It's too early.” Nikita said as she curled up into a ball and tried to go back to sleep.
“Nikita, Shun called, he told me that Mamoru wants to see us right away so you need to get up.”
“I don't want to get up, I am too tired!”
“I don't care, get up!” Airi shouted as she grabbed Nikita and attempted to drag her out of the spare bed.
“Hello you three.” Mamoru said as the three kids walked into his office.
“What did you call us here for?” Nikita asked angrily.
“To let you know about this.” Mamoru said as he pressed a button on his computer and the large screen started to relay a message. The figure on the screen had dark blue hair, and was wearing blue jeans, and a black jacket that said BM on the left side.
“You got lucky when you fought against Neo Sparkman. However that was only because Teruo was naïve and wasn't expecting the children of some of the most well known Net Saviors to stop him. But I assure you, that mistake won't happen again, I like challenges and therefore I'll tell you the next three targets. First there is Elec Tower in Densan's electronic district, the Super Sweet's Candy Factory in Tokidoki City, and finally the park in Green town.” The guy said before the recording ended.
“We received that message one hour ago. It took you three a while to get here.”
“Mamoru, why did you call me in, you should of just sent me to Green Town, after all you know I am staying with grandma and grandpa in Central.” Raito said as he started out of the room. “I'll head to Green town even though this trip was a waste of my time.”
“Well it looks like Raito already decided to split up so where should we go?” Airi asked.
“Airi you can go to Tokidoki City, just keep your guard up.” Mamoru said as he glanced at a chip in his hand. “The only problem is if they try to use a Materialization Chip, you kid's aren't permitted to use Synchro Chips, even if I did lend you some the current Link PETs have locks in them that won't let them recognize any form of Synchro Chip.”
“What about Materialization Chips then, what if you loaned us some of those?” Nikita asked.
“That is also a small problem, Neo Gospel's first action was to steal all the Materialization Chips, and then completely destroy all data about them, we haven't been able to make one that works since that incident.” Mamoru said as he held a chip up in front of the girls.”If either one of you need help just send me a message. My navi should be able to help from anywhere.”
“Ok, then I'll head to the Elec Tower.” Nikita said as her and Airi headed out of Mamoru's office.
“Hello young Hikari.” Atsuki said as he stepped out from behind a tree. “I was beginning to think I'd have to burn this park down to get your attention.”
“So this was a diversion!” Raito shouted as he pulled out his Link PET.
“Actually it was also a trap!” Atsuki said as a rectangle of flames surrounded the two of them. “I was looking forward to a net battle with one of you three, I wasn't truly expecting it to be you.” Atsuki said as he aimed his PET at a tree. “Plug-in, Neo Burnerman.EXE, Transmission!”
“Plug-in, X.EXE, Transmission!” Raito shouted as he plugged his navi into a nearby tree much like Atsuki had done.
Inside the cyberspace of the Green Town park X stared off against Neo Burnerman. As the two navis stared at each other another figure appeared within the system. The new figure was a large red fox with a golden armor. His fingers stuck out from his gloves, and his ears stuck out of the top of the helmet, which simply covered the top and back of his head. His feet had no boots on them and he wielded a large bow.
“Who is that!” Raito and X shouted in unison.
“Atsuki you promised me that I'd get to see my lovely Zero. You lied to me!”
“Cubit, I did no such thing, I said you might get to see Zero!” Atsuki said as he shouted into his PET.
“What is going on?” Nikita shouted as she approached the Elec Tower. As soon as she looked up she could tell what was going on, electricity was shooting from the tip of the tower and striking the ground like lightning. “Axl, are you ready?” Nikita asked as she climbed to the top of a near by building.
“Yes, I am always ready.”
“Ok then. Plug-in, Axl.EXE, transmission!” Nikita shouted as she aimed her Link PET at the Elec Tower and plugged her navi into it.
Inside the Tower's cyberspace Neo Sparkman and another figure stood waiting for the fight. The second figure was a large bulky figure with a large double-bladed ax. The figure's outfit was purple with yellow gloves with spikes on the wrists, and gray boots. His shoulder pad were large yellow horns, and his face was hidden under a bull helmet.
“So you are Axl!” The large bull navi shouted as he charged at Axl and swung his ax down.
“Yes I am, but who the hell are you?” Axl shouted as he dodged the ax.
“I am Mino Magnus!” The navi screamed as he swung again missing.
“Spark Mines!” N. Sparkman shouted as he fired a few dozen mines at Axl.
Airi stepped out of the Metroline-Aircar transfer station in Tokidoki City. She looked around at all the dark buildings. There was definitely a lack of lights. “This is such a cheery place, isn't it Zero.”
“Sure is, as cheery as a dead kitten in spring time.”
“Zero, what was that about, you should have been able to tell that I was being sarcastic.”
“I know, but this isn't the time for sarcasm, we are on a mission.” Zero said sternly as he tried to get his net-op to try and stay on guard.
“Right, then let's head to that candy factory.” Airi said as she walked off following the map that Mamoru had uploaded to her Link PET.
“Wide Shot, slot-in!” Raito shouted as he slid in a Wide Shot battle chip. X's buster changed into a wide mouth, that X fired sever water shots out of.
“Burner Jets!” N. Burnerman shouted as he charged at the attack with his burners on full power, slamming into the attack but barely being hurt. He then collided with X, causing X to scream in pain.
“Aqua Whirl!” X shouted as the chip that had been slipped to him at the last second activated, N. Burnerman still had him pinned so the spiral of water that formed hit with ease.
“Corn Shot, triple slot-in! Program Advance, Corn Party!” Nikita shouted as she quickly sent her navi three Corn Shot battle chips. Axl's two guns changed into heads of corn, and then merged into a larger one. Axl took skilled aim and fired the attack at his electric opponents, the wood type attack caused the two navis to scream in extreme pain as the kernels exploded around them.
“Spark Line!” N. Sparkman shouted as his electric spikes touched the ground and sent an electric shock to Axl, who tried to evade but was hit in the back of the head by the blunt side of Mino's ax.
“AXL!” Nikita screamed as he navi was knocked unconscious _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
My art
Last edited by kram_elbog on Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:36 pm Post subject: |
Cool chapter. That crack from Zero in Sometimes Tokidoki city (AKA Sometimes city, love the name) was pretty harsh, but funny. Dead kitten. Spring time. Mix the two and you get one unpleasant scene... Poor Airi, snubbed for trying to be cute.
The battles in that chapter were well-done, but I noticed a typo. When Mino Magnus smashed his Saxe, I didn't know he was using a saxophone too. May want to change that.
Other than that, your chapter was peaches- keep up the good work. _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:25 pm Post subject: |
That wasn't that bad. Although what's with burnerman? And is the guy helping sparkman a character of yours? |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:12 pm Post subject: |
Well the navis that are helping Burner and Spark are actually Rockman Zero Mavericks, Cubit Foxfire, and Mino Magnus are from Zero 3 and Zero 4 if I remember correctly, there will also be some X Maverick showing up in later chapters. IF you are talking about the human then no, Teruo, is well Teruo. Sparkman's Net op from EXE 4, his english name is Terry.
I did slightly modify Cubit and Mino to make them more navi ish, since navis don't always look like their robot master counter parts. I am not sure what is going on with Burnerman, thou he is trying to beat X up and Cubit isn't helping any. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:58 pm Post subject: |
Ok nevermind, I missed a part or two there. I get it now. |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:52 pm Post subject: |
A little late, but ohwell. Well just as a heads up this chapter contains one thing that will seem odd to those that haven't read Mugen.exe's fic, Defying the Voice of the King.
Transmission 04: Divided and Conquered?
“Zero it is getting cold.” Airi said as she neared the Super Sweets Candy Factory.
“I agree, my sensors are indicating that the factory's air conditioner is on full blast. We should stay outside.” Zero said trying to be as cautious as possible.
“Good idea.” Airi said as she looked near the door for an infra-red sensor. “Plug in! Zero.EXE, Transmission!”
Nikita panicked as her hands fumbled in her pockets for a recovery chip. Her navi had been knocked unconscious by an enemy attack and she didn't know what to do. If she didn't act quickly her navi would be deleted, she new that for sure. “Recovery 300, slot in!” She shouted as she slammed the chip into her PET.
Axl slowly rose to his feet and thanked his Net Op as he pulled out his gun. “Send me some ammo.” Axl demanded as he carefully took aim.
“Right, Wood Bullet, slot in!” Nikita said as she slid in one of her net navi's specialty bullet chips.
“Thanks, just what I needed.” AXL said as he looked at the side of his gun, the color along the side of the barrel changed from gray to green. “Good bye Sparky!” Axl shouted as he fired his elemental bullets at the electric navi.
After a few shots N. Sparkman plugged out, and Axl turned his attention to Mino Magnus, who was blocking all the shots that were fired at him with his ax.
“Fox Fire!” Cubit Foxtar shouted as he fired several small fireballs at X, catching him off guard.
“X, I am out of aqua chips, I didn't bring enough with me, I only had that those two.” Raito said as he dug through his remaining chips trying to find something to use against two fire navis.
“Aqua Hose!” A childish voice said as a blast of water hit Cubit from the back.
“Raito, right?” A lady with purple hair, in pigtails, asked from the other side of the wall of fire. She was wearing a blue dress, and a green circle that had a white and blue wave pattern in it.
“Yes, but who are you?” Raito asked in a rude tone.
“Whoever you are, but the hell out of this, this battle is none of your business!” Atsuki shouted at the lady that intruded on their match.
“My name is Sakurai Shuuko, and it is an honor to meet the son of Hikari Netto and Sakurai Meiru.” The lady said politely as she slid a chip into her PET. “Bub Star 3, slot in!”
The small blue navi, the same one that attacked Cubit, summoned a star fish that flew, in a zigzag, at N. Burnerman, and Cubit, hitting the two of them, and trapping them in bubbles.
“Blizzard Slash!” A large white wolf like navi shouted as he leaped at Zero. The navi was clad in white armor similar to Searchman's with a light blue under suit. He stood on his hind legs, with long claws and sharp fangs.
“Z slash!” Zero said as he countered the attack with his own. “Airi, looks like this isn't our usual evil navi, I don't see nay signs of an insignia.” Zero said as he continued to fight one on one with the wolf navi.
“I am Blizzard Wolfgang! You shall not defeat me!” The wolf navi shouted as he continued his relentless assault.
“Elec Blade, slot in!”Airi shouted as she sent her navi an elec blade. Zero's Zet Saber was replaced with an electric blade.
“Thanks Airi!” Zero said as he sliced at Blizzard Wolfgang a few times, and finally hit the white armor shocking the aqua attribute navi.
“Electro Ax Slam!” Mino Magnus shouted as his ax filled with electricity and he swung it down to the ground, sending a wave of electricity at Axl.
“Nikita, now!” Axl shouted as he tried to come up with a plan to avoid the electric wave that was heading his way.
“Right, Double Point, Risky Honey 3, slot in!” Nikita shouted sliding two battle chips into the PET. Axl leaped into the air and took flight. He activated the first of the two chips, bringing his enemy practically right in front of him, then he fired the Risky Honey 3 chip, sending five bees at Mino Magnus from directly above dealing massive damage to the electric navi, who then plugged out.
“Good job Axl, plug out.” Nikita said as she plugged her navi out.
“Thunder ball, double slot slot in!” Raito said as he sent X, two electric battle chips. X fired each one directly in front of the two fire navis that were caught inside bubbles.
“Aqua Dance!” Aquaman shouted as he walked between the two, now stunned fire navi's and started to spin in a circle spraying them with water from his head.
“Plug out!” Atsuki shouted as he aimed his PET at one of the sensors in the ground.
After Aquaman's attack ended Cubit gave the two navis a dirty look then plugged out.
“Hurry up and shut the system down, otherwise the entire park will burn down!” Shuuko shouted at Raito who relayed the message X. X ran over to the large red sphere in the network and pressed the off button, rebooting the system.
“Zero, you ready?” Airi asked as she gripped a pink battle chip in her hand.
“Yes, I think I have a couple to spare.” Zero said as he retracted the electric blade into the handle of his Zet Saber and attached it to his belt.
“Ok, then here it comes! Bug Death Thunder, slot in!” Airi shouted rather joyfully as she slotted in the Giga chip.
Zero held out his right hand, which clenched a single bug frag in it. He started to channel the chip's energy into the bug frag, slowly forming a large purple ball of energy in his hand.
“Zero you realize I didn't want to do this right?”
“Yes, however this navi is very skilled in sword combat, and I am afraid that is my specialty.”
“Ok, just make sure that you get him with this shot, because we shouldn't be using bug frags, they are too dangerous!”Airi said to her navi as she watched the battle on the holographic projection of her Link PET.
“Bug Death THUNDER!” Zero shouted as he leaped at Blizzard Wolfgang and fired the large purple thunder ball at point blank range into the navi. Blizzard Wolfgang writhed on the ground in pain, before plugging himself out as he clutched his chest.
“Mamoru we stopped them but they got away.” Raito said as he stepped into Mamoru's office.
“We?” Mamoru asked confused.
“So you didn't send Sakurai to help me?”
“Sakurai? Why are you asking if I sent someone with your mothers maiden name?”
“A lady with purple hair, she wore them in pig tails, she also had a stroller with her, and a water navi.”
“A Sakurai with purple hair, a baby and a water navi, you aren't talking about Shuuko are you?”
“I think that is what she said was her name.” Raito said as he sat down waiting for the others to arrive.
“I didn't realize that Shuuko married him. I never received an invitation.” Mamoru said giving Raito a smile.
“I don't think I can answer that question.”
“Mamoru, I had to!” Airi shouted as she walked into the room.
“Had to what Airi?”
“Use one.”
“You what? Why would you do something like that, your father spent the past I don't remember how many years trying to stop the spread of them and isolate them all so we wouldn't have an incident like we did when back then.”
“Zero and I were up against an aqua navi skilled in sword combat, his claws were as long as swords. Zero is the one that suggested it because we couldn't think of anything else, I also felt like I had no other choice.”
“Bug frags are to dangerous and you know it, Gospel caused massive trouble throughout the net with the use of bug frags, then when we thought our problems were over, the cyber beasts caused trouble and Kain had to create a powerful beast to fight off the cyber beast Greiga, who was created from bug frags.” Mamoru said as Shun stepped into the room.
“Airi, you didn't use a bug frag did you?” Shun asked.
“Yes, I know that dad tried to isolate the bug frags, and rid the net of them, but their ability to replicate made that nearly impossible, plus it took him a while to realize that the defeat of Greiga just helped to spread the bug frags.”
“So you are saying that even though we've been isolating every one we find doesn't mean anything?”
“Did you forget that Bug Chips completely erases the bug chip data?” Airi asked angered.
“That is only what we think happens, we haven't been able to prove it since we don't truly know if we've isolated all of the bug frags yet.”
“So you two had as much luck as me?” Nikita said as she stepped inside.
“Yes, they did, none of you were able to truly defeat the navis that you fought, but you did weaken them so that counts as a victory.”
“Lets all head home and call it a day, then we can worry about why Airi used a Bug chip some other day.” Raito said as he walked out of the room. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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Last edited by kram_elbog on Thu May 04, 2006 11:05 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:12 pm Post subject: |
*Claps hands! Bravo! Though I haven't really hinted at it much in Defying yet, but I will later on (once I start a season two. Have to figure one out first.). Fuujin x Shuuko forever!... Okay, now that i'm totally done fanboying it up, I'll get down to the review.
Nice chapter- Raito was a lot different then his father in that chapter which was nice (he was different in the fact that instead of having every chip, he lacked a few), and Nikita's battle finally finished up. Zero's semi-defeat of Blizzard Wolfgang was well-illustrated. The description of the Bug Death Thunder was great, and the detail about Wolfgang writhing on the ground before logging out was a nice touch. Airi's resorting a Bug Chip was an unexpected twist.
Good work! _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:01 pm Post subject: |
So I'm guessing shuuko married a brother of maylu from mugen's fanfic then. You know you put butt instead of but. Near the part where shuuko came in. I think I beat wolfgang before. I got X collection a little while ago.
So interesting chapter and nice work. |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:10 pm Post subject: |
Yeah Wolfgang, and Magma dragoon are my two favorite mavericks to fight. And actually Shuuko married Meiru's cousin from Mugen's fic. And that character will show up later on. The next chapter should have Netto and Co returning to Japan. And eventually One of the three will get their first 'special upgrade' either next chapter or the chapter after it.
But thanks for the review, and I might have to hurt Mugen, I was right he was wrong. He tried telling me I misspelt butt when originally I had it but, apparently he though Raito was saying, "Behind/Buttox, who are you?" Ohwell though people make mistakes. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 12:26 am Post subject: |
Here is Tranmission 05. This chapter is mainly filler, though it does have some stuff that is slightly important to
Transmission 05: Family Talks
“Raito, wake up!” Netto shouted at his son, who was sleeping soundly.
“What dad?” Raito asked groggily.
“I want to know why I got this letter from Mamoru today?”
“What letter?”
“This one.” Netto said as he held up a letter Mamoru had sent him. The letter asked why he hadn't been invited to their wedding.
“I don't know?”
“He mentioned that you met someone with your mother's maiden name, and wanted to know who she was. Now he is asking a lot of questions himself.” Netto said as Meiru walked into the living room.
“So, Mamoru knows about it now. I guess it was only a matter of time till someone spotted them with their kid, or until Raito met her.” Meiru said as she sat down next to her son.
“Who is she, and who is he?”
“He is my cousin, and Shuuko is his wife. Her navi is Aquaman. The reason that Mamoru wasn't invited was because of his navi, Serenade Serenade had some trouble involving my cousin's navi and we had decided that Serenade should remain in the Secret Area unless absolutely necessary. Serenade would of wanted to watch the wedding and we couldn't have that, we couldn't risk any chance of the Secret Area being attacked.”
“So he wasn't told this because of his navi?”
“Yes, and we never told you about your uncle because we weren't sure where he moved to. Plus his two navis have some issues.” Netto said as he fiddled with his Link PET.
"Airi, what was the idea of using a bug chip?"
"Dad, I told you I was out of choices."
"You could of sent a distress signal to Shun and Mamoru," Enzan said as he paced his living room. "Mamoru could of had one of The Ura Three sent to assist you. One of the three most feared navis that don't usually fight."
"Dad, you know me, I take after you, me and Zero don't need help!" Airi shouted before standing up and walking down the hallway, to her room.
"I wish that was true, but because her navi has part of Zero in it, she does need help. We have no clue how the bug frags will react with the slightest trace of the Zero Virus," Enzan muttered as he sat down and stared at his PET.
"We had to make the Neo navis. Especially with the escalation of net crimes." Blues said calmly.
"Yes but the use of the Zero Virus, was it actually necessary? I mean we could of just made a new program." Enzan said as he stared at his PET.
"Enzan-sama, Airi doesn't know the truth about her navi. It didn't turn out as it was supposed to, that is why we had to contain it. That is why she got it, you gave him to her so you could keep an eye on him."
"Blues, Zero shouldn't exist, he was an error. You know that, the Zero Virus was just supposed to boost the strength of the navi. Instead Neo Blues turned out being more Zero than Blues."
"Not to forget the fact that he was persistent that he was Zero, not Neo Blues, not anything but Zero. We are lucky that we were able to come up with a way to safely create the rest of the Neo navis."
"Yes, Dr. Hikari did a good job on the second Neo. By combining the unique data of Rockman with the Zero Virus that we had coupled with an anti virus, X was an amazing creation."
"Don't forget all of the others, Serenade was able to reform The Ura Three when the Neo versions of his two servants were given the stored personality, and memory data of the originals." Blues said in a semi joyous tone.
"Maybe you should tell Airi." Anetta's voice said as she walked into the living room.
"She deserves to know the truth about her navi."
"Ok, I'll go tell her." Enzan said as he stood up and walked to his daughter's room.
"Damn those Official Net Battlers!" Atsuki said as he stepped into the meeting room.
"I know how you feel, this is the second time I've lost to them." Teruo said.
"You two aren't doing so well. You better not fail again unless you want to loose your navis!" A large figure said from the screen in the center of the room.
"Understood master!" The two of them said in unison.
"Nikita, good job." Laika said, complementing his daughter's success in her most recent mission.
"Thanks dad."
"I bet it is just a matter of time till you are promoted to Net Savior."
"I doubt that. Mamoru has a new system, I think he put it into motion right after you guys went to the conference in Amerouppa."
"I know about his new system, it was mine and Enzan's idea."
"Really, so you know that I am teamed up with Raito and Airi?"
"Yes, you were teamed up together on the request of the first team."
"The first team? Are you talking about Hikari, Ijuin, and yourself?"
"Exactly, I wasn't happy having to work with others but I learned to work with others."
"The three of you will do great. You will all be promoted shortly, I know it."
"Does that mean we will be issued new Link PETs?"
"Actually by then IPC should have the Savior PETs completed."
"Savior PETs?"
"Yes, Enzan is working on a set of PETs to be issued only to Net Saviors. They will have special features in them that will improve Cross Fusion, and other chips."
"So where is mom?"
"She is testing the prototypes, along with Jasmine, Dingo, and Charlie."
"Oh, so she is at IPC?"
"No, currently they are at the Hikari Labs."
"Cross Fusion!" Pride shouted as she activated one of the Savior PET prototypes. The cross fusion light started to surround her then faded away, leaving no change.
"Looks like this one isn't going to work out." Meijin said as he glanced over to see Charlie and Jasmine pull off perfect cross fusion with the prototypes they were using. Dingo's prototype exploded on him.
"Doesn't look like these new PETs are doing to good." Makoto said as she kissed her husband.
"Makoto, this isn't the place to be romantic, this is work, and I don't feel like being fired."
"Meijin, you won't be fired and you know that."
"I am not going to abuse my position as head scientist here. Dr. Hikari is to good of a boss for me to be unprofessional."
"You're no fun." Makoto pouted as she went back to work running simulations and trying to adjust the calculations for the new PETs. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:02 pm Post subject: |
I would have figured mejin would marry her. But the way they made the new navi is an interesting idea. I only used zero's virus for sigma in my version.
Then combo-ed him with protoman. So what the deal with mugen's character? |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 2:40 am Post subject: |
What deal? My character Fuujin ended marrying Shuuko in this fic (somewhere along the line...) and is Meiru's cousin. As for the navi... well you'll see later on. He's a little bit odd (and over-affectionate to certain navis).
As for the chapter. It was good- I too liked the way you handled X and Zero's creations... very interesting. And spilling the news to Raito was funny too... as was the prototype blowing up in Dingo's face. I look forward to the next few chapters.
Good work, and keep it up. _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 9:46 pm Post subject: |
Transmission 06: Blizzard storm, Freezeman vs Blizzardman
Ijuin Enzan, Hikari Netto, Laika, and the other members of The Order of Cross Fusion sat around a large table inside an IPC conference room. There were two empty seats at the table, with a file folder in front of each of them. “Enzan, do we have to wait for them?” Netto asked as he started at the door.
“Yes Netto, those two are important people and they must be here when we start the meeting.” Enzan said as he glanced at the file folders, one of them had a white irregular hexagon on a dark blue circle, with another hexagon cut out of its center, showing the blue. Next to that one was a black circle with a green line on it, with a slight curve. Everyone in the room knew exactly who they were waiting for, Obihiro Shun, and Ura Mamoru.
Three people sat in a dark room around a red table with a black Gospel G on it. Two of the three were easy to recognize, Teruo and Atsuki. However the third was seemed like a new member to the team, maybe because they were showing him, or her, the images from the past few battles against Raito's group. "Shuichi, are you listening to us?" Teruo asked his newest team mate. Shuichi stood approximately 5' 8", he had long blond hair, and purple eyes. He was wearing a orange sweater and black jeans.
"Of course I am listening, I just don't see the point in me looking at all of your mistakes,, after all, we have completely different net battling styles." He said as he stood up, grabbed his orange Link PET and walked out of the room.
"Everything is in place for the production of the Saver PETs. We have selected the three models, and are now entering the final stage of production." Enzan said as he looked at everyone at the table. The meeting had started half an hour ago when Mamoru and Shun arrived from the Official Center.
"Indeed, however there is something that I might have some problems with." Mamoru said as soon as Enzan had finished talking.
"And that would be?"
"Neo Gospel, if some how they find out that IPC is making new PETs, exclusively for Net Saviors, well they might try to steal it." Mamoru said seconds before the security alarm went off. The blaring alarm signified that there was an intruder in the system. Meijin's voice was the next to be heard, he contacted them via their PETs to inform them that all the security navis, and security programs had been frozen.
"I'll handle this. I am sure that this is a Neo Gospel incident! How dare they use that title!" Shun shouted as he shot up and dashed down to the nearest plug-in port, and plugged N. Freezeman in.
Inside the security system's cyber space Neo Freezeman found himself face to face with Neo Blizzardman. Neo Freezeman and Neo Blizzardman launched several of their attacks at each other, canceling each other's out. N. Blizzardman kicked snowball after snowball at N. Freezeman, however Freezeman's ice shell protected him from the attacks, considering he could easily summon it at will.
"Freezeman, I'm sending you some help, Thunderball, slot in!" Shun shouted as he slid in the chip. Freezeman waited till Blizzardman rolled himself up into a ball and rolled at him, then Freezeman fired his Ice Tower attack to hold Blizzardman in place as he fired the Thunderball at point blank range. Then lightning shot down from the sky and slammed into Freezeman, making him scream in pain.
"What, happened?" Shun said in a puzzled tone.
"Obihiro Shun, I thought you would of been a worthier opponent. Oh well, I guess the former leader of Gospel isn't so great after all!" a voice said from Shun's PET, he looked down and saw the face of Neo Gospel's newest member.
"Who are you?"
"I am Yukihiro Shuichi, Neo Blizzardman's net op, and the newest member of Neo Gospel!"
"That's it, I don't care what kind of chip you used, you are going down! Aqua Blade, slot in!"
"You're on! Aqua sword, double slot in!" Shuichi shouted though the PET.
Freezeman and Blizzardman both summoned their weapons and launched their attacks at each other. Shun slid in a Bub Star, and then Shuichi did the same. Every single chip that Shun used, Shuichi either used the same exact chip, or two similar, but weaker chips. Blizzardman launched his avalanche attack, he formed himself into a ball and rolled right at Freezeman, slamming into the ice shield, a couple piles of snow appeared in the sky, and fell onto Freezeman, the instant he dropped his shield.
Raito's group was all gathered at the Official Center. They were supposed to be training but Raito had stepped out to take a quick break, and had been gone for a little over thirty minutes. Airi decided she was going to go look for him. As she stepped into the break room she realized that Raito was wasting time watching T.V. "What the hell are you watching?"
"TV, what else Airi?"
"That isn't what I meant!"
"Oh, this?" Raito said as he pointed to the TV, right as it showed a stuffed lion/bear creature wearing a pink sailor fuku running down the street. "Hero's of Justice, Karakura rangers. Episode 50 of Bleach." Raito said as he smiled, "For the second time today."
"What the hell do you think you are doing?"
"I said I am watching Karakura rangers."
"You idiot, you are watching a show about heroes instead of training. We train for one reason and one reason only. That reason is to protect the net from people like Neo Gospel."
"Fine, let me finish watching this episode, then I'll..."
"No, you'll return to our training NOW!"
"Freezeman, dodge it!" Shun shouted as several Train Needles were shot at Freezeman. Freezeman easily dodged the attack, only for him to step on a mine that Blizzardman had secretly set.
"Wide shot, triple slot in! Program Advance, Super Wide!" both of the net-ops shouted as they slid in their battle chips and activated the PA. Freezeman and Blizzardman proceeded to fire the PA at the same time, canceling each other's out.
"Ok, time is up!" Shun shouted angrily.
"What are you talking about?" Shuichi shouted "I have every chip that you do!"
"Actually you are mistaken my foe. You claim to be a member of an organization named after mine, yet you do not know of my special chips, the chips that only I possess!"
"You are bluffing, nobody in this world has chips exclusive to them, well besides Hikari's beast, and soul chips."
"Freezeman, brace your self, because I am sending you the big guns!"
"I understand, I'm preparing myself now." Freezeman said as he focused his ice shield to just his feet.
"Elec Gospel, slot in!" Shun said as he slid the chip into his Link PET, with a smirk on his face.
"Elec Gospel, FIRE!" Freezeman shouted as he fired the chip when Blizzardman approached him with an Elec Blade.
"Neo Blizzardman, Plug-out!!" Shuichi shouted the instant the attack collided with his navi. "Shun, next time I'll be ready to truly defeat you!"
Author's notes/Translations
Yukihiro Shuichi is one of a few Anime Tribute characters that I will be having appear in this fic. His name and appearance are from three charactsrs, from the same series. Gravitation. Shuichi Shndo, Eiri Yuki, and Hiroshi Nakano.
Raito was watching an episode of Bleach, that he saved onto his Link PET, and used an uplink to play it on the TV(makes sense with the different stuff PET's can do, and if not, then he burned the episode to a DVD-R disk) Yes the episode had a sentai reference, but they didn't have any henshin devices or ranger forms, it was just a little filler. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:04 pm Post subject: |
Funny filler, good (and interesting chapter). So now Netto has the Beast chips? Wow, that'll be cool if he uses them. As for the N Freeze battle... you animated it well, and made Shuichi a strong opponent (a lot like Copy Forte).
Good job. _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:05 pm Post subject: |
07:Airster's challenge, the S Metal!
"So SnipeAnteater is going to try to obtain it?" Teruo asked, slightly angered at the fact that thier unknown leader had opted to send a maverick in instead of a navi team.
"That is why I sent him!"
"Why would you send just one maverick? Do you know how powerful the Net Saviors are?"
"Our enemies aren't Net Saviors, they are merely Net Officials!"
"Swallow Cutter!" A blue birdlike navi shouted as it shot down a few dozen tagets with ease.
"Her navi is good when it comes to hiting stationary targets, but what about moving, and fighting targets." Rockman said as he looked at X with a smirk on his face.
"Right!" X shouted as he ran out in front of the bird navi and fired several shots from his X buster.
"Netto, do you have any crosses for me today?"
"Of course, but how about we make thinks slightly different, how do you feel about double beast?"
"Netto, are you crazy? If you activated my double beast form then Neo Swallowman would be ripped to pieces!"
"I was just kidding, Slash Cross, slot in!" Netto shouted as he slid in the cross chip and Rockman started to glow. His boots and gloves became green, and a green chest plate appeared on him. His helmet grew 3 blades right above the earmuffs, and his gloves extened outward, covering his hands, and three blades emerged from them.
"Wide Slash!" Rockman shouted as he swung his claws at N SWallowman.
"Nice try, Drill Arm, slot in!" A young female shouted as she slid the chip into her PET. She had short blonde hair, with a flower clip on the left side. She was wearing a brown leather jacket with a hood, and a flower-print skirt. Around her neck, as if it was a necklace, was a pair of goggles.
N Swallowman quickly responded to the chip that was just sent to him, he took aim and shoved the drill directly into Rockman's chest, disengaging the cross before Rockman's attack made any contact. "Dream Sword!" A voice called out as a large blade struck Swallowman in the back, forcing his op to plug him out.
"Nice try Amelia, however you forgot that Rockman wasn't your only target, and you lost track of X's whereabouts. That is why you were caught off guard." Netto said as he patted the girl on her back.
"Thanks, but I failed. I let my guard down."
"Amelia you did not fail, you passed. Just not with flying colors." Mamoru said as he stepped out of the his office.
"I guess that means, welcome to team Net Official." Riato said with a slight laugh.
"You should all head home, I'll assign Amelia to a group tommorrow." Mamoru said as he waved a folder with Swallowman's insignia on it.
"So what is her rank? Z, C, B?"
"Raito, I have to look over the recordings with Shun, Meijin, Enzan, and your grandfather before placing her. Plus even if I did know her rank already, I couldn't tell you that."
"Snipe Missile!" A grey maverick wearing green chest armor, shouted as he fired his large sniper rifle/missile launcher. He had a long snout, like an anteater, his gloves and boots were grey, with purple claws, his gun was mounted on his back.
The shot took down several security navis inside with ease.
Amelia stepped out of the sky car station and looked around, She was back in her home town, Dawn City. Dawn City, a large city, located near Sky City. She started on her way home, through the business district of town. As she passed the construction site she realized that something didn't seem right, the machines were going crazy, like they were infected viruses. She quickly aimed her Link PET at the nearest plug in sensor and plugged her navi in.
"What is it like Swallowman?"
"I don't see any enemies." Swallowman said as he looked around, suddenly he heard a shot fire from behind him and he quickly took flight to avoid the shot. "Found them!" Swallowman said as he turned to see the Maverick and an army of Canodumb viruses.
"Swallow Cutter!" Swalloman shouted easily destroying a handful of the viruses.
"There has to be more than one navi and some cannon viruses, what are controling the machines?" Amelia asked as she dodged a wrecking ball.
"I don't know, I don't see any other types of viruses in here."
"Raito, I just received a call, you are to head to Dawn City immediately!" Netto shouted as she slammed on his breaks.
"What for dad?"
"Amelia is trying to stop what Mamoru believes is a Maverick attack, one desinged to lure you guys into battle, that is why only you are to go help her."
"Right!" Raito said as he opened the door of the car and raced toward the Metroline. He knew that it would take him some time, after all he had ride the metro to Tokidoki, where he could switch to a Skycar.
"Sniper Missile!" SnipeAnteator shouted as he fired several missiles at Swallowman, who was now having trouble avoiding the constant attacks from all the viruses, and this Maverick.
"Boomerang!" X's voice called out as a boomerang shot from behind Swallowman, and deleted several dozen Cannodumbs. "Didn't mean to take so long, but it was a long trip."
"Thanks, X!" Swallowman said as he landed infront of X, and the two of them quickly started to take out the weak cannodumb viruses.
"Panel Bomber!" Snipe Anteator shouted as he fired a large missile into the air, which fell to the ground and destroyed all the panels in around him, including the ones the viruses, and two navis were on. Swallowman was able to easily take flight, and Raito managed to quickly slot in an air shoes, battle chip. Seconds after the cannodumbs fell to their doom a swarm of fishy viruses flew in to help Snipe Anteator.
"Follow my lead." Swallowman shouted as he flew towards the fishy viruses and started to blast them with his Swallow Cutter.
"Sir, it doesn't seem to me that the looser of a Maverick that you sent is faring to well." Teruo said with a slight laugh as they watched the battle unfold from their base.
"You idiot, never say anything about my followers unless you wish the be destroyed!"
"Whatever, I am not afraid of someone who refuses to show himself to those that follow his command!"
"You are a foolish child, I will let you be for now, however next time you speak against me I will have you taken care of!"
"Amelia, what chips do you have left?" Raito asked as he searched his pockets, realizing that most of his chips were either back at the Official Center, or in his dad's car.
"I have a few chips left, this navi is troublesome, why?"
"That isn't a navi that we are up against, according to Mamoru it is a Maverick, some new type of enemy. Aparently so were Blizzard Wolfgang, Mino Magnus, and Cubit Foxtar."
"So what is your plan?"
"We use X, though it might not work. X was desinged based on my uncle's data. That means that he should have similar abilities that my uncle's data had changed to allow."
"What are you talking about Raito?"
"Rockman, his Crosses, they resulted in his data changing for him to use different abilities, all of which started with the side effects of the Synchro chip on his data, which gave him the soul ability, and made it so he could no longer use styles. I think X might have some sort of Soul, or Cross ability in his data."
"So you are saying we can chance it but if it doesn't work we are screwed?"
"Exactly, but if we do nothing we are screwed, especially if we tried to plug out, that Maverick would attack us with those vehichles more than likely."
"Then lets give it a try!"
"X, follow Swallowman's lead, and try your best to do what he does!" Raito shouted into his PET.
In the construction site's cyber space, Swallowman and X were doing as they were told, using solely the chips that had previously been sent to them they somehow managed to destroy all of the viruses, Swallowman using his Swallow Cutter, and X using his X buster.
"Snipe Missile!" Snipe Anteator shouted as he fired his large gun at the two navis. The two navis quickly parted to avoid the blast but the missile grazed their chests and the two navis started to glow.
X's red scarf suddenly grew and changed into blue swallow wings, his helmet sprouted the boomerang shap part of Swallowman's, and his gloves changed to resemble Swallowman's as well, though the jewel in them had X's insignia. Swallowman's chest armor appeared over X's insignia and his tail sprouted as well as his boots grew golden talons, similar to Swallowman's.
"What happened?" Snipe Anteator shouted in anger as he stared at the new figure before him, in complete shock.
"Your worst nightmare, Swallow Cutter, X form!" X shouted as the swallow gloves split into an X shape and started to fire what resembled Swallowman's Swallow Cutter attack, these blasts slammed into Snipe Anteator's large gun making it explode. Of course in response to that, the Maverick started to curse at X then plugged out.
"Raito, Amelia, you can plug us out now." X said in both his and Swallowman's voice.
"Ok."Raito said as him and Amelia plugged their navi out.
"Thanks Raito." Amelia said patting him on the back.
"Actually if it wasn't for Swallowman I don't think X would of been able to stop that Maverick as easily, especially since I forgot most of my chips." Raito said as he glanced at his PET and realized that there was a new symbol on the screen, a small blue set of wings, attatched to a tail, with what resemebled a crescent like helmet. "What is this?" Raito said as he touched his Stylus to the image and it inlarged it, along with showing a label that said Metal of Flight, Metal S.
"Looks like that is a small amount of Data that X retained from merging with my navi." Amelia said as she peered over Raito's shoulder. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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