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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:29 pm Post subject: |
Dang it, the post I did didn't get updated. Errr, well here's the chapter i posted, but did not get right. Enjoy! It was a challenge to write.
~8: Waking Up to the New World!
Footsteps clattered noisily through the stairwell as the group of girls ran. At the head of the line a very pissed-off redhead led the pack.
“I’ll get you for this Netto Hikari!” Meiru yelled as she dashed through the door, vaulting over the last few steps.
As she stepped out of the rooftop stairwell she covered her eyes. While she’d been inside it had been raining hard, perfect for a day at the spa. Now the sun was out, and shining at full force. She shaded her eyes with her hand, looking around for the brunette net-battler.
“Netto!” she yelled, running to stand in front of him. She tried to look him in the eyes, but he averted his eyes, glancing at his feet. She grabbed him by the shoulders. “Netto!” she called again. She turned to Fuujin; he too wasn’t looking at her. She stepped back nervously.
“Guys, it’s okay. I’m not that mad at you,” as she said this the group of women behind her punched their fists into their palms menacingly. “Just tell me what happened…” she trailed off. Neither of them made a move to say anything. She looked to the group of women for help, then shuddered at their death glares. Huffing herself up she place her hands on her hips, and turned to them madly.
“All-right then! If you guys wanna be quiet about it I’ll have to assume you were up to something bad!” she snapped.
“No… we weren’t.” Netto muttered sadly, shaking his head. Meiru stopped what she was saying and gave him a puzzled look.
“Okay then, then why do you look so ashamed?”
“I lost Rockman.” Netto said simply. Meiru’s jaw dropped.
The vortex around them spiraled and swirled. A 2nd hole appeared in front of them. Rockman looked around wildly, spotting Mugen falling beside him.
“Hey!” he called, “Where does that hole lead to?” Mugen said nothing for a second.
“Beyondard.” He muttered silently. Rockman shot him a questioning look.
“Beyondard?” he asked.
“Yes.” As Mugen said this they were sucked into the hole. It closed in upon itself like a television switching off.
“What do you mean you lost Rockman?” Meiru asked quietly. Roll quickly appeared on her shoulder. The hologram wailed. ‘What do you mean,” she repeated. Fuujin took a step towards Meiru.
“He’s gone Meiru. Rockman and this silver navi were in a fight, and it looked like Rock was winning. Then the navi slashed the sky, tearing open a black hole. It sucked them both in five minutes ago.” He stopped, and took a step back towards Netto.
“Five minutes ago?” she gave him a confused look “But I saw you guys run up here 7 minutes ago.” She looked around at the rooftop, noting the swarm of women, but nothing else of interest. “I don’t see a Netbattle computer. How did you lose him?”
Netto stepped forward. As he began explaining the angry mob dispersed. They felt that the boy had received punishment enough.
“Ahhhhhhhh!” Rockman cried as Mugen and him fell from the hole that had just opened up in the sky of Beyondard. Speaking of the sky, there was definitely something going on with the sky. Or rather, not going on. The ground below looked perfectly normal. That was part of the problem. Too normal for the cyber-world, too much like the real world. In contrast, the sky’s circuit-board pattern seemed a little out of place.
“Ahhhhhhhh!” Continued Rockman as they fell. Mugen shot him an angry look.
“Will you shut up! Were nearly to the ground, and if you haven’t noticed yet, we aren’t falling that fast.” It was true. They had slowed down now to a dead crawl. Rockman opened his eyes and relaxed for a second. Then he tensed up again.
“You! Don’t forget were enemies!” Rock kicked off against the jelly-like air, propelling himself towards Mugen slowly. Mugen raised his claw-shaped blade, and Rock clattered against it harmlessly. Mugen sighed.
“Calm down, Forte’s eyes aren’t around to see us, you can let up with the act.” Rockman shot him a quizzical look.
“What do you mean act?” Mugen stared at him, cocking his head to the side.
“Well that was an act, wasn’t it? That fight we just had. Wait, you weren’t acting?” Mugen asked apprehensively. Rockman glared at him, then resumed his attack.
“You jerk! You joke while we fight! Don’t forget you wounded a friend of mine!” Rockman yelled, hammering Mugen’s blade with his buster.
“Like I said, calm down! We aren’t enemies,” Mugen yelped as he tried to get a better grip on his sword. Rockman raised his buster, and pointed it at Mugen’s head.
“Not enemies huh? Then why are you working for Forte?” Mugen sighed, slamming his sword down in midair. He dropped to the ground quickly.
“Get down here and I’ll explain everything!” Mugen called up to Rockman. Rockman scrabbled at the air comically, trying to get to the ground.
“Fall faster!”
“Like that advice is going to help me-” he shut up as he flopped to the ground. Landing with a grunt he ran over to where Mugen was sitting around a campfire.
“Took you long enough.”
Roll’s eyes watered as Netto finished the story.
“Rockman! We have to find him!” she quickly explained, looking around. Everyone’s faces were somber, their heads bowed.
“What’s everyone doing standing around! We have to do something, anything! We won’t get anything done this way!!” Roll protested. Netto looked up at her.
“You’re right.” He said simply, turning towards the rooftop stairwell entrance.
“Where are you going?” Roll questioned quickly, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“The Science Bureau.” Netto muttered. Roll’s eyes lit up as Meiru and Fuujin turned to follow.
A few minutes they stepped into the Metroline bound for the Science Bureau. As it sped towards its destination the sky turned black overhead.
Rockman took a few steps towards the fire, then stopped, looking around. Skyscrapers, like in net city, surrounded them. The sight of a campfire in the middle of a city did little to comfort him. He walked towards Mugen nervously.
As Rock approached, Mugen stood up to greet him, casting aside a flaming marshmallow stick. He took a step towards Rock seriously.
“Stop!” Rock interrupted. “Before you get another step closer, you need to explain yourself.” Mugen calmly complied.
He started simply, with one word.
“Weak…” his voice faltered as he clutched his shoulder. “Weak,” he went on. “I was weak… wandering the URA net in my youth foolishly, looking for strength, and looking for the strong.”
Rockman silently listened, but part of what Mugen had said reminded him of himself, when he was younger. Mugen continued.
“Foolish, that’s what I was. I thought I’d be able to handle things when I met the one, the strongest. But when that day came, as I looked up to the sky, I watched the two strongest fighting amongst themselves…” he dropped off, clutching his forehead. A lone tear rolled down his cheek. His voice was strained as he spoke.
“Beautiful. It was beautiful! A sight to see, like poetry in motion. She was so strong, and he was so arrogant. I was speechless; all I could do was watch. I watched as their attacks streamed through the air, watched as they clashed, the sky lighting up as their fists collided. Powerless. That’s how I felt. Then it happened...”
“What happened?”
“She was so graceful, as she dodged attacks. She spun in the sky, a world stronger than him. But an attack spun out of control; as I watched it fell towards me. I knew then and there how truly powerless I was, and accepted my fate. I was going to die… then she stepped in.”
“Who was she?” Rockman asked in a hushed voice.
Shocked, Rockman took a step back.
“She saved me,” Mugen continued, “I was nothing, but she saw something more. Something worth dieing for. As I looked on helplessly, she stood before Forte, protecting me. I had been hit, but she did something… something stupid.” He clasped his hand over his heart, bowing his head.
“What did she do?”
“She infused a portion of her essence with me, enough to save me. But it was too much! As she stood over me, exhausted, Forte rose up behind her and struck her down! With a parting word she fell, defeated. She was the first person to ever show me kindness.”
Rockman’s jaw dropped.
“But that still doesn’t explain why you’re working for Forte. He murdered the only person who ever gave you kindness. Why would you defile her memory?”
“Like I said, I was weak. She’d given me power, but I wasn’t yet strong enough to stop Forte. He took me under his wing, bending me to his will. He made me stronger, but I hated him for it!” Mugen spat.
“That’s where you come in…”
The Metroline screeched to a stop as it drew near the Science Bureau. With a puff of smoke, the doors slid open. Netto and company ran towards the exit, tearing through a crowd of people racing the opposite direction. As they entered the Science Bureau’s courtyard they realized why. Floating above them in the black sky was Starman. He glanced down towards the group, smiling.
“Come on Meteor!!” he yelled, raising his hand with a flair.
Rockman: Me? What do I have to do with you?
Mugen: Hope...
Rockman: Hope?
Mugen: Yes...
Next time on Defying the Voice of the King! My Last Hope~
Rockman: But what can I do?? _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:19 pm Post subject: |
To all the fans: I will have the next chapter up by next Monday. I hope you can't wait! Also, I'm taking suggestions for the next darkloids to show up in Forte's crew. I'll take any good suggestions on replacements for Yamatoman and Darkman, so if you have an idea speak up. I'm happy to hear from you! _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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spiecas Net Battler

Joined: 16 Sep 2005 Posts: 77 Location: Earth
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:07 pm Post subject: |
Your fics pretty good. I wonder how you're going to work Beyondard into the story. Can't wait to see.
By the way, does it matter if my darkloid suggestion is fan created? If it dosen't, then I have one for you. His name is Zombieman. He basicaly looks exactly like one of those standard default navis, except he looks really decomposed. He can summon two skeletons to help him fight, because he's not too strong physically speaking. Plus, you can't get rid of him for good (zombies are allready dead) unless you hit his symbol, then he turns into dust. He's also really, really creapy. _________________ “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
—Albert Einstein |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 3:38 pm Post subject: |
Well, here's the new chapter. Might I note that it's a little odd. Hope you enjoy the insanity, cause' this is the new wave sweeping the nation! Here we go, prepare yourself for... Chapter 9 Must Be Losing My Mind! (PS: please enjoy my weirdest chapter).
~9: Must Be Losing My Mind!
“… me?” Rockman muttered.
“But why me? What is so special about me?”
“You’re the one who will defeat Forte for me.” He said simply. Rockman stared silently.
“Netto!” Meiru yelled, shoving him out of the way of a flaming chunk of rock. He looked on in shock as the meteor blazed down towards Meiru.
“Noooooooooo! Meiru-chan!” Netto reached out his hand, as if trying to will the missile to stop.
“Itoko*!!” Fuujin called out weakly. It was no use; with a flash of red it all was over.
“Meiru-chan,” Netto muttered weakly, his hand trailing in the air. It fell meekly to his side as tears began to stream down his cheeks. “No… I still had so much to say to you, so much to do. It’s not fair!” Netto fell to his knees, punching his fist into the ground.
“What’s not fair, Hikari?” Netto’s head spun around to look at Enzan; Blues at his side. Meiru was clutched in Blues’ arms. Netto leapt to his feet, joining them.
“Meiru!” Fuujin yelled, racing to stand next to Blues. Netto let out a sigh of relief as he doubled over, panting next to Fuujin. Meiru opened her eyes to look up at the group.
“Netto…” she said coyly, “what was it you had to say?” Netto ruffled his hair in embarrassment as Blues set her down. She raced over to glomp Netto. Enzan glared at them, shaking his head.
“Hikari! We’ll have time for that later. The matter at hand?!” He gestured towards the darkloid floating above them. Netto sighed, pushing Meiru off of him.
“About that…” he trailed off, explaining. A moment later Enzan erupted.
“WHAT! YOU LOST HIM!! HIKARI, YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!” Enzan fumed. Blues just shook his head sadly, muttering profane things under his breath. He suddenly noticed Fuujin, and whispered something in Enzan’s ear. Fuujin stood there, puzzled, and Blues and Enzan pointed at him.
Enzan trudged over to Fuujin.
“Here,” he mumbled, “Professor Hikari wanted me to give you this.” He said, tossing a yellow PET to Fuujin. He looked at it with interest. The screen flashed on.
“Hey!” the navi in the PET chimed.
“Kouryuu! You’re fixed, this is great!!” Fuujin exclaimed. “I’ve missed you! I-”
“Listen, that’s great and all, but… RUN!!”
“Run?” Fuujin stammered quietly. He gazed up, just in time to see a huge ball of light barreling down on him.
“Oh. Run.”
*** Meanwhile
“ME! What am I? Your slave or something? I don’t roll that way!” Rockman ranted incredulously. “Anyways,” he added crossing his arms, “You’re plenty strong yourself.”
“Me?” Mugen said, putting his arms behind his head. “No… I think I’ll just let you defeat him. I don’t want to cause any waves myself.”
“What? Not create any waves… what are you talking about. This is your life we’re talking about, not some ocean!” Rock shouted angrily.
“So you won’t help me?” Mugen asked calmly.
“I didn’t say that! It’s just…” Rock crossed his arms with a huff, glaring. Mugen’s facemask lowered as he smiled. It was off-putting.
“Okay, if you don’t want to help I’ll just have to give up.” He said cheerfully.
“Wha? Give up! Wait, what?” he stuttered, nearly falling over. He righted himself. “That attitude of yours is really starting to piss me off! We’ll have to do something about that.” He muttered, scratching his chin.
“?” Mugen cocked his head. Rockman lunged at him, a sword materializing on his arm.
“!” Mugen yelped as he brought his blade up to stave off Rock’s slash. He missed, and Rock’s blade stopped an inch from his throat.
“Huh,” Rock sighed, hopping back from Mugen. “I thought you’d be able to block that,” he muttered as he walked around Mugen examining him. Mugen’s face was glazed calm. Rock raised an eyebrow at this.
“Why so calm?” he asked balefully.
“I knew you weren’t going to hurt me,” Mugen smiled simply.
“Well then, if you knew that, do you know how to get out of here?” He gestured around to Beyondard.
“Yes.” Mugen said solemnly. “We fight!” he lunged at Rock.
“What?” Rockman stammered, confused by the sudden change in mood. Rockman tripped on something, falling backwards as Mugen sped towards him.
“Oh? Is that all you can say! Use your navi!” Enzan shouted quickly to Fuujin.
“Hold the PET up to the sky and act like you’re plugging in! Do it now!!” The attack was almost upon them. Fuujin raised his PET as Enzan had said, and with a shout Kouryuu materialized in the real world.
“Reflect Met, slotto in!!” a huge shield appeared in front of the newly materialized navi, reflecting the attack towards Starman.
Star blinked as Brightman leapt in front of the attack, raising his palms.
“Bright Beam!!” he yelled, canceling out the attack. Laughing coolly he stood next to Starman.
“Darn! Thought we had em’!” Fuujin frowned.
“It’s never that simple with darkloids.” Enzan chimed.
“Argh!” Rock grunted as he fell backwards. As he landed on his back he felt something under him. Leaping up with fright he dodged Mugen’s attack.
“Why are you attacking me again!?” Rockman yelled at Mugen.
“We have to break through to the other side right? I only know one way to do that!” Mugen said matter-of-factly.
“Couldn’t you just use your sword again?” Rockman whined, looking at what had tripped him. A normal navi crouched on the ground, covering its head. Rock raised his eyebrow.
“Oh,” Mugen said lowering his blade. He looked at the normal navi with concern. “A scout!” he yelled, picking the navi up by the arm. He spun to look at Rockman.
“We have to leave! It isn’t safe to talk here anymore,” he said urgently.
“What? Who was talking!” Rockman shouted. I really think this navi is crazy, Rock thought out loud. He realized this a second later.
“For what?” Mugen chimed happily, tossing the normal navi away.
“Right…” Rock stared at Mugen for a second, then turned around. “You said we had to leave right? What, is Forte spying on us?” Rock suggested jokingly.
“Yes.” Rockman stopped laughing. “What, you didn’t get that from what I said earlier. His eyes are always watching.” Mugen added hopefully.
I must be losing my mind! This guy is nuts! Rockman was about to say this out loud too, then decided on something entirely different.
“When did he get this power, might I ask? This omniscience…”
“Absorbing Serenade.” Mugen said simply.
“Uwahhhhhh!?!?”Rockman shot backwards with shock. “You never mentioned that before. You just said he killed her!”
“Oh, I did?” Mugen said scratching his head, “I must’ve forgot!” he shrugged.
“You don’t forget to mention something important like that you psycho!! You withheld information to make sure I’d agree to fight Forte for you.”
“Do you really think I’m that smart?”
“You’re right.” Rockman said taking a step away. “I’m leaving. I might be able to find a way back on my own.”
“Wait! I’m sorry, but please help.” He begged. Rockman stopped walking.
“That’s just what I wanted to hear!” he said spinning around to rejoin Mugen.
“Huh? Now I’m confused,” he muttered as Rock helped him to his feet.
“Free will.” Rockman muttered.
“Free will. I have it, and you have it. You can’t just force me to fight for something I don’t believe in, but I can choose to myself. And I’ll have to fight this Forte SD sooner or later so… I’ve decided! I’ll fight for you!” Rockman said puffing out his chest and looking confident. He was sure his lecture had proven a point.
“Hey! are you even listening!!” Rockman said grabbing Mugen and shaking him to his senses. Mugen snorted.
Rockman slapped him.
Rockman: *sigh I have to talk to my agents. I can’t work with this crazy person!
Netto: HEY!!
Rockman: I was talking about Mugen! *shaking head * Baka na.
Netto: Hey!
Rockman (ignoring Netto): Anyways, the madness continues in the next chapter.
Netto: I thought this was supposed to be a serious fic!
Fuujin: So did I, so did I. *shaking head
A/N *Itoko means cousin. _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:35 pm Post subject: |
Here's chapter 10. I'm trying as hard as I can to catch up on school and balance this too. I've also got another fic I'm starting to work on, so my updates might become a little less frequent. To top that off, my other fic is a lot more fun to write! So without further ado here's chapter ten!
A/N-Octarine is the 8th color in the spectrum. It is the color of magic, and look purplish-green. I thank Terry Pratchett for this new color scheme.
~10-Filler (Okay, I’m Blunt!)
“Great Meteo!”
“Brighter Beam!!” The two navis raised their arms in the air, combining their new attacks. The attack shined electric-blue.
“Heh, heh. Check this out!” they yelled launching the huge mixed-attack.
“Crap,” Enzan finished Fuujin’s sentence for him. Looking towards Blues he yelled “Get ready!”
“Right Enzan-sama!” Blues nodded raising his shield. Kouryuu rushed over to join him. He opened his mouth to speak.
“Quiet!” Blues snapped, his eyes trained on the attack. “I have to time this just right.” Kouryuu frowned as he gazed up at the attack. Attack, Blues, attack, Blues, his eyes flicked between the two.
“Ah, shut up!” he said dashing towards the attack.
“Damn! What’s he doing!” Blues cursed racing after him.
“Fuujin, send me a Blower and a Fuujin Racket!” Mugen said over the com system. Fuujin nodded, slotting in the chips.
“Right,” Mugen smiled, stopping directly under the attack. He quickly downloaded the chips. Whipping out the racket he started spinning in a flaming wheel of wind, until he was a blur of red, white and blue. He suddenly stopped spinning, flames licking over his smiling mouth.
“I’m ready!” he yelled leaping towards the attack, glowing red. His racket was spinning wildly, a mini-tornado of flames whirling around it. Blues raised a finger to say something, then stopped. This idiot is nothing but hot air, he thought, shaking his head.
“Hah!” he yelled thrusting his racket into the center of the spinning, crackling meteor. It stopped dead in its tracks, then started spinning in the reverse direction. With a second thrust he swung the racket to the right, sending the attack crashing into the ground. It slid, and stopped inches from Blues, who glared up at Kouryuu fiercely.
“Reckless idiot!” he yelled, leaping into the air to punch Kouryuu in the face. Kouryuu reeled from the punch, spinning towards the ground.
“Air shoes, slotto in!” Kouryuu stopped a foot off the ground, hovering. He looked up at Blues with fury in his eyes.
“What the hell was that for!” Kouryuu yelled.
“Uh, that,” Blues suggested, pointing to the still-flaming meteor laying where he’d been.
“Oh. That!” Kouryuu said laughing. “Sorry ‘bout that!” Blues leapt at him, arguing “you’d better be sorry!” They erupted in a tussle.
“Don’t forget about us!” Starman yelled over the two navis riveting conversation of who was the bigger idiot, raising his arm.
“Uh, Meteor?” he said casually, launching a fierce barrage of meteors.
Blues and Kouryuu stopped arguing, finally agreeing on something.
“Lets get him!” the sound of a spinning gun barrel interrupted the silence.
“For once I agree with you!” Blues smiled calmly, drawing his sword. The two navi rushed towards the spike-haired navi.
*** Meanwhile
“Get your act together! You’re gonna’ help me beat Forte too, dumb-ass!” Rockman yelled, shaking Mugen to his senses.
“What!?” There was panic in Mugen’s eyes. “But I already said I wouldn’t fight him!” Mugen panicked. Rockman raised his hands, stepping back from the hyperventilating navi.
“Okay, okay. Fine, no fighting. But still…” he added, “you’re a great fighter when you put your mind into it. Back on the rooftop we were fighting equals. I’m not sure what you think I can do that you couldn’t yourself, but I’ll fight all the same.” Mugen let out a sigh. “Now, about getting back to Akihara…”
“Oh yeah,” Mugen said, as if remembering for the first time. He reached out, grabbing Rockman’s symbol.
“Hey!” Rockman glanced down at Mugen’s groping hands. Mugen placed his other hand on his own symbol, closing his eyes. “Uh, what exactly are you up to?” Rockman laughed nervously.
“We have to build up our powers and let them out in a burst. It should open up a hole to your world.”
“Oh, could of told me that before you felt me up,” Rock muttered under his breath.
“Shhhhh, focus your power…” Mugen said silently. Rockman closed his eyes and tried to focus on his power. He imagined a glowing light, but every time he got close enough to grab it, he was forced away from it. He opened one eye to look at Mugen, whose symbol was glowing furiously.
“Uh, how do I focus my energy again?” Rock laughed. Mugen opened his eyes to look at him with interest.
“You mean you haven’t been controlling your energy all this time? How do you fight?”
“What! Err, well…” Rockman paused considering this. “I just fight I guess. I don’t think about controlling my energy, I just do.”
“Then do,” Mugen said simply, returning to his concentration.
“Could you be a bit more helpful?” Rockman interrupted again. Mugen sighed.
“All-right, I’ll tell you what always works for me. Picture a ball of energy… then picture yourself compressing it, and forcing it into your body. Smaller and smaller, until it’s just a pinpoint. Then go smaller than that.”
“I’ll try,” Rock sighed, picturing the sphere in his mind. He worked frantically to compress it, harder and harder he forced it, until-.
“Oh, by the way, did I mention this could kill you?”
“What!” Rockman yelled losing his focus. A wave of energy was sent cascading against the cavern walls around them. Those walls were 5 miles away.
“Dang, and I nearly had it that time. You could have mentioned that!”
“I could have.” Rockman cursed under his breath as he returned to his meditation. He thought for a few minutes, then gave up.
“It’s not gonna work!” he yelled to nobody in particular. He looked around. “Mugen?” he called with concern. He couldn’t see him anywhere. He looked down at his symbol, and was shocked to find that his body was a silver-blue color. “That can’t be right,” he thought.
<But it is>
“Who said that!” Rockman yelled looking around frantically.
“Who are you… wait, Mugen? What is this?”
<Crossfusion. Your first I take it?>
“Yeah!” Rockman said angrily. “… so, what do I do now?”
<Swing the sword on your back. You should be able to open up the portal now. Good luck!>
“Wait, what?” said Rock swinging the sword. He never got an answer as he was sucked into the black vortex that had just appeared in front of him.
“Die damn you! Burn in Hell!!!” Kouryuu yelled as he chased Starman around, firing his revolver. Starman waved his arms wildly as he ran, hair on fire. Blues jumped in front of him, cutting him off.
“And now to put out that fire! Quake, triple slotto in!!” Blues raised his arms, summoning the Heavy Press P.A. He leapt on top of the huge stamp as it slammed down from the sky onto Starman’s head. Nearby Brightman laughed wildly, pounding his hands into the ground. Out of the shadows stepped a bat-eared figure.
“Pathetic,” he said firing a burst shot at Brightman, who leapt back three feet to dodge it. The caped figure pointed towards Starman’s flat form.
“Help! Now!!” He said, a vein in his forehead twitching. A halo rested lightly in between the ears, and on his forehead was a golden chakra.
“Yes Forte-sama!” Brightman said with a chuckle, running to help his wounded teammate. Blues cut him off, jabbing him with a Gaia-blade. He gulped nervously, leaping back a foot.
“Check it out?” he muttered weakly, launching a Bright Beam at Blues. It hit where he was, revealing a dummy.
“Antidamage!” Blues yelled throwing three shurikan at Brightman. They struck him in the arms, and a second later he stared down at a pair of stumps.
“Arghhh, that’s it! Check this out!!” He yelled wildly, running around as he started to glow. Kouryuu got done slapping Starman with a Racket, and rejoined Blues, shielding his eyes.
“Watch out, it’s a suicide attack!” Blues noted.
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Kouryuu said taking a step back. Blues raised his shield over his face as Kouryuu crouched behind him. Starman peeled himself off the ground, and ran over to join Brightman. They shouted out their attack names in unison.
“Bright Surge!!”
“Super Nova!!”
They both glowed tangerine as they charged up their respective attacks.
“Now!!!” they screamed in unison. CLACK! The sound of two heads being knocked together could be heard for miles. Forte coughed, drawing their attention away from the two unconscious navis on the ground.
“Excuse my idiot lackeys, they have no class. It also appears that they have gotten weaker. Hmmmm, I’ll have to investigate my own power too, I suppose,” Forte said smiling as he raised his hand. It charged purple.
“… Will ya’ quit finishing my sentences!!!”
Blues nodded as a shower of octarine starbursts came tumbling towards him.
Blues: Starlight, Star Bright eh? When did they get weaker? And why am I ripping on that dumb poem?
Kouryuu: Uh, I think their strength lay in teamwork. They forgot that.
Blues: Oh… that’s really lame.
Kouryuu: Uh, yeah… it is. Well, anyways next time on Defying the Voice of the King…Something Choppy This Way comes!
Charlie: What a horrible name.
Enzan: I thought I talked to my agent about this! _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:55 pm Post subject: |
Here's chapter eleven. Enjoy!
~11: Rising Tempo: A New Hero Steps Up…er, Falls Down!
Or Something Choppy This Way Comes
A yellow helicopter darted over the horizon, passing over Mt. Fuji. Tesla covered her ears to muffle the steady whir of the helicopter blades, her red hair tumbling in the wind.
“Charlie, can’t you make this chopper any quieter?”
“Sure… if you like to fall to your death that is!” Airster laughed cheerily. Tesla harrumphed, smoothing down her white wedding dress.
“What kind of honeymoon is this, where I can’t get a moments silence to think?” Tesla exclaimed. “I can’t even hear myself talk! Honestly, this has got to be the worst honeymoon I’ve ever been on!” she added.
“That makes one of us.”
“What was that?” Tesla hissed.
“Uh, nothing dear,” Charlie muttered, avoiding instant pain. I’ll hear about this later, he thought to himself, glancing out the right-hand side of the cockpit.
“Hello, what’s this,” he said to himself, eyeing an approaching pink speck on the horizon. Tesla shaded her eyes to get a better view.
“Oh. My. God!” her jaw dropped as she realized what it was speeding towards them.
“Ahhhhhhh! Were gonna die!!” Mugen-cross-Rock screamed as he plummeted towards the volcano below.
<Really? Where are the eggs? > MCR slapped their faces.
“Not dye-dye, you idiot! Die-die! As in no longer walk this earth!”
<Oh… well why walk when you can run? > The voice said eerily cheerily.
“Why walk when you can… you idjit!” Rockman ranted as they sped towards the ground.
“Can’t you ever just shut UP!” Rockman continued as they sped towards the yellowy blurry ground thing.
“You-” he was cut off by a splat.
***Seconds prior to said splat.
“Rockman? You can’t be serious!”
“Don’t believe me, look through these binoculars!” Tesla proffered him a pair of black binoculars. He put the helicopter on autopilot as he slid them over his shades. He blushed, remembering he’d have to take them off first. He glanced again.
“Yup, definitely a navi.” He said to Tesla. She was holding his shades away from her at arm’s length, a look of disgust on her face.
“Do you have to wear these shades at night?” she chided gently, handing them back.
“Doctor’s orders, you know. As for the navi… I think we should save him. Do you think we should save him? I think we should save him! You know what, I’m going to save him!” and without waiting for an answer Charlie flicked off the autopilot and veered the copter around, towards the ever-growing speck of silver-blue, silhouetted against the night sky. The chopper sped into the night until…
***Splat (and that was the only sound they heard!)
“Ow,” MCR said rubbing his head. He sat in the cockpit of Charlie’s helicopter, getting dirty looks from Tesla.
Her hair stood on end; her gown was torn in one place, where the door had caught her as she’d tried to save Charlie in the ensuing chaos seconds before. He had swerved the chopper wildly towards the dot, and it had crashed into the windshield. Charlie had leapt out of his seat, throwing the door open to reach out and grab at the powder blue stranger, swinging him towards his seat. A long story short, he slipped, and Tesla had to reach over the throttle, and grab Charlie by the scruff of the neck, dragging both passengers back into the spiraling-metal-death-trap. Her dress, as I’ve said before, got torn in the scuffle, and he didn’t get out of it unscathed either. Charlie was rocking back and forth in the back seat, bent in a fetal position. His shades were bent, cracked, and askew, but he looked worse. Tesla was in the pilot’s seat, attempting to maneuver said giant-metal-death-trap. She looked slightly pissed, with good reason.
“Honestly Airster,” Tesla said weakly, “You are just too damn reckless. We’re just lucky you taught me how to fly this thing before we left!” she added loudly. Charlie just rocked in agreement, completely shaken.
“… Entire… life, flash… before eyes…” he stammered. Mugen-cross-Rock once again rubbed his bruised head. He was lucky he’d worn his helmet today. Looking down at his hands he paused for a second. Then with a start he muttered something.
“Wait… how am I materialized in the real world? Before, the only things keeping me solid were Forte’s dark energy clouds. What exactly is-” he was cut off as he burst into a cloud of data and funneled into a PET on the stand next to the control panel.
“Hey you two! How’s it hanging?” Gyroman smiled cheerfully at the two navis that had just materialized in front of him. Rockman and Mugen stood up shakily.
“Hey Gyroman, what’s new?” Rock asked weakly. Gyroman’s eyes lit up.
“Nothing much, just Magby and Airster over there getting hitched, that’s all.” He said matter-of-factly.
“What?” Rock glanced up out of the PET screen to see Tesla in a beautiful wedding dress. It was very flattering.
“Uh, nice dress… it’s very uh, flattering.” Rockman blushed.
“Silence you! We nearly died, so you’d better have a damn good reason for it. And don’t say skydiving lessons, cause’ I’ll be mad if you do!”
Rockman raised a finger to say something, but Tesla interrupted him, throwing the PET into the back seat rudely.
“Here, take your PET Airster. Magnetman, go talk with Rockman. Find out what the hell is going on.”
“Yes miss Tesla.” A second later Magnetman appeared inside the PET.
“Who are you,” he asked Mugen sheepishly.
Mugen bowed. “I am Mugen,” he said as his facemask slid up. Rockman sweatdropped.
“Here he goes acting normal again. Which is weird.”
“Weird?” Gyroman asked. Rock nodded before doing a double take.
“Speaking of weird… what’s with the tuxes guys?” Gyroman raised an eyebrow. I didn’t even know he had eyebrows.
“Oh… what, these?” Gyro said spreading his arms to the side to give them a better view of his fine Armani tuxedo. Magnetman stood nearby, looking nearly twice as out-of-place. “Wedding garb! Duh!”
Magnetman nodded. He wore a jaunty Yamaca on top of his head; a plaid tuxedo was stretched helplessly over his bulging shoulders.
“Right…” Rock muttered nervously.
“Barrier 10! Barrier 100! Barrier 200! Triple-slot in!!”
“Dream Aura! Sanctuary! Super Kitakaze! Triple-slot in!!”
“Program Advance!!” Fuujin and Enzan screamed in unison.
“Barrier 500!!”
“Fallen Light!!”
Two humongous barriers surrounded Blues and Kouryuu; the panels around Blues changed color, spreading out in all directions. A blinding flash lit the area; the two super-auras crackled menacingly against the scattering bolts of energy! Forte smiled; the blasts tumbled uselessly against the yellow glowing auras.
Forte scoffed.
“You think that will stop me?” he laughed humorlessly. Blues gave the stern look he was famous for. Kouryuu just shrugged, clutching his revolver with both hands. The barrel smoked coldly.
Forte ducked low to the ground, his left arm extended. A faint purple-green glow surrounded his palm; he thrust it downwards at the ground before them, a blade appearing in his palm!
“Dark Sword!” he called out; the blade slit through the air, leaving a burning gash in its wake. The gash ripped towards the two of them. Enzan called out. Fuujin yelled something to him; Enzan nodded. Digging into his pocket he produced two chips; he tossed one of them to Fuujin. He muttered an inaudible thank you; slid the chips into their PETs in unison.
Blues raised his hand to the side of his head as it morphed into a teal-colored blaster. Kouryuu did the same with his own newly downloaded weapon. He smiled wryly, aiming the gun at the oncoming onslaught. Blues did likewise. With a roar they yelled out their chips respective names.
“Holy Dream!” Blues yelled.
“FINAL Gun!!” Kouryuu said charging his blast.
“Eat this!!” Kouryuu screamed, launching a tremendous energy blast streaming towards Forte; it crushed every scattershot bolt in its way.
With a faint glow, the area around Blues vanished; the gun began to emit a heavenly white glow. Silently he launched the attack. Scattered shots streaked towards Forte in the wake of the Final Gun’s blast!
Once again Forte scoffed; the battlefield erupted in a searing burst of white-hot light! Netto shielded his eyes, powerless.
Enzan: “So… have you gotten that all out of your system yet Narrator-san?”
“Yes…” I mutter weakly, battered, broken, and bruised on the floor. “You don’t have to hit me any more Enzan-san.”
Enzan: “What was that?”
“I mean… Enzan-sama…” I add pathetically from the floor.
Enzan: “Good.” *Holding a bat. Netto approaches nervously…
Netto: “Uh, Enzan? What’s with the bat?”
Enzan: *hiding it behind his back. “Uh… what bat?” Netto smiles nervously.
Netto: “Uh… never mind. I’ll be leaving now.” Walks away slowly.
Enzan: “Hikari-kun, wait!” Netto freezes.
Netto: “Oh crap… what is it Enzan?”
Enzan: “You forgot your navi.” He adds nonchalantly.
Netto: “My… Navi? He’s back? He’s here? Really! *A nod. Terrific!! Yatta, Enzan-chan! You’re the greatest!!” *glomps Enzan happily.
Rockman: “Next time on Defying the Voice of the King… I’m Back!”
“Was anyone besides me creeped out by that?”
Everyone: “YES!”
A/N~this preview was done while I was feeling very odd, if you cannot tell. Enjoy this while it lasts, for this will be the last creepy one for a while ^_^ . _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:46 am Post subject: |
--Heres Chapter 12! Enjoy.
12~ Cruel Awakening…
Rockman yawned lazily as he crouched inside the PET, munching on a bag of chips. He watched a small data screen humorlessly.
“This is a waste of time,” he muttered quietly.
“Oro?” Mugen turned to him, drool rolling down his Cheetos-dust covered chin.
“Clean yourself off. You’re a mess; maybe it isn’t just your face…” Rock said distractedly, turning back towards the screen. A cartoon mouse bashed a cartoon cat with a hammer on the screen; Rock ignored the horrible act of cartoon violence, laughing hysterically. Mugen joined in with passion.
Gyroman and Magnetman stared at them sternly.
"No more Itchy and Scratchy for you two today!” they said dragging Mugen and Rockman away by the scruffs of their necks; Rock clawed at the screen childishly.
“Don’t you have bigger things to worry about?” Gyro asked with concern. A look of realization crossed over Rockman’s face.
“Oh yeah!” Magnetman slapped his own face. Turning to Gyroman, Rockman asked a question.
“Hey, Gyroman… when does Tesla say we’ll arrive in Akihara?”
“Whenever the hell you two shut up and get out of the PET!” Tesla yelled, tearing the PET out of Charlie’s hands. He mumbled something incoherently; he still hadn’t recovered.
“?” Rock and Mugen asked staring up at the furious silhouette of red and white. She raised an eyebrow quizzically.
“Were here,” she added sadly, turning the PET towards the front of the helicopter; Rockman and Mugen nearly died of shock.
The city lay in ruin. Here lay a pile of rubble, there a battered sign against a fragment of wall. Cars all around were upturned, or on their sides; people cascaded through the streets like water from a fall. Some were running in panic, some in the act of looting.
The sky was completely black; every few seconds a cloud would light up. The sound of crackling thunder was barely audible over the roar of the crowd.
“How. Did. This. Happen?” Rock stammered slowly. Mugen skimmed the crowd for signs of those he’d seen Rockman with before; he couldn’t find a one.
“Rock…” he trailed with concern. Rockman turned to glance at him; he motioned for them to plug out. Rock called to Tesla, who looked at him silently, with concern.
“You’re going to find him aren’t you? The person who did this?” she asked calmly. Her voice was filled with uncertainty. Rockman bowed his head coldly, nodding.
“…Yes.” Tesla held the PET up towards the sky, not sure how to go about plugging them out.
“Uh… how do I do this?” her voice trembled. Mugen quickly explained. A fire raged nearby; white ash filled the air. Tesla cast a dark shadow as she brought the PET up to the sky once more, plugging into the air above. Within the PET Gyroman sighed.
“Tight fit.” He said silently. Magnetman glared at him.
“This is no time for jokes,” he said firmly.
Mugen and Rockman appeared at Tesla’s side. She bit her lip nervously, uncertain of what to do or say next.
“Go. Get him!” she said weakly, finally deciding. Rockman and Mugen disappeared into the crowd. Tesla sighed weakly, turning back towards the helicopter; her dress was black with ash.
“Charlie… What do I do now?” Tears filled her eyes as she collapsed.
“Netto! Where are youuuuu?” Meiru called, cupping her hands to her mouth. She bit her lip nervously, glancing around the area. A military chopper hovered nearby. Bright searchlights like knives cutting through the night; a light mist reflected the beams around. The effect was ghostly. She shielded her eyes, scanning the area once more.
“Ne-tto!!” she screamed catching a tuft of red out of the corner of her eye; she rushed to the scene. Digging through rubble she snatched the tuft, wrenching it free of the debris.
“Ow!” Blues moaned, stirring from the pull. He grabbed at his bloodstained hair protectively, shifting to the right in the pile. Meiru’s eyes widened; Netto and Enzan were crumpled in a pile underneath the red swordsman. Shoving Blues aside carelessly she lifted Netto out of Enzan’s arms. He groaned; his head rolled back.
“Netto!!” Meiru yelled, voice trembling with concern. His head rolled forward; he lifted it heavily, waking.
“Me-Meiru…” he mumbled holding the right side of her face. He looked at her with his other eye. She had a large cut on her forehead, but other than that she was fine; he’d forgotten how strong she was. A look of realization dawned on his face.
“This time you saved me…” he muttered sheepishly.
“Netto… you idiot!” she cried, tackling him with a hug. They embraced each other tenderly, kissing. Enzan stirred.
“Wha… eh? Huh!? Ew! Ew! Ew, ew, ew!!” he screamed, struggling beneath the weight of their bodies. Meiru pulled her face away from Netto’s long enough to glare at Enzan.
“Do you mind?!”
Enzan slumped in disgrace.
“Eggshell-head!” Rock glared at Mugen.
“I’m sorry. I never caught his name.” He muttered helplessly.
“It’s Enzan.” He said firmly. Mugen nodded, turning to call out that name as well. As an afterthought he silently muttered “Liked egg-head better though.”
“What was that?”
“Uh… Enzan!” Mugen quickly cupped his hands with a shout. Rock drew his attention back to the search. An evil chuckle from above distracted him from his quest. His head spun upwards.
“Forte…” Mugen trailed. The bat-eared navi sneered. His halo spun brightly.
“So, on the other side now, eh Mugen?” Mugen said nothing. Forte bared his teeth.
“If you aren’t right now, you will be shortly!!” he spat, diving down towards Mugen fiercely!
Rockman’s screamed echoed throughout the city.
Netto spun his head at a sudden sound, rising to his feet.
“Rockman! He’s close.” He exclaimed, still clutching Meiru. She looked back at Enzan with embarrassment.
“Think we should wake him up?” she asked quietly. Netto was silent, gazing off into the distance. They’d been so close a moment ago; now it felt like they were a world apart. His brother was in danger. He didn’t have time to worry about anything else.
Without a word he let go of Meiru, dashing off towards where he’d heard the bloodcurdling cry; Meiru chased after. Enzan lay unconscious in the pile of rubble, curled into a fetal position. Blues looked down at him for a second. He frowned; his helmet had a crack. This is not a good day. Understatement of the year.
Charlie slid aside a sign, holding Tesla close. Reaching into his pocket he grabbed a flashlight. He shined the beam through a nearby car’s windshield, shaking his head dejectedly.
Tesla looked up to where the light was pointing.
“Oh. My. God… Meijin Iguchi…” she drifted off in shock. The man in the white lab coat clutched a women close; blood trickled from his left temple.
Rockman: "Who is this mysterious woman?"
Mugen: "And why are yoou talking like that?"
Rockman: "Like what?"
Mugen: "Ghoulish Announcer."
Rock: "Oh. No reason."
Mugen: "Good, because it was starting to creep me out. Next time on Defying the Voice of the King- Will anyone ever realize the entire premise to this story was a lyric in a song by The Pillows? From Funny Bunny? First. Line? NO? Okay then. Next time, find out who the mystery lady is, and why the heck Netto and Meiru got all hot and heavy on top of Enzan. If you can find the Family Guy reference in that you get a cookie!"
Rockman: "Uh, yeah... do I get anything else to say today?"
Narrator: I'm afraid we're all out of time! Join us next again! _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP
Last edited by Mugen.exe on Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:58 am Post subject: |
Extreamly interesting chapter Mugen-kun, keep up the great work. I can't wait for the next work. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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spiecas Net Battler

Joined: 16 Sep 2005 Posts: 77 Location: Earth
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:06 pm Post subject: |
There are many times when this story gets a bit too random, and Mugen's rapidly changing personality is hard to keep up with. But other than the Netto/Meiru part, which seemed out of place, this chapter was okay. I’m looking forward to seeing the battle between Rockman, Mugen, and Forte. It should be interesting.
Oh and by the way, I absolutely love it that you made Charlie and Tesla a newlywed couple. I wish more authors would do that because it's so funny. _________________ “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
—Albert Einstein |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:03 pm Post subject: |
Yeah, I know at times it gets a bit random, but I'm working on that. And by the way, Mugen is schitzophrenic (have you figured it out yet?). That is why he is constantly changing personalities. Mask-on= usually serious, mask-off crazier. I'll probably be posting the next chapter around Thursday of next week.
I'm glad you liked the newlyweds! _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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Age: 37 Joined: 31 Mar 2006 Posts: 24 Location: Azria
Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:00 pm Post subject: |
Fantastic!! I love Mugen's character and I like very much this fic!!
Keep up the good work! ^__^ |
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:30 pm Post subject: |
Here's chapter 13. Enjoy!
13~ If All Else Fails… Run!
Netto ran. Meiru ran faster. She caught up to him quickly, reaching out to grasp his arm.
“Netto! Calm down, this is serious!” he spun to look at her- his eyes narrowed.
“You think I don’t know that!” he yelled, motioning around. His eyes caught the wreckage, the carnage that he’d been unable to prevent. He clenched his fist tensely. “You think I don’t notice the city in ruins, the sky black as night, or even my own brother’s cries? You really think that!!” he stopped, eyes flickering, arm raised- Meiru held it tightly.
“Netto, I said calm down!” tears filled the corners of her eyes. “I know it looks bad, but we have to have our senses.” “Running blindly at the sound of a voice is not wise.” She added softly. Netto lowered his arm, calming. She loosened her grip, looking around.
“So… how should I run?” a smile of relief crossed Meiru’s face.
“I have a plan.” She said, leading him off by the arm.
“Eguchi huh?” Charlie asked, cradling his wife in one arm, as he wrenched open a car door with the other. She nodded with exhaustion. All the shock had simply been too much for her.
“Hey! You in there! Wake up!” Charlie tapped loudly on the windshield, stopping only briefly to set Tesla down by his side. “Wake up!” he tapped louder; the man inside shifted, groaning loudly.
“Hhhrrrrgh…” Meijin grunted, holding his head.
“Sorry? Didn’t catch that?” Charlie shot. At times like this he always did seem to resort to dry humor.
“Her,” Meijin replied, still clutching his head. With a final tug the door came off its hinges; Meijin stepped out of the car, legs wobbling like jelly. Charlie looked back into the car suspiciously.
“Her?” he asked.
“Her.” Meijin nodded; blood splashed onto the dirty pavement with every nod. He swayed dangerously.
“Whoa!” Charlie exclaimed, rushing to give Meijin a supporting shoulder. “We need to get you to a hospital ASAP!”
“No…” he trailed pointing, “Her first.” Charlie sighed, shifting the man slightly.
“Can you stand now?” he asked. Uncertainty filled his voice; Meijin nodded carefully, propping himself up on a piece of plywood. As Charlie set off to dig the woman out of the passenger seat he slumped noiselessly next to Tesla.
Head bowed, he spoke. “Ms. Magnets… are you awake?” the redhead shifted uncomfortably against the wall of the Porsche. A groan- she opened her eyes.
“Meijin-san, is that you?” she pushed a strand of blood-red hair away from her eyes, looking at him with a glazed expression.
“Yes, Tesla. It is I! Mr. –cough, cough, cough.” He stopped mid-pose, erupting into a coughing-fit. She stared at him as if she had just gotten a new birthday present.
“Good. You’re alive… for a moment I’d thought-”
“No,” he interrupted her, “don’t think. At times like this actions are most important.”
She slumped. Actions over thought? This didn’t sound like the same Meijin Eguchi she knew. What had changed? A look towards her husband revealed exactly what.
“So… who is she?” brief silence. Meijin smiled calmly, proudly.
“My wife-to-be. My Makoto.” Tesla smiled warmly.
“I see.”
“I have a plan.” He said, topping her.
A flickering neon sign shifted in the dark mist; a coil sparked nearby. The light from the sign slightly dispelled the thick fog. A stained-red hand lifted the sign, threw it aside. The owner of the hand leapt out from the pile of metal and concrete he’d been buried in, robes twisting wildly in the wind. A spark of thunder illuminated his features- he held the glowing remains of a cigarette in his hand. Tossing it aside he thrust his hand deep into the pile, grabbing onto something.
“Rrrrrrghhh!” with a grunt of effort he pulled a brown-haired boy out of the debris. He set him down lightly at his feet, then began shaking him. A yellow and green PET fell from the boy’s grasp, clattering on the ground beside him. Bending over to pick it up a groan slipped out of the boy’s mouth. Kouryuu sighed in relief.
“Mmmmmm… Kou-kun?” Kouryuu’s right eye twitched.
“What did I say about calling me that?” he snarled.
“Sorry,” Fuujin mumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Where are we?” he asked, looking around.
“Where do you think?” the destruction around did little to help him remember. As Fuujin looked around he caught sight of a figure standing on a rooftop a short distance away. His eyes radiated brightly, sending beams of light cutting through the fog. The beams panned across the ground, as if searching for something. Fuujin strained to get a better look, creeping to his feet.
“… Brightman.” The beams of light spun around to catch him dead center- he brought up his arm to shield his eyes. Brightman grinned, hopping down to greet them.
“Hey, get up!” A red foot kicked Enzan’s side. He groaned. The foot kicked harder, taking Enzan with it- blood spewed from his mouth as he was sent flying. “I said Wake Up!” the voice hissed. A red streak darted through the air, grabbing Enzan before smashing through the window of a nearby coffee shop.
“Enzan-sama!” Blues cried, shaking the egg-haired Net Savior. He coughed into his hands, splattering them with blood.
“Bu… Blues…!” Blues’ eyes lit up.
“Yes Enzan-sama?”
“You… can quit shaking me.” Blues stopped, glancing over his shoulder nervously.
“Pffttt!” Starman spat, scanning the area. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” he called tauntingly. Complete silence; a look of irritation crossed his face. “I said COME OUT DAMN YOU!!” a score of meteors pelted the ground outside the shop; Starman’s palm glowed red-hot- dropped slowly. He let out a sigh, slowly pacing towards the smashed window.
“A… Plan?” Tesla asked.
“Yes,” Meijin answered. “A plan.”
“And this plan is?” Charlie queried, joining the two as he set the brunette woman by Meijin’s side. She was unconscious, and wore a white lab coat and glasses with silver frames. Meijin attended to her briefly before giving his answer.
“I have a theory…” he hesitated, looking up to the sky. “Do you see those dark clouds?”
“How could I not?” Tesla bit her lip at Charlie’s comment.
“Yes, well… Professor Hikari and I have been working on this project, you see-”
“No. I don’t.” Tesla smacked him.
“Don’t interrupt!” giving the couple an odd look Meijin continued.
“-a project that allows navis to materialize in the real world… a lot like this, huh?” a nod. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought. And the fact that part of that data was stolen earlier this week… you see where I’m going with this?”
“Yeah, I see where you’re going, but mind explaining it to my wife. She’s not that bright.” Another slap. Meijin coughed.
“Um, yes. Well pretty much the project would… er, do what those clouds are doing now. I really can’t make it any simpler.” He rubbed his neck embarrassedly.
“I… see. So your plan is?” Charlie asked.
“For my plan we’ll need to go back to the Science Bureau. I think the generators there might be able cancel the clouds out… at least for a while.” It was as if a light bulb had lit up over Tesla’s head.
“Ah! I see, so that’s your plan! Brilliant!”
“Yeah,” Charlie interrupted, “Brilliant until you think about how we’re gonna get to the Science Bureau with all this going on.” As he said these words the sky flickered, and a scuttlest appeared two blocks away, a speck from where they sat. But a deadly speck.
“The storm is getting worse.” Meijin muttered desolately.
Mugen blocked Forte’s glowing palm meekly with his blade- it arced down to the ground as he bent to the side. Rockman stared at Forte’s palm as it crackled hotly on the blade.
“Run!” Mugen yelled.
Netto: Next time on Defying The Voice of the King... I have no idea!!
Meiru: What?
Narrator~ There are no previews.
Meiru: What a cop-out.
I know. _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:19 pm Post subject: |
excellent chapter Mugen. Making Tesla kinda slow mentally was an interesting move. _________________ I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay!
Kamen Rider Rockman(AU, Ryuusei Spoilers)
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
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Mugen.exe The Original Amish Technogeek!

Joined: 31 Jul 2005 Posts: 911 Location: Behind you, readying a Poison Jab.
Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:16 pm Post subject: |
Chapter 14- Put A Strangle On Life, Because I've Broken The Handle.*
Crunch, crunch, crunch. The sound of steps on shattered glass drew nearer- Blues held Enzan tightly, neck craned to scan the front entrance. Enzan twisted uncomfortably in his arms.
“Blues…” Enzan said weakly, holding his forehead.
“Yes Enzan-sama!” Blues eyes lit up. Enzan stood up shakily, pulling out his PET. “Enzan-sama!” Blues leapt over to support him.
“It’s okay,” Enzan snapped, pushing Blues aside toughly. “I’ll be fine. And I want to do more than just sit on the sidelines this time.” Blues looked at him in confusion.
“What do you mean?” Enzan’s voice was low as he answered Blues’ question.
The door swung open; as it hit the wall the remaining panes of glass shattered onto the sidewalk. Blues and Enzan stepped bravely out of the shop, with Enzan supporting himself with a broom handle.
“Oh?” Starman looked at the two with a smirk, “finally decided to join me?”
“NO!” Enzan cut him off, popping a painkiller into his mouth. “We’ve come to bury you.” A look of intrigue.
“We?” Starman asked.
Enzan tore towards Starman, broomstick held like a sword- “We!” he muttered coldly.
“Erg!” Mugen grunted, his blade nearly warping under the dominating aura from Forte’s fist. The fist throbbed harshly- Mugen could barely keep up his guard. A loud grunt- Forte SD punched his fist forward knocking Mugen’s blade aside! It landed in the distance with a dull clang.
Forte chuckled to himself.
“What’s so funny?” Mugen exclaimed angrily; Forte’s mood quickly changed to cold fury. Before Mugen knew he’d moved, Forte was upon him! Mugen’s feet dangled weakly as he hung in the air- Forte’s grip on Mugen’s throat tightened.
He shook his head sadly. “You.” He answered bleakly. “I thought you’d have gotten at least a little stronger before betraying me… so SAD!” he threw Mugen roughly to the pavement- the sound of a snap.
Rock’s eyes widened. Mugen lay splayed before him… his arm hung at an odd angle near his side. I… I can’t move- Forte’s aura is so powerful. He was trapped in thought.
“Ro… Rockman!” Mugen’s voice was weak; his eyes locked with Rock’s.
Rockman rushed to Mugen’s side. “Yeah?” he whispered. Mugen stared at him weakly.
“I… thought I told you to run!” Mugen’s voice started low, but rose on the last part of the message, giving it meaning. Rock looked at him in puzzlement.
“Eh?” Mugen looked up to where Forte hovered, glaring at him- he was sure to strike any second.
“Run damn-it!!” he yelled, voice filled with urgency. “Run,” he continued, using his good arm to creep to his feet. “Run before he attacks!” Rock stared it him blankly.
Rockman’s voice was suddenly filled with anger. “Run? Run? Dang it Mugen, what is your problem! I finally decide to help you, and you send me off!! What is your deal?”
Mugen glared at him furiously. “I’m trying to save you damn-it!” his facemask slid downwards- the face beneath was serene, sincere, smiling. “Gotta pull my own weight too, save you to save me, you know?” his focus returned to the battle, facemask sliding back up with a clack. “I hope you’ll understand someday…” he rushed madly at Forte, fist morphing into a Vulcan.
“Mugen!” Rock called weakly, watching as Mugen leapt into the air, Vulcan-fist colliding with Forte’s face.
“Mugen Vulcan!” he opened fire at point-blank.
“!” Forte reeled from the attack, falling back, cape fluttering. Suddenly he regained control of the fall, flipping to land on his feet. He skidded backwards on the wet ground. One arm trailed on the ground, leaving a clawed trench as he moved. The skid stopped- Forte got to his feet, dusting himself off. He looked down to the trench before him, filled with murky rainwater, but clear enough to see a dim reflection.
“Hmmm, you actually broke my guard… Maybe… no. That can’t be! My power- it can’t be failing!” Mugen stood impassively, arms loose at his sides.
“But it is…” he trailed, moving mechanically towards the new Lord of the URA net. “You’re body can’t handle the power. It has to expel it somehow, and so it simply drains… Serenade was a whole different kind of being, and you don’t hold a candle to her,” he continued his slow stagger- Forte’s eyes were filled with an emotion… it wasn’t fear.
“LIES!” he bellowed incredulously. “Filthy LIES!! You…” he exclaimed pointing, pausing in thought for a second. “-You!” He continued, “You think I can’t handle power?” a nod. “You think I cannot handle power- her power? Ridiculous! I will show you how much power I can truly handle! Then you’ll-” Forte rushed at Mugen, eyes filled with the thought of vengeance. “Be SORRY!” his fist connected with Mugen's stomach, grasping him tightly. Rock just stood, hypnotized by his friend’s plight.
*** [i]Meanwhile
“We!” the broom handle connected, hitting at the same instant that Blues’ own sword did. Starman reeled from the combination attack, clutching his chest as he leapt to a safer distance.
“You!” he looked at Enzan in shock- Enzan was breathing heavily. He looked so weak. “How dare you!” Starman was insulted. “How dare you strike me two-on-one, a mere human working alongside a navi!” “I… don’t understand.” He added weakly.
“What… what’s not to understand?” Enzan panted back, glaring at Starman. Blues stood at his side, supporting him. Enzan shrugged him off, making a point. “Blues and I are a team. You and Brightman were a team. And as a team we will take you down. Simple as that that. No mercy.”
At the last word Enzan and Blues leapt to alternate sides of the field, Enzan exchanging the broom for his PET.
“Slot in, Thunder, slot in Aqua blade, double download!” as the two chips slid into his PET Blues’ old sword collapsed, a new one flowing up to replace it. The sword’s water tank crackled as the ball of thunder was absorbed. A silent nod from Enzan to Blues, then they attacked.
“Hiyaa!” Enzan yelled, swinging the broom down at Starman. With a curse Star leapt backwards- straight into Blues’ slash. The blade tore through Starman’s side with a hiss of steam, paralyzing him.
“Slot in, Bubble Star 3!” A large starfish appeared before him, swerving towards Starman wildly. The starfish crashed against Starman, surrounding him in a bubble. “Perfect! Slot in-”
“I don’t think so!” Starman whispered coldly into Enzan’s ear. With a leap, Enzan spun around to stare straight into Starman’s eyes.
“How?” his eyes wavered.
“Kawarimi,” he sneered, wrapping a hand around Enzan’s neck.
“Enzan-sama!” Blues called out as Enzan was captured. Starman laughed without remorse.
“Fool, you walked right into that one!” Enzan said nothing- his mouth was muffled by Starman’s other palm. Star looked towards Blues, an odd grin stretching across his face. “You! Red guy! You’ll do whatever I say now, right? Now that I’ve got your master captured?” Blues nodded sadly. “Good.” Starman smirked.
Clop, clop, clop- the sounds of footsteps on wet cement. Charlie rushed forward, leading his group through the city bravely towards the Science Bureau. He came to a corner, peering around it cautiously.
He let out a small sigh of relief. “Coast’s clear,” he whispered, turning back to his followers. Tesla and Meijin dragged a wheelbarrow behind them, with Makoto curled in its center. A crude cloth bandage was wrapped around Meijin’s head, but aside from that he was fine. He looked over his shoulder to Makoto. Tesla caught his eye.
“She’ll be fine,” she comforted him.
“Yeah.” Meijin muttered uncertainly. His eyes lit up, and he tapped Charlie on the shoulder. “hey, isn’t there a faster way to get to the Science Bureau than by foot? I mean…” Charlie glared at him, but he continued, “… You are a pilot.”
Charlie sighed with exasperation. “The Science Bureau doesn’t have a landing pad… I know. I tried to land there once before, remember? Crushed your car? No?” Meijin stared at him.
“That was you?”
“Anyways!” Charlie said loudly, changing the subject, “There is one thing I haven’t tried.”
“Then try away.” Meijin interrupted him.
“Right.” He mumbled uncertainly, pulling out his PET, and holding it up to the sky. “Um, plug in Gyroman?” his voice was filled with uncertainty, but a beam of light shot from the PET all the same. Gyroman appeared next to Charlie looking quite perplexed.
“Charlie?” Gyro asked loudly, looking around nervously. “What’s… uh, going on? How are we… am I…?” even more shocked than the look on his face was the look on Meijin’s face- he stared at Gyroman in admiration. “… uh, Charlie. Why’s he staring?”
“Don’t worry about it-” Meijin cut him off.
“Amazing! In all my wildest dreams… I mean, I’d heard from Tesla, but to see with my own eyes-”
“Meijin!” Charlie called, interrupting him. “We don’t have time for this.”
“Oh. Right.” Charlie turned back to Gyroman, ignoring Meijin’s embarrassment.
“I’ve got some things I need you to help me with…” he said pulling Gyroman aside.
A few minutes later…
“Are you sure this will work?” Gyroman asked uncertainly.
“Yeah,” Charlie replied, tightening the straps on the makeshift hammock they’d attached to Gyroman. “Just don’t fly too high.” He added as Meijin got on, hoisting Makoto up beside him. Meijin shot him a glare. “… you don’t want to take chances with these kinds of things. This is dangerous.”
“I know!” Meijin yelled back, tying his fiancé down beside him. “But priority one right now is to get to the Science Bureau. We’ll need to get there fast too.” He looked at Gyroman, who’d converted to copter form.
“Ready to take off Gyroman?” a nod. “Good!” Charlie gave a salute as his navi took off, Meijin and Makoto hanging from the contraption attached to his underside. He held Tesla closer by his side, watching the trio fly off.
“I sure hope they’ll be all-right.” Tesla said quietly.
“They will.” He embraced her.
*A/N Title derived from the phrase "I used to have a handle on life, but it broke." This title sure as hell beats my previous one... It Puts The Lotion On Its Skin... what was I thinking. Well anyways, onto the next chapter preview... after this announcement. Yes, I'm afraid I did do Enzan a bit OOC, but the next chapter is even weirder. Be prepped. Now, onto the preview!~
Blues: Erk! Random Kawarimi will be the death of Enzan-sama!
Enzan: This fool hasn't hit you once. Don't worry about me.
B: But sir!
E: Silence! *Blues whimpers
Netto: Next chapter Blues and Enzan will continue their fight!
Mugen: Obviously...
Rockman, shaking his head: Stay tuned for the next chapter. Enzan's been long overdue for a reinvent, and this may just be his learning point. _________________
False Swipe is a great finishing move!
Witty robots, spunky orphans, and invincible pilots, this link's for you! A Gundam RP |
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kram_elbog Cross Fusion!

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 1043 Location: Somewhere
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ElecGuts Net Savior
Age: 36 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 136 Location: Here, where else?
Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:17 am Post subject: |
Really good so far Mugen. Can't wait to see the next chapter. |
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