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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just submitted the form on Nintendo's site today ^_^ It's not too hard, really. I just put down a nickname, specified I wanted a character, and wrote: "Capcom character Rockman, Rockman EXE, Rockman Zero"

But I mean, I've taken Japanese for a year. So katakana is pretty easy for me :p Didn't want to be more specific for fear of messing something up. Maybe I should've included Rockman X, though...
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd love to see Ratchet wield that wrench of his.He can probably send Y. Link to the moon! Laughing Also,it wouldn't hurt to have him use the Plasma/Quantum whip from "UYA".Courntey Gears would also be great.^^
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

xfyrethespooky wrote:
wow, everybody uses Marth but not Roy? that's weird. i would Roy any day. just because i'm a lot better with him than any other character.

I used to use Roy alot but once I started using Marth I couldn't do as much with Roy since he slower.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 3:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Roy's power is good against the Computer which is very predictable, hwoever against human opponents Marth's flexibility wins. It's why characters like Fox and Falco are also very popular and very succesful; they're quick, flexible and have good combos.

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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Isn't Marth considered a "Top Tier" in the game?

I've always been wondering who are the top tiers of Melee... anyone know who they are?
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Marth, Luigi and Falco I know off hand, but there might be one or two others. I play as Peach normally who I think is considered Second Tier, because she gets thrown about easily; to counterbalance her insane recovery.

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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 8:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmmm, to me, Roy is faster than Marth. very strange...

i can understand Falco being one of the best, since i've used him, and he was good. the only reason i like him better than Fox is because if Fox is knocked off the edge, he will fall a whole lot faster than Falco. and because i can kill Fox easily with Roy...
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From what I know the top tiers are Shiek, Marth, and Fox. And yes, Roy is slower than Marth. compare his slash speed to Marth's and you'll see.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

HiKaizer wrote:
Marth, Luigi and Falco I know off hand, but there might be one or two others. I play as Peach normally who I think is considered Second Tier, because she gets thrown about easily; to counterbalance her insane recovery.

Luigi and Falco are only part of the third and second highest tier respectively.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

so, will all previous availeble characters be in this game? Ice climbers, mewtwo etc????

When i buy this game, i will definately play as meta-knight =)
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as I'm concerned, Tiers are a load of crap made up by losers who don't want to admit that they just suck with certain characters. I've used these supposed "top Tiers" and wasn't impressed of them, especially Marth and Roy.

Of course, I suppose these are the same people who think that in order to play "seriously", you remove an element of the game (the items) rather than master it. I believe playing seriously means items on very high and stages on random.

Now back on topic, I'm not sure which character interests me more. Metaknight, Pit, or Zero Suit Samus. I mean, Metakight has a sword and can fly, Pit's bow becomes a couple blades, and Samus has the beamsword or whip or whatever that pistol's working as.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't really bother with the whole tier list thing...

It's nice to have some stats sort of like that and stuff, but people are taking it way too seriously. There's flame wars and stuff starting over things like whether it's possible to use a character on so and so tier well, because they're on a bottom tier or whether it's possible for somebody to be better with a lower tier character, compared to a higher one.

Again... the idea I don't mind, but it really gets ridiculous somtimes. ._.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 5:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The problem is, teirs don't take into account personal play skill.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

exactly. that's why i don't pay attention to them (the other reason is that i first heard about them today Laughing ). somebody could easily beat someone else who has a "strong" character with a "weak" one. it's been proven. i was beaten by someone who used Peach.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Errr, tiers and such aside....Peach is not weak to me. Have you ever been drawn into a combo that ended with her downward smash? Pretty devastating. Her float ability is also annoying.

So yes, being beaten by Peach is not unusual.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find the tier debate ridiculous. All the characters have good qualities and bad qualities, pros and cons. A person's choice of character all has to do with how accustomed they are to playing them and how well the character suits the person's play style.

I mean, I have a friend who is one of the greatest SSBM players I've ever seen. In addition to using Falco, he uses Donkey Kong and Jigglypuff. Is it because they're all top-tier characters and he's dedicated to winning every game? No, it's because those are the characters he likes using and he's accustomed to how their moves work. And that's really what matters.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 6:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can somebody explain to me what these "tiers" are? =|
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ForteGS.exe wrote:
so, will all previous availeble characters be in this game? Ice climbers, mewtwo etc????

When i buy this game, i will definately play as meta-knight =)

They've confirmed all the fighters from Melee to be back,with Popo and Nana being seperate.26 more fighters are going to jump in the fray,adding the total to 51.Hope this helps.As for who I'll be playing as...I'm so going to play as Link.^^
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The Boy who is Very Sart
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I still find that skeptical, there's no official word saying they're all back. I mean an actual thing saying they're coming back. Because right now it's just speculation. I would like proof please.

And if you want to try using this:

"We'd work to make the game independently, but we might be told to simply focus on making the game Wi-Fi compatible, and may be instructed not to lay a hand on any of the 26 characters in the current game, Super Smash Bros. Melee."

They would make Smash Bros. without changing any of the 26 characters in any way whatsoever. What kind of a new installment would that make. And Mr. Iwata wouldn't be too hot on the idea of just handing the franchise over to someone else. Probably."

This says nothing. It just says they can't touch them.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ElecmanEXE wrote:
Can somebody explain to me what these "tiers" are? =|

A "tier" is a term used by fighting game enthusiasts to describe characters based on their overall ability. Not all characters are created equally and thusly characters that such are put on the bottom tier, while the best characters are on top. Generally, in tournaments, people will only play top-tier characters, which leads to a boring game, if you ask me.
I'm not fussy about tiers; my fav character is Kirby, but he's a "lower tier" character.

Here's the tier for Smash Bros Melee:


C. Falcon

Dr. Mario
Ice Climbers


Young Link
Mr. Game & Watch

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