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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:32 am    Post subject: WTF???? Reply with quote

Just thought of this.....but throughout all the EXE your honest opinion.....what points in any of the games could you consider to be a 'WTF? moment' it could be character revelations (You know, like Duo being the boss of 4), particular scenes, hell even battlechips.

Nothing series. just wondering what everyone has to say.....

Oh and the humor program doesnt count
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exe1: nothing
Exe2: First time seeing Fake Forte Transform into Gospel
Exe3: Bubbleman and his ridicilous dance
Exe4: Dark navis in Dark Earth area, and Aquaman (reminds me of a Chrono Cross character)
Exe5: Dark -> Dusk
Exe6: Plunger Mettool
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 3 - How ridiculously funny was Bubbleman EXE's design.

EXE 4 - Knowing that it has to be beaten 3 times at least to beat the game completely.

EXE 5 - ChaosUnison and [spoil:4a8505b748]how that Regal managed to live. again.[/spoil:4a8505b748]

EXE 6 - [spoil:4a8505b748]Wily lived. Again. And Meiru x Netto?[/spoil:4a8505b748]

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 5- Yai's turbo powered inner tube and her "freaked out" expression

EXE 4- The triple complete mode.

EXE 3- How easy Forte was as the second to last story boss

EXE 2- How the story line ends with Papa saying he's gonna work hard to figure it out. Geez...
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exe1: Running into Fireman as a "random" encounter about three times in a row.

Exe2: Never played.

Exe3: "I JUST DID ALL THAT DODGING FOR NOTHING?!" When Forte ended up knocking my HP to 1 during Flameman's scenario.

Exe4: Never played.

Exe5: "Houdini of the Beach" anddddddd "I wasn't surprised by Dark Miyabi not being controlled by the emitters in the computers, the heck did Charlie evade control?"

Exe6: EASILY Plunger Mettaur. And [spoil:deb45db606]Mr. Mach[/spoil:deb45db606]'s story.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*snickers* Yeah, the "Houdini of the Beach" in 5 was a pretty good "o__O??" moment for me, right before I burst out laughing XDXD For 3, it was probably...*thinks*... The entire Bubbleman scenario XD;... That, and Netto hucking his PET at one point XD

Ah! Thought of another one for 5. The sheer HUGENESS of the SquirrelComp. That was unfair ¬.¬ And boring. Can't really think of any for 6 besides Plunger Met, but gimme time and I probably will XD;

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 1: My first encounter with FireMan in the ACDC net, before I knew about bosses coming back.

EXE 2: Getting Aqua styles and Elec styles 6 times in a row before finally getting the Heat style I wanted. And for anyone counting, that's 600 battles I went through before moving on with the story.

EXE 3: Discovering that they had removed the PowerUp items from the game.

EXE 4: The entire game. Wow.

EXE 5: Discovering that I had to finish the main quest before encountering tougher viruses and getting better chips. It wasn't such a big deal in EXE 4 before the main game is so friggin short, but it REALLY shows in EXE 5, when the last fourth of the main quest is a long grind of battling the toughest enemies while using the weakest of weapons.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 4: Bass (My first encounter with him, ever seen a boss with 3K HP before... Took me 20 tries to kill his Alpha, and beat him finally with what, 1 HP left?)
EXE 5~6: Lan's smartness o.o
EXE 5: Regal living after falling down from the top of NAXA, Wily's appearance in Colonel's version.
EXE 6: [spoil:e4300063dd]Iris being a NetNavi, that really freaked me out... O.O[/spoil:e4300063dd]

*Edit by Sketch: Mark your spoilers, please. >_>*
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 6: Link Navis not being able to read!!! (Try going to a BBS, they say they can't read it) Oh and Lan calling Mr. Press a retard (In the English version at least)

EXE 5: The whole Magnetman scenario...yeah Tesla, stress relief *my foot*!

EXE 4: The Princess Tomahawk robot running amuck.

EXE 3: When I got 300,000 Zenny from that BBS request.

EXE 2: The end, radiation does not cause flying building weidness.

EXE: My first Random Encounter of a Navi, oh and Count. Elec's ugliness (At least the mugshoot). -_-;

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exe 1: Finding FireMan in the most awkard times in ACDC networks
Exe 2: The end of Airman's Chapter where Yaito was embarrased to think Netto saw her naked
Exe 3: Bubbleman and Drillman cousins (like WTF)
Exe 4: How many times you have to beat the game to collect all souls!
Exe 5: Some of the Nebula Grey ending plot
Exe 6: The ending:(
Network Transmission: Now you can't walk in the realworld:(
WS: How addicting the game can get
Exe 4.5: Using some old Navis from the past
Battle Chip GP: How retarded the game was
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE2: When "Forte" transformed into the Multi-Bug Organism
EXE3: When I discovered that there was a navi with a chess theme. <3
EXE5: When I saw that fat kid NPC. It is a girl or a boy? I still can't tell. @_@
EXE6: [spoil:7394fe8c80]Mr. Mach's identity. I should have expected it seeing as how he had a custom sprite, but then again, Ms. Mari had a custom sprite too. >_>[/spoil:7394fe8c80]
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*cracks knuckles*

EXE 2 - (Specifically refferign to the english version) How this is the only english game with-- *gasp* BAD WORDS. Probably not WTF worthy to others, but it was for me. Oh, and Netto's dream about Meiru.

EXE 4 - Narcy and Videoman. Enough said.

EXE 5 DS - The mugshots of the fake Rockman and fake Searchman/Numberman when they revealed themselves to be fakes.

EXE 6 - As others have said, Plunger Metool. And well as the whole cutscene before the final boss, and [spoil:3d2209e00f]Mach's identity.[/spoil:3d2209e00f]

Battle Chip Challenge - How insanely addicting that game is.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 2: when Bass transforms into Gospel

EXE 5 Blues: when you have to fight Dark Megaman

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE1: Count Elec's...scariness.
EXE2: I really don't think there was anything.
EXE3: That there were no NettoXMeiru scenes.
EXE4: The fact that Capcom didn't release this as a Gaiden
EXE5: Charlie being able to avoid the emitters.
EXE6: [spoil:bae01436ba]Wily thinking he had a chance of beating Netto[/spoil:bae01436ba]
BCC: The fact that I gave up having lunch for 3 days in Ottawa to buy this. >.>

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE- How broken folders could be. Pop in 10 Heroswords and call it a day.

EXE2- The fact that the translators were lax compared to the other games, what with swears and religious references (several people call out to God during the airplane scenario, and Magnetman's last words were '' God bless Gospel!'')

Sean pulling a Wizard of Oz and the fact that the first word outta his mouth was '' Crap!''

And the '' I am your captain speaking'' bit.

EXE3- Lan getting shot at by a tank and somehow dodging the bullets.
The word 'sexiest' not being edited out.

EXE4- Duo: Boo!
Duo: Vibration sensors on!

Searchman having an EXE1-3 style sprite, it was huge compared to the tiny ones.

EXE5- The spriters being too lazy to give some of the operators walking animations. (Pride, Dingo, Tesla, and Nenji)

Hub's nudity wasn't censored either, you'd think that CoA would do that, but they threw us a curveball instead.

EXE6- [spoil:c17c358612]Mach dropping down out of nowhere and owning people. Getting into a virus battle with the copyroid navis, how does that work? Dex becoming the mayor.[/spoil:c17c358612]
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 1: how easy the final boss was.
and Meiru being naked for like, 2 or 3 scenarios and calling you a pervert for talking to her while she's naked. Laughing (you have to go to her room during the StoneMan scenario to see it)
how hard it was to walk around on the Internet.

EXE 4: how hard Duo was.

EXE 5: how hard Nebula Grey was. i was cheating and he still was hard.

i think the Plunger Mettaur was just pure random goodness. i loved it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ComicX6 wrote:
EXE6- [spoil:743a1dbd90]Getting into a virus battle with the copyroid navis, how does that work?[/spoil:743a1dbd90]

I have a perfectly logical explanation to that! :O

Basically [spoil:743a1dbd90]The copyroids are kinda like network areas. Except you can't actually plug in. Well, you can, but...Ah...Well, you know how you plug into the gigantic copyroid to fight Greiga/Faltzer? Well, it's kinda like that. You plug in and fight the Hell navi. Except...there's no plugging in.[/spoil:743a1dbd90]

Oh and to the EXE1 thing? I couldn't get enough of going into Mayl's room and having her call me a perv. It was SO funny cause she was fully clothed!!!! At least...that's what I saw..... o.O

EXE6: I'm pretty sure this isn't a spoiler...The Shininess of [spoil:743a1dbd90]Blues's[/spoil:743a1dbd90] friggin' mugshot! >_< It was so bright!!!!!!!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry on the spoiler last time, I forgot the tag was here... I have the stupid idea on when I finished EXE6, other people would be... >_<

Anyway, on the Maylu thing, I think she was about to change when you go in there, though about the 2-3 scenario thing, I think, erm... She comes out once in a while? *sweat*

EXE4: The ability to complete the game more than 3 times, 9 times, and now, going for 99 times...
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Broken Goggles
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 1:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Exe 1- How insanely easy it was. Even Forte was a joke.
Exe 2- Nothing
EXE 3- The name JapanMan. Forte GS.
Exe 4- Duo. His giant pink face smashing my panels.
Exe 5- Colonel's voice.
Exe 6- I haven't gotten that far yet.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 1: The game's difficulty; Lifevirus was a complete pushover.
EXE 2: The head of the Gospel organization [spoil:d77b0c409b]is just a kid[/spoil:d77b0c409b]?
EXE 3: Bubbleman's design and dance.
EXE 4: The whole game.
EXE 5: [spoil:d77b0c409b]Wily being Regal's father[/spoil:d77b0c409b].
EXE 6: [spoil:d77b0c409b]Iris being a net navi[/spoil:d77b0c409b], and the plunger mettaur.
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