Early Manga Release

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Kitties Love Bunnies
Kitties Love Bunnies

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:57 pm    Post subject: Early Manga Release Reply with quote

Reports are beginning to flow in that Volume 10 of the english Rockman.exe (Megaman NT Warrior) manga are now on the shelves at Borders stores. This chain of bookstores is also affiliated with Waldenbooks, so you may find it there as well. The manga is also available to be ordered through Amazon.com, who also says that it is in stock. So order away!
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Dragonman .EXE.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'v had mine for about 5 days now
Please visit my deviant.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My Borders discontinued Megaman NT Warrior manga. T_T T_T
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:37 pm    Post subject: Yep, this is true! Reply with quote

Yep, the manga is in at my local Borders (since Tuesdays are almost always stocking days for the stores), as well.

For those that are curious, Volume 10 seems to be the first volume of that is under Viz's new 'Kids' line, so it'll have a yellow line at the top of the book stating so. It's not a major change, but it does make the book look a bit different overall.

I took a quick look at it earlier and it seems that no major changes to the storyline or name changes (besides those already explained in EXE 5, like Medii/Medi/Medy (whatever you wish to call her ^-^)), and even those scenes (yep, that famous Medi 'syringe' scene is there in full!) seem to be intact.

Overall, Viz has seemed to handle the English release of this volume quite well...if I pick it up later today, I'll see if I can get a couple small scans up.
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Fangirl of the Damned
Fangirl of the Damned

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sigggh. Nothing in my town yet. They were doing so well updating mangas this month, too XD Oh well. Knew it couldn't last.

One of the three EXE Sisters! *poses with Ryouko and Izumi in the cherry blossoms*
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Net Battler

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for the news. Since I'm so slow, it would probably take me a month to notice that. :< *goes to amazon.com*
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:42 am    Post subject: If it helps... Reply with quote

((Admins of REO : Please note, I am not trying to solicite business, spam, or anything else of the sort; I just came up with this idea on my own and thought it might help out members of REO who would really like this manga. Please feel free to erase or change this post, if needed.))

I happen to have about 5 Borders stores within about a 10 mile radius from my house, so...perhaps this would be of service.

I'm currently saving up to both renew my website payment and start saying up to get a MacBook (that I need for the upcoming semester)...so...

If (and only if) people want it, I would be willing to pick up a few copies and mail them out to US residents only...as I'm pretty sure that the International shipping would kill my bank account. I live in the Midwest, but overall mail delivery from my area is normally 2-3 days to reach either coast.

Basically, I would buy the books and those people interested in getting them could pay me via Paypal and I would ship them out.

The books cost US $7.99 plus tax, so I figure...maybe $10 total (to help pay shipping?)

Again, I'm not trying to make money out of this, but..if I can help people get their beloved manga, then why not do my part? ^_^

Let me reiterate : This has nothing to do with Ryouko, REO, or any staff or members of REO, Capcom, Viz, Borders, etc. I am only offering to get copies of the manga for those who cannot find them in their local markets or do not wish to buy it online.

Also..if it makes it easier...I also accept payment in Rockman goodies, like Battlechips, extra versions of the manga (my Mom sold mine... T_T ), figures, etc.

So..yeah...long story short. If people would be interested in something like this, just let me know via PM (as to not clog up the thread itself) here at the forum or at my email kaitou.psyren[@]gmail.com

This has been an odd Kaeri announcement and we currently return you to DNN News with Kero-chan!
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 8:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will have to order mine from the net since the nearest borders to us is really far away...

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Rabid Roxas Fan

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would have to go to the Boarders in the mall that is roughly 20-30 miles away from my home. >.< Too far....and I don't really like going to malls unless I'm shopping for mangas. >.<

I wanna sleep, but I don't wanna sleep at the same time. @_@.
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