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Net Battler

Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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Location: In deeps of the undernet with idiots

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow that was harsh I never say anything like that to my father(Well not out loud) Great Chapter Sol

credit to orinigal owner

"That's all she wrote" Syrus Trusdale
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Joined: 19 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This chapter was just as good as the ones before it- it served well to show more of how Forte's memories are affecting Netto so negatively, and it's about time Netto finally told his father how he feels, if not a bit harshly so. It's also interesting to see how Rockman and Forte have somewhat combined their efforts to help Netto through this, and their resolves seem well-strengthened. Once again, you've done an excellent job in describing to the reader all of the character's emotions and feelings. Keep up the good work, Sol- and good luck with those finals. XD
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Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm glad Yuu was finally given the what-for. I think a three-way link would be cool.
Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)*
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Fanfic Guru
Fanfic Guru

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Location: Where all the badfics roam

PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 4:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 9: To the Limit

Netto leaned back into his seat and looked at the roof of the car he was in, sighing. The metroline was currently in transit to Endo City, and the ride was long enough for him to think over what just happened. Both of his navis were silent for the most part during the ride, only looking at him worriedly. The boy couldn't blame them, after all, he just exploded at his father.

Looking at the dim lights as the train passed through a tunnel, he closed his eyes. Now what am I going to do? he thought sadly. I shouldn't have shot off like that. I shouldn't have gotten so angry... At that moment, the train exited the tunnel, and Netto saw Endo Castle in the distance. He would be there shortly.

Gazing at the castle for a few moments, the brunette got lost in thoughts once again. Papa should have never said that stuff, though. Give up my link to Forte? How could he even think of something like that? And what made him think that I would even go through with it, at that? It's insane! Sighing again, he turned his attention to the PETs on his belt. How could he think that I would just abandon one of my friends? I may want the link with Rockman back, but to sacrifice one for the other? I can't do that! If he knew me, then he wouldn't have even bothered bringing it up.

Upon that thought, Netto stiffened and a hard look came to his face. That's right...if he knew me. He doesn't though...not in the way he thinks. Netto growled softly to himself. Even after several years, the hurt never went away.

Rockman, hearing Netto growl, looked up at his operator and frowned. “Netto-kun!” he called, snapping the boy out of his daze. The brunette blinked and looked down at the blue PET. “Are you alright?” the blue navi asked in concern.

Netto ran a hand through his hair, letting out a breath. “Kinda. I'm just really shaken up about this whole thing.”

“You're thinking on what to say to your father when you get back, aren't you?” Forte interjected. Netto nodded, and the cloaked navi crossed his arms, also frowning. “Netto-kun, just drop it for now. There is no use in stressing yourself out about this. What's done is done.” he said simply. Rockman nodded, but Netto looked uncertain.

“Still...” the brunette started, looking worried, “I shouldn't have gone off like I did on Papa. I went too far.” he muttered.

Forte only stared at Netto for a few moments before sighing. “Regardless of whether or not you went too far, it needed to be let out, especially concerning everything that just happened.” he said quietly.

“But yelling at Papa? That doesn't seem to fix anything at all. It only makes it worse.” he sighed.

The cloaked navi shook his head. “Stop blaming yourself. I know you knew that one day, it would probably come to this. It just happened now, and it's already happened. So stop beating yourself up over it!” he urged. Rockman blinked as the argument kept going back and forth, with Netto speaking again.

“I still shouldn't have lost control over my emotions like that!” he exclaimed.

“You've been holding everything you've wanted to say to him in for several years.” came Forte's rebuttal. Netto looked down sadly while Rockman looked at the brunette, eyes wide.

“Netto-kun, is he telling the truth?” he asked in disbelief. When there was no answer, Rockman felt himself get angry. “Why couldn't you tell me before?!” he raged.

Netto sighed. “Rockman, I'm sorry I didn't tell you but...” he said before looking at the blue navi. “I wanted to tell you, but every time I tried, I just couldn't get the words out. I know what Papa is doing is for a good cause, and I know he would be away from us for a long time;” Netto then frowned sadly. “But that still doesn't take away the hurt each time I just want to be there with him, and he just works. Deep down, some part of me wants to hate him because he missed a large part of my growing up due to his work, but I can't and won't bring myself to do that.” he finished.

Rockman stayed silent before sighing. “I just wish you could trust me to tell me this, Netto-kun. How do you think it makes me feel hearing that you've been harboring this for years?” he asked, an angry undertone accompanying his voice.

The brunette shook his head. “Rockman, again, I'm sorry. This is the only thing I haven't shared with you, because I didn't know how to talk about it. I thought it was just easier to keep it to myself...” Sighing, he leaned back. “Regardless, I know that after this, Papa and I are going to have a long talk.”

Rockman bit his lip and just nodded. “Alright. But you better not hide something like this from me again. That's what I'm here for!” he said. He was angrier than that, he supposed, but Netto didn't need it right now and he did say he was sorry. Plus, there was the little fact that he himself had also hid that he was his brother all along that silenced him.

Looking up, Netto noticed the train starting to slow down. “Huh. Didn't know that we were almost there,” he commented as he started to double check that everything was where it was supposed to be. “Guess time flies when you're thinking over stuff, huh?”

“I guess.” came Forte's curt reply. Netto sighed. It seemed that both of his navis were mad at him for the same reason. He couldn't blame them, seeing as how he kept some very big things hidden from them.

Rockman took a deep breath and smiled, although it seemed a bit forced. “Well, let's try to enjoy ourselves, right? It's not going to do any good thinking about what happened, or what's about to happen. We're here to have fun, so let's just put everything behind us for the night and just enjoy the company of our friends, okay?”

Forte grunted, which Rockman interpreted as a confirmation, while Netto just gave the navi a small smile. “Thank you, Rockman.” Rockman gave him a smile back.

The train came to a halt, and Netto exited it and climbed the stairs into the sunlight. Immediately, the smell of various food wafted in the air, which made his stomach rumble. Just as he was beginning to walk out of the vicinity of the station, he heard someone calling.

“Netto!” came Meiru's voice as she ran over to him. When she stopped in front of him, she looked over his attire in confusion, having not gotten a good enough look before when they left his house. “Wow, you look just like...” she sputtered, leaving the sentence unfinished.

Netto heard Forte chuckling from his PET, and he couldn't help but chuckle as well. “You're not the only one to think that, and probably won't be the last either;” he said in amusement. “So, where are Dekao and Yaito?”

Meiru giggled and took Netto's arm, leading him to a ramen stand off in the corner. “Well, since you took a bit to get here, they decided to get lunch already. Come on, I'll show you where they are.”

Netto smiled and allowed himself to be led off.


Yuuichirou groaned as he laid his head on his arms while he sat at the kitchen counter. It had been a few hours since he confronted his son, and things had gone drastically awry. He had never expected his son to say things like that to him.

Haruka, meanwhile, had arrived home to see her husband in a state of depression, and could only guess as to what had happened. Preferring to give Yuuichirou time to think on it, she headed into the kitchen to start preparing an early dinner. Normally, she would immediately ask what was wrong and do her best to try and resolve the problem with the person, but this time, her husband looked like he needed time to dwell on it. She was certain that he would come forward eventually, anyway.

Sighing, she brought over the hot plate to the counter and placed it in front of Yuuichirou. “Dinner's ready.” she said, smiling softly. Blinking, the scientist looked up at his wife, and took the plate graciously.

“Ah, thanks honey;” he said as he took a bite of the food and smiled. “It's just as good as ever!”

Haruka smiled and also sat down to enjoy her dinner. She proceeded to tell Yuuichirou about how her day went, from what she saw to all the interesting encounters and conversations she had. The scientist listened in silence and nodded, appearing distracted. Sighing, the woman decided to get straight to the point.

“Honey, what happened? It's usually not like you to be so depressed like this.” she started, moving her plate to the side. Yuuichirou stared at her and also sighed, looking downcast.

“Well...I...” he stuttered, apparently trying to find what to ask. Taking a deep breath, he finally decided on what to say. “Haruka, do you think I'm a bad father?”

The woman blinked at the sudden question. “What brought this on all of a sudden?” When her husband looked away, she frowned. “Please, tell me what happened.”

Yuuichirou sighed. “I confronted Netto about the link today before he left with his friends,” he said lowly, “It didn't go as I thought it would.”

Haruka rubbed her temples and bit back a long sigh. That explained his behavior. “And I take it Netto refused?”

The scientist could only nod. “Not only did he refuse, but we got into a rather heated argument. It got to the point where he said that I haven't even been a father for him. I've never seen him so mad before...”

Pursing her lips together, Haruka looked thoughtful. “I think confronting him wasn't exactly the best thing to do, to be honest;” she said. When Yuuichirou looked at her in surprise, she decided to elaborate. “Both of us know that Netto would never abandon his friends for anything, more than anyone else probably.”

“Still...” the scientist started, “Why did he get so angry over this whole issue with the link? He wouldn't be abandoning Forte, far from it actually.”

The woman shook her head. “Whatever your intentions, Netto didn't see it that way, apparently. From what you said, I think he saw it as something that would make him place one of his friends over the other. And I don't think he could do that;” Haruka then sighed. “I think we've both been underestimating the bond between both him and Forte. I think Rockman knew what has been going on and has only started to get along with him.”

Yuuichirou looked thoughtful. “I guess I did make a huge mistake. I should have seen this coming.” he muttered.

“It's not your fault. I didn't expect them to be as close as they are either.” came the reply. The scientist then looked pained.

“But it still doesn't answer my earlier question. Am I really that much of a bad father?” he asked his wife.

Haruka sighed, wondering how to approach the question. “No, you aren't. And Netto knows you aren't either,” she started, taking his hand into hers, “But I think he still feels bitter about all the things you missed out on earlier in his life, and it's all just coming forward right now.” she finished.

Yuuichirou shook his head, surprised. “I didn't think he would be the type to be bitter about the past.” he said softly.

“He's just frustrated with everything that's gone on recently,” Haruka explained, lightly rubbing the area where she was burned. It was healing nicely now, but it was still irritable. “Although I do think that you could have made more of an effort to be with him during those times, what's done is done. All we can do now is to look towards the future.” she said gently.

“It still hurts to think that he's been holding all of this in.” he muttered.

Haruka sighed and nodded. “Indeed. He's still a child, yet look at everything that has happened to him for the past year or two,” she said before smiling, “I think we both need to take the time to get to know him again. There have been some changes in him that I don't know about, and I need to make the effort to understand my son again, don't you agree?”

Yuuichirou stayed silent for a few minutes, apparently thinking. Finally, he nodded. “You're right...I guess I don't understand him as much as I thought I did,” he said, “So when he gets back, I'm going to talk to him as a father, not as a scientist. It's what I should have been doing all along.”

Haruka beamed at her husband. It seemed things would finally get better.

Netto chuckled. “You really did that, Dekao?”

The larger boy nodded fervently. “Yeah, you should have seen everyone in the teacher's lounge! It was hilarious!”

The brunette couldn't help but laugh. Dekao's pranks were often funny, if not a little bit mean-spirited.

Currently, the four were making their way to Endo Castle, having already eaten and bought some souvenirs. As he expected, both Dekao and Yaito were gawking at Netto's outfit, and he just smiled and ate his ramen. As they were walking to the castle, they engaged in small talk, with Meiru and Yaito talking about stuff they saw at the shops, and Dekao telling Netto about the pranks he did while the brunette was confined to the house.

“I'll bet that they weren't very happy, were they?” he asked in amusement, and he chuckled again when Dekao groaned.

“You got that right,” he said, “I got detention for a week and I have to clean the classroom for a month. So unfair!” he moaned.

Yaito made a huffing sound, but didn't say anything, and Meiru only giggled before looking forward. “Oh look, we're here!” she said as she pointed to the entrance of the castle. Netto nodded, and after they all paid for admission, the four found themselves inside the giant foyer, looking at all the artifacts and ancient scrolls.

Netto grinned and looked at both of his navis, “Since you guys are going to want to get somewhere, I'm going to plug you into the castle system, alright?” To make his point known, the brunette glanced over to a panel into a wall, which allowed people to plug in their navis so they could go exploring around the castle on their own. It was something that was just unveiled at the castle, and it was under constant security to prevent another attack by terrorist organizations.

Rockman nodded. “Sounds like fun, right Forte?” he asked his companion. Forte shrugged.

“Sure, as long as wandering around isn't the only thing we'll do.” he muttered. Netto chuckled and plugged them into the castle system, his friends following suit. Once everyone was inside the system, Netto spoke up.

“I'm keeping communication open on the PETs, so if you need me, you know what to do.” he said. Both navis nodded, and with another smile, Netto walked off with his friends to tour the massive castle.

As they watched Netto leave, Forte turned around to see three hesitant navis look at him. There was a few moments of silence before Roll took a deep breath and came forward.

“Well, we didn't really have time for an introduction when we were fighting in that computer a few days ago, but I already know who you are. My name is Roll, nice to meet you Forte!” she said cheerfully.

“And my name is Glyde. I am Yaito-sama's navi.” the brown navi said before he bowed. Forte blinked at the two, trying to decide which one was weirder.
That was until the larger navi of the three came forward. “I'm Gutsman!” he said gruffly, holding out one of his huge hands. “Let's netbattle sometime!”

The cloaked navi smirked and took the hand to shake it, and noted the pale look that came across Gutsman's face. “Sure. I always do need to warm-up, after all.” he snickered.

“Eh heh...maybe some other time...!” Gutsman nervously said before backing away. Just that simple hand gesture from Forte held power that frightened him.

Rockman chuckled. Gutsman actually backing away from a challenge was something not commonly seen. “So, should we look around?” he offered, trying to break the awkward meeting between the group. After everyone nodded and murmured, they took off into the network.


“Ooh, isn't this sword really neat, Netto?” Meiru asked as she leaned in to get a closer look at it. When the brunette didn't respond, she looked back. “Netto?”

Netto blinked and looked up. “Huh? Oh!” he said as he looked at the sword. “Yeah, it does!”

Meiru slightly frowned. “Is anything wrong, Netto?” she asked softly. Netto shook his head.

“No, nothing is wrong,” he lied, “I'm just a bit distracted...maybe because I'm sleepy.” he laughed. Meiru gave him a fixed stare before giggling.

“Well, I'll take your word for it then;” she said before she took his arm and guided him over to the armor exhibits, where Dekao and Yaito were looking at. Along the way she whispered in his ear, “Please don't overexert yourself...”

The brunette blinked before giving her a small smile. “Don't worry, I won't.”


The navis were wandering the network, admiring the replicas of the armor and swords that were programmed into the system. Many navis were conversing with each other and looking over history files on the items in question. Currently, Rockman and the others were looking at an exhibit detailing the last emperor who held Endo Castle, way back before the government was established. All of them were listening in rapt attention.

Well, all except one.

Forte could never remember in his whole lifetime being so bored. Tearing his eyes away from the image of the emperor, he grumbled as he looked around. The entire system closely resembled the outside world, with obvious differences here and there. Shaking his head, he silently walked off from the group to take a better look at the place.

“At least now I know why Netto-kun doesn't like watching informative movies,” he groaned as made his way around. As he passed a passageway and a board, he noticed a blinking notice on the message board. Looking closer at it, he smiled. “Well, doesn't this sound like fun...?”

“Forte!” came a shout as the cloaked navi looked over his shoulder. Rockman was walking towards him, with the other three tagging not far behind him. “I was wondering where you went off to. That info about the emperor was intriguing...”

“Never mind that;” Forte waved off impatiently as he pointed to the sign behind him, “Look at this. You up to it, Rockman?” The blue navi looked at the sign and blinked before turning back to his companion.

“Well, I don't know...” he started.

The cloaked navi snorted. “Oh come on. I mean, we're not going to be able to do this very often, so we might as well, right?”

Roll looked at the sign and giggled. “You should Rockman! It'll be exciting!” Glyde and Gutsman nodded, also looking interested.

Rockman looked thoughtful for a few seconds. He was in the mood to do something other than look at exhibits all day, and Forte was right in the fact that they wouldn't have the chance to do this too often. Finally, he nodded and turned to Forte. “Alright, let's do it then.” he said. Forte smirked and entered the passageway, Rockman not far behind him.

Glyde then cleared his throat. “Well then, let us follow them, shall we?” he remarked. The other two nodded as they started to make their way down the passageway.

Gutsman chuckled. “This is going to be good!”

The sign outside read 'Sparring matches for those who know the way of the sword available here!'

A few moments later found the instructor navi handing two wooden bokken to the navis. Normally, he would question if they were able to fight using them, but just at a glance, he could tell they were skilled enough by the way they carried themselves.

Roll, Gutsman, and Glyde sat off to the side to watch the two. Forte gave his bokken an experimental swing before getting himself ready. Rockman mirrored the cloaked navi's actions, bringing the bokken in a ready position in front of him. Both of their adrenaline was surging, even though this was only a simple sparring session. Rockman didn't know why he felt so eager to just fight against his companion; any other time he would dread it, but right now, he wanted to test his skills against his former enemy.

The instructor navi looked at both navis, then raised his hand. “This is a simple sparring session, so don't get carried away. The first one to get hit by a strike is the loser, agreed?” Both navis nodded, then the instructor walked off the floor so as not to get in the way. “Alright then...begin!” he shouted as he brought his hand down, signaling for both of them to start. Forte didn't waste any time as he shot forward, bringing down his bokken in an overhead strike. Rockman blocked it and pushed back, parrying the blow.

Both Forte and Rockman smirked. It was time to see who was better.


“Dr. Regal!” came a frantic voice over the computer screen. The scientist put down his documents in surprise as he stared at the screen.

“What is it?” he asked quickly.

The other scientist looked panicked, as if something horrifying had happened. “Sir, the chaos throughout the entire Ura's starting to spread into the Internet!”

Dr. Regal stood up, now fully startled. “No! If it spreads into the Internet itself...” he said before looking at the monitor. “Quickly, set up firewalls and safeguards around Endo area and do your best to contain it. I'll be there as fast I can!” he said as he started to gather his things.

“Yes, Dr. Regal!” the other scientist said before cutting off the transmission.

The dark haired scientist sighed as he rushed out the door. “Of all the times this had to happen...I'd better contact Yuuichirou.” he muttered.


“What's happening?” Yuuichirou asked in disbelief over the phone. It was now nearing the evening as the scientist tried to think of what to say to his son.

He heard Regal sigh audibly over the phone. “Exactly what I'm telling you. It seems that whatever was controlling the chaotic energy in the Ura Net has finally run out of patience and is making its move.

Yuuichirou frowned. “How is everything holding up?”

Fine for now, but it's not going to stay that way. We're going to need your help soon.” came the reply. The scientist frowned. Things were looking bad.

“How long do you think you can hold out without me?” he asked after a few seconds of silence.

I predict around a whole day or so, mainly because it hasn't fully penetrated into the area yet,” Regal said. “Why, though?

Yuuichirou sighed. “Forgive me, Regal. I can't come in right now due to some complications. I'll try to make it there as fast as possible, but you're going to have to hold out without me for the time being.”

“I see...I'll do my best.” Regal said. The scientist sighed in relief as he then gave his next request.

“Regal, could you get the resistance program that I created ready? Something tells me we're going to need his help.” he asked.

The resistance program?” Regal repeated, “You're planning on bringing your own son into this?

Yuuichirou grimaced. “Only if we cannot seal off the source ourselves. He might be the only one who can do it.”

There was a long pause over the phone. “Very well then, but I really hope you know what you're doing Yuuichirou. I'll do my best to hold the energy from entering the Internet, but I can only do so much...I'll be waiting for you.” With that, Regal hung up.

The brown haired scientist could only hang up the phone and sigh. “Netto, forgive me. You might be dragged into something again against your will...”


Forte felt exhilarated. Every strike, every blow, every precise movement of his was being countered by his former enemy. Of course, Rockman had not landed any strikes of his own either; they were too evenly matched.

The cloaked navi was surprised that he wasn't annoyed or angered in the least. In fact, he was oddly pleased with the fact that he was having such an exciting fight without having to use his full power. Smirking, he brought the bokken in front of him and held it with both hands this time, trying to find an opening in Rockman's defense.

Likewise, Rockman also found himself having a good time. Fighting Forte in a battle that was neither personal or to the death was oddly thrilling, and instead of just fighting to survive, he was fighting to see who could best who.

The two stared at each other for another moment before they both rushed forward, intending on striking the other. Roll, Gutsman, and Glyde looked on in anticipation as both Rockman and Forte moved to strike each other.

The two bokken came down, one in a overhead slash while the other was in a swiping motion.

“Hold!” came the instructor's voice. Everyone stopped to look at him, then at the two sparring navis. When they got a closer look, they saw that Rockman was poised to hit Forte's shoulder, while Forte was about to hit Rockman's unprotected side. “It seems you both were about to hit each other at the same time. A stalemate, I presume.”

Slowly, both navis lowered their weapons and set them on the floor. Both of them stared at each other silently until Rockman offered his hand. “Good match?” he asked.

Forte stared at the hand for a moment before he let off a loud laugh. The blue navi stared in shock; the laugh wasn't malicious at fact, he sounded genuinely happy. “Well met, Rockman! I haven't felt like this for years!” Forte laughed as he grasped Rockman's hand.

Shaking out of his shock, Rockman laughed as well, shaking Forte's hand. “Heh, I guess that was quite a match, huh? Maybe we should do it more often...”

Forte grinned. “Maybe.”

At that moment, Roll and the others came running over. “That was quite some sparring session,” she said in awe, “I can't believe you two were so fast!”

Glyde nodded. “That was really quite splendid!” he said.

Gutsman couldn't find anything to say, as he was still reviewing the whole session in his head. He may be physically stronger than both of the two navis, but their speed was far too much for him. He would have to work on that in the future.

Forte chuckled. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he was just enjoying himself. It was an odd feeling, but he decided it was a pleasant one.

Roll then clapped her hands together. “It's starting to get late, so I think we should start heading back, don't you?” Everyone nodded, as they made their way out of the sparring area.

As they were leaving, Rockman suddenly felt a chill throughout his entire body. This feeling... he thought, recognizing it as one that he had felt so long ago whenever he journeyed into the Ura Net. What is it?

He was about to mention it to the cloaked navi when he caught the smile on his face., I'm probably just being paranoid. There is no need to spoil his fun right now. Rockman then chuckled then continued walking with the others towards the exit.


After Netto and the others returned after touring the castle, they immediately linked their navis back into their PETs. The brunette immediately noticed that Forte looked content, and wasn't in his usual mood. “What did you guys do while we were gone?” he asked curiously.

“Just a little sparring session. It was refreshing.” came Forte's reply. Netto just chuckled and shrugged.

“Well, at least you two had a good time, huh?” he remarked, and both navis nodded. Letting out a yawn, he and his friends exited the castle. “You think it's time to get going, everyone?”

There was a collective nod. “I think the metroline is going to leave in twenty minutes, so we might make it in time if we start walking now.” Yaito spoke up, looking at the schedule. With some muttering, all of them set off towards the station, admiring the rising moon as it shone in the clear night sky.

“Ah, today was wonderful, don't you agree?” Meiru spoke up, looking up at the moon. Everyone made murmurs of agreement.

Netto smiled. “I wish we could have more days like this, where we could just hang out with each other all day.” he remarked.

“If everyday was like that, you wouldn't even bother getting out of you bed to do anything, Netto-kun.” Rockman replied dryly. Netto pouted while everyone laughed.

Dekao shrugged. “Well, we can always do this next weekend too. We can try going somewhere else, you know?”

Yaito pursed her lips in thought. “Sounds interesting! If my schedule allows for it, where would we go?” she asked.

As she and Dekao were busy discussing about plans for the next weekend trip, Meiru turned to Netto. “You seem a lot happier right now than you were a few hours ago.” she remarked.

“ can say I'm just glad to go somewhere with my friends, you know?” he said. His childhood friend was always perceptive, so he had to choose his words carefully.

Meiru sighed. “I know the past few days must have been hard on you considering what had happened, but please, if you're just feeling down or anything else, you can always tell me.” she smiled.

Netto grinned. “You know I always do,” he said before they reached the station. “Ah, we should get inside, the metroline is already here!” he said as he rushed in.

The girl could only stare at Netto's retreating figure before sighing and following him. “But you're not telling me this time, Netto.” she said softly as she descended into the station.


The ride home was entirely uneventful, and as soon as they got off, they all said their goodbyes and wandered off to each of their homes. Meiru said she had something to drop off at Yaito's before going home, and asked Netto just to go on without her.

Netto was standing at his front door, debating on whether to go in or retreat and think of something else. He bit his lip. “What should I do?”

Forte sighed. “Netto-kun, you have to get this over with. If you just keep running from it, you're only going to make it worse.”

“Indeed,” Rockman agreed, “It's not going to be good if you and Papa don't reconcile right now. Just talk to him and try to get him to understand your feelings, and vice versa.”

The brunette took a deep breath, then nodded and opened the door. “I'm home!” he called out.

“Ah, Netto...” he heard his father's voice ring out. “I'm here in the living room. Come in here when you're ready to talk.” he said.

Netto nodded to himself as he quickly went up to his room and placed his two PETs down on the desk. “No offense you two, but I kind of want to resolve this myself. After all, I was the one who did say those things, so I should be the one to take the consequences.”

Both navis nodded, and the brunette made his way out of the room.

“He's definitely maturing.” Rockman noted as he saw his brother leave, and Forte nodded.

The boy hesitantly entered the living room, seeing his father sitting down on the couch. “Ah, there you are. Please, sit down Netto.” Yuuichirou said as he gestured to the seat opposite of the couch.

He took the seat and stared at his father as the scientist began to speak again. “Netto, about earlier today...”

“I'm sorry, Papa. I shouldn't have exploded like that.” Netto immediately apologized, but Yuuichirou held up a hand.

“No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't take into account your own feelings over the situation, and tried to force something else on you. Forgive me for that.” he said.

Netto sighed. “It's alright. I still shouldn't have gone off like I did, though.”

“Maybe, did bring up some valid points;” the scientist said before sighing. “I guess we can start with how little time I've been spending around the house, huh?”

When Netto didn't speak up, Yuuichirou decided to continue. “I know what you're thinking. With a job such as mine, I hardly do get time off to come home. However...I should have made a better effort to be there for you earlier in your life;” He then chuckled. “I suppose I must have thought at the time that when I gave Rockman to you, you wouldn't need me around as much since you now had a friend with you. I don't know why I thought that, but still...”

“Papa, Rockman is my best friend, and nothing will change that;” Netto started, “Forte is also my best friend, and I don't care if that's a result of the link between us or not. Papa, I wanted you around so we could do stuff, just talk or do an activity or just do...something!” he blurted out before continuing. “I know you're always supporting me, and I know you're always behind me, but I hardly do get to see you at home. I mean, when is the last time we talked about stuff, between you and I, that wasn't about a new global crisis or anything?”

Yuuichirou looked pained. “I'm sorry, Netto. Nothing I say will change what I've done in the past...but I do want to try and correct those mistakes,” he said as he stood up and knelt down to look his son in the face, “This time, I want to speak to you as a father would, not as a world famous scientist or anything like that. I realize that even with everything we've gone through, I haven't really gotten to know what has been happening with you. I want to make that effort now...I want to know who you are.”

Netto remained silent for quite a while, just staring at the scientist. “Do you promise?” he asked quietly. Yuuichirou nodded.

“I promise.” he said.

The boy gave him a small smile. “Good. Let's start with what I was doing today in Endo.” he chuckled. Yuuichirou smiled warmly at his son and patted his head affectionately.

“Go ahead and tell me what happened today. I'm interested in hearing about it.” Yuuichirou said as he settled on the couch.

Netto grinned and proceeded to tell him what had happened over the past few hours.


Next Chapter: Into the Heart of Chaos: The day after, Netto catches wind that the Ura Net is on the verge of destruction, and that the denizens of the dark are running amok on the surface. He, Forte, and Rockman, with both his father's and Dr. Regal's help, manage to penetrate the Ura Net to find out what is wrong. In the meantime, Netto's friends are doing their best to help out around the city, but can they beat back the oncoming hordes?


Author's Notes: Whee, this chapter was two months late. Go me.

Again, apologies to everyone for not getting this out sooner. I got caught up in finals, then took a few weeks off of writing because I needed the break. Since it was nearing the end of June, I decided to try and release a new chapter for you all. What better time to do it than my birthday?

Anyway, hope you all enjoy this. I'll try my best to get the next one out soon.

<3 Planty~
Art in icon done by Raburabbit.
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Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005
Posts: 438
Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It was well worth the wait, Sol! What a nice surprise for me to get a second of internet & find your update. Now we get to see Forte & Rock do a little tag-teaming.
Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)*
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Joined: 19 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As usual, you did a spectacular job with this, Sol.

I've always admired how life-like you make the character's emotions, and the tension between Netto and his father can easily be understood. It's a good thing they got things resolved-- with the upcoming destruction of the Ura Net, something big is definitely about to go down. The sparring session between Rockman and Forte really showed how differently they've developed along with Netto, and it just made me grin like a dork when you described Forte as genuinely happy. Looks like the poor guy finally got a long-needed break for once.

Awaiting the next chapter~
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Fanfic Guru
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 10: Into the Heart of Chaos

It was a quiet morning at the Hikari household, where things from the previous day were just settling down. Netto was still asleep, content with the talk he had last night with his dad. Everything was well again, and the boy could literally feel something being lifted off his shoulders. The two navis were also resting within their PETs, tired from the events of the day.

However, not everything was as quiet as it seemed. Downstairs, Yuuichirou was on the phone, looking quite sullen. Haruka stood in the kitchen, an unreadable expression on her face as she watched her husband pale.

“ nothing worked?” Yuuichirou asked, drumming his fingers on the counter to try and distract him. There was a grunt on the other side of the phone.

Nothing did. However, we are managing to hold back the energy from spreading any further,” the other person replied. The scientist held back a sigh; the damage was being contained, but how long would it last?

“How long do you think you can hold it back for, Regal?” he asked.

There was some silence on the other end before Regal sighed. “Honestly? For half a day, at most. We're working all of our computers to keep the firewall up, but the energy that is pouring out from the Ura Net is incessant. At this rate, the security will overload in no time at all.

“I see...” Yuuichirou murmured. “I guess it's come to this after all. I'll bring him as soon as he wakes up, and I'll brief him on the details along the way.”

At this point, he'll probably be the only one to get in there and stop it. I have the program ready, all that remains is to install it inside Rockman.” Regal said. “Oh, and Yuuichirou...while we may have stopped the spread of the chaotic energy, we cannot do a thing about the navis running amok. I've contacted the officials to try and stop all of the attacks that may happen during the day, so...

“Wait,” the scientist said, looking confused, “What do you mean by attacks?”

Quite simply, the chaotic energy inside the Ura Net has infected any navi that was bathed in it;” Regal responded, his voice weary. “It has driven them into near insanity, and early reports from some officials say that they're attacking anything in their way. That's why the source of whatever is causing this has to be eliminated as soon as possible!” came the voice on the other end, and Yuuichirou gulped. The entire situation had become much worse.

“Alright, I'll go get him. Make sure everything is prepared for when we arrive.” he ordered and hung up the phone. Immediately, he plopped down in the nearest chair, giving an exasperated groan.

Haruka sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Netto has to fight again, doesn't he?” she asked softly. Yuuichirou nodded, and she sighed. Somehow, she had a foreboding feeling about this, given how things went over the past couple of months. “Why does it always come to this?”

Yuuichirou sighed again. “I don't know, but we both know that he has both the skill and the power to take out whatever it is. Enzan is going to have his hands full from what Regal said, and with most of the other officials either defending the city or out of the country...”

“It still doesn't make it any easier to see him go out like this,” she murmured. At that moment, there were some footfalls from the stairway, and Netto came in, dressed in his usual attire plus his cloak. It seemed to Haruka that he was so tired that he fell asleep without bothering to change his clothes, from the way they were wrinkled.

“Morning,” he mumbled, sitting down at the table and turning on the television. “What's for breakfast?”

The scientist gave a small smile to his son before clearing his throat. “Netto, there is something I need to tell you. It's very important, and I really need you to listen.” he said seriously.

Netto blinked, obviously confused. “What do you mean, Papa?” he asked. Rockman and Forte were also confused. Did it have something to do with last night?

Before Yuuichirou could speak, a loud jingle came from the television, catching everyone's attention. All of them knew it was the emergency broadcast signal, and Yuuichirou grimaced as a frantic Kero appeared on the screen.

Everyone, this is an emergency! Densan's internet is under heavy attack!” she cried, “At the moment, numerous navis have begun a mass attack upon several areas in the area, invading and destroying both public and private systems. The officials have issued a statement to the public, warning them not to plug in anywhere until the officials can get everything under control-” The scientist turned off the TV, cutting the reporter off as Netto stared at the screen.

“No way...” he muttered before standing up, “Mama, Papa! I have to go help Enzan!” he said, but Yuuichirou blocked his path before he could move. “Papa, what are you doing?!”

“Listen to me Netto,” he said lowly, “I know you want to help, but right now, I can trust Enzan and the other officials to do this. Right now, there is something more important that only you and your navis can do.”

“Something that only we can do?” Rockman repeated, “What do you mean, Papa? Does it have to do with these attacks?”

Both navis, at this time, were staring intently at the scientist. Glancing at his partners, Netto sighed. “Papa, please tell me what is going on! You know something about these attacks, so please!”

Yuuichirou nodded. “What is going on right now directly relates to stuff that has been going on since you've returned, Netto. A few months after you came back, we started to notice a very odd energy originating in the Ura Net,” he said, walking to the window and looking outside. “We had some investigations started, and around that time, many incidences involving the navis from Ura Net started happening.”

Netto stared at this father, blinking. “Do you mean to say that the person who held Mama hostage was involved too?”

The scientist shook his head. “Partially, yes. That criminal in particular had his navi use the Ura Net all the time. But I digress...” he said, turning back and looking his son in the eye. “Right now, all we know is that whatever is causing these attacks lies deep within the Ura Net. The energy coming from there has infected many navis who reside there, leading to what is happening right now.”

Forte looked thoughtful, and then spoke up. “I get it. We're the only ones who can get in there and take out whatever the source is, correct?”

“That is correct,” Yuuichirou sighed. “The officials are busy defending the city systems right now, and I've already made preparations for the both of you to infiltrate the Ura Net.”

Netto was trying to absorb all of the information his father was telling him, when the scientist spoke up again. “Netto, I just got a call from the Science Labs earlier. They're doing their best to hold in the energy, but they can only last around twelve hours before the systems give way. We cannot allow that to happen, or else...just think of all the chaos that would spread onto the internet!”

The brunette nodded. “All right, I see. We should get going right now in that case, then,” he said. Yuuichirou nodded, but Haruka cleared her throat and walked back into the room.

“I knew you were going to go...” she said softly as she handed Netto a large muffin. “Eat it, you'll need it. And as for you two...” she said as she looked at both navis, “Be careful. Watch over Netto and take care, you hear me?”

“I will, Mama. I promise.” Rockman piped up from his PET while Forte sighed.

“Do not worry. We will not fail,” he murmured. Haruka smiled and hugged Netto.

“As for you Netto, don't do anything reckless,” Netto was about to respond when he was cut off with a tighter embrace. “Something tells me this is far more dangerous then we know, so please, be careful!”

Netto nodded. “I'll be careful. Don't worry.” he said. The mother chuckled and let go of her child, ruffling his hair before standing back.

“Alright, we should go now;” Yuuichirou spoke up, walking towards the door. “Haruka, hopefully we'll be back soon, so don't worry about us.” he said. The woman nodded and smiled at her husband, a silent notice to him telling him to be careful.

Netto took a deep breath and walked towards the door, but when he opened it, he saw a frantic Meiru standing before him. “Meiru-chan!” he gasped in surprise, “What are you doing here?”

“I saw the news report...” she said, looking worried. “And I know that you're going out to try and help Enzan. I came here so I can help!” she said, looking resolute.

“Meiru, Netto has something far more important to do at this moment. Right now, we have to entrust the defense to Enzan and the other officials,” the scientist said from behind Netto. Meiru looked stunned before turning back to her friend.

“What can be more important then helping defend the city?” she asked in a controlled voice, trying to hide her anger. Netto shook his head and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Meiru-chan, I'm going to go take out the source of this problem. That's why I have to leave right now,” he said. The girl looked down, an unreadable expression on her face.

“At least let me come with you,” she pleaded. “I want to help. I don't want to be stuck on the sidelines, just waiting for the outcome! Let me do something!” she said, looking back up at Netto.

The brunette shook his head. “Meiru-chan, I can't let you come with me, and I'm very sure that Papa would not allow it anyway,” he said, and Meiru looked downcast for a moment before he continued. “However, right now, you can go help Enzan and the others in defending the city. They'll need all the help they can get until Rockman and Forte can take out the source, you hear?”

The girl blinked before nodding. “I understand...” she replied quietly. Yuuichirou looked like he was about to say something, but Haruka laid a hand on his shoulder and shook her head, making the scientist refrain from saying something. Meiru then looked back up, looking resolute. “Alright Netto, I'll go help wherever I can! But please, promise me you'll be alright.”

“I promise, I'll be fine!” Netto declared as he chuckled. “Now...I have to go, Meiru. I'll see you later.” The girl nodded, and then ran off towards the direction of Densan. Netto turned back to his father and nodded, signaling that he was ready to go.

The scientist frowned as they walked towards the car, looking over at his son. “Are you sure that you wanted her to go off and help fight?”

Netto nodded. “I trust her. I know she'll do a good job.” Yuuichirou sighed and entered the car, with Netto following suit.

“I'll fill you in on what you have to do on the way. We have no time to waste.” Yuuichirou said as he started the car. He then backed out of the driveway and began to quickly drive down the road.

Netto took both PETs into his hands and looked at the navis within them. “I can't believe things are happening so fast. Just yesterday we were having fun, and now there's a new crisis out of the blue.”

Forte nodded. “Indeed. Your father says that this started when we got back from that other world, Netto-kun, but I wonder why we didn't notice until now? Surely all of the incidents that we've come across should have clued us in.”

“But at the time, we all thought they were separate and not even related to each other,” Netto said while leaning back in the car seat. “It couldn't be helped. Usually we know at least something about the enemies we fight, but now we don't know what we're getting into.”

Rockman frowned before speaking up. “You know...before we left Endo last night, I had a strange feeling,” he said, prompting the other two to look at him. “I felt something very strange. I heard someone laughing, and th e feeling I got from was malicious. At the time, I just thought I was being paranoid about something, but now I think it's whatever we're looking for.”

“I see...” he murmured before smiling. “Both of you, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to either of you, and we'll beat this thing!”

The two navis shared a look before nodding. Silently, Forte looked away as Yuuichirou started to speak to Netto about the plan. I'm more worried about you, Netto-kun.


To Netto, the ride to the Science Labs was quick, his father's words just racing through his mind. As both of them walked briskly towards the lab, he ran the plan over one more time in his head before asking a question. “So Rockman and Forte have to get into the Ura Net, but the firewalls around Endo and many other areas prevent any traffic to and from it. How are they going to get in?”

“We managed to make an entry point at the outskirts of the Ura Net,” Yuuichirou explained, swiping his key card through a security gate and pulling Netto inside. “However, we only have enough power to send Rockman and Forte inside once. We can't do it again without opening the firewall, which is an impossibility at this point.”

“I see,” the boy said, following the scientist through more corridors, “But if you said that the energy can infect navis...”

Yuuichirou smiled assuringly. “Don't worry, I've already thought of a counter measure for that. We've received samples of the energy being emitted from the officials, so I've managed to create an anti-virus that will protect Rockman when he goes in there.”

Netto frowned. “What about Forte?”

“You don't have to worry about that, Netto,” the scientist said as they were nearing the lab, “I am certain that Forte cannot be infected; it seems those with a strong will and an affinity for the dark can withstand the effects and not go crazy.” Netto blinked.

“How do you know?” he asked suspiciously. Yuuichirou chuckled.

“Because then Serenade would probably come out of hiding and then things would get worse.” he said. Netto paled at the implications and nodded, while Forte let off a snarl, as the memory of the emperor of the Ura Net came unwillingly to mind.

“It's even made it's way to the Secret Area?” he asked in shock. Yuuichirou nodded.

“Yes, but don't be alarmed. It's being repelled and cannot go deeper in. I think Serenade is making sure of that,” he said as he opened the doors. “We're here.” he announced, gesturing for Netto to follow him into the room.

The brunette nodded and followed his father, and immediately jumped when he saw a familiar face inside the room. “Dr. Regal!” he cried, forgetting everything that had transpired over the past year.

The dark haired scientist looked up and smiled at the brunette. “Ah, so you're Hikari Netto. Yuuichirou has told me much about you and your exploits,” he said, picking up a disc on the table. “Unfortunately, we don't have the time for an extended hello, because we need you and your navis to act as quickly as possible.” Regal then handed the disc over to his companion, who nodded and turned to his son.

“This disc has the anti-virus, and we need to install it into Rockman. It'll only take a minute or so, and time is of the essence at this point,” he explained.

Netto got over his shock of seeing Regal before looking at his partner. “You ready, Rockman?” The blue navi nodded and immediately went into rest mode to prepare for the installation. Sighing, the brunette handed the PET over to his father, who went over to a computer while inserting the disc.

Taking a breath, Netto looked around the room. Numerous computers and other equipment he had never seen before. “Nervous?” Forte asked from his postion.

“Yes,” Netto admitted, “I could be sending you two into a deathtrap for all I know.”

“Maybe, but we're not so easily deleted,” Forte replied, smirking. “Just trust us, Netto-kun.”

Netto slowly nodded, still looking worried. “I'll do my best!”

At that moment, Yuuichirou walked back and handed Rockman's PET over to Netto. “All done. Check to see if Rockman is alright.” Nodding, Netto turned on the PET, and a few moments later, an awakening Rockman could be seen as he yawned.

“How are you feeling Rockman?” Netto asked hesitantly. Rockman looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling.

“Never better! I can feel the anti-virus taking effect, so I'm good to go,” he answered cheerfully. Netto smiled at him before nodding at the two scientists.

“I'm ready.”

Regal sighed. “Very well. Come over to the main computer and we'll begin. Remember, make sure you have all your battle chips in order once you enter, because there is no going back out until the source has been eliminated.”

The brunette quickly double checked his battle chips, and then nodded. “Alright, where do I plug them in at? And where exactly will they land?”

Yuuichirou spoke up for Regal, pointing to a place on the computer screen that looked like a map of the entire Ura Net. “Like I said before, they'll land in the outskirts, near the entrance to Endo Area. The source is deeper within, so they will have some walking ahead of them;” he said before typing some commands into the main computer, “Okay, preparations are complete. You ready?”

“Yeah, I am...” Netto trailed off as he looked at both navis, who nodded. “Alright! Plug in! Forte, Rockman.exe, transmission!”


Hey! Are you guys alright?” Netto asked as both navis teleported in.

“Yeah, we're fine!” Rockman called back. Netto smiled in relief before looking at the cloaked navi.

Forte, are you alright?” he asked softly. Forte instantly knew what the boy was referring to as he nodded.

“Yes, I am. It seems your father was right, after all.” he said. Netto sighed in relief.

That's good,” he muttered before taking another breath in. “Anyway, look around for any leads. Papa and Dr. Regal can't get an exact location on the signal, so you're going to have to look around.” Forte grunted in annoyance while Rockman sighed. He hated spending so much time in the Ura Net, but it couldn't be helped.

The first thing Rockman felt as he and Forte landed in the barren Ura Net was a supreme feeling of unease. Nervously looking around, he saw that the area seemed darker than usual, and he could not see any of the viruses that normally occupied the place. “Forte, do you sense anything different?” he asked, taking a few steps forward onto the path.

The cloaked navi looked around, narrowing his eyes. “Everything here is wrong. I'm feeling some kind of energy floating about, but...I don't sense the presence of anything else. The whole area is deserted.”

“I thought so,” Rockman murmured before sighing. He never imagined that the Ura Net could get any creepier then it had, but he was proved wrong, apparently. “Anyway, we should get going and find whatever source Papa was talking about.”

“Hmph...” Forte snorted, looking around again, “You're right. Let's go.”

Be careful, you two. Something doesn't feel right,” Netto said lowly. Both navis nodded in compliance and began to look around.

The two navis walked through the Ura Net as fast as they could, moving from area to area while searching for the disturbance. Along the way, they couldn't help but shudder at the utter silence of the area. “Didn't expect it to be this creepy...” the blue navi muttered as they walked into the next area. “ it me, or is growing darker?”

Forte looked around and nodded. “Yeah, it is. We're probably getting near it.”

“It's probably near, but where?' Rockman asked to himself, cupping his chin with his fingers while looking around.

“The source of the chaotic energy?” came a voice from behind the navis.

“Yeah...” Rockman agreed before looking startled and turning around. “Who are you?!”

Forte looked over the navi carefully while readying himself should the navi try anything. He was peculiar, with two sleek blue wings, a blue and red chest plate, and a black, white, and red bodysuit. He also had taloned feet and a helmet that looked like it was horned.

The navi chuckled. “Glad to see some navis are still sane around here;” he muttered, “I am Swallowman, a wandering navi.

Rockman didn't let down his guard, still looking at the bird navi warily. “How did you know what we were looking for?”

Swallowman snorted. “Easily enough. I saw you two as you were walking through the area and just decided to follow you. I can tell that you're a surface dweller, and there would be no reason to come in here at this time unless it was to do something.”

“That still doesn't explain why you followed us.” Forte pointed out, slowly sliding back into a relaxed stance. Rockman looked at Forte hesitantly before relaxing as well. Swallowman raised an eyebrow.

“Letting your guard down around me? Are you certain of that?” he asked in amusement, “How do you know I'm not going to attack you right here and now?”

“Because you would have done it already;” Rockman said, sighing. “You had multiple chances to attack us, but you didn't. So you obviously don't want to hurt us. But I'm guessing you want something, right?”

Swallowman chuckled again. “You're pretty sharp,” he said. “'re searching for wherever this whole thing started, right?” Seeing both navis nod, he then continued, “Well...I know where it is. And I can help guide you to it, if you wish.”

Both navis stared at him, blinking. “So...what's the catch?” Forte asked suspiciously.

“Not really a catch, per se...” Swallowman waved off, “But the sooner you two do whatever you do, the faster I can get out of this place. I hate being confined to a single area.”

Rockman looked at the cloaked navi and shrugged. “It makes sense,” he said. He then held out a hand towards the bird navi. “I'm Rockman, and he's Forte. Nice to meet you.”

Swallowman shook the hand, grinning. “Indeed. Anyway, to business,” he said while looking over towards an area. “As you probably have noticed, this area is darker than the other ones. I reckon the source is near.”

Forte looked in the direction Swallowman was facing, narrowing his eyes. “The energy feels stronger in that direction...” he muttered. Swallowman nodded.

“Yep, that's it alright. It's a bit of a walk, but I'm sure you don't mind.” he said, shrugging his shoulders. Rockman sighed.

“Can you please lead us there? We shouldn't stay in one area too long, because the energy flowing throughout this area is making me shiver,” the blue navi said, unconsciously gripping one of his arms in an effort to stop himself from quivering.

Swallowman frowned. “I'll lead you as far as I can. I can only go so far, however, because I do not want to chance getting hit by that energy.”

Forte grunted. “Fine. As long as you can get us as far as possible, then point us from there, then we'll be alright.” The bird navi nodded and motioned the other two to follow him, and soon they were off walking towards the source.

After a few minutes of traveling, Rockman decided to speak up. “Hey Swallowman, how did you not get infected?”

The bird navi shrugged. “I mostly stay near the outskirts, because traveling through the heart of the Ura Net is suicide, in most cases;” he answered, lazily gliding through the air as they turned a corner. “But then, over the last few months, a lot of the navis that have been living down here have been leaving in a mass exodus, all of them mumbling to themselves. They were utterly insane,” he murmured.

“I see...” Rockman muttered.

“I don't know how or why I'm still sane, but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth,” Swallowman said. He then frowned. “So, who are your operators?”

“Our operator is Hikari Netto,” Forte growled, stressing the operator part, “He's watching over us right now because we're on a mission.”

The bird navi looked thoughtful for a few moments. “Operator huh? Interesting...” he said. “I never was the type to work with other people as a lifelong commitment. I'm content in just wandering the world,” he mused, chuckling to himself.

Forte lowered his gaze to the ground at that, memories coming up to the front of his mind. Ever since his near death by Serenade, he had always wandered the internet alone, searching for new challenges and ways to increase his own power. At that time, the thought of even having an operator, even a lifelong commitment at that, was an outrageous one.

But all of that changed, he thought as Rockman and Swallowman were talking to each other again. Ever since that journey, he was willing to have me, even after all the things I have done. I have never even dreamed of being someone's navi willingly before this. Yet...I am finally happy.

The cloaked navi was snapped out of his thoughts as everyone suddenly stopped and he bumped into Rockman. “Huh?” he said in surprise as he stepped back. Rockman gave him an amused look before looking back at their guide. Forte rubbed the back of his head sheepishly before staring at the bird navi.

“This is as far as I can take you, as the energy being emitted is too great for me to go on,” Swallowman said, landing on the ground and turning to face the other two. “Down this path should be where you have to head, all you have to do is go straight. I don't have a good feeling about what's ahead. Are you two sure you're going to go in there?”

Rockman nodded. “Of course. We won't fail our operator or our friends,” he stated, smiling. Forte chuckled.

“We just want to end this as soon as possible. It's been giving us headaches for months.” he replied. Swallowman smirked.

“Well, I guess I can't change your minds, then;” he said while turning away. “I wish you luck. It is very dangerous ahead.” With a wave, the bird navi took off, flying away at a very fast speed.

At that moment, Netto finally spoke up after several minutes of silence. “Ah, you're alright! I was getting worried!

“Where were you, Netto-kun?” Forte asked, looking to the sky.

I'm sorry, I was busy helping out Papa and Dr. Regal secure the defenses. Papa got wind of an emergency and is working on several computers like a madman. It seems the firewall around Densan is crumbling far faster than he thought!

Rockman grimaced. “It seems that we're running out of time. Let's hurry!” The cloaked navi nodded, and the two started to run along the path Swallowman guided them to. Soon enough, they found themselves standing on a large platform, staring at a huge hole hanging in midair.

“Is this it?” Rockman wondered, trying to look through the vortex. “I can't see anything on the other side...”

Forte shrugged. “Well, I don't think we have a choice. It's obviously in there!” he said before breaking into a run.

“Forte, wait!” the blue navi cried as Forte jumped into the hole, disappearing into the dark depths. Growling to himself about how impatient the cloaked navi could be at times, Rockman dove through the hole as well.

The blue navi tumbled into a roll and jumped to his feet as he took a look around him. The background of the net and the ground were all glowing with a dark energy, and the feeling of unease he had felt before had tripled. As he got up, he saw Forte standing next to him, staring off into the distance.

“I sense something very powerful emanating from far away...” Forte breathed, looking at Rockman, “It is far more powerful than I originally thought.”

Netto looked worried. “That worries me. I've never seen this area alert you two. I don't know what to expect in here!

Rockman was about to respond when a chuckle reverberated from the darkness. Startled, the blue navi got in a ready stance, forming his buster.

“Rockman?” Forte asked, looking confused.

“That laugh...I would know it anywhere.” the blue navi growled. The voice chuckled again before a flap of wings caught the cloaked navi's attention.

Standing in front of him was a tall figure that wore purple armor and a blue bodysuit, with long claws and yellow eyes. “Well well, it seems that the guests have arrived. I'll have to make sure to enjoy myself!”

Shademan!” Netto shouted from his position, getting his battle chips ready. “How did you...?

The vampire navi smirked. “Demanding questions of me so suddenly, little human? You should know by now...” he laughed, “That I'm not one to give you what you want!” he bellowed, rushing forward with one of his claws raised.

Both navis jumped out of the way in time, assessing their options. “He never dies, does he?” Forte asked, drawing upon Netto's memories to try to assess his foe. Rockman shook his head.

“Unfortunately not.” he replied dully.

Forte smirked. “Hmph. Then we'll make sure that we'll accomplish it this time.” Rockman had to chuckle as he got himself ready as well.

Shademan threw his head back and laughed. “By all means, you're welcome to try!” he shouted in glee, “But your lives will end here by my hand, I shall make sure of it!” With that, his arms turned into wings, and he took to the sky.

Rockman and Forte readied themselves as Shademan dove at them, malicious intent evident in his eyes.

“Crush Noise!”


Next Chapter: Dark Depths: Rockman and Forte face off against a revived Shademan, while Enzan and Meiru are defending the city. But as the the two navis continue to traverse the darkness, Rockman's feeling of unease keeps growing. Something is waiting for both of them, something very powerful...


Author's Notes: Whew, another chapter finished.

Summer classes have ended (which was why I was late in updating), and I'm free until the twenty-first, when fall semester starts. Oy vey.

I'm really excited because I'm in the final stretch in this fic. It feels good that you're so close to finishing something, and it makes it worth it in the end when you finally do.

Anyway, next chapter will be soon.

<3 Planty~
Art in icon done by Raburabbit.

Last edited by Sol on Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahh, Excellent chapter. I like the way the interaction between Forte, Netto and Rockman is building up. Swallowman's cameo was very much appreciated -and I'm not even going to start with Shademan XDD

A very good chapter. Although at some parts it felt a little too heavy in explanations, although needed, they still felt a bit elongated without need. At least to me.

Never the less, it was a nice chapter, can't wait to see the next one.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Holycrap it's Shademan, everyone run for your lives! o.o

Very nice. I was hardly expecting Shademan to pop up, which was a nice surprise-- I was thinking that the navi within all of that dark power would be some superpowerful-evil-nutcase-badguy, but hey, Shademan just about fits that category. xP The way Swallowman popped up and then left was a bit strange, almost like he was brought into the fic just for the hell of it, but nonetheless, he served his purpose. Great job with this chapter, as with all of the rest xD

And dangit, not a cliffhanger! ;~;
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is great. ^__^ I loved Forte's comment about Shademan. The character interaction is superb. :D I can't wait for the next installment. ^_^ Hey, will Django make an appearance? Confused
Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)*
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow...This fic is just getting better and better!! And wow, I wasn't expecting Shademan.O_o But of course he's that kind of navi you just can't get rid of. Laughing He makes the best evil character in any fic.
Anyway, this fic is really great, and it makes me want to read it more and more. Tis one of the greatest fics I have read so far, great job Sol. ^_^ (I also liked Forte's coment about Shademan.)

Okay, lets stop abusing sonic now people. XD

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 11: Dark Depths

Rockman leaped back, narrowly avoiding Shademan taking a swipe at him with his claws. Despite being surprised at Shademan's resurrection, he managed to squash it and engaged in battle with the vampire navi, trading blows. He was just as strong as he remembered, every movement and attack the same.

The odd thing was that Shademan seemed totally fixated on him, ignoring the cloaked navi in favor of ripping him apart. Rockman growled; of course Shademan was gunning for him! The vampire navi wanted revenge, after all.

The blue navi was forced out of his thoughts, however, when he saw Shademan spreading his wings again. “Crush Noise!” Rockman leaped out of the way of the sonic waves, trying to formulate a good plan.

Where is Forte? Rockman thought as he jumped back, readying his buster. He had not seen the cloaked navi since Shademan had started his assault, and could only assume that he was hanging back to look for an opening.

We don't have time for this...” Netto growled audibly, “Rockman, get ready for a Program Advance! Spread Gun, triple slot in!” he cried as he pushed three chips in, a bright light emitting from his PET upon doing so.

Rockman raised his arms above his head until both of his hands combined to make a large gun. “Program Advance, Hyper Burst!” Netto finished as the blue navi brought the gun in front of him, leveling it with Shademan's position.

The vampire navi glanced at the weapon and growled, preparing to jump. He knew that if he was hit by that attack, it would severely injure him. Taking flight, he prepared to fly over the blue navi and bite him when he felt something swoop in behind him. “What...?!”

“You forgot about me,” Forte drawled, looking very amused.

Forte, now!” Netto cried.

“Gladly,” Forte said while smirking, forming the Gospel head with his hands. “I think it's time you went back to sleep. Permanently.” Shademan could only watch in horror as Forte unleashed the Gospel Breath, and he screeched in pain as the fire washed over him, burning his entire body.

Suddenly, the fire stopped and Shademan fell to his knees, apparently still in pain. Forte jumped back and glanced at Rockman, nodding. The blue navi then took a breath in as he fired the Hyper Burst, the blue laser shooting out towards Shademan.

Both navis heard Shademan scream in pain as the attack pierced his chest. He immediately clutched the wound with his hand, but it was too late; there was a large gaping hole through him.

“How...this wasn't supposed to happen!” he growled, pieces of his data floating around him and being deleted.

Rockman walked over to Shademan, looking down at the kneeling figure. “Shademan, why are you back?” he asked lowly, getting his buster ready in case Shademan tried anything. Forte walked up, glaring at the vampire navi.

Shademan chuckled, although it sounded like a wheeze in his current condition. “Heh heh...I don't have to tell you anything,” he wheezed out, a smirk plastered on his face.

Forte frowned. “Looks like he isn't going to give us any answers,” he growled. “Let's just leave him here to rot.”

Rockman was inclined to agree with the cloaked navi, but Shademan chuckled once again. “Fools. I might have been felled, but do you really think you'll survive the rest of the way? Idiots!” he cried before his data started to corrode. “To be defeated again, and so quickly as well...How disgraceful...” he muttered to himself as his data broke apart and deleted.

There was no trace of Shademan left as the two navis stared at the spot where he was kneeling.

Netto sighed. “This whole thing keeps getting stranger. First the whole net, then Shademan being revived again? What is going on?” he asked.

“I don't know, Netto-kun...” Rockman said as both he and Forte looked around some more, “It's not like the first time it's happened. But still...”

Netto frowned, but then noticed that Forte was staring off into the distance. “Forte?”

“I feel something from that direction...” the cloaked navi said, “It's very powerful...”

“Do you think that's what we are looking for?” Rockman asked, looking at his partner. Forte nodded.

“It has to be. I can imagine that it's hidden deep within the inner areas, but to feel its power from even here...”

Then be ready for anything, you two,” Netto said seriously. “I don't know what exactly we're facing but it definitely is something beyond what we've seen so far.

“Right,” Rockman said, while Forte nodded. The blue navi then turned to Forte, sighing. “So, which direction do you think we should go?”

The cloaked navi closed his eyes, concentrating. After a few moments, he turned a little to his right and pointed right in front of him. “I feel the power emanating from that direction. I think that's the direction we have to go.”

“I see,” Rockman murmured as he looked off into the distance warily. “We don't have that much time to waste, so let's get going.”

“Right.” Forte agreed. With that, both navis started to run in the direction where the cloaked navi pointed to.


Netto sighed as he plopped down in an available chair. To him, the fight with Shademan had taken forever, although only a half hour had passed. “Papa, how is everything going so far?” he asked, looking over his shoulder to see the scientist working.

Yuuichirou grimaced. “Not so good. I heavily underestimated the invasion of the Ura Net navis, and I'm bogged down completely,” he explained, swiftly moving to another computer. “As it is, I already have at least half of the computers her working at maximum capacity.”

“Where's Dr. Regal?” Netto asked, somewhat suspicious. He still wasn't sure if the former Nebula leader had completely changed.

“I asked him to go retrieve something from my lab,” Yuuichirou quickly explained. “Something tells me we're going to need it.”

Netto looked skeptical, but did not say anything. However, a quick shout from Rockman made him turn his attention back to the PETs.

Netto-kun! Viruses!” the blue navi yelled. Netto quickly took out some of his battle chips and looked at the battlefield.

“How many?” he asked. Forte snorted.

Tons. We need to blast through them.” came the simple response from the cloaked navi.

The brunette nodded as he sent a Senshahou to Rockman. “Alright. I'm counting on both of you!”

Forte smirked as Rockman fired the powerful cannon, deleting several viruses and scattering others. He charged right into the largest mob, readying his busters with a wicked grin on his face. It had been a long time since he had faced such a large number of viruses. If the situation were not so serious, he would have played around with them, but time did not permit that. So he did what he did best.

Shooting Buster!


Blues grunted as he deleted another of the rebelling navis before pulling back and blocking an attack from another. Meanwhile, Enzan was watching the battle with a growing feeling of dread. He knew that Blues could easily take care of any Ura Net navi easily, but the fact was that he was outnumbered by a huge amount.

“How long can we keep going?” he asked himself softly. He wasn't a fool. He knew sooner or later, Blues would be overwhelmed by the sheer number of opponents. The other assorted netbattlers were throughout the city, defending what they could.

Growling and shaking his head, he sent a Neo Variable Sword to Blues, hoping that he could drive the intruders out of the area. He watched Blues wield the blade like a master, cutting down several enemies in only a few strokes. However, for every enemy he deleted, three more would charge in.

Enzan-sama, there is no end to them![i]” Blues exclaimed as he slashed through another line of navis. “We might have to retreat to another area...[/i]”

Enzan grimaced. Only in the worst of situations did Blues advise that they both retreat elsewhere. Right now, the most they could do is probably retreat to a smaller area, but then what? Frowning, he saw one option.

“No choice, Blues. We're fighting here.” he said grimly.

Yes, Enzan-sama.” Blues assented before diving in again. The official then pulled out three chips and quickly slotted them in.

“I don't know how much this will help, but we need to clear out some space,” he muttered. “Battle chip...Sword, Wide Sword, Long Sword! Slot-in!” he cried as the screen glowed, “Program Advance, Dream Sword!”

Blues hefted the glowing sword above his head, looking for the best place to strike to inflict maximum damage. There! he thought as he saw an area where the navis were less concentrated. Bringing the immense sword down in a swiping motion, he managed to clear the area enough for him to leap through. The red navi silently assessed the terrain he was now standing on, finding it to his favor with a height advantage.

“Good job Blues,” Enzan complimented as he slid in a Samurai Sword. “Now we just have to hold this position...”

Roll Arrow!” came a familiar voice as an an arrow shot into a navi's chest, instantly deleting it. Blues turned around to see Roll standing there, her bow extended as she readied another arrow.

“Roll...? Then that means...” Enzan muttered before a holographic screen popped up, Meiru waving.

“Enzan!” she said in relief. Enzan glared at her.

“What are you doing here? The order was given out not to let civilian navis into the city!” he said. Meiru frowned.

“I know that, and Netto are doing your all to stop this, and I'm not going to sit back anymore,” she said resolutely. “I know I shouldn't be here, but I need to do something! Do you know how hard it is just to sit back and only wait for the outcome? I hate that feeling! So does Dekao and Yaito! They're out helping wherever they can right now, so I have to do my best too!”

The official sighed as her words sunk in. He did know how hard it was to watch other people go off and fight while he could only sit around, awaiting the outcome. It's happened to him too many times to count. “Alright then,” he said lowly, “but under no circumstances will you do anything rash. I can't fight and get you out of danger at the same time in this situation.”

Meiru nodded, with Roll mirroring her actions. “Right!” they both said in tandem.

Blues sighed as he looked at the pink navi, who had an arrow ready to fire. “You ready?”

Roll nodded. “Yeah. Let's do it.” she said as she fired again. Blues grunted and charged into another group of navis, his sword swinging.

“Are they gone?” Rockman panted as he looked around, buster still extended in case anything else popped up.

Forte nodded. “I believe so. This area is clear.”

Good,” came Netto's voice. “Let's take this time to rest. We don't know what lies ahead.

Both navis sighed as they knelt down, taking a quick breather. After several minutes of intense fighting, they were able to cut a path through the numerous viruses that inhabited the area, finally losing them after a long chase.

“What is this area, anyway?” Rockman suddenly asked after a few minutes of silence, “In all my trips to the Ura Net, I've never been in a place like this.”

That's strange...” Netto piped up, looking thoughtful. “I've never seen this area before either. Do you have any idea where we might be, Forte?

The cloaked navi shook his head. “No. I'm as clueless as you two.”

In all his time wandering the Ura Net, Forte had never seen this area before. It was as if it was created within a few scant months...and although he wouldn't admit it to anyone, it was disturbing to think of how an area such as this could hold such a powerful source like the one they were looking for.

Netto sighed. “I'll say's frightening to think of whatever created this area, and within such a short time as well. Who knows how powerful the source is?” he said. Forte looked up, looking absolutely shocked for a second before masking it with a frown.

Rockman blinked. “Eh? Forte, what's wrong?”

The cloaked navi looked like he was about to voice his concern, but then shook his head. “It's...nothing. Just some irrational thoughts.”

The blue navi gave him a critical eye, but shrugged. “If you say so.”

Forte frowned before turning away, looking worried. How did he know the same thing I was thinking? I might be sounding paranoid, but to come to the same conclusion at the same time? That's far too coincidental considering our...situation. Grimacing, he turned back to see the image of Netto, who was apparently organizing his battle chips for later. I really hope that this is only that, Netto-kun...because I really hope my memories aren't overtaking yours.

“I think we've rested enough,” the cloaked navi said. “We should keep moving.”

Rockman nodded. “Yeah, I'm good to go right now.” he said as he stood up. Silently, the two started to move again, keeping on the lookout for viruses.


At that moment, Regal ran back into the room, holding a strange device in his hands. “Yuuichirou, how are the defenses looking?”

Yuuichirou shook his head as he went back to typing. “Not good, and they're steadily declining. The systems are holding out for now, but the computers can't keep this up much longer.”

Regal grimaced. “I see,” he said before putting the device off to the side. “Show me a working computer and I'll help the best I can.”

The brown haired scientist gave his coworker a small smile and pointed towards a computer in front of him, and the two were soon working madly.

Netto observed all of this in confusion. It was really odd to see both his former enemy and his father work together as if they were old friends. Had Regal really changed that much? The only thing Netto remembered about him was a near insane tyrant, and the one before him seemed like the polar opposite; a cool, law-abiding scientist that was working to prevent a disaster from befalling Densan.

Face it, he's changed, he thought to himself. People are still capable of change. Just because he's done so many bad things in the past doesn't mean he can't be repentant...even if he doesn't even remember what he exactly did.

Besides, what about Forte? his mind continued, He has changed the have I. I should stop remembering Regal's past and accept who he is now...but why is that so difficult?

Netto didn't have time to think over that question as he let out a grunt of pain and clutched his head. No! Not now! he thought as he willed the memories away. After a few moments, the pain in his head disappeared, almost as suddenly as it appeared. Why are Forte's memories coming on so suddenly? They're coming up almost every few days now...

“Netto, are you alright?” Yuuichirou asked, not looking up from his computer. He couldn't afford to at that moment. “I heard you grunt in pain. Is everything fine?”

The brunette debated on whether or not to tell his father what was happening, but struck the thought of it down. It wasn't the time for it. “I'm fine, Papa. Don't worry about me!”

“That's good...” he heard his father sigh before he went back to work. Netto sighed and rubbed his temples, trying to ward off the light headache that had surfaced. After this whole thing, I'll tell him what's been going on. Hopefully, Papa can find out what is going on with my memories and stuff... he told himself, taking a deep breath in.

Just then, a sudden noise from Rockman's PET caught his attention. “Anything wrong Rockman?”

I can feel it...” the blue navi breathed, “The energy! It's growing stronger...

Not only that, but I can feel something dark emanating too. This isn't good.” Forte added, scowling a little bit.

“What exactly do you think it is? Netto asked, a worried expression present on his face.

Whatever it feels more powerful than even Nebula Grey, even from here!” Rockman spoke up. Netto paled at the thought; Nebula Grey had been one of their most powerful foes to date, and the sheer thought of something even more powerful than that was not good.

“What can be more powerful than Nebula Grey...?” he asked himself.

Netto-kun, I suggest we stop thinking on it,” Forte said. “We'll face it as it comes, and getting worried or worked up before hand will guarantee our demise.

Netto took in a deep breath and nodded. “You're right. We can't afford to falter here,” he said. “Let's keep going and see what we find. I have a feeling that something is ahead.”

Both navis nodded and continued on their course, walking through the dark depths of the area.


“I'm not liking this...” Rockman muttered as they walked along the dimly glowing path, “Something about this area is giving me the creeps.”

“I know what you mean,” Forte responded, looking around again. “This place is...unpleasant.”

Rockman snorted. “I think that's putting it lightly.” he muttered. Forte snickered for a few moments before they continued on into the darkness. They kept walking for a while, mainly lost in their thoughts before the blue navi suddenly stopped.

“Did you hear that?” he asked to his companion, who shook his head. “It sounded like someone was laughing.”

“Laughing?” Forte inquired, tensing up. “Someone might be here.” he growled.

Suddenly, laughter boomed throughout the area, alerting both navis to its presence. “This laugh...I've heard it before!” Netto exclaimed.

The laughter stopped, and in front of Rockman, a figure suddenly appeared. “You!” he shouted, immediately recognizing the navi.

The figure laughed again, a deep, booming tone that sounded like thunder crashing in the distance. “Yes...Me.” he said nastily.

The cloaked navi eyed the newcomer, trying to match a name to the one seen in Netto's memories. “'re Cloudman. How are you alive?” he said, finally recognizing the navi. “More importantly, why are you here?”

Cloudman chuckled. “Fools. Do you think I would allow you to pass here?” he asked, raising his arms. The two navis could see dark clouds start to spread out, and got their weapons ready.

“You didn't answer my question.” Forte growled. Cloudman only smirked nastily in his direction.

“I don't have to, worm,” he sneered, incensing the cloaked navi. “You'll be dead soon enough, anyway.”

Where have I heard that before?” Netto muttered dryly. “Rockman, Forte! Take him out!

“Gladly,” Forte snorted, bringing both of his busters up. “It shouldn't take long.”

Rockman grimaced. “Careful, he seems to be more powerful this time...”

The thunder navi let out a booming laugh. “How right you are! Let me give you a little demonstration!” Raising his hands in the air, Cloudman brought them both down, as if he was throwing something. “Elec Storm!” he bellowed.

On his command, the clouds all glowed as one as they prepared to unleash a massive electrical discharge. “Jump! Now!” Netto commanded quickly, both navis obeying as they narrowly missed being fried.

The blue navi looked around, his eyes wide. “How did all these clouds form in such a short time?!” he gasped. Forte scowled.

“I don't know, but I'm not going to let him get the jump on us.” he said as he unleashed a volley of buster shots, piercing many of the dark clouds and destroying them. They both landed in the now clear area, looking around.

“Where did he go?” Forte growled, his eyes darting from place to place. Rockman turned his head slowly, analyzing the battlefield.

“He likes to hide among his clouds to get the jump on his opponent...he could be anywhere with the amount he spread earlier.” he muttered, holding his buster out in case of any sudden movements.

Forte growled in disgust. “Such a cowardly way of fighting.”

Cross Spark!” Cloudman bellowed, and immediately, sparks of electricity shot out from the black clouds, zooming across the floor and aiming for the two navis.

Both navis moved out of the way, but immediately had to dodge another spark as it sped towards them. Soon enough, they were dancing away from each spark as it passed, frantically moving so they wouldn't get hit.

“This is endless!” Rockman shouted over the crackling of electricity, “Try destroying the clouds!” he said as he shot at multiple clouds, destroying them.

Forte nodded and shot off several more volleys, dispersing more of the clouds. Somewhere, Cloudman laughed again.

“How futile! No matter how many clouds you destroy, you'll never find me!” Then, the air was charged with something heavy, and Forte turned to Rockman, gritting his teeth.

Move!” he yelled as he quickly jumped back.

Rockman did as Forte said, just as Cloudman called out his next attack. “Heavy Cloud!” he roared, the dark clouds all around the area combining into a huge, tornado-like cloud. The massive cloud then sped towards the two, huge winds being left in its wake.

The brunette looked worried. “Quick, try to disperse it!

Rockman grimaced as he tried shooting a few buster shots into the cloud. “It's not working!” he exclaimed as he jumped back.

Hold on, Rockman” Netto exclaimed as he immediately inserted a chip. “Battle chip, Bamboo Sword! Slot in!

The translucent green sword formed on Rockman's arm, who brought it into a defensive position in front of him. The giant cloud slammed into the blue navi, who barely managed to hold it at bay. For a few moments, the struggle between the two was deadlocked. However, Rockman managed to push the cloud off him and managed to slice through it, dispersing it and revealing a rather irate Cloudman.

“Little punk. That was a lucky shot, and that won't happen again.” he growled, summoning more clouds.

He's uninjured?” Netto asked in disbelief. “How? That attack should have at least crippled him!

“Netto-kun,” Forte spoke up suddenly, destroying the clouds as fast as they were appearing. “The energy I felt's in great concentration in this area. I didn't notice it before, but now it's clear that he's using it to his advantage somehow.” he muttered, jumping away from another Cross Spark.

The brunette was dumbfounded. “So the energy is making him way stronger than before? Or it's doing something to his clouds?” he asked, trying to theorize what was happening and how to stop it.

“I think both, but he's not invincible,” the cloaked navi said, narrowly dodging another few sparks. “We have to hit him as fast as possible, and as hard as we can. Otherwise, we'll be here forever!”

As fast and as hard as possible...?” Netto ruminated, looking at his chips. Suddenly, his face brightened up. “I got it!

“Netto-kun?” Rockman questioned, recovering from the struggle earlier while doing his best to destroy the dark clouds that littered the area.

We have to be quick. Get him to reveal his position, and then attack as quick as we can!” Netto said, holding up a few chips for the navis to see. “Forte, can you hit a wide enough area so he has to show himself?” he asked, to which the cloaked navi nodded. “Good. I'll then quickly send chips to both of you before he has another chance to attack. We only have one shot, so we have to make it count!

“Alright, Netto-kun.” Forte said softly as he brought his dual busters up.

“How many times do I have to tell you? It's futile!” Cloudman boomed from around them, but Forte only smirked.

“Oh? Then allow me to show you...that nothing is futile at all.” he said as he brought his busters up. “Shooting Buster!

The shots scattered amongst the floor, piercing the clouds in a wide area. Suddenly, Cloudman screamed in pain as numerous buster shots drilled into him, making him reveal his position from the clouds.

“Got you,” Forte said, smirking. Cloudman growled at the cloaked navi, glowering. “What was that about not hitting you again?”

“How dare you mock me...” Cloudman said angrily, “I'll make sure to enjoy your deletion!” With that, he held out one hand in the direction of the navis, who both looked prepared to do anything.

Get ready!” Netto cried, and the navis nodded.

Goro Thun-” Cloudman started, but was suddenly cut off by Netto.

Battle chip, Bamboo Lance! Slot-in!” the brunette cried quickly. “Rockman, now!

“Right!” the blue navi said as he raised his hand and clenched it. As if on some mental command, several sharp bamboo poles shot out from under the ground, piercing Cloudman's back. The large navi roared in pain as the lances pierced through him, caught by surprise by the maneuver. The lances retracted, and the large navi slumped to the ground.

“Damn you...!” he spat, trying to summon up enough energy for another attack.

Now!” Netto cried as he hurriedly picked up Forte's PET. “Neo-Variable, Slot in!” The cloaked navi formed the glowing sword and charged at the downed Cloudman.

Cloudman raised his hand again, intent on attacking. “Goro Thunder...” he rasped, but was interrupted by one of Rockman's Charged Shots.

“Bye,” Forte said simply as he brought the blade down, cutting through the large navi with ease. Cloudman gave one final scream of pain as he fell backwards, sliced in half horizontally.

Netto gave a sigh of relief. “We did it...” he breathed.

Rockman frowned. “We did...but now I'm worried,” When Netto gave him a confused stare, he sighed and continued on. “Cloudman was never this powerful before. He might have been able to hold his own against me for a time, but it never took two navis just to take him down.”

Netto looked thoughtful for a moment. “You're right...could it be due to the energy that Forte said was in the area?

“That could be it,” Forte stated, but then looked confused for a moment. “That's odd...”

“What is it?” Rockman asked, staring as Forte looked around the whole area.

“That energy I felt during the fight is completely gone,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “It's like it was never here in the first place. That shouldn't be possible.”

With what we've encountered so far, this isn't good. Do you think it was whatever we were looking for?” Netto asked, confused with all the events taking place.

Forte nodded. “No doubt about it, Netto-kun. For now, let's get there as fast as we can...” He stopped suddenly as a weak chuckle captured his attention. “You're still alive?” he deadpanned.

Cloudman was laying on the ground, barely holding his data together as he chuckled. “Like I said're fools...” he said weakly, prompting both Rockman and Forte to glare at him. “Beyond this point awaits a hell you cannot imagine. Your deaths are all but certain now...I only wish I could see it.” With that, he gave a dying chuckle before he exploded, his data fully deleted.

The two navis stood in silence, pondering over what Cloudman had said when Netto spoke up. “Rockman, Forte...let's keep going.”

“Netto-kun?” Rockman asked, uncertain.

It's like Forte said before, we can't think on it. We'll face it as it comes,” he explained, looking determined. “Don't let the enemies get to you guys! Everyone is counting on us, so we can't be stopped here!

“You're right. We can't get distracted now. We're too far in,” Forte agreed, looking in another direction. “The path leads off over there, and the energy is stronger than before...”

Rockman closed his eyes and nodded. “Alright then. Let's go.”

The two navis then started walking down the path, leaving behind another battleground and another deleted navi.


“They have made it this far...this should be impossible!” a gruff voice echoed through the darkness.

“Hehe, but we didn't anticipate that second navi coming in, did we?” another voice questioned, his voice lowly whistling.

“That is true,” the first voice mused. “However, now we can learn from both Shademan's and Cloudman's mistakes.”

“How so?” the other figure asked.

“Just look at them,” the first figure chuckled, “Them and their human operator. They depend on him to help them, but what happens if he can't help both at the same time?”

The second voice seemed to think this over before laughing. “That's perfect! Choosing one over the other, eh?”

“Or trying for both and achieving neither.” the first one finished calmly.

The other voice laughed merrily, waiting for the moment to strike. “I can't wait to fight them. I want some fun! Being cooped up down here has gotten boring!”

“Be patient,” the first voice said strictly. “You'll have your chance.”

“Right, right.” The second figure said, placated. The first one nodded before turning away and walking a short distance, kneeling when it reached his destination.

“My lord, you have felt them, have you not?” it questioned, its tone smooth. “They get closer. They must be stopped, at all costs.” it said, looking up.

The figure's voice was met with utter silence. However, the figure nodded as if he had just been commanded.

“ you wish.” the figure said before standing up and bowing. A sudden light filtered into the dark area, illuminating the figure's golden face for a brief second before it was cut out.

Cosmoman grinned evilly. “Rockman and Forte...this shall be fun.” he sneered as he walked away.

From where he stood only a few seconds ago, a soft, chilling laughter could be heard from that very spot, a malevolent energy growing ever stronger.

Chaos...I shall achieve it. Nothing shall stop me!


Next Chapter: Crisis Core: As Netto's friends begin to steadily repel the invaders, Rockman and Forte find themselves getting closer to the inner areas, where the source of chaos thrives. However, some old enemies stand in their way, and may prevent them from advancing. Coupled with the strange headaches Netto is suddenly suffering from, can the three of them manage to overcome the odds?


Author's Note: Ah, August. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of the semester, which means back to school with me.

First off, I'm sorry if I mislead anyone with my last author's note. I was only saying that I was excited to be getting into the final stretch of this fic. I didn't necessarily mean that the next chapter would be the final one, since it would be anti-climatic if that was the case. No, there are still a few chapters left, all of which I intend on finishing before this year is over.

I did intend to have this chapter out far earlier this month. However, other duties coupled with the fact that this chapter was really hard to write slowed the process down.

Now, because school has started, expect progress on this fic to slow down a bit. I'm going to have my hands full this semester, so unfortunately, Affinity might have to be shoved to the back-burner if things start getting hectic.

I can't make any promises on when the next chapter will be written. I aim for next month, as I always do, but it might not happen. Only time will tell.

Anyway, keep watching for the next chapter. Hopefully, I'll get around to it earlier than than I planned.

<3 Planty~
Art in icon done by Raburabbit.
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Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005
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Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay! I knew there was a reason insomnia was sticking around! ^_^ Things are really starting to move now; I can't wait to see what happens next. I love the deadpan sense of humor that Forte has developed; it's oddly fitting somehow...
Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)*
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Joined: 19 Mar 2005
Posts: 635

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow. Shademan didn't last long, eh? xD

This chapter left me feeling very anxious. Somehow I get the feeling you're leaving hints as to who is behind this-- and yet maybe you're not and I'm just completely desperate to figure out who it is. I thought it might be Regal, but that doesn't seem right-- then I thought it might have to do something with Netto himself and the memories and stuff, but that still doesn't seem to have a connection. You've done a good job in effectively disguising the one behind the dark power-- and dammit, I wanna know.

Awaiting the next chapter with hopeless desperation. xDD Very nice job. n.nb
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Fanfic Guru
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Chapter 12: Crisis Core

Netto sighed in relief as he plopped down in the nearest chair, rubbing his head. “That was close...” he muttered. He was on edge during the entire battle with Cloudman, and only now was he starting to calm down.

“You alright, Netto?” Regal asked as he walked over and gave him a bottle of watter. The boy smiled in thanks as he took a large gulp, then nodded.

“Yeah, I am,” he said, taking another swig of water. “I'm just really nervous.”

“Ah, I see,” Regal said as he started to head back to the servers. “Exercise caution at this point, Netto. You're nearing the deepest part of the area, from what it looks like.

The brunette nodded. “Yeah, I will. Thanks.” he said before sighing. He idly wondered how things had progressed this far. Couldn't the Science Labs done something far earlier than this?

Netto snorted. Yeah right. They're a bunch of useless fools. he thought. Blinking suddenly, he then looked stunned for a second. Wait, where did that come from? Netto thought anxiously, I would never think something like that!

Grimacing, the boy rubbed his head again. I'm just tired, that's all. As soon as this is all over, I'll get some sleep. he told himself, calming his nerves.

Still, he could not help but wonder where that thought came from. He sounded so cynical, so...Forte-ish.

Freezing up, Netto took in a few deep breaths. Now that's ridiculous, he thought to himself, Like Forte? There's almost no way I could sound like him-

At that moment, something flashed before his eyes, and before he could react, a sudden image came to the front of his mind.

“You can't do this! He had nothing to do with it!”a middle aged man in a suit shouted at a group of people, seated high on a panel.

One of the men on the panel frowned. “It must be done. He is too much of a liability.”

“Liability?!” the middle aged man said indignantly, “How could you place the blame on him for Proto's malfunction? That's inconceivable! “

“Dr. Cossack,” came a steely voice from one of the members. “You do not have a say in the matter. We have already dispatched the Navi Elite Corps. to dispose of your project. This decision is irreversable.

Cossack could only gape in shock at the panel of scientists, his anger visible on his face. “How dare you...” he snarled as he turned around towards the door. “I have to warn him!”

“I do not think so,” the steely voice said again as two security guards took the struggling Cossack by the arms. “We will not let him get away...and to make sure of that, you're not going to say anything to him. Guards, take him to a confined room and make sure he stays there.” he ordered, and the guards dragged the cursing scientist out of the room.

While all of this was going on, none of the assorted scientists noticed the security camera catching everything on tape.

Netto uttered a cry as he clutched his head in his hands. Yuuichirou, hearing his son cry out in pain but unable to leave his station, turned towards his son's direction. “Netto, are you alright?!”

The boy grimaced as he sat up, breathing hard. “Yeah, I'm fine...” he said. “I...stubbed my toe on the table.”

Yuuichirou didn't buy that for a second. “Are you sure? It didn't sound like you hitting your foot.” he said in concern.

Netto snarled. “I said I'm fine!” he snapped. Yuuichirou recoiled in shock as Netto seemed to catch himself and sighed. “Ah...sorry.”

“N...Netto?” the scientist asked, now worried. Netto gave his father a shaky smile.

“Sorry for snapping at you, I'm just tired, that's all.” he answered. Yuuichirou gave him another glance of concern before nodding, accepting that.

“Just be careful, alright?” Netto nodded, and then turned back to his PETs.

Although he didn't show it, Netto was shaken. I almost lost it again...for no reason! What's happening to me? he thought as his head throbbed, a headache coming on. Why am I getting these memories now, of all times?

Netto-kun, are you alright?” Forte asked, looking concerned as well. Netto jumped; he forgot that his partners were there too.

“I'm fine,” he murmured softly, “Like I said, I'm just really tired.” Netto winced when Forte frowned and crossed his arms, a sign that Forte knew he was lying.

That's not true,” Forte said. “You're in pain. Something happened. What was it?

Netto bit his lip. He wanted to tell Forte about what he just saw, but at this moment...”Forte, please...I'll tell you after this whole thing is over. Right now, we have to concentrate on moving forward.” he said.

Forte stared at him for a few moments before sighing, relenting. “Fine, but...” he muttered, “Please, just tell us what's wrong when we're done here.

Netto smiled at the cloaked navi. “Don't worry, I will.” he said before closing the communication window. He hated having to prolong telling his friends about it, but right now, he had to come to terms with it himself before he could tell them. Rockman, Forte...I'm sorry.

That gave rise to another thought, as he saw how worried both navis were for him. Damn you could have done more to protect Forte. Why didn't you?

Rubbing his head again, Netto sighed as he opened a window to look around the area. “ much further, you guys?”

Forte says that it's not that far,” Rockman said. Netto could detect that Rockman was also worried about him from the tone of his voice, but said nothing. “I can feel it too. The energy is very strong around here.

Netto frowned. “That doesn't sound good.”

That's because it isn't,” Forte interjected, his voice coming from off-screen. “Like I said before, if the chaotic energy feels this strong from even here, then the power at the source must be unimaginable.

The brunette nodded and looked thoughtful. “Well, let's just keep moving forward. Be alert, though...the absence of viruses is suspicious.” he warned.

Right.” both navis said together, and they continued down the dimly lit pathway.


Rockman walked down the dark path, suppressing a shiver. It seemed to grow colder as they kept going, which was very unnatural, even for the net. Staring ahead, he was amazed at how they could still see. The darkness was heavy in the area, and it was hard seeing more than a few meters at a time.

Forte's sudden chuckling caught his attention as the cloaked navi walked right past him. “Cold?” he asked in amusement.

Rockman frowned. Even if they weren't enemies any more, Forte could still rile him up. “No,” he huffed. “It's just...the power that's coming from afar. It's making me shiver.”

Another chuckle came from the cloaked navi. “Heh, don't try to fool me. I feel it is getting colder as we keep going,” he said. “Didn't think it'd affect you, though.”

“That's because you have that cloak on.” Rockman grumbled. Forte smirked, but didn't say anything as they continued along the path.

Just as Forte said, the air started to grow colder as they went on, getting to the point where Rockman was hugging his arms to himself in order to keep warm. Forte frowned.

“This chill isn't natural...” he muttered.

“I'll say,” Rockman said as he looked around. “Maybe there is something that is causing it?”

The cloaked navi then narrowed his eyes. “Like another navi, perhaps?” Rockman nodded.

If that's the case, then maybe you should take them out...” Netto spoke up, “I've noticed something, and if my hunch is correct...” he muttered.

Rockman immediately saw what Netto was getting at, but Forte was perplexed. “Netto-kun, what do you mean?” he asked.

Our opponents so far have been Shademan and Cloudman...they were both Darkloids. I'm seeing a pattern here, but something very weird is going on nonetheless.” he said while looking thoughtful.

Forte then understood. “Now I see. We've been facing Darkloids so far, and we've only fought two of them.”

Rockman nodded. “Yes, but what about the other two? Blizzardman and Cosmoman?”

I'm assuming that they're lurking somewhere ahead of you two,” Netto said, “I'm more worried about how they could be revived a third time without Nebula around.

“You're right, that doesn't make sense,” the cloaked navi said as he looked around. “Do you think whatever it is brought them back?”

I'm sure of it,” Netto answered. “But why would it revive the Darkloids? What does it want?

“I guess we'll find that out as soon as we find it,” Rockman said. “Right now, it's best to just keep moving.”'re right. Since you're saying it's so cold, do you think Blizzardman is near?” Netto asked thoughtfully, “He could be, so be careful.

Heeding Netto's warning, both navis readied their weapons in case they ran into anyone as they walked along the path, glancing around for any kind of attack.

“I shouldn't be this paranoid...” Forte grumbled, “If an attack comes, it will come.” he said as he put his buster away. Rockman looked at the cloaked navi for a few seconds before doing the exact same thing.

“It is better to be prepared than caught off-guard...but acting overly paranoid also works against you.” Rockman mused as he walked alongside the cloaked navi.

Forte shrugged. “I never had to fear attacks before. Why should I now?” Rockman chuckled.

“True...” he muttered.

The two walked a bit farther, this time entering a new area. Blinking, Rockman looked around. “Why is it so much brighter in here?” he questioned.

“It could be a wary.” Forte warned, to which the blue navi nodded.

It was another few minutes of walking that Rockman decided to speak up. “Hey, Forte?” he asked.


Rockman shifted a bit uneasily, as if he was hesitant in asking something. “I kinda have a question...”

“Spit it out.” Forte said gruffly.

Rockman gulped, then sighed. “How did it feel to be in the real world?”

Forte was not prepared for that question. “W-what?” he stammered, blinking rapidly.

“You heard me,” Rockman said. “When you were in that other world with Netto-kun, you said you were pulled into the real world. What did it feel like?”

The cloaked navi remained silent for a few moments before staring at Rockman right in the eye. “Why this all of a sudden?”

“Why not?” Rockman asked, “It's been on my mind for quite a while. I wanted to ask right now, or I would always keep it to myself...” he muttered.

“I see...” Forte said softly, “But why? Why do you want to know so badly?”

“Because...” Rockman started, looking at the ground. Taking a deep breath, he looked back at the cloaked navi, deciding to tell the truth. “I've always wanted to be with Netto-kun, and I want to be there alongside with him. To actually touch him, you know?” He then smiled sadly, “Even then, when I couldn't, we still had our bond together, our even if I couldn't touch him physically, I could still feel he was there.”

Forte frowned, feeling a pang of guilt. “Rockman...”

“But now...I can't feel him anymore,” the blue navi continued. “When both of you were taken to that other world, everything changed. You got the chance to touch him, to know that he was also are linked to him now, which I used to be...I guess that's why I didn't like you at first.” he chuckled bitterly.

The cloaked navi looked away. “I'm not going to apologize for actions I had no control of, if that's what you're looking for.” he said stiffly.

Rockman chuckled again. “It's not your fault, and I know that. It's just...I find it ironic at that time, my worst enemy was the first one able to meet him in person. Life sure is strange,” he said. “So...what did it feel like, really?”

Forte took in a deep breath and looked at the blue navi. “To be honest...when I look back on it, it was nice. But...we didn't really have time to enjoy it seeing as how we were attacked by a giant bird of death and all,” he joked lightly. “But also...I didn't admit it to myself until later, but I was happy to actually see him face to face, to actually touch him. I think he was happy too...although I think he would be happier if he can meet with both of us sometime.”

Rockman gave him a small smile. “I see...well...I have something to look forward to, at least.”

Forte blinked. “Huh?”

“Ah, nothing! Just thinking to myself.” Rockman said quickly as he turned away. Someday...I'll meet Netto-kun face to face too.

Shifiting suddenly, Forte turned and resumed walking. “Well, if we're done here, let us keep moving. We don't have time to waste.”

The blue navi nodded and followed his partner deeper into the depths of the area.


Meanwhile, back in Densan City, Enzan, Meiru, Dekao, and Yaito were doing their best to hold off all of the Ura Net navis that were invading. The four managed to get themselves and their navis in the same area, but they were being swarmed by multitudes of enemies.

“There's no end to them!” Dekao cried as he quickly sent Gutsman an Earthquake chip.

Yaito frowned. “Every time I take out one of them, three more take its place! Where are they coming from?”

“Enzan?” Meiru asked as she turned to him, hoping for a few answers. “Do you have an idea where they are coming from?”

Enzan grimaced. “No, I don't,” he admitted, “However, I just got a report from other Officials. It seems that the invasion is starting to die down.”

Meiru smiled. “So that means...!”

“It doesn't mean anything if we can't hold them off here,” Enzan interjected quickly. “Just because they are starting to be pushed back doesn't mean that we've won yet. We have to continue fighting until we're sure they're gone!”

Dekao nodded. “Yeah! That's the spirit!”

Meiru sighed. “Alright then. Roll, support everyone if they start getting hurt, but don't hesitate to attack if you have a chance!”

Gotcha!” the pink navi said as she fired off another Roll Arrow.

Enzan-sama,” Blues spoke up after slicing another enemy in half, “I don't mean to trouble you any further, but...we're almost out of battle chips.

The official blinked. “How can that be? I made sure I had enough...”

Forgive me, Enzan-sama. There were too many converging at one point, so I was forced to use many of the battle chips just to scatter them.” Blues apologized as he dodged another attack. Enzan frowned.

“That makes things a lot worse, then...” he muttered. “Blues, I'm trusting you to hold them back.”

Yes, sir!

Meiru smiled at him. “You've changed a lot, Enzan.”

The Official remained silent for a few moments before grunting. “Maybe, but this is no time to think back on it now.”

“You're right...” she said before getting the remainder of her chips ready. The four remained steady at their position, fighting fiercely to push back the Ura Net navis.

“Hold on,” Forte said suddenly, holding out an arm to halt Rockman as well. “Someone is near.”

“I know,” Rockman whispered, readying his buster. At that moment, a laughter could be heard ringing through the air, which almost sounded like whistling.

“I know that laugh...” Rockman growled. Forte stood ready with both of his busters out as a large figure slid into view.

“Ah ha! Rockman, only you could come this far!” the large figure laughed, “But this is as far as you will go!”

“We dont' have time to fight with you, Blizzardman,” Rockman said, pointing his buster in his direction. “Move!”

Another chuckle caught their attention as both Rockman and Forte turned around to see a golden navi standing behind them. “Oh? And I had something fun planned for all of us, disappoint me.”

“Cosmoman!” Rockman gasped. “How...?”

Cosmoman sneered. “You fool. I've been watching your progress since you both entered here. It's been fun, but you shall go no further.”

Forte growled. “He was planning on this the whole time. Now we're caught in a pincer!”

Both of you get ready while I start sending battle chips!” Netto cried, “Cosmoman! What do you want?!

“What I want?” Cosmoman asked silkily as he drew back his hand. “Nothing much...except your life!” he shouted as he immediately sent out a barrage of Cosmo Rings. Rockman and Forte jumped out of the way, only for Blizzardman to be right there when they landed.

Laughing madly, Blizzardman initiated his attack. “Snow Rolling!” he cried as he rolled towards them in a gigantic snowball. Grimacing, both of them quickly moved out of the way as Blizzardman rolled past them.

“This isn't good.” Rockman muttered.

Netto looked upon the battlefield and tried to think up a plan. “Try splitting up! Concentrate on one enemy at a time!

“A good plan.” Forte said as he faced a smirking Cosmoman. Rockman nodded as he faced Blizzardman, who was moving around frantically.

“Ah, what face the so called ultimate navi,” Cosmoman said in amusement as the two circled each other. “A pity that you look so weak.”

Forte snarled. “Weak? This coming from a navi that has already died twice?” he shot back, incensed at his opponent.

The golden navi waved him off. “Oh come now, haven't you noticed it? You've rejected darkness for the light. You decided to become weak.” he taunted.

“If I have become weak because I finally found someone to call a 'friend', then I don't want to be known by your stupid definition of strength.” Forte quickly retorted, charging up his buster.

“My, such a sharp tongue you have,” Cosmoman said mockingly, “I'm afraid I'll have to silence it...permanently! Cosmo Buster!”he roared, sending out several satellites at the cloaked navi.

Forte merely jumped over them as he started to shoot wildly at the Darkloid, who despite getting hit with a few glancing shots, came out of the assault unscathed.

Meanwhile, Rockman was busy dodging Blizzardman's attacks while trying to shoot at him, to no avail. “He's faster than before...” he muttered.

Rockman, stay sharp!” Netto warned as he slotted in a chip. “Battle chip, Wide Shot! Slot-in!

A large shooter materialized on Rockman's arm, who aimed it at the rapidly moving around Blizzardman. “Have to make this one count...” he said to himself as he aimed it and fired. Fortunately for him, the shot, while missing Blizzardman, tripped him up, making him stumble to the ground. Rockman immediately took advantage of it and fired a few buster shots at the fallen navi.

Blizzardman, however, got up with little effort. “Hah! Is that the best you can do?” he laughed. Rockman grimaced.

“This isn't looking good...I better come up with something quick.” Rockman said to himself as he dodged another Rolling Slider from the Darkloid.

Forte, however, was having slightly better luck. While Cosmoman was pretty fast, he wasn't fast enough to evade the wide area of his own buster. However, that came with the price of lack of power, and Cosmoman was only receiving nothing but small scratches.

“I'm disappointed, I expected so much more from a navi of your caliber!” Cosmoman laughed. Forte growled.

“At least I don't have to rely on fake power like yours.” Forte smirked. Cosmoman narrowed his eyes.

“I see you've noticed,” he drawled. “But it is too late. At this moment, I am far stronger than even you, thanks to my lord.”

The cloaked navi snorted. “Yeah? Then back it up, then.” he said.

Cosmoman smiled sinisterly. “As you wish. Cosmo Gate!” he called out as a black hole opened right above Forte, sending out waves of meteors down upon the black navi.

The cloaked navi quickly dodged the falling meteors as best as he could, but one grazed his arm as it fell. He growled softly; it didn't hurt that much, but the fact that he was still able to feel it, even with his high tolerance for pain, spoke something of Cosmoman's power.

Ah!” Netto cried out softly, making Forte look up.

“Netto-kun? What's wrong?” he asked quickly as he shot some more at the smirking Cosmoman.

The brunette took a few moments before answering. “I'm fine...I'm sending you a chip!” he said quickly. “Battle chip, Senshahou! Slot-in!

Forte immediately formed the giant cannon on his arms and leveled it at the golden navi, who smirked.

“Like a slow attack like that could hit me,” he scoffed, “You're welcome to try, though!”

Forte growled, before smiling slyly. “Oh, I will.” he muttered before firing the powerful bullet at Cosmoman. The Darkloid laughed and opened a dark portal, vanishing through it as the attack reached his position. He then reappeared behind the cloaked navi, sneering.

“Hah! You've fallen so far to have to depend on that human for everything!” he laughed, but was shocked as Forte turned around, smirking. “W-what?!”

“Gospel Breath!” Forte exclaimed as the wolf's head formed from his hands, letting out a large stream of fire. Cosmoman roared in pain as the fire washed over him, leaping back to try and escape the flames. “So, who is weak again?” Forte chuckled, making Cosmoman snarl.

“You'll pay for that.” he growled. Forte kept on smirking.

“Oh? You said I was weak for depending on Netto-kun...that's not how it is. We support each other, he doesn't give me the power I need. You, on the other have to depend entirely on one thing for your own power!” Forte said coldly, pointing his busters at the golden navi, who was glaring at him.

Your dark power never worked for you before, Cosmoman, and it won't work now!” Netto added, “Get out of our way, now!

Cosmoman chuckled. “So you got in a lucky shot...big deal! It just means I have to stop going easy on you.” Just then, Blizzardman was blown back to Cosmoman's position from a well-placed Charge Shot from Rockman, who joined Forte.

“Argh...” Blizzardman let out as he slowly got up, “That hurt!”

Cosmoman smiled. “I think we've played around too long. Let's just finish them off here.” he said, outstretching his hands.

Blizzardman cackled. “I was waiting for this moment!” he cried as he started to roll again. “Snow Rolling!”

Grunting, both of Netto's navis dodged the attack, but what Cosmoman did next put them on the defensive.

“Cosmo Prison!” Cosmoman bellowed as a dark portal opened, waves upon waves of satellites pouring out, all heading to collide with Rockman and Forte.

The two did their best to both shoot the satellites, but were hard-pressed to keep dodging Blizzardman at the same time.

“You can't keep this up forever!” Cosmoman laughed as more satellites made their way towards them. Rockman grimaced.

“He's right, we can't keep dodging before we tire out!” he mentioned to Forte, who could only growl in agreement. “We have to do something, quick!”


Netto was in a quandary. “I have something to help them...” he whispered to himself, looking at the chip in his hand, “A Dream Aura would save them, but I can only send it to one of them! I can't do that!”

Quickly shuffling through his chips, he paled when he saw he had no other chips to help his navis. “What can I do? I don't have any other chips that can protect them!” he said in despair. He could only watch as both Rockman and Forte were trapped in a pincer by both Darkloids, trying to dodge the relentless attacks.

“Do you need some help?” came a voice behind the boy. Startled, Netto looked behind him to see Regal standing there with a very strange device in his hands.

“Dr. Regal!” he said, surprised, “I do, I can send chips to only one navi at a time...and both of them are in trouble! What am I to do about this?” he asked, gritting his teeth.

“I think I can help,” Regal said as he laid the machine on the table. Netto stared at it. It was very plain looking, with something that looked suspiciously like a chip slot and two wires that were connected to the base.

“What is this?” Netto asked anxiously.

Regal smiled. “I don't have time to fully explain it, but I developed it in such a case like this. It will allow you to send chip data to two navis at once.” he said. Netto looked at him, wide-eyed.

“Really?” he asked hopefully, looking down at the device.

“Yes, but there are some limitations,” the scientist warned. “The power of the chip you send will be cut in half, and you can't slot in more than one chip at a time. It won't be able to withstand the power of forming a Program Advance.”

Netto nodded, understanding. “Lets use it then!”

Regal nodded. “Be aware that this is the first time it will ever be it may not work,” he warned as he connected the two wires into Rockman and Forte's PETs. “There, everything is set up...good luck.” he said as he stepped away.

Netto smiled. “Rockman, Forte, I'm coming to help!” he exclaimed as he held a chip up, “Battle chip, Dream Aura! Slot-in!”


Forte blinked as he felt the protective aura cover him, shielding him from the onslaught. Both he and Rockman were surprised when they saw they both had a separate aura, although it was flickering.

“What?!” Cosmoman gasped, temporarily letting up on his assault. Blizzardman plowed right into Rockman, but thankfully, the Dream Aura repelled the attack and threw the Darkloid back, dazing him.

Now! Press your advantage!” Netto cried, “Battle chip, Custom Volt! Slot-in!

A large lightning rod formed on both Rockman and Forte's hands. Forte smiled. “Time to end this, Rockman. Let's go!”

Rockman smirked. “Gladly.” he said as he jumped towards Blizzardman, with the cloaked navi going after the other Darkloid. Blizzardman tried to stand up to mount a defense, but was too late as Rockman plunged the rod into him, pumping the Darkloid full of electricity. Blizzardman let out a scream as the blow was struck, being deleted almost immediately.

Rockman sighed as he pulled his arm back. In the past, Blizzardman, while being a handful, was never as powerful as he was now. He turned to watch Forte, who now was standing over a kneeling Cosmoman. It seemed that Forte's attack had done a great deal of damage to the Darkloid.

“You're finished,” Forte said simply. “You cannot fight anymore.”

Cosmoman growled and tried to stand up, but his body failed him. “Do you really think you've won?” the golden navi asked, “I am nothing in the grand scheme of things. Such a small victory should not be celebrated.”

Forte frowned, but Rockman walked up next to him and looked down at the Darkloid. “Who are you working for, and why are they attacking the net? There's no reason for them to be doing it!”

Cosmoman chuckled, then broke out into laughter. “No reason?” he asked, slowly standing up despite his injuries, “My lord doesn't need a reason! Who are you to come into the darkness, preaching about what we are doing is wrong?”

Netto was now confused. “What are you talking about? You're the ones who are attacking the net! The source is in this area!

“Ah, such a simple explanation from one who is so ignorant,” Cosmoman wheezed, inciting Netto's anger. “It doesn't matter anyway. At this point, you cannot stop him...he is far too powerful for the likes of you two.”

Forte snorted. “Like you were supposed to be?” he asked pointedly. Cosmoman growled.

“Say what you will, but that doesn't change the fact...” he muttered before gaining an insane smile on his face. “That both of you are about to die!”

Netto was alarmed. “Rockman, Forte! Get back!

Cosmoman laughed as he summoned the last of his strength. “Cosmo Gate!” he roared.

Another black hole opened in the air as meteors rained down. Cosmoman smirked as he saw the two navis get bombarded by numerous meteors, and chuckled as he heard them cry out something. At that moment, he gasped in pain as he felt two shots pierce his backside. Turning his head, he saw both Rockman and Forte there, their busters extended and smoking.

“ Area Steal...” he gasped out as he started to delete, “Forgive me, my lord, for my failure...may you use whatever power I give you in my death!” he moaned before being totally deleted.

Rockman sighed in relief. “That was too close.” he said.

Forte nodded in agreement. “It was...but something is bothering me, and Cosmoman confirmed my suspicions. Surely both you and Netto-kun have noticed it too, right?”

The blue navi looked thoughtful. “You're right...both of them were far more powerful than the last time I fought them,” he mused. “So whatever revived them had to also power them up, right?”

That would be the case,” Netto said. “Well, we've defeated all of the Darkloids, and all that remains is the whole source of this whole's not far now, is it?

“Yeah, we're nearly there...” Forte murmured. “Let us keep going.” he said to Rockman, who nodded.

The two navis walked a short distance from the battleground, and only a few minutes into the walking, Rockman froze. “Netto-kun...”

Netto blinked. “Rockman, what is it?

“I feel it...the dark power here is stronger than ever!” the blue navi gasped out, looking ahead.

“I can feel it lies ahead.” Forte said simply.

The brunette was worried. “Should you two return to the PETs to rest before heading in there? If it is as powerful as you say it is, then surely some rest would help...

Forte shook his head. “Sorry, Netto-kun, but we can't do that.”

“We've come so far already, and we can't leave here just to recuperate our bodies,” Rockman continued. “We don't have a choice at this point. We have to move on.”

Netto sighed. “In that case...just rest for a few minutes. It won't do you two any good if you rush right in there right now without resting a little bit.

Both navis nodded. Netto smiled. “You safe. I'm worrying up here for both your sakes.”

Forte smiled. “Thank you...Netto-kun.”


Netto sighed audibly as he plopped back down in the chair. He really was worried; everything was happening too fast!

“Are you alright?” Regal asked, looking at the boy. Netto smiled.

“Yeah, I am...thanks, Dr. Regal, for helping me when I needed it.” he said. Regal chuckled.

“I am glad I was able to help, but...” he said as he looked down at the device, which was now sparkling in some places, “It seems that while my invention was a success, it took up a lot of energy just sending those chips to your navis. We won't be able to use this anymore.”

Netto sighed. “It's alright, I'm just glad you had it with you. Otherwise, we might not have gotten out of there with as little damage we did.

“Anytime,” Regal said smoothly. “Now comes the real battle. From what your navis have said, the real source of all of this chaos lies ahead. What you've faced so far were only mere extents of its power. You must exercise caution to the utmost when facing it.”

Netto smirked. “Don't worry, I will. We'll come out of it victorious, as well!”

Regal chuckled. “Good to see that you're keeping your spirits up. You'll need that.” he commented as he walked back to where Yuuichirou was.

The brunette chuckled, but as Regal walked away, he gently rubbed his left arm. Sometime during the battle, a sudden pain flared up in his left arm, around the same time Forte was fighting Cosmoman. He dismissed it as just a sudden pain, but somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that there was more to it.

“It's nothing,” he whispered to himself. “It's just a coincidence, that's all. There is no way that I could be hurt at the same exact time as Forte, right?” Taking a deep breath, he turned back to the PETs to see both navis sitting down on the ground and making idle chatter. Smiling, he ran a hand through his hair.

I'm glad that both of them are finally getting along... he thought. Frowning, he rubbed his temples yet again. Forte has gotten over the desire to kill Rockman...

But the question is, can I conquer Forte's memories before I am driven to such a point?


Next Chapter: The Extreme: Forte and Rockman head into the core of the darkness, intending on confronting the mysterious enemy. However, within the very source of the chaos, Netto is faced with a difficult situation as the source reveals itself. With some unexpected help, can Netto, Rockman, and Forte put an end to the chaos?


Author's Note: Well, I don't really have any other excuses for the delay on this chapter other than school and lack of motivation.

I really intended to have this chapter out earlier, but other events made me unable to do so. However, with only a few chapters to go, it shouldn't take long to finish this story.

Keep an eye out for the next chapter, which I hope to release by the end of this month.

<3 Planty~
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awesome chapter Sol can't wait to read more keep up the great work!
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Aries the Fire Phoenix
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awsome chapter! It looks like we're getting deeper into the plot. And wow, you're still doing a great job, Sol. Your story has surpassed all expecations. I just want to read it over and over again. Its sort of scary, how Netto is acting. Its as if somehow Forte's hateful side is starting to get to him. And oh, snap.... I can barely descibe the rest of this. This is just too good. I'm always reading this Sol and I'll try to reply as much I can in the rest of the chapters. I love this fanfic! Another great job to you, Sol!! ^_^

Aries :D

Okay, lets stop abusing sonic now people. XD

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Been meaning to comment on this for a while now. XD

Anyway, excellent chapter, the character interaction is turning out magnificent, and the battles are turning more dinamic and easier to follow. And of course, I'm also glad to see Regal taking a more active role in helping Netto and Co.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know if I've told you this, but I loved this chapter. Very... interesting isn't the right word but it's as close as I can get when high off nyquil.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay! I love this story! Forte & Rockman's interaction is superb. Thank you for brightening my otherwise dreary life.
Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)*
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