Yeah...Hi :OOOO Nazne art

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Shukei - Hakuteiken

Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:40 am    Post subject: Yeah...Hi :OOOO Nazne art Reply with quote

You all know I only came back for shameless self-promotion and because I finally drew something not so extremely crappy. Of course, that's subjective.
>_> On the off note, I missed being able to show off stuff. :O Criticism would be appreciated, especially on the black-and-white one. It's the first one of its sort that I've drawn, and I can't say I like it too much (although I will still gloat over it and hang it on my wall :P).

(A certain Bleach character) Playing the Erhu:


Random Fan Character on an Invisible Chair Because I Was Too Lazy to Draw the Chair:

Enzan.EXE's older design:

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The byakuya on the instrument is pretty good. Very well drawn. Weird instrument though. The other sketches are pretty good too.
Nice navi idea. Interesting ideas. And he may be a little over powered.
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This is a Hilbert Space

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, come back and not let me know. Great. Surprised

Anyways. *straightens shirt*

Your sketches look interesting as ever. It's nice to see some of the lines in the background forming a partial image--it shows how you were thinking of modifying the picture as it went along. Plus, the extra lines make for a rather nice contrast between the different features of the sketch.

Nice line work, and it's good to see you back, even for a moment.
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Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3
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Rock Miyabi

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really like how the Laika sketch looks, it seems like a cooler, more mature version of him. Your style fits him well.

Enzan.EXE wants to harm that pirate wench?! :O I really like the older design version. The flames making up his helmet of hair and on the sides look great. Maybe that's why I like it, because it looks more like hair. As opposed to the newer versions that make him look like he has a caulron of flames on his head instead. But that's just my preference.

As far as your Byakuya one, I think it looks good. I've never tried doing something just with a Sharpie like that, so I can imagine there's some challenge to doing it right. I think you did well, keeping enough white areas in the right places to give it definition and there's a bunch of unique shapes in there. If you would like a pickier kind of critique, I wonder if you maybe should have included more black outline on certain areas where the bow overlaps the white on his body or in front of the ehru. Because the end that starts from his hand looks defined, but then it appears to be unfinished as you look from left to right. For some reason, it just stands out to me in that way. Not to say it would work for sure, either, just something that crossed my mind. Nice work on all of these pics.
Avatar art thanks to toberboobap, animated gif thanks to Dr. Wily II

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