Your favorite songs
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Hubstyle Master
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:11 pm    Post subject: Your favorite songs Reply with quote

I just made this topic 'cause I was curious what everybody liked. Please name your top ten favorite songs and the name of the band (or you can naem album names if you like the whole album the same), Mine are:

1. TNT (AC/DC)
2. Enter SandMan (Metallica)
3. Dirty Deeds Done dirt cheap (AC/DC)
4. ThunderStruck (AC/DC)
5. Sweet Child O'Mine (Guns N' Roses)
6. Highway to hell (Whole Album) (AC/DC)
8. Animals (NickelBack)
9. God of Thunder (Kiss)
10. Problem Child (AC/DC)

As you can see, I really like old 70's & 80's Rock. What are your favorite songs/Albums?

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Net Battler

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, that's a tough choice. I adore way more than ten, but here's what my list gets down to. XD

1. Life - E-Type.
2. Stay - DDR.
3. A Song of Storm and Fire - Tsubasa Chronicles.
4. Hikari's Theme - Pokemon (not one word! XD)
5. Shuffle - Yu-Gi-Oh. (awesome song. @@)
6. Perfect Enemy - Tatu
7. Sora - Escaflowne
8. Lazy Mind - Rockman X7 Japanese ending.. or was it X8?
9. Good By My Master - Ghost in a Shell
10. Everlasting Dream - Ayumi Hamasaki

I had to think for a few minutes before posting them all out. XD
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My crapload of Asian music favorites. (Because 10 just isn't big enough)

-Blood on Fire
-Dragon Fire
-Friday Party
-Saikyou Babe
-Bokura no Te
-Champagne Gold
-Shalala Kibou no Uta
-Let it Beat
-Winter Lander
-Samurai Heart ~Samurai Tamashii
-Climax Jump
-Yume no Kakera
-Virgin F

Jolin Tsai
-Shuo Ai Ni

Asian Kung Fu Generation
-Kimi to Machi Made

-Ai ta Kokoro

Paradise Go! Go!
-Koi no Undokai
-Party Night
-Real Love
-Dear my Friend
-Just Shiny Tonight

Hinoi Team
-Ike Ike

-Houki Boshi
-Hakanaku Tsuyoku

-A Little Pain

Wada Kouji
-Target ~Akai Shougeki

Utada Hikaru (aka Hikki the Tetris Queen)
-Sakura Drops
-Wait and See ~Risk
-Flavor of Life
-Movin' On without you.

Hamasaki Ayumi (aka Ayu-chan, queen of ballads and eurobeat mixes)
-Angel's Song

-Winter Love
-Candle Light
-Beat of Angel
-Key of Heart
-Every Heart ~ Minna no Kimochi
-Meaning of Peace (with Koda Kumi)

-Love Like Candy Floss
-Mienai Tsubasa
-Color of Tears

-Rolling Star
-I Know
-Merry Go Round

...and many more.

People are probably going to say that I chose waaaaay too many but once you see how massive my playlist and music folder is, and once one considers that I somewhat listen to everything (Shuffle mode ftw), it's a bit hard to pick favorites. :D

These are pretty much the ones I'll look for on purpose when I'm in the mood for serious listening. :3
~DrkX (Resident over-sexed camera-whore & Facebook zombie.)

Last edited by DrkXFuZion on Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This was rather hard.

1. Just Communication
2. Living in the Sunlight, Loving in the Sunlight - Tiny Tim
3. A Lovers Conceto - The Toys
4. Tiptoe Thru the Tulips - Tiny Tim
5. Numa Numa - Ozone
6. Web of Night - T.M. Revolution
7. Do Ya Think I'm Sexy - Tiny Tim
8. Everytime We Touch - Cascada
9. Heat Wave - Ryuusei Opening
10. Tale as old as Time - Beauty and the Beast

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Hubstyle Master
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DrkXFuZion wrote:
People are probably going to say that I chose waaaaay too many but once you how massive my playlist and music folder is, and once one considers that I somewhat listen to everything (Shuffle mode ftw), it's a bit hard to pick favorites.

Yeah. I have a lot of favorites too. I ten Like the most, but it's still hard to pick favorites. Even in my list, I still left some out.
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darenimo wakaranai
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a lot of songs I love, but not so many favourites. The ones I can think of offhand...

Barenaked Ladies - I'll Be That Girl
Garnet Crow - Natsu no Maboroshi
ZARD - Don't You See!
Final Fantasy VI - Aria di Mezza Caraterre
David Pomeranz - Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
Evanescence - Taking Over Me
AiM - Itsumademo Wasurenai
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
a-ha -Take On Me
Chrono Trigger - Frog's Theme

Unfortunately, sometimes I listen to favourites so much that I get sick of them, so it's hard to say which ones are just fleeting interest, lol. These are all ones that have been at the top of my list at some point in time.
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Rock Miyabi

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 10:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Watch me add to the avoiding just 10 discussion! This hardly scratches any surface. My faves go on for far too long. So here's a sampling of part of what's on my PSP 1 GB memory card (well, 98% of it is). Like DrkX, I have quite the massive playlists and stacks/albums of CDs that choosing is tough.

Rockman/Megaman game related
1.) Zero's Theme (X, IHX, Zero)
2.) Old Life Space (Zero 3 Remastered, especially)
3.) Gate's Theme (X6)
4.) Dr. Light's Capsule (X, X5, IHX)
5.) X vs. Zero (aka Hunter vs. Hunter) (X5-6)
6.) Sigma 2nd (X6 Remix version)
7.) Boss Battle (X4)
8.) Boss Battle (MM2)
9.) Bubbleman's Stage (MM2)
10.)Megaman 3 Intro (MM3)

Video Game Remixes
1.) Final Fantasy 6 - Seized With Fury (housethegrate)
2.) Chrono Trigger - Cessation of Mammon (Ashane, LuIzA)
3.) Chrono Trigger - Zealous Entropy (Ashane)
4.) Zelda: LttP - Unsealed (CarboHydroM)
5.) Zelda: OoT - Gerudo Peeples (Scott Peeples)
6.) Megaman 6 - Native Knight (Disco Dan)
7.) Final Fantasy 6 - Battle on a New Continent (CPacaud)
8.) Xenogears - Shake the Heavens [Time and Space album] (Porter, Pollard, North)
9.) Metal Gear - My Frequency is 140.85 (Virt)
10.) Megaman 3 - Blue Balls (Sukotto42)
(This is probably more my recent top 10 than anything...)

Various Anime, non-J-Pop, non-Yoko Kanno
1.) Noir - Canta Per Me (Yuki Kajiura)
2.) Big O! - Stand a Chance (Toshihiko Sahashi)
3.) Kenshin OVA - Sound of Snow Falling (Taku Iwasaki)
4.) Witch Hunter Robin - Flame (Taku Iwasaki)
5.) Dragonball Z - Super Buu (Bruce Faulconer)
6.) FLCL - Come Down (The Pillows)
7.) Rurouni Kenshin - The Last Wolf Suite (Taku Iwasaki)
8.) Outlaw Star - Away
9.) Evangelion - Decisive Battle
10.) Read or Die - Theme of ROD/I Love Hong Kong version
(Did my best to only pick one from a series, still tough)

Kanno composed songs~Cowboy Bebop ('cause I'm a Kanno freak! :D)
1.) The Real Folk Blues
2.) Blue
3.) Pushing the Sky
4.) Call Me, Call Me
5.) No Reply
6.) Tank
7.) Too Good, Too Bad
8.) See You Space Cowboy
9.) Words That We Couldn't Say
10.) Space Lion

Kanno composed songs~GITS:SAC
1.) Mikansei Love Story
2.) Rise
3.) From the Rooftop ~ Somewhere in the Silence
4.) Replica
5.) Torukia
6.) I Can't Be Cool
7.) Lithium Flower
8.) Some Other Time
9.) Inner Universe
10.) Fish ~ Silent Cruise

Normal Music
1.) Foo Fighters - Everlong
2.) Incubus - Under My Umbrella
3.) Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit
4.) Bush - Machinehead
5.) Queens of the Stone Age - Go With the Flow
6.) Matchbox 20 - Bent
7.) N.E.R.D. - She Wants to Move
8.) Insert something Beastie Boys here
9.) Insert something Jay-Z here
10.) I give up, I've ordered too much!! How the heck did I make lists avoiding Final Fantasy songs like Advent: One Winged Angel, or Kingdom Hearts ones like Passion/Sanctuary? Or other J-Pop faves? Or Rockman anime ones?

Sigh...*goes to dip typing fingers in some snow* [Seriously, I won't continue]
Avatar art thanks to toberboobap, animated gif thanks to Dr. Wily II

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I doubt I can top Miyabi's Top Ten and Ten and Ten and Ten list, but here's a quick sampling of what's gotten my foot tapping and taking up space in my MP3 player lately:

(in no particular order)

Ushiwaka's Dance; Okami
Battle Music-1; Devil May Cry 3
Wonder Panorama; Megaman ZX
Vergil Battle 1; Devil May Cry 3
Ultra Violet, Nelo Angelo Battle; Devil May Cry
Brave New World; NamcoXCapcom
Let It Be; The Beatles
Ice Brain; Megaman Zero 2 occurs to me that the majority of my music is in some way, shape or form connected to Capcom. o_O Weird...
Stuck In The Middle With You; a Metroid and Halo crossover
Devil May Cry: Renegades
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Mei Qiao
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ack, hard call. Especially for me since I listen to so much music. o_o;; So I'll just list the songs I've been listening to a lot recently.

1. Pussy Willow - Jethro Tull
2. Dragonfly - The Cruxshadows
3. Domino - Genesis
4. Dance Into The Light - Phil Collins
5. GAME - Ayumi Hamasaki
6. Grey Skies Black - Bella Morte
7. Away - Nightwish
8. Underneath the Radar - Underworld
9. Fragile - Lacuna Coil
10. Angels - Within Temptation
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No se que estoy diciendo.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My favorite of all time is Not The Same by Bodyjar. Other favorites include Be Somewhere, Punk Rock 101 by Bowling for Soup, and Far Away by 12 Stones.

I don't have my playlist with me to give you a full top-ten, but that aught to give you a general idea of what I prefer.
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Nenjiro ja ne!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Answer must Be Somewhere...


I love that song.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Who doesn't? We've been listening to that song for a WHILE now and it still hasn't gotten old to me. XD
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree as well, but I only like the song. I dislike the PV as well as a few of Buzy's other singles. Buzy overall kinda scare me... (their dancing is rather "blah". :/)
~DrkX (Resident over-sexed camera-whore & Facebook zombie.)

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Nenjiro ja ne!

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally, I listen to music for the music, not watch it for the dancing. XD

Some of Buzy's stuff is good, I got the first Album off a friend but have no idea where to get any of the newer stuff.

Previously known as "HiKaizer"
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like a lot of songs, but here are some of my favorites ^_^ (not really in order)
1- SOS (Rihanna)
2- Far Away (Nickleback)
3- Hotel California (Eagles)
4- Tuxedo Mirage (not sure who sings it...but it is the ending theme song for the sailor moon S series)
5- Feel Good Inc. (gorillaz)
*keeps listing more songs*

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ugh. THis one goes to 11. Or maybe 20 or something. I dunno. I'll stop whenever D:

1. Edge of Control by Jondi & Spesh
2. QWERTY by Linkin Park
3. If I Can't Have You by ZERO 7
4. Adagio For Strings by Tiesto
5. CHAOS by D-sire retunes
6. Halo by Martin O'Donnell
7. Rhythm & Police by ???
8. This Fine Social Scene by ZERO 7
9. Welcome to Hell by Terrorfakt
10. Sandstorm by Darude
11. Fascination MaxX (And C&J's Mix, ELM, etc) by 100-200-400
12. The Gun Pointed at the Head of the Universe by Martin O'Donnell
13. Treble, Bass, and Attitude by The Acolyte
14. We Are Connected (Active Love & OVERDRIVE Mixes) by Jondi & Spesh
15. Condition Boy by Susumu Hirosawa
16. Dream Island Obsessional Park by Susumu Hirosawa
17. INSANER [The L.E.D.'s Punishment Mix] by Jondi & Spesh + L.E.D.
18. Livin' In the Sunlight, Lovin' In the Moonlight by Tiny Tim (Gman ftw)
19. Yours To Command by Rupesh Cartel
20. POWER 5 [Shift-MEGA Mix] by Jondi & Spesh
21. Announcement Service Public by Linkin Park

One thing, tho'. I don't have much music on here, and I have what I call Musical ADD. I like the same stuff, but I like certain songs more on certain days. Today Jondi & Spesh and ZERO 7 dominated my Quick List on my Zune. D: TOmorrow maybe more DDR music. I dunno. Here's a list of most of the artists I have tho'.....
2MB, 100-200-400, Daft Punk, Dark Materia, Darude, Depeche Mode, DE-SIRE retunes, Tiesto, Hoobastank, Jamiroquai, Kid606, Jondi & Spesh, Koji Kondo, Linkin Park, Michelle Branch, Paul Oakenfold, Martin O'Donnell, SSBM OST, Terrorfakt, Tiny Tim, ZERO 7

And under "Various Artists" I have Raffi...the V-Rares for DDR Ultramix 4 and SuperNOVA, I have that BK DDR V-Rare...And the Halo 1 OST.

:D Musical ADD FTW![/quote]
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personally, I listen to music for the music, not watch it for the dancing. XD

You're missing out then. Watch some of AAA's PVs. :D

Some of Buzy's stuff is good, I got the first Album off a friend but have no idea where to get any of the newer stuff.

There is no newer stuff past the album. They only have one album and four singles. (Passion was the last one they released. I happen to have Be Somewhere and Passion) If you have the album, then you should have everything they made (both single features and B-sides) because the group disbanded last June since they didn't do too well. Blame Amuse (though it could be worse...they could have been signed to Avex).

In my eyes, their absense is replaced by the Avex girl-group SEED. Nice songs, dull PVs. :/

EDIT: Just watched Be Somewhere's PV again. Ugh....the choreography. :/ I did like Buzy's live performance of Passion at MelodiX though. It was nice. ^^
~DrkX (Resident over-sexed camera-whore & Facebook zombie.)

Last edited by DrkXFuZion on Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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Hubstyle Master
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

marihikari wrote:
2- Far Away (Nickleback)

That's a good song. Animals and Rockstar by Nickelback are pretty good too.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

-Push It To The Limit (Paul Engemann)
-Love Child (Accept)
-Fightin' (Captain Tsubasa J / opening theme)
-Rebel Yell (Billy Idol)

I especially love Push It To The Limit. If I could have only one song to listen to for the rest of my life, it would be that.
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Roll Soul
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Deliberately leaving EXE music out of this list, because it'd dominate it if I put it in XD Also, this is in no particular order...

-Blue (Da Ba Dee) - Eiffel 65
-The Extra Mile - Laura Pausini
-Christmas Exe/Sarajevo 12/24 - Trans-Siberian Orchestra
-Stay Home - Self
-Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold
-Seize the Day - Avenged Sevenfold
-Vacation - Simple Plan
-Un Monde Sans Danger - Noam
-Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
-In the Dark of the Night - from Anastasia

Yeah, I have strange music tastes XD With EXE music included though, tack on...

-Kaze wo Tsukinukete
-Be Somewhere
-Shouri no Uta
-Hikari Todoku Bashou De (both versions)

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