What's in a username?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

All the way back in the day of the MMBB at MegaMan Outpost, I went by the main name of 'OmegaZeroX'. I had a hard time choosing who I liked more, X or Zero, so I just put them together. Added Omega 'cause it sounded cool. Come to find out, there were lots of people with those three things in their names on the board. So, I thought that I needed to change it.

Still wanting to do something with Zero and X, I decided to put them together and got 'Xero' (also saw it somewhere else on the 'Net). Still wanting something cool in front of it, I decided to go the other way with 'Alpha'.

I liked the name so much, I decided to stick with it. No longer applies to that 'X and Zero' concept, though. Original character now. Only a little while ago did I learn that 'Xero' was a real word, thus making my entire name Greek. :D
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hm...I think...my original name here was SaitoMegamanSP, me being only...what...12/13 years old? Yeah. Silly little weeaboo fanboy me, mixing English and Japanese names :D

Yeppers. Some people took to calling me SMSP, others just Saito, and whatever. For some reason I had a thing for X's in usernames because like other kids my age I thought it was "cool" (subjective, of course! :D). So my first username upon my first enterance to #REO on IRC became xXxSaitoxXx. I think...the first people to say "OMG PR0NZ LOL" was Izu. Although not quite that way =P I was embarresed for some reason, and left for awhile, forgetting about IRC. However, next time I came, I ditched the X's, added a -kun, took out the -to and became Sai-kun.

Uh...I used this to register on many other forums, including two of my own RPG ones (Heroes, Heroes-Another-), and stuff like that. It also passed on to my Xbox LIVE account, where I was originally KingSuperSonic (I had a Super Sonic thing goin' on :3), I became Sai kun because XBL doesn't like hyphens. >:O

But...yeah. Now people call me Sai, mostly, but I like that -kun because I think even though I've grown up a but (which some may disagree with XD), I think I'm still a real kid at heart :D
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Dark Revived Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

my nick originated from the X series and it's from, you guessed it, the X series i read from X4 that X is the Commander of the 17th unit and i had the name maverick hunter of the 17th unit, but i condensed it to maverick_hunter_17 and it makes much more sense but some people still think i'm 17 no i'm not i'm 21 (will be 22 when Otakon rolls around).

Most people do call me Mavvy (rhymes with Navi) so that stuck too

Avvie resized by Spork-Queen.EXE Sig by XHunter17
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

when I first went online, I would bump into people I talked to online in the real world,(youth pastor, siblings, etc.)and they would always ask:"where did you get your name?", and I would respond:"I made it up!" I got kind of annoyed that people kept asking me this question, then I saw this thread and decided to post this. :D
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Elementalman.EXE is the brain child of one minute thinking about which random power to slap onto "man.EXE". It's gotten to the point of being basiclly a mouthful, so I've tried to get people to shorten it to "Elemental", but they over shoot that an call me "Element".

My more prefered alias, "DonJuan" has a better story. For some reason I I decided to go with a new name entering IRC, and I threw together "DonJuan". I got it from "Don Juan Triamphant" from the Phantom of the Opera, and mashed the two together because IRC doesn't allow spaces.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I got mine from Kain from Final Fantasy 4.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 4:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Truth to be told, I am always using another username called "Kustin", which is a short form of my surname, Kapustin. But since I for once wanted to use a more cool and secure username, I turned to my old username "RT-fact" when I was registering here. I figured out the name by myself, after having been a fan of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. RT-fact is just pronounced the same as the word "Artifact". Wink

Sadly, some people that are unfamiliar with me never show their recognition of the name's meaning, so they stick to calling me "fact" in the video games.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*sets up a campfire*

Lets start from the beginning, shall we?

Originally, when I came to this forum, I used my usual tag found on any other board I frequent, which is Aether. When I chose that name, I wanted something to sound kinda dark and mysterious, but not evil sounding. I remember hearing the word used before, and it turns out it is the old Greek term for "that which makes up the heavens". Me likey. :3

So I find the IRC chatroom, and I use it for a time, until I start changing my nick often to Dingo, since he and TomahawkMan are my favorite characters. Then, I just start solely using Dingo and it stuck. Heck, that's how anyone here addresses me now, even at Otakon! XD
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The whole name is Ruby Lightning which was given to me some long years ago by a BFF club. We all had a nickmane that pertained to something about us. My birthstone is the ruby and I also had my head in some electrician's book or experiment, so hence the name. Upon beginning anime & gaming, the "chan" was tacked on. I later realized you don't call yourself "name+chan." So, it's just Ruby, but I'm stuck with the username. ^_^
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Hatsuya Kanzaki
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Moi! What's with "Hatsuya Kanzaki"?

Hatsuya, to be broken down...into... "hatsu + ya". It means "first arrow" in Japanese...Kanzaki? I just snagged that from Shiro Kanzaki (Kamen Rider Ryuuki) or Sumire Kanzaki (Sakura Taisen)
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Comic came about because, in sixth grade I began to draw childish little comics. Really unfunny and bad, but I stuck with this new found past time throughout tenth grade.

X came about because the main comic I drew as called Agent X, a childish, violent, not to mention dumb strip about a 'secret' agent and his sidekick. In eighth grade it became Agent X in Space, due to my newfound addiction to scifi literature. It kept the two core characters, just booted them to the year 100000AD. The art style and the plots eventually matured, but then fanfiction came along around late 2005, and Agent X is now a memory. A little sad, but that's life.

6 came around because I had a vision of 6 main Agent X in Space stories, even though I've only completed two as of 2007, and will probably never get to the remaining four. Again, sad, but it's life.

So there you have it. While Comic is what I'd perfer to be called (rolls off the tongue more easily) I take pride in my username, and refuse to change it.
' I don't care if the buzz isn't real- I can roleplay being drunk!'

- Balmung, .hack vol. 1

I now have a site! Web page rather: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1048042/
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NetOperator Wibby
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmm ... NetOperator Wibby. kinda long story, but that's what you're here for is it not? anyhoo ...

i think i was on wikipedia researching the japanese versions of MMBN. it was there that i found a link to a "library" of MMBN terms and i came across "NetOperator". the reason why there's no space between Net and Operator is because places in the MMBN games didn't have spaces in them either (to save space i guess). "Wibby" comes from my last name, which is Webb. in eighth grade i wanted to give myself a nickname (my humanities class was boring) and the way my mind works was Webb -> Webby -> Wibby and it stuck. and, this was before Puff Daddy became Diddy so i wasn't copying! yeah ... that's how NetOperator Wibby came to be.
Avatar by Tabby (of my NetNavi, GuincoolMind.EXE) : : :
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Party Like a Rock Star

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lils is simply a nickname based off my original weeaboo net alias nekolil; along with my real name, Lisa.

[I dont get it either]
I'm bringing sassy back
I never finish a thought
You can't forget 'cos you know nothing but my name
'Cos I don't want to hear about people I don't know
Not you, Not him, Not her, No
You only see what I let you see
Nothing less and nothing more
What you say is nothing new to me, honestly

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dude, you just have to look at me so see why i'm musashi.exe, tough I used to be Kicker.EXE before the membership wipeout, but the story behind my nick goes like this.
Now obviously my nick came from Musashi from Brave Fencer Musashi,
but you see I happen to be a weapon fanatic (not in the creepy way where you keep a gun with you when you sleep or something like that) like it developed when I played Megaman Legends, I was around 9 at the time so excited at the fact that you could make weapons with common objects like a toy sword and a laser pen to make a blade arm, so I tried doing stuff like that, I never made anything execpt a cardboard rock buster that sadly I had to throw away ;_;
(*stares at the sky*I WILL MAKE ANOTHER!!!WAIT AND SEE!!!).
So as I grew older eventually as I started palying mre games and watching TV etc, I began to notice things about the weapons like
how they were being used and how guns were being re-loaded and the shape and style of swords and such. and I started reading about this stuff and as it turns out i've got a knack for this kinda stuff, and then I played Brave Fencer Musashi, and I found out there was a really musashi in japan and I started to research about him. Other than his teachings and his story etc, what I like the most was that the 2 sword style he used, and how he understood the importance of using the right tool in the right stiuation and the pros and cons of your actions in whatever you do, very similar to how I think about everything, also I happened to have that same style of fighting
when I play a game (dual-wield RULES!) So now I am Musashi.EXE!
Sliceing and Shooting through every game he sees!
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Sithking Zero
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 9:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, how did I become Sithking Zero?

That goes back to my old napster account. I'm a gigantic fan of Zero, from the X series (Zero in the other games.... not as much.) So I chose my ID to be "Zero410" after Zero and my birthday. Well, next what happened was I had to chose a password. I thought about it, and I chose "Sithking," because I love Darth Vader and the Emperor, and all those other dark Jedi. And what's better then a Sith Lord, the highest rank of Sith? A Sith KING.

Then, I signed up for Fanfiction . net (for some reason, it's having problems if I use no spaces). And I had to pick a username, so I just fused the two names, and Volia! Sithking Zero was born!
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The MacGyver of Rockman

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

All righty now. *cracks his knuckles*, it's typing time. Of course I go by more than just GM_Link. MacGyver was one of my techie names because I would always MacGyver something together or use a different tool like a boxcutter for a screwdriver. Kazooaloo is my more recent one. Kazoo came from work and I just tacked on aloo at the end. Pretty original.

But the big story here is this one. *points to his user name* Yeah, I've stuck with Link for a long time. My friends used to call me Link at school because at the time I looked like the original Link. Not the blonde haird lefty, the annoying "excuuuuuuuuse me, Princess" righty... which I didn't know to take as a compliment or an insult. I signed up on The Mushroom Kingdom a long time ago, I don't go there now, and I needed a name. I wanted to be Kooper from Paper Mario because I liked the character. Sadly it was already taken. So I jumped onboard as Link.

A couple months later my friends and I were going to start up a GameFAQs like website called Game Master, again I kept the name Link. We had a chat room going on and the staff members put GM_ infront of their names so that people could tell the staff from everyone else... even though the giant @ sign kinda meant you were staff. On the side I held an RPG, which still goes today, called the Mega Man Battle Network RPG after being aware of and trying the first EXE game in Japanese. From there I started to use GM_Link as my tag name on other message boards.

Sadly though Game Master soon shut down and the RPG became the dominance of my time. Though to keep the memory alive of my first website, I kept the GM. Which is now I go by GM_Link. At first I kept asking people just to call me Link, but after people going "link?" and I go "Yes?" when they're asking for a url, I just gave up.

Another thing that's sort of a tradition that goes back to TMK is I always sign my posts. I don't know why I did it at the time, but I think I just wanted to give myself an image, something different that would stand out. So yeah. And now to end the post.

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Seres Wyvern

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My Nick have a two parts history, one for each part of name, of course XD
Seres comes from "Ceres", the Angel (Tennyo) character from Ayashi no Ceres. This Angel was kidnapped from a human (he stole her harogomo => the object that able her to go to heaven) and forced her to have a child with him. After a while her son was singing and by accident revealed where was her harogomo. She went away for heaven and started to hate all humanity.

Wyvern come from my last RPG character (yeaph, I played with dragons). I had to stop to play bcuz of studies, so my char was killed in game by her bro. I still love her, so I like to use this name.
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Mayl's Boyfriend

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Picked my name when I first saw Mayl on Megaman NT Warrior here in America. I used to be Luigi the Homie, but I changed to be Mayl's Boyfriend after seeing her, I imediately fell in love with her, and that's why I picked the name.

And and this one forum, I changed to Mayl's Fiance. ^_^
I love Mayl Sakurai more than anyone in the world. I think about her all the time, I dream about her, stare at her, join forums about her, compose music for her, I havent known anybody else that loves her more than I do. Yup, it's all true. So what?
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mine? I was first known as "eagle" on the net, but it's a so common nickname, I've had enough seeing so many people on the net having the same nick as me, so I've wanted to have a MORE original nick, I picked 3 random katakanas and I picked "Ru" "Se" and "Ko", and I've putted them in a better order to make "Seruko". It's a nick which means absolutely NOTHING, but I like it, it's cool =P
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:16 pm    Post subject: Meh Reply with quote

Only one person ever guessed where the name "Maq" came from. Guess it's time to tell.

When I was younger, I read the Dragonlance series (Dragons of Autum Twilight, etc). One of the names in the book was Maquesta. She was a sea-captain of some sort. I didn't care much for the character, but the name to me was just great. As time went on, I remembered the name wrong, thinking there was an 'n' at the end (Maquestan), and when I joined the only community, I used that as my nick. Eventually, it just got shortened to Maq or Maqqy. By now, 'Maquestan' is a thing of the past. 'Maqqy' is now my character, very different from myself, and I love her to death. But I still use the name to identify myself.
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