Which series or shows are you currently following?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:06 pm    Post subject: Which series or shows are you currently following? Reply with quote


I always was a bit too curious for my own good, but I was wondering what kind of tv series people are following at the moment.

A few years ago I was actively following and interested in 10 different series. Luckily I managed to stop watching some of them and currently I am following 4 different series. They don't have to be shows currently running or airing on tv, for example one of my favorite shows has ended it's production about 10 years ago but I am now trying to collect all the available dvd's in the store.

If you want to share your favorite serie or show in this topic please explain in a few sentences why you like it or what exactly this show offers that made you a fan or interested in the end.

I'll start: (1,2,3 in no particular order, everything stated below is just my personal opinion. I am almost 25, but I really like cartoons even if they are meant for a younger audience group)

1. Danny Phantom : I've been a fan of this special series for about a year now. I did withdrew myself from the show between october-december 2006. But after that my interest has become bigger then ever before.

The characters are very likeable and some of them (For example Vlad: his past and current behavior and Danny: his motivations to become a hero and his character development) are very interesting. I also like the concept of the series, although it is not very likely that it would happen in our world, there a lot of similarities to be found and a certain degree of realism which make it very interesting and enjoyable to speculate and debate about.

All in all, DP is a real favorite for me and despite the fact that some episodes were disappointing and character development was not always present, the idea behind the series itself is great.


2. Avatar : Another great series for me personally. Just as with DP, Avatar has several very interesting characters (Aang, Zuko, etc.) This show fascinates me, not really because of the plot though, but because of the way it is presented. Even if the world this series takes place on is not ours, I still feel a sense of realism and attachment to it. I symphatize with the characters, I often find myself speculating which road the characters will take and Prince Zuko (as with Vlad) is IMHO a very interesting and intriguing person. There are times I really want to see Aang to teach him a lesson but there are also several moments which make me like him only more and were I feel real sympathy for him.

I love the action scenes in the show and most of the conversations. Although the Dutch Aang sounds sometimes a bit too 'enthusiastic for me', forcing me to turn the volume down. I've never heard the original Aang though, but I would love too.


3. Babylon 5: This serie is a five-season long science-fiction series originating from the mid-90's. This show, about a large space-station made by Earth in cooperation with other alien races and largely seen as the last chance for peace in the galaxy. The story is very deep, complex and exciting, with a lot of character development and a dangerous, powerful and mysterious alien race slowly revealing itself. I am currently trying to complete my DVD-collection for the series.


4. Ryusei No Rockman: A series I first thought I would hate, as it was entirely different then the Rockman series for me. In the beginning I just didn't know what to think about Warrock's head attached to Rockman's left arm and I found the side-characters somewhat weak design-wise.

Over time though I started to really like the series. I really like Subaru and his Rockman form. I don't entirely like Warrock though, but this is most likely because of the more human design of Rockman in Rockman-Exe, I find it somewhat of a big change. I like the animation style and some of the villains are pretty interesting (for example Cygnus Wing and Gemini Spark) I do feel they are introducing too many villains, they should just have focused on a few, no more.

The serie is nice to watch, but you have to like the design and the style of the enemies and some other characters. I really like Ryusei but I consider Danny Phantom a degree better because of the more interesting side-characters (his friends for example) and the presence of a real arch-enemy like Vlad Plasmius. Also, the 9-minute episode length can really hurt the show sometimes, I start to get this feeling more often lately.
Still, this matter was far worse in Beast+ IMHO, but I digress.


Well, these are my series I currently am interested in. Do you want to share your favorite shows?

It doesn't have to be only tv-series, book-series for example are also great. I wish I could name one for myself. I haven't had the chance to read for some time but generally I like detectives, mystery and science-fiction.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been getting back to ol' DBZ lately and also trying to get into Lost and SmallVille again, since they're always good to watch when I'm bored or not playing Jump Ultimate Stars.

I had been watching Bleach, but I then stopped to read the manga instead.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lost is just about the only series I'm following right now. I might jump to Heroes, 24, Grey's Anatomy, House, and other popular series; but I'll have to find time to fit into my endless work schedule.

edit: Also, I've been VERY addicted to Hana Kimi, it's based off the manga. IT's a Taiwanese drama. =]
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heroes! (insert biggest smiley ever here)
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

House kicks every show's ass. Bottom line. xD Sarcastic doctor + nearly killing every patient recieved + REALLY clever storyline in every episode = pure addiction. I've got Seasons one and two on DVD. I'm obsessed. I'm also following Heroes (OMG SYLER <33 *fangirl squeal*), though not as closely as I'd like to be; I've missed a few episodes due to schoolwork and such. Luckily it's not as confusing as when you miss an episode of Lost.

...I missed one episode of Lost and never understood it again. The show's damn hard to follow, but it was fairly good when I first started watching it.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like to watch Smallville and Super Natural. My mom watches Medium. I think it's okay, if not a little stupid at times. Super Natural is pretty sweet, you never know what to expect.
(When my parents aren't home, I watch South Park & Simpsons. lol!)
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

House MD is hands-down my favorite show. It trumps ER, the show that used to be my favorite medical drama, which in turn totally beats the crap out of Grey's Anatomy. It streches plausibility pretty damn far with diseases of the sort that doctors would probably encounter once in a lifetime and House's misanthropic personality that would've gotten him fired more times than the show implies he has been. Normally I'd hate a show like that, especially one with a general forumla behind the problem of the week, but somehow it comes together perfectly and really works.

Le Chevalier D'Eon clocks in at #2. Its animation and story are uncharacteristically high-quality for anime, and its setting and drawing style are more reminiscent of a European project than a Japanese one. Hell, I'd dare say that anime is a misnomer for this series. What keeps it #2 in my book is the mixed quality of voice acting. Some roles are filled beautifully, while others just plain suck.

Beyond that, watching some South Park and Ryusei no Rockman kills time well.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oooh... let's see...

I like Tsubasa Resivoir Chronicles, and Office ain't bad either.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, I guess there are two show I go out of my way to make sure I don't miss. That's Mythbusters and The Simpsons. It always seems that if I miss an episode of Mythbusters, it's always one that I need to see.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hu... this is going to make me seem like I have no life beyond the TV but I do I swear.

Anime: At the moment

Power Puff Girls Z - Shhhhh... I know but... god Buttercup pwns so bad.
Nodome Cantiable - Hee <3 that's all I have to say
Naruto, Bleach, One Piece - Yeah well... I'll forever be following these shows I swear
D Grayman - What can I say, I love the art and the filler is great
Death Note - It's all about L and Light's creepy obsessive relationship. Seriously.
Rockman in general - Yeah any new ep from any season including Ryuusei.
Digimon Savers - MASARUUUUU~ Oh he is crack for my delighted fangirl soul.
Inukami - Heh... just... heh...
Bartender - It's far too good for a show about drinking at a bar. Really, it has no right being as good as it is.
Shounen Onmyouji - Two words. Hot bishounen. Literally. Plus a cute kid and a decent storyline with a non sucking female lead.
Gintama - Ah, this show is just... so amazing. Funny, weird, serious... I wish I could write a story like this. And the sound track <3 Every song this show produces I love.
Detective Conan - Hey, it's all about the mysteries X3
Keroro Gunso - Giroro and Dororo. all of them really but those two just make me laugh and laugh...

Live Action:

House MD - Hugh Laurie is my hero.
Standoff - Eh, it's on before House and it has a decent storyline.
Heroes - Hiro, it's all about Hiro.
Mythbuster - Come on, they blow stuff up. What more can you ask for?
Monk - Again, it's all about the mystery. Plus the plot is so well written.
Psych - Amazing characters, great plot and a change up of pace meaning not every ep is central to a murder. Most are but not all.


Danny Phantom - It's one of the best cartoons on TV. I just love the way the show is written.
American Dragon Jake Long - Get past the annoying use of slang and I swear this show has one of the best written plots in cartoons today. The love story just... <3 so amazing.
Avatar - Probably the best written thing on TV right now. Seriously.
Kim Possible - SEASON 4~ OMG! *ahem* <.<
Ben 10 - Holy crap it's a show about a 10 year old that acts like a 10 year old. AMEN WRITING GODS!
Loonatics Unleashed - Watch it for what it is. An action show. If you do, it's really quite good.
Monster Allergy - Female lead kicks serious butt. Really.

Note, all these shows air new eps at totally different times which is why I can juggle them. I'm not insane I just like a well written show XD Ah well... I am perhaps insane but it doesn't mean they're not good.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Code Geass
Tokyo Majin Gakuen

Are the only ones I watch concurrently.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shows I'm currently following are

- Bleach : discovered it recently, and I really like it, the Soul Society arc is awesome and the battles are really nice

- Jigoku Shoujo : Futakomori (Season 2) : AWESOME anime, very well animated with awesome music and a weird and mysterious story, I highly recommend this one =P

- Death Note : Just AWESOME, one of the best stories ever seen in my whole life.

- Kiba : Just watched the first 2 episodes and it's cool , not as cool as Bleach, Jigoku Shoujo or others, but it's still a nice anime, as far as I saw

- Ryuusei no Rockman : Still a Rockman fan, Ryuusei anime is cool (GEMINI SPAAAAAAARK °_°) bur I don't really like the 10 minute format, too short, less development in the episode's plot ><

- Rockman.EXE Beast : I, of course follow the progress of our beloved Puku/WPP team, still awesome (And it's more delicious AFTER have watched the HO-RRI-BLE French dub for months r_r)

I'll follow Naruto Shppuden ONLY if the graphic quality will be improved (not as fillers's quality >>)
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not much in the way of anime lately, but here's what I've got:

Haibane Ranme - I'm just starting it, haven't seen enough to know what I think.
Trinity Blood - This is really cool. I recommend it.
Witch Hunter Robin - Also looks really cool, only seen the first ep.

TV shows:
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Star Trek: any series
Myth Busters
Whatever old school cartoons I find on Toon Disney
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There aren't too many shows that I watch rather religiously, but some do happen to take the proverbial cake--

The Amazing Race--Yes, I know it's reality. But still, it's grown on me and it's been around for close to 12 seasons now, so it has to have some merit in watching it.

Game Shows--Most of the time when I am at the TV I have the set tuned to GSN. I watch any and all game shows, but the ones I follow the most include Jeopardy!, Press Your Luck, and The Price is Right. I also try to catch Deal or No Deal and 1 vs. 100 when I possibly can.

Star Trek--When not on GSN, the TV is tuned to SpikeTV. I am pretty much following Voyager at the moment, as it was, by far, my favorite incarnation of Star Trek, and also because I joined only in the fourth year, so any of the first three years of programming I have never watched. Luckily, it is shown twice a day sequentially, so I've been getting my fill of the early episodes and plugging the holes that I've got in my understanding of the series.

In other times, I'll watch Food Newtork, notably for Good Eats, and the occasional Mythbusters episode on Discovery.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One FREAKKING Piece the show is just cool from it's character development to its fight scenes that really charge you up!
I think so Brain....

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jeeves and Wooster: This is a miniseries based off of the books by PG Woodhouse that aired in the early 90s. Stars a clean shaven Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster, and Stephen Fry as his valet, Jeeves. Quite funny stuff, though some of the jokes may be hard to understand at first. Jeeves always has to bail Wooster out of social jams that Bertie has gotten himself into. A wide array of wacky secondary characters, and a mix of slapstick and intellectual humor makes this a must see.

Ryuusei no Rockman: The first episodes were better, but now that the series is looking up again, Ryuusei has the potential to be as good as EXE was. Now if only there wasn't a 10 minute time cap...

Rockman.exe Beast: I've watched all of the raws, but not the subs! It was good overall, but the Beyondard half was inferior to the first half. The fact that there were two big plotholes didn't help either.

One Piece: I first watched the first episode out of curiousity, but ended up getting sucked into it. Humorous characters, and killer cliffhangers kept me coming back to watch more. In little over two and a half weeks, I've already began the Arlong Arc. This wacky anime also has had some of the most impressive displays of anime physics that I have ever seen.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Azumanga: I'm currently on episode 3, and I'm not too impressed. It's following the mangas a bit too closely. But Osaka is still my hero.

Kyo Kara Maru: I need to find the last 12 episodes of this series! I love it! But none of my torrents will work ;_; I'm tempted to go out and buy the DVDs, but I can't seem to find them.

Sailor Moon: Yes. I finally broke down and started watching the series from episode 1 in japanese. Thank you Youtube. I fully intend to watch all 200 episodes. Although.....Usagi's voice might just melt my brain before it's all over.

I'm tempted to start watching One Piece, but it just doesn't seem up my alley. I dunno. The art style is just a big turn off for me. Ah well. Prolly still make a couple stickers from the series anyways ;P
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

this directed to ComicX6:
Jeeves and Wooster? That one was a surprise! I wouldn't have thought anyone else watched that show! :D
On topic:
let's see...I also watch the first two seasons of NT warrior on DVD because I didn't realize it existed until it was pretty much done. I did manage to watch almost all of Axess though.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Detective Conan
One Piece
Yugioh GX
Prison Break
Invader Zim
Rockman/Megaman in general
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