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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:46 am Post subject: Lock please, see page 2. |
Don't ask. Um, so the story behind this God-awful fanfiction started when I was watching subbed episodes of Sonic X, because I refuse to watch it in English. I thought about what would happen if Chaos Control brought them to our world, and a beautiful yet creepy idea spawned into my head. Some of it is derived from real life experiences, and some (like the bath scene XD) were figments of messed-up dreams I had. And I'm in it. And so is CFS. And my little sister. And a friend of mine and CFS's from EXEHQ. So, due to Haly K's request to read this, I'm posting it. It's rated PG13 for possible violence, language, and some slightly sexual but hilarious situations. Trust me, I can't write a serious fic to save my life. AND NOW COMES THE ACTUAL FIC!!
Chapter 1:
Chaos Control
In the sky above a large temple ruin, dark clouds gathered. Thunder could be heard roaring in the distance.
A blue blur dashed through the ruins of a temple, precisely rounding every corner. The blur halted to a stop to reveal Sonic, leaning against the nearest wall with one gloved hand to support himself on the rough brick surface. He sighed and let his tongue loll out of his mouth as he began panting, thinking how he should really be worrying about what Shadow could do.
Shadow had somehow gained control of the Chaos Emeralds, and managed to get near the Master Emerald, considering how gullible Knuckles is.
Pfft. Some guardian HE was.
Now Shadow was planning who-knows-what, and Sonic was the only one even close to being a match for the black hedgehog. He felt himself becoming dazed with stress and exhaustion, as one would when pulling an all-nighter for two days straight. Not that he wanted to, it just happened.
Sonic jumped in surprise when something hit his arm, his quills bristling unconsciously and his upper lip rising the slightest. He looked around, and felt something else hit his nose and roll off. He looked up, seeing rain beginning to fall from the sky.
“Urgh… Get a hold of yourself, Sonic; it’s just rain,” Sonic muttered to himself, wiping drops of pouring rain out of his eyes and shaking in a dog-like fashion, only to be drenched almost immediately by more oncoming raindrops.
He stood up straight, glaring at the temple up ahead where the Master Emerald lay. It was the only temple still intact, save for a few large gashes in the surface of it.
Sonic hissed into the rain, “Shadow, you’re going down.”
“Damn… I can’t believe I was tricked by the likes of YOU!” Knuckles roared from across the eerie temple‘s main chamber to the black hedgehog on the other side. He unsuccessfully lunged at Shadow, being restrained by a bright green light on either of his arms and legs. He growled, “Just how the hell did you gain this much control over the emeralds?!”
The quiet black hedgehog standing feet away from Knuckles replied with closed eyes, “I really don’t feel like telling you. Now please…” He glanced over at Tails, being restrained against a wall in a matter much like Knuckles was, and finished, “Tell your friend that screaming won’t get him anywhere.”
Tails growled, and with tear-filled eyes, he cried in retort, “Just you watch, Shadow! Sonic will come, I know he will! Sonic has never failed us before!”
“Maybe Sonikku isn’t here, but Amy Rose is!” came a voice.
Shadow merely blinked, and bashed the pink, hammer-wielding hedgehog against a wall with a small blast from a Chaos Emerald, without even turning around to face her.
Amy yelled, “Shadow! You’re so dead when Sonic gets here!” She found herself being pinned against the wall in the same way as her fellow captives. She wailed, “Sonic!”
Shadow said over her wailing, “I wouldn’t advise calling for him… you’re going to lose your voice, and he won’t come anyways.”
He thought about what he had just said, and corrected himself, “…On second thought, call for him all you’d like to.”
“Sorry, faker… but I don’t think I like you pushing my friends around!”
“’Bout damn time, Sonic!”
Sonic grinned, and while rubbing a finger under his nose is his signature motion he replied, “Great to see you too, Knux. Now…” He turned and faced his rival, and asked, “…shall we, Shadow?”
Shadow answered with a cross expression, “Hmph. You annoy me. Let’s get this over with, so I can show you who’s the faker.”
Sonic grinned, and rushed at the black hedgehog who was doing the same.
“Nuh-uh, kiddies! I think I want the emeralds for myself!”
Shadow and Sonic immediately stopped in mid-run, accidentally conking their heads on one another. They both fell to the ground, rubbing the spot that had collided with the other hedgehog moments before.
Shadow recovered first from the unexpected injury and asked, “So… just what does one like yourself want with the emeralds?”
Eggman grinned maniacally and answered, “Isn’t it obvious? After fifteen years of constantly trying to steal the emeralds, I thought that you’d know I’m here to try and steal the emeralds so I can take over the world!”
Shadow raised an eyebrow and asked, “Fifteen? What are you…”
Sonic’s ears perked up, and he grinned in a rather sadistic way towards Shadow. He mused, “Ah, how easily we all forget how young Shadow is… How old are you again… was it six?”
Shadow’s ears folded down flat on his head, and he answered, “I don't age, and it's not that important if I do or don't.”
Knuckles chimed, “Apparently it IS, because you don’t look too calm anymore!”
The temple was quiet, save for Knuckles sniggering.
Eggman cut in, “Okay, just fork over the emeralds, because I’ve got a world to rule! You can deal with your age issues in the afterlife!”
Sonic exclaimed, “No way, Egghead! Not if I can help it!” He grinned, and jumped up in a homing attack. He darted towards the man in the floating machine, and fell out of the attack when he missed.
Sonic asked, “What? I couldn’t hear that!” He looked behind himself, and realized he was about to fall on the Master Emerald. He muttered, “Oh shitty,” and tumbled onto the larger emerald.
The Master Emerald immediately toppled over on top over the Chaos Emeralds, which began emitting a blinding white light.
Shadow shouted, “You fool! You just activated Chaos Control, and that’s NOT a good thing!”
Sonic shouted back, “Well duh!!”
Knuckles yelled, “I can’t stop it; it’s already too far into the phase of emitting the chaotic waves from being so close beforehand… and now comes the real Chaos Control!”
Eggman growled at Sonic, “Hedgehog! What do I do NOW?! They‘re going to be scattered again!”
Tails broke off the wall, and caught Amy as she did. He cried, “Everyone! We’re going to a world we don’t know, and if we can manage to stick together, we can-”
Tails was interrupted by a loud whine, coming from the emeralds. The white light of the Chaos Control was spreading across the entire landscape, slowly reaching the very ends of Planet Mobius. The whine from the emeralds was beginning to grow louder.
A unanimous scream came from the temple’s current occupants.
All was silent, except Knuckles saying, “…Sonic, you’re a flippin' idiot.”
“No way!”
“Yeah. Apparently there’s been a sighting of a weird blur that constantly rushes around the area, and right now it’s in sub-division next to our neighborhood. Apparently it moves so fast that the bottom of it sparks!”
An older brother of fifteen grinned at his sister, who was no older than thirteen. The sister laughed and turned around in her computer chair to face her brother, and asked, “Do you think we should tell Kate? You know how she gets about animals. Especially with Yuji Naka’s, she gets crazy.”
A younger girl came bounding into the older sister’s room. She looked about nine years old. She asked, “DID YOU MENTION YUJI NAKA?!” The older girl shook her head and responded, “Kate, please get out of my room.” Kathleen pleaded, “Come on, Christina. You’re letting John stay in here!”
The oldest (now known as John,) chuckled and agreed with Kathleen. He added, “She’s got a point, Christina. And plus, you’re only on your computer.”
Christina sighed in exasperation and replied, “Erh… Fine. I was going to go outside anyways.” She smiled and asked, “I’m going for a walk; why don’t you guys come with me? I really wanna see what that blur is! It‘s about eight o‘clock, so we‘ve got at least an hour of daylight left. Really, I wanna see what the commotion is!”
John shrugged and answered, “Works for me,” as he laced his shoes and waited next to the door.
(Apparently the three kids are downstairs by their front door now. >_<)
Kathleen added as she slipped on her shoes, “I’m curious too.”
“Mysterious UBO! Can you hear us?” A policeman called from his station behind a car. He attempted to aim his pistol at the speedy blur, but it was too fast to follow. The blur stopped to reveal every gamer’s favorite badass hedgehog, poised coolly with folded arms. He asked, “UBO?”
The policeman shrugged and answered into his megaphone, “Well, it meant Unidentified Black Object, but now that we know what you are, you’re not a UBO. Sorry.”
John, Christina, and Kathleen strode on the sidewalk, and began to head down the fork where the sub-division was located. A policemen stopped them and explained, “Sorry, kids, but I can’t allow you over here. We’ve got some problems on our hands.”
Christina piped up, “Uh… excuse me, but that’s actually why we came down here. We wanted to see the speedy, sparky blur.”
John added, “We don’t want to be trouble, we’re just curious. We can stand back far, if you’d like us to.”
The policeman shrugged and answered, “Go ahead and look at it, it’s just an oversized black hedgehog. We‘re going to take it away soon anyways and have it checked out. Some are saying it's an alien.”
Christina stared in shock at John and Kathleen, who shared the expression. The three asked one another, “Oversized… black… hedgehog?!”
Christina shoved past her brother and sister, staring in shock at the sight before her, saying, "Alien my arse!! I know who THAT is!"
As much as she didn’t believe it possible, ‘Shadow the Hedgehog’ was standing only yards away.
Christina could feel herself hyperventilating quietly. She calmed herself, and called out to get the black hedgehog‘s attention, “Shadow!”
The black hedgehog let his blood-red eyes wander to her direction, and she almost fainted. She caught herself, and after a deep breath, asked, “What are you doing here? This isn’t your realm.”
Shadow shoved back a policeman trying to restrain him, and walked slowly but gracefully over to Christina. He asked, “And just how would YOU know me, and about my world?”
Christina could hear pounding in her ears, most likely her own heartbeat. She replied as calmly as she could, “You’re a very famous person here, Shadow.”
Shadow raised an eyebrow, yet kept an uninterested look on his face. He responded, “Very well then. If we’re so famous, perhaps you would be able to tell me where a certain blue nemesis of mine is.”
John and Kathleen finally caught up to their sister, who was trying her best not to scream as she stared at the universe-traveler in front of her.
John asked, “Wow, am I insane, or is a walking, talking hedgehog standing in front of me? And more importantly… one that should be fictional?”
Kathleen sighed and thought aloud, “I really hoped it was Knuckles, but hey… I guess little kids work too.”
Christina smacked her sister and hissed, “You idiot! Do you want to get yourself KILLED!? This is THE Shadow we’re talking about here! And plus, he‘s actually ageless, he‘s only technically six.”
Shadow’s eyes darted to the side, presumably at something behind him. He said, “Well, since none of you know Sonic’s whereabouts… I guess I’ll be taking my leave.”
John wore a comical expression as he pointed to a multitude of white vans behind him pulled over on the side of the road. “Not with Animal Control snooping around, you’re not. I really don’t think even you could stand up to anal probing, regardless of how fast or strong you are.” He said.
Christina thought and agreed, “Yeah, I really don’t think he’d enjoy getting shots any more than a normal hedgehog would. No… I really don’t picture Shadow getting along with vets too well…”
Shadow folded his ears back against his head a for second time in this fanfiction and said, “You children are so trivial. Are you helping me or not?”
Kathleen answered, “Well, as long as you don’t mind having to stay with us, we’ll gladly help you.”
Christina asked almost immediately after Kathleen’s response, “That would be very sweet of us to welcome him in, but just where is he going to sleep? And it’s not like we can go home and say, ’Hey Mom and Dad, we’re gonna let a deadly, black-and-red hedgehog live with us! And while we’re at it, we’re going to go streaking on Saint Patrick’s Day!’” She frowned and glanced at Shadow, who really didn’t seem too pleased, let alone interested anymore.
She broke away from her thoughts and asked practically out of nowhere, “Shadow… who gave you the right to call us children?”
Shadow responded in a startled manner, “What‘s that supposed to mean?”
Kathleen began to giggle silently, as she knew what her older sister was about to say.
Christina explained, “You’re more of a child than any of us. As a matter of fact, according to SEGA’s annals, you’re only six years old. You’re even younger than Kathleen, Shadow… and she‘s nine. So in reality, WE should be the ones calling YOU a child.”
John snickered and exclaimed, “Wow, Christina! It looks like your fandom has created for a hilarious advantage for us!” He could already see the cracked-up ideas his sister had.
Shadow was asking himself why he wasn’t already killing Christina, his lip curled up and showing his teeth. He didn’t mean to do it, he was just so pissed that he was doing it without realization.
Christina laughed at his reaction and added, “I’m joking, silly. Now come on, we’ve got a lot of introducing to do!”
Shadow muttered, “Oh God,” under his breath and followed the three siblings as they turned around and began walking home.
The black hedgehog looked up into the cloudless blue sky, wondering what these three children would have in store for him, and how he was going to return home. He figured that staying with them couldn’t hurt, and it was better than constantly being on the run.
“Mooo-ooom! We’re home!” Christina called, looking around the house for her mother. She called, “Daaaa-aaad! Where’s mom?”
The children’s dad came down the stairs located in the next room over, and walked into the family room where the children were standing, Shadow hidden behind them so their parents wouldn’t flip out.
John smiled and exclaimed, “Hey there, Dad!”
Christina grinned at Kathleen and John before saying, “Um… Dad? When we were going on our walk, we found something. And, before you say no without even seeing him, we want to ask you if we can keep him, because he‘s really not much trouble.”
Shadow gave Christina an irritated look. Kathleen whispered, “Play along, Shadow.”
The children’s dad sighed jokingly and asked, “And just what kind of animal is it THIS time?”
Christina stepped aside to reveal Shadow, causing their dad to jump in surprise. He answered the question of letting him stay, saying, “Um… maybe you should ask your mom about him. I’m not so sure she’ll want another animal to feed and clean up after.”
Christina argued, “No, Dad! Shadow is smart! See, watch…” she turned to Shadow and asked, “Shadow, what would you do if you were begging to live with someone?”
Shadow growled in annoyance, and began to respond in an extremely out-of-character way. He let his eyes grow big any shiny, and wagged his tail. He whimpered, “Adore me…”
John just about died laughing, and Kathleen and Christina took pictures for the internet and for themselves.
Their dad raised an eyebrow and asked, “Just what the hell was that?”
Shadow shrugged and answered calmly, “Eh, I do what I have to.”
John grinned and added, “See, Dad? He walks, he talks, and he knows how to feed himself! He’s even toilet-trained!”
Shadow glared at John, and Christina muttered to Shadow, “I would hope so, with as much intelligence as you have.” She laughed at her own joke and whispered, “Sorry, I’m joking again.”
“What’s going on in here, Kevin?” the kid’s mother asked, smiling at everyone. She spotted Shadow and smiled. She exclaimed, “I know who that is! Isn’t it Sonic the Hedgehog?”
The three kids looked at their mother like she just put herself on death-row. Shadow looked like he had been stabbed.
She asked, “What, he isn’t?”
Kathleen shook her head and answered, “Right series, wrong character, Mom. This is Shadow, not Sonic!”
The mother asked with a smile, “Oh, you mean the one that Christina used to have a big cru-”
“NO, MOTHER DEAREST,” Christina said loudly, cutting her mother off. She explained, “So, defying the laws of physics and reality, these characters have come to our universe in a freak accident. Can Shadow stay with us? If he doesn’t, he’s gonna be hunted by God-knows-who wherever he turns!”
The mother sighed, and replied, “Okay, he can stay… but I swear, I see you torturing him ONCE and we’ll make him live with Sam!”
Christina wailed, “NOT SAM!! SHE KILLS BABY DUCKS!!”
(AUTHOR NOTE: Sam is my real neighbor, and she actually did once accidentally kill a baby duck. XD)
Shadow coughed loudly and added, “A-hem… I don’t want to die, thank you.”
The parents (the mom being Renee and the dad being Kevin, just to clear that up) came to an agreement with their children that the hedgehog could stay as long as he could mostly take care of himself, with the exception of food and such.
Christina smiled, and when her parents left the room, she said, “Well Shadow, you must be tired as hell!”
Shadow answered, “I‘m not exhausted...”
Kathleen asked, “So that’s a yes?”
He responded, “Not really.”
Christina’s mind was furiously racing, thinking of what to do next. She suggested, “We do have the one guest room that he could stay in, for as far as sleeping goes…”
John agreed, “Yeah, nobody’s ever used it before anyways, right?”
All was quiet for a moment.
Christina yelled, “DONE, IT’S BATH TIME!!” and grabbed a startled Shadow. In a flash she was up the stairs and in the bathroom.
John stared in dumbfounded-ness for a moment, and said, “She’s a pervert. An animal pervert, that is.”
Kathleen asked, “Do you honestly think Shadow’s gonna let her bathe him?”
Then answering her own question, she laughed and added, “Yeah right, he’s gonna kill her! Either that, or SHE’S gonna accidentally kill HIM! You know how she‘s gonna get about him…”
“See, now was that so hard?”
“…Yes, and now I’ve completely lost all dignity.”
“Dignity, schmignity! Being alone isn’t fun.”
The bathroom was silent for a moment.
Christina edged in closer towards Shadow, bringing a washcloth to his ear. She smiled and purred, “You’re so adorable, Shadow, so I really don’t know why you wouldn’t enjoy a bath, because it makes you pretty! I mean you’re pretty anyway, but… um, yeah. And plus, washing your own back is hard, isn’t it? I would think so.”
The embarrassed hedgehog looked away, still trying to suppress the urge to bite her arm as hard as he could. That’s what fangs are for, right?
He muttered, “I would’ve been fine by myself.”
Christina giggled and responded, “You can’t swim, and I don’t want to take any chances. Also…”
She caused him to twitch in surprise when she brought a hand down to the patch of fluffy white fur on his chest. She exclaimed, “…I can’t get over how darn cute you are! I mean, look at this fluff! It‘s SO adorable!!”
She didn’t give him any time to respond as she put her hand over the top of his eyes and said, “Watch your eyes, we’ve got water coming down,” as she grabbed the showerhead from above her and began running it over his head.
A knock at the bathroom door made Christina yell back, “What?! I’m busy!!”
John’s voice came from the other side of the door, saying, “Hurry up and get off the throne! I need to get in there!”
Christina yelled back, “I’m not doing THAT, idiot!!”
John asked, “Oh, you’re STILL in there with Shadow? Jeez, just what the heck are you doing to the poor guy?!”
Christina retorted, “I’d like to see you getting down on your knees in here and doing something! Oh, wait, you‘re INCAPABLE of that! Lazy-ass…”
She turned off the showerhead and said, “Sorry, my brother and I fight sometimes. You’re just going to have to get used to it, because I really don’t know what makes him want to argue with me. And sorry about the language, I usually don‘t swear…”
Shadow replied, “Pfft. You act like that was a crime… It doesn’t bother me.”
Christina smiled and shrugged. She joked, “Do you feel like a raisin yet?”
Shadow shrugged and asked, “…What?”
She hit the drain switch inside the bath tub, and had the hedgehog lifted out and wrapped in a towel in what looked like one swift motion. She was surprised by how light he was. She asked, “How much do you weigh, Shadow? You’re really light!”
Shadow answered, “I really don’t know, and it’s not important either way.”
It became silent again, and the only sound now was the sound of the bathtub draining. She attempted to break the silence by asking, “Are you tired at all?”
Shadow blinked a few times, shook his head, and answered, “Not in the least bit.”
Christina smirked and said, “Liar.”
She put her hands under his arms and swept him onto the bathroom’s scale. She exclaimed, “Wow, seventy-seven pounds! You’re lighter than most um… hedgehogs! Especially at your age, too!”
Shadow grunted, “I don’t age… I’m only six if you actually count how long I‘ve been around.”
“...So you admit that you're only six?”
John pressed his ear up to the bathroom door, Kathleen under him doing the same.
John whispered, “It doesn’t take THAT long to give a bath… she’s up to something… and all I hear is her, and she’s laughing!”
Kathleen nodded her head and added, “I bet she’s trying to keep Shadow to herself. I mean, did you see how red she got earlier?”
John looked at Kathleen and replied, “Over an animal? Um, ew.”
Christina was trying to prevent herself from screaming as she glanced down at Shadow, who was sleeping soundly in her arms. She thought, “OMG HE’S SLEEEEEEEPING… MUST… NOT… SCREEEEEAAAAM… BUT HE’S SO ADORABLE! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!”
She quietly opened the bathroom door, and when she saw her brother and sister about to say something, she hissed as quietly as she could, “If you guys wake him up, I’m gonna break your heads!”
Her siblings nodded, and quietly followed her as she flipped on a lamp in the guest bedroom. John quickly shut the door, making sure it didn’t slam, while Kathleen jumped up to grab a string and close the blinds on the window.
Christina carefully laid Shadow’s motionless figure on the bed, and gingerly put a blanket over him. She thought, “Meh… I think I’m gonna have a fangasm!” She tried keeping a straight face to no avail, and whispered to Kathleen, “Kate… he’s so cute!”
Kathleen smiled and agreed.
John walked out of the room with his sisters following, and said, “I really don’t see why you think he’s so ‘adorable,’ I mean, he’s only going to be staying for a short time anyway. You’ll have to get used to not having him around when he leaves, and I have a feeling that at the rate you’re going, that’s going to be hard. Do you understand, Christina? That means you can't spoil him OR yourself.”
Christina smiled and replied, “I’ll be fine when he’s gone, but I think that we should enjoy his company while he’s here. I have a feeling that even after we’ve found everyone, it’s going to take a long time to find the emeralds, right? So we can at least have SOME fun. And plus, it‘s not every day that someone THIS cool comes to live with you! And plus, how can you NOT spoil him?”
Kathleen asked, “Emeralds? What were you talking about?”
John answered for Christina, “She means that Chaos Control in the only logical reason for them being here.”
Christina shrugged and said with a yawn, “Eh, It’s ten now, and I’m tired. I don’t know about you two, but I’m gonna check in for the night.” She put her hand to her chin in thought and started, “But first…” she pulled out a camera and snapped a picture of the sleeping hedgehog, whispering excitedly, “…another one for the internet!!”
O.O; ...Congratulations if you've made it this far without puking. You can't say I didn't warn you, though. Blame Haly K. ...No, don't really blame her, I'm just joking. I'm happy to post this for her and every other fan of Shadow's fluffy white chest like me! XD I swear, I'm gonna end up accidentally scarring you all for life. o_O _________________
Sig made by me. <3
Last edited by ChibiForte on Sat May 26, 2007 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:39 am Post subject: |
All hail humor fics! ( I'm just wondering Chibi, is this considered a crack fic, or just a regular humor one? ^_^; )
I gotta admit, you did your best to keep Shadow in character, right? I can't help but wonder how long it'll take for him to crack.  _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:43 pm Post subject: |
This is every kind of fic you want it to be, although it's mostly crack along with a cute-and-fluffy-thing-attack theme going on. Shadow is very hard to keep in character, and him having that cute fluffy chest fur doesn't help. >_< As for how long it takes him to crack... Oh, you're going to enjoy these next couple chapters! So sit down and buckle up; Shadow just might snap soon, and when he does, well... *shivers in excitement* Just wait until Sonic comes, he gets his ass chewed off by me. XD
And yes, I actually do have a neighbor named Sam that actually did kill a baby duck. Sad, but true. She always takes animals out of the wild. >_<
As for the bath scene... *OMG FANGASM* since I always picture everything that happens in this fic taking place in my house, I can't walk into my bathroom now without screaming in some way every time I see the bathtub. XD
*joins the air guitaring session* _________________
Sig made by me. <3 |
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:59 pm Post subject: |
You know, I'd find this weird, but only so much. It could be weirder but that wouldn't work here. Nice weird work chibi. |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:47 pm Post subject: |
Thank you~ (^_^) _________________
Sig made by me. <3 |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:50 pm Post subject: |
Something about this fic grates against me the wrong way...
Well, let me put it this way. The style is fair--there aren't too many errors, aside from minor spelling mistakes and the occasional AOL-ism placed into the text. If I recall your age from before the hack, you seem to write quite well for a person of your age. Your characters remain quite in character based on my knowledge of them from the games--so those are definite pluses for you. What seems to make me uneasy is the tone of the fic.
In general, fics that I've read fall into two categories--serious, straight ones, and humorous, parody ones. Usually prose falls into one of those two categories--even though there is a spectrum, very few fics straddle the border between them. This one "walks the line," so to speak. It is very obviously a light-hearted fic based on the concept and the self-insertions, but the mood makes it seem more serious. Given sufficient retooling of the scenario and the setting, this could have been the start of a serious piece of fiction--and on the other hand, preserving the latter half and retooling the initial scenario could have made this into a bona-fide parody work.
Don't get me wrong--I enjoyed reading this piece--but it's that conflict between moods that has me uneasy and not willing to wholeheartedly praise it or deride it. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 8:38 pm Post subject: |
Thankies for the opinion, Midnight-san; now I know what to do and what to fix in these next couple chapters. ^_^ I would have to say that if this became reality, I would be a lot less calm than my altenate self, who had the nerve to kidnap Shadow and bathe him by force. (I can't believe nobody but you noticed it was a self-insertion fic!) Like I said, I can't thank you enough for the wise and helpful comment.
Now, without any further to do, I shall post the chapter two of DOOM~!
Chapter 2:
“Wake up! Last day of school, you two!” Could be heard shouted through the second story halls of the Keyes house. It was Renee (the mom), running back and forth between two bedrooms on opposite ends of the long hallway.
Christina and John groggily got out of bed, and after doing what they regularly did in the morning, realized they had five minutes before they had to leave.
Christina looked at the clock anxiously and lied, “Uh, I forgot something in my room.” She dashed up the stairs and crept quietly down the hall, as not to wake up Kathleen, who was in elementary school and woke up later than her older siblings.
Christina silently opened the door to the guest room and peered in. She smiled from ear to ear and stifled a giggle when she spotted Shadow, still sleeping and breathing in a soft, slow pattern. She smiled and closed the door, running back down the stairs and out the door with her brother.
She skipped over to the room leading to her garage, where she would go through another door and walk to her bus stop. She called to her mother upstairs, “Mom, John and I are leaving! See you after school!”
All was peaceful in C320, the heavily-decorated room partly used by an eighth grade math class, specifically for fourth hour. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, with Mr. C, the young student-teacher happily explaining an equation to a confused student.
“Hey, Tina, did you hear the news?”
Christina slowly turned her head to face her friend named Jessie, who was staring at her in a quizzical way. She asked, “What’s up with you, Tina? Are you on drugs or something?”
Christina smiled and shook her head. She replied, “No… I just… uh… got a new pet. And he’s really young, so it’s kind of hard to take care of him, so I was up later than I expected.”
Jessie’s eyes lit up as she asked, “Aww! What kind?!”
Christina answered calmly, “A baby hedgehog.”
Jessie laughed and cried, “A hedgehog? Tina, what kind of crack are you smoking?”
Christina was fully attentive now, and responded, “I’m not on drugs, it was just a rather unexpected rescue. My mom’s friend found him dying on the streets, and we were the only ones able to take him in at the moment.” She slumped back down in the desk she was seated in and thought to herself, “Yeah right, baby hedgehog. He’s practically as tall as Kathleen! And what do I do if she asks to see it? Let's hop she doesn't like rodents...”
Mr. C stopped talking and looked over at the two girls whispering, and asked, “Christina, Jessie, what’s so important that it can’t wait until AFTER class?”
Jessie giggled and stood up, answering, “Well, if you want to know that badly, I can give you a hint, and say that it happens every month, and when it does, my back starts to-”
A bell signaling that someone was about to speak over the PA system rung, interrupting Jessie‘s smart-aleck reply.
The assistant principal, who is out-of-character for comedic purposes, shouted, “WASSAP, CHUMPIES?! WE GONNA HAVE A LOCKDOWN!! SO TAKE COVER, BITCHES!! TEACHERS, IF YOU MO-FO‘S DON‘T KNOW SHIT ‘BOUT THIS, CHECK YOUR E-MAILS!!!” She could be heard slamming down the phone that doubled as a microphone.
Jessie commented, “I swear, she probably snorts more coke in one day than a person does in one lifetime.”
All the students began hiding under desks and against the walls, while teachers outside the room walked around the school’s hallways making sure nobody was harmed.
Christina asked her math teacher from against a wall, “Uh… Mr. C? Just what’s with the lockdown, anyways? It’s the last day of school, and I don’t think this is a drill.”
The young, stressed-out student-teacher held up a finger to ask her for a minute, and ran to check his e-mails while yelling at a couple kids to be completely silent. He ran back to the wall and replied, “Er, as weird as this sounds, there’s some oversized animal stuck in the auxiliary gym closet. It says that it looks like a blue rodent.”
Christina gasped quietly and asked, “Um, Mr. C? May I go to the bathroom?”
Mr.C nodded and signed a hall pass for Christina, who darted out the door, into the halls. She snickered and muttered, “Yeah, because letting a pubescent, hyperactive girl run around the halls during a lockdown was smart!” She began running when she bumped into a taller blonde boy. She looked at him and growled, “Dammit, Brandon! I’ll have to drool over you later, because I’m busy!!”
She stood up and continued running down the halls, leaving the taller boy looking quite confused.
“Come on, big guy… we won’t hurt you!”
“Jeez! I told you already, the door is stuck! It‘s not like I want to be trapped in here!”
“Oh no, he’s so scared that he’s trying to speak!”
“I know perfectly well how to speak, now get me out!”
Christina kicked open the auxiliary gym’s door, and examined her surroundings.
“…Are you guys idiots?”
The policemen in the gym all turned and looked at Christina, who stood at the back of the gym with folded arms. She walked forward, and up to the closet. She grabbed a pistol from the nearest policeman and used it to bash open and destory the lock of the closet, and then threw it aside. She flung open the door, revealing a closet, seemingly full of gym equipment and nothing else.
Christina didn’t know her brother had also skipped class to come, and was at the back of the gym.
She called into the closet, “Sonic the Hedgehog! If you’re in there, poke your hand out!”
She waited for a moment, and saw a white glove reach out of a pile of balls, bats, and other various sports items.
Sonic called, “Hey, whoever you are… you wanna help me out in here?”
John had stepped over by now, and answered for her, “Of course.”
The two pulled Sonic out of the heavy pile of equipment, and helped him to his feet.
Sonic shook his head to regain composure, and exclaimed, “Thanks, you wouldn’t believe how hot it is under all that stuff!”
Christina glanced at John and asked, “Do we take him home, or finish the school day?”
John replied sarcastically, “Just what do you think, Christina?”
Christina looked at the blue hedgehog beside her and asked, “Why don’t you come with us, Sonic? We’ve got plenty of space, and we’ve already found someone from your world. What do you say?”
Sonic asked casually, “Yeah, I’ll come. Who did you find?”
John tried not to laugh as he looked at Christina, who winked and replied, “That’s a surprise!”
Christina knew how fur was going to fly when the two came face to face, and she was going to get a kick out of it.
After the two siblings had confirmed with their parents that they had to leave school early, Christina was just about finished talking with her mom on her cell phone as she and the other two walked home. She smiled and replied to her mom, “…Yeah. Oh, really? Aw, how cute… Heh heh… Well, give him a good rub behind his ears for me, okay? …Bye!”
Sonic looked at Christina curiously. She noticed him looking at her and asked, “What’s up?”
Sonic asked, “Will you tell me who it is now?”
Christina laughed and answered, “Relax, here’s our house!” as she pointed to the house dead ahead, and the three turned down the u-shaped driveway. Sonic thought, “Well then what was the point of that phone call?”
As soon as the three had walked in the door, John called, “Mom! We’re back! Did you bring Katie home too?”
Mom came in the family room and exclaimed, “Kate? No, but she should be coming home any minute. …Hey there! So, I see Sonic is our next addition to the family! Welcome to our house, Sonic, and please, make yourself at home!”
“…It’s about time you got back.”
Sonic looked behind the Keyes kid’s mom and growled, “Shadow…”
Christina looked over at the black hedgehog staring at her, a small frown on his face. She smiled and grabbed Shadow into a hug, saying, “Oh, there’s no need to be mad! Today was my last day of school, so we’ve got the whole summer to have fun!”
Sonic stared in confusion at this exchange of actions, and asked John quietly, “Um, excuse me, but are you sure we’re talking about the same Shadow here that I know?”
John snickered and answered, “Oh, he’s a fluffy little kitten if you treat him the right way. He has his affectionate side too, you know.”
Sonic raised an eyebrow and mused, “Really… him being affectionate?”
John discreetly pointed at Shadow and asked, “Well, Sonic, what else would you call that?”
Christina was in the middle of rubbing behind the black hedgehog’s ears, although he didn‘t look very happy to be in more of a headlock than a hug.
Sonic grinned and said, “Hmm… this could serve as some nice blackmail!”
Sonic called to his rival, “So, faker… not so tough now, are we?”
Christina glared at Sonic and lectured sternly, “Honestly, is that any way to talk to someone based off you? What if Shadow was the last of your planet’s inhabitants? I bet you’d feel like a jerk, huh?”
Sonic looked like he had been slapped on the face as he thought of a response.
Christina finished, “Exactly, you would. Now please, you two, try to act halfway mature for once, okay? If and when we find all the others, I really think you two should stop being a bunch of babies and just get along!”
Shadow pulled away from Christina and asked while looking out the nearest window, “Kind of like how your sister is walking up the driveway with that pink annoyance of Sonic’s?”
Sonic muttered, “Pink… annoyance? …Oh shit, it’s Amy.”
Kathleen burst through the garage door, shouting, “Guess who I just found!!”
Sonic slowly began inching into the kitchen and upstairs, hoping Amy wouldn’t see him. Unfortunately for him, she did, and was latched onto his arm within seconds.
She cried, “Sonic, I didn’t think I would see you again! I’m so happy you‘re okay!”
Sonic sighed and said, “I’m not even going to try escaping anymore.”
Sonic and Amy were now part of the Keyes crew now, but Tails, Cream, Knuckles, and Rouge still remained missing, along with Eggman, who would hopefully not cause trouble any time soon.
Just what kind of surprise does Madam Fate have in store for everyone?
So, um, end of chappy two. I'm finishing up chapter three with my newly acquired knowledge, and we may possibly see some appearances we never thought we'd see. :O _________________
Sig made by me. <3 |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:58 am Post subject: |
It just gets crazier and crazier. Hooray!
If this was on DA, I would so fav it. 'Appearances we never thought we'd see'? You have caught my interest, my friend!  _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 6:45 pm Post subject: |
You know, this is a whole lot less weirder then it is but all you did was bath him against his will. That's pretty normal. Or at least, depending on the contents of the bathtub. Strange work. (meaning nice) |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:47 pm Post subject: |
Thanks for all the comments, people! <('_'<)
Well, here's your next dosage of crack, enjoy~ Oh, and like I said, watch out for unexpected appearances. ~.0
Chapter 3:
Utter Confusion
“Yeah… mmm hmm… yeah, they’ve been fine. So you’re saying that the two just kinda showed up in your backyard? Okay, come over as soon as you can; I know that you live far away. Yeah. Thanks, Tony.”
A beep signaled the end of Christina’s phone call.
“Who was that?”
Christina turned around as she leaned on the kitchen counter, and smiled. She replied, “I’ve been told that Knuckles and Rouge were found this morning, and they‘re safe and sound. As a matter of fact, my friend is bringing them over right now!”
“That’s a relief! Life wouldn’t be the same without good ol’ Nutjob!”
Christina looked over at the blue hedgehog that had just walked in, and asked, “And just how long have you been listening, Sonic?”
Sonic grinned and shrugged, then added, “I didn’t hear anything important other than the news about Knux and Rouge, and some mushy junk between you and your love monkey, so relax!”
Shadow looked like he was going to rip Sonic to shreds as he opened his mouth to retaliate, but was stopped when Christina growled, “Aw, leave him alone, you bully! If I didn’t know any better… I’d say that you’re jealous!”
Sonic, who grabbed the big screen TV remote off the counter and was now walking into the family room (which is kind of connected to the kitchen) responded, “Jealous? Nah, I really don’t like being dependent, that‘s all. If he wants to be though, that’s fine.”
Shadow growled and opened his mouth to speak, and was stopped yet again, but this time by a knock that was heard at the front door.
Amy yelled, “I’ll get it!” and could be heard running to the front door and opening it.
She cried as loud as she could, “Guys!! It’s not just Knuckles and Rouge, but someone found Tails, Cream, and Cheese too!!”
Christina smiled and exclaimed, “Wow, that’s a convenient fight-stopper!”
Shadow and Sonic both looked over at the door, and began to sprint over to it. In the process of trying to squeeze through the packed hallway, the two conked heads again and fell over like they had done before.
The two sat up and began rubbing their heads. They collided in the same spots that they had before, so the pain was doubled as they moaned softly.
Sonic snarled, “Jeez, could you try not to trip, you clutz?!”
Shadow growled back, “You act like I wanted to do that!”
Sonic asked angrily, “Really?!”
Shadow roared back, “Yeah, really! You wanna make something out of it?!”
Amy yelled, “Sonic, stop it! You’re so immature!”
Cream, who had now stepped into the house with Tails, cried, “Mr. Sonic, Mr. Shadow! Please don’t fight!”
John and Kathleen hopped down the stairs (located almost right by the front door) and asked, “What’s going on? It sounds like there’s at least a hundred people in here!”
Rouge and Knuckles finally stepped in, and Rouge answered casually, “You know these guys; they fight just like little kids!” She chuckled when the two infuriated hedgehogs glared at her, then the room became silent.
She added, “...That’s a joke.”
Everyone had lost the urge to kill each other now, and were all sitting either on one of the two couches or on the floor in the family room.
“Thanks for bringing all four of them over here, Tony. I really can’t thank you enough!”
“Ah, don’t sweat it. I had to check up on you guys, it’s been forever since we’ve been able to hang out!”
The two laughed.
Tony frowned in thought and suggested, “The only thing I don’t get is why they came here… their universe must be eons away from us!”
Christina nodded in agreement and said, “And I wonder who activated the Chaos Control…?”
Knuckles, who had joined the conversation, confessed, “Well, it was Shadow that had gathered all the Chaos Emeralds with the Master Emerald, but Sonic accidentally bumped the Master Emerald and caused a warp, or what we call Chaos Control.”
Christina looked over at Sonic and called over all the commotion, “And you said Shadow was a clutz!!”
Sonic was in the process of struggling to escape from under Amy, seeing as she was sitting on him. He snickered in response to what was supposed to be an insult.
Kathleen watched and listened as the room grew noisier and livelier with each passing moment. She asked, “Hey Christina, why don’t we actually do something fun with all these guys? I bet everyone’s dying to get out! I mean, it‘s so chaotic in here…”
Christina put a finger to her lips in thought and replied, “Sounds great… but where would we take them?”
Tony responded, “I bet if we took them to see a movie like ’Jackass’ or something, they’d really laugh their heads off.”
Christina smiled and stood up. She shouted for all the room to hear, “Hey, everybody! If you can hear me, stop talking and put your hands on your head!”
Almost everybody did, except for Sonic and Knuckles, who were in the middle of a slap-fight.
Christina shouted, “HEY! Act your age, not your shoe size!”
Sonic and Knuckles stopped immediately and looked at Christina with wide eyes.
Sonic began taking off one of his shoes and looked inside, saying, “Um, but I’m a size-”
“It’s a figure of speech, dammit!” Knuckles growled, turning to face everyone else with folded arms.
Christina cleared her throat for emphasis and announced, “Well, now that everybody’s here and accounted for, I think it’s safe to say we can all go outside!” She let her face turn serious and she explained, “I’m gonna give everybody a number, and when I say ‘sound off’ you guys are going to repeat your numbers in, well… numerical order. Sound easy?”
Everyone nodded.
She pointed to Sonic and said, “You’re number one.”
He grinned and exclaimed, “Why yes, I am number one!”
“…Smartass. Okay, then that would make Shadow?” She asked.
“Two,” He answered.
“Knuckles…?” Christina asked.
Knuckles wasn’t paying attention. Sonic smacked him, and he shouted in surprise, “AH, FUCK! FOUR!!!”
Christina frowned and corrected him, “No, you’re three. Learn to count.”
Christina pointed to Tails and waited.
“I’m four, right?” Tails confirmed.
Sonic butted in, “If we’re going by the way of counting that everyone in existance uses, then why yes, you are.”
Tony piped up, “Sonic, don’t make me kick your ass!”
After everyone had been assigned a number and was done quarreling with one another, it was time to leave and go see ‘Jackass; The Movie’ on the big screen.
John was in the process of doing a head count when he hissed, “Christina, a couple of these guys are under ten, let alone thirteen. Just what do we do NOW?”
Kathleen heard her siblings talking and answered, “Simple, John! We just leave everyone home with Christina who’s not old enough! That would be…” She looked around the room quickly. “Uh, Tails, Cream and Cheese, and… would Shadow count?”
Christina put her hand to her forehead and muttered, “Oh shit… Ah, Shadow doesn‘t age, so would he go or not?”
John quickly shook his head and replied, “Don’t take him. In his case, it isn’t a matter of age, though. You’ve played the games and such, you should know that it takes very little to make him get pissed and go on a slaughtering spree!”
Christina asked, “Well, wouldn’t he get even more pissed if we didn’t take him, as opposed to than how much he’d get pissed at someone out in public? I mean, I know I’d be pissed if you left me…”
Kathleen muttered, “Piss…”
John asked, “Kate! Why did you just say that?!”
Kathleen shrugged and answered, “Dunno. I guess I just wanted to say it because you two were.”
John was silent for a moment, and decided, “I have a plan. How about Tony and I take all these spaz-balls to watch Jackass, while you and Kathleen stay home with the other four?”
Christina and Kathleen nodded.
Later, after much tackling, biting, and a bit of peroxide, John and Tony had cleared the area of everyone except Tails, Shadow, and Cream (and Cheese, but he's not that important right now), who were forced to stay with Kathleen and Christina. Not that Tails and Cream really cared, it was just Shadow who was extremely infuriated.
Christina and Kathleen were playing cards on the floor above, thinking that Tails, Cream and Shadow could take care of themselves.
Kathleen exclaimed, “Uh, it’s threes now! I have two!”
Christina shouted, “BULL SHIT!!” and knocked the cards away with one sweep of her hand. She laughed and apologized, saying, “Sorry about that, I just wanted to see how you’d react!”
Kathleen and Christina immediately sat up from their position of laying on their stomachs, and stumbled down the stairs as fast as they could.
The two skidded to a halt in the kitchen, to see Cream crying and Tails screaming. Shadow wasn’t in sight. The microwave was blown to smithereens, and those smithereens were on fire.
Christina screamed, “OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!”
Cream cried in between sobs, “Mr. Shadow blew it up!!”
Tails explained frantically, “We were just sitting at the kitchen table talking, and he told us to shut up and set the thing on fire!! I don‘t know where he is now, though…”
“Is someone talking about me?” came a voice.
Kathleen turned around and frowned.
Christina whirled around and screamed at the top of her lungs, “ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?! YOU BLEW UP THE FUCKING MICROWAVE AND YOU’RE NOT EVEN CONCERNED?!” She began to breathe heavily, glaring at the hedgehog in front of her.
Shadow glanced at the microwave and replied calmly, “Oh yeah, that. I guess I let my temper get the better of me; it’s not a big deal.”
Christina looked like she could have killed him in seconds. She roared, “You’re not even REMOTELY apologetic, AND THEN YOU SAY IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL?!”
Shadow looked uninterested at Christina and replied, “Pretty much.”
Kathleen suppressed the urge to shout ’OWNED!’
It’s a good thing she suppressed this urge, as her sister just about had exploded into pieces like the microwave.
Christina growled as she turned around, “I’m gonna count to five, and if you’re not out of my site by the time I’m done, I swear, I WILL kill you. I don’t care how powerful you are and shit, I’ll KILL YOU.”
Shadow smirked and responded, “Fine, but I-”
“Yeesh, I-”
“WHOO! Christina, Katie, we’re all home!”
“Hi John!”
“…Oh. Welcome back.”
John smiled until he saw his sister, sitting on the couch with the TV remote loosely in her hand. He asked, “Um… Christina? Is something wrong?”
Christina shook her head side to side.
John frowned and argued, “Well something has to be wrong, you’re watching a fuzzy, cable-less TV channel.”
Christina looked at the TV to see that there was no reception on the channel she was ’watching,’ without even any sound except buzzing. She mumbled, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean, I’m sorry, unlike someone else I know…”
Kathleen stepped over to John and said, “She kind of got in a little disagreement with Shadow. I wouldn’t mention him, or she’ll seriously bite your head off.”
Sonic, who had been unnoticed until now, raised an eyebrow and asked, “Well what happened? As much of a copycat and snob Shadow is, he doesn’t pick fights for no reason.”
Kathleen pointed to the remains of the microwave.
Amy grabbed Sonic’s arm in shock and asked, “Who on earth did that?!”
Tails walked over and replied, “Um, it was Shadow. Apparently Cream and I made him angry somehow, and he just came over, told us to shut up, and blew it up.”
Sonic whistled in amazement, and commented, “Wow, he blew it right up!”
Amy added, “I wouldn’t mess with him…”
Christina slammed the remote she was holding on the floor. She stood up and began speaking softly, growing gradually louder, “I thought that housing the ever-famous SEGA characters would be fun…” She sobbed and cried, “…but he‘s just a big JERK!!”
Everyone stared in shocked silence. The only one who spoke was John, and he asked, “…And just where are our parents while all of this is going on?”
“…Damn… I have failed Maria. I conflicted with a human girl, and on top of that, I…”
Shadow growled and looked out the open window he was leaning on the sill of. He swore under his breath and stared out into the night sky. He swore again and put a hand up to his face.
“…I really have to stop talking to myself.”
“Oh yeah! I’m totally OWNING you, Tails!”
“Yeah right! Take that, Sonikku!”
“Ah, I’m dead!”
Sonic, Amy, and Tails sat hunched over on the couch across from the TV, each clutching a Gamecube controller, and Cream sat on the floor with Cheese, watching the three and laughing.
Kathleen plopped down on the left of Tails and asked, “What game?”
Tails answered quickly, not looking away from the TV, “Melee.”
John sat down next to Kathleen and asked, “Super Smash Brothers Melee?”
Kathleen nodded and asked, “Just where did Christina go?”
John shuddered and answered, “I don’t know, but I really hope she doesn’t kill Shadow!”
Kathleen shrugged grabbed a controller, and asked, "Wanna do the black hole glitch?"
Shadow sighed, sitting down in a leaning position against the nearest wall.
He was pissed at the kids for leaving him behind last night. He was pissed at Tails and Cream for making a fuss and annoying him. He was pissed at Sonic for trying to start fights, although he was mostly pissed at himself for losing his temper.
He let his head fall back against the wall as he growled softly.
But something wasn’t right.
He pressed an ear against the wall and slowed his breathing pattern to listen.
“…Yeah, I’m trying. …Yes, I know, Jessie. I know that I can’t control him, but… no, it’s not love. For God’s sake, Jessie, he’s a hedgehog! If anything, I’d think of him as more of a kid brother or something. He’s a foot or so shorter than me, and you think that I’d try having a relationship with him? Nuh-uh, it doesn’t work like that!”
There was a long silence, and then more talking.
“…But I feel like such a jerk! These poor creatures were thrown into our universe, and they don’t know a thing about it! And then I expect them all to behave like emotionless zombies! I even blew up on one of the more sensitive ones! …Yes, I lied about the baby hedgehog. But you expect me to come out and say, ’Hey, the almighty and powerful Shadow The Hedgehog is living with me, and I stayed up late taking care of him last night! That’s why I fell asleep in history and science, and almost in math!’ No, I won’t. …No, I don’t know how to go about apologizing. No, I don’t! …Bye.”
Shadow lifted his ear off the wall and muttered, “…Oh boy.”
“You blew up the friggin microwave, and you acted like nothing happened!”
“Oh, hey. I’m guessing everyone’s still pissed off?”
“No shit, Sherlock!”
John kneeled down to where Shadow was sitting. He whispered, “Hey, even I’m pissed at you right now. That’s actually why I came in here in the first place… to tell you that my sister is very upset. If I were you, I’d go apologize for being so disrespectful, because Christina can hold some ugly grudges.”
Shadow nodded and responded, “I’ll get to that…”
John grinned and left the room, saying, “Great.”
Shadow stood still until he was sure he was out of John’s hearing range. He frowned and positioned himself to leap out the window. He finished, “…when pigs fly.”
He jumped out the open window and into a nearby tree, and from there began tree-hopping farther and farther away.
Christina forced a smile and said, “Thanks again for coming all the way out here again, Tony. I think Knuckles and Rouge should know their way around the area now, so they can probably just come alone. Sorry to bug you again.”
Tony shrugged and responded, “Eh, I don’t mind. But I’ve got places to be right now, so I guess I’ll see you later.” He waved and walked out the front door.
Christina sighed and sat down on the crowded couch. She asked, “So, what’s new with Rouge and Knuckles?”
The two replied that nothing especially exciting had happened, except for Knuckles attempting a Jackass stunt.
Rouge was laughing at a joke John had told until she looked around the room. She asked, “Where’s Shadow?”
John faked a cough as loud as he could, and Kathleen answered for her sister, “He’s probably off sulking somewhere. You know how he gets when something doesn’t go his way!” She laughed nervously.
“Everybody! Help!”
Everyone turned and saw Cream, looking frightened.
Sonic dashed to her side and asked, “Cream, what happened?”
Cream cried, “Mr. Shadow is gone!!”
John commented, “Wow, that’s ironic.”
Christina looked up briefly and then looked back down, not seeming to be interested. She muttered, “It’s about time he left.”
Rouge’s eyes widened and she asked, “Did he even tell anyone he was leaving?!”
John shook his head and said grimly, “I was talking with him about ten minutes ago, and he didn’t say anything. Cream, was there any indication as to how he got out and where he went?”
Cream looked up in thought and replied, “Um… everything looked normal, except the window, which was open.”
John pounded a fist on the wall he was standing against, swore, and ran out the door after slipping into his shoes.
Kathleen watched as her sister slowly walked away, an irritated look on her face. She looked around and saw that she was the only human left in the room, and called, “Um, hey, can you guys give me a minute?”
The noise of the personified animals almost seemed to grow louder.
Kathleen cupped her hands around her mouth and screamed, “HEY! LISTEN UP, OR YOU’LL NEVER SEE ANOTHER JACKASS MOVIE AGAIN!!”
Everyone whirled around and stared at Kathleen in shock, looking as if they had received the deadliest threat ever.
Kathleen smiled sweetly and announced, “Good that you all decided to listen. Anyways, I have an idea: We spilt up into- HEY! KNUCKLES! CUT IT OUT! …Thank you. Anyways, we split up into four pairs of two, and search different areas. We all have to cooperate, because one of a few things could happen; I know Eggman is out there, and it won’t be good if he finds Shadow. No further explanation needed there. Secondly, even if Shadow is the ultimate life form, he’s still vulnerable to attacks from anybody, along with cars. But even worse than all of the outcomes put together…”
Everyone listened intently, leaning in towards Kathleen.
“…the ASPCA will find him, and mostly likely they‘ll, …they‘ll…”
She took in a deep breath, and whispered, “…they’ll anal probe him.”
With that last sentence, the room broke into a fit of fear and rage. Everyone began running around screaming and wailing, and it was so loud and chaotic it could have waken up a comatose person.
Kathleen screamed, “GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES!!”
…And they did, just long enough to be divided into groups.
As soon as everyone was paired up with another person, and they had forced Christina out of her room, they were off.
Sonic growled as Amy dragged him around a street.
Amy laughed and exclaimed, “Come on, you haven’t looked anywhere!”
Sonic flipped over a larger rock with his foot and said sarcastically, “Shadow? Nope. He isn‘t there, let‘s leave now.”
Amy frowned and grabbed Sonic's hand. She muttered in a low, sinister voice only the two of them could hear, "If you DON'T help out, Christina will blow up, and I WILL PERSONALLY NEUTER YOU!!"
Sonic's eyes grew quite wide, and he responded quickly, "Okay, okay, I'll help! Please don't kill my only source of fun!"
Amy looked horrified as she cried, "Your only source of fun?! Just what the hell do you do when nobody's looking?!"
"I see it's not going so well for you two either..."
Sonic and Amy quickly pivoted around, and Sonic breathed a sigh of relief.
He said calmly, "Oh, it's only Rouge and Knuckles. Hey..." He pointed to his side and exclaimed, "Amy! Look at that car!!" While Amy had her head turned, he mouthed with a miserable expression, 'HELP ME!!'
Amy turned back and said, "I didn't see anything!"
Sonic sighed and replied, "Sorry, my bad. Anyways, we should probably check in with the humans and see if anyone else has had any luck."
The four nodded and ran towards the point that had been planned for rendezvousing later.
“So, um, we couldn’t find him either.”
“Really? Christina’s gonna be biting off some heads tonight!”
“Dammit, Shadow had better know that we’re trying to save his ass from anal probing!”
All teams expect the combination of Kathleen and Christina had met at the rendezvous point, along with the late-coming duo of Tony and John. Everyone was getting quite impatient.
“Guys! Guys, whoever can hear me, answer!!”
Everyone turned to Sonic, whose walkie-talkie which Christina had randomly given to him for back-and-forth communication went off.
Sonic pressed a button and asked, “Christina? Christina, what happened?!”
Kathleen could be heard screaming in the background, and another voice was laughing.
Christina cried, “I found some insane guy! I think he’s from your world! He won’t tell me his name, though...”
Sonic looked at everyone and growled, “It has to be Eggman...”
Sonic replied, “We’ll all be over there as quick as possible.”
The gang of other-worlders sped to where Christina directed them, and began calling for her.
Christina called back, “Over here! Come quick, I don’t think Kate can take much more!”
When Christina came into view, everyone stared in disbelief.
Kathleen was pinned on the ground, still screaming. A pale hedgehog sat atop her, his hand by her stomach.
Christina asked, “Just who the hell is this guy?”
Sonic still stared, and asked, “You’re letting him KILL Kathleen?”
Christina answered irritably, “She’s laughing, not screaming! He won’t stop tickling her...”
John and Tony finally ran to the scene. John asked, “Um... just who the hell is-”
Christina interrupted and asked, “Is he always like this?”
Sonic scratched his head and replied, “Um, no. I think his mind got screwed up from the time warp. Here, let me try to snap him out of it.”
He walked up to the pale hedgehog and slapped him across the face.
He shouted, “SILVER! Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
Silver blinked a few times, and shook his head, then began rubbing his now-red cheek. He asked, “And just what was THAT for?”
Christina twirled a finger in a circle next to her head, and explained, “You got caught in a time distortion that messed with your brain.”
Silver sighed and said in exasperation, “Great. I’m stuck in a weird time period with a bunch of weird people, and I can tell something’s going to go down, because I lost my ability to time warp. I don’t think my telekinetic abilities are half as good as usual, either.”
John yawned and stretched his arms out as he exclaimed, “It’s almost sundown, and I’m sorry, but I REALLY want to go home! See ya back at the house!”
Christina called as everyone began to walk with him, “Hey, take Silver with you and get him into the swing of things.”
She turned to Rouge, the only one who hadn’t left. She asked, “Why didn’t you go?”
Rouge smirked and replied, “I promised Shadow that I’d stick by him thick and thin, and I don’t intend on breaking that promise!”
Christina smiled, and said, “You’re a really nice person deep down, aren’t you?”
Rouge shrugged and replied with another smirk, “Eh, call it what you want. But anyways, we have a hedgehog to find.”
Christina nodded, and the two set off father.
“Ugh... we’ve been running for a half-hour straight, and nothing! How far are we, anyways?” Christina asked breathlessly, stopping and resting her hands on her knees.
Rouge stopped alongside Christina and replied, “Almost three miles, if I’m correct. But knowing Shadow, if he’s running, he’ll be pretty darn far away by now.”
Christina looked around, and as she caught her breath, responded, “No, look! Isn’t that him up there?”
Rouge squinted to see far ahead, and cried, “It is him! It’s about time!”
The two rushed for the runaway hedgehog.
When the two finally caught up to Shadow and were standing feet away from him, they stopped to catch their breath again.
Christina roared, “Shadow!”
Rouge called, “Shadow, there you are! Everyone was worried about you!”
Shadow sighed, but didn’t speak until a long silence had passed. He didn’t dare to face them.
He replied, “Like… how you all were worried about me so much, you found it hilarious to isolate me the day before?”
There was another long silence.
Christina sighed, and began, “Shadow, don‘t blame Rouge. She didn’t do anything. As a matter of fact, …it‘s me in the wrong here. I favored you a little, and maybe I was a little strict at times, but only because of the fact that I DID, in fact, favor you. …And as far as the age issue goes… I wasn’t thinking about that, and tried to ignore the fact that you’re ageless and base your age off of your first appearance… six years ago. That’s all my fault, because all I wanted was for me to benefit. But you know Shadow…”
Christina looked down, sniffled, and continued, “…things aren’t as fun when you’re not there. I mean, you’re the only one that actually treats me with real respect, Shadow. Sure, the others say please and thank you, and they really watch what they do and say in front of my parents, but it doesn’t mean they have any respect for how I do things or what I say!”
She sniffled again, and clenched her eyes together. She added, “If you can give us all another chance, I… I…!”
Rouge frowned and cried, “Come on, Shadow! They’re all willing to make it up to you! I’m sorry, but friend or not, if you didn’t take your loved ones into consideration, I’d say you’re a big jerk!”
Shadow still refused to face them. He responded almost emotionlessly, “I have no loved ones, and never will have any.”
Rouge growled, “Okay, badass, your bullshitter attitude has some holes in its plan! Firstly, making girls cry is considered lower than garbage. And secondly, you have nowhere to go!”
All was silent except for the occasional sniff and sob from Christina.
Shadow turned around just enough to look at Rouge and Christina, but not enough for eye contact with either one. His eyes wandered across their faces and grew wide as he observed Christina. He wanted to let her know he was pissed, but he didn’t want to make her cry!
He thought back to her phone conversation he had accidentally heard earlier that day… about how she felt horrible.
It wasn’t like Shadow to forgive easily, but perhaps memories of Maria overpowered the spiteful ones… teaching Shadow to forgive humans, because everybody makes mistakes, and nobody is perfect.
Shadow sighed, and finally turned to face Rouge and Christina. He responded, “You’re right, I don’t have anywhere to go. And that’s because…” He smiled softly, and finished, “…I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
Rouge smiled at her long-time friend and said, “That’s much better.”
Christina looked at Rouge, smiling in silent thanks.
Shadow was silent for a moment, and then asked, “You’re just going to carry on… like everything’s okay?”
Christina looked away towards the last rays of the setting sun that gave the sky a fiery look. She replied, “Everything is okay.”
Rouge added, “That’s what friends do for each another, right?”
Christina ran an arm across her face to dry tears that had slipped out, and said contentedly, “You’re the only one that I get to give baths to… because where’s the fun in being alone?”
Shadow glanced at Rouge and turned a light shade of red. He muttered, “Please, not in front of Rouge…”
Rouge grinned and reminded him, “I promised you that I would stay by your side, regardless of what you do. Now’s not an exception!”
Christina giggled and exclaimed, “And plus, only you’ll let me do…” She grabbed Shadow into a form of a headlock and rubbed behind his ears. “…this!” She finished.
Shadow, being caught off guard, yelped in surprise. “Ah! Oh… ah! Ah, ah… meh… I give up. Oh God, that feels great,” He moaned.
Rouge chuckled to herself about the concept of ‘The Ultimate Lifeform’ having the weakness of being rubbed behind the ears, making him practically melt.
Christina stopped and released the not-so-painful headlock. She exclaimed, “Wait, I just remembered something! You’re only allowed to come back if…”
Rouge was curious to know what Christina would make him do, although this had now become a bit of a private matter.
Christina announced, “You can’t come back unless I can give you a bath right when we get home!”
Shadow began, "What? How did…" He rolled his eyes and answered, “Oh, okay.”
A large crowd of unseen people, most likely as big as an audience, could be heard saying “Aww!”
Shadow asked, “What was that?”
“SHADOW THE BADASS HAS ARRIVED!!” Christina shouted, startling all around her. She laughed and walked up the stairs with Shadow following her.
Rouge laughed and sat down next to Knuckles on the couch, immediately becoming comfortable where she was sitting. She was tired, but comfortable enough that she didn’t care that Knuckles had rested his head on her.
Sonic trudged up the stairs, exhausted. He was ready to sleep as soon as his head hit is pillow, but noises coming from the bathroom captured his interest.
“Ah, that water went in my ear!”
“Heh heh… sorry about that! Now, watch out, I have to get under all this white fluff! Now hold still…”
“Oh God! OW! That water was WAY too hot!”
“Sorry! But… you have so much damn fluff.”
“My fluff is totally sexy and you know it!”
Laughter could be heard.
Being the curious rodent Sonic is, and noticing that the door was slightly ajar, he opened the door completely and quite forcefully.
Shadow and Christina stared in shock at Sonic, who looked about as surprised as they did.
Sonic grinned and said in a voice loaded with sarcasm, “Yeah, you’re totally badass, Shadow! You’re ‘The Ultimate Lifeform,’ the toughest thing alive!” He began to laugh so hard that he was almost crying. He walked out the door and tried to say without laughing, “Sorry, I’ll… heh heh! I’ll leave you alone now…!”
Shadow and Christina stared at each other in disbelief.
Shadow commented, “Talk about an awkward moment…”
Christina exclaimed, “Awkward my arse! He’s just jealous, and everybody else thinks so too.”
“…Sonic’s a prick.”
Yay, Silver has joined the crew! He's who I was talking about when I said 'unexpected appearances.' Sorry for the swearing, I have a bad mouth. >_< As far as chapter 4 will go... when Sonic taints Silver's mind with bad ideas, just what the hell happens? ...To bad you have to wait until next chapter to find that out. :D _________________
Sig made by me. <3 |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:21 pm Post subject: |
Yess, this is awesome! I haven't read a fic this funny since goodness-knows-when!
I was expecting Team Chaotix as that 'unexpected appearances' you mentioned, but Silver works too!  _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:18 pm Post subject: |
This could be weirder then the last few chapters. Sliver? That's interesting. |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:42 pm Post subject: |
Oh, Silver makes everything more chaotic, you'll see. As for Team Chaotix...
...I don't know shit about any of them. The most I know is that Espio is a disappearing ninja... >_<
Chapter 4:
The Summer of Crazies
It was another normal morning in the Keyes house.
…Let me rephrase that; It was as normal as mornings get in the Keyes house, with Sonic running from Amy, Tails and Cream watching TV, John and Kathleen wrestling on the floor, Shadow and Christina doing whatever the hell they were doing while running around, and Knuckles and Rouge walking in the door. Silver stood and watched the spectacle from a distance.
Christina and Shadow stopped by where Silver was standing and watching everything.
Christina asked, “What’s up, Silver? You look kinda freaked out.”
Silver asked with wide eyes as he observed, “Is everyone normally this chaotic in the morning?”
Shadow cleared his throat and replied with a smirk, “We like to call it, …'happy'.”
“Keyes kids! Hey, John, Christina, Kathleen! Come to the door! Isa’s here!” Renee called to her children.
Christina explained quickly, “Isa is my cousin that’s the same age as my sister, and sometimes she comes here while her dad is in chemotherapy. She’s nice, so you don’t have to worry about it.” She smiled and ran to where her mother had called.
Shadow yawned and muttered, “I swear, we’re going to be here forever if we don’t start getting any Chaos Emeralds! Or even any leads on where they are, for that matter…”
Christina ran back to the spot where the two hedgehogs were talking, with a younger girl following her. She exclaimed, “Guys, this is Isa!”
Isa looked in shock at Silver and Shadow and said in surprise, “Wow, Christina! I thought you were insane when you told me about them but… wow. I didn’t think they actually existed!” She smiled and introduced herself. “I’m Isa Bruno, as you know. Great to meet you both.”
Sonic came running over to the scene with an excited look on his face, yelling, “Shadow! Silver!”
Shadow and Silver looked at Sonic, who cried, “I have an idea!” He frantically whispered something in Silver’s ear, and then in Shadow’s.
Shadow gave Sonic a disgusted look and asked, “And just why would he agree to THAT?”
Silver grinned and responded, “Yeah, sounds like a great idea! But where do we try it?”
Sonic whispered in Silver’s ear again. Shadow rolled his eyes and, still disgustedly said, “You two are such horny freaks.”
“…That bastard!” Christina growled loudly, fuming from her seat on her computer chair.
Shadow, who was laying upside down on Christina’s bed and watching the TV across from it sat upwards, and asked, “What was with THAT little ‘Tourettes Syndrome’ outburst?”
Christina cried, “Some guy online is calling me a ‘furrie,’ which is a name for someone who wants a sexual relationship with an animal! He‘s such a jerk, and John won‘t even stick up for me! I‘m NOT a furrie!”
Shadow raised an eyebrow, and replied causally, “Tell the guy that if he doesn’t cut it out, I’m gonna find him and Chaos Control his ass to hell and back.”
Christina smiled and laughed lightheartedly before turning her swiveling computer chair around so she could face Shadow and explained, “I wish I could… but any kind of threat is considered illegal here, and as much as I would like you to use Chaos Control on him, you can’t.”
Shadow frowned and asked, “Well… is it illegal to pull pranks?”
Christina looked rather confused as she answered, “Um, no… why?”
Shadow grinned and told Christina, “All the chicks went off doing something, Sonic and Silver are off catching panty-shots somewhere, Tails, John, Kathleen, and Knuckles are playing video games… why don’t we go do something better than sitting around? I‘m sorry, but have I mentioned yet that daytime TV absolutely sucks?” He hit the power button on the TV and said, “Blam all that daytime TV shit. Telletubbies are gonna take over the world, and I DO NOT want to be under those ass-ugly little things’ rule.”
Christina thought silently, “Note to self… no more channel three for Shadow.”
“Hey. That one right over there… her ass is nice.”
“Ew, she looks old.”
“But her ass…!”
“Ugh. Fine, but since it’s MY telekinesis and NOT YOURS, I get to pick the next one!”
Silver squinted his eyes, and began to focus on the skirt of a woman who looked as if she were in her very early twenties.
Slowly, a blue aura unnoticeable to the eyes of most people surrounded the woman’s skirt, lifting it up.
Sonic covered his nose to stop a fresh nosebleed, and squealed silently, “OH MY GOD, VICTORIA’S SECRET! HELL YEAH!!”
Silver dropped the telekinesis as soon as he heard a scream from the woman.
Sonic hissed, “Oh man… I’m gonna be smelling my own blood for the next few days!”
Silver smirked and exclaimed, “I have to hand it to you, that was pretty damn hot!” He scouted the area as far as he could see from behind the bush he and Sonic were behind, and whispered, “The one right by that twisty metal thing.”
Sonic cringed and screamed in whisper-form, “Ew, that little three year-old?!”
Silver punched Sonic on the arm and replied, “Hell no, the woman standing a few feet away from the girl. The one in the REALLY high skirt!”
Sonic smiled and whispered, “Do it!”
Silver repeated the procedure he had with the last woman, and this time it was both of them that got nosebleeds.
Silver hissed, “I didn’t think she’d be wearing a thong! BONUS!”
Sonic placed a hand on the ground he was squatting on, used the other one to wipe all the blood away from his nose, and said quietly, “I’m starting to feel dizzy, so I think I lost too much blood. We should go back home.”
Silver ran a finger across his nose as Sonic had done moments before, and nodded.
When the two were sure nobody was looking in their direction, they headed home after giving each other a high-five and grinning.
Unlike Sonic and Silver, Amy, Rouge, and Cream (and Cheese,) decided to do something completely safe AND legal: Shopping.
It was mostly Amy and Rouge who were looking at everything, because all Cream really wanted to do was attack some guy in a rabbit suit that was supposed to be the mall’s mascot or something. Apparently it offended her.
Amy called, “Cream, Cheese! Leave the man alone, that’s his job!”
Cream cried angrily, “But that man is a fake! He thinks that being a rabbit is as easy as walking around and taking pictures with little kids!”
Rouge asked, “Isn’t that normally what rabbits normally do; just hop around and take pic-”
“NO!” Cream cried, making Rouge nearly drop the shopping bags she was holding.
Amy flipped open the cell phone that Renee had given to her, and decided to call the house and check in with everyone else.
The telephone in the kitchen began ringing loudly, making John jump in surprise. He paused the game he was playing, and dashed to answer the phone. He picked it up and began talking.
“Hey. Amy? Oh, what’s up? She did? Can you guys get home from there? …Okay, thanks. The four of us are in the middle of a big Melee glitch, and… okay. See you in a while.”
John hung the phone back up and took his place on the couch across from the big-screen TV (I think it was 69 inches when I checked…) that the Gamecube was hooked up to, and resumed the round of Super Smash Bros. Melee.
He asked, “Kathleen, Tails, are you ready? Start using the reflectors.”
Kathleen and Tails playing as Fox and Falco respectively activated their reflectors, and held the button combination down.
John used Ness to create a green stream of continuous light by rapidly firing a super scope.
He looked at Knuckles and ordered, “Throw in fourteen turnip …thingies. It’s mandatory that you throw in fourteen, none more and none less.”
He looked at his own controller, and commanded Ness to use two PK Fires to the spiral of turnip/radishes made by Knuckles, who was controlling Peach.
A large turnip/PK fire vortex appeared on the screen, causing all four of the intense gamers to cheer. Now that the famous ‘Black Hole Glitch’ had been accomplished, they could really have a hell of a time.
Christina snickered as she sat on a bench in a near-deserted park across the town and changed her name on her cell phone to ‘Toll Free Call’. She was preparing for her prank call.
Shadow asked, “So… why do you have to change what it says on that?”
Christina chuckled and replied, “If I don’t, he’ll know it’s me. I bet he’s got Caller-ID, so I‘m going to make sure I don‘t get caught.”
Shadow mused, “Mmm hmm… so it’s almost like an anti-stalking device?”
“Uh… sure,” Christina responded, dialing the person's number and snickering.
All of the Keyes house’s inhabitants, along with Rouge and Knuckles, each sat in a different spot in the family room, talking with someone about how they spent most of their day.
“And then… when Sonic pointed to this one chick, I was all like, ‘Ew, she’s all old-looking,’ and then he was like, ‘No, do it, she might be hot!’ So I did, and boy, was she hot!” Silver exclaimed, relishing the attention he was getting from his friends.
Meanwhile, all the girls sat in one big, random circle to tell stories of what happened to them.
“…Why aren’t you over in the corner with Knuckles, Silver, Sonic, and Tails?”
“Eh… I really don’t take pleasure in perverted actions like the ones they’re talking about.”
Christina looked at Shadow out of the corner of her eye and said innocently, “Oh yeah… I happened to find something important on the way home, when you weren’t looking…” She paused, and jokingly asked, “Hmm, what were they called again?”
Shadow turned towards Christina and asked, “What are you talking about? I didn’t see…”
Christina grinned and pulled out two large, different-colored emeralds. One was Green, the other a shade of Silver. She exclaimed, quietly, “…Oh yeah, Chaos Emeralds!”
Shadow whispered, “Oh… my… shit… How the hell did you find those?”
Christina chuckled and answered, “I have my ways…”
“Damn that hedgehog! He’s stolen the emeralds!”
“Master Eggman, what’s wrong?”
“That bastard managed to sneak past security and nab those two Chaos Emeralds!”
“Master Eggman, we can always-”
“No! We have to get those back immediately. Fire up the engines! We attack tonight!!”
“…Yes, Master Eggman.”
O.O Eggman's gonna get j00...
Well, I hope you enjoyed my perverted, mesed-up-and-OOC Silver, because that's the way he's staying! *slapped* _________________
Sig made by me. <3 |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:19 pm Post subject: |
Pervvy Sonic and Silver? Eh, I like Jiraiya as a perv better.
Still funny! Also, Espio is a disappearing chameleon ninja. Just so ya know. ^_^; _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:58 pm Post subject: |
I'll try to get Espio, Charmy, and Vector in as soon as I can.
And also; PS: I know Jiraiya is better, but this isn't Naruto. And plus, my OOC-ness is hilarious and you know it! XD _________________
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:37 pm Post subject: |
Very weird. But I think that word has a y at the end and not an ie. But of course not being that maybe be why this could be less weird then it could be.
And sliver doesn't really have a personality. Besides being like trunks that is.
And I know a large amount of things about sonic and friends. I can help if you want to add the 4 chaotix in there. |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:41 pm Post subject: |
Help would make me forever grateful, Neo-san. But right now I've got a lot on my hands, so I'll try very hard to get another chapter up by Sunday. _________________
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:16 am Post subject: |
Well just PM me any questions. And you remember what mejin always said?
No -san please. |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:15 pm Post subject: |
Just letting you all know that there may be a delay with the fanfiction chapters; I have to write a whole lot more, and I'm quite busy with things outside of the internet. Thanks for understanding. _________________
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 11:45 am Post subject: |
Ok. We'll all be here until then. And I'll still be here for help. |
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