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a.k.a. Pyo
a.k.a. Pyo

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Five minutes after reading this post I got a JammingPunch from the Amaken trader.
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Shounen yo shinwa ni nare

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Myō-kage no Ningen

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:13 am    Post subject: hey Reply with quote

Hey man, just because they say there is one there doesn't mean you will actually get one. Oh, since I cannot change my modem's security to WEP, I can't get any brothers.
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Shounen yo shinwa ni nare

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've a lot of cards to waste on card traders XD;;

Why I'm trying to make a super broken combo even more broken...Even I have no idea o_o;
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The Boy who is Very Sart
The Boy who is Very Sart

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please people. lets recall this is not a discussion thread.
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Net Battler

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

PM me if you know
I`ve recently beat the game and I found the secret area, but I have to kill all the bosses in order to continue and for some reason I cant find any of them. Could someone tell me where I can find all the bosses?

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The Boy who is Very Sart
The Boy who is Very Sart

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why have them PM you? That's what this thread is for...

Ox Fire is above Echo Ridge
Cygnus Wing is in Aaron's Lab
Harp Note is above Vista Point
Libra Balance is in Class 5-A
Ophiuchus Queen is above Time Square
Gemini Spark is above the Park on Dream Island
Cancer Bubble is above Amaken's main area.
Wolf Forest is above the event stage in Nacy's
Crown Thunder is above the garbage facility
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So far I've managed to defeat all the SP bosses in under 10 seconds, and for the most part I've done it without combos. (Crown Thunder and Gemini being the exceptions) However I need a combo for Pegasus. Does anyone have a combo that could take out at least 2/3 of his HP?
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Shounen yo shinwa ni nare

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Try using something that uses a bunch of normally flinching cards. Just space them out when making the combo so it doesn't get cancelled out.

I gotta admit, having such a broken Best Combo (FroznBrek) which my brotherbands hate so much, helped me finish off Andromeda Infinity

For Pegasus, I recommend using fast attacks to try and counter if you're in star force mode. IMO, Dragon is best to use against him, Status Guard helps a lot. (If you have a dragon brother you can do that)

What I mean by fast attacks? Try using Gatling3. And get rid of all paralyzeplusses in your folder. They won't do jack except for makin flinch cards not cause invincibility. Not worth it, IMO.

I suggest taking out any breaking cards....I mean, a lot of them do good damage, but they're not worth it since you can't freeze him.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I managed to pull it off and beat him in 7 seconds with a B.Combo chip of FlickrKick3, StrikeEdge, StunNukle, ThunderBall3, and FlickrKick3 X2 plus a lot of luck on the first turn. (GeminiSp,PegasusGX, and ThunderBall3) The combo didn't do as much damage as I wanted but it got the job done.

Anyway, now that I've finished the game I was thinking of trying out the Leo version. I noticed that Play-Asia was selling the Japanese version for about $9. My question is, are there any differences in the games besides the Lunar Knights sidequest (which I wouldn't be able to do with my Lunar Knights game anyway) and the ability to brother band with Master Shin? If there isn't I'll probably just play somethig else and wait for a US price drop or something.
Name shortened from Serenade.exe
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Myō-kage no Ningen

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:33 pm    Post subject: Hmm? Reply with quote

Seren wrote:
Well I managed to pull it off and beat him in 7 seconds with a B.Combo chip of FlickrKick3, StrikeEdge, StunNukle, ThunderBall3, and FlickrKick3 X2 plus a lot of luck on the first turn. (GeminiSp,PegasusGX, and ThunderBall3) The combo didn't do as much damage as I wanted but it got the job done.

Anyway, now that I've finished the game I was thinking of trying out the Leo version. I noticed that Play-Asia was selling the Japanese version for about $9. My question is, are there any differences in the games besides the Lunar Knights sidequest (which I wouldn't be able to do with my Lunar Knights game anyway) and the ability to brother band with Master Shin? If there isn't I'll probably just play somethig else and wait for a US price drop or something.
I didn't imagine anyone can brother band with L. Master Shin. I've already got level 100, but is there more brothers besides Misora, Luna, Kizamaro, and Gonta?
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The Boy who is Very Sart
The Boy who is Very Sart

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shin is an event only Brother. official Capcom event.
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Shounen yo shinwa ni nare

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seren wrote:
Well I managed to pull it off and beat him in 7 seconds with a B.Combo chip of FlickrKick3, StrikeEdge, StunNukle, ThunderBall3, and FlickrKick3 X2 plus a lot of luck on the first turn. (GeminiSp,PegasusGX, and ThunderBall3) The combo didn't do as much damage as I wanted but it got the job done.

Anyway, now that I've finished the game I was thinking of trying out the Leo version. I noticed that Play-Asia was selling the Japanese version for about $9. My question is, are there any differences in the games besides the Lunar Knights sidequest (which I wouldn't be able to do with my Lunar Knights game anyway) and the ability to brother band with Master Shin? If there isn't I'll probably just play somethig else and wait for a US price drop or something.

Here's a difference:

"You can't read it"

What? It's true. Unless you have japanese reading powers.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I mean like little extras in the game, or like cut out areas, stuff like that. With EXE6 there was some areas slightly altered and you could actually fight the Count from Boktai. I've already beaten the game so I know the story, and there are a few guides online to help me if I got stuck at a certain part. Plus, with a total price of $13 including shipping, it wouldn't be that bad of deal.
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok now i've just started the game. I'm a little confused on the whole combo system but i'm sure i'll get it sometime soon.

Also something i've been wondering. You know how you can make your own brotherband avatar? Is there a site with some custom ones? I'm horrable at doing that kinda stuff and I wanna make a neko person so bad >w<

Also i'm wondering how brotherband works when my brothers are online but i'll go to the Wi-Fi thread for that.
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Shounen yo shinwa ni nare

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 6:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seren wrote:
I mean like little extras in the game, or like cut out areas, stuff like that. With EXE6 there was some areas slightly altered and you could actually fight the Count from Boktai. I've already beaten the game so I know the story, and there are a few guides online to help me if I got stuck at a certain part. Plus, with a total price of $13 including shipping, it wouldn't be that bad of deal.

Yeah, I remember that, cause I played EXE6 in japanese. Was it worth it? No. I couldn't understand a damn thing.

Valtz wrote:
Ok now i've just started the game. I'm a little confused on the whole combo system but i'm sure i'll get it sometime soon.

Also something i've been wondering. You know how you can make your own brotherband avatar? Is there a site with some custom ones? I'm horrable at doing that kinda stuff and I wanna make a neko person so bad >w<

Also i'm wondering how brotherband works when my brothers are online but i'll go to the Wi-Fi thread for that.

Well, you can't "download" mugshots to the DS, but you can make your own. It's hard, but rewarding...sorta. Some people *coughidiotscough* have made a thing of seeing if they can make different mugshots from the EXE games, which I think is a waste of time, I mean, making one is kinda fun I suppose, but come on. Multiple ones?

I just made mine a black square with red eyes, a red X connecting the eyes, and six white lines for teeth. That works fine for me.

For brother band, it's sort of like you have an online profile. when you go to On Air! and Nintendo WFC, you are basically uploading the info from your game to that 'profile' and downloading the information from your brother bands' profiles. That's how I figure it.

As for the combo system, you make a combo by using three or more cards that deal 300 damage or more total against an EX or SP navi. Then your sattelite admin will say "That was a magnificent move!" and ask you to save it as your B. combo.

Later in the game, there will be a person who can make your favorite B. Combo into a legend force card, which you can use only once, and you can only have ten of in your pack at a time. (only one in your folder). The B. combo can be extremely worthless, or extremely cheap, depending on which cards are used.
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Net Official

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well EXE6 was worth it for me, just because I wanted to do more stuff with my 3rd Boktai game (I can't remember what it's called off the top of my head). That game I didn't understand at all, but I loved playing it. Anyways, I've decided against getting any version of Leo, I just picked up playing EXE1, which I haven't played in years. That game is actually proving to be really challenging stage wise.

Making your own Avatar is more time consuming than difficult really. It's a lot easier if the picture you want is already in a game and you have the sprites for it. You just have to make it the same size as A Star Force mugshot, and then use the show grid feature in Paint to copy it pixel by pixel. Or you could just mess around and draw something your own. If I was to make another one that's what I would do. I already spent a lot of time making a Serenade one though, and I didn't plan on wasting the time it took to do it just so I could get rid of it. XD
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE 4/5/6 Mughsots are the same size as Ryuusei ones just in case anyone was wondering.

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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shakai wrote:

Valtz wrote:
Ok now i've just started the game. I'm a little confused on the whole combo system but i'm sure i'll get it sometime soon.

Also something i've been wondering. You know how you can make your own brotherband avatar? Is there a site with some custom ones? I'm horrable at doing that kinda stuff and I wanna make a neko person so bad >w<

Also i'm wondering how brotherband works when my brothers are online but i'll go to the Wi-Fi thread for that.

Well, you can't "download" mugshots to the DS, but you can make your own. It's hard, but rewarding...sorta. Some people *coughidiotscough* have made a thing of seeing if they can make different mugshots from the EXE games, which I think is a waste of time, I mean, making one is kinda fun I suppose, but come on. Multiple ones?

No I mean is there a web site that shows you custom (already made) ones and shows how they did it in a zoom up so you can copy it pixel by pixel. Kinda like websites that have custom desigens for animal crossing.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just go to Sprites Inc, or any other spriting website, grab a mugshot, put it in paint in zoom in.

For a custom have to do that yourself.

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