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Starone Net Official

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 365 Location: The border between this world and the next
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:03 am Post subject: What makes a "mature game"? |
Sparked by a conversation in the IRC channel.
Usually people will tell you that mature games consist of extreme violence (blood, gore and such) and sex (nudity and what not) but I think the idea of what a mature game is has been distorted a bit. When you think about it, games like that aren't really mature. To me, mature games would come down to having something of a plot that dosen't involve you mindlessly shooting and killing things and having sex. A plot that has some meaning behind it.
So what do you think makes/would make a game mature and which games fit that title? |
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Cloud-kun Net Official

Age: 35 Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 398 Location: Purgatory
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:18 am Post subject: |
Most games that lack big-eyed colorful-haired characters are generally aimed at a "mature" audience. Also, 90% of the bullshit for the Xbox is aswell. <.< However, my basic view of a "mature" game is any game that has a "sane" plotline in which the characters use logic for their actions. Stategy games are like this, but to me, for some reason, a lot of long RPG games seem mature to me. Meh, I'm too confused on this to explain. :p Ironically, it seems that most games with "Dark" scenery (IE: Not a bunch of sunny, happy areas, no bright green, etc. Namely, more "realistic" graphic) are "mature" games. Take any of the Devil May Cry games and play them if you want an example of what I mean. :P |
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railracer express Soul Unison

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 771
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:58 am Post subject: |
Mature? Does Resident Evil in that catagory or higher, can't remember. my thoughts is anything that well not blood since I saw in games rated teen. To me mature is something you need a strong stomach to play the game. _________________ Avatar by May, many flowers and thanks for the wonderful avatar. |
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Hasegawa Rayven Net Battler

Joined: 04 Apr 2005 Posts: 78 Location: Blargh.
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:48 pm Post subject: |
Mature is really referring more to the Maturity of the Gamer.
You really shouldn't let little kids play "BLOOD DEATH GORE 5000"
People get too hung up on the Rating System. "Oh, there's almost NO mature titles on the GCN! It must be the worst game system right now!"
Get over yourselves. Not everyone likes Mature Rated games.
So Nintendo Decided to focus more on their Younger audiences. GOOD. That's a good decision for them, because they are very good at Games for Younger audiences, and at games that are fun for everyone.
Do I really need to mention games like Mario Party?
Super Smash Brothers Melee?
Metroid Prime Series?
You guys can stop me any time...
Bottom line is, Every system has what it's good at. Even Nintendo. So don't put a console down to others just because You personally don't like it.
Blargh, and now I've gone off on a tangent and ranted for several moments of being marked an idiot.
Ja, ne? _________________ (Warning: Reading these suggestions may lead to anger, cramps, burning pain of the hand, and the Urge to severely injure submitting author. Please follow all Doctor Instructions during use)
Original Artwork for AVA and SIG: Jingu J
Remixed as Avatar: Mari of Rockman.EXE forums
Remixed as SIG: Samochan of Rockman.exe forums |
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Josh Net Savior

Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 135 Location: Thibodaux
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:26 pm Post subject: |
What is this Fliter ok South Park humor makes up a M rated game kinda like Conkers Bad Fur Day drunk squirrl, trowing poop, blood, and um.... I like monkeys why couldn't they make Conkers a Monkey their funnier. >_< _________________
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X-M Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 167 Location: Atlanta, GA
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:13 pm Post subject: |
Really its just for sex, cursing, and excessive violence. A game with no plot, if it has nudity and gore its still going to get a mature rating. _________________ (( X-cessively Excesive ))
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Horoko Net Savior
Joined: 23 Mar 2005 Posts: 164
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:54 pm Post subject: |
Well you really can't say "no plot" because a lot of Mature games have some very well structured plot. Although a game like GTA, that gets boring QUICK. You play it for a week and it gets reptitive REALLY quick...although a game like Metal Slug...that's good old fashioned fun (Who doesn't like a good old fashioned romp through the 2-D park? XD)
Mature games are the games with the "M" on the box XD That's really all I have to say on that matter...XD |
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Hasegawa Rayven Net Battler

Joined: 04 Apr 2005 Posts: 78 Location: Blargh.
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:11 pm Post subject: |
Josh wrote: | What is this Fliter ok South Park humor makes up a M rated game kinda like Conkers Bad Fur Day drunk squirrl, trowing poop, blood, and um.... I like monkeys why couldn't they make Conkers a Monkey their funnier. >_< |
Ok, So South Park humor, AKA Bathroom humor.
Well.. let's explore that shall we?
So, Conkers Bad Fur day, which has a lot of really bad stuff in it...
All of that stuff is bad.
But something like resident Evil, where one of the Things you can do is shoot off a Human Body's head with a shotgun would not be a mature game?
Please be more specific. This isn't Filter. We're having a discussion about what causes a Game to be rated "M for Mature"
I will clarify my next statement by saying that I don't think little kids should be playing these Violent games. Not until They're older and prepared for the experience. Given a Good grounding in what is right and wrong.
That being said, I Will be one of the First defenders of Video Games against someone that says Violent Video Games like Doom and Unreal Tournament and Quake, and Half Life 2, and Halo, etc etc etc. makes Kids Violent. Bad Parenting makes kids Violent, then when they say that "Oh, DOOM made my kid violent, and made him want to kill all those people." No it didn't lady. Your bad parenting made them violent, and if Doom had anything to do with it, it's because they saw an outlet for their anger, IN AN ACCESSIBLE GUN THAT YOU DIDN'T PUT AWAY PROPERLY!
You wanna know why the kids do those shootings? Because they Don't know that it's wrong.They Usually are the ones in school that are picked on, and Ostracized, and they don't have any kind of support behind them for when those feelings of helplessness, and Darker Emotions start to overwhelm them. So they go LOOKING for an outlet. Something to make them think that they are back in control.
They Play the games, yes, and that gives them the SENSE of shooting things, But it doesn't teach them to hold a gun properly. It doesn't show them how to properly aim down the Barrel. It doesn't leave the Gun cabinet door unlocked or put the Gun in a box in the Closet where the kid can find it.
I'm ranting again. Sorry. _________________ (Warning: Reading these suggestions may lead to anger, cramps, burning pain of the hand, and the Urge to severely injure submitting author. Please follow all Doctor Instructions during use)
Original Artwork for AVA and SIG: Jingu J
Remixed as Avatar: Mari of Rockman.EXE forums
Remixed as SIG: Samochan of Rockman.exe forums |
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railracer express Soul Unison

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 771
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:24 pm Post subject: |
There's nothing wrong with ranting if it's on topic. Yes the only people at fault is the people themselves _________________ Avatar by May, many flowers and thanks for the wonderful avatar. |
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Lan Mikara Net Battler

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 74 Location: Chicago, IL
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:39 pm Post subject: |
I think that a game deserves a mature rating for subsantial cursing, lots of REALISTIC blood (Not the Halo 2 blue squirts), and sexual content. Mainly what it is now. When's the last time you say a good game (excluding puzzle games) be rated E..... Lego Island... _________________
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FusionDragon2099 Net Agent
Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 279 Location: Bonnyville, Alberta
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:13 pm Post subject: |
Lan Mikara wrote: | I think that a game deserves a mature rating for subsantial cursing, lots of REALISTIC blood (Not the Halo 2 blue squirts), and sexual content. Mainly what it is now. When's the last time you say a good game (excluding puzzle games) be rated E..... Lego Island... |
A good game rated E? Simcity 3000 Unlimited, the Megaman series, Sonic Advance, Warioware Inc., et cetera. E-rated games make up almost 80 percent of the maket, you're bound to see some quality in it. |
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Lan Mikara Net Battler

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 74 Location: Chicago, IL
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:34 pm Post subject: |
FusionDragon2099 wrote: | Lan Mikara wrote: | I think that a game deserves a mature rating for subsantial cursing, lots of REALISTIC blood (Not the Halo 2 blue squirts), and sexual content. Mainly what it is now. When's the last time you say a good game (excluding puzzle games) be rated E..... Lego Island... |
A good game rated E? Simcity 3000 Unlimited, the Megaman series, Sonic Advance, Warioware Inc., et cetera. E-rated games make up almost 80 percent of the maket, you're bound to see some quality in it. |
I wasn't thinking about GBA games.. Good point. I don't like Sims. _________________
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RollEXE Soul Unison

Age: 33 Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 717 Location: New Zealand
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:18 am Post subject: |
Mature? Nothing's mature. Everything started out when you were a kid. |
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white-devil Net Battler

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 56 Location: In the undernet trying to find sexy females
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:36 am Post subject: |
The ONLY reason that we have our gameratings is because someone who's really really stupid playes the game and says "HEY! I bet i can do that in real life" then he goes and kills a bunch of students in his school(including himself)
then his mother is all like: IT WAS THE GAME! HE PLAYED A VIDEO GAME! Then she ONLY blames the video game and the ones who make video games. Not her self, not ANYONE ELSE! Even if the guy who played the game is 16-17 years old and the the game is rated for someone who's 18+.
I play a lot of games that is rated for 18+ but I dont kill someone at my school. And i'm 15 years old... _________________ Im the lover of many things, Mostly cheese and helping people, but mostly cheese. |
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N2-0 Night Gnihtemos od thgim I...

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 992
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:01 am Post subject: |
In my opinion, there are two ways for a game to become mature. The first way is through violence. Sure, a lot of games nowadays include some violence, but not all of it is enough to be considered mature. If there is realistic killing, mutilation, and/or blood involved, then it is usually considered an 'M' game.
The second way is through what the public considers as taboo. If the game includes heavy swearing, gratuitous acts, explicit language, or the slightest nudity, it is considered an 'M' game as well.
Anyway, we have yet to see if an 'R' game will show up. If this happens, that could make all 'M' games seem like 'E' games :eyes: . _________________ My deviantART... |
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white-devil Net Battler

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 56 Location: In the undernet trying to find sexy females
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:29 am Post subject: |
[quote="N2-0 Night"The second way is through what the public considers as taboo. If the game includes heavy swearing, gratuitous acts, explicit language, or the slightest nudity, it is considered an 'M' game as well.[/quote]
i wonder if this webbpage would be rated "M"?...
*looks at n2-0s picture*
maybe :eyes: _________________ Im the lover of many things, Mostly cheese and helping people, but mostly cheese. |
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N2-0 Night Gnihtemos od thgim I...

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 992
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:53 am Post subject: |
white-devil wrote: | N2-0 Night wrote: | The second way is through what the public considers as taboo. If the game includes heavy swearing, gratuitous acts, explicit language, or the slightest nudity, it is considered an 'M' game as well. |
i wonder if this webbpage would be rated "M"?...
*looks at n2-0s picture*
maybe :eyes: |
What does my signature have to do with the topic? |
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X-M Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 167 Location: Atlanta, GA
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:56 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | white-devil wrote: | [quote="N2-0 Night"The second way is through what the public considers as taboo. If the game includes heavy swearing, gratuitous acts, explicit language, or the slightest nudity, it is considered an 'M' game as well. |
i wonder if this webbpage would be rated "M"?...
*looks at n2-0s picture*
maybe :eyes: |
His signature really isn't even close to something that could be "M." You could see something like that on a Final Fantasy game. :/ And the forum would probably be "T", age of most of the user here. _________________ (( X-cessively Excesive ))
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MegaDaffy Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 197 Location: With Lan and MegaMan/New Hampshire
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:48 pm Post subject: |
I think Nudity, Sexual Content, Excessive Blood and Gore and more alcohol than Harvest Moon has makes an "M-rated" game. Strong Language(worse than what's probably in Crazy Taxi) would also help to achieve that rating as well. :] _________________
Lan's Biggest Fan (and proud of it)! |
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