Team of Protoman/Colonel Name Changes *Possible Spoilers*
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:49 am    Post subject: Team of Protoman/Colonel Name Changes *Possible Spoilers* Reply with quote

Well, i have the european version of both games now :D
In this forum, i will post some name changes when i encounter them (wonders if Barrel and Tesla are still the same in the EU version).

the area name chances
f course Akihara is still ACDC Razz
Ans also what is said during the past visions and how the english version discribes Past Visions

Last edited by ForteGS.exe on Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If this topic is inappropriate to be separate from the existing MMBN5 topic, I offer my apologies to the staff for contributing to it.

That said, I've played some of Team Colonel myself.

Atrocious grammar, to the point of making MMBN3 look like... uh... some classical work of literature. Or something.

Also, "Baryl."

Other name changes include SwallowMan becoming LarkMan, and FootMan becoming GridMan. As in Grid Iron, not the Japanese series "adapted" into Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad.

The best thing I've seen so far is Lan saying "What could I, Mr. Famous, be doing here on this mountain?" The rest isn't so severe, but dang boy.

"Baryl" makes me cry openly, and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Edit: Oh, right. Forgot to mention that ShadowMan's operator is called Dusk, which I personally rather like. Especially considering the potential alternatives. They could have just as easily called him "Dark." How sucky would that be? As it is, Dusk is a decently ninja-esque codename kind of thing.
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Colonel of Junking up

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 4:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you dislike the name changes so much, then import or just shut up.
Here's lookin' at you kid.
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oran Island is still the same, also according to capcom, Oran Isle is in the paccific Ocean, dont know if that was also in the original version.
Tesla's name is still the same :D

Last edited by ForteGS.exe on Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Boy who is Very Sart
The Boy who is Very Sart

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think this will be ok...but you must do the following:

1. No Game Bashing, if I see any bashing that mystery data will go from blue to PURPLE.

2. Mark any potential spoilers. Just because it's in English now that doesn't mean things are no longer spoilers.

With that being said, enjoy the rest of this thread. Smile

Last edited by Sketch on Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

***Removed by Sketch* No ROM talk, gloating you have one just as bad as talking about it and it's not necessicary.***

in one of the other topics, they said Netto took off his pants at the beach. didn't happen in this one. he and Dex just talk about being able to take your underwear out of your swimsuit without getting naked (Mr. Bean episode, anyone? with the guy who is blind, but you don't know it 'till the end Laughing ).

also, i don't know why, but the spelling "Baryl" just seems better to me than "Barrel".

any way, the Spook'ums has spoken.
just call me xfyre. not xfyrethespooky.
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[spoil:b7edcc5f54]MegamanDS/RockmanDS is called DarkMega[/spoil:b7edcc5f54] Razz
[spoil:b7edcc5f54]And Nenji is named FyreFox[/spoil:b7edcc5f54]
*Edited by Sketch..yet again* I said mark spoilers. >_<

And Sketch, i marked Spoilers in the topic title, so why need of spoiler tags?

One name that isnt a spoiler if you played Exe/BN4
Searchman = Serchman >_<
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ForteGS.exe wrote:

[spoil:7c1778022e]And Nenji is named FyreFox[/spoil:7c1778022e]

Holy crap... they're getting some exposure.
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[spoil:673d799388]The Past Vision is now the VisionBurst[/spoil:673d799388]
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[spoil:07871eaea6]Heh, FyreFox, huh? Wonder where they got that one.

Gotta love commercialism.[/spoil:07871eaea6]
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Colonel of Junking up

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ForteGS.exe wrote:
Oran Isle is in the paccific Ocean, dont know if that was also in the original version.

Is that supposed to make a difference? Sheesh... the rest of the fat anime nerds are gonna have a field day

"They changed Shuuko to Shuko! THEY SUCK AT TRANSLATING" all over again...

Dark Rockman" is who we fight, not "rockman DS" Dark Mega is more accurate. Or you just instantly hate any minor english alteration even if you don't speak Japanese Razz
Here's lookin' at you kid.
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, "Dusk" would be inconsistency #2. I guess both "Dark" and "Dusk" could be considered code names anyway though, so Miyabi could use both. In fact, this could be him being more mysterious, changing his name to Dusk to maintain some secrecy about his identity, since Lan's already heard the name Mr. Dark.

Hm, what to do about Swallowman and Footman? On the one hand their names were inherently silly to the english ear. On the other hand, the hanges are enough to create confusion and disagreement when they're being discusses, just like NTWarrior name changes. I had no problem dropping the "ed" from Colourman, because the two names are easily comparable with each other, and I never use "Japanman" because it was Yamatoman in MM6, but this is the first case where a navi's name change is both significant and original.

Well, I'll likely use the names Gridman and Larkman since they sound less humiliating, plus I do tend to stic woth the english version names as long as they're not inconsistent with anything in english that precedes them.
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Viewtiful Starman
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keep in mind, there are cases where the European and US versions of a game are translated differently. So don't automatically assume that everything there is gonna be in US version Razz
That aside, [spoil:46a777c058]FyreFox[/spoil:46a777c058] is the only one that really bugs me...

Edit: BTW, Josu. Just like people have to let you say negative things about the anime, you've gotta let people say negative things about the translations as long as they don't break any rules regarding it no matter how ridiculous you think they're being.
Not everyong can understand Japanese, play through a game without understanding Japanese or import.

Last edited by Viewtiful Starman on Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What I'm truly interested in is how they abbreviated Tomahawkman's name. My guess would be either "Tmhwkman" but there are many other possiblities. Anyone know which one is correct?

Also, I heard Magnetman was appreviated as "Magnoman" in EXE5. Any confirmation?

~DrkX (Resident over-sexed camera-whore & Facebook zombie.)

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The Boy who is Very Sart
The Boy who is Very Sart

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[spoil:d85ad0f77a]MagneMetal was changed to Magnometal, not Magnetman. XD I thought it was Magnoman too but I read too fast.[/spoil:d85ad0f77a]
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think this is in BN 4, but they got a nifty sign for P.A.:


"The food whose name is written in this note shall be eaten.".
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here are all the chip changes.

Satellite=SpShake (eh?)
MudTsunamiBall D=MudWave

Navi Names


Credit to: Nuz on the GameFAQs BN5 boards.
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, there are some mistakes there.

BatShot is the chip used in the CrossOver Battle, the chup that comes from the bat virus is called PulseBeam, THAT'S the chip that gets altered to Pulsar.

It was Senshahou, not Tank Cannon, Senshahou just translates to Tank Cannon.

And, uh...forget it. That list is confusing. I'm not sure which you think are the original names and which are the translations. Some places you have changes on the left, and some places it's the other way around. And in some cases I don't see the original name anywhere.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

TomahawkMan is abbreviated to TmhkMan.
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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, I compiled a better list for the chips/PAs, this time original names are on the left, english names are on the right.

PulseBeam -> Pulsar
Senshahou -> TankCan
SabotenBall -> CactBal
GunDelSols are now GunDelS rather than GunSol
ElementRage -> ElemRage, it was never "Elemental Gun"
Ocean -> Sea
Kusamura -> Grass, natch
Kunai -> MoonBld
SamuraiSword -> Katana
SkullChain -> Skully
AquaWhirl -> AqWhirl, it was never a "Tornado"
AirWheel -> AirSpin
FirePunch -> FireHit
HeatBody -> HotBody, it was never "BodyBurn"
MeteorEarth -> Astroid
SpaceYura -> SpShake
InazumaKing -> Voltz
TsunamiHole(Not "Ball") -> WavePit
CommonRain -> RainyDay
Invis is now Invisibl, guess they realized they could fit in a few more letters finally.
Ryuseigun is once again "Meteors", rather than "StarShot"
JusticeOne/Won/Wan is JustcOne, so there you go.
Again... Z Sabre -> Z Saver, Oy
And yes, it seems we have "Meddy"
GigantHook -> BigHook
DarkSound -> DarkSonic
Tomahawman's chip indeed says TmhwkMn
OtenkoSama is simply Otenko
GunDelSolEX is GunDelEX, heh.
MugenVulcan -> InfVulcan
MadBoxer -> Boxer
YuraParade -> ShakPar, looks like they decided to translate Yura more directly than in BN2
SabotenDance -> CacDanc
YoYoGreat -> GreatYo (It's great, yo!)
WildSwallow -> WildBird
FootMegaBall -> FootBall

The rest are either the same as before or just shortened versions of their original names.
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