Hotsuma from Shinobi
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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:21 am    Post subject: Hotsuma from Shinobi Reply with quote

These are the old models, except for Sonata, who remains unchanged. For the current ones, check below. From left to right:Hydra.EXE, Gospel Starman, Legion.EXE, Duo GS, Sonata.EXE

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Last edited by CrossFusionStarman on Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:28 pm; edited 21 times in total
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Slifer. EXE
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're not supposed to save a file ending with .EXE or else a computer will think that it's a program, save it as HydraEXE or Hydra instead.
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Use PhotoBucket... The file I got off there didn't even work... :/ Is it supposed to be an executable(.EXE) file?
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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh...sorry about that. I'll fix that right away.
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Most of it looks like cut and paste work with some recoloring. -shrug- I don't see anything really spectacular about any of it.

Hydra looks way too much like a Roll recolor.

It looks like some effort was put into Gospel Starman, but the Gospel Head on his back doesn't fit.

Legion is just a Bass recolor and splice.

The sprite styles of the DuoGS splice don't match.

-Spots Met-

And... I've got a major beef with that cosplay Met. First off, you just pasted StarMan's hat over a Mettaur's hardhat, which doesn't even look right. Some attempt was made to make it fluid, so I'll give you points for that, but it needs a lot of work to make it look like the hair should be there. Try taking off the hardhat completely and then drawing the hair over the Met.

Thank you for listening to my rambling.
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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry. I'm sorta new to spriting. I'll try harder next time. I also added some things to Hydra so as she wouldn't be a recolor, but not a lot. I'll fix them up.
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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hydra.EXE: The colors are kind of odd. What I mean is that the shading is inconsitent. Also the head gear just looks really odd and grabled. There is no definition. The rest is interesting. It would be a good sprite if you might rethink the colors.

Legion.EXE: It is too blantantly obvious that this is a recolor of Forte attacking with streaming Gospel heads. Might I consider rethinking the design? Also, I don't know where you got the streams but they don't flow properly. It's the sudden change in direction. It would look better if is was rounder and more fluid. I had this same problem before and it will take a lot of work to make it look right.

Duo GS: I can tell that you spliced Gospel's head with Duo's arms. The body still eludes me, but it looks familiar. Also, I think you just inverted the colors. Well the splicing is nice, and I would like to know how you did it. I use paint for spriting and splicing in that is a major pain. I don't think I know how to do it properly. Man I could swear I've seen that body somewhere... Anyway, I don't think the sprite works all the well.

Gospel Starman and Sonata.EXE: These two I like. They show a lot of promise. The effects on Gospel Starman are very nice. I admit the "wings" on the back are a bit much, but if you wanted to, an easy edit could fix that. Sonata is good because of it's originality. You even changed the hands. The color scheme is also very complementary. I would suggest, however, a different color for the boots, but otherwise I like it. Very nice.

Starman Cosplay: I found this amusing. But the sprites could be improved. It looks like you spliced Starman's attributes to the others and hastilly recolored them. I have to suggest that you take time to "meld" the parts together so that they connect and flow properly. Secondly, spend some time on coloring, making sure that they fit properly.

Keep practising, cause your work shows promise!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have basically the same opinon. I do reallly like sonata though. A LOT.
And the body for DuoGs is some boss from X5 right?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jenova Spawn wrote:
And the body for DuoGs is some boss from X5 right?

It's supposed to be Burn Dinorex. Or Mattrex in the US. :/
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hydra looks too much like Roll on her design, and I don't really think the name 'Hydra' fits her colors. I sort of think of blue when I hear the word 'Hydra'. *thinks of a Poke'mon attack called Hydro Pump. XD* The colors are neat, but it looks like it's just mainly a darkish-purple-pink color and black. You should edit her design some more.

The Gospel Starman: Um...I really have no comment about that one. But I do think there's a little bit too much on his back.

Legion and the Gospel heads look pretty awkward; the Gospel heads just don't seem to fit on what their uh...attached to.

Duo GS's Gospel head doesn't seem to fit on to the body it has. Maybe redesign the head and color it to match its body some more?

Now Sonata is my favorite out of this bunch. :D Well since I've never played any of the Rockman games ( Sad ), I don't recognize any parts of Sonata that seem like copy-and-paste or recolors. (I've seen sprite sheets) So that one is great. :D

I have no comment about the Starman Cosplay though.

I think these sprites are good, but you just need to practice more with them, their designs, and colors. :D
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

On the big one with the gosple I think it's Duo you need to put it more on the head and with the Starman met you heve to much helmet showing and I think it may be copy'n'paste.(No offence)

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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

No offense taken. I've improved all of them, and I'll post them shortly. As for improvements:

Hydra:Added more features, made her brighter, going to rename.
Gospel Starman:Took a little bit off the back.
Legion:Completely remade
Duo GS:Completely remaking.
Sonata:Not touching at all considering lots of people like it ^^
Starman cosplays:Not touching just because.

Oh, and yes, I did use an X5 boss for Duo GS's body.
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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, the improvements:

The new Hydra, now renamed Conga(musical reference). I added two swords and a bunch of spikes.
Gospel Starman improved. I removed the Gospel Head and just added a few spikes. Plus, his tentacle thing now has Gospel's maw on it.

The new and improved Legion. Big improvement. the base sprite was Serenade, I removed the ribbons, colored him green and changed the eyes to red. Added Gospel Heads, Spikes, and an attack.

EDIT:Sorry for the double post. My bad Sad
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, they all have spikes now. Laughing Conga now looks better; do you think you can make a mugshot of her, I can't see her face really well. Gospel Starman looks better now, and I think the tentacle thing adds a nice touch. Smile

Um...Legion still looks a little bit funny in my opinion. Maybe you should edit more of the Serenade base and not have colored him completely green.
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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2005 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, I'll work on a mugshot. As for Legion? I don't think I'll try touching him up anymore. I know he looks funny though. Oh, and here's some new ones:

The new and improved Duo GS.

This guy is supposed to look like a very stupid cut and paste job. His name is Rhapsody. I just put him up so you guys can laugh.

Sonata in a PET. Not much. Thanks to JusticeMan for the PET sprites.

My idea of a Starman in CrossFusion. I didn't just invert his colors, and if you don't belive me, try it yourself. Plus, I added more spikes to his hair and the two arm blades.

Oh, and btw, I use MSpaint to make sprites.
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Folf Samurai
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

While the sprites are an interesting concept, the quality for them is lacking a great deal. I was hoping that some of the comments made by others might have some effect on things in this thread, but after over a week I think that it is time to step in, since the thread has been brought to my attention. There are a number of sprites here that break the rules for this forum, such as the copy and paste and the simple recolor rule. I shall now run down the list and break it all down for you from the top.

Hydra.EXE: A Roll recolor with some edits done to her. The additon of the spikes to the hair and the darker palet used for her skin doesn't really alter that fact, and the Blues like spike on her helment and doesn't really hide that either. I say it is a Recolor with Edits, but not really enough to allow for a customization.

Gospel Starman: This looks like a regular Starman sprite that has had the body parts of Gospel graphted on to him along with the head for Forte's attack put onto him. The darker color and fragmentation tied into with Gospel and also Bug Style is sort of original, but doesn't go to form with what the Gospel assimilation process does.

Legion.EXE: A recolored Forte.EXE with Gospel attacking heads, there are some custom elements for the sprite, but again not enough to mark it as a custom.

Duo GS: Is a copy and paste work, simple as that between EXE and one X series character.

Sonata.EXE: Is a hodgepodge of sprites mixed together. The main body is that of Rockman.EXE but with elements of others mixed in as well. The large energy blast is a recolored attack from the X series as well.

The Sprite Art: That I woulnd't really call sprite art, it is more like a collage of things with copy and paste work put on to sprites that have been edited.

:Second Edition:

Congo.EXE: The swords look a bit thin and you haven't raeally done that much more other then changing the name of the character from Hydra to Congo.

Gospel Starman: This looks much the same as before as well, only now with spikes that aren't the right color and without the large attachment of the Gospel parts.

Legion.EXE: A Serenade recolor with modified Gospel heads pasted onto the body and some other parts as well.

:Third Edition:

Duo GS: The new Duo GS looks like it was inverted in some parts and meved with parts of Gospel in order to try and carry over the Gospel theme.

Rhapsody.EXE: A simple recolor as you said, but you should know that putting up simple things like that isn't really allowed since this is for custom and original scratch work.

Sonata.EXE in PET: I cant really make a review of this since it is using the sprite made by someone else. But the icon use of the explosive blast from the X series is a bit of a misuse of a sprite I think.

CrossFusion Starman: I think that you might want to review some of the shows that have CrossFusion in order to get an idea of what it is. In the process of Cross Fusion a person and a Navi merge, this means that the person gets the Navi's characteristics with only a few alterations. The colors would stay the same as the Navi for the armor.

The comment about the use of MSPaint doesn't really change much since you can create a larger color pallet in MSPaint then what is offered by making your own custom colors with the colors option. MSPaint is also something that some sprite makers and sprite comic makers use to great effect.

Now to go into what I think that you should do, I think that you should work on perfecting your skill a bit more. To do this you can also take some lessons from popular spriters since some offer small pages on how to create sprites. But for right now I see a mass of recolors with only a few edits, that is against the rules. I won't lock this down, as per the rules, just yet just so that you can have time to respond to all of this.
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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Like I said, I'm kinda new to spriting. Oh, and the new Duo GS isn't just an inversion. Well, either way, I have been improving on them, and I've been going through various spriting guides. Although I'm probably not going to have the new versions done in time, so you can close this thread if you want. However, if you want to wait, then by all means, go ahead. I'll probably have them done in a week's worth of time.

EDIT:You know what? Go ahead and close this down. From now on I'll just stick with fanfiction. :stonecube:
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The Boy who is Very Sart
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright if that's what you want, if you want it reopened or anything to just give Core or me a PM, ok?

With that being said, locking.
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Seras Victoria owns me

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, Sketch reopened this for me, so I'm trying one last time at spriting. Each one of these uses a Rockman sprite base(Although not particularily based off of Rockman himself) Some are Rockman oriented, others are OT. Give the picture awhile to load, it's pretty big(in kilobytes)

from left to right:

A character who was named Flash, but I'm renaming him. Classic Rockman 8 base.

Darth Necro, my own custom bad guy. Zero base.

Terra.EXE. Ring.EXE base.

Trill, my sister's character. Harpuia base

Ahura Mazda, named after the God of Light & Wisdom in Zoroastrian religion. Fefnir base.
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Folf Samurai
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One of the first things I want to point out is that I'm not singling you out CrossFusionStarman, I do give advice on random sprite threads and this is one that has been brought to my attention and its recent closure and reopening intriged me so I had to look.

You are just starting at making sprites and one of the places to start is by recoloring a sprite, but the way that you are recoloring is something that needs a bit of help with. You are making the mistake of not using the right amount of shading for your work, meaning that you are only using two extremes of the colors. One bright and one dark. You have to enlarge your color pallet by making a bit of a color chart for MS Paint when you are using sprites.
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