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Ryouko Kitties Love Bunnies

Age: 43 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 2085 Location: Sharo
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 3:18 pm Post subject: Stream #40 - Neo WWW Annihilation - Spoilers |
The episode begins with one of those teasers that shows you a scene from later in the episode. Currently, satellites are crashing their way towards the Earth, causing a rising panic among humans. Rockman has fallen out of reach from Netto, is locked inside a bathroom stall. Rockman informs his operator that the satellites are about to impact. "No way!", cries Netto.
Screen title!
Above in the sky, Midorikawa Kero is making a news report from a helicoptor. It's the grand opening of the fantastic Orbital Elevator! Reaching all the way to outer space, people from Earth have a smooth ride to the stars. Spaceships can easily come and go from the control tower, which also makes satellite repairs far easier. Kero speaks a little too fast for me to pick up all the details. XP but she ends with "Sounds like fun, ne?!"
Meanwhile, Tesla Magnets is throwing a tyraid because Narcy Hide and Takeo Inukai got themselves arrested. Sunayama explains how tough the Net Police are, while Saiko Rei asks Tesla what they plan to do next. Why get revenge, of course. Not just against the police, but everyone on Earth.
Tesla reveals her plan to drop man-made satellites from space, causing a mayhem of panic and destruction. They'll use the control room from the Orbital Elevator to coordinate the attack. Even Saiko and Sunayama are disturbed by the magnitude of it all. Of course, they're also worried by the high level of security that enforces the Orbital Elevator. Tesla quickly reminds them that they aren't just anybody, they're members of Neo WWW. "I'll make the entire world feel my power!", Tesla cries.
A camera from a satellite in outer space zooms out from Tesla, as if watching the entire time. The person watching from behind the camera is revealed to be none other than Dark Rockman. What's he up to?
Netto yells out "It's huge!" as he and Meiru stand in line to board the Orbital Elevator. Netto presents his PET to be scanned to be allowed entry, and he clears security. Meiru is up next, and is also allowed in. Last but not least, Rush scans his own paw, and all his information comes up as "unknown". However, the security system seems to think that's fine, as it gives the OK and Rush is given passage. The guards seem all kind of baffled. n.n;
Netto and Meiru board the massive elevator, which has room enough to fit many people inside and still have space to spare. The lights turn on as the elevator begins its accent into the sky. Netto and Meiru watch out the window amazingly at the city now far below them.
Now up in the Control Room, far into outer space, Netto and Meiru have donned safety space suits (without the helmets). Rush is overly excited, and runs off on his own to explore. Deeper inside the tower, all of the workers sound off that everything is working perfectly. One of the operators suddenly notices an unauthorized space ship heading in their direction. Despite their orders to hault, the ship forces a landing upon the landing docks of the elevator.
Sure enough, inside the system of the main Control Room, Flashman, Desertman, and Magnetman make their appearances. The head cheif of the tower exclaims that's impossible, they have the top security system in the world!
Despite that, Flashman and Desertman delete all the security navis in sight, while Magnetman takes control of the system itself. The ship safely lands inside the tower, allowing Tesla, Saiko and Sunayama to gain entry in their own space suits.
As soon as the Neo WWW takes control for themselves, the Orbital Elevator stops functioning completely. Everyone still inside is trapped, including Netto and Meiru. Unfortunately for Netto, he becomes automatically locked inside the bathroom stall he was currently using. n.n; Netto becomes so startled that he loses his balance, and flings his PET under the door and to the other side.
Meiru, who was still gazing out the windows, also becomes surprised when the entire tower loses power. Netto tries to reach under the door with his fingers to retrieve his PET, but he only accomplishes pushing it farther away. Netto curses, and Rockman notes that it's impossible to plug-in anywhere from the position he's in.
Back on Earth, the Net Police have finally arrived, including a rather miffed Manabe. They begin to make their long way up to the top of the tower. Up in the control room, the workers begin to notice that something else is terribly wrong. Plotted devices in space begin to release satellites one by one. The cheif wonders what in the heck is going on, just as Tesla appears on everyone's screens, laughing like an idiot.
Tesla introduces herself to everyone watching, as the "kaichou" of Neo WWW. She reveals that they now have complete control of the Orbital Elevator, as well as recent launching of multiple satellites into space. Their purpose? To crash directly into the planet, causing destruction of unimagined purportions.
As their telecast ends, Tesla notifies her cronies that the Net Police are on their way. In fact, they're already beating at their door. Manabe enters soon enough, ordering all her men to search the control room completely, as they do not see their opponents right away. Tesla quickly greets them warmly, and Manabe is surprised to come face to face with all three of them.
Ordering a direct challange to the Net Police, Tesla dares them to stop them if they can. Just as the police begin to charge, Flashman and Desertman appear in the real world, and quickly fling them all back. Flashman uses his "Neon Light!" to divide their force, causing the entire team to be on the defense.
Meanwhile, Netto is still desperately trying to get out of the bathroom stall. The handle on the door breaks as he pulls too hard, and ends up bashing his head on the toilet. A voice sounds out from outside, asking if he's alright. It's Meiru! It seems she became worried when he began taking too long to come back.
Meiru asks if he saw Tesla's broadcast, but Netto just yells out "I'm saved!" He quickly asks her to break open the stall door from the other side, but Meiru just freaks out at the idea of going into the boy's bathroom. n.n;
Eyecatch! Netto & Meiru.
Rockman quickly informs Netto that they're running out of time. Netto starts yelling at Meiru again, telling her to get ahold of herself. Back on Earth, the population has begin to panic, running through the streets for some kind of safety. Netto begins to tell Meiru that he needs her strength, that the world must be protected from the Neo WWW, and her power can do that! Meiru becomes surprised by Netto's encouragement. "I'm depending on you, Meiru-chan!"
"I understand, Netto!" Meiru suddenly exclaims. "I can't just give up!" Meiru grips her fists as she stands up to her fears. "For Netto...for all life!" Meiru runs off to find something to break the door, crying "Wait for me, Netto!"
Flashman and Desertman are still attacking the Net Police relentlessly, not even giving them a chance to get back at them. Meiru finally spots a rather large iron bar, grabs it, then makes her way back to Netto. All the operators of the tower are still freaking out over being powerless to do anything, so long as Magnetman still remains in control in the main computer.
Meiru jabs the bar onto the handle, and begins pulling down with all her strength to break the lock. Roll seems to be quite proud of her operator's determination. Meiru lets out a hefty scream as she uses every ounce of her ability to finally shatter the lock, setting Netto free. The boy steps out of his once prison, and just stares kind of shocked at the power raged girl before him. ^_^; "Arigatou....Meiru-chan..."
Netto and Meiru make their way to the platform on the elevator, only to realize that it's still without power. How can they get to the top where the battle is? Netto immediatly orders Meijin-san to initiate a dimensional area. With a quick "-san wa iranai!", one is enforced around that area of the elevator in space.
Netto prepares to use Cross Fusion, but Meiru stops him, saying that she wants to go too. Meiru shouts out for Rush, who comes a-running to her side. It's time for a show! First Meiru tells him to do a hand-stand, which he amazingly does. Next up is a top-hat dance! Netto then watches dumbfounded as Meiru orders the next trick - to transform into the Synchro Chip! Rush realizes half-way in that he's been duped - but it's too late to stop now. Meiru cheers as she receives her chip.
"Synchro Chip, Slot In! Cross Fusion!" Both Meiru and Netto cross fuse, and this time Meiru finally has a Progress PET for his transformation. Afterwards, the two look at each other, and Netto states "Lets go, Meiru-chan!"
Up above where the fight is, things seem to have slowed down a bit, with the two sides staring at each other. It's obvious that the Net Police are on their last legs. Suddenly, a crashing occurs above, and a bright blue and pink light spheres decend rapidly. On their way down, they crash right through Desertman, blowing a wide hole through him. The lights of the barriers around the two shatter, revealing Cross Fusion Meiru and Netto!
Tesla demands to know why they are here, while Manabe informs them that the main computer is in the control room, just behind where the Neo WWW is standing. Netto dives in headfirst against Flashman's Neon Light attack, using the Fumikomi Cross chip. Netto sidesteps the attack, and uses his double blades to land a hit on the Asteroid navi.
With Flashman at disadvantage, Netto uses the Circle Gun chip to nail his opponent from behind. Saiko becomes concerned from his navi, but much to Netto's surprise, Flashman is still alive. Battered, but alive. Absolutely enraged, Flashman fights back with his "Shining ?" Netto is nailed hard and thrown back quite a ways. "A burden to longer!" Flashman bellows, surprising his operator by his absolute devotion.
Meiru cries out to Netto, allowing Desertman to finally notice she's there. The giant navi uses his "Lion Head!" to knock Meiru back rather easily. Roll asks Meiru is she's alright, as she lays on the floor. "Netto....Netto told me...that he needs my power.....right now I want to protect Netto. I couldn't do anything by myself before...(Roll: and then, Meiru-chan began to fight...) I then decided. Alongside with Netto, my power....I would protect him! And so, I absolutely won't lose!"
Completely ignoring her speech, Desertman fires off another round of Lion Head. Only this time, Meiru is ready. Crying out, "Rush Hole!", Desertman finds himself being sucked into a massive vortex, larger than himself! Sunayama watches helplessly as his navi is consumed, and ultimately deleted. "DESERTMAAAN!"
An awesome techo remix of "Be Somewhere" begins to play in the background as Netto gets back up on his feet, and faces the much larger Flashman. The two leap up off the ground, and Netto activates both the Flame and Bamboo Swords onto his arms. Aiming for each other, the two clash in the air, and land on opposite sides. A moment later, Flashman is declared defeated as he softly whispers Saiko's name, then explodes. Saiko Rei screams out Flashman's name.
(Side note: It's rather interesting that both Saiko and Sunayama seem to have grown very attached to their navis by this point. Both are rendered completely stunned after each of their navis die.)
Netto lands back on the ground, and tells Manabe that he'll depend on her for the rest. Netto then uses an Area Steal chip, while the police aprehend both a stunned Sunayama and Saiko. Tesla meanwhile runs off, leaving them behind. She pulls out her synchro chip, but Manabe tackles her from behind, knocking the chip out of her hands.
In the cyberworld, Rockman pelts Magnetman by surprise with the Shot Gun chip. "It's all over now, Magnetman!" Rockman yells. "The Neo WWW is finished!" Magnetman quickly logs himself out. With the Neo WWW no longer in control, the elevator operators quickly cause the crashing satellites to self destruct while they're still in space. With the ordeal over, the dimensional area fades away, and the people on Earth are saved once again.
Netto joins Meiru and Manabe, who tells him a job well done. Netto then notices that all of the Neo WWW members are now in police hands, including Tesla herself. "This is the end of the Neo WWW...", Netto states.
Then again, we see Dark Rockman once again giving one of those creepy smiles of his.
Out of the ceiling, a Dimensional Converter pops out of nowhere. Tesla is bathed in a bright white light, then dissappears from sight! As she reawakens, Tesla finds herself in a place she last expected. "This is...Neo WWW....?" Tesla turns around, where shadows can be seen against the windows, a Dimensional Converter is sticking out of the ground, and someone is sitting in her chair.
Dark Rockman.
In his prison cell, Saiko Rei remains as depressed as ever. Suddenly, before him too a Dimensional Converter appears! But this time, it does something completely different. After nearly being electricuted by a bright light and sparks, Saiko realizes that he doesn't remember a dang thing that's happened to him since before he join the Neo WWW. Saiko completely freaks out, and begins yelling apologies, demanding to be set free.
Not only Saiko, but all the others too. Sunayama. Takeo Inukai. Narcy Hide. One by one their memories are completely wiped by the strange Dimensional Converters.
Manabe is told the news, and wonders what in the world is happening. Netto, who happens to be nearby, asks what's up. Manabe reveals to Netto what has happened to all of the previous Neo WWW members. Manabe wonders why in the world this would have happened.
Just then, Rockman alerts Netto to his PET, he's receiving a transmission. It's none other than Dark Rockman! The evil little navi informs Netto that the Neo WWW now belongs completely to him. Even their chairman Tesla, who is unconcious beside him. From now on, he'll be pulling the strings on the world's destruction. "I look forward to it.", Dark Rockman states as he ends the transmission.
"No way...." Netto says, unbelieving the turn of events.
An awesome episode, in my opinion. A heck of a lot of plot development, and they really allowed Meiru to shine for once. Dark Rockman is as creepy as ever, but that's why I love him so. <3
Next week, Netto breaks yet another one of his toys, this time his own Synchro Chip. Way to go, Netto. More Dark Rockman, as well as Laika, Jasmine, Charlie, Dingo, and everyone else. Don't miss it! _________________ "Cats are interesting. They're kind of like girls. When they come talk to you, it's great. When you go talk to them, it doesn't go so well." - Miyamoto
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Nazne Shukei - Hakuteiken
Joined: 20 Mar 2005 Posts: 1133
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 3:26 pm Post subject: |
And I wonder what the hell Duo's doing all through this D:
Sounds like a very nice battle. Meiru finally managed to pull her worth, and the fight itself wasn't just basic slash-boom-delete drivel. Interesting plot shift though.
At least Stream seems to be finally getting off its arse to do something XD
-BMA |
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Black Angel Net Savior

Joined: 06 Apr 2005 Posts: 136 Location: New York
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 3:44 pm Post subject: |
BY the way you described it the episode sounds awesome. It's interesting to see Saiko and Sunyama have such attachment to their navis and vice versa, much different from Inukai and Narcy. Also Rush Hole must be amazingly powerful to delete a navi as huge and strong as Desertman(unless he was suffering from injury). Dark Rockman taking over Neo WWW was also an interesting twist (although it kinda seems pointless as Tesla remains as the only member).
Either way I rate it a solid 10/10 (first rating on an episode). Hope the next episode is just as good. _________________
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 3:49 pm Post subject: |
Yay Ryo! I thought they lost their memories but I wasn't sure...
Netto... always at it XD
Meiru annoyed the hell out of me when she didn't go into the boys bathroom when the world was in danger but she made up for it in her fightscene and the while breaking Netto out of the bathroom stall. That was pretty cool.
More Dark Rockman, yay! \o/
And... I loved this ep. It was pretty cool and makes alot more sense now that I know what was said. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
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Kirbopher15 User is Disabled
Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 1545 Location: TOME
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:08 pm Post subject: |
I'm sad about the deaths of Flashy and Dessertman :< Even though Darkmega's the new Neo WWW leader, with all of the actual Neo WWW NAVIs deleted other than Magnetman there's not gonna be much for him to be 'commanding' ._o Can't wait to see the orbital elevator...THAT'S IT! IT WAS SIGMA...IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW ._. |
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Elementalman.EXE Time to play the Game

Age: 34 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 1430 Location: Researching the JFK and RFK Assasinations
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:20 pm Post subject: |
Holy- Shit. Damn this looks like an amazing episode
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D /10 Happies _________________
Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted.
1000 Post on Sept. 18 2005 at 6:29pm |
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ComicX6 We're working on it!

Age: 35 Joined: 03 Jun 2005 Posts: 1071 Location: Listening to 'Secret Agent Man'
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:25 pm Post subject: |
Sounds like an awesome ep, I can't wait to see it. Neo-WWW is gone, so hopefully that means no more painful filler eps. WOOHOO. Hopefully this ep marks the beginning of the redemption of Stream, which started out well but started to kill itself with countless filler eps. And Ryouko, that attack of Flashman's was most likely Shining Crusher. He used it to screw up Lan's PET after his first battle with Megaman, and later just before his deletion in battle network 3. _________________ ' I don't care if the buzz isn't real- I can roleplay being drunk!'
- Balmung, .hack vol. 1
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:29 pm Post subject: |
Yeah so much sounds good in this episode I can't wait to see it. Thanks for the summary. |
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Megagirl.exe Net Police

Joined: 19 Mar 2005 Posts: 401 Location: Net city with Rockman and co.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:31 pm Post subject: |
Im downloading the episode right now.
Im reading the summary and it looks like an awesome episode :D .
Yay! more Dark Rockman ^.^. _________________
*Rockman,Netto,Roll,Meiru fangirl* |
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mysticgohan Net Official

Joined: 20 Mar 2005 Posts: 324 Location: Preparing for my next battle...
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:46 pm Post subject: |
I have a question. Was this episode animated well because this sounds all great but its gona be disapointing if its not animated good and we stick with freeze frames and reused animation . |
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Ryouko Kitties Love Bunnies

Age: 43 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 2085 Location: Sharo
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:54 pm Post subject: |
It was animated very well. :) From what I hear, it had the same animation director as the movie. _________________ "Cats are interesting. They're kind of like girls. When they come talk to you, it's great. When you go talk to them, it doesn't go so well." - Miyamoto
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Kirbopher15 User is Disabled
Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 1545 Location: TOME
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:26 pm Post subject: |
THANK GOD, Hopeuflly he's on the team for the rest of the Stream epiodes til the end. I dunno WHAT'S up with my Torrent or something but the status for the it STILL says "Queued" and that there are NO sources even though plenty are getting it right now. |
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Valtz Soul Unison

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 765 Location: The world of Nekos!!! =^-^=
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:47 pm Post subject: |
It's nice to know that Neo WWW went out with a big bang. Unlike the old WWW who are just sad. Anyhoo it looks like it would be tough to cram all of this into a 1/2 hour eh???
I just find it funny how Meriu needed a big speeh to try and go into the boys bathroom. ^^;;
I wish magnetman could have gotten more fighting but least he's still alive. |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:54 pm Post subject: |
This certainly sounds MUCH better than the drivel that we have been seeing as of yet with Stream. Sounds like the plot has turned up, and it is quite exciting. Sure Meiru is back, but she holds her weight here, and I am a bit glad about that.
Now that Neo WWW seems to have disbanded, we seem to be back on the rising section of the Stream curve--perhaps there is hope after all. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Zodiac Net Police
Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 434 Location: Avoiding the Author's whip. I'll edit. I promise!
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:12 pm Post subject: |
So, Tesla's become DS Rockman's (inappropriate word for younger audience)? Well, she's not going to be too happy. Now, who else is going to work in Neo WWW? Ooo, neat thought. Could there maybe be a battle between Forte and DS Rock? That could be fun!
And Lan breaks the Synchro Chip? He is the brainchild, no? _________________ Church: Are you following any of this?
Caboose: I think so. That guy Tex is a robot, and you're his boyfriend. So that makes you... a gay robot.
Church: ... That's right... I'm a gay robot.
Red Vs. Blue |
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railracer express Soul Unison

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 771
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:17 pm Post subject: |
It's been like a long we seen a decent fight scene? THis is very good, Meriu gets to fight for once and for real. Rush hole seems to be the only way to defeat desertman since I don't think there is another way. But just wondering how did Desertman got delete? I don't think you can be delete in a hole _________________ Avatar by May, many flowers and thanks for the wonderful avatar. |
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Nazne Shukei - Hakuteiken
Joined: 20 Mar 2005 Posts: 1133
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:19 pm Post subject: |
Rei ;__; That was a kinda sad end for the Neo-WWW members, no matter how much I hated them for being fillerific. At least the original WWW got to keep their Navis.
I suppose it's not too much to hope that Duo has a change of heart and gives them back their Navis, sans Dimensional Chip? >>
-BMA |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2005 Posts: 11 Location: Taking over the World
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:56 pm Post subject: Re: Stream #40 - Neo WWW Annihilation - Spoilers |
Ryouko wrote: | "Synchro Chip, Slot In! Cross Fusion!" Both Meiru and Netto cross fuse, and this time Meiru finally has a Progress PET for his transformation. Afterwards, the two look at each other, and Netto states "Lets go, Meiru-chan!"
Ryouko, don't hurt me for this, T_T
but you made a mistake. You called meiru a he. -_-;
Please don't be angry almighty goddess. I didn't mean to correct you.
Anyway, this sounds like a great episode. I few sorry for Saiko and Sunayama, but at least they forgot it. I can't wait to see this episode!
I like almost any episode with [spoil:2d31ed8f74]Dark Rockman. Dark Rockman forever![/spoil:2d31ed8f74] _________________
Cheap? Yes I'm very cheap and evil.>.>
Who am I? I am a nobody. Someone without a care in the world, planning your DOOM. Muhahahahaha |
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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:43 pm Post subject: |
Excellent epsiode. This one shows the world that Maylu isn't just a pretty face, she too can open up a can of whoop@$$ on you.
I liked the expression on Rush's face when he realises that he's been had. It's almost like him saying "Aww crap" after he did his trick for Maylu. Lan just standing there with such a dumb look on his face was classic.
Fenril's Verdict: 10/10 _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney |
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Rocketboy Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 189 Location: Asleep at the wheel.
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:50 pm Post subject: |
It would be interesting due to their memory loss, the Neo-WWW would become allies, but I don't think that will happen since they don't have navis to back them up.
Flashman's death sounds sad, because he really wanted to protect Rei. |
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