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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:28 am Post subject: |
Rockman sat in his PET hugging his knees against his chest. Everything was too much, Netto, Dark Rockman, cross fusion… why?
Rockman let the unwilling tears stream down his face for the first time that day. They were nothing like human tears. They weren’t salty or hot but they were still there. Who had given navis the ability to cry anyway?
He heard applause behind him. Rockman stood up and spun around to face his double. “You!” he hissed.
“Awww, do you miss your precious Netto-kun?” Dark Rockman jeered.
Rockman tacked Dark Rockman and slammed him into the floor of his PET. “What the hell did you do to Netto-kun!” he yelled.
“Nothing,” Dark Rockman said playfully.
Rockman glared at him with hatred in his eyes. “Give me back Netto-kun,” he hissed.
Dark Rockman smirked, “Or you’ll what? Good eyes by the way. That’s exactly how I want you to feel.”
Rockman’s gaze softened and Dark Rockman grabbed a hold of Rockman’s arm. He flung the blue navi across the PET and stood up, brushing imaginary dust off his clothes. “Why?” Rockman asked while picking himself slowly up off the floor. “Why did you do that to Netto-kun? Why are you doing this?”
In a split second Rockman found himself pinned against the wall by Dark Rockman. He held Rockman by his throat and pushed him into the wall with as little mercy as ever. “Because I want to see you suffer,” he said, his red eyes glowing. “I want to see you in pain. I want to see you so you’re so completely useless” he tightened his grip making Rockman cry out, “that you will come to me, begging for me to delete you.” He loosened his grip on Rockman’s neck, allowing him some air. “And I will sit there, and I will laugh. I will laugh at your pain and anguish and I will mock you and make you feel even more pain.” Dark Rockman let Rockman fall to the floor gasping. He looked down at the small navi, his eyes full of mocking pity, “And then, I will joyfully grant your request.”
“You’re insane,” Rockman gasped.
“Well, that’s nice to know,” Dark Rockman smirked. “Too bad I still have Netto-kun,” he jeered and disappeared from the PET.
“Wait!” Rockman yelled and ran over to where he was once standing. “Netto-kun…” Rockman whispered.
Dark Rockman appeared in the small room once again. Netto was fast asleep on a couch hugging a pillow and muttering in his sleep. Dark Rockman gave Netto a genuine smile and walked over to where the brunette was asleep. “Your navi is very broken up about you,” he said softly. “Just as I knew he would be.”
Netto groaned and turned over.
“Dark Rockman-sama?” Cloudman asked from the doorway.
Dark Rockman glanced at Cloudman, “Yes?” he asked.
“The preparations are almost complete, we should be done by tomorrow afternoon,” he said.
Dark Rockman nodded happily, “All right, I can wait that long.”
Cloudman nodded and left the room.
Dark Rockman smiled and affectionately ruffled Netto’s hair. “Well, it’s been a long day, and tomorrow we have a lot to do. Good night, Netto-kun.”
Netto winced but didn’t open his eyes. “Night Rockman,” he said sleepily and fell back into dreamland in a matter of minutes.
Pride, Jasmine and Meiru walked down the street. “So, what did they take yesterday anyway?” Jasmine asked Meiru.
“That’s just it, they didn’t take anything. They destroyed some computers that have a lot of important data on them, but they’re all backed up. The worst case scenario is that it will take about a month to get all that data back together and in working order, aside from that…” Meiru trailed off.
“Then why did they attack?” Pride asked.
“Who knows?” Jasmine sighed. “I’m more worried about Netto then anything,” she admitted.
The other two nodded. “Who knows what might happen,” Meiru said. “Or what will happen.”
Pride looked around to see if there was anywhere they could go to take their minds of their current predicament. She saw only places that Netto had showed her on her grand tour of Japan. She sighed and looked at the sidewalk. Knightman knew the reason for the sigh, “Pride-sama?” he inquired.
“I’m all right, Knightman,” Pride said. “We’ve gone through worse then this, right?”
Jasmine and Meiru nodded. “Right,” they agreed.
It was a small gesture, but it was appreciated among the three at that time.
Pride looked up from the sidewalk and chanced a glance in the distance. She saw a familiar orange vest and blue bandana. “Netto?” she asked herself.
“Where?” Meiru asked.
Pride pointed in the distance to the unmistakable form on Netto.
“Pride-sama, you might not want to go over to him,” Knightman warned her.
Pride adopted a resolute look in her eyes. “No, he doesn’t have his PET with him. Maybe…”
Jasmine and Meiru nodded and they made their way over to Netto who was reading a manga in an open air market. There were a lot of people around but you could barely hear anything. “Netto!” Pride called out.
Netto looked up from his manga and fixed Pride with his empty glare. “Do I know you?” he asked saucily.
Pride’s eyes widened but she kept her resolve. “Of course you do, I’m Pride remember?”
Meiru and Jasmine showed up next to her and Netto smirked. “Oh yeah, hello Princess,” he gave a mocking bow and Pride stepped back. “And Meiru-chan and Jasmine-chan, nice to see you,” he said.
“Netto, get a grip,” Meiru hissed. “Rockman needs you!”
“Too bad,” Netto smirked.
Meiru held back as much as she could but hearing Netto talk in that voice, to her just made her blood boil. That wasn’t Netto, it couldn’t have been. She shut her eyes and raised her hand to slap Netto across the cheek but Netto caught her wrist before she could. “Aren’t we touchy today?” he asked.
Meiru tried to pull out of Netto’s grip but she couldn’t get free until he let her go. Meiru held her wrist and took a step back from Netto. “Scared?” he asked with a grin.
“Pride-sama, you need to get out of here,” Knightman said quietly.
“He’s right you know, you should leave,” Netto said mockingly.
“Meiru-chan…” Roll said softly.
“Jasmine…” Medi said as well.
The three girls just glared at Netto. He crossed his arms and the manga he was reading fell to the ground. “Ah,” he looked disappointed. “Now I lost my place,” he said picking up the book. “Ah well,” he straightened up and gave the girls a cheerful grin. “See ya, Meiru-chan, Jasmine-chan, Princess Pride,” he said with a small bow. “Bye!” he waved and quickly disappeared into the crowd.
“Meiru-chan, Netto is dangerous right now,” Roll said softly.
Jasmine shivered, “What happened?” she asked.
“I-I don’t know,” Medi replied in shock.
“Pride-sama?” Knightman asked his operator.
Pride clenched her fist and tried very hard not to cry. “He never called me ‘Princess’ before. He always treated me just like everyone else… right from the very beginning…”
“Pride-san,” Jasmine said with pity in her voice.
Pride let one solitary tear fall, then she looked up, resolute. “That wasn’t Netto,” she hissed. “And we’re going to get Netto back.”
Meiru and Jasmine nodded happily, “Yeah,” they cheered.
They walked away from the square, more determined then ever, but Netto’s cold voice still echoed in Pride’s head. “Princess Pride.”
“They’re planning something,” Dingo said at Maha Ichiban. “They’re planning something and we can’t do anything about it,” he hissed.
“Dingo…” Tomahawkman sighed, “you can beat yourself up over this. If they have a plan, then we need a plan.”
Mahajorama set a plate of curry in front of Dingo, “Your navi is right, if you are to outsmart the enemy then you need your own plan.”
Dingo looked at the curry on the plate; it had never looked so unappetizing. He picked up a spoonful and looked at it, then he sighed and set it down. “Outsmart the enemy? All right, new question. Who’s the enemy, Dark Rockman or Netto?”
Madoi’s mouth twisted. “Dingo, you need to get a grip on your own reality first. Netto may be doing these things but he’s still under control of Dark Rockman. If you want to beat him you need to find out why he’s using the kid.”
Dingo looked at the curry then blinked. “Thanks Madoi-san!” he yelled and ran out of the curry store.
“Did he get an idea?” she asked.
“I think, just inspiration,” Hinoken answered.
Madoi sighed, the sound hissing through her teeth. “I wish we could do something,” she shut her eyes and rubbed her head, “Anything!”
“Maybe we can,” Mahajorama said.
Madoi looked at him and smiled. “Maybe…” she said.
“Well?” Manabe asked.
“We’ve almost got a lock on the location of Dark Rockman,” one of the computer annalists said.
Manabe nodded, “Good, tell me when you’re ready.”
“Yes ma’am,” he said and continued his work.
Manabe sighed and walked down the hall. The past few days were taking their tool. No one liked fighting the happy go lucky Netto but what choice did they have? Not to mention how Rockman must feel. Everything was done to spite him and surely the kind hearted navi was blaming himself. What a human reaction to have, she mused.
Manabe went down the hall and got a cup of coffee from one of the vending machines. She drank the nasty tasting liquid and made a face. Vending machine coffee was the worst.
“Manabe-san!” she heard some one yell. She looked up to see someone running down the hall to her.
“Yes?” she asked as the man skidded to a stop and gasped for breath.
“We have a fix on the location of Dark Rockman,” he said.
“Are you sure this is it?” Enzan asked for the millionth time.
“Yes, Enzan, I’m sure,” Manabe replied evenly.
Enzan sighed and leaned into the back seat of the car. “What a nightmare,” he whispered.
Laika nodded, “Hopefully it will be over soon.”
Manabe gave them a sad grin, “I know this has been tough on you boys. But you still need to keep your head clear. This may sound cruel but,” Manabe sighed, “try and forget that it’s Netto. Otherwise, I can promise you’ll loose again.”
Enzan touched where Netto had cut through his arm. “I know,” he said softly.
Manabe glanced at them in the review mirror. “You will have help,” she said. “Everyone is sending in their navis. I’m not letting anyone else go into the building but hopefully that will keep the guard programs busy.”
Laika and Enzan nodded.
Manabe sighed, “Promise me you two will be careful, and try to keep Rockman out of trouble.”
Enzan and Laika nodded again. “Don’t worry Manabe-san,” Blues said, “We won’t let anything happen to Rockman,” he paused, “Or Netto-san.”
Enzan nodded, “Yeah.”
“Did you send out the signal?” Dark Rockman asked.
“Just as you told me too,” Cosmoman replied.
“Excellent, they should be here any minute now,” Dark Rockman smiled. “Everything is going according to plan.”
“What is the plan?” Netto asked, barely glancing up from the manga he was reading.
“To lure Rockman here, and destroy him,” Dark Rockman laughed.
“And half of the Net Savior police force while you’re at it,” Netto pointed out.
“Don’t worry; we can take care of that. We just need to make sure that the net navi’s go through the dimensional gate so they come into the real world. Or it wouldn’t be very much fun revenge now would it?”
Netto shrugged and returned to reading his manga.
“Are the traps ready?” Dark Rockman asked.
“Yes, Dark Rockman-sama,” Swallowman answered.
“Good, good,” Dark Rockman said. “Well, I think it’s time to go greet our guests, don’t you?”
“There’s a dimensional area surrounding the building!” Manabe yelled. “I want the special task team to…” her voice trailed off as the Dimensional Area disappeared.
“He’s inviting us in,” Enzan noted.
Manabe’s eyes narrowed, “It’s a trap.”
“Manabe-san, we have to go,” Laika said.
Manabe looked at the foreboding building then at Enzan and Laika. “Boys, I can’t send you into a trap! You’ve seen what they can do. This isn’t every other mission you’ve been on.”
“Please,” Enzan and Laika asked together.
Manabe looked at them and realized just how much they wanted to rescue Netto. She looked around at all of the others standing there. There were kids, adults, teens; all people Netto and Rockman had helped. Everyone nodded at her PETs at the ready. This time it was Netto and Rockman who needed help, and they were ready and willing to do everything they could. Manabe’s gaze softened, years of police school training yelling at her to not do what she was about to do, “All right, go,” she said.
Laika and Enzan both gave her grateful smiles. They lasted for about two seconds but Manabe had never before seen them smile like that. “Thanks, Manabe-san,” Rockman said from his PET.
“All right, well, lets not sit here like waiting ducks, go!” she said.
Enzan and Laika disappeared inside the building. Everyone else sent their navis into the jack in port that was set up outside the building. “Good luck,” Manabe said to Rockman as she sent him into the net.
“Wait!” someone yelled behind them. Everyone looked up to see WWW and Dekao running towards them.
“You…” Manabe said.
“Let us help,” Madoi said.
“I can’t, you…”
“Please,” Dekao asked. “Netto’s one of my best friends, I couldn’t call myself his friend if I didn’t try and help him.”
Manabe looked at them and nodded, another set of police codes down the drain.
They all took out their PETs and their navi’s joined everyone else’s.
Manabe sighed and looked at Rockman’s PET again, “Good luck,” she said again with a small smile.
“Thanks,” he said and disappeared in a shower of pixels.
Manabe and the other operators watched as the dimensional area reappeared around the building.
Jeez, I'm getting like 100 views per chapter here ^^;
Okay, first and only filler you get. Next is the final battle then epilogue. Again, begging forgiveness for anything that seems out of place, this fic is just so hard to write ^^; _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:09 am Post subject: |
Ack, cliffies are evil!! Aw well, hopefully you won't keep us in suspense very long. I don't suppose you would be kind enough to just post the rest of the story now, would you? *looks at Neko hopefully* _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:13 am Post subject: |
Nooooo, I said one a day, it's one a day.
I'm sure you can wait 24 hours for the conclusion of the story ;P _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:49 pm Post subject: |
I wish! I'm attempting to do my first ever college term paper (due Friday) & it seems like none of the authors I read are updating. T_T But I really like all of your fics, though A Different Beginning is most definitely my favorite. _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:58 pm Post subject: |
And you had me woried that you were ending it at the last chapter...*waves fist*.
First things first, the typo(s).
Neko wrote: | “We’ve almost got a lock on the location of Dark Rockman,” one of the computer annalists said. |
You know what it should be. Analysts.
Anyway...I am very satisfied with this chapter. Most of it flowed very nicely along, and it was nothing short of good. Sure it may have been filler, but hey, what work can actually be made filler-free?
One thing I'd like to suggest--you have a brief description of how Rockman is reacting to the entire situation, but I would think it would add more depth to the story if you devoted a section of a chapter to an introspective look on the feelings of guilt that is surely flowing through his brain at the moment. How he is basically mentally disheveled that his simulacrum is causing all of this trouble for the one person that he cares for the most.
I think I should stop before I begin to rant. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 9:26 am Post subject: |
Enzan and Laika walked up the stairs cautiously. It wasn’t worth it to take the elevator in case it was rigged and you couldn’t be too careful with Dark Rockman. They looked out on each level but everything was dark. In the net the navis were fighting with the security programs to make sure nothing happened to Enzan and Laika before they found where Netto and Dark Rockman were.
It wasn’t until they got to the very top of the building when they entered a ball room where Netto was leaning against the far wall in anticipation. “Hello,” he greeted then cheerfully as they entered the room.
“Hi,” Enzan said. Laika didn’t reply at all.
“You’re cold today,” Netto smirked.
Laika and Enzan glared at him but didn’t say anything.
Netto shrugged, “Ah well, how about we start this then, hm?” he asked pulling out his Syncro Chip.
Enzan and Laika pulled out theirs in a split second and all three transformed at the same time.
The other navi’s were still in the net bringing down security program after security program and getting nowhere. All of a sudden, everything stopped. The programs were deactivated and everything was still.
“Watch out,” Tomahawkman said.
A huge black ball of energy came towards them and Cosmoman stood above them smirking. “Well, hello,” he said.
Rockman ran at him yelling and bringing up his buster. “You!” he yelled.
Cosmoman smirked and disappeared. Rockman ran to where he was and then he disappeared too.
“What?” Elecman gasped.
All the other navi’s walked over to where Rockman and Cosmoman once were and saw a shallow disorient in the space in front of them. “The gateway into the real world,” Roll said softly.
“Well?” Tomahawkman asked getting ready to jump in. “Are you coming or not?”
Everyone made a silent agreement and then went into the gateway.
Just as the fight was about to begin, Cosmoman appeared in a pixel shower. Followed seconds after by Rockman. From another area of the room, Swallowman and Cloudman also appeared, then from the same area and Rockman and Cosmoman all the other navi’s appeared. Netto raised an eyebrow, “Well, isn’t this fun?” he asked.
“Netto-kun,” Rockman said softly.
Cosmoman went after Laika and Swallowman went after Enzan. Cloudman appeared in front of the group of well wishing navis and smirked. “Ready?” he asked.
“You, against all of us?” Tomahawkman asked, “Do you really think that’s going to work?”
Cloudman raised his arms and scores of electric and rain viruses appeared around them. “You, against all of us?” Cloudman mocked.
Tomahawkman growled and threw his axe at the first virus. No one said it would be easy.
Rockman stared in the face of Netto. Just seeing Netto like that made him shiver, and he knew what was going to happen next. “Well, now it’s just you and me,” Netto grinned. “Isn’t that nice?”
“Netto-kun, please, I’m begging you, don’t do this,” Rockman pleaded.
Netto summoned a sword and swung it at Rockman who blocked it with his buster. “Sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you,” Netto said while grinning.
“Don’t make me hurt you, please,” Rockman said with tears in his eyes. “I don’t want to fight.”
“I know,” Netto said. “That’s why this is fun,” he giggled.
Rockman’s eyes widened and Netto summoned his own buster and fired it at Rockman. Rockman shot his own buster and the small blasts of light that issued from their weapons crashed into one another creating large explosions.
“Aqua tower!” Roll yelled and released the jet of water that killed ten viruses at once. Netto took a note of it and looked disappointed in the way that it was as if he had been told he couldn’t go to the park because it was raining.
“Battle chips?” he said. “That’s no fair.” He summoned a black ball on energy to his hand and slammed it on the ground. The lights flickered three times then went out. Outside of the Dimensional Area all of the EPT screens gave static. “There we go,” Netto grinned.
“No!” Manabe yelled. The situation had just gone from very bad to much worse.
“Don’t worry,” Nenji said. “I trust them, Nanjiroh will come through.”
“I hope so,” Charlie said looking at the top floor where various flashes of color appeared.
Pride clutched her PET and sent a silent plea up to anyone who would listen. “Please, bring them all back safe,” she whispered.
Rockman shot at Netto again and he parried the shots with his own. The shots met in mid air and exploded. Netto came through the curtain of smoke with his buster charged; he fired off a shot that Rockman barely managed to dodge.
“Netto-kun, I can’t fight you!” Rockman said.
Netto grinned, “I know, why do you think I’m doing this,” Netto smirked. He summoned another sword and grinned at Rockman. “I said I’d make you suffer,” he whispered. “I said you’d plead with me and I said I’d laugh. What more anguish can you feel then if I deleted you by your best friend’s hand?” Rockman’s green eyes widened in fear as Netto advanced. “For your sake, I really hope this hurts,” Netto said maliciously and thrust his sword forward, right through Rockman’s chest.
“ROCKMAN!” Roll screamed.
Rockman felt the blade slice through his chest and if he was human it would have gone right through his heart. But he wasn’t human and he was going to get Netto back if it cost him everything.
Everything was still in the room and everyone watched and Rockman slowly lifted up his arms and pulled Netto into a tight embrace. “Netto-kun, I would never hurt you,” Rockman whispered.
Netto’s eyes widened, “Rockman?” he whispered.
“Yes?” Rockman replied.
“You…” Netto’s lips trembled and he couldn’t say the next word. Netto fell out of cross fusion and held Rockman in his own embrace. Everyone heard the purple PET clatter to the floor in the now still room. “What the hell are you doing, Rockman?” Netto whispered to him on the verge of tears.
Rockman hugged Netto tightly, “I’m getting my Netto-kun back,” Rockman said.
Netto looked at the wound that he had inflicted on Rockman. It was straight through his shoulder, about two centimeters from Rockman’s navi icon. “Oh god,” he said letting his fingers brush the wound. “Where’s my PET?” he asked.
“Manabe has it,” Rockman said. “She’s outside.”
Netto shut his eyes tightly to ward off incoming tears, “No way…” he said softly.
Dark Rockman appeared in a shower of pixels in the middle of the room. “Well, you win some you loose some I guess,” Dark Rockman shrugged. “Ah well, I’ll finish this off myself,” he said happily.
Netto took a defensive stance in front of Rockman. “Leave him alone!” he yelled, his voice echoing around the room. The yell seemed to bring everyone back to their senses and the battles resumed.
Dark Rockman smirked at Netto. “I had hopes for you, Netto-kun. You were a very strong operator. Oh well, maybe when I delete your navi…” he let the rest of the sentence hang in the air.
Netto growled and brought his fist around into Rockman’s face. The purple navi staggered slightly but quickly regained control. “Now that was uncalled for,” he said and grabbed Netto’s wrist as he tried to punch him again. He threw Netto into the floor a few feet away where he lay still.
Rockman yelled and brought up his charged buster and shot Dark Rockman point blank. He was sent flying back, across the room into the far wall. Rockman picked himself up painfully and Dark Rockman did the same. “Oh, how clever,” Dark Rockman jeered.
Rockman collapsed onto one knee gasping for breath.
“Looks like that wound will be the end of you after all,” Dark Rockman said. “Oh the irony, in the end your fate was still decided by your operator.” Dark Rockman charged his buster; purple light shined around it and started to seep into the weapon. It glowed a brilliant purple and Dark Rockman leveled it with Rockman’s navi icon. “And now, I will finish you off, just like I promised.”
Netto pushed himself up off the floor painfully, “No,” he said. He would not live with Rockman’s death on his conscience. He got up and ran towards Rockman as Dark Rockman fired off the shot.
Rockman watched the light come towards him and he shut his eyes and braced himself for the impact. “Sorry Netto-kun,” he muttered. Then he felt someone’s arms around him, hugging him tightly. Rockman opened his eyes just in time to see Netto wink at him, right before the attack hit.
Both boys were sent reeling back into the wall closest to them. Rockman sat there stunned and clutching Netto’s body. “Why, Netto-kun?” he whispered.
Netto had his arms still wrapped around Rockman’s body, his back shielding Rockman from the attack. His face was now buried in Rockman’s shoulder and he doubted he could move at all. Still, he found enough strength to chuckle at his poor navi’s expense. “Why not?” he asked weakly.
Dark Rockman’s eyes widened in shock. “Netto-kun…” he said softly. Then his ruby gaze turned angry, “Why the hell did you do that?” he yelled.
Netto wanted for all the world to have the strength to turn around, stick his tongue out at Dark Rockman and say, “Why not?” but he doubted it would help matters much.
Rockman hugged Netto tightly and Netto hugged back. “Glad you’re safe,” Netto said weakly.
Rockman looked at his friend and felt a hated like he had never felt before. He wanted Dark Rockman to pay, but he could barely move himself.
To the left there was a loud explosion and a yell as Cloudman was deleted by Elecman and Gyroman’s combined attacks. All of the viruses they were fighting disappeared. “Medi, Roll, go help Rockman,” Knightman said. “We’ll hold off Dark Rockman as long as we can.”
Medi and Roll nodded and ran over to where Rockman and Netto were laying.
Knightman lifted up his wrecking ball and fired it at Rockman. Rockman caught it with one hand and smirked. “Pathetic,” he said and threw it back at Knightman.
Roll and Medi crouched down by Rockman. “Are you all right?” Medi asked.
“No,” Rockman said darkly.
Roll cradled Netto’s body and lay him down on the floor. “Well, don’t worry, everything will be fine,” she said softly.
“I wonder,” Rockman said.
Roll and Medi exchanged nervous glances and pulled their healing powers together. Medi used her healing pulse on the back side of the wound and Roll used hers on the front. Together the two managed to heal the wound completely, and then some.
Rockman stood up and looked at Netto. He was barely conscious but still awake, he grinned at Rockman, “Why are you worried about me? I’ll be fine,” he said.
Rockman looked at where the wound used to be. “You were aiming for my navi icon, you could have deleted me. What made you change your mind?” Rockman asked.
“I need someone to nag at me about doing my homework and attempting to wake me up on time. If I got rid of you I don’t think there is a navi in this world who could put up with me the way you do,” Netto said giving Rockman a broad grin.
“Netto-kun…” Rockman said softly.
There was a loud explosion behind them. Elecman dived at Dark Rockman but the navi jumped away at the last possible second and Elecman’s electrical attack went into the floor of the building instead. The lights flickered for a second, and then everything came online as strongly as before.
“Watch Netto-kun for me,” Rockman told Roll and Medi then ran over to where the fight was going on.
Enzan and Laika were still battling the Darkloid navis. They were very strong and they had only been able to catch bits and glances of what was going on in the battle. They landed side by side and looked at one another and nodded. Cosmoman and Swallowman came at them with full force but Laika and Enzan jumped out of the way, letting the navis crash into one another.
“You sure?” Laika asked.
“Of course, you better be good with that thing,” Enzan said looking at Laika’s gun.
“I am, don’t worry,” Laika said.
Enzan smiled and summoned two swords then used the whirlwind chip to create a deadly tornado. He managed to blind Cosmoman and Swallowman just long enough for Laika to take aim.
“Target lock,” he breathed. “Fire one,” he said and pulled the trigger. The first shot went clean through Cloudman and he screamed at he was deleted. Swallowman heard his comrade’s scream and looked around in the whirlwind dazedly.
“Don’t take your eyes off the opponent!” Enzan yelled and used his swords to slash through Swallowman. The navi didn’t even have time to cry out before he was deleted.
“Good job,” Laika said.
“Thanks,” Enzan replied. “You too.”
They looked around at what was going on and they both spotted Netto at the same time. “Netto,” they yelled out and ran over to where he was.
“Hey,” Netto said.
Enzan and Laika both noted that his eyes, albeit clouded with pain weren’t blank like they were before. “What the hell did you do?” Enzan asked.
“He jumped in front of Dark Rockman’s finishing attack at the last second to save Rockman,” Roll said in a kind of awe.
Enzan sighed and crouched by Netto. “Only you,” he said shaking his head disbelievingly.
Netto winked, “Of course,” he said.
Laika was silent as he looked at Netto. Netto looked at Laika with his eyebrow raised, “Do you want to yell at me too?” he asked.
Laika shook his head, “No,” he gave Netto a small smile. “You did well.”
Netto smiled back then turned to the battle that was about to begin. “Well, here it is,” Netto breathed.
Manabe glanced at the blue PET as it came back online. “Rockman, are you all right?” she asked.
“I’m fine, Manabe-san. I’m about to fight Dark Rockman,” he said.
“Netto-kun?” she asked.
Rockman shook his head. “He’s…fine,” Rockman’s voice broke.
“Something happened, didn’t it?” she asked.
“Just send me battle chips, please. This needs to be ended quickly,” Rockman said.
Manabe nodded. “All right, be careful Rockman.”
“Ready?” Dark Rockman asked.
Manabe slotted in a spread gun chip. Rockman didn’t even reply, but instead let loose the attack. It rained down blue light on Dark Rockman and he was engulfed in dust and debris as the attack made everything explode around him. Rockman came through the dust cloud and attacked with a Flame Tower. Dark Rockman managed to dodge but Rockman anticipated where he would go and appeared before him.
“You’re angry,” Dark Rockman taunted.
Rockman slammed his fist into Dark Rockman’s face. “Of course I’m angry,” he hissed. “You hurt Netto-kun!”
Dark Rockman reeled sideways and smiled. “You are so easy to manipulate, Rockman.”
“Calm down,” Manabe said.
Rockman took a deep breath and Dark Rockman brought up his buster. A shield formed around Rockman and Rockman jumped out of the way. “All right, let’s go,” he said.
“Aqua tower!” Rockman used the chips that were provided to him and quickly thought up a strategy.
Dark Rockman snorted and blew the column of water apart with his buster, “Cute,” he murmured. When the attack disappeared he didn’t see Rockman anywhere. “What the…” he said as Rockman came down on top of him with a charged buster shot. It hit Dark Rockman and sent him into the ground where he quickly got up and jumped out of the way. “You were on top of the aqua tower,” he murmured, then he grinned. “Nice,” he said.
Rockman breathed heavily. Keeping his own on top of an attack chip was harder then he thought it would be. “Elec sword!” he yelled and went after Dark Rockman.
Dark Rockman jumped out of the way as the first and second slashes went past his face. His red eye glinted maniacally. He brought his fist into Rockman’s stomach, making him collapse. “Try again,” Dark Rockman laughed.
Rockman looked at the ground and noted that Dark Rockman was standing in a puddle of water left from the aqua tower attack. He touched the Elec Sword to the puddle and Dark Rockman felt an electric shock rip though his body. Rockman took the opening and tackled Dark Rockman into the wall.
Dark Rockman brought up his own Elec Sword and parried Rockman’s next blow. “Well, wasn’t that ingenious,” Dark Rockman sneered.
Rockman didn’t reply but concentrated on the battle at hand. He took a deep breath and jumped out of the way letting Dark Rockman loose his balance. Then he turned his Elec Sword into his buster and shot Dark Rockman in the back.
Dark Rockman picked himself up and laughed. “Is that all you’ve got? I honestly expected more from you.”
Rockman kept on ignoring the taunts sent to him by his enemy. If he wanted to win, he needed to keep a cool head. ‘I also need to end this quickly,’ he told himself and jumped at Dark Rockman again.
“I think I’m quite done with you,” Dark Rockman sneered and punched Rockman out of mid air. He slammed the blue navi into the ground and jumped back. He focused a huge amount of dark energy in his hand and looked down on Rockman with hatred in his eyes. “This time I won’t miss,” he said quietly.
“Manabe-san, send me a shield, sword and area steal battle chips now,” Rockman said quickly.
“But…” Manabe said.
“NOW!” Rockman yelled.
Manabe slotted in the battle chips that Rockman had requested and watched the battle on the small screen.
“DIE!” Dark Rockman yelled and released the huge energy blast straight at Rockman.
“Rockman!” Netto yelled.
Rockman watched the attack come straight at him, then at the last second he used the shield. “Do you really think that will save you?” Dark Rockman jeered. Rockman ignored him and used area steal.
As the giant attack withered away, there was no trace left of Rockman at all. “No…” Netto whispered.
“I said he was weak,” Dark Rockman laughed.
“Who’s weak?” Rockman whispered in Dark Rockman’s ear.
“How did you…” Dark Rockman asked.
“This is for Netto-kun,” Rockman said and summoned the sword and thrust it through Dark Rockman’s chest.
An unearthly cry escaped Dark Rockman’s lips as dark energy poured from his wound. “NO!” Dark Rockman yelled. “I can’t die, I won’t die!”
Everyone watched as the navi disintegrated.
“Is he… gone?” Roll ventured.
Rockman released his sword and nodded. Then the dimensional area disappeared. He quickly turned around before he was forced to log out, “Netto-kun?”
Netto was being supported by Enzan and Laika who had returned to their human forms. Netto gave Rockman a thumbs up as he logged out.
“You’re a mess,” Laika muttered.
“Sorry,” Netto replied.
“No you’re not,” Enzan said.
Netto smiled at him, “You’re right, I’m not. I don’t regret what I did.”
“I’m amazed you haven’t passed out yet,” Enzan said to Netto.
“Like hell I’m letting you carry me out of here,” Netto replied. “I still have my pride you know.”
“I know,” Enzan and Laika said together.
They helped Netto walk over to the elevator. “Think it’s safe?” Laika asked.
“Once way to find out,” Netto said cheerfully.
Enzan pushed the button down button and they waited for the elevator to come. “Netto?” Enzan asked.
“Welcome back.”
Netto smiled, “Thanks.”
Yay for the REALLY FREAKING LONG final battle. I swear this thing took me like three hours to write @_@;;;
And the epilogue is like three pages but oh well XD This is the important part. Would any of you 100+ viewers care to leave me a review? It'd make a very happy Neko :3333 _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
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Nazne Shukei - Hakuteiken
Joined: 20 Mar 2005 Posts: 1133
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:31 am Post subject: |
Quote: | Netto was being supported by Enzan and Laika who had returned to their human forms. Netto gave Rockman a thumbs up as he logged out. |
That one kinda sorta sounded like Netto was the one logging out. Just a bit of nitpicking. XD
Otherwise, well...emotional, of course. Battle was interesting, but I guess there was a sort of anticlimatic feel to it, almost like it was too small for what this fic had been building up for three chapters. I'm not sure what the rest of the Operators and Navis were there for, actually, besides taking care of the Darkloids-who probably could have been left out, as this chapter was geared entirely towards the DS Rock-Netto-Rockman fight. Even Enzan and Laika kind of got shoved out of the fight, after showing so much potential in the chapters leading up to this one.
All in all, I like what you did with dark Netto, but I suppose there were a few extraneous elements to this chapter which made it seem less than final.
-BMA |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:31 am Post subject: |
Sorry, I'll tell it to be good :3
As for all your critique Nazne, thanks. It helps to know that I'm getting better at writing in a genre where I used to be really bad in. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:50 pm Post subject: Yay, more ficcy! |
While I agree that everyone else got pushed to the side during the battle, that should easily be addressed in the epilogue. Now we just have to wait for that... >_< I hate waiting. That, & I can't seem to do this stupid term paper, meaning my parents will most likely kill me before the epilogue comes out. *starts fretting* _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Mari Elegantly Wasted

Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 1025 Location: M.I.A.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:45 pm Post subject: |
Your mouse does, Nazne. Fixed. Stop doing that. <.<; _________________
Currently fangirling Edgy Eft and mplayer1.0RC1 -- firefox 2 is just okay, those are pure awesome. |
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HubHikari Net Savior

Age: 24 Joined: 02 Apr 2005 Posts: 152 Location: In Nettos Pet or on The Net
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:47 pm Post subject: |
I thought the battle was excelent, great work Neko!
I sometimes don't understand how people expect there to be this superhuge omgfinaldoomsquishdeathmmmpie kind of battle at the end or how previous chapters can lead up to a battle like that, to me its not like the other navi's and people were pushed away you know they were fighting in the background but the main thing the reader is focused on is the Rockman/Netto/DSRockman fight if you were watching this in an episode you could see the characters fighting behind Netto/Rockman/DSRockman but in a fic you use your imagination to see them the whole time.
I know when I read this last chapter in my mind I could see everyone battleing as hard as they could but my focus was on Netto/Rockman vs DSRockman which is what the fic is about right?
Well thats just my ramblings so anywho Great Fic Neko-chan and I can't wait to read your epilogue and to see how Netto gets a new Synchro Chip.
Keep up the great Ficcing. |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:10 pm Post subject: |
Wai~ Someone gets it. :3 This whole fic was written to be read like an episode and someone actually did that. Go Hub! *gives hub a cookie*
And no, the epilogue does not say how Netto gets a new syncro chip, it's just there for closure. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
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Plantman It's only Forever... Not long at all!

Age: 44 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 1819 Location: Mexico
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:54 pm Post subject: |
I think the battle actually does reflect a sense of 'anime episode' type of building up the scene. Though I admit there were too many characters that in the end weren't really there to do much -as in the human characters mostly- that's something you also see in the anime.
I liked the fact you showed another side of Rockman, he usually fights for what he has to, and stands up to defend and protect those he cares about. But this is the first time I've seen Rockman really inmerse in some degree of hatred towards his dark side. I've seen Rockman angry, but I can picture in my head the way Rockman would look to Dark Rockman after Netto was injuried. @.@ Excellent fic, Neko. _________________
Hecha en MÉXICO - Avatar by Me.
"Logic is the Ultimate Weapon." |
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Lido Azn Girl Net Agent

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 272 Location: Probably on AIM/MSN, chatting...
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:56 pm Post subject: |
This was an excellent chapter, Neko! I noticed that you put "Nanjiroh" here:
Quote: | “Don’t worry,” Nenji said. “I trust them, Nanjiroh will come through.” |
It's supposed to be spelled "Nenjiro". An "h" can never be at the end of a Japanese name/word. And it's suppose to be "Nenjiro" because the "ro" part at the end of a name usually mean "Son of ____." In this case, It's "Son of Nenji." _________________
Thanks for the sig, DrkX~! ^^ You're the best!!! <3 |
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Plantman It's only Forever... Not long at all!

Age: 44 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 1819 Location: Mexico
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:07 pm Post subject: |
I am not sure but I think She intended to make it sound the way Nenji would pronounce it. Considering I think Nenji has an 'accent'. _________________
Hecha en MÉXICO - Avatar by Me.
"Logic is the Ultimate Weapon." |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 3:09 pm Post subject: |
That I did.
I was going off of how Nenji says words. I'm pretty sure he has an accent that's suppoused to be... accented XD
If they dub him with an accent maybe I'll write a parody oneshot on that X3 _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
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Lido Azn Girl Net Agent

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 272 Location: Probably on AIM/MSN, chatting...
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:01 pm Post subject: |
Okay then. Forget what I said. _________________
Thanks for the sig, DrkX~! ^^ You're the best!!! <3 |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:26 pm Post subject: |
I'll tell you right now that I thought this chapter was brilliant. Much of the scene was fairly dramatic, and there were no significant hiccups or stops in the storyline.
I will echo everyone else by saying that the "elite team" of some sorts was completely unneccessary, as you put the focus squarely where it needs to be--on Netto and Rock. I do have a small gripe, though, as it seems that Nettos' transition out of the darkness seemed...well...abrupt. I'll admit that I knew it was going to happen, but it seemed that it could have been made a tad more realisitic by making it longer.
It seems that you also took my advice--allowed for some sort of introspection. However, what I didn't see was how you decided to integrate the introspection amidst the confrontation, and it turned out to be quite masterfully done. Rock comes back with such renewed vigor.
Another fantastic read.
Edited: I have a nitpick...
Neko wrote: | Rockman felt the blade slice through his chest and if he was human it would have gone right through his heart. But he wasn’t human and he was going to get Netto back if it cost him everything. |
And then....
Neko wrote: | Netto looked at the wound that he had inflicted on Rockman. It was straight through his shoulder, about two centimeters from Rockman’s navi icon. “Oh god,” he said letting his fingers brush the wound. |
Ummm...where exactly is this wound again?
Neko wrote: | Rockman looked at his friend and felt a hated like he had never felt before. He wanted Dark Rockman to pay, but he could barely move himself. |
Cool. But it's still 'hatred.' _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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HubHikari Net Savior

Age: 24 Joined: 02 Apr 2005 Posts: 152 Location: In Nettos Pet or on The Net
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:48 am Post subject: |
Midnight Critic wrote:
Edited: I have a nitpick...
Neko wrote:
Rockman felt the blade slice through his chest and if he was human it would have gone right through his heart. But he wasn’t human and he was going to get Netto back if it cost him everything.
And then....
Neko wrote:
Netto looked at the wound that he had inflicted on Rockman. It was straight through his shoulder, about two centimeters from Rockman’s navi icon. “Oh god,” he said letting his fingers brush the wound.
Ummm...where exactly is this wound again?
I can answer that one.
It is from his Chest about two centimeters from Rockman’s navi icon upwards to his shoulder Rock's navi icon isnt over his heart but its about 2 centimeters from it. ^_^ |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:22 am Post subject: |
Thank's Hub :3
And now for teh uber short epilogue, and no yelling at me about it. *flees to write some fluff before she explodes* /o/
There was a blinding light and Netto was forced to open his eyes against his will. The nurse stepped away from the curtains and smiled. “You’ll have visitors soon, Netto-san. Time to wake up.”
Netto groaned and pulled the white hospital sheets over his head.
“I’ll get him up,” Rockman said to the nurse.
The nurse smiled and nodded then walked out of the room.
Rockman turned to Netto, “Come on, Netto-kun, everyone wants to see you. You can’t sleep through the whole thing!”
“I can try,” Netto muttered.
Rockman sighed, “Netto-kun,” he pleaded.
Netto took the sheets from over his head and stuck his tongue out at Rockman. “I’m up,” he said.
Netto and Rockman talked for about a half an hour before they heard a knock on the door. They looked up to see Manabe, Enzan and Laika standing in the doorway. Netto raised his hand in greeting, “Hey!”
Manabe smiled and Enzan and Laika nodded. “Are you feeling any better, Netto-kun?” Manabe asked.
Netto yawned, “I’m fine.”
“You took quite an injury there,” Manabe said, prodding Netto to see if anything was wrong.
Netto shrugged, “It doesn’t hurt that much.”
“Liar,” Rockman muttered.
“I heard that,” Netto said to Rockman.
“Good, you were supposed to hear it,” Rockman chided.
“What was that?” Netto asked.
The exchange between the two seemed to put Manabe more at ease. “Well, I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.”
Netto and Rockman both looked at Manabe and nodded. “Yeup,” Netto said brightly.
Manabe looked at her watch. “Well, I just dropped by to see how you were doing. I’ll leave you boys to talk. Bye,” Manabe waved and left the room, silently shutting the door behind her.
Enzan was the first to talk. “Why did you jump in front of the attack like that?” he asked.
Netto tried to make a joke about it, “Well, you know. I thought I could get out of a few more days of school,” he said rubbing the back of his head.
“Netto,” Laika said and Netto stopped babbling.
“I’m sorry,” Netto said softly.
“For what?” Laika and Enzan asked.
“Everything. I know what Dark Rockman had me do, I remember everything. I couldn’t stop it…” Netto said looking at the white sheet on his bed.
“Netto, we don’t blame you for what happened,” Enzan said.
“Netto-kun, he’s right, you’re only human after all,” Rockman said with a hint of a smile.
Netto looked gratefully at Rockman. “Besides,” Laika continued. “You had a chance to kill us both and you didn’t.”
“That was blunt,” Netto said.
Laika looked at the ceiling and a small red tinge fled over his cheeks. “Sentimental talk isn’t Laika-san’s strong point,” Searchman said with a small smile.
Netto laughed, “Ah well, you can’t be good at everything.”
Before anything else could be exchanged between the three there was a knock at the door. Laika walked over and opened it, and the rest of the group came in.
“They’re finally letting us in, it’s about time!” Madoi said loudly.
Netto giggled. “Sorry Madoi-san, the doctors were kinda touchy.”
“Netto-kun, you were in critical condition!” Rockman yelled.
Netto scoffed, “Yeah right,” he said crossing his arms.
Rockman shook his head slowly.
Meiru was the first to be by Netto’s bedside. “Are you feeling all right?” she asked.
“I’m fine,” Netto said again.
“We were worried,” Jasmine said.
“Sorry,” Netto replied sheepishly.
“Well kid, you had us all worried,” Nenji said.
Netto smiled, “Well, once again, I’m fine,” he stressed the word fine to make sure everyone got it. “And hospital food sucks.”
Everyone laughed. “Of course it does,” Hinoken said with a small smile. “We brought you something though.”
Netto cheered when Mahajorama showed him a plate of curry they had snuck into the hospital. “You guys rock!” he said happily.
“You can eat after we leave,” Meiru said.
“Of course,” Rockman answered before Netto could.
They all hung around until visiting hours were over, even Enzan and Laika. While everyone was being shooed out by the nurse Pride snuck back over to the bed and gave Netto a quick hug. “I’m glad you’re safe,” she said softly.
Netto turned a bright red and smiled back at Pride. “Thank you, Pride,” he said happily.
The princess smiled back and left the room before the nurse could come back in. The nurse put her hands on her hips and looked at Netto. “Well, that’s quite a few friends you got there.”
Netto smiled, “Yeup,” he said happily.
“Okay, well, I’ll be back in a few hours to check up on you. This time, stay in bed,” she said and left the room.
“You leave your bed once…” Netto rolled his eyes.
“Netto-kun, I don’t think you should be walking around when you’re that hurt.”
“I’m fine!” Netto said exasperatedly.
“I know,” Rockman said with a smile.
Netto took out the plate of curry that the members of WWW had brought him and he started to eat the spicy dish with vigor. “Netto-kun?” Rockman asked.
“Mmm?” Netto looked at Rockman with the spoon still in his mouth.
Rockman laughed, then he said, “What did make you jump in front of the attack?”
Netto set down the spoon and looked at the curry thoughtfully. “Because,” he said, “I don’t think I could imagine a life without you there to help me. We’re a team, Rockman, and we always will be.”
Rockman smiled, “Thank you, Netto-kun.”
Netto took another bite of curry and smiled, “You’re welcome.” _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
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