A couple of Shoujo animes.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:48 am    Post subject: A couple of Shoujo animes. Reply with quote

Well, in order to avoid multiple topics at once, I decide to chunk up a lot of shoujo series I like into one topic for discussion. Hope that works.

Anyway, a couple that I like:

Card Captor Sakura

I enjoy this series mainly of Sakura's attitude. I can't bear to laugh when she is mad when her older bro calls her 'monster' or she has fights with her other classmate (sorry, never watch the fansubs, so have no idea what his english is.). Also, a magican girl-ish with an animal partner is something I usually enjoy about, especially when the girl is sort of foolish. XD

Ojamajo (Magical) Doremi

Like CCS, I watch this purely out of its funniness. You know, watching the world's saddest bishoujo (well, according to show, she is. XD) suddenly becoming a witch, along with four other friends of hers (plus her sister) making series of ROFL things with their magics, means something I seriously can't miss. Plus, who can miss a girl who has bad grades, bad luck (I guess? at making things worse, she is pretty good sometimes.), and a love for steaks? XD


Well, now this is seriously a shoujo anime. This is somehow funny, but I watch this because it involves teenage girl/boy relationship, especially when one girls come for him, one girl comes for his genes, and one girl comes for his life (a.k.a. kill him). This kind quadripal-loving relationship is something must be laugh about when one girl gets jealous on another.

So, this is so far the list I can crank up about. what do you think about these series?

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anime's are classified under Shouen and Shoujo?

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah some are. They mean Boys and Girls respectivly.
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Lido Azn Girl
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sometimes see them classified like that. Rarely, though.

The only series that you listed that I know of are CCS and Maburaho. I've read the mange of Maburaho before and it's really hilarious. You should list the other well-known shoujo, such as Fruits Basket and Full Moon wo Sagashite.

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Ming Yi

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I love Ojamajo Doremi! (Why else do I run about 3 sites to it?) The first season was really funny, but the 4th season was really funny too! Hana-chan's messy behavior makes me laugh so much. The ending of the 4th season is so sad though! (The dub premieres on August 13 at 9:30 AM on 4Kids TV!)

And... Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime! *points to signature* It's so much like Ojamajo Doremi! Fine and Rein make up funny dances in every episode, like the "Iyaiya Dance!" (Iyaiya iyaaaa, iya iyaaaa!)
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lido Azn Girl wrote:
I sometimes see them classified like that. Rarely, though.

The only series that you listed that I know of are CCS and Maburaho. I've read the mange of Maburaho before and it's really hilarious. You should list the other well-known shoujo, such as Fruits Basket and Full Moon wo Sagashite.

I've never either read or watch them myselfs, so I have no idea how are they. I've heard they are pretty good, though.

Ming Yi wrote:
(The dub premieres on August 13 at 9:30 AM on 4Kids TV!)

Which channel? I must watch it.

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Ming Yi

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It really depends. 4Kids TV is a child block on FOX.

I just found out the dub names for the respective "witchlings" as they are called now: Dorie, Reanne, and Mirabelle.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright people, get your bats, cause i'm gonna ask, What's a shoujo?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A "girl" anime/manga. I've watched a few episodes of Fruit's Basket with my girlfriend and I must say its pretty funny.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmm... I guess Sailor Moon is one of them... But I have to say it's more "for the guys to like the girls" then a girl anime.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I watched a bit of Sailor Mon, pathetically. I LOVED Cardcaptors, even though people hate the dub so much...I WANT to get into Fruits Basket, because FUNimation always does such a great job, and uh...that's about it.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was a major Cardcaptor Sakura (sorry, not Cardcaptors =P) fan about a year ago, and a Furuba (Fruits Basket) one at the moment. I'm such a sucker for shoujo manga as well xD I absolutely love Full Moon wo Sagashite as well as Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne - I haven't been able to get my hands on any of Tanemura Arina's other works. The art is so beautiful!
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Ming Yi

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, how could I have forgotten Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch? I've obsessed over that for a long time, but the young 'uns of the fan community made me dislike it a lot. ._. Still, I like the art, and the music in the show.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is this one that I saw in a mall. It's called Pretty Cure (Futari wa Precure). I don't know much about the story, but the two heroines, Nagisa (Cure Black) and Honoko (Cure White), are saving a fantasy world from evil. Unlike other magical shoujo anime, Precure only has these duo, which relies on their punhes and kicks more than their magics.

There is this other one that I saw, but I don't know the title (I never catch the title whenever I see the show). It's basically the everyday life of girl in a magical world. At first I thought it was an anime version of Princess Maker, because two of the characters remind me of PM2's Cube and PM3's Lisa...
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's a couple of Shoujo series that I recently finished...

One's Fun Fun Factory, it's only partially translated and it's pretty short, but it has a fairly entertaining plot.

Basically... A girl and 10 boys get cursed from eating a magic cake, and the girl gets posessed by a witch that causes it to rain cake and activate the curses of any of those boys who are near her whenever she sings a certain song. To dispel the curse, she has to find all 10 of the boys and gather them together to cast a spell that breaks the curse.

It's really weird, but it's pretty funny while it lasts and the characters are amusing (If you have low bishie tolerance, I doubt you'll like this though Razz)

Other one's Aka-chan to Boku or Baby and Me.

I just finished reading some of the translations and raw chapters and such... and it's one of the best Shoujo manga I've read. (that's saying a lot, considering how much of a rabid Kodocha fan I am XD)

It has some really great storyline ideas and characters and is one of the few non-magical girl Shoujo manga I've read not to focus on Romance.

Edit: And speaking of rabid Kodocha fanthinging... I'm gonna mention that too. Kodocha, full name Kodomo no Omocha (Child's Toy) is my favorite Shoujo anime/manga ever...

It has some of the best designed character personalities I've seen, with a very interesting portrayal of the "opposites attract" type romance. As well, it has some really good transition from random crack induced humor to serious, dramatic/angsty storylines.

Sana x Akito's also probably my favorite pairing that actually happens in canon Razz
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as Shoujo anime go my favorite two would have to be X and Fushigi Yuugi. Those two are really great series, and the dubs aren't that bad either, as opposed to anything on 4-kids *cough Mew Mew Power cough cough*, and the dubs are better than the Cardcaptor Sakura dub too. i haven't seen much Fruit Baskets but I hear it's pretty good too. I thought I'd seen Inuyasha as shoujo somewhere, but apparently I was mistaken... my bad. Parts of it do seem that way though... mostly Kagome constantly dealing with her relationship with Inuyasha.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mugen.exe wrote:
As far as Shoujo anime go my favorite two would have to be Inuyasha and Fushigi Yuugi. Those two are really great series, and the dubs areant that bad either, as opposed to anything on 4-kids *cough Mew Mew Power cough cough*, and the dubs are better than the Cardcaptor Sakura dub too. i haven't seen much Fruit Baskets but I hear it's pretty good too.

Inuyasha is shoujo? That's news to me.

I've never actually been interested in shoujo myself but Ojamajo Doremi looks... really cute.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ming Yi wrote:
Oh, how could I have forgotten Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch? I've obsessed over that for a long time, but the young 'uns of the fan community made me dislike it a lot. ._. Still, I like the art, and the music in the show.

I was interested in the Taiwan Dub when the trailer aired, but..since it's mostly singing (and it's aired in YoYo TV, Gah.), and so they dub the singing. Man, it's so horrible and I want to turn my TV off. They sound like 5 years old and their singing voice is bad. Hope I can the see the original version someday.
Viewtiful Starman wrote:
Other one's Aka-chan to Boku or Baby and Me.

I just finished reading some of the translations and raw chapters and such... and it's one of the best Shoujo manga I've read. (that's saying a lot, considering how much of a rabid Kodocha fan I am XD)

It has some really great storyline ideas and characters and is one of the few non-magical girl Shoujo manga I've read not to focus on Romance.

Edit: And speaking of rabid Kodocha fanthinging... I'm gonna mention that too. Kodocha, full name Kodomo no Omocha (Child's Toy) is my favorite Shoujo anime/manga ever...

It has some of the best designed character personalities I've seen, with a very interesting portrayal of the "opposites attract" type romance. As well, it has some really good transition from random crack induced humor to serious, dramatic/angsty storylines.

Ah, how could I have missed Kodocha? I loved that show when I was 10. So did my mom. xD

I think I saw the wallpaper of that shoujo you were saying on Shounen Sunday's website...maybe I will get the RAW and read it someday.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Edge wrote:

Inuyasha is shoujo? That's news to me.

I've never actually been interested in shoujo myself but Ojamajo Doremi looks... really cute.

Inuyasha is not Shoujou, Mugen tends to not use that object in his skull to often called a brain.

He thought a question was a statement.

anyways back on topic
my favorite shoujou would have to be CCS, or Tsubasa which I am pretty sure is a shoujou, its a Clamp story after all. Contains everyone we know from CCS plus people from other Clamp stuff.
I like Tsubasa mainly because of Fai though, him and his odd names for Kurogane. Such as Kuro woof woof.

The Ojamajo dub preview got me hooked, a while back I say an short trailer of it and couldn't not laugh at it. At the time i called it a horrid Sailor Moon rip off. Of course that was back when I was in the 7th grade so 4 years ago! Though I am against the opening theme and name changes when it comes to 4 Kids, especially after they ruined MEW MEW by changing all the names to american names. I mean urgh stupid people didn't even leave one part of Ichigo's name correct.

hopefully they don't ruin Ojamajo, thought I've sadly never seen any japanese episodes of it.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

especially after they ruined MEW MEW by changing all the names to american names. I mean urgh stupid people didn't even leave one part of Ichigo's name correct.

Funny thing is, despite the name changes, a couple of people at Toonzone say Mew Mew's one 4Kids' better dubs. But then again, I find it hard for them to sink any lower than the One Piece dub's treatment.
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