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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:22 pm Post subject: |
Indeed you are, my friend.
Another fine chapter. I have to love how you brought Masa back into this--and how he's nothing but a Mr. Magoo. ^_^ He was always a colorful character, and I am glad that he was put back into the fic.
Fantastic job as always. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Plantman It's only Forever... Not long at all!

Age: 44 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 1819 Location: Mexico
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 5:33 pm Post subject: |
I love the fact you brought Masa into the fanfic. I liked your view on him as he gained age. It was a very well done characterization of him, I hope you bring Saloma and Miyuki into the picture sometime in the future. _________________
Hecha en MÉXICO - Avatar by Me.
"Logic is the Ultimate Weapon." |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:37 pm Post subject: |
Netto stretched happily in the sunlight as they walked down the boardwalk. “It’s nice out,” he said.
Enzan felt the salty sea breeze play on his face. “It is,” he agreed.
“Hey, Enzan?” Netto glanced at the taller man with a questioning look in his eyes.
“Yes?” Enzan replied.
“How did you get off work today?” Netto asked.
“Well, I cleared my schedule last week to meet my dad, but…” Enzan’s mouth twisted. “Something came up.”
Netto looked at Enzan with pity in his eyes, “I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“It’s always something,” Enzan sighed. “But at least I can keep an eye on you,” he said glancing at Netto.
“I don’t need to be babysat,” Netto huffed.
Enzan smiled and nodded his head, “Yes you do.”
Netto stuck his tongue out at Enzan and looked around the boardwalk for something to do. “Well, Mr. Broody, what do you want to do?”
“I don’t… know,” Enzan said slowly.
Netto looked around and saw the ocean spray crash on the sand. “Wanna go walk on beach?” he suggested.
Enzan looked at the increasing tide warily. “Maybe later,” he said.
Netto poked Enzan in the shoulder, “Awwww, come on, the ocean is nice and cold in the morning.”
Enzan sighed, “Netto, I don’t think we should be going onto the beach during high tide.”
“It’s not high tide,” Netto said giving Enzan an odd glance.
“It’s not?” Enzan asked.
Netto smirked, “No, high tide is at 5 pm. It’s,” Netto glanced at his watch, “12:45.”
Enzan frowned at the beach. “Did the water always come in so far?” he asked.
Netto looked at the beach, “Do you try and find conspiracy in everything you do? Or is it just me.”
Enzan crossed his arms, “I just thought it was weird, that’s all.”
Netto rolled his eyes, “It’s the beach Enzan, maybe there’s a little storm out at sea making the waves a little higher then normal.”
“Oh,” Enzan said.
Netto sighed and grabbed Enzan’s wrist. “Come on,” he groaned and pulled Enzan off the boardwalk and onto the beach.
“Netto,” Enzan said softly.
Netto took off his sandals and held them in his hands. “It’s not bad,” he called to Enzan.
Enzan took off his shoes and socks and waded into the surf to stand next to Netto. “It’s cold,” Enzan observed.
Netto raised and eyebrow at his friend, “Thank you captain obvious,” he smirked.
Enzan glared at Netto but didn’t say anything in return.
“Well, it’s only 1, what do you want to do?” Netto asked.
“Why do you always have to be doing something?” Enzan asked exasperatedly.
“I don’t know,” Netto laced his hands behind his head, “I just like to be busy I guess.”
“Unless you’re asleep,” Rockman said from his PET.
Netto grinned, “Yeah, unless I’m asleep.”
Enzan rolled his eyes, “Don’t you ever just want to, relax?”
Netto looked at Enzan with both his eyebrows raised.
“Right, forget I asked that,” Enzan muttered.
“Well, if you want to relax, then why didn’t you just say you wanted to?” Netto pointed out.
“Because, I wanted to spend the day with you. But you always have to be moving around or doing something,” Enzan said, trailing off.
Netto waded in front of Enzan. “Do you just want to get a couple of movies and hang out at my place?” Netto asked.
Enzan looked in Netto’s brown eyes, they looked earnest enough. “No tricks?” he asked.
Netto sighed, “Now what kind of person do you think I am?”
“I’m not answering that,” Enzan said quickly.
Netto scowled at Enzan. “Well if you don’t want to…” he said.
Enzan shook his head, “I didn’t say that. Are you sure it will just be us and our navis?”
Netto nodded.
“No, friends randomly showing up?” Enzan asked.
“I only did that for your birthday,” Netto said huffily.
“Will there?” Enzan pressed.
Netto sighed, “No. I promise.”
Enzan smiled, “All right then, sure why not?”
“Yay!” Netto said and they walked out of the cold water. “What movies do you want to get?” he asked.
“How about the Starpotter Trilogy?” Enzan asked.
Netto nodded, “Sure, I haven’t seen that in forever.”
They stopped by the nearest video rental store and got the movies they agreed on. Then they drove back to Netto’s house. Netto opened his door with the key in the mailbox and they were both immediately attacked by Red and Sitio. “Get off,” Netto yelled at his dog, “I live here, remember?”
Red barked and trotted to his food bowl where he sat down and began to whine. “I’ll start the movie,” Enzan said and took the bag with the movies in it from Netto.
Netto made a face and looked in his cupboards for the kibble, “I’ll get the popcorn,” he said.
Blues and Rockman both immediately crashed on the couch in front of the cyber screen that was connected to the TV. “This will be fun,” Rockman said happily. “It’s been awhile since we’ve just laid around the house. Only time Netto-kun does that is when he’s really tired or Enzan is here.”
Blues chuckled, “Netto-san likes to be active?”
Rockman sighed and leaned into the couch, “You have no idea,” he said.
Netto pulled the hot popcorn out of the microwave and walked over to the couch. He jumped on it, right next to Enzan, making him bob up and down. Enzan glared at Netto, “You can be such a kid,” he said.
Netto smiled and offered him the popcorn bag, “Want some?” he asked.
Enzan took a handful and they both settled down to watch the movie. “Heh, remember when Videoman sabotaged all the DVD’s of the second movie?” Netto asked.
Enzan rolled his eyes, “Too well,” he muttered.
Netto happily ate some more popcorn as the movie continued to play.
All four silently watched the movie as it wore on and after the second movie Netto began to get tired. “What time…” he paused to yawn, “what time is it?” he asked Enzan.
Enzan looked at his watch, “7:30,” he answered.
“Oh,” Netto said.
“Tired already?” Enzan poked at him. “I remember when you could watch all three of these movies without even getting up to stretch.”
“Shut up,” Netto said grumpily. He pushed himself into the couch and kept his eyes on the screen. “I’m not tired.”
“Could have fooled me,” Blues said quietly to Rockman.
Rockman sniggered softly but didn’t say anything.
The third move was only half way over when Netto fell asleep with his head on Enzan’s shoulder. It was only 2/3 of the way done when Enzan fell asleep with his head resting on Netto’s.
“So they were both tired!” Rockman exclaimed.
Blues laughed quietly. “Apparently,” he said.
Rockman stretched his arms over his head and stood up. “Well, should we wake them up?” he asked.
Blues looked at them and shook his head, “I think they’re fine the way they are,” he said.
Rockman nodded, “I agree, now all I need to do is lock the house…” he muttered but he was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Who would be at Netto-san’s house now?” Blues asked.
Rockman shook his head, “I have no idea,” he mused. He opened a video link and saw a tall man in his late 50’s glancing around. Rockman sighed and went to the video monitor on the outside of the door. “Hello?” he asked politely.
The man looked at the monitor and nodded, “Hello, is this the home of Netto Hikari?”
“It is,” Rockman said evenly. “Who might you be?”
The man pulled out a worn looking PET and pressed a button; a small circle of light came out and glowed with the insignia of NV on it. “I’m Commander Ishiyama, of the Net Vigilantes; I’d like to have a word with your operator, Rockman.”
/Netto-kun,/ Rockman pressed his twin.
Netto groaned and opened one eye. /What?/ he sighed.
Another man came out from the car and walked up to the door way. He whistled and then waved at Rockman. “Don’t worry, we’re just here to chat,” he said cheerfully.
“Mejin-san!” Rockman exclaimed.
“What?” Netto said out loud.
Mejin’s lips quirked, “The formality isn’t needed.”
I can't wait to pull off this plot line, it's gonna be *so* much fun XD
Then Netto and Enzan go back to work and fluff... hey mama it's a fic with a plot! \o/
XD Enjoy _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Plantman It's only Forever... Not long at all!

Age: 44 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 1819 Location: Mexico
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 5:56 pm Post subject: |
Another wonderful episode. I liked how you made a reminiscence of the Axess events with Videoman XD I wonder what are you plotting this time for these two. I'm glad you also brought up Meijin, I'm anxious to see how you portray him older. _________________
Hecha en MÉXICO - Avatar by Me.
"Logic is the Ultimate Weapon." |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:19 pm Post subject: |
An older Meijin? This should be good.
Somehow I see this story as a repository for all of the under-used characters on the series, but that is not a bad thing, I think. It should make this story stand out more now that you have more of the minor characters making an appearance.
If your portrayal of an aged Meijin is just as good as the one of Masa, than I will be waiting patiently for the next chapter. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:41 pm Post subject: |
It's so amusing to see those two flirt; they don't even realize they're doing it, though I think their navis do. All is normal in the world. _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:33 am Post subject: |
Netto got up from the couch jerking Enzan out of his nap. He quickly walked over to the front door and opened it. “Mejin-san!” he exclaimed, much like his navi.
Mejin gave a small sigh, “The formality really isn’t needed.”
“What do you want?” Netto asked.
“We just came here for a chat,” Mejin said easily.
“Right…” Netto said skeptically.
Mejin sighed, “I tell you when we’re inside.”
Netto shrugged and let them in. Enzan raised an eyebrow and Netto shrugged. “I didn’t realize Enzan was here,” Mejin said.
“Movie night,” Netto replied.
“Well that’s good, keeps me from having to go to three places.”
“Three?” Netto and Enzan asked together.
“Yes, I’ve already contacted Laika,” Mejin said. Netto opened his mouth but Mejin held up his hands. “Let me explain before you say anything. First off,” Mejin motioned to the silent man behind him, “This is Commander Ishiyama, the founder and leader of the Net Vigilantes.”
Netto sat down on his couch next to Enzan and Mejin sat in the recliner across from them, Commander Ishiyama continued to stand, “What does this have to do with us?” Netto asked.
“Well, you see,” Mejin said softly, trying to choose his words carefully.
“Remember Fujiko Yamato?” Ishiyama asked suddenly.
Netto raised an eyebrow, “The crazy Net Mafia lady we brought down in college? Yeah, I remember her, didn’t she die when her base blew up?”
Mejin shook his head.
Enzan blinked, “What, she’s alive?”
Mejin nodded.
“And what do you want us to do about it?” Netto asked with his arms crossed.
Mejin stroked his graying hair, “Well, we were kind of hoping you could help the Net Vigilantes on the mission against her.”
Netto shook his head, “Sorry Mejin-ojiisan, I have a job.”
Mejin took no notice to Netto’s quip. “That didn’t stop Enzan did it?”
Netto looked annoyed. “He stopped eventually,” Netto muttered.
Enzan nodded, “He’s right, it’s too much.”
“We’re not asking you to be full time,” Mejin said, “Just, reference help. Laika’s already agreed to do it. Come on, you boys know most about her.”
/Well?/ Rockman asked.
/Sounds like fun…/ Netto admitted.
Enzan could really tell Netto wanted to accept but in a rare sign of maturity he was having issues with the fact he had a full time job. Enzan sighed, “Netto if you’ll do it, I’ll do it,” he said.
Mejin raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.
Netto looked at Enzan then Mejin, then he gave a big grin and nodded, “Sounds like fun!” he said cheerfully.
Mejin smiled, “Well then, thank you, and don’t worry, we most likely won’t need your help for awhile yet.”
Netto grinned, “That’s a relief.”
Mejin walked to the door and Ishiyama followed. Mejin gave one last thought, “Oh, Netto, no need for the ‘ojiisan’ either.”
Netto smirked as they left his house. “This is getting interesting,” he admitted.
Enzan sighed and sat back down on the couch. “Do you really want to do this?” Netto asked him.
“As long as we keep our promises to make sure one another is finishing their projects on time and making sure the other isn’t working to hard, I don’t see why we shouldn’t have the free time,” Enzan replied.
Netto nodded, “Right.”
Enzan yawned slightly and stood up again. “Well, we both have work tomorrow and I’m sure you’re getting a new project. So, I’ll be heading home. Bye Netto.”
“Bye Enzan,” Netto said and watched as Enzan left his house.
Netto closed his door and started the security system back up. He turned around and stretched then walked into his bedroom and collapsed on the bed. “Well, back to work tomorrow,” he sighed.
Rockman laughed, “Oh well.”
Netto nodded and was asleep fairly quickly.
“Netto-kun,” Rockman said loudly the next morning.
Netto turned over in his bed and pulled the pillow over his ears. “Go away,” he muttered.
“Netto-kun,” Rockman said again with a little more annoyance in his voice.
Netto pulled the pillow tighter around his head and didn’t reply.
Rockman sighed; “Ne…” then the phone rang.
There was a sound even Netto couldn’t ignore. He groaned and sleepily reached for the annoying device. “Hullo?” he asked sleepily.
“I trust you aren’t giving your navi a hard time,” Enzan’s cool voice came from the other end waking Netto up as effectively as a cold shower.
“Enzan!” Netto yelled and sat up in bed. “Uh… no,” he said slowly.
Rockman, who was listening to the line through his PET yelled, “Liar!”
“Rockman, shut up,” Netto grumped at his navi.
Enzan sighed, “Well, get up. You know you should be up at this time anyway.”
Netto was already walking around his room looking for his clothes, “Yeah, yeah,” he muttered.
“Well, since your up, I’ll leave you to get ready, bye,” Enzan said and hung up.
“Bye…” Netto said to the dial tone. He sighed and hung up the phone and threw it on the bed, “He’s just as crabby as me in the mornings,” he said to his navi.
Rockman giggled, “He’s just trying to make sure you get out of the house on time.”
Netto made a face and pulled his lab coat off the hanger in his closet, “Yeah, yeah,” he said again and he walked over to the computer and grabbed his PET. “Come on; time to go see what wonderful new project I get to do today.”
Rockman smiled but didn’t reply to the obviously sarcastic comment.
Netto walked into the Sci Labs building yawning and looking a little crabby. “Hey Netto, on time for once?” a voice said behind him.
Netto spun around to see Meiru run up to catch up with him. He gave his friend a genuine smile, “Yeah, Enzan called me this morning and get me out of bed.”
Meiru giggled, “Well, that’s good. There is someone who can make you be on time aside from Rockman that is.”
Netto shrugged and they walked down the hall together. “What are you doing here?” Netto asked.
Meiru held up a manila envelope, “I’m here to get a program for my business.”
“How is your business doing anyway?” Netto asked.
Meiru smiled happily, “It’s doing great. I knew getting into the ‘Dress up chip’ business was a good idea.”
“Well, if anyone could pull it off,” Netto smiled. “How’s Yaito?”
“She’s doing great. I still can’t believe she’s actually working with me. I never expected her to be that kind of person.”
“Well, she always did like designing clothes,” Netto shrugged. “Maybe she doesn’t see it as work.”
“Probably,” Meiru admitted. “Well, I need to take this back to my office and set it up,” she said looking at the envelope, “See ya Netto!”
“Bye!” Netto waved and walked down the hallway to his father’s lab.
“Who knew Meiru would end up such a good business woman,” Rockman mused.
Netto smiled, “I believe it. She always had that kind of…” he paused, “spark.”
Rockman laughed but didn’t say anything else. Netto walked into his father’s lab and waved him. “Morning papa,” he said cheerfully.
“Netto, you’re on time,” Yuuichiro replied with the faintest hint of surprise in his voice.
Netto sighed, “Yeah, I’m on time.”
Yuuichiro smiled, “Have a new project yet?”
Netto shook his head, “I thought I’d say hi before I went to go get it,” he said.
Yuuichiro nodded, “Well I’m doing fine. And your mother wants to know if you’d like to stop by for dinner this week.”
Netto shrugged, “Sure. What day?”
“Thursday, she said. I thought I was going to have to hunt you down but it seems you decided to fine me first,” Yuuichiro smiled at his son.
Netto ran his fingers through his hair, “Yeah well… I’ve been busy.”
“So I’ve heard,” Yuuichiro said dryly.
Netto laughed sheepishly, “Well I better go get my project, see you on Thursday papa.”
Yuuichiro nodded, “See you,” he said and waved.
Netto left the office and sighed, “Papa always finds out.”
“He is your father; it’s kind of his job.”
“He’s your dad too,” Netto shot back.
“But I don’t do things that make him have to check up on me,” Rockman replied.
Netto crossed his arms and continued to walk down the hall to where his next project was waiting. He went inside and waved at the woman sitting behind the desk, “Morning Nanako-san,” he said cheerfully.
The woman pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and handed Netto a disk. “Morning, Hikari-kun, glad to see you could make it on time.”
Netto shot her a small glare but didn’t retaliate.
“Here is your new project, I pray you won’t procrastinate this time?” she asked.
Netto sighed and slipped the disk into his pocket. “No, Nanako-san.”
“Good, this one is due in two weeks, more then enough time if you pace yourself.”
Netto turned around and started to walk out of her office.
“Did you hear what I said Hikari-kun?” she asked.
Netto waved carelessly with his back still turned, “I heard, see you in two weeks, Nanako-san.” He walked out of the office and the doors slid shut behind his retreating form.
“That man…” Nanako hissed.
W00t~ New chappie for you all :3 Enjoy. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:45 am Post subject: |
Yay! New chappie! I think it's funny that everyone teases Netto about his tendency towards procrastination; I feel his pain. >_< Aw well, the world needs procrastinators like us, lest the Enzans of the world die of boredom. ^_^ _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:12 pm Post subject: |
Another good read. I did find one error, though.
Neko wrote: | Mejin sighed, “I tell you when we’re inside.” |
It should be 'I'll'.
Anyway...I guess some things never change as time goes on, eh? Mejin still has his old ways, and well, I happen to like that you kept Netto's childish skill of procrastination. It only seems to add more flair to the story.
Meiru's appearance in the story was seemingly extraneous and unneccessary, but it's good that you at least keep her in a position of moderate success. Helps to keep the ficticious universe in check.
And since I have run out of things to say, I guess I'll just leave it with "Good job". _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Plantman It's only Forever... Not long at all!

Age: 44 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 1819 Location: Mexico
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:47 pm Post subject: |
The new chapter is really good, Neko. I think it's interesting to see a different face for Netto maturing up and not jumping at the chance of a mission and virus busting.
I didn't find it unnecesary that you had Meiru showing up, if in truth wasn't vital for the story, it certainly adds up the touch that everyone has grown up, not just Netto and Enzan. _________________
Hecha en MÉXICO - Avatar by Me.
"Logic is the Ultimate Weapon." |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:54 pm Post subject: |
Netto walked down the halls of the big building to his office where he flopped into his chair and set the manila envelope on his desk and looked at it. “Well, what do you think it is?” Netto asked Rockman.
Rockman shrugged, “I don’t know, Netto-kun. Why don’t you open it and find out?”
Netto sighed and slit the envelope open with his fingers and pulled out the papers inside. “Ah, this isn’t too bad,” he said while scanning the pages, flipping them over at random.
“What is it?” Rockman asked.
“A security program for…” Netto scanned some more and smirked.
“What?” Rockman asked, his mind burning with curiosity.
“IPC,” Netto said. “His dad was the one who requested the security system though.”
“Ijuuin Shuuseki?” Rockman asked. “He asked for a security system from Sci Labs?”
“Apparently so,” Netto said and set down the papers. “Well it’ll be time consuming but not too hard, ready to start, Rockman?”
“Sure,” Rockman said. “Should we start with the frame or programming first?”
Netto frowned, “I’d say the frame first.”
Rockman brought up a program on the computer, “All right, here’s the starting program.”
“Thank you,” Netto said and started to type away on the computer.
Hours later he and Rockman had managed to complete the skeleton of the frame. Netto stretched and glanced at the clock, “It’s five,” he murmured.
“Not bad for a day’s work,” Rockman said while stretching. “All we need to do is finish off the frame tomorrow and we can start of the programming.”
Netto grinned, “Awesome, maybe we can get this done in a week. Then just iron it out the week after.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Rockman said. “Why don’t we go see how Enzan-san is doing?”
“I bet he’s still at work,” Netto smirked.
“Then let’s go get him,” Rockman said.
Netto and Rockman left the building and drove the ten or so miles to the IPC main building. Netto rode the familiar elevator up to the top floor and was greeted by Enzan’s mousy secretary. “Hey Mary-san,” Netto said with a wave. “Enzan still here?”
Mary had by then grown used to Netto popping up and dragging Enzan out of the office. “Enzan-sama is in his office. Shall I tell him you’re here, Netto-san?”
“Nah,” Netto said carelessly. “I’ll surprise him.”
Mary gave him a faint grin, “All right,” she said. “The door is open.”
“Thank you!” Netto said as he started to walk down the hall.
They came up to Enzan’s door and Netto just walked in. He had never knocked on Enzan’s door and now was really no time to start. “Well, time to go,” Netto said cheerfully.
Enzan sighed when he heard Netto’s voice behind him. “Netto, I have to finish this.”
“No you don’t,” Netto said. “I get up at an ungodly time; you get off work at a normal time, that was the deal.”
“6 am hardly constitutes as ‘ungodly’ Netto,” Enzan said dryly.
Netto walked in front of Enzan’s desk and plopped down in one of the conference chairs in front of it. “It does to me. Now get up and let’s go,” he said.
“Netto, I need to finish this,” Enzan growled.
“So you loose the bet then,” Netto said cheerfully.
“But!” Enzan spluttered.
“Come on,” Netto said while leaning forward to poke Enzan in the shoulder. “It will still be there tomorrow.”
“Enzan-sama,” Blues said quietly.
Enzan sighed and pulled his PET out of the computer. “All right, fine,” Enzan muttered.
“All right!” Netto cheered. “So where do you want to go first?”
“Go? Netto it’s a Wednesday evening, there is no place to go,” Enzan said.
“Well, we can go to the park or we can go to the beach. There are plenty of places to go,” Netto said while standing up. “You just never go outside enough to know that.”
Enzan growled at Netto who shot him an amused glare in return. “Oh my,” Rockman said while trying not to laugh.
Blues linked himself into Rockman’s PET. “Enzan-sama seems a little annoyed,” Blues noted.
“Hm…” Rockman said in an amused voice.
Netto reached over and pulled Enzan out of his seat. “Come on, please?” Netto asked in an earnest voice.
Enzan sighed and willingly let Netto pull him out of his office.
They drove into a nearly empty parking lot and hiked a small trail that Netto knew about. “See, isn’t this fun?” he asked.
Enzan didn’t say anything out loud, but in his mind he silently agreed with Netto. It was fun; it was also quiet and relaxing.
They made it to a small over hang cliff next to a waterfall and sat down. “Where do you find these places?” Enzan asked.
“I wander around,” Netto said. “Sometimes it’s just… easier to get away from all the technology…”
Rockman nodded, “Yeah.”
Enzan and Blues both looked at them. “I take it your need to get away from technology has more meaning then to just relax.”
Netto blinked at Enzan, then turned to look at the waterfall with a small smile on his face. “Damn you know me too well, Enzan.”
“I’m not stupid Netto, I know how to read between the lines,” Enzan said.
Netto sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Well, you know with our link and stuff, Rockman and I can pretty much ‘hear’ and sense each other at all times. Sometimes other things… interfere with that.”
“Interfere?” Enzan asked.
Netto made a face, “Okay, that’s the best way I can describe it. Sometimes, if we’re both really tired it’s hard to just concentrate on one another. So sometimes outside ‘noises’ make it in. It’s really just electromagnetic interference but,” Netto sighed. “It can give you one hell of a head ache.”
Rockman nodded, “Definitely.”
“So, on such days,” Blues said, “You and Netto-san just wander around out here?”
Netto shrugged, “Sometimes. Sometimes we sleep or go to the beach or something else. There are ways to deal with it,” Netto said in response to the semi worried glance Enzan was now giving him.
“Why haven’t you told me about this before?” Enzan asked.
“Because I knew you would freak out and start to worry, just like you’re doing now,” Netto pointed out.
Blues and Rockman both hid small smiled as Enzan obviously tried and failed to mask his current expression. “It’s something to worry about,” he said.
Netto cheerfully slapped Enzan on the back making the older man pitch forward just a little bit. “No it’s not.”
Enzan sighed and leaned back into the taller grass. The sun was beginning to set and it was getting dark. “We need to leave soon.”
Netto sighed and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I know.”
Enzan stood up and offered a hand to Netto. Netto took it and let Enzan help him get to his feet.
Together the two men walked to their cars. Netto glanced at his watch on the way there several times. “It’s only 8, wanna go to my house and have some ramen or something?”
“Ramen?” Enzan raised and eyebrow. “I wasn’t aware we were still in college,” he teased.
Netto muttered something Enzan couldn’t hear that prompted Rockman to say, “Netto-kun, be nice!” in a rather shrill voice.
Enzan gave him a weak smile and put his hand on his shoulder. “How about we go to your house, and I cook,” Enzan said.
Netto gave Enzan a big grin and nodded. “Sure, as long as you don’t burn it, like the cake.”
“That was an accident!” Enzan protested.
“A hard, brick like, carbon based incident,” Netto teased.
“I can cook now,” Enzan protested.
“I’m sure you can,” Netto said soothingly. “Now come on, I’m starved.”
Blues spent the trip on the way back to Netto’s house in Rockman’s PET. “Can he cook?” Rockman asked.
Blues shook his head, “Not really.”
Rockman raised and eyebrow. “This will certainly be interesting.”
Kekekeke >3 _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:04 pm Post subject: |
Another filler chapter. It's not that these types of chapters are bad or anything--it simply seems that, well, I'm waiting for something to happen. Perhaps their cooking in the next chapter will be enough to quash this aberrant feeling.
And forgive me for being ignorant, but why is it such a shock that Enzan's father ask for a security program from Scilabs? Isn't it the best that the field has to offer? _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:08 pm Post subject: |
Midnight Critic wrote: | Hee.
Another filler chapter. It's not that these types of chapters are bad or anything--it simply seems that, well, I'm waiting for something to happen. Perhaps their cooking in the next chapter will be enough to quash this aberrant feeling.
And forgive me for being ignorant, but why is it such a shock that Enzan's father ask for a security program from Scilabs? Isn't it the best that the field has to offer? |
Because, Enzan's dad is a jerk. And it was blantant fore shadow anyways. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Reina Net Savior

Joined: 19 Mar 2005 Posts: 145 Location: The computer! Isn't that obvious? :D
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:19 pm Post subject: |
The next chapter will definitely be interesting! I wonder if those pets of Netto's will interfere. :] _________________ Never call me a midget or else something will you!
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:25 pm Post subject: |
Heh, poor Netto has to eat Enzan's "cooking"; I hope he has his will all written out! :D _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:44 pm Post subject: |
The drive back to Netto’s house was a silent one as they were in separate cars. They pulled up to Netto’s house just as the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon and out of sight. They got out and Netto opened the front door with the key in his mail box.
“Why do you put the key there even when I tell you not to,” Enzan sighed.
“Enzan, who in the hell is going to break into my house. They couldn’t steal anything because of the encodes I have on everything and the security system would go wild if it didn’t recognize that I was in the house.”
“Because you have hundreds of enemies?” Enzan asked him sarcastically.
Netto sighed, “You worry too much,” he muttered as he walked into the house.
“I do not,” Enzan retorted as he followed Netto inside.
Netto grinned, “Yeah you do, so what’s for dinner?” he asked before Enzan could reply.
“I was thinking maybe spaghetti,” Enzan said.
Netto shrugged, “Fine, the pasta’s in the top shelf, knock yourself out.”
Enzan nodded and walked into the kitchen and Netto went into the living room where he flopped on the couch and turned on the TV. “Netto-san…” Blues said softly.
“Yeah?” Netto asked.
“Are you sure you don’t want to help Enzan-sama cook dinner?” Blues asked.
“Are you nuts?” Netto asked him. “I can’t cook.”
“Netto-kun openly admits he can’t cook after he set the chicken on fire in the oven,” Rockman said.
“That was an accident…” Netto growled.
“And it was hilarious,” Rockman added.
Blues couldn’t resist smiling at that, “All right,” he said.
After about ten minutes Netto sniffed the air, “Something smells weird,” he muttered.
“Netto-kun, what is it?” Rockman asked.
“I don’t know… it kinda smells like something is burning,” he said in an offhand voice.
At that moment the fire alarm in the kitchen went off making Netto’s cat and dog run for their lives by hiding in Netto’s room.
“Ummm, Netto, how do I turn this off?” Enzan asked.
“Press the red button,” Netto replied. “Are you doing okay in there?”
“Fine!” Enzan said while pressing the button and making the shrill beeping noise blissfully stop.
“What is he doing?” Netto muttered to himself.
“He’s burning pasta,” Blues said to Rockman in a low voice.
“How?” Rockman asked.
“I have no idea,” Blues answered.
After another ten minutes the alarm went off again but it was stopped quicker that time. “Enzan, do you need help?” Netto asked.
“No, I’m fine,” Enzan replied. “Really.”
Netto returned to the program he had on TV while eyeing the kitchen apprehensively.
Finally after another fifteen minutes Enzan came out carrying two plates of yellow and blackened spaghetti with pasta sauce poured haphazardly on it. Netto eyed it then looked up at Enzan who looked somewhat disappointed. “Looks great,” he lied.
Enzan sighed and took his own plate. Netto took up a forkful and put it in his mouth resting the urge to spit it back out. It was somehow raw and burnt at the same time and the sauce did nothing to cover it up. “It’s… good,” Netto said slowly after forcing himself to swallow it.
Enzan hadn’t even had the guts to eat his own plateful yet, “Really?” he asked.
Netto nodded stiffly, “Yeah…” he said slowly, “Sure.”
Enzan took a bite of his and swallowed it with difficulty. “You really think this is good?” he asked.
“Better then my cooking,” Netto said cheerfully while taking another bite.
Together the two men sat there watching old sitcoms and choking down half cooked, burnt spaghetti in an effort to please one another.
After dinner was over Netto took the dishes into the kitchen and set them into the dishwasher. He noted the gooey black mess in the bottom of one pan but didn’t day anything about it. Instead he went back over to the couch and sat down on it. “Heh, that was an interesting dinner, Enzan,” Netto said. “Never had anything quite like it before.”
Enzan gave him a half grin, “It was horrible,” he said softly.
Netto sighed, “Ummm… yeah, it was.”
Both men burst out laughing and didn’t stop for a long while. “Oh god Enzan, how did you manage that,” Netto asked after awhile.
“Manage what?” Enzan asked.
“To make it raw and burned at the same time?” Netto asked.
Enzan shook his head, “I… don’t know.”
“Amazing,” Netto said.
Enzan sighed and leaned into the couch, “We have work tomorrow,” he reminded Netto.
Netto shrugged, “It’s only nine,” he said. “We still have a little while.”
Enzan smiled softly and changed the channel to a documentary. Netto didn’t protest and ten minutes later he was fast asleep on the couch.
“Wow… that didn’t take long,” Blues mused.
“Documentaries are like sedatives to Netto-kun,” Rockman said with a grin. “I found that out in 7th grade.”
Blues laughed and he and Rockman went into the bedroom portion of Rockman’s house to look up a book file they had talked about earlier.
Netto slid over on the couch until his head rested on Enzan’s shoulder. Enzan turned slowly to look at the sleeping brunette and really couldn’t think of anything to say. “Netto?” he asked.
Netto groaned and moved a little in his sleep forcing Enzan to catch his upper body so he didn’t fall off the couch. Finally Enzan just put Netto’s head in his lap and continued to watch the show.
The smaller man curled up around a pillow he was holding and looked a little flustered as if whatever he was dreaming about was bothering him. Enzan looked around but there was no Rockman to be seen.
“Netto?” Enzan asked while shaking his friend, “Are you okay?”
“Hm…?” Netto asked sleepily. “I’m… fine…” he yawned and fell back asleep.
Enzan sighed and looked at his watch, it was only 9:20 at that time. Enzan really didn’t want to leave and he was more comfortable then he cared to admit with Netto’s head in his lap.
Abandoning the TV he looked down at Netto trying to see if he was still squirming or upset about whatever he was thinking of earlier. He was in fact completely peaceful in his sleep and didn’t seem to have any imaginary demons chasing after him.
Enzan noted that when Netto turned his head a bit a small piece of hair fell in front of his face. Enzan pulled that strand out of his eyes and placed it back where it was before. Netto sighed happily and merely snuggled in closer to Enzan in his sleep.
Blues and Rockman both watched with amusement from a small monitor at the back of the living room.
“Netto?” Enzan asked.
“Yeah?” Netto replied.
“You’re awake!” Enzan exclaimed.
“Kinda…” Netto said letting his eyes drift halfway open.
“I should probably get going…” Enzan said finally.
Netto sighed; he really was very comfortable with where he was sitting. “So soon?” he asked.
“We have work,” Enzan said.
Netto nodded, “All right,” he said and sat up. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asked.
Enzan nodded, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Netto waved good bye as Enzan left the room and Blues said good bye to Rockman before linking into his PET.
“Nice night,” Rockman said.
Netto stood up and stretched his hands over his head, “Yeah!” he agreed.
“Sir, it’s a call for you,” a boy of about 13 came over and held a phone out to Laika.
Laika picked up the phone, “Yes?” he asked.
“Colonel Laika, may I request your presence in Akihara in a day?” a voice asked him.
“Mejin-san?” Laika asked curiously. “What, it’s already started?”
“Not quite, but we would like some back up,” Mejin said. “Besides, I think some friends of yours might want to say hello before you three get neck deep into trouble like I know you will.”
Laika almost gave a grin at these words, “Fine, you’ll see me in your office by tomorrow evening, Mejin-san.”
“No need for the san,” Mejin said and hung up.
“Laika-san?” Searchman asked from his PET.
“Time to go,” Laika said simply and Searchman nodded his consent.
*giggles* _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:52 pm Post subject: |
Woot! Once again, beautiful and descriptive writing, Neko-san! I never expected Enzan and Netto to end up together but, hey, in the world of fanfiction, anything can happen!! _________________
Sig made by me. <3 |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:01 pm Post subject: |
Another nice chapter. It seems that cooking disasters have a knack of pervading their ways into your works.
It was only a matter of time before Laika had to enter the situations, no? Somehow I have a feeling that he will be there to interfere with out protagonists' work, but if I have learned something from reading your work, it is that I cannot predict it. I guess that is among the perks of being a writer, no? _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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DarkMega Net Savior

Joined: 29 Jun 2005 Posts: 146 Location: Most vacant part of the Net- the Midwest!
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:44 pm Post subject: |
Good ficcy, but may I have the honors of correcting some grammer? OK, here goes:
Neko wrote: |
“Why do you put the key there even when I tell you not to,” Enzan sighed.
“Enzan, who in the hell is going to break into my house. They couldn’t steal anything because of the encodes I have on everything and the security system would go wild if it didn’t recognize that I was in the house.” |
Should be a question mark at the end of both of those questions.
Neko wrote: |
At that moment the fire alarm in the kitchen went off making Netto’s cat and dog run for their lives by hiding in Netto’s room. |
There should be a comma between "off" and "making."
Neko wrote: |
After another ten minutes the alarm went off again but it was stopped quicker that time. “Enzan, do you need help?” Netto asked. |
There should be a comma between "again" and "but."
Neko wrote: |
Enzan sighed and took his own plate. Netto took up a forkful and put it in his mouth resting the urge to spit it back out. It was somehow raw and burnt at the same time and the sauce did nothing to cover it up. “It’s… good,” Netto said slowly after forcing himself to swallow it. |
Should be "resisting," not "resting." Also, there should be a comma between "mouth" and "resisting."
Neko wrote: |
“Better then my cooking,” Netto said cheerfully while taking another bite. |
Not sure, but I think it should be "than," instead of "then."
Neko wrote: |
After dinner was over Netto took the dishes into the kitchen and set them into the dishwasher. He noted the gooey black mess in the bottom of one pan but didn’t day anything about it. Instead he went back over to the couch and sat down on it. “Heh, that was an interesting dinner, Enzan,” Netto said. “Never had anything quite like it before.” |
"Say," instead of "day."
Neko wrote: |
“To make it raw and burned at the same time?” Netto asked. |
Should be "burnt."
Neko wrote: |
Netto groaned and moved a little in his sleep forcing Enzan to catch his upper body so he didn’t fall off the couch. Finally Enzan just put Netto’s head in his lap and continued to watch the show. |
Comma between "sleep" and "forcing." Also a comma between "finally" and "Enzan."
*Giggles* You are having too much fun with this, Neko!
Da fluff, ooooo, da fluff!!! And the humor, too! Yes, it is possible to undercook and burn spaghetti at the same time. I've had the pleasure of eating my brother's wonderful spaghetti. (*coughsickeningcough*) Great ficcy! You really portray the character's personalities well, although, I don't see Enzan as one who would worry so much. Eh, maybe my interpretation of his personality is different from eveyone else's.
Sorry about the excessive grammer corrections! *decks myself* I tend to do that a lot when reading other people's works, and I couldn't resssssissst! _________________
Justice has many faces, but this one just happens to be hilarious.
Thanks for the siggy, Hikari Angel!
"I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before."
"He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard deserves to be kicked by the foot."
My livejournal- (Knock yourself out.) |
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kuro-kitsune Net Agent
Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 268 Location: raincover, on the wet coast
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:01 pm Post subject: |
DarkMega, you are like my friend. she can't look at a fanfic with grammer errors without coping it to her Mircosoft word and correcting everything. she does that to me when i'm just talking. >_>
anyway, OMG NEKO-SEMPAI! you do seem to have a great time with this!! ... and colonel laika? XD i love it!! and i'm sure my laika obsessed gal pals will love it too
~kuro-kitsune~ |
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