STREAM a disappointment? *Possible Spoilers Ahead*
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:16 am    Post subject: STREAM a disappointment? *Possible Spoilers Ahead* Reply with quote

What do you guys think of STREAM? For me I was kinda disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing all these Soul unisons but instead they use more CF than anything. I mean all the charas getting CF is cool and so is the appearence of Miyabi and Dark Rock but still...they're over using CF WAY to much. What do you guys think?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well maybe they'll do more soul unisons, how many episodes are left?
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Shukei - Hakuteiken

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote episodes isn't enough to stick in three soul unisons. >_>;;; Me, I prefer to think of Stream as just cramming all the characters into one season, and then going about them with more detail the next. And I actually LIKE Cross Fusion. :P

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Crimson Seiko
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Supremely disappointed. The series started really strong... the intro and credits sequences, as I have said on numerous occasions, are flat-out beautiful. They show off the charm of EXE perfectly. But then the series dropped into fillers and went in a direction completely different than the original expression of the series.

Heat believes the series wasn't completely done when the sequences were made, hence why a lot of things (like Anetta and Pride's new garbs) took so long to show up (and some, like Toadman, never at all). This means the series probably was originally meant to be a lot better than it was, but for unknown reasons, changed directions early on. Probably the only reason we got Gyro Soul was because it was in the intro and the writers felt obligated to use it afterwards, even though they obviously decided against Souls at some point.

I personally think a lot of the reasoning is because of the movie. While the movie wasn't exactly long, it was extremely well-animated... probably a relatively decent chunk of the EXE production team was sent to work on the movie while Stream was being produced. Plus, the movie actually took place in the middle of Stream... too many plot-heavy episodes would cause some complications with those who haven't seen the movie, or even spoil the movie for those who were a little late to see it. This is my justification for the filler marathon.

Josukun also theorizes that the series changed into a Power Rangers-esque show, with the heavy Cross Fusion focus, because of how TV Tokyo had scheduled it (apparently right before some other Power Rangers-like anime). This would make a lot of sense; they suddenly were marketting the anime to a different audience.

But, meh... enough with my reasoning. Stream was going to be insanely cool, but it fell fairly short. It's had it's memorable moments, but I still prefer Axess for the story (and action) and EXE for the charm. Stream is just... it just doesn't make much sense, and it feels rather shoddy (too much reused footage and still-image combat, which I also contribute to the smaller production team because of the movie). I treat it like the "Sailor Moon Super S" of the EXE anime.

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Last edited by Crimson Seiko on Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:28 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I too am a little dissapointed. While we did get episode 44, It's turned into Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I too was looking forward to the Soul Unions, but I doubt any out side of Gyro Soul will come ito play

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My opinion's prettymuch the same as PAC's. AXESS and EXE are just better, although I do admit that Stream DID have some stuff that I found interesting. I loved getting to see a lot of my favorite characters that I thought would never be used, and as PAC has also said in the past, there's probably a LOT more plot-oriented stuff (possibly even visable in the fillers) that a lot of us who don't speak Japanese didn't catch, which is why I look forward to seeing THIS series in english a lot more than the others. There seems to be a lot of light-heartedness, that is INDEED very different in contrast to the first two shows, so aside from maybe a couple things that might be changed, I think that this series will be the most unscathed of the three series so far when it crosses to the US, thus making it a little bit easier to understand some of the important things. But with that said, I had a feeling that SOMETHING of an inner story would be presented in Stream, and the stuff that has been plot-infuenced in the show has been decent, with some snazzy animation here and there, and yes, I can totally understand the deal with the movie possibly taking some energy out of the tv show. As we all know by now, it paid off for them overseas.

As for the future, I have a feeling that this time there WILL be (hopefully -.-) a break of SOME sort in between Stream and the next series, that will most likely deal with elements from MMBN5, and then eventually the upcoming MMBN6. That, or possibly a series with a saga that will start off with maybe some characters like Alpha, or Zero possibly, tht wil help Rockman catch up with the loss of Soul Unisons, and THEN get into the MMBN6 stuff, unless the other theory about it now suddenly shifting towards sentai-series fans is true. Who knows, but it's been fun.
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Party Like a Rock Star

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with the others, Stream so far isn't as great. They cram in too many characters and cross fusion. So many people can crossfuse now! That's great, but it makes it seem like there's so many destined ones [now it sounds like Digimon. XDDD]

Axess was much better, and so was EXE. Stream is.. ... a bit different. They need to focus on the main idea :/ they include so many side stuff .

Soul Unisons pleez.
[Btw, it's nice to see some old characters asterioed by Slur.]
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I actually enjoy Stream Smile. Cross Fusion can get annoying but it is built to heavily into the storyline so I tend to just let it slide. I enjoy the whole Crests of Duo and the Asteriod Navis, so I'm really pleased with it ^^. I enjoy it more than I did most of Axess...though the later part of Axess is cool Smile. I just want to see more of Slur and Duo >.> And Forte.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nah, I'm not really dissapointed by it... even with the lack of souls, insane amount of crossfusion and horrid animation, Stream's had some of my favorite filler stories and characters out of all of the three series and it's my favorite out of the series too.
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Crimson Seiko
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess I should clarify that, no, I don't hate Stream. I agree that the filler episodes are typically pretty amusing... the cast of characters happens to be one of my favorites as well (these team members rock, and who doesn't love Dark Rockman?), and the Cross Fusions are fairly entertaining (I love henshins).

But the series leaves me unfulfilled knowing what it probably could have been. Everyone would probably like Stream better if they knew what they were in for... they should have let the viewers know it was going to be all about Cross Fusion. Instead, we were lead onto watching a series about a story that was never told. (But again, the untold story was probably meant to be told, hence why Stream ended up the way it did.)

As for Souls... I miss Souls not just because they're Souls but because they forced Rockman to get screen-time (and in turn forced Cross Fusion to take a breather for an episode).

Oh, and it should go without saying that I positively loathe the lack of screen-time Enzan got in Stream... especially, ESPECIALLY, since they show him off so much like he's Netto's co-star or something (this goes the same for Laika). Those three still grace the credits, and how often do we even see the latter two anymore? And I usually throw a fit when I see an Enzan eye catch... usually in episodes Enzan isn't even in. (Once, they used Enzan and Meiru eye catches, and neither one of them appeared in that episode.)

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Shukei - Hakuteiken

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will agree with you on that point. However, I think there's a reason-it's not a good one, though. Stream seems to have taken most of the humans (and Navis) from EXE4, EXE3, AND EXE5, and it stands to reason that they have to cram all of those characters in somehow, despite the utter chaos and Pokemon-esque character-never-appears-for-more-than-one-episodeness that would cause. Which is why the main characters, after getting so much hullabaloo about their plot roles, never appear. Which is why I'm also hoping for another season which actually focuses on the main three CF Rangers for a change.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess Streams not too big a dissapointment, I mean it doesn't have to base perfectly off the games. And besides, I doubt Rockman would really need to use all those souls, they'd just appear once for fanservice or if he needed something, like fire against Blizzardman. But the lack of Enzan and them forcing Jasmine on us for the sake of the love triangle is really sad. Especially when Netto is to oblivious to even notice. I can say this much, I'm SOOOO glad they kept Shuuko around, even if it's just a minor role, I mean we only saw Ran and Windman in one episode.
And the antics of Commander Beef are greatly missed... T_T
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's not that bad some of the ideas are pretty good and it's interesting to see how you cross the navis and humans but I would like to see some of the old characters again.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And besides, I doubt Rockman would really need to use all those souls, they'd just appear once for fanservice or if he needed something, like fire against Blizzardman.

Um, how is getting a soul unison classified as 'fanservice'?
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Dark Liger
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll admit Stream is quite... different from the usual pace, but I'll have to say it is sort of a nice change of pace. While I was looking forword to seeing more Soul Unisons, I LOVED seeing some of my favorite Operators in CF form (R-Rock, R-Blues, R-Roll, R-Medi, & R-TomahawkMan). :V

Still, I think they should bring back the production writers and make another season.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only thing im still waiting to see in Stream is Forte showing back up >.>
he got his butt kicked in episode2 and we haven't seen him since -.-; other then that Streams pertty cool

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Um, how is getting a soul unison classified as 'fanservice'?

Well I guess if it's not really needed, they only show it because fans wanna see their favorite soul unisons. I don't think he's used Junksoul since it first appeared.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

XHunter- Forte was in the movie.

RLinksoul- That's not fanservice. Fanservice is something like yesterdays episodes, with the swuimsuits. The Souls Unisons, like in AXESS for instance, were because they were advertising the latest features and characters from the latest games that had come out. It had nothing to do with the fan's wanting them to be out.
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Metal Shark Player

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When Stream started it, it started out quite strong, then it suddenly went super crazy in the later run.
Here's a list of things that bothered me during Stream:
- Crossfusions like crazy in the later eps (Where's R-Toad, R-Colonel, and R-Number?)
- Junk Soul has only been seen in one ep of Axess, Aqua Soul too...
- Commander Beef and co. are completely missing
- Monster of the day syndrome (if pulled out right it's great, but alot of eps with random MOD navis feel lacking)
- Netto has not gone to school for a very long time...
- Forte missing for a very long time (maybe the movie explains what happened to him...)
- Two stories are going on right now: DS Rock Man and Duo's trial of Earth, I hope they can wrap both up.
- Way too much Viddy Narcie and Inukai/Beast Man. Beast Man had way too much screen time in both Axess and Stream
- Bubble Man! Why?! (I miss him...)
- Navis on the show sometimes end up looking more like tools. Seriously when was the last time Needle Man had screen time?

Honestly, I like season 1 more than any of the other seasons. I hope if they do make a 4th season, it goes back to being more like season 1. I don't mind a restart, they could try to be more like the manga for all I care.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Metal Shark Player wrote:
- Crossfusions like crazy in the later eps (Where's R-Toad, R-Colonel, and R-Number?)
- Junk Soul has only been seen in one ep of Axess, Aqua Soul too...
- Commander Beef and co. are completely missing
- Monster of the day syndrome (if pulled out right it's great, but alot of eps with random MOD navis feel lacking)
- Netto has not gone to school for a very long time...
- Forte missing for a very long time (maybe the movie explains what happened to him...)
- Two stories are going on right now: DS Rock Man and Duo's trial of Earth, I hope they can wrap both up.
- Way too much Viddy Narcie and Inukai/Beast Man. Beast Man had way too much screen time in both Axess and Stream
- Bubble Man! Why?! (I miss him...)
- Navis on the show sometimes end up looking more like tools. Seriously when was the last time Needle Man had screen time?

I shall answer some of your questions :D

- Except for Meiru, the only ones that can Cross Fuse are the bearers of the Crest of Duo. The Crests are given to those who can perform it because Duo is interested in the idea of Cross Fusion (said in ep 2)
- Junksoul and AquaSoul are souls that sound like they can only used at certain times, unlike a variaty as Roll Soul and so forth
- Many of these characters aren't see in later EXE games as well when they bring in a new cast, so it makes sense for the anime seeing how the anime is a promotion for the games.
- Just because they don't show Netto at school doesn't mean he isnt there. Just recently you saw him at school [spoil:53ec77f45b]where Miyabi tried to kill him[/spoil:53ec77f45b]
- Forte in movie. Probably going to be in later Stream.
- Dark Rockman and co can be concidered part of Duo. Duo is watching to see if Earth can be pure against evil. First the Asteriod Navis, which built into Neo WWW, and then Dark Rockman came from pure evil (and I believe he also ties into the movie)
- Bubbleman is scary? I dunno Laughing
- Navi's do stand for Navigators, though I do agree some of the Navis need a bit more Gutsman lol.

Hope that helped, you brought up valid points Smile

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