A Life Best Not Lived: PG *Stream Spoilers* *Finished*
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Queen of Fluff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:35 pm    Post subject: A Life Best Not Lived: PG *Stream Spoilers* *Finished* Reply with quote

Netto opened his eyes against the streaming sunlight that was coming into his room. He groaned and turned over in his bed to try and ward off the intrusive light but he was barraged by someone yelling at him.

“Come on sleepyhead, wake up!” a bossy female voice said to him.

Netto was too out of it to wonder why a voice he didn’t recognize was yelling at him. “Nh… go away…” he whined.

“I can’t go away Netto, now get up,” the voice said again.

“Netto-kun,” a softer more concerned voice said quietly.

“Hm?” Netto sat up and rubbed his eyes, “What is it?”

“Oh sure, you get up for your brother but not for me,” the voice said saucily.

“Brother!” Netto said in an alarmed voice and looked up to see his mirror image staring back at him. The only two slight differences between them being that Rockman’s hair was slightly tidier then Netto’s and his eyes were flecked with small specks of green making them appear slightly hazel.

/Netto-kun, something happened last night,/ Saito muttered to Netto mentally.

Netto was still in shock, /No kidding!/

“You’re acting like you’ve never seen Saito before,” the bossy voice said again. “Netto, are you all right?” it asked with a bit more concern.

Netto turned to face where the voice was coming from. A purple PET with a navi whose age looked to be in her early twenties was there. She wore a purple and black jumpsuit with green knee high boots and wrist high gloves. Her hair was shoulder length a dark blue and her helmet was a combination of all four colors with a black gem in the center. “I’m fine…” Netto said falteringly while taking in the new navi’s appearance.

She crossed her arms and regained her saucy attitude, “Well if that’s the case, get up Netto or you’ll be late for school.” She turned her gaze to Saito, “You get ready too, Saito or Stone will have my head.”

“Stone?” Saito asked in a soft voice.

“Yeah Stone, your navi,” she said in a hard voice. “What is with you two today?”

Netto and Saito looked at one another and shrugged. They needed to get out of listening range of the somewhat hyper navi before they could really talk.

Saito walked over to his side of the room and opened a drawer. He pulled out a sky blue sleeveless hoodie, an orange t-shirt and a pair of dark grey shorts and went to the bathroom to put them on. Netto rooted around in his drawer only to find an orange sleeveless hoodie, a pale blue t-shirt and another pair of dark grey shorts. “No bandana…” he muttered darkly.

“Hm?” the navi in the purple PET asked.

“N-nothing,” Netto said as cheerfully as he could and took his clothes to the bathroom where Saito was currently leaving.

“Netto-kun, what is going on?” he asked.

Netto shrugged and looked back to his room, “I have no idea. But let’s just go with it for now. Maybe we’ll find something out at school.”

Saito nodded apprehensively and returned to his room. Netto went into the bathroom and proceeded to get dressed.

Saito looked at his half of the room which was neat and tidy, and as if there was some kind of invisible line there was Netto’s half, messy as ever. Saito sighed and rubbed his head, looking at the disaster area. Maybe now that he was in the real world he could get Netto to pick up.

“Saito-kun, are you almost ready?” a soft voice asked behind him.

Saito spun around to see a navi in a light green PET looking very similar in age to that of the navi in the purple PET. This navi had on a pale green and grey jumpsuit with moss colored boots and gloves. His helmet was a mixture of green and grey and there was a dark grey stone in the middle of his helmet where the stone was in the other navi’s helmet. His mellow appearance was a stark contrast to that of the other navi’s. “S-stone?” Saito asked.

Stone smiled, “Very good Saito-kun,” who seemed to be taking his operators seemingly sudden memory blank in a stride. “Did you remember your homework?”

“My…” Saito looked around the room and saw two back packs lying on the floor side by side. Netto’s or what he presumed to be Netto’s backpack was lying open with random papers falling out while his was zipped shut and standing right up against the wall. “Yeah, I did…” Saito said in a daze.

Netto came back into the room and looked around. “Well?” he asked.

“Well, get my PET and let’s go Netto!” the navi in the purple PET said. “You two are going to be late for school.”

“Gem, calm down,” Stone said. “They still have ten minutes to get there.”

“No…” Saito said, grabbing onto the one thing that seemed normal at that point. “We need to get going. Come on, Netto-kun,” he said while grabbing his back pack.

“R-right,” Netto said, walked over to his backpack, shoving the loose leaf papers inside and zipping it closed. Then he walked over to the purple PET and picked it up, “Ready Gem?” he asked giving the navi a broad grin.

Gem seemed to gather some comfort from the action; it seemed to Saito that it was because Netto was finally acting normally. “Ready when you are!” she said in a loud voice.

Saito picked up his pale green PET and smiled at his navi. It was so weird to think about a navi being his. His navi… Saito let the phrase roll around in his head as they walked out of the door.

/Are you all right?/ Netto asked him.

Saito caught Netto’s eye and then looked at the cement, /Netto-kun, what’s going on here? I don’t understand…/

/Neither do I,/ Netto replied, /But we need to do whatever we can to find out just what is going on here…/

Saito looked up at the looming Akihara Elementary and gave it a resolute stare, /Right./

“You two are awfully quiet,” Gem snipped.

“I’m still tired,” Netto said while crossing his arms in front of himself.

“Oh?” Gem said. “Maybe I should have let you over sleep then,” she teased.

“Hey, that’s not nice,” Netto said in spite of himself. He rather liked the odd navi, even if she was a little pushy.

Netto and Saito made their way into the elementary school building and walked into their class room. There was Mariko-Sensei and Netto’s class mates. Netto scanned the room looking for any oddities. /Netto-kun, over there,/ Saito hissed in his mind. Netto’s gaze snapped to the far corner where Jasmine and Dingo were both sitting next to Meiru. All three were staring at Netto and Saito with identical awed expression.

/Crap,/ Netto thought. /Just… pretend we are part of this fake world for now. We can’t explain this quite yet./

/Agreed,/ Saito said and they took two empty seats in the front row. There was a general buzz of excitement but they were all asked to quiet down by Mariko in the front when the bell chimed 8.

“Good morning class,” she said while picking up her pointer and pulling down a modern map of the world.

“Good morning Mariko-sensei,” they all said obediently.

“Today, we’re going to learn about the Country of Creamland and its monarchy. So if you could all bring up the ‘Creamland’ file on your computers we can start class.”

/Why is Dingo and Jasmine here?/ Netto asked Saito.

/I have no idea, then again why am I here?/ Saito replied.

Netto opened the correct file on his PC and sighed, /That’s a really good question./

“Saito-kun, who was the last ruler of Creamland?” Mariko asked jerking them out of their mental chat.

“Um, Princess Pride?” Saito guessed. Who knew what was screwed up in this world.

Mariko beamed at him, “Correct, very good, I see you’ve done your homework, Saito-kun.”

/Hey, I knew that,/ Netto muttered.

/Heh, sorry Netto-kun,/ Saito replied.

“Out of curiosity, does anyone know her reason for abdicating the throne?” Mariko asked. Almost every hand in the class went up except Netto, Saito, Meiru, Dingo and Jasmine who all looked silently confused.


/She gave up the throne, Netto-kun,/ Saito explained.

“Yes, Sai-kun,” Mariko said pointing to a boy in the third row.

“Princess Pride gave up the throne to her cousin so she could pursue a career as a Net Savior and program creator so she could better the world,” he said quickly.

“A text book answer, very well said, Sai-kun,” Mariko smiled at the boy who beamed in return.

“Now, the current ruler of Creamland is…” Mariko started but Netto and Saito’s minds were elsewhere.

/Is this place showing us the future?/ Netto asked.

/Can’t be, we’re still 12 Netto-kun. Maybe some kind of alternate reality./

/But why?/ Netto asked. /And who?/

Saito frowned, /I’d like to know the answer to that myself. But… for now, maybe we should keep our distance from people we knew in our reality. If they don’t know what’s going on, then maybe we don’t have to explain about the link./

/Right,/ Netto agreed.


It's a mystery people... answers will be *slowly* figured out by Netto and Saito, please be patient with me here :/

A fic to inspire me to finish off Neko Saviors. This one will be done rather soon methinks. Maybe 30 or 40 pages at the most. Anywho, enjoy :3
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Last edited by Neko on Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Darth Osiris
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:42 pm    Post subject: Re: A Life Best Not Lived Reply with quote

Neko wrote:
“Princess Pride gave up the throne to her cousin so she could pursue a career as a Net Savior and program creator so she could better the world,” he said quickly.

Did Pride do that in the anime?
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Queen of Fluff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:45 pm    Post subject: Re: A Life Best Not Lived Reply with quote

Darth Osiris wrote:
Neko wrote:
“Princess Pride gave up the throne to her cousin so she could pursue a career as a Net Savior and program creator so she could better the world,” he said quickly.

Did Pride do that in the anime?

No.... she didn't. She's still the Princess.

Look, I have a very solid reason for doing everything I do in this fic. It will all be answered by the end :3
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This is a Hilbert Space

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ummm....that was QUITE an arc that you have thrown us into. I must admit that I still have no clue what is going on, this situation being nothing short of a dream.

As this is the starter, I suppose I am to be exceptionally confused by the entire work, and that I should give you a chance to explain. Therefore, I'll just leave my comments at this and let you take your time to explain it to me.
Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy

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Shukei - Hakuteiken

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nnnno. <_< I'm assuming it has to do with Neko Saviors, which I now have to read, damn you Neko >__>

I guess I can't really comment until I've read Neko Saviors, then? ^^;;; Although, the concept of this is intriguing-the interaction between Netto and this new bossy Navi, while Saito seems to have gotten the sane half of the family gene pool and Navi, should be interesting to read.

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Queen of Fluff

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good Lord ....Nazne... no! Neko Saviors is a crack fic... this is an angsty crack fic.

This is to help me tide over a few ideas because I'm at a very serious road block with how to *end* Neko Saviors. This and that are compleately different.

You people... just read the fic and go with it .-. I swear to god there's explenations just... be patient till they come, okay?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

O.o Didn't expect that coming. Of course any questions I have at the moment would probably spoil the story, so I'll shut up for now. The story seems really interesting. Hehe, someone should draw the human Saito. Please continue soon~! Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Holy crap, Neko, you've left me...bamboozled. I don't know what the hell that means but I say it a lot. Anyway, I'm a little confused here...oh well, I guess that's how it should be...keep writing or I'll purposely waltz-jump into a wall!! Wait a minute... -_-;

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wanted to start posting more, so might as well start where I spend the most time at :]
Anyhow... Short story or not, its still superb! Its a bit fustrating at the moment but since its still the beginning... I think I'm gonna like Gem quite a bit here ^^ Can't wait to see what you have in store for this.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm. Interesting. Neko you have a way of spinnig a story to leave the reader itching for more. Can't wait for the next fic!

Transcendent Super Spiral Dreadnought Gunmen
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Rabid Roxas Fan

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You left me stoned you know that Neko :stonecube: :stonecube:

I wanna sleep, but I don't wanna sleep at the same time. @_@.
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Net Police

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:15 am    Post subject: Intriguing Reply with quote

This is truly fascinating; I simply cannot wait for the next part. Are the others going to find out about their link? Oh, & will Laika, Searchman, Enzan, & Blues be in this (& aware)?
Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)*
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Queen of Fluff

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As soon as the bell signaling the end of school rang, Netto and Saito’s PET’s both started to ring loudly. Netto took his out and turned on the screen, “Yes?” he asked.

What seemed to be Manabe appeared and smiled at them. “Netto-kun, Saito-kun, I have a mission for you. Can you two go to the downtown Net City Bank building and help with a virus problem?”

“Yes ma’am!” Netto said and the screen went blank.

/Netto-kun, I can’t Net Battle…/ Saito warned his twin.

/It’s easy, just follow my lead,/ Netto said while grabbing Saito’s arm and pulling him out of the class room.

“What on earth is going on here?” Meiru asked as she, Jasmine and Dingo watched them leave.

“I have no idea,” Dingo and Jasmine said together.

“They could just be part of this world,” Medi said. “I mean, they would have said something to us, or at least Netto would have.”

Roll nodded, “Right and Rockman wasn’t in Netto’s PET either. A female navi who said her name was Gem was in there. That’s not the Netto from our world.”

“So, is Netto here?” Dingo asked.

“Who knows…” Meiru said.

Before the kids could speculate further their PET’s began to ring in much the same way that Netto’s did. Meiru was the first to pick hers up. “Hello?” she asked.

Mejin nodded, “There is a problem downtown and we need back up, can you go there.”

“S-sure…” Meiru said.

The screen went blank after a hastily said good bye. “He normally calls Netto…” she said.

“Netto’s gone,” Jasmine pointed out.

“Yeah, but they were sent for back up. We’re being sent to an emergency,” Meiru said.

“Maybe this world’s Netto can’t cross fuse?” Roll suggested. Miraculously, all three has syncro chips upon entering the world but apparently Netto didn’t.

“How odd…” Meiru said.

“Worry about it later, right now we need to help,” Dingo said.

“Right!” Jasmine replied and together all three left the school room.


Netto and Saito walked to where the small red dot on the map indicated they should go. Interestingly enough this world was a perfect mirror image of the world they knew. Netto didn’t even need to ask for directions because he already knew the way. “Well, there it is,” Gem said looking at a large building that was giving off random spurts of electricity.

“Not looking in the best of shape is it?” Netto mused.

Saito sighed, /Netto-kun, how do I fight./

Netto looked at his twin, /Just… copy what I do for now, okay? I’ll try and teach you later./

Saito nodded and plugged in Stone, /All right./

Netto plugged in Gem and the navi appeared next to Stone. “Mostly electric viruses here Netto,” she said.

“All right then, Aqua Sword, battle chip, slot in!” Netto yelled and put the chip into his PET.

Saito looked at Netto who nodded back and he too slotted in an aqua sword, although with not as much vigor as his brother.

Both net navi’s launched themselves into a concentrated bunch of viruses and began to attack. After about three minutes of hacking at them with the aqua swords the viruses were gone from that area. “All right!” Gem said. “This is more like it.”

“Yeah,” Netto chuckled while sending her a sword battle chip. “School was pretty boring, wasn’t it?”

“Netto-kun!” Saito reprimanded.

Netto elbowed him playfully. “Be careful and send Stone a battle chip or he’ll get hurt.”

Saito sighed and sent Stone a sword battle chip and once again the navi’s launched themselves into another small fray.

/Enjoying yourself?/ Saito asked.

/Just because I’m stuck in psycho back world with you doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the fact I’m with you,/ Netto said while giving Gem an aqua tower battle chip.

/Netto-kun…/ Saito said softly.

/Hey, we’ll find out what’s going on. But since this world apparently wants us to net battle then we’ll net battle, and get some answers when we go back to HQ to report it,/ Netto said.

/That is a surprisingly good plan,/ Saito teased.

/Now who’s having fun,/ Netto teased back.

Saito gave Stone a mini bomb, starting to feel a little more confident. /Fun?/

“Hey, you two are being awfully quiet!” Gem yelled while pulling out a default bow and arrow and aiming it at another virus.

“We’re just thinking!” Netto yelled back while giving her another sword chip.

“That’s new,” she muttered.

“I heard that!” Netto yelled at her.

Saito hid a small smile behind his hand and gave a side shot battle chip to Stone.


When it was all over Netto and Saito quickly left to go to the head quarters where hopefully they could find some answers.

They walked into the familiar building and went straight to Manabe’s desk. She looked up at them and gave them a warm grin. “Hello, I see you two have already wrapped things up. Excellent work.”

Netto and Saito both nodded, playing along with the invisible script that world had set up for them.

“For now, can you two stay here, I think there might be another attack soon and it’d be easier if I knew where you two were.”

“All right,” Netto said. It was perfect, it would give them and excuse to explore and look around.

They left her office and started to walk down to the rest area where Netto had fallen asleep many a night after particularly hard missions.

/Let’s go to the archives, maybe some answers will be there,/ Saito said.

Netto nodded and they both went into the elevator to go to the archive floor.


In a different part of the head quarters, Laika, Enzan, Jasmine, Pride, Miyabi, Tesla, Charlie, Dingo, Yuriko and Nenji were all trying to make sense at what had happened.

“It’s like our lives were re-written,” Pride said softly. “I don’t even have a cousin in the ‘real world’, abdicating was never a choice I was given. Yet here…”

Laika nodded, “My unit is on permanent deploy to Japan to keep an eye on a tension between two countries that don’t even exist.”

Tesla scoffed, “Well, someone is obviously toying around with us, and I don’t like it.”

“Duo?” Jasmine asked.

Charlie sighed and crossed his fingers over his mouth. “Most likely.”

“If that’s the case, then why isn’t Netto here?” Enzan asked coolly. “He was the first to crossfuse and the first to be marked with the crest.”

“Netto is here…” Meiru said hesitantly. “But Rockman sure isn’t… and Netto… he…”

“What?” Charlie asked.

“I don’t think it’s ‘our’ Netto. I think the Netto here is a product of this world. Like Manabe-san and Mejin-san. They’re not the people we know, they were just created for this world.”

“Then were is the Netto we know?” Laika asked. “Enzan is right, if this is some kind of test from Duo then why isn’t Netto here?”

“Maybe it isn’t a test from Duo,” Jasmine ventured.

“Then why are only the crest holders here?” Yuriko asked. “I agree with Enzan and Laika, the kid must be here. Somewhere.”

“There where is Rockman?” Roll asked. “He’s most certainly not here at all. His ID signal doesn’t exist in this world.”

“Right,” Dingo murmured. “And when we did see Netto he…”

Everyone else looked at Dingo, “He what?” Enzan asked sharply when Dingo trailed off.

“He was a twin…” Dingo said. “It sounds weird but in this world there is a Netto and a Saito Hikari. Rockman doesn’t exist and their navi’s are Gem and Stone.”

Enzan blinked while everyone else tried to absorb the news much like Jasmine, Meiru and Dingo did that morning. “What do you know?” Yuriko asked Enzan who looked thoughtful, rather then shocked.

“I…” Enzan sighed. “A while ago I was looking through old newspaper articles to try and get some information on an old criminal. While I was looking through the archives I stumbled across a birth announcement for a Netto and Saito Hikari. Saito Hikari did exist as a human for awhile but…”

“But?” Nenji asked.

“Well… after I saw that I wanted to know why I had never met a ‘Saito Hikari’ so after I found the information I was looking for I continued on that link. Turns out, Saito Hikari died at the age of 18 months from a heart condition called HBD,” Enzan said.

“So… in this world, if Saito Hikari exists maybe, there was no need to have Rockman,” Laika mused.

“It’s a theory,” Enzan said with a shrug. “Maybe if Saito Hikari did exist then Hikari-Hakase would never have had to create a navi as powerful as Rockman to protect and look over Netto.”

“This is all speculation though,” Meiru said. “And it still doesn’t answer the question of where is Netto and Rockman.”

“Maybe that is Netto, but because Saito exists Rockman does not,” Miyabi pondered.

“Then why didn’t he say anything to us this morning?” Jasmine said.

“Well… he was with Saito and his navi, maybe he couldn’t?” Meiru ventured.

“Then where is Rockman?” Searchman asked.

“And how does this fit in with what Duo may or may not be planning?” Tesla said crossly.

“Who knows…” Charlie said. “Once again, this is all purely speculation. We don’t have anymore of an idea about what’s going on here then what we did before. Whatever the reasons for why we are here the only obvious this is that who ever or whatever brought us here rewrote our lives so that we are all conveniently in one place.”

Tesla sighed and rubbed her head, “This is giving me a headache.”


Next Chappie! /o/ More questions, some forshadowing that is tangible enough to hit you over the head...
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Last edited by Neko on Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay!! New chapter ^^ Glad to see everyon here and confused about Netto and Saito, wonder when they'll figure it out...

Saito gave Gem a mini bomb, starting to feel a little more confident.

Ain't Gem Netto's navi? Or am I gettin it wrong?
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Net Police

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yay! More confusion! Are there going to be any pairings? I really enjoy this ficcy.
Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)*
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This is a Hilbert Space

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Holy crap. You know, Neko, you were right. I DO want to know everything too soon. <_<

And sadly, this chapter has only served to confuse me that much more, so I have absolutely no original idea of what is going on. However, the idea that the side protagonists have developed is quite intriguing--an alternate universe where the events of the past were completely rewritten.

I dearly await the next chapter, and hopefully, things will clear up.
Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sense a misunderstanding coming on. This was an excellent chapter. I can't wait for more. I hope that you don't spend to much time on the Netto thinking that the rest of the crest holders are different dimension and the crest holders thinking that Netto is from this alternate dimension. I love the plot so far. I just don't like what I mentioned before.

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Queen of Fluff

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually, Netto and Saito are perfectly aware that everyone else is from their dimension. It's the other way around XP
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heheheheheh, Netto & Saito are naughty boys; they haven't been honest with their friends. Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ohhhh. I thought we were getting into an overused conundrum (both sides think the other side is from the different dimension, but they are both from the same). Phew. Thanks for the clear up Neko! Keep on writing!

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