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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:08 am Post subject: Matches and Maddness! |
Matches and Maddness!
Chapter one: Hot days + work= no good
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to the Mega Man or Rockman series!
OMG! I'm ACTUALLY WRITING ROMANCE! But it's humor... I can deal with that!
Note: Hinoken= Mr. Match, Madoi= Maddy, Saloma= Sal. I wil put a glossary at the end of the chapter in case you don't know Japanese terms such as One-san or Oka-san. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The sun was beating down on people as they walked to work, the humidity was throught the roof! It was a horrible day indeed... Up three stories and through a window, that is where they live. It's a small appartment with two bedrooms. And worst of all... THERE IS NO AIR-CONDITIONING!
"Ugh... Can barely move..." griped a red-haired man.
"Hinoken, I thought you were okay with extreem heat..." stated a pink-haired women.
"I'm okay with heat but NOT humidity!" Hinoken said in an undramatic voice. "What about you, Madoi?"
"I like the heat! It's a good reason to be wearing a bikini! I just love my voluptuous body!" Madoi bragged.
"That's nice..." Hinoken ignored her. "What time is it? It's morning and it's already ninety-five degrees... Ugh..." Hinoken then looked at his watch. "IT'S ALMOST NINE!"
"WE HAVE TO GO TO WORK!" Hinoken then started to get dressed for work, Madoi did the same. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hinoken and Madoi worked at their very own sporting goods shop called Matches and Maddness (M and M). The shop had four isles, two check-out points and only two workers (Hinoken and Madoi). The dress-code was a red or pink shirt and a green apron.
That was the sound of the door when it opens (it has a bell that makes a noise when someone enters). Hinoken and Madoi quickly went to go greet the customers.
"Welcome to-" Hinoken was interrupted by a blonde-haired, blue-eyed teen-aged girl.
"Where do you keep your tennis rackets?" asked the girl.
"Hachiko, I told you to wait for me!" Saloma came in right behind the girl.
"Oh, sorry..." replied Hachiko.
"We keep our tennis rackets in isle two, along with baseball bats, ping-pong paddles and Hockey sticks!" the girl ran off in that direction. "It certainly has been a long time, hasn't Saloma?"
"Finally playing it straight, Hinoken?" Saloma couldn't resist a moment like that.
"By the way, cute girl, your sister?"
"No, silly! My daughter!"
"DAUGHTER! That would make you... What, at least thirty?" asked Madoi.
"Not quite, I'm thirty-two!" Hinoken and Madoi had a shocked look on their faces. "Surprised that lil' ol' me is in her thirties?"
"S-she's older than me, yet she looks younger... Than me..." Madoi cowered in the corner in the fetal position. It seemed as if there was a raincloud hovering above Madoi. "My day- no- my life! Has been ruined!" Madoi sobbed.
"I got the rackets, Oka-san!" Hachiko came back with two seventy-five dollar rackets.
"Are you planning to play out in this heat?"
"No, Hinoken, we're members of that swim and tennis club, where the tennis courts are in a cool room where there's air-conditioning. And after we're done, we'll go swimming!" Saloma was putting fuel on the fire.
"How can you afford this! You own a flower and tea shop!"
"My dear Hinoken, my flowers and plants are imported and RARE! Not to mention they're very popular! And my tea is the finest green tea imported from China! And my shop is the ONLY place to get them without having to pay shipping and handling!" now Saloma was REALLY putting fuel on the fire. "Oh, not to mention we also serve lunch!"
"You don't say..." Hinoken's vein showed up on his upper temple. "Paper or plastic?"
"Paper, please!" Saloma then payed for the rackets and Hinoken put them in the sack. "You guys should come for lunch sometime!" Saloma and Hachiko then left.
"How can this be? She's thirty-two, yet she looks nineteen! I'm twenty-nine and look twenty-five! How does she do it! I buy all the stuff that makes you look young!" Madoi continued to sob.
"Maybe it's because she eats all-natural stuff all the time..." Hinoken was certainly NOT making Madoi feel better.
"Maybe we should eat lunch there everyday! And then I'll look younger! Then ALL the store clerks ask for my ID every time I buy beer! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"I'm not sure that'd work, Madoi..."
"That settles it! We're going to lunch there!"
"Dammit, Madoi! Why are you making ME go! I don't wanna look younger!" Hinoken protested.
"To be around me, you have to look younger than you are. How old are you, anyway?" Madoi pulled Hinoken by the arm.
"I knew it! Okay, we're gonna make you look twenty-nine!" Madoi continued to pull Hinoken.
"But I don't wanna!" Hinoken whined.
"I don't care! You'll thank me later!" Madoi then pulled him out the door.
"Hello, Madoi and Hinoken! What would you guys like to eat?" asked Saloma.
"Two of your finest, all-natural dishes!"
"Coming right up! Hachiko, cover any other customers, okay?"
"Okay, Oka-san!"
"I can't believe you made me come..." Hinoken was NOT happy. "You're like my mother!"
"You're mother... She can't be THAT bad, if she's like me and all!"
"My family owns a Ryotei establishment, so we're 'high-class'... I was the oldest son and there were no daughters, so I was next in line for the Ryotei. My mother always refered to me as "young master Kenichi". She always said my name means "one sword" and that I should be proud of it, but I never liked the name. Anyway... She would make me do tea ceremonies..." Hinoken couldn't finnish what he was about to say, because Madoi had started to laugh.
"Tea ceremonies? You? I can't imagine that!" Madoi continued to laugh. "Heh... Go on."
"Not only that! She made me attend Omiai after Omiai! And she played the part of the Nakodo! I couldn't even get a date in high school! She would make my date go through hell before she decided whether or not they were good enough for me! I haven't dated since the first one!"
"I wish my parents were that protective of me..." Madoi looked down with a sad face.
"Why would you want that?"
"My parents disowned me..." Madoi looked as if she were about to cry. "And it's all because of... Her..."
"Because of who?" Hinoken asked with concern.
"I don't really want to talk about it..."
Hinoken and Madoi finnished their lunch and payed the bill. They started to walk back to their shop, when suddenly...
"Kenichi! Onii-san!" A younger red-haired man came running from behind Hinoken and Madoi. "I've found you!"
"Uh-oh... This is not good!" Hinoken felt the urge to start running.
"I didn't finnish my story... In the end, at age sixteen, I ran away from home. They've been trying to find me ever since!"
"Who's this guy?"
"My younger brother, Hiroshi..." Hinoken was about to take Madoi by the hand and run when his brother caught him by the shoulder. "Oh crap!"
"Onii-san! Oka-san and I have looked over seventeen years for you! And we find out you own a small shop! What a disgrace! Working like a servant! Everyone is worried about you. We all love you! So, please, won't you--"
"GO AWAY!" Hinoken yelled loud and clear. "And don't ever come back again!"
Hiroshi had a shocked look on his face, he never expected his brother to say something like that! Hinoken then started to walk away, leaving his brother speechless and in shock. Madoi couldn't understand what had happened, so she just followed Hinoken, asking no questions.
Hinoken and Madoi got ready to go to a public swimming pool. Madoi was already in her bathing suit, so she waited for Hinoken. Madoi still was thinking about what had happened a few days before, Hinoken yelling at his brother...
Knock Knock
Someone was knocking at the door! Madoi didn't know who it could be, but she went to open it anyway.
She slowly unlocked the door. Then slowly opened to reveal...
To be continued...
Oka-san- Mother or Mom
Omiai- A marriage meeting
Nakodo- Matchmaker
Onii-san- Older brother
Last edited by Kali The Wolf on Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total |
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rock_lee Net Official

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 304 Location: Here-There-Everywhere
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:31 am Post subject: |
this is nice
CONTINUE CONTINUE XD _________________
P.S : i was known as lan e-x-e in the ol'forum
avatar & sig are done by me!! |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:37 am Post subject: |
Hmmm....something about this story seems a bit...unsettling.
I found that Madoi and Hinoken were a tad out of character--although Madoi seems to have some vanity in her persona, I don't think that she would take it to THAT much of an extreme.
Within the work I found quite a few errors in grammar. Many of them were quite minor, but some of them got to the point where it clouded the idea of the sentence and the ones immediately neighboring it.
I also found that the description and imagery in this chapter was a bit on the thin side. A lot of this story assumes that the reader has a previous knowledge of what the setting looks like, and without imagery or this knowledge, the story loses its energy because people cannot imagine the setting nor the events. Perhaps you could work on that for future chapters.
Otherwise, this was a decent read. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:52 am Post subject: |
I like it! Though you went a bit far with Maddy at the beginning. -_-;
I'll be waiting for the next chapter Kali! :]
P.S: Would you mind reading my fanfic? It's on the third page of this forum right now, and it's called "The Star Pendant". Not that I'm advertising or anything... >.>; _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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Mistress Leviathan

Joined: 18 Aug 2005 Posts: 16 Location: Within YOUR darkness
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:59 am Post subject: |
The story is great, although Maddy went overboard a bit about her youth, which is very funny BTW. What is Saloma's official age anyway, cause to me, she looks like she's in her mid-teen years.
Oh well, can't wait for the next chapter. |
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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:34 pm Post subject: |
Saloma dosen't have an age! So I made one up! I'm planning on spoofing the movie "A Guy Thing". Ever see that movie? It's so fricken funny! |
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:39 pm Post subject: |
Pretty good. I thought some of it was funny. But sal being a "ka-san" I couldn't really see it. |
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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:47 pm Post subject: |
Matches and Maddness!
Chapter two: Mother's Intuition
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Rockman.EXE series!
I'm back! Last chapter I left you at a cliffhanger! I bet you hate me. Oh well... Enjoy!
Note: Hakushaku Elec Count Zap
Madoi slowly opened the door to reveal... A small hed-haied woman wearing a red and white kimono! She stared at Madoi and opened her mouth and said "I must have the wrong address... Do you know where the Hino appartment is?"
"This is it." Madoi didn't like the woman's reaction.
"Are you the cleaning lady?" asked the woman. The woman stared at Madoi's bikini.
"No." Madoi was really PO'd by that reaction. Madoi is the type of person who wants the person who made her PO'd to become PO'd, so she made a plan. Just then Hinoken came out of his bedroom.
"Oka-san!" Hinoken said with surprise.
"Young master Kenichi!" cried his mother.
"Um, Mrs. Ken's mom... Can you excuse us for a second?" Madoi then pulled Hinoken into his bedroom. "I know as well as you do that you want your mother to leave! So I have a plan!"
"Does it involve me dressing up as a woman? I wouldn't do that. Or, would I?"
"This is no time for nonsense! Here's the plan! We act like we're engaged. She won't make you go through another Omiai, she'll leave us alone!" Madoi thought this plan was fool-proof.
"What if she asks to be our wedding planner?"
"I haven't got that far into my plan yet!" Madoi paused for a moment. "I know! We say that we already have the best wedding planner in the country!"
"What if she asks to be invited?"
"Uh, we say that we only have room for fifty people and we already have fifty people who... Sponser our shop! It would be rude not to invite them!"
"I think your on to something! All we have to do is pretend to be engaged!" Hinoken was very happy about his 'plan'.
Then they heard a knock at the door, then the door nob started to turn... Quickly Madoi thought of something! So she pulled Hinoken down and kissed him infront of his mom. Hinoken was certainly surprised! To go along with the plan, he kissed her back. Madoi certainly didn't expect that.
"What in the name of all that's magical are you doing!" Hinoken's mom was furious.
"I'm kissing my FIANCE!" Madoi made sure that the fiance part was especially loud.
"SHE'S YOUR FIANCEE! That slut!" His mother was fuming with anger.
"Well, this 'slut' may one day be carrying your son's child! Ohohohohoho!" Madoi was going a little too far...
"Oka-san! You can't stop me now! I'm legally an adult, I can make my own decisions!" Hinoken said boldly.
"Very well then..." His mother calmed down considerably.
"Huh?" Hinoken and Madoi said in unison.
"You both will be attending an Omiai to see if she is worthy of our family name." Hinoken's mother then left the room, leaving Hinoken and Madoi speechless.
A few days later...
Madoi and Hinoken got prepared for their Omiai in a few hours. Madoi was wearing a pinkish-purple and white checkered kimono with gold flowers on it. Hinoken wore a smoke-grey suit with a red collared shirt and a grey tie.
"I certainly didn't expect your mom to do that! Make us attend an Omiai! Who does she think she is? The queen of She-thinks-she's-so-important Land?" Madoi was frusterated trying to put her kimono on, since she had never put one on before. She was also a little mad that her plan didn't work out so well.
"It's better than being queen of She-thinks-she's-so-attractive Land." Hinoken said in a joking tone. He was tying his tie with much success.
"What was that supposed to mean?" Madoi didn't get the joke at all. She started to put pink lipstick on.
"Heh, never mind..."
"Oh yeah! Well you're king of Ooh-I-love-matches-and-lighters-and-anything-that-burns Land!" Madoi FINALLY got it.
"Hey! I'm not like that! Little Miss I-love-my-body-so-much-that-I-organize-my-own-swimsuit-photo-shoots!" Hinoken started to laugh at the reaction Madoi had. Her face started to turn red and a vein appeared on her temple, she looked as if she were about to blow!
"That's it! I'm gonna file for divorce!" said Madoi turning her back to Hinoken.
"We're not married, we're not even really engaged! I know as well as you do, you don't like my mother, if we do this, we're scott-free! And plus, this was YOUR idea!" Hinoken did have a point there.
"Very well then, I will endure your company." Madoi, like Hinoken's mother, calmed down condiderably.
NOTE: BEFORE READING ANYMORE, READ THIS! To make things less complicated, I have taken the liberty to give you more insight about the Omiai tradition in Japan. An Omiai is usually like a blind date, bringing along your parents, maybe some friends and a matchmaker (Nakodo). Omiai in Japanese literally means "look and see". So, basically it is a try-before-you-buy marriage meeting, which usually takes place at a hotel lobby or a fancy restauraunt. The Nakodo is usually an older, respected person with a high social position Their role is to bring two people together. The couple and their families exchange letters of introduction, photos and personal information (tsurigaki). After that, they talk for a while. Then the couple get to talk ALONE, to see if they get along.
Fun fact number one: Fifty years ago, marriages VIA Omiai had seventy percent of married couples in Japan. Today, that figure is under ten percent!
In this chapter of M and M, we DO NOT get to see Madoi's family for reasons that will be answered next chapter or you have remebered it from last chapter. Also, since the couple already know eachother, I'm changing the Omiai just a bit!
Hey, get this! I'm not even Japanese and I know this stuff! All this info here I got from Issue two of SHOJO BEAT! If you read it, you'll understand some of the spoofs I did! Some of those spoofs are romance, some are humor! At the end of this chapter, I'll give you a list of spoofed manga and the chapter it appeared in. And I also spoofed a couple of movies! So read the after chapter goodies! Hey, maybe I'll give you a list of future spoofs!
"Welcome to Seiryuu, a party of two?" said a short, black haired man wearing a suit. He works for the restauraunt called Seiryuu.
"No, we're waiting for a few more people." Hinoken said calmly.
"Okay, wait over at those chairs by the door."
Seiryuu was a large, fancy restauraunt with large tables and gormet food. The chairs were padded for comfort and the tables had red and white checkered table cloths. The chopsticks were made from the finest oak. That being said, the food is VERY expensive.
The big glass doors opened and Hiroshi (who's holding some sort of book) and Hinoken's mother came through them.His mother mother was wearing a kimono similar to Madoi's, but red. And Hiroshi was wearing a dark-blue suit with a white collared shirt and a black tie. "Ah! Young master Kenichi!" said his mother.
"Onii-san..." Hiroshi bowed before Hinoken. "I am honored to be apart of your Omiai."
"Come, let us have our Omiai!" Hinoken and Madoi started to walk up to the front desk, with the others not far behind.
"Now, exchange your letters and photos. Here, um... I never got your name..." Hinoken's mother handed Madoi a few pictures and a letter.
"Madoi Iroaya. And your name?"
"Omonoko Hino." Omonoko bowed with respect. "Now, let Hiroshi see your personal info."
"Sure, okay..." Madoi handed over her personal data to Hiroshi. Hiroshi then got out his big book that he was carrying.
"Let's see. Date of birth: May twelth, 1977. Blood type A. Zodiac: Taurus and Snake. And let's see Kenichi's data... Date of birth: July third, 1973. Blood type O. Zodiac: Cancer and Ox. Compadibility level: one hundred percent." Hiroshi then closed his book.
"WHA! I mean... Wow! We're a perfect couple, honey!" Madoi then hugged Hinoken.
"Let's break this down into something you can understand. Blood types A and O are one hundred percent compadible. Cancers and Tauruses are THE best match. And Snakes ond Oxes are aslo completely compadible." Hiroshi stated. Then the waiter came and it was someone we all know.
"Hinoken? Madoi? What're you doing at Seiryuu?" asked a blonde-haired, flashy dresser.
"H-Hakushaku Elec! Oh no..." Hinoken already had seen that this was not gonna be good.
"This kinda looks like an Omiai... Did someone FINALLY set you two up?"
"Um... Mister whatever your name is. They're engaged." said Omonoko.
"What in the world happened when I was go--" Elec was stopped by Hinoken covering his mouth and taking him away.
"Oh my! You must have not recieved your wedding invitation! Come with me! I'll fill you in." Hinoken said as he walked away with Hakushaku Elec.
"Who in the world is that flashy blonde-haired man?" asked Omonoko while trying to see where they went off to.
"An old friend... An old friend who's annoying beyond hell..."
"You're FAKING being engaged? That's almost as bad as when you went to the beach without me!" yelled Elec, don't worry, his yell wasn't heard by anyone but Hinoken.
"For the last time! We had to take a boat there and you get seasick! But, please, play along! I don't wanna go through another Omiai for as long as I live!"
"Okay! I'll do it!"
Hinoken then sat down at his table, followed by Elec taking drink orders from everyone. Madoi ordered red wine, Omonoko ordered Sake, Hiroshi ordered beer and Hinoken didn't order anything.
"So, Madoi. What do you plan to do with your life?" asked Omonoko while placing a napkin on her lap.
"I want to save the egosystem!" Madoi said proudly.
"I think you mean ecosystem..." Hiroshi corrected.
"No, I mean egosystem!"
"Here's your drinks." Hakushaku Elec put the tray he was holding on the table.
"Everyone, I'd like to make a toas--" Madoi tripped over something while she was starting to stand up with her drink in hand. Her red wine spilt all over Omonoko's kimono.
"Oh! My kimono's ruined! It's not even paid for yet! Why, you... You little slut!" Omonoko raised her hand to slap Madoi. She then swung at full force.
Hinoken had jumped in the way at the last second. He now had a hand-shaped red mark on his face. Hinoken then glared at his mother and took Madoi by the hand and left.
"What have I done?"
Madoi and Hinoken walked out of Seiryuu without saying a word. The silence was killing Madoi. She wanted to know why he did that for her, why would he take a slap for her? "Hinoken... Why'd you do that for me?"
"Something very similar happened eighteen years ago, but I didn't take the slap. After that I felt guilty in not doing so..." Something about what Hinoken said made Madoi blush a little, but he didn't notice it. Madoi never had seen Hinoken so chivalrous. "C'mon, Madoi, let's go home."
To be continued...
Hakushaku- Count
Spoof list:
Chapter one: None
Chapter two: Chapter two of "Baby And Me" |
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rock_lee Net Official

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 304 Location: Here-There-Everywhere
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:11 am Post subject: |
ww this is going to be nice
i can't wait
good work _________________
P.S : i was known as lan e-x-e in the ol'forum
avatar & sig are done by me!! |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:17 am Post subject: |
Wow, they're 100% compatable. I'm hoping for a happy ending. :] _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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Unknown Neo Cross Fusion!
Age: 41 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 2933 Location: Unknown
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:10 pm Post subject: |
Interesting. I might see this actually happening. (some of it might make a funny episode) |
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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 10:54 pm Post subject: |
Here's a scene from chapter three!
Saloma: I don't trust products like that!
Madoi: Why?
Saloma: It was about two months ago...
Sales Lady: Here I have a product that will take ten years off your face! In effect, you look ten to twelve years younger!
Saloma: But I already look ten years younger! I'm thirty-two, yet I look twenty-two!
Sales Lady: We can make you look TEN!
Saloma: But then I won't be able to get a date my age! |
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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:56 am Post subject: |
Sneek peek:
Hachiko is average in every way, she is not popular, she is only at average level of attractiveness... How is she to win her crush who's ultra-attractive? Well, Madoi has to interfere! Not only that! Madoi's younger sister comes for a visit! But she plans on moving in! Why does Madoi have an aversion to her sister? It's all in the past! Also, who is Hachiko's father? Saloma's not telling! Flashbacks a plenty in chapter three of M and M! |
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Age: 33 Joined: 05 Apr 2005 Posts: 1372 Location: SUPER SPIRAL GALAXY
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:25 pm Post subject: |
Hmmm. I've like what you've done with the Madoi Match pairing. I always knew Hino's mother would be completely evil. The one blaring spelling mistake was the word compatible. I think Wackoman and Fire/Heatman should get a bit of sppech. Unless of course you'd prefer not to have them included. A wonderful read. Cant wait for chapter three! _________________
Transcendent Super Spiral Dreadnought Gunmen |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:40 am Post subject: |
Why didn't I bother to reply? <.<; A sneak peek! I'll be waiting! :]
( Why do you only post chapters on the weekends? You posted those two chapters last weekend, and you could've post more over the weekdays... -_-; ) _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:26 am Post subject: |
Matches and Maddness!
Chapter three: Never Dying Flower
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Rockman.EXE! Or "Never Dying Flower"!
Gasp and drool! Flashbacks!
Anyway, I REALLY want to watch Orphen! It looks so cooool. Drools Want all of FullMetal Panic! Can't wait until Christmas!
It is lunch time again for Madoi and Hinoken. Madoi forced Hinoken to come to Saloma Mise (the name of Saloma's shop). Today was a little cooler than previous days. Hinoken and Madoi were glad that the stupid heat wave was over...
"Welcome to Saloma Mise! How can we help you?" asked Hachiko in a very nice tone. Hachiko was wearing an outfit just like Saloma's, it seems to be the uniform for Saloma Mise. She also wore a little tag that read 'assistant manager'. The inside of the shop was very traditional, hard-wood floors, sliding doors.
"Just tea for me ple--" Madoi was interrupted by a young attractive man with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a green zip-up shirt that said 'fighting celts' on it. He looked around Hachiko's age.
"Why, hello, Hachiko." his voice almost had no emotion, but it could make you melt.
"Oh, h-hi, Mizuki..." Hachiko couldn't look Mizuki in the eye. Madoi looked at them in suspense.
"I came by to tell you that Bensuke is spreading rumors about you, he says that you like me!"
"He's lying... I don't like anyone..." She still didn't look him in the eye.
"I know that. But, I wanted you to know, just incase someone believed him. Which I highly doubt, you know Bensuke, no one believes a word out of his mouth! Oh, I have to go... I'll see you in class!" Mizuki then left the store in a hurry, waving at Hachiko.
"Hmm..." Madoi got it! "Hey, Hachiko... You like him, don't you?"
"Sigh... Yes... But he's too good for me... I'm not popular, I'm not that pretty... There's no way he'd like me..." Hachiko wasn't her usual self, she was actually gloomy!
"Don't say that about yourself! If you REALLY like him, then go tell him! And don't go saying your not pretty enough, because you are! If he does reject you, there's always the possibility that you can win him over! You'll never know unless you try!" Madoi said encouragingly.
"Your right, miss whoever you are! I'll go tell him!" Hachiko then left the store with Madoi following behind.
"There they go... Sigh... God, I hate it when she gets like that... It's so out of character... Yet, she has been a little out of character since the heat wave began..." Hinoken said as he sat himself down at a table. "I think she finally has lost it..."
Madoi stepped through the door fifteen minutes later. "We couldn't find him!" Madoi then sat down at Hinoken's table. "Man is he hard to find!" She then slouched down.
"Where's Hachiko?"
"She got distracted at the electronics store down the street... Anyway, I saw a Karaoke bar three blocks down. Would you like to come with me?" Madoi looked at him with puppy dog-eyes.
"Uh... Sure... As long as I don't sing!" he said in protest.
They shortly arrived at the Karaoke Bar. Madoi was oddly happy! "I love karaoke! I love to sing! I love to show off!" she sang as she walked into the bar. She then picked out her song and stood on the platform.
The music started, it started with some piano. Then Madoi started to sing...
Never Dying Flower: FullMetal Panic! ending theme
Kokoro ni chiisana hana ga saiteru
Kimi kara moratta karenai hana ga
Shinjiru koto mo kowagaranai kurai
Tsuyoku mareta kara
Then the drums and the guitar started playing. Hinoken looked at Madoi amazed. She sang with her eyes closed. She looked absolutely great with the different colored lights dancing across her skin. He couldn't help but go back to when she kissed him...
Kimi ni aete ureshikatta
Tsunaida te ga hokoridatta
Ima wa betsubetsu no sora miagete itemo
Hora arukeru hitori demo
(A little flower in my heart
The never dying flower you gave me
I'm not afraid, even of believing
That's how stong I've become
I was so glad to have met you
I was proud of my hand holding your hand
Even though we are looking at different skies
See, I can walk alone)
Kanashii toki hodo warau watashi o
Nani mo iwanai de daite kureta ne
Koori tsuita douga sotto hiraku you na
Sonna kigashita yo
Kimi ni aete ureshikatta
Kodoku sae mo wakachi aeta
Ima mo kono sora no shita tsunagatte iru to
Sou moeru hanarete mo
(I laugh more when I'm sad
You held such a girl tight without saying anything
As if a frozen door opened slowly
I felt that way
I'm glad to have met you
We can share even the loneliness
Under this sky we're still connected
I can think that way, even when we're apart)
Arigato mo ienakatta
Yakusoku sae dekinakatta
Dakedo ano hi to onaji kaze ga fuitara
Mata kanarazu aeru yo ne
(I didn't say thank you
I couldn't even promise
However, like on that day, if the wind blows
Then I know we will meet again)
The music then stopped and everyone clapped then the next person got up...
Madoi and Hinoken then entered their appartment. It was probably around 6:15...
"You were amazing, Madoi! I can't believe you can do that!" Hinoken said with praise.
"I practiced everyday when I was in my teens!" then there was a knock on the door. "Can you answer that, Hinoken?"
"Sure..." Hinoken then opened the door. "Hello?" There was a woman with shoulder-length pink hair. She wore a red dress with high-heel shoes.
"Is my One-san here?" asked the woman.
"Hinoken, who is it?" Madoi came over to the door and gasped. "Momoko?"
"One-san! Our parents kicked me out! Can I stay with you?"
"NO!" Madoi yelled loud and clear.
"What? Why?"
"After all that you put me through! You come here and ask to stay with me! You must be crazy!" Madoi then slammed the door in Momoko's face. "And don't come back!"
"Madoi, I think that was a little extreme..." said Colorman in a worried tone.
"What was all that about?" asked Hinoken with concern.
"She was the cause of all my problems with my family..." Madoi said as she looked over to the side. "When I made her mad, she'd get revenge by getting me in trouble... She was the reason I was disowned... It was the day after she was caught messing with my stuff in my room, we got in a fight and she got in trouble... I was coming back from my high school dance..."
Madoi stepped into her house, her mom was at the door. "What's wrong, Oka-san?" Her mother glared at her.
"You know what's wrong, Madoi." Her mother pulled a pregnancy test from her back pocket. "Momoko found this in your trash. It's positive..."
"That's not mine! She planted it there!" Madoi protested. Her mother then raised her hand and swung at Madoi.
She left a red mark on Madoi's face where her hand had been. "Don't lie to me!"
"How can you treat your own daughter like this!" Madoi rubbed her cheek.
"You are not my daughter!" she glared at Madoi and closed the door in her face. Madoi looked through the window and saw Momoko smiling.
End flashback
Madoi was crying after telling Hinoken her story. Hinoken patted her on the back. "I didn't know you had to go through something like that..." He tried to comfort her. "I'm so sorry..."
Saloma and Hachiko were at home sitting at the Zataku when Hachiko brought up a sensitive subject. "Oka-san... Who was my father and what was he like?"
"Well... He was a lot like you! He had blonde hair, blue eyes and he was quite handsome!" Saloma said leaving an important detail out.
"What was his name?"
"Um... Uh... Oh! I forgot to lock up the mise! I'll be right back!" Saloma then left the room in a hurry.
"But I locked it up..."
To be continued...
Mise- shop
One-san- Older sister
Zataku- a wooden table that is sorta like a coffee table but smaller.
Spoofed manga this chapter: NONE
Song: "Never Dying Flower" from "FullMetal Panic!"
Currently listening to the second theme to Orphen! OMAI OMAI OMAI MAI! I have NO idea what I'm saying! Well, Mai means dance! |
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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:29 am Post subject: |
Matches and Maddness!
Chapter four: Sister Affair
Disclaimer: Rockman. EXE doesn't belong to me!
Currently listening to "What's up guys?" the opening theme to Sorcerer Hunters! I want to buy it! Also want to buy Sakura Wars!
Anyway... Once I get Flash, I'm gonna make a video with Meijin and Kero singing "What's up guys?" with Hinoken, Madoi, Saloma, Miyuki, Charlie, Mariko and Tesla singing back-up! Also gonna make Kero singing the theme to Sakura Wars!
Madoi and Hinoken lie asleep on the couch. It was a long night, Hinoken had to comfort Madoi. He fell asleep doing so. Madoi fell asleep right after that. She was right next to him, her face was near his chest.
That was the sound of Hinoken's alarm on his PET beeping. "Hinoken! Time to wake up!" said Fireman. "C'mon! It's time to wake up!"
"Nngh... What time is it?" Hinoken sat up.
"Eight! You have an hour to get ready!"
"Okay!" Hinoken went over to wake Madoi up, but he saw tears in her eyes. He now had a sad look on his face. "Madoi..." He then wiped the tears from her eyes. "C'mon, Madoi, it's time to wake up." Hinoken said in a gentle voice.
"Mmm... Hinoken? What time is it?" Madoi then sat up.
"Eight o'clock... Are you feeling well enough to go to work? You did cry all last night."
"I'm okay, I'm fine! Trust me!" Madoi then looked at her feet. "Arigato..."
"You're welcome. C'mon! We have to get dressed!" Hinoken got off the couch and went to get dressed. "Oh crap!"
"What?" asked Madoi with concern.
"I forgot I spilled chocolate milk on my apron! I'm gonna look like a Commando!" Hinoken then came out with his apron, which did indeed have blotches of chocolate milk that made him look like he was a commando.
Madoi tried to keep from laughing, but she couldn't help it. "I can't believe you forgot! Hahahaha! You're too funny!"
"Mmmh..." Hinoken gave Madoi a dirty look.
"Hinoken! I'm going to put these ads on cars, okay?" Madoi said as she left M and M.
"Okay!" Hinoken was organizing stock. Five minutes later he heard the door open. "Back already, Madoi?" Hinoken then looked to see who was there. It was Momoko. "I'm sorry, but Madoi's not here..."
"I didn't come to see her... I came to see you!" Momoko came close to Hinoken. "I came to talk to you..."
"What do you want to talk about?" Hinoken asked obliviously.
"About how cute you are."
"WHA!" Momoko then got really close to Hinoken. She then kissed him passionately. He pulled away from her. "This doesn't feel right! I'm sorry, but you have to leave. I feel like I'm betraying Madoi..."
"Tch! Fine! Be that way! I see my sister has her claws in you!" Momoko then stormed out of the shop. Hinoken then turned on the radio. A familiar song played.
Nani mo iwanai de daite kureta ne
Koori tsuita douga sotta hiraku you na
Sonna kigashita yo
Kimi ni aeta ureshikatta
Kodoku sae mo wakacki aeta
Ima mo kono sora no shita tsunagatte iru to
Sou omoeru hanarete mo
(You held such a girl tight without saying anything
As if a frozen door opened slowly
I felt that way
I'm glad to have met you
We can share even the loneliness
Under this sky we're still connected
I can think that way, even when we're apart)
Hinoken turned the music off. "What have I done?" he said to himself...
Hinoken didn't say a word to Madoi about her sister. He thought it would be a bad idea, knowing Madoi. Yet Hinoken felt guilty...
"Two teas, please!" Yep, they were at Saloma Mise... Saloma was taking orders today.
"Coming right up..." Saloma started to go to the kitchen.
"WAIT!" Hachiko said coming out of the kitchen. "I have a deal, Oka-san!"
"What is it?"
"You tell me Oto-san's name if I beat those two in a battle!" Hachiko pointed at Madoi and Hinoken.
"US? You think you can beat US at anything?"
"Heh... I think I can beat you both at the same time! With Wolfman at my side, I can do anything! My confidence always comes through in a pinch! Come at me, if you're not scared!" Hachiko was being a little OOC... This is the confident side of Hachiko that she never shows. This side is feared by all who know her!
"What a perfect story!" said Kero as she came from a table over. "It's a whole lot better than the boy who finds his lost father story! I'm gonna televize this!"
"Ohohohohoho! This girl's got spirit! I'm rooting for her!" said Tesla coming from the other side of the shop. "She's a lot better than that pink-haired tramp! Ohohohohoho!" now she's acting a lot like Naga...
"Pink-haired... HEY! I HEARED THAT!" Madoi then gave Tesla death-glares. ELECTRICITY TENCHI-STYLE! "We accept your challenge! And I'll show that biotch who's the tramp! Ohohohohoho!" now she's doing it too... Hoo boy...
"Let the feast begin! Wolfman!"
"Colorman! Make a fool out of this 'Wolf'!"
"Fireman... Go... I can't believe I'm going through with this..."
"I'm warning you now, I won't hold back!" Wolfman's helmet looked like a wolf's head, it covered the eyes. His hair was similar to Searchman's but it was light blonde. His body was brown, yellow and mainly silver. The crest on the middle of his helmet looked like the Xbox symbol.
"Neither will we!" said Colorman. Just then Wolfman disappeared and reappeared right under Colorman.
"Mega-Cannon!" Wolfman's arm changed into a giant cannon! It charged for a second and then it blasted!
"One down, one to go!" Wolfman then disappeared again.
"Oh crap! Where'd he go!" Fireman then felt a shiver going down his spine.
"Right here!" Wolfman reappeared right behind Fireman. Then his arms turned into blue swords. "DOUBLE AQUA SWORD!" His yell was more of a roar or a howl. You couldn't even see the swords when they moved they were so fast!
"Heh... I knew it!" Hachiko said as she put her PET on her belt.
"Did you catch that?" Kero asked her camera man. He nodded. "Good!"
"Whoa! We barely even moved! How'd she do that?" Hinoken was now very confused.
"Ohohohohohoho! Splendid! Just splendid! I haven't seen a fight like that in years! Ohohohohohoho!" chuckled Tesla.
"Stop with that annoying laugh! I can't stand you!" Madoi's vein on her temple was showing.
"I've decided to sponser this girl! She has skills! Ohohohoho!" said Tesla as she patted Hachiko on the back.
"NO! My news station is going to sponser her!" Kero got in Tesla's face.
"Hey! Who said you were gonna sponser her? WE ARE!" Madoi joined in the argument...
"If anyone's gonna sponser her, it's her mother!"
"Stop arguing over me! You ALL can sponser me!" Hachiko went back into her original state.
"I think we have a mutual agreement here!" said Saloma.
"Oka-san, we had an agreement... What was my father's name?"
"His name is Karel, Karel Schwarz..."
"Thank god you knew his name! I was beginning to think you used to be some sort of hooker!" Hachiko said with relief.
"That's very nice to know you think about your mother in that way..." Saloma sweat-dropped.
"I think you insulted you mother, Hachiko..." stated Wolfman.
"Oh, I did?" Hachiko said obliviously.
Madoi and Hinoken were walking home after all the commotion... "Madoi, there's something I have to tell you--" Hinoken was interrupted by a tall, muscular man.
"Hello, beautiful..." he said.
"Umm... Who are you?" Madoi said in a snotty tone.
"Just call me your big brother with the beautiful muscles!" he then flexed.
"Get away, creep!" Madoi then walked away from the man. "You were saying?"
"Sigh... After you left this morning... Your sister came... To see me..." Hinoken barely got out those words.
"Did something happen?" Madoi asked with concern.
"She... She... She kissed me!" Hinoken was on the verge of crying. Madoi took three steps away from Hinoken.
"Uh..." Madoi had a shocked expression on her face. "I trusted you... And you..." She ran off without completing what she was going to say.
"Madoi... I didn't mean to..." a few rain drops started to fall...
Six hours later...
"As you can see, it is raining hard and it will keep raining for hours on end! This was probably caused by extreme heat a week ago followed by cooler weather yesterday. With this rain brings cold weather! It will be thirty-nine degrees tonight! So stay inside! That's it for your weather update at eight!" Hinoken then turned off his TV.
I better go find Madoi... She's probably at Saloma's... Hinoken thought to himself. I don't think they close until nine.
Hinoken walked through the rain, his clothes were as wet as the dead sea. Yet he still kept on walking. Even though it wasn't sunset yet, it was dark. The clouds were as black as midnight, they drooped down as if they were about to fall. Yet he still kept on walking.
Saloma Mise was just around the corner, he was almost there. Then suddenly he felt the rain stop.
"You need a hand?" asked Tesla holding an umbrella above Hinoken. "Where are you going?"
"Really? Me too! You really should be wearing a coat." Tesla said as she handed an extra umbrella to Hinoken.
Chest... Hurts...
The rain won't stop...
Am I dying?
"She's not here!"
"I'm afraid not... But she did head to the right... If you want, Hachiko and I will help you find her!" suggested Saloma.
"I may not like her, but I'll help you!" said Tesla.
"Thanks, all of you... All of this was my fault..." sulked Hinoken.
"I'm sure she'll understand! C'mon! Let's get going!" Hachiko said as she was heading for the door. They all exited the shop and headed to the right. "To get to the nearest hotel, you have to go through the park..."
They all headed through the park, when Hachiko noticed something... She strayed from the group and headed for the bench... There was a person there, their face covered with today's newspaper. "I hope he's not dead..." Hachiko tried shaking them and the newspaper fell off. "Oh my god! Guys! Come here!" The person was none other than Madoi. They rushed over to Hachiko.
"Oh my! She's burning up!" Saloma said as she felt Madoi's head. "We need to take her to the hospital!" Hinoken then grabbed her and put her on his back. Tesla then put the umbrella over Madoi to keep her from getting even more wet.
The rain... Has stopped...
To be continued...
Ooh! Anyone know what Madoi has? Symptoms: Heaviness and pain in chest, high fever and loss of consciousness... Oh what could she have? I know, but I'm not gonna spoil it for you!
Spoofs: BLEACH chapter 57
Character DOB:
Omonoko: October 29th, 1947
Hinoken: July 3rd, 1973
Saloma: August 18th, 1974
Tesla: May 4th, 1977
Madoi: May 12th, 1977
Hiroshi: June 15th, 1978
Momoko: October 18th, 1978
Kero: January 10th, 1983
Hachiko: May 1st, 1991 |
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Haly K Cross Fusion!

Age: 32 Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Posts: 1022 Location: Somewhere, practicing with Flash animation
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:33 am Post subject: |
Eee!! Maddy's sister is EVIL, and now Maddy is sick?! Suspense, suspense! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D _________________ MegaMan Kilobit
My Own City |
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rock_lee Net Official

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 304 Location: Here-There-Everywhere
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:22 pm Post subject: |
:grr: that momoko is eeeebil
aww and now maddy's sick T_T
*can't wait for the next chapter*
good going _________________
P.S : i was known as lan e-x-e in the ol'forum
avatar & sig are done by me!! |
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Kali The Wolf Net Battler

Joined: 10 Aug 2005 Posts: 88 Location: Oregon
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:24 pm Post subject: |
I've come up with a funny couple! It's not gonna happen though! Hiroshi and Momoko! |
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