Gash Bell card game!
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:03 pm    Post subject: Gash Bell card game! Reply with quote

Who else plays it?

My friend just gave me his cards cause he didn't want them... me and one of my friends are trying to start a "revolution" of playing the card game...

I'm starting to like it cause I think I will have some luck in this game... like being on the right page at the right time...

my main Momodo are gonna be Gash Bell (kind King), Kolulu (both forms), and Tia (haven't decided whether to get more power from Reliable partner, or have a standard 3500 for defensive spells)

I'm lucky... my friend gave me The Kolulus and some spells, but since I didn't have a Lori card, I can't use any of her spells... I only had a Tia (along with Megumi) but no reliable partner...

I just got a pack and it contained Kolulu's partner Lori, and Tia (reliable partner) holo...


it's quite interesting and doesn't seem very complicated...

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SOS団 =/= Club!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I play it. (Whoa, now, isn't that surprising, Synchro actually plays the Gash Card Game! [/sarcasm.]) My focus around Gash, Pattie, Tio, Kid, Brago, and Umagon. (I have cards to switch them around well.) I bought mine as the mandarin version, and I of course play the CARD BATTLE game.

Edit: Took me awhile to translate my deck. Arranged by pages.

1. Pattie
2. oruga Akulon-Pattie's 4th spell
3. Tio
4. Gash Bell
5. Zakeru-Gash's 1st Spell
6. Akubi Giroro-Pattie's 5th spell
7. Tio's homemade lunch
8. Rashiruod-Gash's 2nd Spell
9. Tio's Homemade lunch
10. Takamine Kiyomaro
11. Megumi
12. Zakeruga-Gash's 5th Spell
13. Kiyomaro's anger
14. Kid
15. Gash Bell & Brago
16. Zakeruga-Gash's 5th spell
17. Gurabelei-Brago's 2nd Spell
18. Zaguruga-Kid's 4th spell
19. Friends
20. Brago
21. Sherri
22. Zaguruku-Kid's 6th Spell
23. Double Attack!
24. Saifojio-Tio's 5th Spell
25. Dioga Gurabedon-Brago's 5th spell
26. Zaruzhe-Kid's 2nd Spell
27. Light and Dark
28. Gash Bell
29. Mao Seshirudo
30. Umagon
31. Zakeru-Zeon version
32. Bao Zakeruga.

While first focusing on attacking and defending with demons in the first round, I try to get as much MP as possible. After around halfway battle, I use Kiyomaro's anger to take out Pattie and replace with Kid, and replace Gash with Gash Bell & Brago. After more attacking, if I get enough MP, I use the combo of Sherri+Brago+Dioga Gurabedon+Saifojio to totally annihilate my enemy. If I don't get enough MP, I use Light and Dark to take out all the demons on the field except Tio, then I use Gash and Umagon and Tio's +2000 power bonus and use Bao Zakeruga, which makes it total power of 16000 (Defend THAT!)

I'll have scans sometime soon..

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Tenkuu Sheisha

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmm... this could be interesting. i might as well try it out. after i save up for elemental energy of yugioh

if i were to make a deck in the future.

i would use the following mamodoes.
Won-Rei, Kid and Brago.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ummm... I don't know many of those cards...

as I just started today...

me, since I got a whole bunch of cards from my friend... and I only bought one booster (with Lori and Tia which I needed)

I'm using english names...

1. Zatch Bell
2. Megumi
3. Hold On!
4. Kiya Takamine
5. Zaker (Zatch 1st)
6. Mrs. Takamine
7. Zaker (Zatch 1st)
8. Rashield (Zatch 2nd)
9. Tia (Along with Megumi)
10. Zaker (Zatch First)
11. Seoshi (Tia first)
12. Seoshi (Tia First)
13. Kolulu
14. Saisu (Tia 2nd)
15. Rashield (Zatch 2nd)
16. Zeruk (Kolulu 1st)
17. Lori
18. Saisu (Tia 2nd)
19. Kind King
20. Let's get out of here!
21. Kolulu transformed
22. Jikerdor (Zatch 3rd)
23. Seoshi (Tia 1st)
24. Rashield (Zatch 2nd)
25. Iron Man Folgore
26. Mr. Takamine
27. Zeruk (Kolulu 1st)
28. Zerusen (Kolulu 2nd)
29. Rashield (Zatch 2nd)
30. Jikerdor (Zatch 3rd)
31. Ma Seshield (Tia 3rd)
32. Bao Zakeruga (Zatch fourth)

first time building deck so... it's mostly aimed on trying to get all my Mamodo's out... Why is God's name is Megumi the 2nd card? Tia's effect to get Megumi from any pocket. I put in a lot of defense... then later on... the offense builds up...

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SOS団 =/= Club!

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eh, you do know that partner cards can't be played without playing the demon first, right?

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Viewtiful Starman
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't have the actual game, but I'm playing the GBA Card Game, which is pretty fun...

Don't remember my deck offhand since magical pixies deleted my save file, but I was using Danny, Gorim and Gash/Wonrei mainly.
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SOS団 =/= Club!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah, here is the scan of my 'book':

I want to get the limited edition of the red one, but it was out after I left Taiwan, so...(My friend is getting it for me, anyway. :P)

Edit: one of my page.


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Last edited by Synchro-Kun on Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You know I kind of did what to see how those spells are uh... spelled.
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Tenkuu Sheisha

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

could someone teach me how to play the game :D

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SOS団 =/= Club!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eh, seeing that linking to my site would be advertising, I'll just quote my FAQ.

Konjiki no Gash Bell (Zatch Bell) the CARD BATTLE is the TCG game of the Gash Bell series, currently released both at Japan and Taiwan, and still yet to be released in USA. Here is the picture of a pre-deck:

The rules are very simple, similar to other TCG games, there are phrases in your turn, and you must use cards to win a battle with high attack power or defense power when you need to defense. There are four types of card: Demon card, Partner card, Strategy card, and event card. Each card has MP usage, and you must sacrifice the MPs to use the card. For strategy cards, you use them either to attack or to defense. There will be icons under the MP usage amount to symbolize either it can be use for attacking, defensing, or both. Each person is needed with a deck of 32 cards, all put into an official-released demon book. The order is according to you, and your chance of winning is very dependent on the order of the cards. These are the rules you need to build a deck:

+Every single page is needed to put with a card.
+You can NOT add an extra page or take out an extra page anyhow.
+The book's first page need to be put with a demon card.
+The 32nd page is needed to be put with a strategy card (ex. Zakeruga).
+「Middle」level cards can only be put after the 12nd page.
+「High」level cards can only be put after the 22nd page.
+The same cards can only be put in four times.
+SP cards can only be put once.
+There can be only 8 demon cards.

*This is so far the rules for the Japan and Taiwan tournament. Rules can be changed at US.

Now, with the phrases:

1. Ready step:
a. Put your first page's demon card onto your field.
b. flip forward one page of your book, increase your MP by two.
c. flip the coin to determine who goes first.
BATTLE START! The first person is offense, 2nd person is defense, game start!

2. Beginning Step:
a. Offense can flip his page back as much as he want. (each time you flip a page forward, your MP is increase by 2.) NOTE: in Advance rules, you can only flip your page forward 3 times, and back once, at the cost of 1 MP.

3. Battle Step:
a. At the page you are on, use any of the two cards you want to use. (you can also use the both of them.)
b. Use the offensing card to start battle!
Scroll down to see details!

4. Ending Step:
a. After fliping page back once, you end your turn. (of course, your increase your MP by two since you flip a page.)

-End turn.

Now, with the Battle Step:

+There can be only 3 demon cards on your field.
+There can be only one demon who has the same name.
+Partner cards can only be summoned if there demon partner is on the field.
+there can be only one partner who has the same name.

About the effect on demon and partner cards:
+[Deplete X MP] means you must sacrifice those MPs to use the effect. (only once each turn.)
+[when used] means the effect can only be used when you say so. (only once each turn.)
+[when this card is on the field] means when it's on the field, the effect will be in effect forever, as long as this card is on the field.
+[when this card is destroyed] means when this card gets destroyed, you will be able to use the effect.

For strategy and event cards:
+You don't have to take it out when you use it. Just show it to the opponent while covering the other card and show your book to your opponent.
+For strategy cards, you can only use cards that are spells of a demon on the field. (ex. Zakeru for Gash Bell.)
+You can only use one card once in each turn, both for strategy and event cards.

After you use an offense strategy card, you attack! After deplete the amount of MP from your total MP, attack the opponent. If the card says "Attack one of the opponent's demon", you can chooose which demon to target. If the defensive side has a defense spell and want to use it, you use it to try to stop an attack. Depends on the card's "+x000" power, you add that power to the demon's total power and determine who wins. If you wins and is the offensive side, the defensive side must flip the page forward depends on the amount on your strategy card. If the defensive side has the same power or wins, nothing happens. The offensive ends his/her turn.

Once your opponent is on his/her last page and can no longer flip the page when he/she needs to, you wins! Or, if the opponent has no demon card on his/her field at any time, you win also!

For Advance rules:
+For the last page's strategy card, you can use it without any usement of MPs. However, the last page can't be destroyed or switch with another card.
+You can NOT flip forward more than 3 times, and no MORE than once when flipping back.
+If you got damaged and is needed to flip pages, and you see spells you can use to defense yourself before flipping all the pages listed on the card, you can use the card to stop flipping the page if the total can beat your opponent's power.
+You can use demons to defend if you want. Once a demon defends, you have to turn it like the defense mode in Yu-Gi-Oh. If you use the demon to shield again, the demon gets destroyed, along with the partner card. You can still use all strategy cards fitting to the demon card, though.

-I will describe more later, for now, if you know the game and play game, talk about it here!


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Tenkuu Sheisha

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ahh cool so this card game requires no deck or no shuffle right?

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SOS団 =/= Club!

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nope, it actually depends on your strategy and skills at putting which order of cards.

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Tenkuu Sheisha

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i'll try it out. will be getting a brago err spellbook or deck...or ahhh which one is it?

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ummm synchro... I made it so that Tia can just get Megumi using her effect...

also... can a demon use spells without it's partner?

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Tenkuu Sheisha

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

*crud* no one here carries it Sad

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, Sorry. ^ ^;; Didn't know which version of Tia you got.

Anyway, yeah, you can use spells without the book keeper..which is kind of weird. XD

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

isn't it a bit broken to do the flip back for one MP?

I abused "Let's get out of here!" today...

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SOS団 =/= Club!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know, it's the Taiwan rule, so I could translate it wrong...but I remember it is like that. (The Japanese GBA game won't even let me do a flipback.)

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But I love that rule, so I'm gonna abuse it as much as I can...

flip back - 1 MP
end turn by flipping page, +2

on page is Let's get out of here...

So abused... XD XD XD

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i just got the starter deck 2 last night and it seems like a fun game but i have no one around my house to play it with me >_<
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