Revolution's Controller!
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Enzan Chaud wrote:
They're trying to make it sharper...that's okay. I really like this new design and am really intruiged by this. Imagine fighting as Link...slashing your sword towards the enemy. I think that the Revolution will at least come with on controller and all possible addons, and to sell controls with addons would be fair. Though...we have yet to see the actual cost of said controller.

I'm not sure if the price may change now that the controller's been unvieled, but a recent issue of EGM stated quite confidently that the Revolution will have a price between $200-$250. If you're talking about the price of just the controller, then...uh...I guess you can just ignore this post. -_-;
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man, am I ever confused.XD

I have no idea if I'll like this controller or not, all I know is that it sounds like a new experience and I'm excited to try it out. Of course if I don't like it there's always that shell thing that they're making for it, which is cool.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been a fan of Nintendo my whole life. I have had my doubts of this thing, and because of it's stupid design, non-conventionalness, and the fact that it is more sophistocated than the controllers of the Xbx360 and PS3 (A, a, B, b, Z1, Z2........That's gonna be a bitch to figure out) And sadly, Nintendo can't do anything about it. I was hyped up about this thing, I really was. I was hoping Nintendo could make a change for the better. But it looks like they've made a huge mistake and have to ride it out. There's no in-between success for Nintendo now. I'll say it first here.


And just to quiet the Nintendo fanboys, Sony and Microsoft OWN Nintendo on numerous counts. Don't believe me? (I'm not bashing or flaming, don't lock, please) I'm just stating fact.

~Online gameplay. Care to argue on behalf of Nintendo on this one, guys? No? I didn't think so.

~Fanbase. Microsoft has gained more fans in this generation than Nintendo. And these aren't the kid fanbase. They're the paying fans, the ones that go out and buy games, play games online, and the like.

~Technology. Don't even start on the Xbox.

~Controller. The PS2 has a blanced controller, the Xbox does as well. Care to comment on the Gamecube's very un-even controller? That thing did not work well with most conventional titles, I'll say that right here.

~Innovation. There, I said it. XboxLive is an innovation. Online gameplay was there before, but have any been as successful and powerful as XboxLive? No! The PS2 had Eye-Toy, The USB headset, and those were innovations, were they not?

~Games. The PS2 has twice as many games as the Gamecube, easily, and much more than the Xbox. Almost all of the 'Cube's third party games suck, (there are a few good ones), but all of Nintendo's first party games are kickass. There are TONS of good games that aren't first party on the Xbox and PS2.

~Backwards compatability. The revolution will have this, thank god. But in this generation, the Cube had no backwards compatability. The PS2 did, and so will the PS3. The 360 will as well.

There, I said it. I hope Nintendo can do some justice in this generation, I really do. I don't want them to fail. I really don't. If there are going to be good games for it, hell, I'm buying one. [/b]

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

actually... the controller is not hard to figure out...

I don't think you use the small A and B buttons for the Revolution's games

I think you only use the big A button with your thumb and the big B buttonin the back with your index...

Z1 and Z2 I think is just
index finger presses Z1
Middle finger presses Z2

I'm not saying Nintendo is better on the Games account... but you also have to under stand, that like the 360 for this generation, the PS2 had a head start in gaining games...

Ummm... why is the technology of a system so great? To me it doesn't matter... as long as it has games that I will enjoy, not necessarily being a great game in itself, me = buying it.

By fanbase you mean ones for this generation right? or do you mean every generation combined?

Innovation... I know Xbox-live is innovation, but Nintendo integrates the innovations into tehir systems, so you don't have to pay any extra moey for it.. as you can tell... ever since the PSP being that you have to get a bigger memory stick to enjoy all the features, I've hated extra things you buy...

controller... actually... I prefered the smaller controller of the GCN over the thick rock that was the Xbox controller... But PS2's controller = on top

meh I'm just ranting mindlessly becuase I just woke up...

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Flame Buster

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blues_EXE128 wrote:
I've been a fan of Nintendo my whole life. I have had my doubts of this thing, and because of it's stupid design, non-conventionalness, and the fact that it is more sophistocated than the controllers of the Xbx360 and PS3 (A, a, B, b, Z1, Z2........That's gonna be a bitch to figure out) And sadly, Nintendo can't do anything about it. I was hyped up about this thing, I really was. I was hoping Nintendo could make a change for the better. But it looks like they've made a huge mistake and have to ride it out. There's no in-between success for Nintendo now. I'll say it first here.


You know there's a two handed controller for it too, right?

This is the problem with people, the moment they see something new, they go outright and say that it is bad. I see it as a challenge, like playing games are. you know that feeling you get when you beat a game? that sense of elation that you proved you could beat it? My theory is that when you beat a game with the new controller that will be heightened tremendously. I mean, if you keep playing with a two handed controller, you feel that it's the same thing with old system, and you lose the fun of trying harder to beat it.

It's as simple as that.
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Hydralisk Specialist

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blues_EXE128 wrote:
And just to quiet the Nintendo fanboys, Sony and Microsoft OWN Nintendo on numerous counts. Don't believe me? (I'm not bashing or flaming, don't lock, please) I'm just stating fact.

~Online gameplay. Care to argue on behalf of Nintendo on this one, guys? No? I didn't think so.

Does free Wi-Fi ring any bells?

~Fanbase. Microsoft has gained more fans in this generation than Nintendo. And these aren't the kid fanbase. They're the paying fans, the ones that go out and buy games, play games online, and the like.

Because we all know that no self-respecting Nintendo fan would go out and actually pay for their games. Razz [/sarcasm] Seriously, who exactly would this be? Any gamer above the casual level practically swears by Mario.

~Technology. Don't even start on the Xbox.

What about it? Do I need to remind you that this is a discussion of the next generation of consoles, not the current generation? Besides, the X-Box wasn't terribly impressive.

~Controller. The PS2 has a blanced controller, the Xbox does as well. Care to comment on the Gamecube's very un-even controller? That thing did not work well with most conventional titles, I'll say that right here.

Again, we're talking next gen, not current gen. And for every 1 conventional that supposedly "didn't work well" for the Gamecube, there were three or four unconventional titles that were a blast with the Gamecube controller. Even a few conventional ones too.

~Innovation. There, I said it. XboxLive is an innovation. Online gameplay was there before, but have any been as successful and powerful as XboxLive? No! The PS2 had Eye-Toy, The USB headset, and those were innovations, were they not?

You seem to forget that, technically, the PC is a part of the gaming market. And if you take that into account, you'll see plenty of online gaming that was successful long before X-Box Live reared its head. As for the PS2, pretty much every chessy little peripheral except the Eye-Toy was horribly buggy and a big flop. Kinda hard to innovate with such half-assed materials, is it not?

~Games. The PS2 has twice as many gmes as the Gamecube, easily, and much more than the Xbox. Almost all of the 'Cube's third party games suck, (there are a few good ones), but all of Nintendo's first party games are kickass. There are TONS of good games that aren't first party on the Xbox and PS2.

There are a few reasons why most of the games for PS2 and X-Box are third-party:
1- Sony and Microsoft don't produce a hell of alot of first-party games, whereas Nintendo does. Take away third-party support for all 3 and the PS2 and X-Box would collapse, whereas the Gamecube would easily be able to sustain itself.
2- Most of the time, the third-party companies don't decide to make PS2 or X-Box exclusives; Sony and Microsoft BUY out their support. Don't believe me? The Gamecube version of Soul Calibur II outsold the PS2 and X-Box versions by far. So why is Soul Calibur III a PS2 exclusive, you may ask? Because Sony paid Namco to do it. Yyyyup. Sony is always making demands of the third-party companies and giving them money to garner their support. People make games for Nintendo because they want to. People make games for Sony and Microsoft because they bribe them.

~Backwards compatability. The revolution will have this, thank god. But in this generation, the Cube had no backwards compatability. The PS2 did, and so will the PS3. The 360 will as well.

I'll definitely give you that one, no doubt about it. But then, the Gamecube's predessecor had a different game format than the Cube, so I would've been surprised if it HAD had backwards compatability. XD

Seriously, if you take a look at all these aspects and apply them to the new consoles, the only things PS3 and X-Box 360 have improved upon are the graphics, the Technology side of things. Ninteno has caught up with them on Online gaming and Backwards compatability, and they've got them beat on Innovation and the Controller.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blues_EXE128 wrote:
(I'm not bashing or flaming, don't lock, please) I'm just stating fact.
Even though you just basically told the Nintendo "fanboys" to shut up? lol. Your opinion is not a fact, saying so is just being ignorant.

Online gameplay: oh wow you can listen to 12 year olds scream "noob!!!!!!!" on halo 2 while getting horrible lag from people with slower connections. We've been doing it on the computer forever, why bother paying $5+ a month just to play it with a controller?

Fanbase: "Microsoft has gained more fans in this generation than Nintendo." To be bland: so?

Technology: Because obviously, graphics make the game amirite


*stabs you with the side of a ps2 polygon >:o*

Controller: The Playstation's Dual Shock/2 has gotta be one of the most annoying controllers I've ever used. Even using the control sticks makes my thumbs cramp, and the Xbox controller was a steaming pile of crap until S came around. But it was pretty hueg.

Innovation: Xbox Live can hardly be called an awesome innovation, it's simply online play on a console. The PS2's USB headset: why is that even on the list? It's wasn't a new "innovation" at all.

Games: Quantity != quality.

Backwards compatability: Why does it matter? If someone wanted to play an older game, they can get the system it was made for and play it on that.

If you were a real "fan" of Nintendo, you'd at least be smart enough to figure "Hey, the control may look bad and uncomfortable, but maybe it'll work perfectly with the games that are going to be released for it! I think it was called 'innovation!'"

Yes, I like both the Xbox and Playstation 2. But honestly, it's fanboys like you, who bring "omg nintendo/ps2/xbox faels" into every conversation that take the fun out of discussing video games.

Also, don't we have like 3 Next-Gen threads already?

edit: editing in my thoughts about the controller, which i forgot. :(

edit2: The only thing that sort of bothers me is the shape of the right-hand controller. It looks a bit too rectangular. But hey, it looks more comfortable than a boomerang.
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REO's #1 Yuna Fanboy

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My gosh... people aren't catching on.

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....(you repeat here)








...last time




If the Revolution were meant for conventional games, why the hell would they be calling it the Revolution? And even so they make a friggen adapter so you'll be able to play conventionally, so WHY is ANYONE complaining about this when it seems to be all but if not completely optional? There's your middle ground, right fricken there. Geez... write up a zillion reasons Sony and Microsoft are better and you don't even really look at what Nintendo - the company in question, mind you - is doing?
I think it's time to say goodbye.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm reminded of a person who wrote in to gamepro magazine. They showed a picture of his letter but they had to censor half of it since he used various profanities in say that he does not like the nintendo reviews (or any lack there of) and he called the PS2 reviews B.S. The point being these types of fanboys are stupid. (no offense to anyone here who was acting like a fanboy)

And I will be getting the Rev. 3 words, 2 numbers, 20 years back games.
That's one reason why I'm getting it. Second I like the nintendo/sega way of making games and FPSes never apealed to me. I have no real problem with the playstation, I'd like it if it was them and nintendo making consoles with sega making games. Long story short, fanboys are stupid and I'm getting the rev.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's because, if you read up on Nintendo, they want conventional gamers to be attracted to buying the Revolution. And what do casual gamers play? Casual games, that's what XD

HeatShadow: All PS2 USB devices horribly buggy? Cheesey? Well, the DDR pad is technically an innovation that really wasn't taken advantage of until this generation. I just bought a metal pad for two hundred, and it isn't buggy. Half-assed? Not at all. I just AA'd a 9 footer on it, and it works amazing.

And ones calling XboxLive 'hardly' an innovation: Guys, there's other games worth wile playing over Live. Halo2 live is now a joke, even I don't play it much... Play DDR Ultramix, Conker: LaR, Star Wars Battlefront, Forza Motorsport, Counter-Strike, Crimson Skies: HRTR, just to name a few worthwhile games that utalize XBL to a good amount of potential. And yes, PC Online was there before. But XboxLive made everything connected, with a Universal Account system, a Universal friends list and invite system, and all with clan support. And all games that are playable over Live make full use of the microphone.

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Flame Buster

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blues_EXE128 wrote:
That's because, if you read up on Nintendo, they want conventional gamers to be attracted to buying the Revolution. And what do casual gamers play? Casual games, that's what XD

HeatShadow: All PS2 USB devices horribly buggy? Cheesey? Well, the DDR pad is technically an innovation that really wasn't taken advantage of until this generation. I just bought a metal pad for two hundred, and it isn't buggy. Half-assed? Not at all. I just AA'd a 9 footer on it, and it works amazing.

And ones calling XboxLive 'hardly' an innovation: Guys, there's other games worth wile playing over Live. Halo2 live is now a joke, even I don't play it much... Play DDR Ultramix, Conker: LaR, Star Wars Battlefront, Forza Motorsport, Counter-Strike, Crimson Skies: HRTR, just to name a few worthwhile games that utalize XBL to a good amount of potential. And yes, PC Online was there before. But XboxLive made everything connected, with a Universal Account system, a Universal friends list and invite system, and all with clan support. And all games that are playable over Live make full use of the microphone.

Dude, if you don't like the new controller, don't buy the Revolution. I mean, shooting down everyone's opinion is just stupid. You're acting as if everyone has to agree with you. Guess what? They don't! If you don't like it, don't buy it, simple as that. Bitchin about it around here won't help.
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Enzan Chaud
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay... you know what?

I'll say this right here and now... Screw the reviews... screw the numbers...

Okay... say you really want to see a certain Movie... but that fat dude and the other guy give it a thumbs down... now.. are you really gunna say "nah I won't go because I heard that movie sucks because some guys put their thumbs down"'t get the point? listen to yourselves... while you're typing please D:

I really wanna see how this "Nan-chaku", or whatever, Deisign works (heh.. "Nin-Cucks"). Experiencing and reviews are two different worlds...
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Hydralisk Specialist

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blues_EXE128 wrote:
HeatShadow: All PS2 USB devices horribly buggy? Cheesey? Well, the DDR pad is technically an innovation that really wasn't taken advantage of until this generation. I just bought a metal pad for two hundred, and it isn't buggy. Half-assed? Not at all. I just AA'd a 9 footer on it, and it works amazing.

I would really consider the DDR dance pad to be more Konami's work, since it was made to be used specifically with DDR. If a dance pad is used in an arcade version of DDR, can it still be considered a device made for the PS2? Perhaps I should've been more specific; I meant more the devices Sony makes, which have a trend of looking really "sexy" as people like to say, then hardly working as they were intended.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OH NO!!! Nintendo makes a remote looking controller! I already hate it, ZOMG!! I'm such a Microsoft fanboy! I'm such a Playstation fanboy! I totally hate Nintendo, they're gonna make a bunch of kiddy games, ZOMG!!!!!!!

Thats what you'll hear from those PS fanboy, and Xbox Fanboys. You know, I've been hearing "Oh Playstation's got better graphics then GameCube!!!", What the heck? Take a look at Grand Theft Auto, please. I see polygons, when I play Luigi's Mansion(Launch game) I didn't see any polygons? The only game I saw polygons was Prince of Persia. Great game, but bad graphics, GRAPHICS of which MOST people go by. A person that goes with graphics more then gameplay is someone who doesn't enjoy games.
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CLAMP Addict

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 11:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Me = Nintendo fanboy, but I still respect Blues_exe's opinion, I just don't like how he is sorta shooting down some of our opinions...

but I'm happy he's saying his opinion in a non-fanboy sounding way... well... just not in one... Games...

Enzan... you freakin rule!

You're so right... experiencing and reviews are different things...

take Howl's Moving Castle for instance, Ebert (a guy I totally hate) says it was bad, I enjoyed the movie... Way different...

Same with the DS for me... yes... I did hate the DS when I first heard about it... I thought it sucked because of what I heard from other people... I played it... and now it's my main system (in my pocket currently...)

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This controller is pure genius. I can't imagine actually being able to slash swords, pick up items, drive, aim, and shoot just by moving the controller! Mr. Iwata is absolutely brilliant. Although, I am a little unsure about this thing. It's shaped like a remote control, meaning you can play with one hand. It looks like it would be a little bit awkward when you first try it. But, knowing Nintendo, this controller should work well.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have to agree with everyone. "WTF?!" was my expression when I found out that the Rev's controller was like a TV remote. Only till I saw the video on how it is supposed to work that got my attention. I mean, you can move the controller in any way possible and the game reacts to it due to the IR reciever in the Rev's controller. That would be fun for some games, but I don't know how will that affect playing "retro" games. I', much used to a traditional controller for those things.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They are making an add-on for that but for old nintendo games you could probally just use it on it's side.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, Nintendo's not forcing gamers to get used to their new controller. They're more than likely going to try to ease people into it. Eventually though, I hope it catches on and becomes standard, because I personally think the idea is utterly brilliant.
I think it's time to say goodbye.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i agree with ye, there. aye, it looks a little different, but it really be a good idea. i don't see why ye all have ter make a big deal about it. it not really be that bad.
just call me xfyre. not xfyrethespooky.
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