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Joined: 17 Sep 2005 Posts: 29
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:57 pm Post subject: |
hilarious and terryfying  |
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:19 pm Post subject: |
Saito needs to make a "little sister" crack at some point; it just isn't the same without one. :D _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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ChibiForte ニンジャ

Age: 31 Joined: 19 Jun 2005 Posts: 675 Location: EA/TAU
Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:45 pm Post subject: |
Agreed, Kitty-Chan! That'd be hilarious. Wait... Hilarious would be Saito throwing a tantrum like this. (That means CLICK the word 'this'!) Not an advertisement, but that's just a dman good idea, Kitty-Chan! _________________
Sig made by me. <3 |
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N2-0 Night Gnihtemos od thgim I...

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 992
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:42 am Post subject: |
Tis keeps on getting better and better. Saito's involvement only adds to my interest in this story. I wonder what will happen next? Maybe a Sailor Saito? _________________ My deviantART... |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:47 pm Post subject: |
I've said it before NO MORE SAILOR SCOUTS. I'm sorry but that's just... the way I've planned it out. Saito is there for backup and moral suppourt. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:23 am Post subject: |
Netto slowly came to upon hearing low murmuring voices in the background. He sat up and noted that he was in a bed, in his bed. “Hm?” he asked.
“Netto-kun!” Saito said with a note of relief in his voice. He walked over and hugged his twin tightly. “You’re awake, thank god.”
Netto glanced at Saito and then paled. “You saw…”
Saito nodded, “Yeah, I saw and I noticed what happened. Don’t worry though, I won’t tell anyone. I knew you were doing something I just didn’t think…” he paused.
Netto blushed, “Yeah…” he said slowly.
“What did you do?” Nova asked.
Netto blinked, “Well, I got really angry, then this sword appeared and I killed the giant bee thing.”
“A sword?” Nova asked.
Netto nodded, “It was really thin and long and it looked kinda old.”
Nova sighed, “Right, well then. That explains a few things.”
“What?” Netto and Saito asked.
“It’s not of your concern right now,” Nova said with a small grin. “You,” she said to Netto, “Rest. And you,” she said to Saito, “You should go rest too. You’re both tired.”
“But…” Netto started to protest.
“I need to come up with a few more answers of my before I can answer the questions I know you’ll ask. Fair?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Netto muttered.
“Good, now go to sleep,” she said and jumped out the window.
Saito blinked, “Pushy cat.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Netto muttered.
Saito looked back at his twin, “Are you all right?” he asked.
“I’m fine…” Netto said. “So you know everything?”
Saito nodded, “Nova explained it when you were unconscious. I must say I was rather… surprised.”
“Understatement of the year,” Netto pushed.
“All right, a little more then surprised,” Saito admitted. “But I’ll get over it. And she was right, you do need to sleep, and so do I. We still have school and somehow I don’t think the ‘I was attacked by a giant bee’ pass exists.”
Netto gave a short laugh, “All right, night Saito.”
“Good night, Netto-kun,” Saito said with a smile and left his little brother’s room to retreat into his own and ponder out a few things.
Several weeks later there was still no peep from the ‘bad guys’ and Netto and Saito had settled into a rather comfortable schedule. Until that night at least. “Come on kid, I know you felt it!” Nova chided.
“Go away!” Netto muttered and pushed the cat away from his homework.
“Felt what?” Saito asked.
“A monster,” Netto and Nova both said.
Saito blinked, “Well you should probably go then.”
Netto stared at Saito, “You nagged at me for hours to do this,” he said pointing to the loose-leaf sheets spread out on the table.
“Now,” Nova said.
Netto growled, “I hate you both now,” he said and stood up.
“If you’re going to come,” Nova muttered as Netto left the house, “Then at least stay hidden. You two still look like twins.”
Saito blushed, “How did you…”
Nova gave him a feline grin, “Because I know everything,” she said. “Come on, I know you would have snuck along anyways.”
Saito gave her a sheepish grin and went outside silently.
Netto ran out to where a shadowy… thing was attacking the park. “Who the hell would attack the park?” Netto snapped.
“Apparently this thing,” Enzan answered coolly.
“Welcome back,” Netto said dryly.
“Thank you,” Enzan replied.
“Hey!” a voice yelled out. “What is going on here?”
“Who are you?” Enzan snapped.
“My name is Barrel and this is Colonel,” the tall man said while pointing to himself and his friend. “Who are you?”
“A jerk,” Netto muttered.
Enzan shot her a death glare, “I’m Tuxedo Kamen and why are you here?”
“To keep the military from finding out about this,” Barrel answered smoothly.
Enzan didn’t have a reply to that nor did he attempt to make one up. “Heh, nice,” Netto muttered.
“We heard rumors about an attack a few weeks ago, know anything about that?” Colonel asked her.
“Yeah… about that…” Netto said slowly but was cut off when a giant hand smashed down a tree. “Later!” she said and jumped away.
Barrel and Colonel both sighed exasperatedly. “Do they just not care about the fact that they’re like… 12?” Barrel asked.
“Actually, the boy is 13,” a tall man said behind them.
“Who are you?” Barrel asked.
“Blues,” he said simply.
Barrel shrugged and lit a cigarette. “All right, fair enough.”
“Shining, stardust attack!” Netto yelled and the shadow thing disappeared in a flash. “Now if only all of them were like that,” she muttered.
Saito silently cheered from his vantage point in a tree that wasn’t knocked down.
“Why, is it too hard?” Enzan asked her.
Netto met his cold gaze with her own, “You wish,” she said.
Blues slowly shook his head while Barrel said, “Ah, young love.”
“WHAT?” Netto and Enzan snapped.
Before anything else could happen however the air was broken by what sounded like slow applause coming from one person. They all turned to where the sound was coming from and saw a tall, apparently teenaged boy come from the shadows of the trees. He was followed by an older man with orange hair and blood red eyes. They were dressed in strange clothes and Netto gathered that neither one was human. “Wonderful job,” the boy said.
Netto crossed her arms, “So you’re the one in charge?”
The boy smiled icily, “If you wish to perceive it that way.”
Netto growled, something about him set her on edge. “What do you want?” she snapped.
The kid shrugged carelessly. “A lot of things, but I’m a patient person,” he said with a small smile. “Know that from now on your battles will get harder.”
Enzan bristled, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means what I just said. That was not a veiled threat,” the minty haired boy snapped.
Netto resisted the urge to laugh while Enzan turned a bright red.
Then the boy took a slight bow, “By the way, my name is Laika and this is my companion Search,” he said motioning to the man behind him. “We’ve been observing your battles for awhile.”
‘Crap, does he know?’ Netto thought. Laika caught her gaze and held it with his own, ‘No, not yet…’ Netto sighed.
“You’re quite troublesome, you know that?” he asked her.
“You’re telling me,” Enzan muttered.
Netto took great care to step on his foot as she walked towards Laika. “Yeah well, don’t think just because you show up here all cool and whatever doesn’t mean I won’t do everything I can to wipe that smirk off your face.”
Laika grinned and put his face mere inches from her own, “I look forward to it,” he replied.
There was an unknown tension in the air that was released when Laika backed off first. Barrel and Colonel both released unknown breaths and Saito almost fell out of his tree. Laika snapped his fingers and a dark purple morning glory appeared in his hand. He handed it to a stunned Netto and jumped back next to Search. “Until next time,” he said with a grin then they both vanished.
Netto looked at the flower then the spot where they disappeared, “What the hell?” she screeched.
Behind her Enzan silently glowered at the unwelcome new enemy.
Netto sighed, “Whatever, I’m going home,” she announced. “Bye!” and she too vanished.
“Doesn’t like to waste time does she?” Colonel asked.
“This is nothing,” Blues said.
Barrel laughed, “I’d like to know more about her. She seems like an interesting kid.”
‘You don’t know the half of it,’ Saito thought as he too left the scene.
Back at her house Netto put the flower on her dresser and stared at it. “What in the hell was that?” she wondered out loud.
“Netto-kun!” a voice called up the stairs.
“Yeah?” Netto replied.
“You still need to finish your homework!”
“Awww, Saito!” Netto protested. “I’m tired!”
“NOW!” the voice yelled.
“Yeah, yeah,” Netto grumbled and touched her pendant. There was a flash of light and it disappeared to reappear in Netto’s outstretched hand. He put it on the dresser next to the flower and yawned.
“Netto-kun!” the voice yelled again.
“All right, I’m coming! My god Saito…” Netto said as he left his room, his comments becoming unintelligible as he got further and further away from his room.
“Did you just see that?” Laika asked Search as he surveyed the scene through a crystal by means of the flower.
Search shook his head disbelievingly. “Was that?”
“aye, it was,” Laika said. “Apparently Sailor Stardust is really a guy.”
“I almost feel sorry for him,” Search muttered.
Laika shook his head, “It doesn’t matter, we still need him and the pendant’s power. We’ll go through with the plan as before.”
“All right,” Search said.
Laika shook his head, “If this doesn’t beat all…” he muttered. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:24 am Post subject: |
Holy crap. This is absurdity at its best. O_O
You never cease to amaze me in the sheer absurdity that the fics you write can go to. And now...our villain is introduced. It was a very apt entrance, but I still do not see the significance of the flower...
Well...that killed one idea I had about how the fic was going to develop, but with the new characterizations that you have in this installment, three more have come to replace the fallen image. I'm not sure whether to take this as a good thing or not, but put it this way--your writing is thus very lucid and easy to imagine with.
Great job. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:52 am Post subject: |
Now Laika & Enzan can fight over Netto. *violently shoves evil threesome thoughts out of her head* Sorry, I have a imagination. -_-; _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Plantman It's only Forever... Not long at all!

Age: 44 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 1819 Location: Mexico
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:48 pm Post subject: |
I liked the introduction of Laika and Search as the villians of this arc. I can't help but cackle in amusement everytime you have Enzan and Netto interacting and quarring like a married couple in every chapter. XDD
Though, I wonder if Saito and Blues are going to have any more interaction. Somehow I feel those two would make up for excellent 'back ups' for the main 'heroes' *snrk*
Anyways, excellent chapter Neko, can't wait for the following arc ajsdnaklndakldb gimme my smexy vampire plzkthx. _________________
Hecha en MÉXICO - Avatar by Me.
"Logic is the Ultimate Weapon." |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:59 am Post subject: |
Planty, I've indulged you waaay too much XD Dun worry you'll get your smexy vampire and his rabid cupcake soon enough  _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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kuro-kitsune Net Agent
Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 268 Location: raincover, on the wet coast
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:01 pm Post subject: |
oh gawd *dies from crack*
i love this fic.... tis so awesome. <3
now excuse me, i have homework.... and then fanart. gah! art overload. @_@
~kuro-kitsune~ |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:22 pm Post subject: |
An hour later Netto came back into his room and collapsed on the bed. “I hate school,” he muttered. “I really do.”
A voice started to laugh behind him. Netto sat up in bed and looked wildly around, “Who’s there?” he snapped.
The flower began to rustle and Netto eyed it uncertainly. “What?” he asked.
Suddenly the plan seemed to root its self in his dresser and it began to glow, evilly. “SAITO!” Netto yelled out.
Saito heard his brother’s cry and ran upstairs as quickly as he could. “Netto-kun?” he asked.
Netto backed away from the creepy plant but it was beginning to rapidly grow until it was a pulsating mass of whatever it was made of. Netto opened his mouth to yell out one more time but a dark tendril came from the plant and wrapped its self around Netto’s mouth. He tried to pull it off but more came out and wrapped themselves around him until he was unable to move.
“Netto-kun?” Saito yelled again and beat on Netto’s door. When he received no answer he reached for the door knob but was stopped by Nova.
“Don’t!” she snapped.
“Nova, what’s wrong? Is Netto-kun hurt?” Saito asked.
“I sense a dark magic in his room. If Netto hasn’t transformed then he obviously can’t. Saito you need to get help,” she said.
“I don’t know anyone who can help!” Saito cried out.
“What about those men at the park?” Nova asked.
“I don’t know where any of them live,” Saito said. “Wait… Netto did show me a cell phone… maybe…” Saito dashed downstairs. He found the cell phone and looked in its programmed numbers. As he thought there was only one and he quickly called it.
A sleepy Barrel picked up the phone, “Hello?”
“Hi? Sir… ummm this is…”
“I know who this is, only one person has this number,” Barrel snapped. “What happened this time, didn’t we just come from an attack?”
The voice on the other end paused, “Look, I can’t explain everything right now over the phone but I think that… the girl you see fighting is in really big trouble.”
“Who is this?” Barrel asked.
The voice paused again, “You’ll know when you see. Just please come and help.”
Barrel sighed, “All right kid, where are you.”
The voice gave him a harried address, “Please hurry,” he said.
“We’ll be there soon,” Barrel said and hung up. “Come on,” he said while shaking Colonel awake. “We’ve got problems.”
Back in his room Netto was fighting with all his might against the plant. It was not to be budged however and a voice came through it that Netto recognized as Laika’s. “I’m amazed you didn’t see through such an obvious trap. Then again I’m quite amazed at finding out who you really are. However that doesn’t deter any plans and I suggest you stay still unless you want to release the spores of the dark plant into the air.”
Netto muttered something intelligible and began to thrash against his bonds again. A fine purple powder rose into the air and settled over the room. Netto felt the feeling retract from his limbs until he hung limply in the plant’s grasp. Laika’s voice sighed, “I tried to warn you.”
Netto may have been paralyzed but he was still pretty angry and it didn’t keep him from thinking all manners of curses at Laika.
Enzan groaned and rubbed his head, “Twice in one night.”
“Sir?” Blues asked.
“Another one, but… maybe I should just leave it to that girl,” Enzan sighed.
Blues blinked, another one. “Sir… how long have you felt it?”
“For about a half hour,” Enzan admitted. “At first I couldn’t tell but it seems to be getting stronger.”
“Is the girl there?” Blues asked.
“If she is, then I can’t tell, why?”
Blues frowned as something occurred to him, “I can help but feel that the flower she was given might have something to do with it.’
Enzan’s eyes widened, “Oh crap!” he yelled and bolted off the couch.
“Sir?” Blues asked again.
“We have to go,” Enzan said and ran towards the door.
Blues blinked, “All right then,” he said and picked up the car keys.
Colonel and Barrel appeared at the address and were shocked to see it was a home. They knocked on the door and a boy that Colonel vaguely remembered opened it. “Oh thank god,” he said. “Look, the flower that the girl was handed earlier was a trap. It’s really one of those monsters and right now it’s alive and about to kill my little brother.”
“Who?” they asked.
Saito coughed, “Well you see… Sailor Stardust is actually my little brother.”
Colonel and Barrel exchanged glances, “Yeah,” Barrel said, “and I’m your aunt Martha.”
“I’m serious!” Saito protested. “Look, I can’t get into his room and he won’t answer. Something is wrong!”
“Look kid, I don’t know how you got a hold of the cell phone number but this isn’t a very good joke,” Colonel said.
“I’m not…” Saito started but was cut off by another knock at the door. Saito opened it to see Blues standing there.
“You!” Colonel said.
“Why are you here?” Saito asked.
“Um…” Blues blinked at Saito. He wasn’t aware it was the Hikari residence they had just traveled to.
There was a loud crash upstairs and everyone ran up the stairs to see what the hell was going on.
Netto began to feel very sleepy although he suspected that was his own exhaustion that was telling him to sleep. It had been a very long day and being captured wasn’t really on his ‘to do’ list.
He heard a crash and saw someone jump through the window. He blinked and saw that it was Tuxedo Kamen.
“Netto?” Enzan asked.
Laika and Search were intrigued by the change of events.
“What are you doing here?” Enzan asked.
‘I LIVE HERE!’ Netto thought loudly.
Enzan saw his glare and figured it would be in his best interest to try and get Netto free.
Netto started to shake his head as Enzan made to step forward. Enzan blinked then continued on his way raising small amounts of fine powder on his way over until Enzan began to feel the effects as well. All too soon Enzan found himself as tightly bound as Netto by the plant. Netto felt the tendril around his mouth loosen to bind Enzan. “You idiot,” he muttered, “I was beginning to be able to move again too.”
“Shut up,” Enzan muttered. “Why are you in this mess anyways?”
Netto blushed, “Well…I…”
Laika couldn’t resist, “Because he’s Sailor Stardust,” he said through the plant.
“WHAT?” Enzan yelled.
“Shut up!” Netto replied. “At least I don’t run around in formal evening retire.”
“And I don’t run around in a miniskirt!” Enzan retorted, still in shock.
“Ouch,” Search said handing Laika a small drink.
Laika nodded, “Indeed.”
Netto would have given anything to kick Enzan just then. Before he could yell at anyone however, they heard a knock at the door. “Netto-kun?” a voice called.
“Saito?” Netto called back.
“Oh my god, are you okay?”
“No!” Netto snapped. “I’m trapped by an evil plant and Mr. Incompetent over here didn’t do ANYTHING!”
“Shut up,” Enzan said.
Barrel opened the door, “What in the hell is going on here?” he asked.
“Don’t!” both boys yelled as the wind from the door stirred the dust once again.
All four on the outside backed away immediately and looked around. “A fan…” Saito murmured and dashed to his bedroom on the other side of the hall. He found one and plugged it in the outlet in the hall and blew the dust through the room outside of the open window.
“Yay Saito!” Netto cheered. “My older brother doesn’t even have powers and he could do more then you,” he said to Enzan.
“And you!” Enzan retorted.
Saito quickly went into the room and began to pull at the tendrils binding Netto, “Come on,” he muttered.
“Nii-san… wait…” Netto said.
Meanwhile Barrel was trying to get Enzan free. He pulled back his fist and punched the plant as hard as he could. Then quickly retracted his hand blowing on it to make the sting go away. “Tell me,” Enzan said while he watched the man shake his hand, “Do they teach you that at the military academy?”
“Shut up kid,” Barrel snapped.
“AH!” Saito yelped and he was slammed into the wall by the plant.
“SAITO!” Netto yelled out to his twin.
Blues looked around and saw the broach lying abandoned on the dresser.
A tendril freed Netto’s hand and snaked around Saito’s throat slowly choking the brown haired kid to death. “Stop it!” Netto yelled.
“Here!” Blues yelled and threw him the broach.
Netto caught it and whispered, “Star crystal power make up,” as quickly as he could so no one could hear. Everyone watched with a dumbfounded look as the light appeared and disappeared. But Netto had more to worry about at that moment then scaring the hell out of several people in the room.
She held her hands apart and concentrated as hard as she possibly could. A small light appeared and grew into the sword. She grabbed it and sliced through the tendril strangling Saito. The plant let out a horrible sound like a cry and retracted. Netto caught Saito’s body and handed it to Blues. “Get him out of here now!” she yelled.
Blues nodded and left with Saito. Netto then sliced through the remaining tendrils binding Enzan. Finally she sliced the thing through its middle and yelled out; “Shining stardust attack!” making it vanish.
The crystal Laika used to scry went blank. “Oh dear,” he murmured.
“It appears we’ve lost, Laika-san,” Search said.
“Yes, but that was quite entertaining,” Laika said with a grin.
Search smiled, “Yes it was. But now what are we going to do?”
“I think I have an idea now that we know who we’re dealing with here,” he said.
“You have a sword!” Enzan yelled.
Netto looked at it, “Yes I have a sword! I can’t just wave my hands around and hope something vanishes now can I?”
“But… who the hell would give you a sword?” Enzan asked.
“No one gave it to me, it appeared!” Netto yelled.
The other three men watched the two bicker. “Oh my god…” Barrel said.
“I can’t quite believe it myself,” Colonel admitted.
Saito slowly came to on the couch while Netto and Enzan bickered. He sat up and rubbed his head, “Netto-kun?” he asked.
Netto looked at her brother and pounced on him. “Nii-san!” she said happily and hugged him tightly.
Saito grinned and hugged Netto back, “Thank god you’re okay,” they said at the same time and laughed.
“Brotherly love?” Barrel asked.
“Or something like it,” Colonel added.
Netto glared at them, then sighed. “Look, I’m sorry all this happened but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.”
“Would anyone believe us?” Enzan muttered.
Netto pointed her sword at Enzan’s throat, “Want to say that again?” she snapped.
Saito sighed and tugged the sword out of Netto’s hands making everyone in the room relax a little. “Not now,” he muttered.
Netto growled and touched her broach turning back into his normal self. “So Blues, where’s Enzan?” he asked sarcastically.
Enzan crossed his arms, “Is that a threat?” he asked.
Netto pulled his mask off his face, “Yes, it is.” He looked at the mask, “How the hell does this stay on your face anyways?”
“Stage glue,” Blues said.
Netto snorted and began to laugh. Enzan grabbed his mask back from Netto looking slightly irritated. “Shut up,” he snapped.
“Heh… right… like I will ever let you live that one down,” Netto said with a grin.
Enzan growled and turned towards the door, “I’ll see you next time,” he said.
“Try tomorrow!” Netto yelled back.
“At school!” Saito finished. Netto looked at him, “What? I couldn’t resist that.”
Netto laughed and patted Saito on the shoulder.
“Well kids we’ll get going as well,” Barrel said. “You need to be a little more careful.”
“All right,” Netto said. “Promise you won’t say anything?”
“My lips are sealed,” Barrel said with a grin. “This is more fun then I’ve had in decades. Why spoil it?”
Colonel sighed, “Don’t worry, we’ll stay quiet.”
“Thanks,” Netto said and they waved as the two men walked away.
“Wow…” Saito said.
Netto yawned, “Okay, I’m going to bed now.”
“Netto-kun?” Saito asked incredulously.
“I’m tired and crabby and I really just want to sleep, night,” Netto said and disappeared into his room.
Saito laughed, “Good night,” he said softly.
Can I possibly explain how much I can't wait to write the next chapter.
...not likely >3
Enjoy the next part people. _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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Midnight This is a Hilbert Space

Age: 37 Joined: 18 Mar 2005 Posts: 3089 Location: The AfterMath. Otherwise, New York City.
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:38 am Post subject: |
*chuckles uncontrollably*
Oh my god, that was fantastic. Sheer absurdity controlled this one, as it did all of the others. Laika and Searchman must be so incredibly amused, those dastardly little so-and-sos.
And yet, I can't help but wonder just how deeper into the realm of absurdity this one can delve. Fantastic job. _________________ Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy
The Kingdom of Loathing: An Adventurer is You! // I ♣ Seals
Avatar by Spork. I very much appreciate it! <3 |
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gameman Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 104 Location: Hoosick Falls Ny
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:28 am Post subject: |
you out did your self on that one neko _________________ i am the game master |
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NotJim :3c

Joined: 13 Jun 2005 Posts: 973
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:18 am Post subject: |
*Reads past few chapters*
*waves giant white W.T.F. flag*
W.T.F. MATE ^^
Honestly, this is absolutely... hilarious. Just hilarious. No other words spring to mind. _________________
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Reina Net Savior

Joined: 19 Mar 2005 Posts: 145 Location: The computer! Isn't that obvious? :D
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:21 am Post subject: |
Neko wrote: | “Shut up!” Netto replied. “At least I don’t run around in formal evening attire.”
“And I don’t run around in a miniskirt!” Enzan retorted, still in shock.
I found a mistake there. ^^
I'm so lucky no one is in the room at the moment (especially when I read the part I quoted). XD I would have been sent to a psychiatrist. And I thought this fic couldn't get any funnier. So now they know that Netto is Sailor Stardust. *snickers* I'm so looking forward to the next chapter now! :3 _________________ Never call me a midget or else something will you!
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:21 pm Post subject: |
*cackles* The cross-dresser is out of the bag! Sorry, couldn't resist. Heh, now Enzan & Netto can argue at school. :D _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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Neko Queen of Fluff

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1217 Location: The computer
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:38 pm Post subject: |
It took nearly a week to stop getting random odd looks from Enzan but finally life seemed to settle down a bit. On the way back from school, having missed the bus again Netto and Saito we’re walking along the road looking somewhat put out.
“Do you two make a habit of missing your ride?” Enzan asked from his car.
Netto glared at him, “What do you think?” he snapped back.
“Netto-kun, be nice,” Saito chided him. “Sorry, Enzan-san,” Saito said.
Enzan shook his head, “It’s all right,” he said. “Need a ride?”
Netto looked rather sulky as Saito gave Enzan a grateful grin, “Yes please,” he said.
Enzan nodded and Saito got into the car pulling a rather unwilling Netto behind him. “Thank you, Enzan-san,” Saito said and elbowed his brother rather viciously.
“Yeah, thanks,” Netto muttered while rubbing his arm.
Enzan shook his head, “No problem. So, why have you been avoiding me lately?” he asked Netto coolly.
Netto eyed him, “I don’t know, what do you think?” he asked.
Enzan sighed, “Look Netto, I know about what’s going on but hiding from me is a very childish way of dealing with your problems.”
Saito and Blues both held their breath as Netto slowly turned a bright red. “Childish?” he snapped.
“Yes, childish,” Enzan replied glaring at Netto. “We still go to the same school and we still need to interact, it’s life Netto.”
Netto glared at him, “After what happened last week do you honestly think you have any right to tell me what I can and can not do?” he snapped.
“Pretending something or someone doesn’t exist isn’t taking care of a problem,” Enzan retorted.
Netto growled, “You don’t know anything.”
Enzan sighed, “Yes Netto, I do. I’ve been doing this about twice as long as you have and I have more experience. I’m sorry it happened to you, but it did and now that we know about it you can’t just pretend that nothing happened. Life doesn’t work that way!”
For a second Saito was afraid that Netto was going to punch Enzan. But the second passed and things calmed down a bit before Netto replied. “Enzan, I know you want to help, and it’s greatly appreciated but you have to understand that my life is still my own and I want to live it the way I want. And believe me then I say this, turning into a girl and saving the world against creepy bad guys was not on my to do list.”
Enzan sighed, “All right, fair enough. Just… stop avoiding me, okay? It’s not like I’m going to hurt you or anything.”
Netto slouched in his seat, “All right,” he muttered.
Enzan actually smiled, “Good.”
Saito and Blues both slowly let out long held breaths.
About two hours after the conversation in the car Netto sensed some kind of monster in the city. He sighed and got up from his desk in his room. Saito came in with his toothbrush in his mouth, “Going out?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Netto muttered.
“Can I come?” Saito asked.
Netto pulled out his broach, “Only if you can keep up,” he told Saito with a grin.
Saito nodded and made sure to deposit his toothbrush back into the bathroom before taking off after Netto.
Some time later Netto ran into the down town area where Colonel and Barrel had already cut off access to the general public, labeling it as an isolated incident. “Hello,” she said. “What’s up?”
Barrel pointed at several buildings encased in ice. “Oh…” she said. “Where’s Enzan?”
“Over there,” Barrel pointed to where Enzan and an girl who was a pale blue color were fighting.
“Gotcha,” Netto said and ran into the battle.
“Oh boy,” Saito muttered.
“Where did you come from?” Barrel asked.
Saito grinned, “I have my ways around the city.”
“Huh,” Barrel muttered. “I need to find these ways, you got here damn quick.”
Saito merely smiled mysteriously.
“Hey, need some help?” Netto asked Enzan cheerfully.
“Please?” Enzan asked while blocking another blow with his staff.
Netto held her hands apart and summoned her sword before throwing herself at the monster. She jumped over it and managed to clip off most of its left arm. “All right!” Netto cheered.
The ice monster simply reformed its self and launched at Netto. “Crap!” she yelped and jumped out of the way.
“Netto, look out!” Enzan cried before Netto was slammed into the nearest building.
“Netto!” Saito yelled but he was held back by Colonel.
Netto pushed herself out of the rubble and shook her head dazedly. “Okay, that wasn’t fun,” she muttered.
The ice monster chuckled and formed a sword out of its arm before running at Netto. Enzan saw this and rammed it in the side. “Oh no you don’t!” he yelled.
Netto gave Enzan a grateful smile, “Thanks,” she said.
Enzan nodded back before running at the monster. He jumped overhead and hit it with his staff. It caught the blow and threw Enzan into the ground. As he got up shakily, the monster came over and held up its hand, “I think I should get rid of you first,” it chuckled.
Now Netto came running at Enzan and shoved him out of the way just before it waved it’s hand and a flash of white appeared. When the frost blew away Enzan looked up from his vantage point on the ground to see Netto encased in ice.
The monster frowned, “Oh dear,” it murmured. “Oh well, she’ll be awoken when we get back to Master Laika’s.” It eyed Enzan, “In the meantime…”
Enzan growled and rammed his staff through its middle before it jumped back and reformed. Then another furious battle took place.
Saito ran over to where Netto was frozen and began to beat on the ice with his hands. “Netto-kun! Netto-kun, wake up!” he yelled.
“Kid, stop it!” Barrel snapped and pulled Saito away from the ice. “Getting hysterical won’t help anyone.”
“Netto-kun…” Saito said softly.
“Will be fine, we just need to get him… her… whatever out of there,” Barrel said.
Back where the battle was taking place Enzan was currently yelling at the monster. “What did you do?”
“I just froze her, that’s all,” it smirked. “Don’t worry, she’ll wake up eventually.”
Enzan growled and slammed the creature with his staff and saw something glittering in the center. “So that’s where your power lies,” he murmured.
“What?” it asked.
Enzan yelled and drove his staff right through the center of its head breaking the crystal that was keeping the form. After that was shattered it no longer could hold its form and with a shriek it broke into several thousand pieces.
Around them the same treatment was given to everything else that was frozen, including Netto. Barrel caught her as she fell to the ground and he lay her down on the black top looking for a pulse.
“She’s not breathing,” he muttered tightly.
“WHAT?” Saito yelled.
Enzan ran over, “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“She has a pulse, but she’s not breathing,” Colonel explained.
Enzan looked at Netto, then at the two soldiers, “Do either one of you know how to give CPR?” he asked.
“We’re military not medics,” Barrel snapped.
Blues shook his head and Saito merely looked like he was about to have a nervous breakdown.
Enzan sighed and took off his mask, “All right,” he said and tilted Netto’s head back. He leaned in and forced air into Netto’s lungs and pushed on her diaphragm three times. Then he leaned in again and just as their lips met for the second time Netto’s eyes flew open. She pulled her hand back and punched Enzan in the face.
“Oh god,” Colonel muttered.
Enzan rocked backwards while Netto sat up coughing, “You did NOT just do what I think you did,” she said slowly in a very low and angry sounding voice.
“Netto-kun!” Saito said happily as he jumped on Netto and held her tightly. “Thank god you’re okay.”
“Okay?” she asked.
Enzan held his cheek, “You weren’t breathing,” he muttered.
“Oh…” she said. “OH! Uh… sorry, Enzan,” she said slowly. “B-but you still…”
Enzan rolled his eyes and stood up, “You’re alive, be grateful for that.”
Netto glared at him and stood up. “Thank you then,” she said icily and vanished.
Saito slapped his forehead, “Oh man,” he muttered and ran into the darkness.
“Enzan-sama?” Blues asked.
Enzan fingered his jawbone, “I’ll be okay. Don’t worry,” he sighed and disappeared as well.
It was about that time Barrel chose to start laughing as loudly as he possibly could.
I couldn't resist *FLEE* _________________ Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF. All my base are belong to you.
Avatar, credit Yakitate@devart |
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DjangoSP The True Solar Boy

Joined: 25 Jul 2005 Posts: 575 Location: Traveling the world, recruiting people to help me rule my manga, anime, and video game empire.
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:47 pm Post subject: |
When I read this part, I laughed, and cried at the same time! T_T I don't know where you get this stuff, but keep up the good work, Neko! :D _________________ I am Solar Boy Django! TAIYOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!
Credit goes to X-Zero EXE for the uber-cool sig!!! :D |
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kuro-kitsune Net Agent
Joined: 26 Jul 2005 Posts: 268 Location: raincover, on the wet coast
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:51 pm Post subject: |
oh. my. gawd.....
i <3 you neko-sempai~~ :D:D i can't wait for the future chapters~~~
~kuro-kitsune~ |
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