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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:29 pm Post subject: Megaman.EXE: More than Meets the Eye *Axess 51 Spoliers* |
Ok folks, I've been working on this for a bit. I hope you think this is gonna be a great idea so:
Author’s Note: The following takes place after the events of the series finale of Axess. The Stream arc will not exist. PET type will be the Progress PET.
The style will be the NT Warrior dub, with all the names of characters, battlechips etc, in that format.
This a Cross-Over story with Megaman NT Warrior and the Transformers Generation 1
Author: Fenril
Co-Author/Editor: RedFenril
Megaman and related characters are the property of Capcom LTD
Decepticon, Autobot and related characters are the property of Hasbro LTD
Now that I have taken care of all the basics, let’s start the show.
Chapter 1: A new threat?
The Undernet
A large gathering of navis descended onto the Undersquare. These navis, however, are not standard Undernet navis. These are different navis, and so is the square.
A larger navi stood from his throne and addressed the group, with two other navis flanking him.
“Fellow Decepticons! Today we have conquered the Undernet, but this is only one step of taking back what is rightfully ours, the entire net. For too many years, we have dwelled in the bowels of the net, forgotten and disgraced. Today marks our return to this new cyber world. With our enemies; the Autobots; forgotten by the human race, we shall conquer their world with ease! Our triumph is upon us! We shall usher in a new cyber world! Where I, will rule, forever!”
The other Decepticons cheered, shouting their leader’s name. After the crowd quiet down, the navi spoke again.
“Before our great crusade begins, we must first solidify our domain here. With Serenade locked away, we can move more quickly in our efforts here. I employ all of you, to begin those efforts immediately. Go out, and prepare yourselves. A day of reckoning is at hand!”
After minutes of cheering, the crowd dispersed. As the two navis near the leader were leaving, one of them walked up to him.
“Sir, my operator wishes to inform you that we must still tread lightly, he also wishes to test our opponent’s resolve. We must find out how strong he is.”
The leader nodded. “Hmm, very well. You two do what you must.”
“Yes sir.” He replied before logging out.
The leader turned to a viewing screen and observed a battle between a very large navi in the real world, and a young boy.
“You may have defeated Nebula and Dr. Regal; Lan Hikari, but you will not defeat me or my army of Decepticons. I look forward to meeting you; Lan and Megaman.” And with that, lets out a hideous laugh.
DenTech City
“AHHHHHHHHH!” Cried Lan as he bolts out the door of his home. “Man I’m going to be late!” he said as he skates down the street towards town.
I tried to get you up Lan, but you kept saying five more minutes. Explained Megaman.
“I always say that. When will you stop believing me?”
You’re right Lan, I should never believe you ever again. Megaman answered.
“Aw come on Megaman. I was only kidding.”
You always say that Lan.
Lan realised that he’s not going to win this argument. “You’re right Megaman, I’m sorry.”
You’re forgiven Lan.
Six months ago, a criminal mastermind named Dr. Regal, was one step away from world domination. It was Lan and Megaman, using the power of both Cross Fusion and Full Syncro, who ended that threat. Now, recent reports from the Net Police showed an unusual increase of Undernet activity, reports also indicate that a new organization has taken over the Undernet, and its members are also a unique brand of net navi. No details were in the report, but it was enough for the minds at Sci-Lab to begin working on a new defence to counter this threat.
As Lan reaches their destination, Sci-Lab, he could see his father talking to Keifer and Manuela of the Net Police about recent intelligence collected about the new group.
“All we know is that this group is unlike Nebula, World Three, or Graves.” Keifer said. “We don’t know if they are solo-navis or operated navis, but we do know that they are powerful and have the ability to send the navis to the real world without a Dimensional Area.”
Dr. Hikari nodded. “We’ve been preparing for something like that. Since the Nebula event, we’ve been working on adapting a Dimensional Generator for ourselves, in case of such an event. We still have to test it though.”
“You have to test it as soon as possible Dr. Hikari.” Keifer said. “There’s something else I should tell you.”
“That would be?”
Manuela handed him a battle chip, but not like any he hasn’t seen before, and different from a Dark Chip. It had a similar design as a Dark Chip, but instead of a Dark Aura in the middle, a red pulsating crystal was in its place
“Our agent recovered this chip." Manuela explained. "We don’t know what it is, or what it can do, but we do know that it will work only for whoever this group is, not with other navis. That’s all our agent could tell us about it.”
Dr. Hikari nodded. “We'll study it, see what comes up.” As he turned, he could make out Lan heading his way.
“Hey Dad!” Lan cried out.
“Lan, glad you could make it.”
“Thanks Dad.” He said with a big smile.
“Late, but you made it.” Lan’s smile quickly turned into a frown.
“Sorry Dad, Megaman didn’t wake me up.”
I tried to Lan. Megaman responded.
“Anyway, I’m glad you’re here; we’re testing our new Dimensional Generator, and we need to test it under a combative situation.”
Lan nodded. “Ok, when do we start?”
“As soon as we’re ready.” Came a voice behind him.
Lan turned to see a good friend of his. “Hey there Mr. Famous!”
“Its just Famous, Lan.”
Lan nodded. “Sorry. So this test, when will we be ready to go?”
“When we’re done setting up the test site. Are you and Megaman ready to do this?”
Lan smiled. “I’m ready for anything.”
Megaman nodded through the PET screen. Let’s do it Lan
Before they could get started, a lab tech ran outside to the group. “Dr. Hikari, Agent Lan, we have a problem here.”
Lan turned to his father and both ran inside the lab, so did Famous, Keifer and Manuela.
Inside, the tech turned to the group. “Something is disrupting all major commercial systems and the security systems that protect them. Banks, malls, anything that deals with commerce, it’s affected.”
“Famous.” Dr. Hikari said. “Can you pin point the centre of these disruptions?”
“I’ll get on it.” He replied
Lan was worried. He remembered that his best friend Maylu was with Dex and Chiso today. They were going shopping today, and he was going to meet up with them after he was done.
“Got it, it looks like the Electown shopping district.”
Lan put his skates on and headed towards the doors.
“Lan wait!" Dr. Hikari cried. "We still have to test the Dimensional Generator.”
“My friends are in trouble. Megaman and I have to help them!” Lan replied as he bolts out the door.
Dr. Hikari turned to Famous. “Lan will never get there in time.”
Famous nodded. “I know someone who might be able to get him there faster.”
Lan kept pushing himself to move faster as he skates towards town. “My friends need me.” He said to himself. “I can’t slow down now.” Just as he made a turn, a black limo pulled up beside him. As he stared at the limo, one of the windows came down, showing Lan’s net saver partner Chaud Blaze.
“Get in.” The black and white haired net saver said. “Famous told me about the situation.”
“Maylu and the others are in that area, we have to hurry.” Lan said as he gets into the limo.
Chaud nodded and turned to the driver. “Electown! Hurry!”
End of Chapter 1 _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney |
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Hikari no Namida

Joined: 23 Mar 2005 Posts: 48 Location: Wouldn't you like to know?
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:53 pm Post subject: |
Wow, I don't think I've ever read a Megaman/Transformer's crossover. This is very interesting. Please keep going! |
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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:35 pm Post subject: |
Hmmm, 87 views and only one reply.....
Seriously folks, if I'm doing something wrong, let me know (no flames of course)
But I can't worry about that now. Onwards! (edited to fix a few things)
Chapter 2: Shopping Terror
Chaos was evident all around, ATMs shorting out, Security systems going haywire, even the local mall was in total lockdown. The mall doors were locked trapping everyone inside.
Dex, Maylu and Chisao were all trapped inside the mall. Many others were trapped as well, but Dex and Maylu knew that perhaps they could be the ones to release the lockdown, and that as long as the doors were locked, no one could get in or out. “Maylu.” Dex said. “If we’re going to be able to get help from the outside. We need to unlock the doors.”
He’s right Maylu. Roll; Maylu’s navi replied. If there’s any way to help out, we should take it.
Maylu nodded and looked along the door if she could find a jack-in sensor. After a brief search, she found the black sensor near the handles of the mall doors. “Dex, over here!”
As the two got close to the sensor, Chisao looked at his older brother. “Go get’em big brother, show whoever caused this pays.”
Dex nodded at the confidence booster and aimed his PET to the tiny black sensor. “Let’s do this. Jack-in! Gutsman, Power-up!"He cried as he fires off an infrared beam to the sensor, sending Gutsman to the network.
Maylu wasn’t far behind. “Jack-in! Roll, Power up" She cried as she aims and fires off an infrared beam to the sensor, the image of Roll disappeared from her PET and appeared in the network.
Inside the door network, Roll and Gutsman could see the real reason to the lockdown: A virus infection. Ranging from Metaurs to spikeys to swordys. Roll turned to Gutsman. “Time to roll’em out Gutsman.” The pink clad Roll said.
“Gutsman ready to rumble. Guts guts.” The strong but dumb navi announced.
Maylu reached for a battlechip. Time to get to work. Aqua Tower! Battlechip in, download! She cried as she inserted an Aqua tower chip.
Hammer time Gutsman! Dex cried out. Big Hammer. Battlechip in, download!
Roll planted her hand onto the surface. “Aqua Tower!” She cried as a tall column of water rose from where she planted her hand ploughing through several viruses.
As the viruses disappeared from Roll’s watery attack, Gutsman had his hammer ready to go. “Big Hammer!” He cried as he slams the hammer down to the ground resulting in a shockwave that deletes several more viruses.
Outside the mall, a shadowy figure is watching the network battle unfold on his PET. As soon as the viruses are nearly wiped out, he grins. “Go greet our friends, Starscream.”
At once. His navi answered
As Roll and Gutsman deletes the remaining viruses, a pair of blaster bolts shot out. Gutsman and Roll barley had enough time to dodge the attacks. As the two navis got up, they could see another navi. This one looked like a mix of a robot and a fighter aircraft. The navi symbol on his wings were those of an evil looking robotic face. Roll stared at the strange looking navi. “Who the heck are you?”
The navi laughed. “Funny you should ask little girl,” he said in a high-pitched voice. “I am Star Commander Starscream!”
Roll looked at him. “Star Comander? What are you, some sort of military navi?”
Starscream chuckled. “As a matter of fact, I am. But I won’t go into detail for you.”
Go get him Gutsman. He doesn’t look too tough for you. Dex said through his PET
Gutsman got up. “Gutsman will clip your wings. Guts!” And charged towards Starscream.
“Gutsman wait!” Roll cried.
Starscream laughed. “You are reckless and stupid; Gutsman. Star Cannon!” Two blasters formed on his arm and fired at Gutsman. The rapid-fire cannons hit their mark inflicting serious damage to Gutsman.
“Guts!” he cried as the bolts take its toll.
Gutsman! Cried Dex.
Starscream laughs. “Foolish navi. Now what to do with you little girl?” He said as he advanced towards Roll.
Roll couldn’t move; her legs were frozen in fear. Maylu was also concerned. That navi is much stronger than Roll, but to do nothing meant certain deletion for her. Lan, Megaman, where are you? They both thought at the same time.
Outside, police where keeping bystanders away from the mall. Chaud’s limo arrived and stopped near the mall doors while Lan and Chaud got out from the limo and ran towards the doors. A police officer stopped the two.“Sorry, this place isn’t for kids.” He said in a serious tone.
Lan pulled out his PET. “It is a place for Net Savers.” He said showing his Net Saver badge through his PET. Chaud followed.
The officer nodded. “Alright, get in there guys. The mall is under lockdown and the doors are locked shut. We can’t get in and there are a lot of trapped people inside.”
Chaud nodded. “Get your men out of here. We’ll take it from here.” The officer nodded and radioed his men to pull out.
As Lan got closer, he could see Maylu working on the holographic screen from her PET with Roll fighting Starscream. Lan knew that Roll was in trouble and Megaman need to get in there. He got closer to the doors as Malyu looked up to see her Net Saver friend there to save the day. She called out to him. "Lan! Help us out here!" She cried.
Lan got closer to the doors. "Don't worry Maylu, I'll get you guys out."
“Lan, I found a place to jack in.” Chaud said as he pointed at a jack-in sensor near the doors.
Lan ran to where he was. “Ready to go Megaman.” He said as he pulled out his PET and aimed the hand-held computer to the sensor.
Ready when you are Lan. Replied Megaman
Let’s do this Chaud. Protoman said with determination.
“Then let’s not waste any time! Jack in. Megaman, Power Up!"
“Strike them down!" Chaud cried. "Jack in. Protoman, Power Up!" The two infrared beams found their mark and sent the two navis to do battle with the unknown Starscream.
Inside the network, Roll was in a losing battle with Starscream. When she couldn’t fight any more, Starscream laughed. “I’m surprised you lasted this long girl, you are stronger than you look, but this is the end for you.”
“Not on my watch!” Came a voice behind him.
Starscream turned just in time to get peppered by Megaman’s mega buster. As he gathered himself, he stared down the blue navi.
“Megaman!” Roll cried, realising that she’s been saved.
Starscream let out a sinister laugh. “You’re very good little navi.”
“You haven’t seen us in action.” Megaman replied.
Cyber Sword. Battlechip in, Download! Cried Lan as he downloads the cyber sword to Megaman. His mega buster morphed into a blue sword.
Starscream’s right hand morphed into a cyber sword as well. “Two can play that game.” He said as he positioned himself to charge.
Megaman grinned. “Make that three fly boy.”
“What?!” He looked up to see Protoman coming down with his sword ready to cut him down, and he would have none of that. “Transform!” He said as he morphed into an F-15 jet and flew away from Protoman. As Protoman landed, the fighter turned and drilled through both navis sending them flying. After his pass, Starscream morphed back into his navi form and readied himself for another attack.
As Protoman got up, he looked at his opponent. “How did you do that?”
Starscream laughed. “It’s part of my program. And so is deleting the both of you.
“I don’t think so.” Cried Megaman, still recovering from Starscream’s rush.
Let’s show him how we do things Megaman, Super Vulcan, battlechip in. Download. Megaman’s sword became a Vulcan cannon, and began unloading on Starscream. Starscream grinned as he nimbly dodged the bullets, just as Megaman wanted.
Do it Protoman! Area Steal, Wide Blade, battlechips in. Double-download! As Starscream was more focused dodging the bullets, he didn’t see the fast moving Protoman get behind him. “What!” Starscream yelled as Protoman’s blade sliced across Starscream’s back. The mighty Starscream went down on his knees as Megaman trained his megabuster on him.
Outside, the shadowy figure grinned as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a chip simular to the one Dr. Hikari has in his possession. “Time to take this fight to a new playground. Energon chip in. Download! His PET screen turned into the purple robotic face symbol on his PET and flashed a bright light.
Outside the mall, a column of light appeared near the two net savers. As the two turned, they could see Starscream in the real world. Lan called up Mr. Famous. “Mr. Famous! Is the Dimensional Area Generator online?”
“It’s just Famous Lan and yes, it is. We still haven’t tested it though.” Famous replied.
“Now is a good time to test it. We got a navi in the real world!” Lan said with a sense of urgency.
Back at Sci-Labs, Dr. Hikari turned to Famous. “Power up the generators and lock on to their location.”
Famous brought up a holographic screen where the mall was located. A targeting cursor put the mall in its crosshairs. “Generator’s at full power. Target locked on.”
Now was the moment of truth for Dr. Hikari. Let’s hope this works. He thought. “Fire!”
The dishes on top of sci-lab powered up and each launched a beam of light towards the mall’s skyline. The beams merged and a bright light appeared overhead. A multi-coloured dome began to form around the mall. Famous looked at the status of the completed dome. “Dimensional Area is stable Dr. Hikari.”
The scientist nodded. “Now it’s up to them.”
Back at the mall, Starscream was confused. “What is this? Some sort of prison?”
Lan and Chaud grinned. “You could say that.” Lan said as he turned to his partner. “Ready Chaud?” He said as he pulled out his Syncro Chip.
“You know it.” Chaud said as he pulled out his.
Syncro Chip in! Download! They both yelled out as they slid the chip into their PETs. Two parts of a symbol joined as one as data began to display on the screens as their PETs emitted a bright light. CROSS FUSION! Both navi and operator yelled as the white light consumes Lan and Chaud.
Lan appears to be in a trance at this point as blue boots began to form around Lan’s feet, once the boots are made, a pair of green gems appeared on each boot. Gloves began to form around his hands, first his right, then his left; the gloves extend to form another green gem on the gloves. Once completed, Lan clenches his fists and arc his head down while opening his eyes. Megaman’s symbol appears on his chest as a white light consumes his body, reviling Megaman’s body suit, with lines arcing towards his shoulders forming a pair of shoulder pads. Parts of the helmet began to form on Lan’s head as a wire frame appears on the missing areas. Blue data began to flow down the frame to finish the helmet, followed by a faceguard sliding across Lan’s face. The pack on his back finished forming as Lan sharply turns and ends in his finishing pose.
Chaud enters the cross fusion process in a trance like state as red gloves began to form on his hands and lower arm, the left glove having a small version of Protoman’s symbol on it. Two boots began to form on his feet, as they finish forming, a spike forms from the upper section of the boot. Chaud forms a fist and moves his arm near his left side then sharply moves it to his far left. With his arms spread out, his red vest closes up as a red chest plate forms on his upper torso with two small black shoulder pads on the top of it. Protoman’s symbol appeared in two halfs as they joined up and fitted neatly on Chaud’s chest, forming Protoman’s body suit on the exposed areas. A wire frame went across Chaud’s face, as it crosses, Protoman’s helmet began to take shape. Once completed, Chaud has Protoman’s helmet, mask and shades, followed by his navi’s hair going down his back ending near the back of his legs. With the process complete he turns once around and ends in his finishing pose.
Starscream was less than impressed. “You are both human. You cannot hope to accomplish what we can do. Transform!” He cried as he morphed into his fighter form and began his flyby against Lan and Chaud, strafing the area with blaster fire. R-Megaman and R-Protoman rolled out of the way.
“Not this time Starscream!” R-Megaman cried. “Dash Condor! Battlechip in.” A Condor virus appeared as Lan got on it and began his aerial chase with Starscream, firing off his megabuster.
Chaud on the ground knew he could give Lan a helping hand. “Circle Gun. Battlechip in!" R-Protoman’s arm morphed into a cannon with a targeting scope on it. He pointed upwards and hoped that the targeting cursors lock on Starscream so Lan can take him down.
“Come on…” He said as he tried to lock on to Starscream. While targeting, Starscream turned towards him and began strafing the area with blaster fire. Chaud rolled out of the way again as R-Megaman passes by, still in hot pursuit firing off his megabuster.
As the battle unfolded outside, Maylu and Roll watched from the mall, watching Lan trying to land a shot on Starscream. Maylu clenched her fist. “I want to help Lan. I want to be able to cross fuse and help them.”
Roll agreed. “I want to help Megaman out.” Maylu nodded as she continued watching the battle.
Across from the Dimensional Area, an old man was watching the battle unfold. So, Megatron and his Decepticons are back. This is what we have feared the most. He thought as he made his way towards the Dimensional Area.
Back at the fight, Chaud's patience has just paid off. “Gotcha!” Chaud cried as the cursors locked onto Starscream. He steadied himself and fired. The machine gun bolts struck Starscream hard, forcing him to transform out of fighter mode, dazed from the attack. Lan was ready to strike.
He positioned himself to jump off his Condor to make his move. “StepCross. Battlechip in!” He cried as his hands morphed into long swords. The speed effect kicked in as he made his aerial dash towards Starscream.
“Impossible!” Starscream cried as R-Megaman made an X slash across his cockpit chest.
As Starscream crashed to the ground, R-Megaman safely landed across from Chaud. Starscream laughed. “You may have won this fight Lan and Chaud, but the war has only begun. I will meet you again I have no doubt about that!” He cried as he disappears from the scene.
The shadowy figured pocketed his PET with Starscream inside and turned to the Dimensional Area. “Round one to you Lan.” He said as he takes off.
As the dimensional area fades, so does R-Megaman and R-Protoman. The boy’s armour disappears as their PETs reform and drops to each boy’s hand. “I’d say that was a successful test run with the Dimensional Area Generators.” Lan said to Chaud. The mall doors unlock as the people began running out. Maylu, Dex and Chisao ran towards the two net savers.
“You did it Lan!” Maylu said.
“Awesome work Lan.” Dex said.
“Aw thanks guys.” Lan said blush. He turned over to Chaud, who was staring at the exact spot where Starscream logged out.
“What was that thing Chaud?” Lan asked.
“I don’t know.” Chaud replied.
“He was a Decepticon.” Came a voice behind them. Lan and Chaud turned to see someone they hoped they would never see again. Maylu and Dex ran over to see what they were seeing.
“Mr. Wily!” Lan cried. “What are you doing here? Are you responsible for this?
“No I am not.” Wily replied. “If I were, would I try to destroy you both now that you have crossed-out? I am here because of this, and to warn you both.”
“I don’t believe you Wily, we should simply arrest you for past crimes.” Lan said.
“Wait a second there Lan.” Chaud said with his hand on Lan’s shoulder. “He seems to know more about this then either of us. If we arrest him for past crimes, we won’t be able to get that information.”
Wily nodded. “You are correct Mr. Blaze. I know much more about this then is known. However, the data I have is not with me, and you must know everything if we are going to survive this. Starscream is only one Decepticon, there are many others, some even more powerful then him.”
Lan and Chaud knew what that meant. “Ok. I believe you, this time Wily.” Lan said. “What do we do?”
Wily nodded. “First, you must come with me, both of you. I have vital information for you and your father Lan. Everything will be explained, even the beginnings of the net society we live in.”
Lan and Chaud knew that any information the former World 3 leader had would prove vital. “Where do we go?” Lan asked.
Wily began walking away from the mall. “Today, nowhere. Tomorrow, meet me here. I will take you to where we need to be.” Before he left, he could hear Maylu talking to Lan. “I want to come to.” She said to Lan.
Lan shook his head. “It’s too dangerous. For all we know, it could be a trap, and if it is, I don’t want you to get involved.”
Wily turned around. “She may come if she wishes, I have a feeling that she may have as much reason to know as you. She may even be able to help you in your future battles with the Decepticons. This threat is bigger than my past crimes, and if we’re going to survive, you must trust me.” He continued walking away from the group.
Lan decided to give Willy the benefit of the doubt, and Maylu and chance to see some action. “Ok Maylu, you can come. But I want you to promise me first that you will stay away from fighting these Decepticons, you can’t cross-fuse.”
Maylu scoffed at that remark, but realised that he’s right. “Ok Lan.” She said.
Lan nodded and turned to the setting sun. “We’re ready for you Decepticons. You won’t take over the net, not while we’re here.”
End of Chapter 2 _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney
Last edited by Fenril on Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:56 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Aquaman OS Net Police
Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 448
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:19 pm Post subject: |
Transformers and Megaman? That's a new combination on me. Anyways I thought it was good, as long as you remember to keep the Transformer characters in character. Which universe is this Starscream based on, G1, Armada, or another? |
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Tenryujin Net Savior

Joined: 11 Jun 2005 Posts: 129
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:48 pm Post subject: |
Fenril stated that it was a crossover with G1.
This is an interesting concept, one that I would love to see developed. The problem with this is that it's rife with numerous grammatical errors, mostly concerning the fact that there is no one single tense the story is written in. It almost makes it a chore to read through.
Other than that, the dialogue is good, and your battle scenes are even better. The story could do with a bit more description, though. _________________ Hmm... Defenestration is such a fun word. |
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Aquaman OS Net Police
Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 448
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:58 pm Post subject: |
Tenryujin wrote: | Fenril stated that it was a crossover with G1. |
So he did. Sorry I didn't see that at first. |
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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:16 am Post subject: |
I typed it first using MS Word. It's very annoying when it comes to grammer, some of the changes it suggested don't make alot of sense.
But I will develop it further. Maybe if someone wouldn't mind, maybe help out in editing. I want to make this as enjoyable to you reading it as it is for me writing it. _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney |
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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:12 pm Post subject: |
This took a while to finish. Needed to take a breather to reflect on how to make this a bit better. I also fixed Chapter 2 as well. If anyone has a suggestion on how to make this better, PM me or email me.
Chapter 3: Raising the Ark
The Undernet
Starscream appeared before the mighty Decepticon leader Megatron after his failure at the mall earlier in the day, with his net op in attendance through a holographic image of himself. The tall and imposing leader wasn’t too happy.
“So, our first battle against the Net Savers ended in an embarrassing defeat?” Megatron hissed. “Fool!” He cried as he grabs the wounded Decepticon by the neck. “Not only did you fail in your mission, but you also reviled ourselves to the humans when you used that Energon chip!”
He tossed Starscream away. “Forgive me lord Megatron.” He said while struggling to get up. “ My operator felt that we could handle them.”
Megatron sharply turned and pointed his arm cannon at Starscream. The cannon looks like a scope placed on the top of a pistol, but it’s enough to bring the wounded Starscream to his knees. “I could delete you here and now Starscream.” Megatron said as the cannon charged up. “Do you know how many Decepticons I have deleted because of failure? Do you wish to join their ranks Starscream?” He said as a purple light of destruction shined from the end of the cannon.
The navi pleaded. “Megatron, give us another chance.”
Megatron grinned, and fired his cannon. The purple stream flew inches away from Starscream and hit an Undernet navi behind him. The power from the cannon was enough to totally delete the navi, with only fragments of data left floating around where the navi once stood.
Starscream looked up, seeing the smoking barrel still on top of him as Megatron laughed. “I have decided to spare you for now Starscream, I have a need for you and your operator. Because you are my second in command, I need you to watch my domain here while I lead a Decepticon attack on Bright Land’s network. Soundwave’s operator has already provided us access to their network. He and Soundwave have been very useful as of now.”
Starscream slowly got up. “Why wasn’t I informed? Soundwave can watch over this area. We can provide more assistance than that overgrown cassette player!”
Megatron growled and delivered a backhand across Starscream’s face. “Do not question my authority again Starscream!” He cried as he walked towards the network portal. “Do not forget what happened last time you tried to take command. You almost lost us the great war!”
Starscream was about to mention something to him, but decided not to. “I will do as you wish Megatron.”
Megatron laughed as he called Soundwave and four other Decepticons over to the portal. “Perhaps if you don’t foul up this task Starscream, I will consider you for our next conquest.” He said as his invasion group transmitted themselves to Bright Land.
Starscream’s operator spoke after the invasion force left the Undernet. “You still lost the war under Megatron’s leadership. You are clearly a better leader Starscream.” Starscream nodded. “I am a better leader, Megatron is a fool. He only has my support because he is a more powerful navi. But power can be taken away, and in time, his power will be removed and I will claim my rightful place as leader of the Deceticons.” He said as he shoots a holographic image of Megatron, dissipating it. “Enjoy yourself Megatron, you will find yourself as one of my followers soon enough.”
Electown Mall; Following day
Maylu and Chaud were waiting in the parking lot for both Lan and Willy. The two have been waiting ten minutes for Lan, and Chaud’s patience was running thin. “Is he always late Maylu?” He inquired.
“Always.” She replied. “But it’s not like him to be this late.” As she finished her sentence, Lan skated to the group.
“Sorry I’m late. I needed to stop by to see Dad first. He told me obtain any information Willy has on this threat.” Lan said as he took off his skates.
“Now that you’re here,” Chaud said looking around. “Where’s Willy?”
After 5 minutes have passed, a group of black, unmarked vans pulled up beside the group. Two men dressed with black suits and wearing dark glasses, walked towards the group. “Are you Lan Hikari?” He asked the bandana-wearing boy.
“Yes.” Lan answered.
The man pulled out 3 portable fingerprint scanners, one for each of them. “If you are Lan Hikari, Maylu Sakura and Chaud Blaze, this will verify it. Just attach the unit to your PET and place your thumb on the black surface.”
As the other suited man gave Maylu and Chaud a scanner, Lan spoke up. “Excuse me, but why do we have to be verified?”
“Security purposes son, it will give you clearance to our base.”
“Base? What kind of base?” Lan inquired.
“I am not a liberty to say right now son, but if you three are verified by our computers, we have been instructed, by Willy, to take you there.”
“Sounds alright to me.” Lan said as he attaches the scanner on the PET. The scanner attaches to the battlechip slot while the black surface covers the face of the PET. Once attached, the black surfaces lights up with a green colour with text saying “Verify thumbprint” and a dark spot in the centre. Lan places his thumb on the dark spot, while Maylu and Chaud followed.
“You must leave your thumb on the unit until our computer makes the check. I will tell you when the scan is complete.” The suited man said. Inside one of the vans, a computer operator looks over the three thumbprints; a scanning beam runs across and down the print. As soon as the scans are complete, the results are brought up with Lan’s, Chaud’s and Maylu’s identification.
The operator turned to another operator and nodded. “It’s them.”
“Alright, I’m initating security protocol Delta 571.” The other said as he hits three buttons on his console.”
Just then, an electric shock charges from the scanners striking the holder, while the same current also strikes the navi in the PET. As the group cries in pain, the suited man watching it unfold pulled out a remote and hit a key on it. The electric shock stops and the scanning units eject from the group’s PETs, while the group passes out from their experience. The screens on the PETs also shut down due to the electrical interference from the scanners.
The man looked over at Chaud first, and then Maylu, then Lan. “They’re stunned, they won’t be up for a while.” He said to the other suited man. “Their PETs are offline.” He added as he picks them up. “We are secure. Let’s get them inside the vans and report to base.” He said as he motions for help from the other vans. Two army field medics rushed over to take Lan and the others to their vans while another suited man looks around to make sure no one witnessed what has taken place. As soon as he delivered a sharp thumbs up, the lead suited man pulls out his PET and tells the drivers that the site is secure and to also tell them to report back to base.
The drive was very long as the vans head towards a mountain ridge way north of the city. Once they reach a set of gates to what appears to be an abandoned military base, one of the drivers hit a few keys on the dash of his van. After a brief second, the ground shook as a ramp leading underground appeared. The vans drove down the ramp and inside a bunker. Once all the vans are down the ramp, it ascends upwards to make it look like the military base was still abandoned.
Three hours have passed as Lan woke up from his slumber, inside a medical bay and was being examined by military doctors. “He’s awake.” One of the nurses said. She turned to the Net Saver. “Sorry that had to be done, we have to keep this base a secret.”
“Where am I? Where are my friends?” Lan demanded to the nurse.
“You three were brought here by request of Mr. Willy. They are in separate rooms, you will be joined again shortly.”
Lan reached for his PET, but found it to be gone. "Hey, where's my PET? Where's Megaman?!" He cried out.
The nurse reached to a desk and gave it to him. “Your navi checks outs fine. Very powerful one, all of them have power.” She said referring to Roll and Protoman.
Lan nodded and looked at his navi. Megaman smiled as he saw his net op. "Lan! You're ok!" He cried out.
"I'm fine Megaman. Just a little shaken but I'm ok." Lan replied. "What happened to us?”
I don’t know Lan. Megaman replied rubbing the back of his helmet. I was knocked out as well as you guys. All I can remember is an electric shock shutting me down.
Lan nodded. “I remember the same thing.” He looked at the nurse. “You really didn’t have to do that, we could’ve kept a secret you know.”
“We really needed to be sure you three are not a security threat.” She said. “We had to stun you three to make sure you are inside without seeing this place. The Decepticons have human agents running around so having a.....”
“Woah, the Decepticons? You know about them too?” Lan quickly said.
“We all do young Hikari.” Willy said as he entered to check on Lan. “I apologize for the security precautions, but my military contact insisted.”
Lan looked past him to see Chaud and Maylu waiting for him. Willy turned to the group and then turned back to Lan. “If you and your friends would follow me, I will take you to the command deck.”
Lan nodded and walked towards the group. “I hope you have a good reason to stun us and abduct us like this Willy.” He said as the group began to move through the corridors of the facility.
Willy nodded. “I do. You will find out that this facility is more than a military base.” He said as he walked.
True enough the facility looks like an underground staging bunker, with technicians and military personal running around. As the four of them moved through the corridoors, something caught Lan's and the rest of the group's attention. Odd symbols were painted on the walls of the facility. They are similar to the purple evil robotic face found on the Decpticons, but with a red shade and a more heroic face.
Lan’s curiosity got the better of him as more of these symbols appeared on panels, cargo boxes, and some on the military personnels' uniforms. “Willy, what do these symbols represent?” He asked.
Willy grinned. “They represent the Autobots.”
“Autobots?” Malyu asked. “Are they like Decpticons?” She said with a little fear in her voice.
“Quite the opposite Ms. Sakura.” Willy said. “They represent the building blocks of today’s net society.”
The group was a little more intrigued now. “You mean to tell us that these ‘Autobots’ are responsible for the net society we protect today?” Chaud asked.
“You’re only half right Mr. Blaze.” He said as the group entered an elevator. Willy pushed a button with the characters ‘C&C’ as the lift began its upward climb. “Once we arrive at the epicentre of this facility, I’ll tell you everything you need to know. About the Autobots, the Decpticons, this facility, everything.” As the lift slowed to a stop, Willy motioned the group to the doors. “After you Lan Hikari.” He said. Lan gulped as he stepped forward.
The doors hissed open, as the group couldn’t believe their eyes. They could see technology far superior to today’s standards, including holographic panels, real-time display screens with perfect clarity, even a network radar grid for the base’s network. The deck was busy with people all in military uniforms wearing the Autobot symbol as their unit badge, located on the top part of their left sleeve. The room was dark except for the lights emitting from the holographic panels and a large holographic image of the globe with a man wearing a camouflaged jacket standing in front of it.
Willy stepped out of the lift and smiled. “Lan Hikari, Chaud Blaze, Malyu Sakura; Welcome, to the Ark.”
End of Chapter 3 _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney |
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Yoshiman Net Battler
Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 90 Location: Seibertron-Transformer Planet
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:38 pm Post subject: |
Very interesting Fenril, combines two of my interests, aside from some grammar/spelling errors, I like it, but, are you going to include any characters from Stream (Jasmine, Dingo, Nenji)? _________________ Current story-Elemental Maiden |
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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:12 pm Post subject: |
If you read chapter 3 again, the last line before Willy steps forward should give you a hint of one of them. (Please don't say who it is, keep that to yourself)
As for the spelling and grammer errors, I'm still working on those. MS Word is a pain in the a** for the little things.
Guys, I'm doing this for you. If you have any ideas for this, let me know. I have a vision on who will be in this and who won't be. How the story will develop and what will happen. But I can change things so long as it doesn't grossly stray from my path, or that it grossly violates continuity in both series (NT Warrior and Transformers G1.) _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney |
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Joined: 08 Nov 2005 Posts: 4
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:55 pm Post subject: |
Cool story, even tho I don't know a lot about the new megaman series ^_^' Can I borrow one of the games sometime? (It's maggie, btw!)
Anyways, I've only read to chapter 2, but so far so good; keep it up  |
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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:02 pm Post subject: |
Hey guys.
I've been trying really hard to finish Chapter 4 (turns out to be more of a challenge) Mixing past events in both series to make it work is NOT and easy thing to do.
Just an update: I got most of the chapter done, gonna wrap it up and do some editing on it. Hopefully it will work out for everyone
Peace Out! _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney |
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Fenril Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 188 Location: Somewhere on the East Coast of Canada
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 2:28 pm Post subject: |
This was a real project, hence the time it took to gather my thoughts and get it on paper. I got it done and fixed things in it here and there. I'm quite impressed the way it turned out. Let me know what yo guys think.
Chapter 4: History of the Autobots
“Incredible!” Lan cried out as he looked around the command and control deck of the facility; known as the Ark. “I’ve never seen systems like this.”
Willy nodded. “The Ark was created a long time ago. It was the primary base for a special team of scientists and military personnel. As long as the Decepticons are still around, the Ark will never cease to function.”
Maylu was in awe with the technology, but wanted to know the nature of the facility. “What is the main function of the Ark?” She asked Willy.
Willy motioned the group to follow him as he explained his answer. “The Ark is used by the military to monitor the Decepticons. We knew their kind was not to be allowed to run rampant throughout the net, and we take measures to insure that doesn’t happen. ” Willy stopped near the black haired man looking at the holographic image of the globe. “This is my military contact, and leader of the Ark, Colonel Baryl.”
The man turned around to face the group. Baryl looked like a natural leader; tall and imposing. He walked over to Lan and smiled. “You must be the Lan Hikari who defeated Starscream yesterday. Your efforts are part of the reason why you’re here today.”
Lan chuckled. “I can’t take all the credit, I had help.”
Barrel nodded and looked at the other two. “Ah yes, Chaud Blaze.” He said as he shook the young CEO’s hand. “Your company has been very active in both the net society’s development, and the Ark’s development.”
“Blaze Quest?” Chaud said with both surprise and confusion. “With all due respect Colonel, Blaze Quest doesn’t deal with the military.”
“Not officially.” Barrel said. “This will be explained to the both of you.” He said before catching a glimpse of Maylu. “You must be Maylu. Lan’s best friend.”
“Yes, but how would you know that?” Maylu replied.
Barrel nodded. “All in good time, we have much to discuss. Come, the briefing room is this way.” He said as he motioned the group to follow him to the briefing room.
As the group sat down, Willy asked that they place their PETs on the conference table. The table was black and smooth, with panels and display screens in front of each seat, so that people at the briefing can observe any video or images that the briefing would have. There was also a holographic projector in the centre of the table. Willy took his seat at the head of the table while Baryl sat at the other end of the table. Chaud, Lan and Maylu sat in the centre on one side of the table, as the PETs’ holographic screens lit up so that Megaman, Roll, and Protoman were also listening to the briefing. Baryl put his black PET on the table as the screen lit up to reveal Baryl’s navi.
“This is my navi, Colonel,” Baryl said. “One of the few navis here that can stand up to the Decepticons.”
Hi Colonel. Megaman said through Lan’s PET. I’m Megaman. This is my friends Roll, He said motioning to the pink female navi. Roll waved at Colonel. And Protoman. The red armoured navi just stood there, as did Colonel.
“Very quiet navi.” Lan whispered to Megaman.
It’s ok. I’m sure he’ll have plenty to say. Megaman whispered back.
Willy motioned the group to his direction. “Lan, Chaud, Maylu, what I’m about to tell you, must not leave this room. This goes for your navis as well.”
Lan exchanged nods with Chaud, Maylu, and their navis before turning to Willy. “Ok, we’re agreed.”
Willy nodded as the room lights dimmed and the screens in front of the group flickered to life. “When the net society theory was about to become a reality,” Willy started. “Two groups of scientists from Netopia and Electopia were tasked to make it happen. Your grandfather, Lan, and myself, led the group from Electopia, while Dr. Cossack; the leading scientist from Netopia, led the other group from that country.”
Lan turned to the monitor as it displayed an image of the scientists collaborating and sharing data. Lan could see a younger version of his grandfather and Mr. Willy. “You knew my grandfather?” Lan asked Willy.
“Of course!” Willy answered. “He demanded the DOC put me on his team or he wouldn’t cooperate.”
“DOC?” Maylu asked.
“Development Oversight Committee.” Baryl answered. “A joint Netopian and Electopian government committee designed to oversee the development of the project, as well as any budget matters concerning the project.”
“Indeed, the Colonel is correct.” Willy replied. “Both teams were working together to make the net society live. We were making great headway; even had a concept on having artificial intelligence programs as network navigators in the works, until Dr. Cossack began to act…. irrational.”
Lan turned back to the monitor as a video played of an argument between Dr. Cossack and Lan’s grandfather. Several other scientists began to join the argument until a man with a suit broke up the argument, said a few words to Lan’s grandfather, and even more words for Dr Cossack. The end result was an angry outburst from Dr. Cossack. Lan looked back to Willy. “Why did he argue with my grandfather?”
Willy shook his head. “He accused him of stealing his data and incorporating it as his own.”
“But you guys were working together? How can that be stealing?” Lan asked.
“Dr. Cossack’s wanted the credit of being the first scientist to bring the net society to life. Your grandfather wanted to share the credit with everyone involved. Cossack worked well with us, but soon later, he began to launch accusations and even disrupt our work. He became a loose cannon, and that would be his downfall. ”
Lan nodded when he turned back to the monitor, the image changed from a lab environment to a government setting. A panel of five were listening to the recommendations of an observer. "Because the project is moving so rapidly, and the cost of the project is starting to become more expensive than first predicted, I suggest that we save the taxpayers money for both countries, and make a small budget cut to the project. This would save the people money, and we will still be able to finish the project within our goal."
“This was the spark that started the Decepticons.” Willy said. “The committee adopted the recommendation to appease the people and our budget was cut to the point that we could not maintain two groups. Clearly, with the amount of work we did compared to the work Dr Cossack did, the choice was easy.” Lan turned back to the monitor when he saw Dr. Cossack and several other scientists packing their belongings while Willy and Lan’s grandfather watched. As he finished, he turned sharply and cried out. “The net society will be mine!”
As soon as the group left the lab, the screen turned off. “We didn’t think about it, our main concern was to finish the project on time.” Willy said. “Some of Dr. Cossack’s men were allowed to stay with us. After 2 years of work, we were able to complete the project. We thought that this would be a milestone in science and technology. It almost became an instrument of our own demise.”
Megaman knew what that meant. The Decepticons. He said.
Willy nodded. “Dr. Cossack felt betrayed and abandoned. His reputation was tarnished, his wife left him, and his whole world was coming apart. He always felt that his dismissal from the project was the cause of it. Several members from his team also felt betrayed. They felt that he should have been the one to carry the project.” Willy hit a few keys on the table and the holographic projector hummed to life as a navi frame appeared. “Dr. Cossack managed to get a hold of the artificial intelligence program that would eventually become net navis.” He hit a few keys. “His idea of a navi was to make them more military like, with the ability to transform into a military vehicle, or in his first successful attempt, a gun.” The navi on the holographic projector disappeared and a slightly larger navi appeared. His arm had a large cannon on it, similar to a gun’s sight on a pistol, and his frame looked like the body of a pistol. “This is Megatron, the first of many Decepticons.” He pushed a few more buttons as more Decepticons appeared. “These are only the frames, creating the rest of the program would take a while, they had to make them more than just standard navis.”
Chaud looked at the images. “Why military machines?” He asked.
Willy nodded. “Why not? Military machines represented two things, power, and control. Cossack needed power to control the net. What better way is there, then to create navis that can fight as a navi and as a military machine? Megatron’s real power came from his gun form.” He hit a few more keys as the Decepticons behind Megatron disappeared, as Megatron transforms into a pistol. “In the hands of a skilled Decepticon, Megatron and his wielder, become very powerful.”
The screens fired up again as the setting changed. “Now we move to 30 years ago.” Willy said. “And the results of our research was being realised.”
The monitors showed what Netopia’s network was like 30 years ago. The group was in awe, a whole net city was online, with net navis walking around, but they looked more like robots. “Our research made this possible, but during this era, net battles were non-existent; navis of that era had no default weapons built in their programs. This would prove almost fatal.” As the group watched on, a series of explosions were seen around the net city. A different scene revealed the cause: Decepticons were attacking the city. A mix of robotic navis, tanks, and fighter aircraft were causing a lot of damage to both the city and the network. Several security navis tried to stop them, but because the security navis were only equipped with light weapons, the Decepticons deleted the navis with ease.
“How did you stop this?” Lan asked.
“By a defection.” Willy answered. “A scientist who once worked for Dr. Cossack, explained to us that this was the result of years of development under Dr. Cossack, military fighting navis that could transform into something just as dangerous. They would not stop until they control the net.
“He was able to bring with him data of these navis, with the original source code. The remaining scientists who created the net design wanted to create a similar force, but the defector warned us that by using military vehicles or equipment as frames for the source code, would turn them instantly into Decepticons. The reason was to streamline the creation of Decepticons. Cossack also made sure that the code was incompatible to standard navis; current and future.”
“Because of the transformation feature.” Maylu said.
Willy nodded. “We had one chance, but it was a gamble: Because using the source code on military vehicles, or standard navis wouldn’t do us much good, Professor Hikari decided that he would take the code and use it to create navis, but use conventional vehicles as the frame.”
“How would that have worked? That would’ve taken years to create.”
Willy nodded. “That may be true, but we had the navi data with us, and we were able to re-write the data to include the source code.” Lan turned back to the monitor, as the group of scientists work franticly, an image of the net city had a purple shade covering 50% of the city. “As you can see, we needed to work fast. Our first attempt was to use the body of a semi-trailer.”
“Why use those?” Lan asked.
They’re the toughest commercial vehicles around, Megaman said, answering Lan’s question. Without the ability to use military vehicles for their frames, it only made sense to use something like that.”
Willy nodded. “Indeed, but we couldn’t rely solely on semi-trailers. We had to mix and match our frames.
“If our first attempt was a failure, then we would all be in serious danger. Everything we worked on hinged on creating the first Autobot.”
“And were you successful?” Lan asked.
As the group watched the finishing touches of the Autobot, Willy smiled and answered simply, “Yes.” Followed by the Autobot’s eyes opening and glowing a blue glow.
“His name was Optimus Prime.” Willy said. “The leader of the Autobots.”
Chaud was still unimpressed however, as he pointed something out. “Even if you were successful in creating an Autobot, what is one Autobot compared to many more Decepticons?”
Willy conceded. “You are correct, even if we created Optimus Prime; we needed more time to create other Autobots, which is why we made the decision to move our research and development program to Electopia, and segment the country from the rest of the net, thereby keeping our work hidden. However, by doing so, we gave Netopia to the Decepticons.”
Lan looked at the monitor as the entire map of the net city. The entire city had a shade of purple on it, indicating that the whole electopian network was under Decepticon control. Lan turned to Willy, “How were you able to take back the net?”
Willy nodded. “The Great War decided that.” He said. “When we were satisfied that we had an Autobot army capable of fighting the Decepticons, we began our counter attack. Like the Decepticons of that era, we created them as Solo-Navis, but with an added ability; the ability for us to send them data that could assist them in fighting the Decepticons. Thus the concept for your battlechips that you use today became reality.”
As the group watched, a Decepticon patrol was making its rounds in the Netopian net city. As it passed, four cars drove up quickly to meet the patrol, and transformed into robotic navis. A fight broke out, as the Decepticons began to fire on the Autobots; three of the Autobots took cover while the other two charged at the Decepticons. As the battle unfolded, the image split into two different images, one with the battle, the other in a lab environment with a group of military men and scientists watching the battle unfold. Several scientists were at computer stations while the military men watched. One of the scientists hit a key on his panel, after a brief second, one of the Autobots’ arm transformed into a cybersword. The Autobot swung the sword which left a clean slice across the Decepticon’s chest, deleting it. Several other Decepticons appeared as reinforcements, only to be ambushed by the other three Autobots; they were all equipped with Spreader cannons on their arms and began to unload on the Decepticons, with most of the Decepticons being deleted while others were badly damaged in the attack, forcing them to log out
“This was our time to take back the net. During that time, Two Autobots, Optimus Prime and Rodimus Prime proved to be the strongest of our group.” The imaged changed to a battle between Five Decepticons and the two Autobot leaders. Willy nodded. “Each scientist was tasked to help download the combat data to their selected Autobot. Although they don’t rely on the scientist for combat, the Autobot and the scientist started to grow a special bond. Dr. Hikari had Rodimus Prime, while I had Optimus Prime. Our two Autobots were among the best of the entire Autobot army.” This was shown to the group as the two autobots utilized both their vehicle modes and navi modes, using a mix of default weapons and combat data uploaded from Willy and Hikari, dispatching the Decepticons with ease.
“As the war progressed, many Autobots fell in battle, affecting both the scientist who was tasked to the Autobot, and the effort.” The image changed quickly to Autobots and Decepticons being deleted, scientists collapsing in grief as their Autobot were deleted. The network was in total disarray as the war took its toll. “When it was apparent that no one would win this conflict, Dr. Cossack, who created the Decepticons, challenged us to one final duel to outright end this conflict. The winner would control the Net while the loser would be banished into the Undernet for all time. While it was apparent that Cossack would pick Megatron, we had to pick our strongest.”
The group watched the holographic display as Megatron and Optimus Prime meet fact to face. Then within a second, the two navis clashed. In the lab image, Willy was preparing for a set of 3 downloads for Optimus Prime, one that he would hope would be a last ditch effort to win.
As the battle continued, Optmius took a direct hit to the chest from Megatron’s cannon and kneeled down. In the lab, Willy stood up and prepared the three downloads to commence at the same time. Lan looked closer as he got the names of the data. “Cybersword, Widesword, Longsword?” Lan read out loud. “That’s the Lifesword Program Advance!”
Willy nodded. “At the time, I didn’t know that would happen. When we created the combat programs, someone must have put a dormant sub-program in each piece of data, to be activated when certain programs are used at the same time.” He explained. “Thus the term ‘Program Advance’ was used for the first time.” As the image of his younger self hit the button to download the data. As Optmius's hands became swords, he was surrounded in a white light.
Grr. What is this! Cried Megatron as he backed off and watch his opponent stand up and raise the two swords in the air. The two swords merged into one giant sword. Willy and the other scientists were shocked by this event. Megatron, not impressed at it, as he aimed and fired his weapon at Prime. The purple shots were deflected by the large blade.
Such power! I can’t defend against that! He cried as Prime swung the blade down on Megatron, scoring a direct hit. There was a blinding flash of light as the group covered their eyes. As the light dimmed, Prime was standing tall as Megatron was on the ground.
“That ended the Great War. Or so we thought.” Willy said as Megatron began to laugh.
Fool, did you expect us to just simply sit idly by? He said as he slowly got up. He slowly hit a key on his arm. Just then, another Decepticon appeared and attacked Optimus, severely damaging him. Megatron, still badly damaged from the Program Advance, stood up and walked towards his foe. Lan was in shock. “How could he survive that?” He said.
“He was made as a military machine, able to take all sorts of damage. I knew that I couldn’t save Optimus, but Hikari did.” As the group watched, Megatron began to power up his weapon for one final attack. As Willy watched helplessly in the lab, Lan’s grandfather, who was talking to his Autobot, appeared to resist hitting a key to download a program to Rodimus Prime, eventually; the Autobot convinced him that this was the only way to save Optimus. A tear ran down Hikari’s face as he hit the download button. As he did; Rodimus and Optimus immediately switch places as Rodimus was struck by the full power of Megatron’s cannon.
“No way!” Cried Lan as he could only watch the images of time pass as Rodimus reached out to his creator; Dr. Hikari. I’m sorry Hikari, that… I won’t be able to see the… end result… of your work. Those were his last words as his frame began to decompile and break apart, until there was nothing left. Lan looked at Willy. “He sacrificed himself to save Optimus.”
Willy nodded. “I couldn’t believe it myself. It was more than I expected from him. Your grandfather and Rodimus were as close as you and Megaman are now. I never thought he would do this, let alone have your grandfather carry it out.”
The image changed from Optimus logging out safely. While changing quickly to display the Decepticons being rounded up by Autobots and transported to the Undernet. “As the last of the Decepticons were transported, we were summoned back to Netopia to face a DOC hearing into the events. We took some hard questions,” He said as the image changed to a government panel fielding questions to the scientists. “In the end however, we were found not to be the cause of the war. The DOC also agreed to cover up the whole war with a simple explanation: That the cause of the network outage, the damage caused on the global network, the deletion of so many navis, were cause by a simple malfunction.”
Chaud scoffed at that. “How many people would actually believe that?”
Willy nodded. “At this time, the people wanted an explanation, no matter how crazy or simple it was. Because the Autobots were no longer needed after this, the DOC ordered them to be deleted, but we pointed out that the Decepticons are still around and they may still be needed. Hikari also said that we may never be able to contain them, only delay them. He also added something as well.” He said as the audio click in from the view screen.
There will be a time that the Decepticons may break free, and even control the Undernet to which we banished them. We must have a constant surveillance on them, no matter what. Willy turned to the group. “After a brief discussion, it was decided that the military would be responsible to observe the Decepticons, if there was any evidence that they would break free. We also allowed the development of navis that would be able to fight any threat, not just the Decepticons. Thus, this created the navis you see now. The data that was used by the Autobots would be converted to aid in this. The term “virus-Busting and Net Battle’, were made possible by this.”
The image changed to an underground base being built. There were many engineers working on the project. “The Ark you are inside now,” Willy continued. “Was created by a joint Electopian/Netopian military project, to observe the Decepticons, should they rise again. Your father Chaud played an important role in this; by supplying us with the most up to date technology, we could keep an eye on the Decepticons, and the entire net. An Electopian colonel was in charge of this, and the mission.” The image changed to an Electopian colonel, standing next to him was a Netopian Major, who looked like a younger Baryl. “For several years, we watched the Undernet, hoping that they would never break free.” The image shut down and the lights came back on. “That changed about 4 months ago.”
Baryl stood up and address the group. “A series of events occurred, first was a discovery in Sharo, where energy crystals were discovered. The team that discovered them were stunned that the crystals had a connection to the Cyber-world.”
Maylu spoke. “But how is that possible.”
“We don’t know. One theory is that something a long time ago, a meteorite to speak, crashed there, and created this crystal,. The Decepticons call it Energon; it basically powers them to become a very dangerous threat.” Baryl said. “Then a couple of months later, we picked up activity from the Undernet, and the real world.” He gave the two net savers a data disk. “This disk contains names of operators that are descendants of the scientists that created the Decepticons, and other known criminals. We believe they are the operators of a handful of Decepticons.”
Lan turned to Megaman. “What can you read from this Megaman?” He asked.
Hard to say Lan. The list is large and it will take some time to go through them all.
Baryl spoke again. “Three weeks ago, a small number of Decepticons were found roaming the net. We couldn’t believe it, we knew this was trouble. That became more apparent when we learned that a large cache of PETs were stolen.”
Chaud nodded. “Yes, we filed a report with the police. But how did you know.”
Baryl nodded. “We have our sources inside the police. They report to us and we take it from there. When we learned that Energon was being taken from Sharo and being converted into chips, we knew that we had to act. The PETs the Decepticons use were modified to use chips made by Energon. It was very fortunate that the Net Police was able to get a hold of two of them. We have one, and currently, Dr. Hikari has one. We also determined that the Energon also has an ability to transmit a navi into the real world. We knew this was impossible, until your run in with Nebula Lan."
Lan was puzzled. "How did my run in with Nebula do this?"
Baryl spoke. "We theroize that when Dr. Regal encased the globe in his Dimensional Area, the energy from the area may have fused with the Energon to give this ability, to the Decepticons.” Baryl turned to the group. “That is why you are here. As long as you can cross-fuse, we might stand a chance. You three have the most powerful navis we know of.”
Colonel, quiet throughout the whole briefing, spoke. “I and Baryl are the best team in the Ark who can stand up to the Decepticons. If you join us, there is a chance to defeat them once and for all.
Lan, Chaud and Maylu thought for a moment. Lan looked at Megaman. “We beat some of the toughest bad guys around Megaman, can we beat this one?”
We’re going to have to Lan. For our sake, we have to.
I’m ready when you are Chaud. Protoman said.
“Then let’s face the threat together Protoman.” Chaud said with confidence.
I’m up for a challenge Maylu; we can’t let the boys have all the fun. Roll said, catching Megaman off guard.
Maylu smiled. “Let’s do it.” She said with confidence, throwing Lan of his chair.
“What!” Lan cried out. “You can’t be serious! It’s too dangerous!”
“I can be a valuable member of the team. I have to be on.” Maylu replied.
“But it’s too dangerous. Chaud and I are the only ones who can cross-fuse!”
Before Maylu could lash out at Lan, a lieutenant rushed in the conference room. “Colonel Baryl, Brightland is under attack! It’s the Decepticons!”
Baryl’s eyes widened. “What!”
Willy was caught off guard himself. “They’re moving faster than expected. Quickly, to the Command deck!” He said.
Lan exchanged nods with his friends as the three rushed to the command deck. The first wave has begun. Lan thought. _________________ Hold it! You're lying, and I can prove it!
-Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney |
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