RockMan EXE The Movie review
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 8:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

@Xhunter17 - Very random, very random indeed. Evil regal.

Something also comes from the movie I have a question for.
"[spoil:29922fc860]I forget, What is Nebula grey made out of, Looks like milk =P[/spoil:29922fc860]"
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Xhunter17 <--- Some people would say that "like father, like son" strangely fits here...XD

As for me i really enjoyed the movie, the animation was top-notch compared to the series and the music was great too (i liked FCR and [spoil:c175511b5d]Regal's[/spoil:c175511b5d] music)!
And now for a question:
[spoil:c175511b5d]Where did Forte/Regal ended up, after being sucked by that vortex-thing, and how did they came back later in the series?" [/spoil:c175511b5d]
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LaserMan.exe wrote:
@Xhunter17 - Very random, very random indeed. Evil regal.

Something also comes from the movie I have a question for.
"[spoil:46eb5faa74]I forget, What is Nebula grey made out of, Looks like milk =P[/spoil:46eb5faa74]"
Yeah... I was wondering about that too. What is it that Nebula Grey was made off? Confused
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, at least according to the games "Man's evil soul".

Yeah, you can't get more cliché than that.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

>.> Nebula Grey is just a giant piece of data. He can be made of anything, since they are not real; they are virtual. Heck, maybe Rockman is made of bubblegum. XD

As for Forte and Regal, it's just those "OMFG how the hell did they come back" things that anime-ists love to use. How did they live? miracle. Both Forte and Regal is the 'undeads'. They die, Rockman is just boring. [sarcasm] Well, until the grandson of Wily is told be born and decide to take over the world. XD [/sarcasm]

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Y'know, after reading that post, I now perceive Nebula Grey as a GIANT piece of bubblegum. XDD

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Synchro-Kun wrote:
As for Forte and Regal, it's just those "OMFG how the hell did they come back" things that anime-ists love to use. How did they live? miracle. Both Forte and Regal is the 'undeads'.

It's like asking how Regal survived in the first place [spoil:08c421da36]after he got blown to smithereens by Netto and Rockman at the end of Axess.[/spoil:08c421da36] Then again, this is Capcom, their characters die and come back without an explanation, like Zero from MMX.

Synchro-Kun wrote:
They die, Rockman is just boring. [sarcasm] Well, until the grandson of Wily is told be born and decide to take over the world. XD [/sarcasm]

Thus the cycle continues! Actually, I don't think I'd be surprised if that did happen
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah they're probally saving that for if they make a MMX.exe (And I'm thinking of using that too.)
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As for Forte and Regal, it's just those "OMFG how the hell did they come back" things that anime-ists love to use. How did they live? miracle. Both Forte and Regal is the 'undeads'.

I was under the impression that this movie took place in the middle of Stream, in which case [spoil:1ad2f0dabc]Regal would still be alive and Forte never really died, but was simply pwned and slacked his ass off for most of Stream[/spoil:1ad2f0dabc].

Just got the WPP fansub and it rocked. Seeing [spoil:1ad2f0dabc]Forte-Cross-Rockman[/spoil:1ad2f0dabc] made the experience even sweeter. I sort of wondered what Nebula Grey was made of too (got milk?) but perplexing questions aside, a big A+ in my book and a must for any EXE fan.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The forte cross rockman was really cool. They definitely added a lot of action into it. One thing I wanted to ask:

[spoil:580f53716a]Isn't the movie fused with Duel Masters? Why aren't they in it? Don't get me wrong, i'm not a Duel Master fan, i'm but curious.[/spoil:580f53716a]
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Errr, Duel Masters and Rockman.EXE was a double feature, not a fusion.

Nebula Grey is the fusion of the Wily Program and the now data Dr. Regal.

Dr. Regal is now data because he was thrown into the Undernet, near gone when Rockman struck him Think about it, we've never seen an R navi deleted, so this must be what happens.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i saw the movie ...IT KIX @$$ and FCR is cool
i just wanna ask : is there any OST for the movie cuz the music that appears when FCR KIX @$$ is damn great

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also the translated lyrics for Be Somewhere in the movie are different to those on the site, so which is correct/more correct?

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Synchro-Kun wrote:
>.> Nebula Grey is just a giant piece of data. He can be made of anything, since they are not real; they are virtual. Heck, maybe Rockman is made of bubblegum. XD

Rockman gum!!! Available in your local fangirl dreams ^_^
Anyhoo I must ask... what the HECK was with that mustache man and his son (I think it's his son) at the intro of the movie???
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey there's an idea... an OST of the movie, movie's always have OSTs right? RIGHT!? So where is it!? T_T I doubt it though, Rockman EXE has been so greedy with it's music... I went ahead and made an MP3 of the credits music though, I just wish I could have more of those songs, hearing them in DVD quality is the best.

<_<!! Oh cool! I didn't see this till now, a Trill smilie! ^_^
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rubo zero x

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a question

Was Barrel working in the same project as Dr. Wily?
because when the space-time distortion occured Dr. Willy said that someone activated Spectrum in the future in their exact location, and with both devices resonating, it transfomed space-time into network data; and the space time covered the island.
But Barrel saw something like a warp point, and it looked like if he were in the same building as Dr. Wily.

Thats why I`m asking if Barrel workend with Dr. Willy or at least in the same proyect.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

rubo zero x wrote:
I have a question

Was Barrel working in the same project as Dr. Wily?
because when the space-time distortion occured Dr. Willy said that someone activated Spectrum in the future in their exact location, and with both devices resonating, it transfomed space-time into network data; and the space time covered the island.
But Barrel saw something like a warp point, and it looked like if he were in the same building as Dr. Wily.

Thats why I`m asking if Barrel workend with Dr. Willy or at least in the same proyect.

[spoil:d344ccf484]Barrel and Wily worked together a lot. See, Wily wasn't all evil until he created the World Three... and then stopped being evil during Stream (somewhat... I think). Past Wily also helped Barrel get to the future near the end of Stream, and future Wily gave him his Synchro chip so he could cross fuse. So they probably have worked with each other for a while and know one another.[/spoil:d344ccf484]

SuperDanny wrote:
I went ahead and made an MP3 of the credits music

Yeah, should thank you for that. I'm actually making sheet music and my own arrangement for that, and my piano teacher is helping me with the arranging, finding the chords, bass line... and all kinds of stuff. The only thing I need to know is how to do drum fills... T_T

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WOOOOOWWWWWW IT WAS THE BEST, I REPEAT, THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!! To make it perfect, I need that card. Razz Anyway, the bit that I'm confused about is that who's in control?
I think that:
Silver FCR = Forte
Gold FCR = Rockman.

I'm not sure, but this is what I think.
I know that i'm gonna go through how awesome this movie is, so i'll just leave it at that.
We love you Forte~~~
Maybe Colonel too, Barrel was too coooolll~~~~
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 6:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Man, I loved the movie. xD I watch it like once a day now.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd like to watch the movie someday, it looks very promising.
Does anyone know if it's going to come out in English or if there's a japanese version with subtitles?

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