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Net Battler

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I can keep two objects in play constantly, unless I run out of chips twice, which isn't likely...

Unfortuantly, I can only keep two Pawns, rooks, or any combination of the two, in play at one time.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That may be, but since Poltergeist is an off-coded chip, that will likely be the only attack that you can use for that turn, since the rest of your offensive chips are of the Y code. Still, you could load up on Shadows or Invis at the same turn that you use the Poltergeist, so it may not be that bad.

As I've said, it is up to your discretion. I am a bit uncomfortable with only two copies of LifeSword--have you tested that to be sufficient to beat an opponent?
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Like I said, I'm a bit uncomfortable too with only two LifeSwords.
In addition, you won't be able to deal maximum damage with the Poltergeist. That said, it can serve as a defensive measure against other obstacles like in G-Spot.
Your choice here.

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Net Battler

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fine you two, I added one more Lifesword Y by removing one Shadow * and two Metal Gells Y.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This looks OK. Have you tested it against anyone else?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I disagree, I think the Metagels and Shadow provide for flexibilty, which is also crucial in a Net Battle Folder. Sure, large amounts of damage are nice but you need to be able to move around too. 1 or 2 Area Steals/Metagels and Life Sword is useless if the enemy stays near the back.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NotJim wrote:
This looks OK. Have you tested it against anyone else?

Most of my friends quit playing EXE3, and the ones who have'nt are asleep...and tommorrows thanksgiving, so yeah...

Anyway, I have'nt had a chance to beat a boss with it either >_>...

As soon as I get to fight a friend, i'll post its Pro's and Con's.

I decided to construct a folder around the PA "Master Style".

So far, i've built an R coded folder around it, but it could use some work.

Give tips.

Salamander *
Fountain *
Bolt *
Gaia Blade *
Area Grab R x4
Lance R x2
Shake 3 R x3
Step Cross R x3
Ratton 3 R x3
Barrier R x2
Barrier 100 R x2
Barrier 200 R x2
Invis R x2
Holy Panel * x2
Folder Back *
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am back. With a new folder. Not that good. But it works.

VSword (BN4)
4 Invis *
2 PopUp *
4 Sword S
4 WideBlade S
4 LongBlade S
4 Fan *
4 VDoll Z
1 Fastgauge * (regular)
3 Thunder *

Hmm. Not my best work. But it ain't half bad. Use fan to suck the opponent to the front and rip off a Lifesword against a VDoll. 800 damage (Lifesword initial damage and VDoll curse). FS is even better. Thunder can lock them. Pie.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ForteNub wrote:
I am back. With a new folder. Not that good. But it works.

VSword (BN4)
4 Invis *
2 PopUp *
4 Sword S
4 WideBlade S
4 LongBlade S
4 Fan *
4 VDoll Z
1 Fastgauge * (regular)
3 Thunder *

Hmm. Not my best work. But it ain't half bad. Use fan to suck the opponent to the front and rip off a Lifesword against a VDoll. 800 damage (Lifesword initial damage and VDoll curse). FS is even better. Thunder can lock them. Pie.

Might I suggest switching Fast Gauge with Full Custom.
Also, remove the Fans, and switch them with Area Grabs, as Fans can be destroyed, where as your foe would need another Area Grab, to counter yours.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're probably been told this many times over, but two-coded folders don't exactly cut it, especially in EXE5. Try using a similar trick in the same code.

And with the Masterstyle folder, it's not a good idea to construct a folder revolving around 4 chips. You need a backup plan, like feeding those chips to a GaiaSword, having Evercurse in there, Mines, etc. [*coughRFFcough*]

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Net Battler

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm now in the process of forging a folder revolving around Shadow Style, but it needs some SERIOUS help.

Yo Yo 3 M x3
Knight M x3
Geddon 3 M x2
Anti Damage M x3
Muramasa M
Folder Back *
Mist Man V3 & V4
Boomer 2 * x2
Area Grab * x3
Discord * x2
Timpani * x2
Fan Fare * x2
Shadow * x2
Invis * x2
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meh , I thought up of a folder to use if you aren't intent on deleting anybody too fast:

x5 Mole3 E
x5 invis *
x5 Lifesword E
x1 masterstyle *
x1 fastgauge *

Pros :
-After the folder is out of chips , you can potentially dealing 2600 damage , if my calculations are correct
-You will obviously have a bit of time to not take damage until you get PAs
Cons :
-If you dont hit masterstyle , you are screwed against really strong bosses
-Cant defeat Alpha
-You need customs in your navicust

So if you want to use this folder , it is just for killing , not speed deleting , and you have to be really patient for this to work .So if you have any advice for this folder , I would be happy to hear it .

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Area Steal*x4
M CannonGx4
GunSolEX Gx1

Area lock with Bass is just plain evil.

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Shinobu Plantman

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

EXE3: Painkiller Killerweed

Airshot 3 * X2
Cannonball P X4
Triplebomb P X4
Elec Sword P X1
Bamboo Sword P X1
Fire Sword P X1
Aqua Sword P X1
Fumikumizan P X1 (Stepsword)
Fumikumicross P X1 (Stepcross)
Rook *X2
Recov150 P X2
Wood+40 *X4
Paladin Sword P X1
Plantman V1 P X1
Plantman V2 P X1
Plantman V3 P X1
Plantman V4 P X1
Folder Back *X1

Style used; Custom Any

Navi Progs: Float shoes, Attack+1 X4, Charge+1 X4, Bugstopper, Rapid+1 X2 (?Unconfirmed?)

Plantman+Wood+40 (If possible, one.)+A PA.
Airshot+Paladin Sword/the lemental swords (serperate)
Plantman+Wood+40 (If possible, V4+All 4 upgrades)

Though lacking in power and effectiveness againest SEVERAL navis (Drill, Dark. High Mobility and Back Row navis suck.) Effectiveness againest Blues, Flash (I once actually caught him with a V4 with 3 Wood+40s, you do the mathes), Flame, Plant, Yamato exists as a pro.


One code, rules out ANY troubles.
Caught by Plantman and you're off the base.
Deadly for any Elec navis
Front Row navis=deleted data.
Deadly againest Proto. even MORE deadlier with Wood Custom.


Back Row navis=No chance of winning.
Unlikely to break auras. Herosword can miss easily on rapid navis (Forte)

EXE5 ToB: Marked Destruction (Formerly M.R. search&Destroy)

Markcannon1 M X3
Markcannon 3 R X3
Pulsebeam R X4
Senshahou M X4
Thunderball * X2
Airhockey R X2
Heat Body M X4
Fullcust *X1
Magnetman M X1
Magnetman SP M X1
Medi M X1
Medi SP M X1
Death Phoenix D x1 (Delta Ray Z if onNavi hunt)
Darkcircle R X1
Darkthunder M X1

Version: ToB
Soul: Search Soul, Search Chaos, Magnet Chaos
NC Cust: Custom2, all MAX programs, Bugstopper. Undershirt. (all compressed)

-Just about anything will do.

Really, EXE5 takes out the fun.

See above.

There, I'll remember more of my folders later.


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

GospelDS: You can't have more than 5 of the same chip in a folder, for starters.

RollSoul: No Recoveries are needed. Maybe something to prevent ALL your area from being stolen? Rockcubes? Lances? It seems fine to me.

Shinobi Plantman: EXE3 looks standard, apart from the horrible Recoveries in there. Replace them with Invis, Mole, or Shadow.
EXE5, unfortunately, doesn't look great at all. Two different codes, to start off with. And you're using Medi's chip, of all chips? Nah.
But I have to agree, EXE5 isn't fun at all in terms of folder building. :/

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:21 pm    Post subject: ... Reply with quote

I know recoveries aren't needed but i don't care what u all say RollSoul will ALWAYS be in my folder and there's NOTHING U CAN DO
*becomes sane again*
*looks around*
*Goes insane again*
ALWAYS Mwuahahah

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Evil Bunniz

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shinobi Plantman's Marked Destruction folder could use some rockcubes and airshots for pulsar3 R. also 1 areagrab * could help. a good 2 coded folder blends the two codes using the * code chips, which is super nifty.

also NotJim, why dont you like 2 coded folders? uni coded folders seem a bit choppy and bland for the most part, and offer limited offense/defense. the point of * chips is to have a 2 or more coded folder to flow better than just 2 solid codes.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Evil Bunniz wrote:

also NotJim, why dont you like 2 coded folders? uni coded folders seem a bit choppy and bland for the most part, and offer limited offense/defense. the point of * chips is to have a 2 or more coded folder to flow better than just 2 solid codes.

Single coded folders work a lot faster than a 2-coded folder. Unless it's ONE chip that is splashed out of code.

And how are uni-coded folders choppy? Bland I can understand to a certain extent, though. Still, they tend to be more powerful because they're very consistent.

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Evil Bunniz

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

whoops, choppy was a poor word to use. i should have used random but my mind was on another game.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is my EXE 6 folder, I just beat the game in Greiga, so that is where my power is. The attacks of the individual chips arent great but more than half of the chips are * and the only coded chips are the ones for the two PA's I use, Corn Party and Parallel shell, also Killer is in there because he is K code and cool Wink

2x Corn Shot J
2x Corn Shot K (Tag Chip1)
1x Corn Shot L (Tag Chip2)

3x Iron Shell K
1x Iron Shell J
1x Iron Shell L

1x KillerEX K
1x KillerSP K

2x AntiDmg *
1x SpreadGun1/2/3 (one of each) ver. 3 is RegChip
1x MegaCannon *
1x Yoyo *
1x SuperEnergBomb
1x LongSword *
2x DoublePnlSht *
1x Repair *
1x FullCust *
3x Attak+10 *
2x ColorPoint1 *

There it is not overpowering but with charge cross it can unload a near relentless stream of attacks on the enemies.
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