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Ming Yi Nebula

Joined: 17 Apr 2005 Posts: 562
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:10 am Post subject: Rockman.EXE Beast: Episode 10 (spoilers) |
Just finished this summary as well as Fushigiboshi no Futago Hime 36. Doesn't look like anyone's done this yet, so I decided to give it a try!
Anyone is free to correct and add. I admit that I am not capable of fully understanding the episode and may have missed a few key details.
Zoanaroid Numberman is seen running away from something, and stops to rest. Out from the shadows, another Navi appears behind him. He grabs Z. Numberman by the neck and demands information about Greiga and Beyondard. Z. Numberman confesses that he doesn't know anything and gets tossed. Finding him useless, the Navi decides to take his data and opens a set of doors on his chest, revealing a cannon.
He shoots Z. Numberman in the chest, leaving a gap in there. He grabs Z. Numberman's head and starts absorbing his data. Z. Numberman once again is tossed aside, where he vanishes from deletion.
Episode 10: Aiming For Trill
Meanwhile, Meiru and Netto are with Yuuichirou and Meijin at the harbor for deep sea investigation, and both of them are rather excited about it. Netto tells Meiru about the submarine on the ship (I think it is called Blue Iris or Blue Ice) and says that he can't wait to see the ocean. Meiru agrees that it's going to be fun.
Yuuichirou reminds both of them that they're here to help with the investigation, but Meijin says that it's all right. Netto grabs an inner tube and goggles while Meiru grabs an umbrella and they both board the ship. Unbeknownst to them, a familiar shadow is already in the ship server.
On the ship, everyone watches the dolphins from afar. Trill asks what they are, and Roll tells him that those are dolphins. Rockman isn't paying attention. Netto asks him what's wrong, and I believe Rockman says that he feels that someone is watching him. Netto wards off his uncertainty and Trill tells him to cheer up.
Up above on the crane holding the submarine, Iris is sitting there witnessing everything.
Meijin, Netto, Trill, and Rockman go down in the submarine first. The moment it sinks in the water, Netto starts yelling,"Amazing! Amazing!!" As Meijin starts the sub, Netto clamors about the tortoise nearby to Trill. There's also a manta ray and a shark. Netto and Trill continue shouting and Meijin can't stand it anymore. He asks Netto to be quiet, and Netto apologizes.
The sub approaches a wired program on the ocean floor. Meijin steers the robotic claws of the sub to pick it up, but Netto breaks his concentration by yelling again. Back on the ship, it's Meiru and Yuuichirou's turn.
In the storage room, one of the workers comes upon a Copyroid. Someone logs onto the Copyroid, and it scares the bejeezus out of the worker. The Copyroid comes out....
In the submarine, Meiru and Roll enjoy the valuable beauty of the ocean. Yuuichirou drives the sub into a trench.
Back on the ship, Netto is waiting for Meiru and Yuuchirou. Rockman answers one of Trill's questions. Netto decides to do something while waiting for his dad and Trill wants to go too. Netto feels that someone is behind him (there is; it's Iris) and turns around, but no one is there. Rockman asks him what's wrong, but Netto passes it off as nothing.
Meanwhile, the ship captain is peering through binoculars and sees the Copyroided Navi at the front of the ship. The Copyroided Navi smirks and attacks with "Zoano Boomerang!" The boomerang crashes into one of the windows and injures the ship crew.
"What was that?" wonders Netto.
"I found you, Net Savior!" says the Copyroided Navi. He introduces himself as Zoanaroid Quickman and he wants Trill. Rockman grabs Trill and both of them depart. Netto asks Z. Quickman why he wants Trill, and he responds that he wants Trill's Greiga-related power. He flings his boomerang at Netto, who dodges it. An alarm sounds in the control room, where Meijin is. Meijin senses that something's wrong and pulls out his PET, requesting a dimensional area.
Netto and Rockman fuse and Trill wishes them luck, but Z. Quickman goes a la Greiga. R. Rock comes out of fusion and is immediately met with G. Quickman's boomerang. He blocks it with a Long Sword, but the power was struggling to fight against. G. Quickman jumps in and attacks R. Rock, who tumbles down. He gets back up and uses a Shot Gun, but G. Quickman dodges. R. Rock rabid-fires his Shot Gun, but Rockman warns him that they must be careful because they're on a ship. G. Quickman speeds on by and attacks, sending R. Rock into pain.
With Meiru and Yuuichirou, Yuuichirou gets a message on his headset from Meijin that a Zoanaroid is attacking. He tells Meiru not to worry because Netto is taking care of the situation. The cable holding the submarine starts emitting small electric bolts and an alarm rings in the interior of the submarine. The submarine shakes and continues going down the abyss. Meiru is frightened and screams.
In the crane computer, the Navi who deleted Z. Numberman has approached the main control.
Eyecatch! Enzan and Blues, then Dingo and Tomahawkman.
On the docks, G. Quickman laughs and circles around R. Rock. R. Rock activates his jet barrel and flies up, then slotting in a Wide Blade. He swoops down for the kill, but G. Quickman jumps and blocks with his boomeranged arm. R. Rock pushes through and soars towards him again, and both of them interlock in a close combat action, boomerang-to-blade. Both of them land.
Up on where the crane system is, the orange Navi from before watches the battle between G. Quickman and R. Rock. With a wave of his hand, he turns on a nearby truck and it crashes into G. Quickman. R. Rock takes this chance to defeat him and does so with a Wide Shot.
The dimensional area and the cross fusion fall apart. Rockman asks Netto who turned on the truck, but before Netto can answer the alarm rings. He heads over to the crane control system, where Meijin is. Meijin tells Netto that they've lost control of the submarine, and Yuuichirou and Meiru are falling down the abyss, helpless. Netto wonders if it was because of the battle he had with G. Quickman, but Meijin doesn't think so. Off to the side, Iris watches at the door.
Netto plugs Rockman into the computer and the first thing Rockman sees is a purple hand clasped over the controls. He tries to get rid of the hand with his Rock Buster but his attack is shielded by a gate that just suddenly popped up. He hears a chuckle and yells,"Who's there?"
The smoke clears, and it's that orange Navi, who introduces himself as Falzier Zoanaroid Gateman. Rockman orders him to release the system, but Z. Gateman says that if he attacks he'll put Meiru and Yuuichirou in more danger. He will let them go if he gets the power of Greiga. Z. Gateman starts summoning minions and Rockman's helpless, but Meijin has an idea; he will go check out the crane in hopes of saving Netto's father and friend. As he runs out, Iris looks his way again.
In the submarine, Meiru asks Yuuchirou if they'll really be all right. Yuuichirou asks Meiru if he could use her PET for the moment and she lends him hers. He pulls out the pen and draws the submarine screen onto her PET, and it displays a holographic screen telling them their coordinates and how far they're falling. Meiru becomes scared again and Yuuichirou puts the screen back, but instead he puts in an idol program, with the girl on screen bearing a strange resemblance to Meiru.
"Is everyone happy~?" asks the idol.
Meiru gets fed up with it and yells,"I'M NOT HAPPY!!"
In the crane control system, Rockman gets beaten up. Z. Gateman draws out his Gate Cannon and fires, destroying his little minions on the way before blasting Rockman. Trill pops onto Netto's shoulder as Netto watches in anguish.
Meanwhile, Meijin attempts to pull the submarine back up with the crane. Z. Gateman chuckles and says it's useless, causing the purple hand to squeeze the control system and making the crane machine smoke. Rockman begs him to stop, but he pays no heed; instead he summons a gate, and a purple hand grabs Rockman.
Netto checks the submarine stats again, and Meiru and Yuuichirou are plunging deeper and deeper in the ocean. In the submarine, the submarine is starting to fall apart as the pressure is too much for it to handle. Water leaks in and lights break. Meiru, obviously, panics.
As the purple hand squeezes Rockman, Z. Gateman says that in order to save everyone, Trill will have to go with him. Netto tells Trill not to obey the zoanaroid, but Trill is hesitant. Z. Gateman responds by making the machine explode in front of Netto. Netto's PET falls on the ground with Trill tumbling after it, and then he tries to jump in to save Rockman. Iris quickly picks the PET up and tells Trill not to, but he does anyway.
Iris walks over to Netto and asks him if he's all right, and Netto jumps up, surprised to see her there. She hands him his PET and Netto sees that Trill's in the control system. Rockman tells Trill to leave but Trill gets picked up by Z. Gateman, who asks him why he's here. Trill wants to save everyone, and he came just so Z. Gateman could let everyone go. Z. Gateman breaks his deal by drawing out his cannon and rabid-firing the ship control system, making explosions go off everywhere on the ship.
In the submarine, the pressure is continuously closing in as more water flows in and the exterior gets crushed. Meiru is still crying and Yuuichirou is still messing around with the sub system, trying to get the submarine system back. The idol program disappears off of the computer screens and one of the cables holding the submarine breaks, sending the two down further.
The ship control loses contact with the submarine. Netto stares hopelessly at the screen as it can no longer tell him how far his father and Meiru are. Iris glances at him in concern.
Rockman frees himself from the violet hand's grasp with a charge shot. He falls in front of Trill and Z. Gateman, reaching his hand out towards Trill. Trill yells Rockman's name and does the same, but Z. Gateman starts kicking and stepping on Rockman's head. Rockman pleads Trill...
"ROCKMAN!" screams Trill.
Trill emits a blue light, which blinds Netto,, and Iris softly stares at what's going on again. Trill flies out of a surprised Z. Gateman's hand before approaching Rockman's outstretched hand....
"It can't be..." says Netto.
"Trill is..." murmurs Iris.
Rockman morphs and goes Greiga. Z. Gateman takes a step back, gasping,"So that's Greiga's power!"
G. Rockman dashes towards him and leaps for an attack....
To be continued.
The next episode preview narration is so cute! "Domo! Hikari Netto Beast de~su!" Anyways, we'll see Enzan jump out of his helicopter. So exciting! o_O _________________ I'll remember that day, and I won't let it go. |
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Joined: 05 Nov 2005 Posts: 19
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:45 am Post subject: |
Wow. What an episode. GATEMAN!!!!! ^_^ (I like Gateman too. Even though he was a pain in the ass in the games).
Finally, a bit of Z Numberman. Yay. He's dead (Didn't like him anyway)
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ / 5 For wickedness _________________ Electricity is my forte! |
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DMG-SAN Net Official

Joined: 24 Apr 2005 Posts: 300 Location: The netherlands
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 5:46 am Post subject: |
Great episode! Z Quickman looks very cool! _________________
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Ryouko Kitties Love Bunnies

Age: 43 Joined: 14 Mar 2005 Posts: 2085 Location: Sharo
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:53 am Post subject: |
Awesome summary. :3 This episode had so many good parts, but Gateman is always the best. XD uwuuaa and beast out Greiga@#$%!
Z Quickman was coolies T_T _________________ "Cats are interesting. They're kind of like girls. When they come talk to you, it's great. When you go talk to them, it doesn't go so well." - Miyamoto
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Tohru Net Battler

Joined: 01 Oct 2005 Posts: 79 Location: Canada
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:13 am Post subject: |
I watched this episode last night right before I went to bed.
Anyhow, why did Z-Numberman have to be deleted? Ah well. He was a weak navi anyways.
I'm starting to love Iris more and more now. Z-Quickman vs Cross Fusion Netto/Rockman was a great battle scene.
I started laughing so hard when Meiru screamed "NO I am not happy!" to the idol person who I thought was... Meiru. :/
Z-Gateman is pure evil! :grr: :!
Next episode is gonna be great - Enzan jumpin' out of a helicopter/plane. Netto and Iris running with Iris' PET in her hand. :] And to sum it up, Swallowman is back! |
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Metool Alloy Chef
Joined: 01 Oct 2005 Posts: 25
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:36 am Post subject: |
Does anyone else feel, that in the middle of Beast they won't have any enemy navis, because they have deleted them all -_-; ?
I loved Quickmans beast-form, and the battle with R Rock was the second best, after the battle of G-Rock vs. Sparkman and Pharaohman. The next episode seems to be cool too, lets just hope that they dont delete that awesome Gateman-sama >_< ! |
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Falcovsleon20 Net Official

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 345 Location: Flying around the Lylat System
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:10 am Post subject: |
Metool Alloy Chef wrote: | Does anyone else feel, that in the middle of Beast they won't have any enemy navis, because they have deleted them all -_-; ?
I loved Quickmans beast-form, and the battle with R Rock was the second best, after the battle of G-Rock vs. Sparkman and Pharaohman. The next episode seems to be cool too, lets just hope that they dont delete that awesome Gateman-sama >_< ! |
Since the Zoans consist of almost ANY navi, I'm sure there's plenty to go around. But yes, you do make a point about them going down enmasse ala the Asteroid navis. Perhaps they lack ability to regenerate serious wounds. We've all seen plenty of bad guys get holes plastered through their chest in both Axess and Stream, and live through it. I'm guessing that instead of being able to recover from serious blows that cause dismemberment, Zoanoroids trade that in for their Beast Out abilities. Jsut a thought.
I haven't read the entire summary yet but I'd thought I'd bring this up regardsless. I can't say I'm proud of what Gateman did to Numberman. Zoan Number looked like he would be able to bridge the gap between this whole misunderstanding between the real world and Beyondard. Nevermind that he and the real Numberman were at each other's throats. Gateman just creeps me out. As if the way he was drawn in the preview from last week wasn't enough, he's also an assisin.
Last edited by Falcovsleon20 on Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:41 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Razor Net Battler
Joined: 21 Mar 2005 Posts: 77
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:43 am Post subject: |
Can anyone show a screenshot of G Quickman? |
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Falcovsleon20 Net Official

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 345 Location: Flying around the Lylat System
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:14 pm Post subject: |
Is that good enough for you? I really, REALLY dig Zoan Quickman's Beast Out. It looks like what a potential Quick Cross would look like if Rock beasted out in that. And his arms blades turn into REALLY big claws. Those do better a job in a sword-based fight than his normal arm blades if you ask me.
And throw in the fact that even Normal looking Z Quickman looks very much like a beast (unlike others who usually more or less are the same or have slight discoloration) you've got a pretty well thought out Zoan. Let's see more of him!
I swear, if they kill off Gateman before he goes into Beast Mode, I WILL be pissed. (That is if Gateman can stop scaring the bejebus out of me.) Unless I missed something about him in the summary. (I'm still trying to finish watching the episode. I haven't gotten that far yet.) |
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Anime Master ZERO Have you hugged your Shun today?

Age: 39 Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Posts: 1614 Location: A Place
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:04 pm Post subject: |
Zoanoroid Quickman's appearance before Beasting Out was VERY different from the original Quickman's design. He originally had one blade on each arm and he didn't have claws on his feet.. His helmet and armor were also designed differently. _________________
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YaminoMiko Rabid Roxas Fan

Age: 33 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 701 Location: California
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:18 pm Post subject: |
I agree with Anime Master. But still, Z. Quickman looked kinda cool like that. :] _________________
I wanna sleep, but I don't wanna sleep at the same time. @_@.
Repetition(RnREXE) |
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Nazne Shukei - Hakuteiken
Joined: 20 Mar 2005 Posts: 1133
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:35 pm Post subject: |
I'm sorry, but Enzan's still a dumbass. >_>; If you're gonna jump out of a helicopter at whatever altitude, even if you're going to CF in midair...don't do it *headfirst*.
Anyways, Zoan Gateman was pretty darn cruel even for a Zoanoroid. You usually see this in major baddies, not someone who's probably going to be deleted the very next episode...but Gate was just scary. And I liked Numberman, darn it. ;_;
-BMA |
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LgacyDX banned onoes :<

Joined: 13 Aug 2005 Posts: 485 Location: New York, USA
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:46 pm Post subject: |
This summary was very accurate. I really like it a lot. Very good indeed. I can't wait to see Zoanoroid SwallowMan. I'm beginning to understand the beast transforms when any of the Zoanoroids unleash it. With Greiga, they get claws and a tail resembling the spirit of Griega. And for Faltzer, most of them get wings, talons, and sharp claws. Nonetheless, that episode was so good. I really liked it a lot especially the air battle between R-Rockman and Z-Quickman. _________________
Mega Man: New Generation *Updated to Chapter 1-14*
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Ageman20XX Net Savior

Joined: 17 Mar 2005 Posts: 104 Location: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 1:57 pm Post subject: |
LgacyDX wrote: | This summary was very accurate. I really like it a lot. Very good indeed. I can't wait to see Zoanoroid SwallowMan. I'm beginning to understand the beast transforms when any of the Zoanoroids unleash it. With Greiga, they get claws and a tail resembling the spirit of Griega. And for Faltzer, most of them get wings, talons, and sharp claws. Nonetheless, that episode was so good. I really liked it a lot especially the air battle between R-Rockman and Z-Quickman. |
At my bf's now so I can't download it but it's the first thing I'm gonna do when I get home. Lol.
Oh, and seeing as we all come up with this terminology when talking about certain forms of certain characters, well, I'm thinking we should adopt a new one. In like of a certain character at the end of RMEXE6, the navi is represented by:
SOMEONE.EXE BX - where the BX means Beast Cross. SOOOO, I propose that when taking about a certain Navi in his beast mode, we call it BX. So talking about Beast-Out QuickMan, we say QuickMan-BX or BX-QuickMan. That way, it saves space and it makes a hell of a lotta sense since it's from an official sorce.
....just a thought.
-Age _________________
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Ming Yi Nebula

Joined: 17 Apr 2005 Posts: 562
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:27 pm Post subject: |
Ryouko wrote: | Awesome summary. :3 |
Oh, thank you! I'm really glad to hear that considering I'm not really good at translating.
Tohru wrote: | I started laughing so hard when Meiru screamed "NO I am not happy!" to the idol person who I thought was... Meiru. |
I honestly thought that was Meiru too. It looked like her, and I thought maybe it was a childhood video.
My brother couldn't stand Netto's yelling, especially when Netto kept going,"Uwooooooooooooooooooooo!" when he was boarding the ship. _________________ I'll remember that day, and I won't let it go. |
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YaminoMiko Rabid Roxas Fan

Age: 33 Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 701 Location: California
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:43 pm Post subject: |
Nazne wrote: | I'm sorry, but Enzan's still a dumbass. >_>; If you're gonna jump out of a helicopter at whatever altitude, even if you're going to CF in midair...don't do it *headfirst*.
-BMA |
I agree with you on that. LMAO if he did landed headfirst. XD Hehe... _________________
I wanna sleep, but I don't wanna sleep at the same time. @_@.
Repetition(RnREXE) |
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Ming Yi Nebula

Joined: 17 Apr 2005 Posts: 562
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:49 pm Post subject: |
Nazne wrote: | If you're gonna jump out of a helicopter at whatever altitude, even if you're going to CF in midair...don't do it *headfirst*. |
I remember Tesla's done that a couple of times. _________________ I'll remember that day, and I won't let it go. |
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Nazne Shukei - Hakuteiken
Joined: 20 Mar 2005 Posts: 1133
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:57 pm Post subject: |
Yes, but Tesla can land on her hugeass fluffy hair :o
-BMA |
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Ginrei Net Savior

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 197 Location: In a really old house with silly internets.
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:19 pm Post subject: |
Ming Yi wrote: | My brother couldn't stand Netto's yelling, especially when Netto kept going,"Uwooooooooooooooooooooo!" when he was boarding the ship. |
I knooow, Netto is so easily excited. (He's not impressed by Yaito's giant giraffe, but a tortose is so cool? Yeah.)
I also liked the "Domo! Hirkari Netto! Beast! Deeesu!" at the end. It was cute, even if I don't really get why/what they were doing.
(And YES, your summary was very very good! Very detailed and nice. ^_^) |
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Slifer. EXE The Rurrjurr?

Joined: 16 Mar 2005 Posts: 495 Location: Hey, look behind you! *steals your wallet*
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 3:24 pm Post subject: |
I hate Gateman now >.>; He brutally killed Zoan-Numberman, picked Trill up by one of those floppy things, and had to outlive Quickman. ;o;
Super Swallow to the rescue! >:OOO _________________ 98% of all teenagers have injected a mixture of morphine and crab urine into their eyeballs, if you're one of the 2% who gives a fig about these stupid made-up statistic messages, copy and paste this into your sig. |
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