MegamanX.EXE theory (possible EXE6 spoilers)
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:51 pm    Post subject: MegamanX.EXE theory (possible EXE6 spoilers) Reply with quote

I've noticed a lot of people with theories on how X.EXE will enter into the picture. Many of them seem to be around X being a seperate character, but I have a more logical theory. (if this isn't to be posted here, sorry, but I'm not sure where the proper thread is)

My theory is that X would be something like an evolved form of Megaman.EXE. Say, at some point (after Beast, of course), Megaman is severely damage by a new enemy (I'd appreciate Sigma), and the only thing that can save him is to change him into a new navi (Megaman X.EXE). Obviously, this would have to take his power to a whole new level, so that he can fight this new foe.

Give your opinions on this theory. And, if anyone has already made this theory, I'm sorry, but I didn't know.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:01 pm    Post subject: Re: MegamanX.EXE theory (possible spoilers) Reply with quote

Runty_Grunty wrote:
I've noticed a lot of people with theories on how X.EXE will enter into the picture. Many of them seem to be around X being a seperate character, but I have a more logical theory. (if this isn't to be posted here, sorry, but I'm not sure where the proper thread is)

My theory is that X would be something like an evolved form of Megaman.EXE. Say, at some point (after Beast, of course), Megaman is severely damage by a new enemy (I'd appreciate Sigma), and the only thing that can save him is to change him into a new navi (Megaman X.EXE). Obviously, this would have to take his power to a whole new level, so that he can fight this new foe.

Give your opinions on this theory. And, if anyone has already made this theory, I'm sorry, but I didn't know.

I really dont think that would happen.Not to be rude or anything doesnt seem right for X just walk in EXE.Zero is in transmission so why should X be in any of the games?O_o
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that X exe. would be an intresting idea. I really do not know how he would fit thought. Maybe sperated from Rockman or maybe a new body for his data. I would like him to have nothing to do with Rock though.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sotryline for exe 7 the new megaman: note this is built off the exe 6 ending & also I keep switching between the japanese & english naems so please bare with it

an odler Lan & co are visiting scilab for a demonstration of the new "GX PET" GX standing for Generation X (No im not going to give a description) then all of a sudden the alarms go off & Lan & co ask whats going on, an older Dr. Regal & Hikari say that a whole in space time has opened up in the proto area of scilab, yes the proto net from exe 3, Hub is there as well in a copyroid & walks up to the console & lan yells to stop, but is too late as the copyroid takes its form, Dr. Regal hands lan the new GX PET & tells him to use it to operate megaman, lan says hes too old to battle & then is cut off by his son (Whatever his name is) saying he will operate since he doesnt have a custom navi yet & has been studying net battling with chaud & protoman. Lan hands him the PET & he gets a folder with all new chips (The chips in this one would be mostly new with some oldies since its like 20 years later) then it goes to the cyber world & megaman approaches 3 met tool virus & you go through the whole battle demo then onto that theres a huge hole in the gate that locks the proto net off & there is red blobs all around it (Lan with a worried look says proto/alpha?!) & megaman runs in.

The net is all destorted & defragmenting in the proto net since its been down for a while, you fight those proto virus from the end of exe 3 but a very weak version then you come to the end of the passage & find a cloaked figure (Think of when zoan aprk & plant first appeared in beast) standing in fornt of the remains ofa very distorted alpha with what appears to be mini versions of gospel & the life virus & then he turns around & says hes surprised to see megaman still functioning & tells you he will dispose of you easily, prepare for the first battle, its like the shademan first time battle in exe 4, no matter what you cant fight him, the navi name is all question marks & is cloaked the whole battle with glimpses of what appears to be a green & tan schemed navi. after a few hits he nails you with one hit. battle over

rock is disabled on his knee on verge of deletion (Think of deletion of the darkoids in exe5) & asks who this navi is, he rips off his cloak & says his name is Sigma. then he slashes megaman & he starts exploding, lans son jacks him out. Dr Regal states that the protonet has disappeared from the scilab database but lan & his son are more worried about megaman. Dr Hikari says he needs the PET immediatly if they are to save megaman, he grabs the pET & him & Regal walk into the next room telling everyone to stay there. The screen blacks out

an hour later Dr Regal comes out explaining that megamans body has been damaged beyond repair but they can save his data by transplating it into another navi & he has another body ready to go. Before lan can say anything, his son jumps up & says "anything to save uncle hub/saito" lan just looks to the ground & says hub/saito.... the scene blacks out

Lans son waits impatiently outside regals office & regal calls him in. He walks in & regal has a navi body on screen that looks like megaman but its not, lans son asks "who is that?" & regal replies "Your new navi" & hands him his PET. hes greated by a "Hey there" its megaman except its not, Regal explains that he's created a brand new body for Megaman to draw out his potential more than he could ever have done with his older body, he also explains that the soul unison system has been re-installed & changed since it was damaged in the deletion. He says he calls his upgrade of megaman.exe "Megaman X.exe".

the alarms go off & on screen there is a black figure by where the protonet entrance once was, regal shockingly says "Forte" the scene goes to Forte screaming at the now non existent door "How Dare You steal what belongs to me" & a giant pink ball formas above him "Think of a spirit bomb from dbz) he slams it into the net & the door reappears & he goes in, Regal tells you to jack X in & help forte you do so.

The protonet is repairing itself, you see previously deleted walk ways back in existence & then you walk & find Forte fighting Sigma & loosing. you see sigma stab him through the chest with his light saber & forte scremas in pain & falls to the ground. you run over & Sigma says "So youve finally been upgraded I see..." antoher figure appears in a cloak & says "Master shall I take care of him" Sigma replies "Go Ahead Vile" he turns absorbs proto's remains & jacks out with the mini LV & Gospel, the cloaked vile takes his cloak off & attacks. Battle Vile.exe

You fight him & damaga him badly end battle. He doesnt understand how he got hit & jacks out you jack out as well. (unbeknownst, Forte is jacked out during your battle with Vile & nobody notices or remembers he was there...

Regal explains that proto is a danger to everyone & that this "Sigma" is making things worse & tells you you need to find him & defeat him. You agree to fight & now we have the new heroes, lan's son & Megaman X.exe. Start the game...
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a minor note, Megaman is the only Navi to be upgraded, Protoman & Zero are 2 different Navis in this one. Megamans sybol would be the same except it would have an X in the center of it

I just thought of something, 2 versions, call them rockman exe 7: Upgrade of Rockman & Upgrade of Forte they follow the path of both navi's the beginning would obviously be different since it follows forte
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alternatively Capcom could create a new character if they wished. Why must people insist on bringing X into the EXE universe? It's not really appropriate, Zero was a fan-service but that's about it. If they do make another EXE Universe, chances are the main Character will just be called Rockman EXE again, or something else entirely different (It has been pointed out the X EXE is annoying to say in Japanese).

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've also had an idea involving X and a navi sigma almost deleting megaman. Although mine had a teen lan and friends and a big battle where most of the navis fighting had to be upgraded. I figured out roles for the normal three X characters you play as, the girls in the series (aila, iris, and the other two from X7), and all four from command mission.
I like thinking up these kinds of stories. I'm working on this and a new digimon series when I'm not busy.

But I don't know if they would even do X as a battle network game. It seems alittle odd. Would they do a version with zero remade to a navi form of zero from his own games? Or even a ledgends battle network game? It seems a little weird. I'd just like it if they'd hold off on battle network to make megaman 9 and ledgends 3.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do not think this belongs in the anime section, I'll move it to the Games section since the discussion is basically based in the games.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that there is a posibility to bring Zero back as an Navi.
Like, Zero was just badly damaged after his fight with rock, and someone (just for example Regal) creat a new Navi fromout the rest of his Data, who could help Rock/ Rock X in fighting Sigma. EXE (if they realy do X as an EXE-Character, Sigma would also come in for sure)
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BakuRenOh wrote:
I think that there is a posibility to bring Zero back as an Navi.
Like, Zero was just badly damaged after his fight with rock, and someone (just for example Regal) creat a new Navi fromout the rest of his Data, who could help Rock/ Rock X in fighting Sigma. EXE (if they realy do X as an EXE-Character, Sigma would also come in for sure)

Well Epsilon could be the boss instead of Sigma.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could actually have it be vile like I did since the sigma battle in my fic isnt really a boss fight
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The thought of a X.EXE character is itself horrid, but Sigma.EXE is an abomination, and everyone here goes with the "Rockman gets hurt so we make X", which doesn't even follow the X plotline, being Rock and X two separate robots. Though in part you are right, it's the most logical way. I guess we'll have to wait for Capcom to surprise us.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't see why everyone wants a Rockman X.exe...that would ruin the fact that he is a seperate Rockman from the others.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 7:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I honestly don't see why a Sigma.Exe would be "an abomination." They make enough references to virtual realities in the X and Zero series, and Sigma eventually becomes a virus, jumping from body to body. It's not totally unbelieveable (though, yes, highly unlikely) that a Sigma.Exe may show up as a navi-like virus with vauge references to the X series. (Like maybe a comment that Sigma.Exe is but a shadow of his former self.)

I was actually hoping that BN5 would mirror X4, with ProtoMan's team and Colonel's team instead of the Maverick Hunters and the Repliforce, and a Sigma.Exe manipulating events from the sidelines, but I guess the writers at Capcom aren't as imaginative as I am. Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sketch wrote:
I don't see why everyone wants a Rockman X.exe...that would ruin the fact that he is a seperate Rockman from the others.

Exactly my point! *IF* he has to appear in the games, it should be cameo only.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You guys all have good input on the subject. However, I'd like to put in how I'd have X.EXE created (at least up to the point of his creation):

This would take place a few years after the events of Beast. Lan and friends are now in high school. The years in between the events of Beast and the new series have been peaceful. Even the virus' have been scarce. Lan and Megaman.EXE are about to start yet another year of school, when disaster strikes. A new foe appears on the internet, and Lan decides to intervene (as usual). The new enemy turns out to be Sigma, and Megaman catches him in the act of infecting Navis, turning them into Mavericks (or something of the sort; they'd be like the foes of the previous series; similar to the Irregulars of Megaman X).

Megaman attempts to stop Sigma, but Sigma is out of Megaman's league and the supervirus easily defeats him. Sigma then proceeds to infect Megaman, but before he can complete the process, Protoman appears and attacks Sigma, slicing off his arm. Sigma delivers a nasty counterblow to Protoman, causing him some damage and placing the two in a stand-off. Sigma regenerates his severed arm, and then jacks out with his new mavericks, saying that he has completed what he set out to do, and that Protoman is not worth his time.

Back at Scilab, techs are running an analysis on the damaged Megaman. Things aren't looking good, as the infection is slowly taking over Megaman's data. Yuuichiro (Lan's father) tells Lan that if the infection is not cured, Megaman will become a Maverick Navi. Unfortunately, Yuuichiro doesn't know how they could possibly cure Megaman. Shortly afterwards, an elderly scientist by the name Dr. Cain (or something of the sort) appears, and says that he can help Megaman. Yuuichiro is unsure of whether to trust Dr. Cain, though, as the doctor is not well known, but Lan implores him to help Megaman. Cain suggests installing an upgrade into Megaman's systems; the upgrade would completely change Megaman's data, but it would save him. Lan accepts the idea.

Dr. Cain shortly afterwards begins the procedure, but as he begins, Scilab's network comes under a massive virus attack. Meiru, Enzan and Dingo, who were present to give Lan their sentiments, offer to give their assistance. They jack-in their navis, and manage to fend off the viruses for a time. Then, one of the Mavericks appears, and, along with the remaining viruses, manages to defeat the navis.

The Maverick is about to delete Roll, when he is hit hard by a Buster shot. The Navis turn to see who fired it, and see Megaman, though he looks different from before. He has more armor on his body, and he looks much older (think adult age). He also seems much more arrogant, as he dares the Maverick to take his best shot at him. Also, Lan is not operating him, being just as surprised that he is there as everyone else. The two battle, and the new Megaman easily deletes the Maverick. Lan is happy to see that Megaman is alive, though the navi insists on Lan calling him Megaman X.EXE.

Ths story continues on from there, though I don't know exactly how it could continue. That would be up to the guys at Capcom.

Give your comments on this theory. I'd like to hear them.

EDIT: Just to note, this would apply to the TV series, not the game series.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wouldn't mind if it X.exe appeared. Even if it's not similar to the original series in the way they do it, this isn't the original series and really, they could do anything they want with X. As long as they're done well, I wouldn't mind any of the X characters appearing.

I'd rather have something different from the "Rockman gets injured and changed to X" storyline though...
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Viewtiful Starman wrote:

I'd rather have something different from the "Rockman gets injured and changed to X" storyline though...

Yeah they could be fighting together.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Viewtiful Starman wrote:
I'd rather have something different from the "Rockman gets injured and changed to X" storyline though...

Why do you say that? I think the idea is perfectly acceptable. Megaman would require an upgrade in order to fight the Mavericks. If anything, I'm kind of against the idea of X being a seperate navi from Megaman. It would be kind of weird, and besides, there's Forte. An upgraded Megaman would be a nice change.
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The Boy who is Very Sart
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So...there's Forte...and?

The thing is that there are five different Rockmen. Classic, X, Dash, EXE, and Zero. If we take EXE's Rock and turn him into RockmanX.exe that would completly ruin the fact that he is a seperate Rockman from the others with his own story. Besides...Forte isn't even in the X Series so what does he have to do with anything? I mean...perhaps I'm not seeing what you're saying...but I don't think that makes much sense. .-.
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