Rockman.EXE the Movie - Now on Sale!
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Kitties Love Bunnies
Kitties Love Bunnies

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:27 am    Post subject: Rockman.EXE the Movie - Now on Sale! Reply with quote

I thought I'd spread the word here too, since not everyone reads the site updates, and I know a lot of people have been waiting for this information (like me!).

CD Japan is now taking preorders for Rockman.EXE: Hikari to Yami no Isan (Rockman.EXE: The Program of Light and Darkness). Please note that there are no subtitles with this version, and the language is in Japanese.

ALSO PLEASE REMEMBER! This DVD is made for Region 2 players (Japan, Western Europe, and South Africa), so unless you have a Region Free DVD player, you cannot play this dvd. Normally computers with Windows XP will allow you so many switchbacks on your DVD Rom between the different Regions, but the number of changes is limited, so be careful. I just don't want to hear any rants about spending $40 on this dvd, then finding it useless.

If you're all set then, what are you waiting for?!

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Last edited by Ryouko on Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Crimson Seiko
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heck yeah! Though... I haven't purchased any Region-2 DVDs yet, so I'm still not sure whether or not I can play them. I got my Dell laptop two November's ago (with built-in DVD player), so I'd assume it'll play on there. Other than that, though, all I have is my PS2... and I know that won't work. But, oh well... I -must- see the movie, so I'm pre-ordering this beast right away.

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Kitties Love Bunnies
Kitties Love Bunnies

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I pre-ordered mine last night. :3 Do a google search on the brand of dvd player you have in your laptop - that should tell you. I tested mine out with one of my other Rockman DVDs (I have a Dell computer with standard dvd rom), and it worked fine.

There's also a nifty and cheap little dvd player that's being sold by Phillips, which boosts to play DivX and MPEG4 files. What it doesn't say is you can key in a code with the remote control, and wallah - it also becomes Region Free. Not bad for a $60 dvd player.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

-goes off to beg someone she knows that would buy stuff online to buy it for her-

Eh, I don't know which company-computer I use... It's a custom made one :/ Gotta get a new DVD player.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sadly, I don't have any of the required stuff to watch it, but considering there will probably be raws, and summaries, and screencaps, and WPP will probably sub it somewhere along the line, I can deal.

Meanwhile, it would seem, PAC, that you were proven wrong when you thought the movie was never gonna come out Razz
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will be excepting bets on how fast the movie is going to make it onto the net & after that, I will be taking bets on how fast WPP subs it if they decide to sub it Minimum bet of 5 dollars US currency LOL Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I DO believe they said they were going to sub it, but at point we're not sure. Hopefully not when it takes place in the actual story, since more people want to see it.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As soon as I get some cash im Pre-Ordering this ^.^ Thanks Ryouko

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Kitties Love Bunnies
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Keep in mind that the movie's timeline takes place right smack dab in the middle of Stream. Not before, not after, right in the middle. It has to be sometime after Episode 17 [spoil:78d3eec2a9](Laika's Cross Fusion)[/spoil:78d3eec2a9], since it's in the movie obviously. But before the events that hit around Episode 31 [spoil:78d3eec2a9](Shademan & Barrel)[/spoil:78d3eec2a9].

Obviously it wouldn't make much sense for WPP to sub it before they finish out Axess, but it's all up to them.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well like I said, they might NOT wanna wait for that long, since it's obviously gonna be quite a while before they even get UP to the Stream episodes. So they might just do it as a seperate project even though they're still working on AXESS.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I take it this DVD won't have subtitles of it's own then? I do hope that WPP will sub it before finishing Axess. I hate to sound like I'm complaining, but I can't wait that long! lol There hasn't been anything new from them since the 4th of July and Stream is still being pumped out in Japan. I fully support WPP and always have. I don't watch or read anything about the new show until it's been subbed by them. At least I try not to.

Speaking of DVD players, I got that one Ryouko was talking about from (I think) that ran about $60-$70 and it does indeed play Divx files and such and it can be setup as region free. Only be careful, because I tried to update the firmware on it since we couldn't figure out how to change the region settings, and the language got set to Chinese. lol Then it wouldn't play anything. Managed to get it all fixed and now it plays everything. Except for weird codecs. But just be careful. Don't wanna screw up your system. Wink
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Dr. Wily's Peon

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I ordered it! The 24th will be my birthday, so with some luck it comes in by then ^^. And someone will pay for it, so it is a gift! AND since I am Dutch, my DVD player allready is Region 2, so no troubles there! Hooray! *and there was great rejoice*. I have been waiting anxiously for this movie for months now, and finally I am going to see it... oh, the sweet, sweet pleasure of it all.... *dances away with Medi*
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

:D OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iv'e been waiting for this moment! If only my parents were nice enough to let by via internet, well atleast I have enough money to buy it (if the day comes)
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dont have any of the requirements have the money but not the stuff Sad
ill have to wait for it to come to america.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 5:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

eh, thats great! I wish I had the $$ to buy it! I DO have $$ but I'm saving up for mi Madre's b-day. I think I have like....$150-160. Oh well, I'll be downloading it for sure tho. Then I'll burn it on CD, Take it over to my friends house and Burn it onto a DVD. yay! lets hope it works.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sweet. With the 20% off deal for preordering at Amazon, I might add this to my MagiRanger and Gankutsuou order.

So can anyone tell me what this movie is about? No one actually answered that question when it hit theaters. Does it take place during any of the series? What navis are in it?
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can get it at amazon?
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Crimson Seiko
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Amazon Japan, most likely.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote!!!! Evil or Very Mad
Too bad I'm short on the $$$. Maybe I can leech some off of random people on the street. *goes and begs people for cash*

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Dr. Wily's Peon

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Gankutsuou wrote:
Sweet. With the 20% off deal for preordering at Amazon, I might add this to my MagiRanger and Gankutsuou order.

So can anyone tell me what this movie is about? No one actually answered that question when it hit theaters. Does it take place during any of the series? What navis are in it?

Lots is unknown about that, since nobody actually saw a RAW or saw it in the theaters. Confirmed naviĀ“s / souls are [spoil:d9dc0fa9fb]Nebula Grey, Colonel, Barrel, Regal, Forte and Forte Cross Rockman[/spoil:d9dc0fa9fb]. Next to that, there is not much known and I would not like to know it either, since I want the movie unspoiled now I have the chance ^^.
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