Stream 28: Pink Punch Mayl!
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:28 pm    Post subject: Stream 28: Pink Punch Mayl! Reply with quote

Yay, I get to write another summary thing for this one.

OK, the episode starts off with Cross Fusion Megaman having yet another battle with Inukai and Beastman (this guy needs a life, he's used for way too many odd jobs) while Mayl and Rush cheer him from the sidelines. Dex appears, making a curry delivery, and he comments about he could help Lan stop Neo WWW from continually causing trouble in Dentech every 30 minutes or so...after CF Megaman finishes off Beasty with two swords, his friends come to congratulate him, you can tell Lan's pretty beat from the fight, he should be used to this by now considering how long he's been doing Cross Fusion >> Anyway, they haave come curry at Yahoot's afterward, and Lan complains about how Chaud ain't around to help him so much anymore since he went to Ameroupe, so Dex makes a big flippin vow to learn Cross Fusion so that he can help in the fight against EEEEVIL!! So, he and Mayl explain their situation to Dr. Hikari, who is none two please about the idea, or the fact that Dex is using 'pressure' with his crazy expression. So the good doc pulls a fast one on our unfrequently used duo of characters by giving them a "tour" of Scilab's stuff...and the gift shop...and then he boots em out. Dex goes back inside to see him again but the smart talking register chicks turn him down. Suddenly, Famous appears! Dex explians his situation to HIM now,n but in a much more physical mannger (he shakes him around like a psycho) and soon Famous takes the two of them to his private lab...and into his bedro-NO. And then explains some stuffage about CF and DAs and SCs and blah blah blah. Then we see Rush takin' a snooze in NetCity Square, and Roll comes to collect him up in her usual adorable manner...and the next thing Rush knows, is that he's irl, and chained up to a table ._. ...yeah, then Famous gives him a shiny new necklace, with a Synchro Chip! Rush can't take it off...*coughinuyasha'scursedbeadscough* So, soon a request is sent from the Dinosaur land amusement park, where Lan is already busy talking to one of the manager guys...with Mayl and Dex attached to his arms (FREE TICKETS!!). He get s alittle peeved at first, but he cheers up at the sight of the robot Dinosaurs (Universal's got nothing on this place, the Year 200X ROCKS.) and meanwhile, Viddy is hiding in the bushes and sends one of his twisted evil orders to Videoman. Soon, Lan and co find a giant Wallo virus o_O then some funny frames of them running away like scared little babies, hiding in the bushes, then like...5 giant Mettaurs, and a hoard of giant Murukos! Then Viddy appears, brgins out his big-ass Videoman in the real world, but this time with VIRUSES! (big freakin deal...) but apparantly it's more than CF Megaman can handle (Famous sends a DA to him, you know the drill) but wait! Dex is here to help! He has Rush, looking miserable, come out of his magical plothole, and then makes him turn into the Rush Syncho Chip! He slots it in, and the Cross Fusion begins.....wait no it doesn't, a big yellow explosion begins! Dex goes kablam, colapses onto the floor, and Lan is left to get the crap beaten out of him by Videoman's viruses of d00m. But wait, Famous asks Mayl to try Cross Fusing!With some reluctance, Rush agress and transforms again (only after Roll asks >>) and Cross Fusion begins! FOR REAL THIS TIME DAMMIT. I can see a bit of the footage from that AXESS episode was reused, but that was a one shot deal, so I won't complain. Anyway, CF Roll starts off with a bitchslapping frezy via her Roll whip (poor Videoman ;3) and meanwhile Viddy's having a coniption over Mayl's pretty pink armor XD Anywho, then Mayl gets rid of the viruses with a new attack, "Rush Hole" (spiffeh) and then follows up with a Roll Arrow. Then Lan finishes the job with a longsword and sends Videoman and Viddy packing. The Dimensional Area disipates, Lan and Mayl revert back to normal, and Famous ruins a possible mushy Lan/Mayl moment by popping up on her PET screen congratulating her on the Cross Fusion success! But from both her's, and Rush's, responses to Lan's comment about how she can finally help him in his battle against WWW and the Asteroid, they don't seem to wanna do this too often Razz So then Lan makes a stupid comment about how Chaud's more relaiable for help than she is, then she gets pissed and walks way, TOO BAD FOR YOU. Then we skip to another curry break, where the conversation about Cross Fusion pops up AGAIN, and Rush disappears into his plothole. END.

Well, this one wasn't as bad as people thought it would be, it wasn't spectacular, but it was aright. I rather liked Cross Fusion Roll, but like I said, due to Rush acting like a wuss about turning into a Synchro Chip, we probably won't see her too often, BUT I HOPE YOU FREAKING FANS ARE HAPPY NOW. Also, CF Roll looks the same as she did in AXESS, despite the new PET. Dats all I got for ya....oh, and Neo WWW needs more new members -.-

Next episode, another Chaud & Raoul team up...BRUTHA! Plus Colonel, along with those damned trilobite viruses, are back, and Asteroid Drillman, WEE. (Thank you Netto-kun for the episode -^_^-)

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I hope you know that a similar summary exists in the Stream thread below. Nonetheless, this sounds good. I'll take a look at it when I can.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Midnight Critic wrote:
I hope you know that a similar summary exists in the Stream thread below. Nonetheless, this sounds good. I'll take a look at it when I can.

Well every single other episode has its own thread.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Too true.

I've seen the first half so far. It seems that Dex still hasn't lost his lack of logic...poor a friggin' rag-doll...
Today, these three players are after Big Bucks! But they'll have to avoid the Whammy, as they play the most exciting game of their lives! From Television City in Hollywood! It's time to 'Press Your Luck!'--Rod Roddy

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Soul Unison

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

While I can't see much wrong with this episode, I do find it pretty lame that Dex can't Crossfuse when Tesla can. Those writers just love to keep ragging on fat ugly Dex and big dumb Gutsman, can't those poor guys ever catch a break?

I still wanna be the one to summarize next week's episode, but it's been so long since I downloaded one. Well, I'll give it a try anyway. So don't go rushing to write next week's summary, please?
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We may come closer to seeing navis take their helmets off now. I really wanted Dekao to blow up, he deserves it for trying to CF >_> that would be like Yaito & Glyde.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeesh Rush is now starting to take the job of support unit for the EXE universe.... poor him.

Also R-Roll being what she looked like in Meiru's fantasy from Axess is also a bit disappointing. Oh well.

Honestly I don't want to see an R-Guts....

The random crossfusions should end here before we see a walking disaster like R-Color or R-Wood or something.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Raijin wrote:
While I can't see much wrong with this episode, I do find it pretty lame that Dex can't Crossfuse when Tesla can. Those writers just love to keep ragging on fat ugly Dex and big dumb Gutsman, can't those poor guys ever catch a break?

I still wanna be the one to summarize next week's episode, but it's been so long since I downloaded one. Well, I'll give it a try anyway. So don't go rushing to write next week's summary, please?

No problem Rai, I know how much you like Drillman anyway ;3
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Can someone explain why Rush needs to magically turn into a Rush Syncro Chip for Mieru to use Cross Fusion? I still don't understand that. >_<

And yes, it was dissapointing when I saw the exact same CF style for Meiru as in Axess. Her PET magically turned into a advance PET when CF began! Surprised XD That scene always cracks me up.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Darn hoping for a new Cross Fusion but the whip sure was fun.

My bet is that the Rush Syncro Chip doesn't sap energy unlike the real one.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm probably the only one who is glad that her outfit stayed the same. XD *cosplay outfit is almost finished* I thought it was uber cool that she took off the helmet, that was a nice surprise (though I wonder where all that hair went...).

It was a nice episode, I really enjoyed it and all its quirky moments. The segment with Yuuichirou was priceless.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ryouko wrote:
(though I wonder where all that hair went...).

It probably was part of the helmet. Like the Doublesoul toys.

But, it makes me wonder if Netto and Enzan were to take THEIR helmets off....
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Easy cop-out for guts' fusion not working "They're not synchronized", but Tesla and Magnet are?

Yuichiro should know how Rush's substatiation ability works, seeing as he created Rush, making an R. Synchro chip pointless... that is if Yuichiro would get off his ass and get to work on researching Cross Fusion instead of selling Kaga-Kun to suburbian children XD

But, who knows, this might be the start of something, with Rush aiding Roll's cross fusion, maybe Yuichiro and/or Meijin will make other programs to do the same, Tango and Beat?(R Medi and R Gyroman?)

This episde was pretty lame in itself though, I'm upset that they screwed Dekao over and made him look like an idiot(as they always do) Roll got a new PET AND a different synchro chip, but her outfit is the same, even though she's crossing with a virus and a navi.

I'm glad Rush and I see eye to eye on Cross Fusion Smile

3/10 Stone cubes :stonecube: :stonecube: :stonecube:

Next week is more action with Colonel, as they FINALLY start actually having a plot instead of d*cking around Smile
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rocketboy wrote:
Ryouko wrote:
(though I wonder where all that hair went...).

It probably was part of the helmet. Like the Doublesoul toys.

But, it makes me wonder if Netto and Enzan were to take THEIR helmets off....

From what I saw with the aid of the pause button, it looks like the Roll hair is part of the helmet.

Well, the mystery as to why they had a Rush Synchro Chip has been solved...I think..what awas the exact reason? .-.

I would love to see you write a summary Raijin. \o Zetto, you should try to go into a little more into detail. ^^;
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Meiru's cross fusion in Axess was a dream, and therefore a figment of her own imagination. It shouldn't really count then. Meiru was just dreaming about her Progress PET cross fusion without realising it. Her Axess Cross fusion, if it would have actually hapened, probably would have looked different.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, the episode starts off with Cross Fusion Megaman having yet another battle with Inukai and Beastman (this guy needs a life, he's used for way too many odd jobs)

Finally someone is starting to see my point here. Takeo and Beasty are like Swordman from Axess. Camera hogs. I want to see some more of Flashy. Post-haste.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You're kidding me. They reused the Axess footage for her Stream Cross Fusion? -.-

So maybe the results of Cross Fusion depend on what the Net Navi and Net Op want it to look like instead of it having to do with the P.E.T. style...

But still, I'm kind of glad that R GutsMan didn't occur, but given the track record I'm seeing, they'll probably do that next season.

-runs off to keep from making any more idoitic comments-
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can't say I was really hoping for an R-Gutsman either, it's just that it would make more sense for him over some of the other Fusers out there right now. Not just Tesla and Magnet either, though they're obviously the MOST unlikely couple. I also don't think Yuri and Needleman are that synchronized to be able to Fuse without a DarkSynchroChip.

We're clearly only getting CFs either on a fanbase demand basis (Roll and Search) or else on a storyline neccessity basis (Magnet, they just needed an evil Fuser I guess. Screw logic).

As for my possibly writing a summary. I'd need to know how to get the episodes fast first. I feel like I deserve to get reamed for asking about episode downloads, so I'll try to keep it simple yes or no. The Sticky thread at the top regarding Stream downloads, is that where you got it, Zetto? Would following the links there be my best bet to get it as quickly as possible?
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Now Enzan will take off his helmet to reveal short hair and thousands of fangirls will cry XD

I'm not too fond of Meiru and Roll being able to crossfuse. I'm not to fond of Laika nor anyone else but Netto and Enzan being able to do it for that matter. But eh, it was a cute eppy.

I loved the part where R-Roll slapped Videoman XD and yes, that is the coolest dinosaur park ever.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Roll Whip was mis-used Razz

In the game, that attack summons a Mettool XD
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