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Quatre Winner I Beat the 8 Robot Masters

Age: 37 Joined: 03 Jul 2005 Posts: 162 Location: Wandering the universes in search of a good story to write
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 5:00 pm Post subject: My Darkness - Crossover, PG-13, Shonen-ai, KH2 spoilers |
I blame my random pairing trigger for this XD; and Sai made me write it. I'm not too sure I like how this came out, but it's not bad so I figured "why not?"
Eternal thanks to NotJim for use of his spellcheck, though. I'm using crappy wordpad :<
The pairing is Riku x Enzan, and the rating is for the shonen-ai aspect. And I apologize for making everyone OOC (I think anyway), my brain works in wierd ways at 0400.
There are also KH2 spoilers! So, unless you wanna get spoiled, please turn away. You can also find this fic on ffnet, within the story called "Conversations of Irrelevance" by Quatre Winner (me! \o/)
I'll stop talking now, enjoy!
It was a dark and stormy night.
Riku snickered at the cliché, but that happened to be the truth. Rain pounded against him as he walked down the street, the streetlamps all but invisible in the darkness. The rain obscured everything, but Riku was okay with that. He was long used to storms, as they were quite frequent during tsunami season back home on the islands.
Home. The word left a stinging in Riku's eyes and a lump in his throat. How he'd wished to leave home all that time ago, but now, seeing the consequences of his desire, he wished he could take it all back. The blindfold covering his eyes was a sharp reminder of the path he'd taken, and now he was here, on this distant world. The world that seemed to feel his sorrow and reflect it in the pouring rain.
He looked up at the touch on his arm and turned. Wet hair got in his face and he spit it out distastefully, regretting not putting up his hood. Blue eyes met his covered ones and he had to look twice. Those eyes were so much like Sora's that he had to blink back tears.
"Yes?" he managed to ask in a neutral voice.
The person who stopped him was a young boy, no more than thirteen years of age. His hair looked white, but at another glance Riku saw the black underneath the white. Like darkness within the light, he mused to himself. The boy wore a red vest over a black long-sleeved shirt with camouflage pants, but what Riku noticed most was the boy's lack of protection against the chill rain.
"I'm Ijuuin Enzan of the NetSaviors," the boy introduced, holding up a small device - Riku remembered that it was called a PET - to display what looked like a badge. "I'm investigating the terrorist attack on the Science Labs, and sources say that the culprit is in this area. Have you seen anyone suspicious?"
Riku blinked behind his blindfold, trying to remember what exactly the Science Labs and NetSaviors were. "It was a crime on the Internet, then, if a NetSavior is investigating," Riku surmised. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen-"
The Way to Dawn Keyblade appeared in his hand suddenly, and he settled into his fighting stance with a quick "Get down!" barked over his shoulder at the confused Enzan. The boy, fortunately, crouched low to the ground, leaving Riku to face the Dusks that appeared out of nowhere. They were easily dispatched.
"What were those?" Enzan demanded of Riku.
"Nothing you should concern yourself with," Riku answered, dismissing the Keyblade. "As I was saying, I haven't seen anyone suspicious around here."
Enzan pegged him with a respectable glare. "Those were the same viruses that attacked the Science Labs," the boy declared. "You seem to know what they are. I'll have to ask you to come with me."
Riku could very easily have slipped away into the Dark Corridor. He could have ignored Enzan completely and continued walking, and Enzan wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing. But something about him made him say "All right," and fall into step behind Enzan.
Later Riku would blame it all on Enzan's eyes. Those eyes that looked so much like the ones currently closed in slumber so far away.
"I'll need your PET," Enzan told Riku, holding out his hand expectantly.
Riku shrugged. "I don't have one."
Enzan raised his eyebrow but didn't press the matter. They walked on in silence for a while, Enzan leading Riku into the heart of town. Riku hadn't been this far in on his search, so he looked around. Seeing new worlds fascinated him to no end.
"What brings you to Densan?" Enzan asked finally.
Riku didn't look at him when he answered. "I'm searching for someone."
"Who is he? Maybe I've seen him."
Riku smiled faintly. "He's a bit shorter than I am, with blonde hair and eyes the color of the sky on a sunny say," he answered wistfully. "A bit like yours, actually. His name is Roxas, and he should be wearing the same clothes that I am."
Enzan looked at his PET, presumably sharing a look with the Navi there. "We haven't seen anyone like that around here, though there were reports of a Navi in black leading the viruses you fought. What do you know of him?"
Riku shook his head. "Nothing more than you do. I'm searching for him to help a friend of mine."
They arrived at the Metroline and Enzan paid for two tickets to the Science Labs. It had been a long time since Riku had done something so... normal.
"How are you able to see?" a voice asked Riku from apparently out of nowhere. Riku looked over at Enzan and saw a hologram sitting on the boy's shoulders. Enzan's Navi, Riku decided. The Navi wore a red bodysuit with a red helmet that obscured his eyes. He had long white hair that hung nearly to his feet.
Riku shrugged. "It doesn't matter," he answered shortly.
"Could you take that off, then?" Enzan asked him, tugging on the long end of Riku's blindfold. Riku glared at him, but the glare was unseen.
"Why should I?" Riku wanted to know.
Enzan blushed faintly. "I like to see a person's eyes. A person's eyes tells a lot about them," he answered. The red Navi looked at his operator strangely. The comment must have been out of character for Enzan, Riku decided.
Riku looked at Enzan for a while before nodding and tugging his blindfold off.
What was it about Enzan that made him want to do everything he asked? he wondered as he opened his eyes and looked at Enzan.
Their eyes locked, and Riku answered his own question. Enzan's eyes... they were so much like Sora's that it hurt.
"Do you have a mirror?" Riku asked Enzan. Enzan dug a small mirror out of his pocket and handed it over. Riku looked at his reflection, dreading what he would see.
After a few moments of regarding the mirror solemnly, Riku decided that the small ring of amber around his irises wasn't so bad.
"You're like the Navis I've seen in the Undernet," Enzan said softly, looking at Riku. "Living in darkness unwillingly, guided by only the hope that dawn will come..." He closed his eyes, a hand going to his heart in an alarming gesture. The Navi looked at Enzan with concern.
"Should I contact someone, Enzan-sama?" the Navi questioned.
"No, Blues. I've just never gotten this strong of a feeling before," Enzan assured. "Ever since I used that Dark Chip on you..."
"What happened?" Riku asked softly, sitting next to Enzan.
"As a NetSavior, I Crossfuse with Blues on a regular basis," Enzan replied. "A Dark Chip infuses a Navi with dark power, and I used one on Blues. He turned evil for a while before we were able to purify him. But he still had some darkness in him, and the next time we Cross Fused, some of that darkness went into me. Since then I've been able to feel darkness in others." Enzan looked away. "Sometimes I fear that the darkness will overtake me, too, and I'll become like Dark Blues or Dark Rockman. I don't want that to happen. I might hurt someone close to me."
"That's a familiar story," Riku remarked. "Sounds like me. I gave myself to the darkness and I hurt my best friends, and now I'm looking for Roxas to try and set things right." He closed his eyes. "It's why I wear the blindfold. My eyes are changing, reflecting my darkness. I don't want to see..."
Enzan didn't respond, and they sat in silence for the rest of the trip. Blues went back to his PET, occasionally giving Enzan a status report on the case. From what Riku heard, Dusks were appearing in the city along with Heartless. Enzan seemed to be getting increasingly uneasy, and Riku couldn't really blame him. The very air seemed to be heavy with darkness.
After what seemed like an eternity the train pulled into the station and Riku followed Enzan out. From what Riku could tell, there were indeed Heartless in the city but they seemed to be converging on a single area.
"Come on," Riku said, grabbing Enzan's arm. "Something's happening somewhere close."
Before Riku could protest, he had pulled Enzan through a portal of Darkness to where the Heartless were. He emerged into an area glittering unnaturally in the darkness, and the rain wasn't falling even though he could hear it not far away. There was a boy in a blue bodysuit shooting Heartless and Dusks that seemed to keep on coming.
"Synchro Chip, slot in!" Enzan cried from beside Riku, and the Keyblade master had to look away from the blindingly bright light. When he looked back, Blues stood next to Riku, though this Blues had hair that faded from white to black as it traveled down his body.
"This is Cross Fusion?" Riku asked, impressed.
"Right." And then Enzan had jumped into the fray, glowing red sword hacking things into nothingness. Riku summoned the Keyblade and ran forward, slicing through Neo Shadows and Dusks. The combined powers of the three of them soon ended the battle, and the unearthly area faded, along with Blues and the unkown blue Navi. Enzan caught his PET as it fell.
"Thanks for your help!" the other boy said to Riku and Enzan, grinning widely and reminding Riku so much of Sora that it hurt. "I was on my way home when those things attacked and I thought I was a goner for sure!"
"Just be careful," Riku said to him. "I don't think there are any more Heartless or Nobodies around, but you can never be sure."
The boy looked at him oddly but nodded. "I will! Thanks again!"
He skated off into the night, leaving Enzan and Riku alone.
"It's pretty late," Enzan remarked. "You can sleep at my house if you want, and we'll go to the Science Labs tomorrow."
"How far away is your house?" Riku wanted to know.
"We'd have to ride the Metroline again."
Riku rolled his eyes. "Just focus on your house." After Enzan nodded, Riku grabbed his arm and the Darkness opened up for them. Riku dragged Enzan through the portal and into a tastefully decorated bedroom with a glass tank in the corner. Enzan plugged Blues into the tank, and Blues appeared inside.
"Go check on the security system," Enzan ordered the Navi. Blues acknowledged and vanished in a burst of data particles.
"I'll go find the guest room," Riku offered, turning to leave. Enzan caught his arm.
"Don't leave me alone with the darkness," the boy requested. "At least until Blues comes back."
Riku nodded understandingly. There were no chairs in the room, so the two of them settled for reclining on the bed, Enzan propped against his many pillows and Riku sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the night sky. Enzan looked over at Riku contemplatively.
"Your darkness is different," he said. "There's no malice in it... I wonder why."
Riku stared outside determinedly. The constellations were different here, he noticed.
"It's because I've accepted my darkness and don't fear it anymore," he answered without really thinking about it.
"I see." And suddenly Enzan was curled up against Riku's shoulder. "I wish I could do that," he said softly.
Riku put an arm around Enzan awkwardly. Sora had done this too sometimes, on those days on the island when it seemed they were going to be swallowed by the sheer mediocrity that their lives seemed filled with. Back then, Sora needed reassurance that his life had meaning, that he wasn't just someone in the background that didn't matter.
Sora had been even more depressing than Riku at times, and Riku smiled fondly at the memories. One day Riku had opened a coconut over Sora's head and Kairi made a show of licking the milk off of Sora's cheek. The chemistry between the two was perfect, and Riku sometimes wondered what part he had to play.
Now he knew, and his heart ached with the knowledge. But some part of him, the part that Ansem had taken residence in, poked Riku with a simple fact.
If Sora loved Kairi, then why was it that Riku was the one to comfort Sora in his depressing moments?
Enzan clutched Riku almost desperately. "Sometimes I think I'm getting swallowed by my darkness," the boy whispered. "How can I fight it off?"
Riku shifted on the bed so that Enzan was resting in his lap, protected by Riku's arms clutched around his small form.
"You can't fight it off," Riku answered. "But you can acknowledge it, and try not to fear it. Then your darkness will be your greatest strength."
Enzan looked up at him, and their eyes locked. Riku leaned down, unable to help himself, and brushed his lips against Enzan's. It was meant as a comforting gesture, and a release of Riku's frustrations over Sora. Enzan pulled away and Riku stood up.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "That was uncalled for." He turned to leave, but Enzan caught his hand.
It was a request, nothing more, but to Riku it was almost a command. He kicked off his boots and shed the long black cloak, then slipped onto the bed next to Enzan. Enzan curled up on him, comfortable in Riku's embrace, and pressed his ear against Riku's chest. He seemed reassured by the sound, and the two of them lay like that for the rest of the night.
Unbeknownst to them, Blues watched from his PET. The Navi considered taking pictures, but in the end simply smiled and let his operator have his moment of peace.
I hope you enjoyed, and have a nice day~ _________________ Avatar made by me in paint. Whoo
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Kitty-Chan Net Police

Joined: 08 Jul 2005 Posts: 438 Location: Massillon, Ohio, USA
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 7:16 pm Post subject: |
I think it's a cute pairing, though Riku belongs with Sora. Well done. _________________ Need more Zero/X, Netto/Rock, Rock/Netto, Forte/Netto, & Blues/Netto. PLEASE!
Ano sa...could someone please make me a Zero/X, Blues/Netto, or Forte/Netto avatar/banner? I would greatly appreciate it...
Thanks for the avatar, Mandi!
People! We need more Blues/Netto & Forte/Netto on the net. Come on; help me out here! *gives everyone her Super-Adorable Irrisistable Sad Kitty Eyes(TM)* |
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