Chip Name: Shotgun
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 1
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 28, 29, 31, 52, 54, 55
Description: The effect of this chip has varied as the series progressed. Initially it fired several energy bursts in succession, but later fires a large number of bursts at once, much like an actual shotgun would.
Chip Name: Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 1
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55
Description: The navi's hand and forearm is replaced by a short sword. How long the sword remains varies, and appears to depend on damage taken by the user. The sword can be broken by powerful enough attacs and/or defenses.
Chip Name: Mega Guts Punch
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 1
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 5, 16
Description: The navi's fist dramatically increases in size, allowing for a more powerful punch attack.
Chip Name: Guts Hammer
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 1
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 16, 24, 31, 38, 39, 45, 50, 54
Description: The navi's hands form a large hammer which which they strike the ground sending out a shockwave attack.
Chip Name: Barrier
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 2
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 7, 13, 19, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 42
Description: A force field is formed around the navi. The field is generally only strong enough to absorbe one attack before fading away.
Chip Name: Elec Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 2
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 21, 22, 28, 30, 36, 46, 49, 50, 55
Description: The navi's hand and forearm are replaced by a sword through which flows electrical energy. The electricity element of this sword is strong against aqua type opponents. Apparently, this sword can be extended to great lengths while fighting large jellyfish viruses.
Chip Name: Dream Aura
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 4
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episode 32, 33
Description: A powerful force field surround the navi, usually with a purple glow. The Dream Aura can absorb high amounts of damage before wearing off.
Chip Name: Paladin Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 4
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 13, 21, 50, 55
Description: The navi's hand and forearm are replaced by a large sword. The blade is capable of releasing energy in a wave of raw power.
Chip Name: Area Steal
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 4
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, 21, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 40, 44, 50
Description: Allows the navi to quickly teleport a short distance. This chip is often used to evade an attack, or to set up for a deadly sneak attack manoeuver.
Chip Name: Wide Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 4
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29, 32, 34, 45, 49, 50, 54, 55
Description: The navi's hand and forearm are replaced by a thicker than normal sword. Its power is essentially the same as the Sword battlechip.
Chip Name: Minibomb
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 5
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 29, 30, 32, 36, 40, 41, 45, 48, 53
Description: A small bomb appears, either in midair nearby, or in the navis hand for them to throw. Alone, the Minibomb is not terribly powerful.
Chip Name: Lightning
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 7
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 46
Description: Summons a beam of electricity to surround the navi. Elecman uses this power to heal himself, becoming nigh-invulnerable. Also capable of summoning a small pylon in front of the navi which can absorb and redirect electrical attacks.
Chip Name: Flame Tower
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 8
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 12, 13, 18, 19, 32, 36, 37, 47
Description: A heat-element attack which creates a tall tower of magma and fire which moves away from the Navi who uses the chip in a straight line.
Chip Name: Aqua Tower
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 8
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 15, 16, 17, 18, 32, 53
Description: An aqua-element attack which creates a tall tower of water which moves away from the Navi who uses the chip in a straight line.
Chip Name: Ice Cube
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 11
Also Appears In: none
Description: Forms several ice cube obstacles in front of the navi. (Note: In Rockman.EXE 16, Tohru and Iceman use this chip, only they call it Ice Block, and it tosses large blocks of ice at their opponent.)
Chip Name: Demon Fire / Onibi
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 11
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 15
Description: The navi fires a ball of purple flame from his hands.
Chip Name: Triple Lance
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 12
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 16, 31, 38, 50
Description: Summons a Poseidon to launch a large trident projectile.
Chip Name: Flame Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 12
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 13, 22
Description: The navi's hand and forearm are replaced by a sword bathed in flames. The heat element of this sword is strong against wood type opponents.
Chip Name: Long Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 14
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29, 34, 45, 49, 50, 54, 55
Description: The navi's hand and forearm are replaced by a longer sword blade. The duration of the sword varies, and appears to depend on damage taken by the user. The sword can be broken by powerful enough attacks and/or defenses.
Chip Name: Woody Tower
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 14
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 16, 25, 33, 42, 45
Description: A series of massive wooden skewers erupt from the ground to damage enemies, typically in a straight line.
Chip Name: Light Blast
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE 15
Also Appears In: none
Description: Multiple beams of electricity discharge from the Navi's fingertips, firing in the direction the Navi's fingers point.
Chip Name: Cyclone
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 16
Also Appears In: none
Description: The Navi spins to form a large tornado which then moves towards their foe.
Chip Name: Iron Body
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 17
Also Appears In: none
Description: The navi's body glows with a metalic sheen. Their form becomes more rigid and solid, lowering the damage they take from an attack to nearly nothing.
Chip Name: Stone Cube
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 17
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 21, 25, 39
Description: A large cube-shaped stone is formed in front of or near the navi.
Chip Name: Earthquake
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 17
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 21
Description: A large "Powie" virus is formed in the air and it comes crashing down upon the navi's enemy, breaking the ground when it land.
Chip Name: Super Great White Angel
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 18
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episode 19
Description: This chip is, in actuality, the Devil Chip. Slotting this chip in gives control of the navi to another and turns the navi evil and ruthless. The navi's abilities are stretched to their limits, making the navi more powerful that it would be under normal circumstances. In addition, the chip prevents the navi from plugging out.
Chip Name: Typhoon
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 18
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 39
Description: A fan virus is summoned which creates a whirling tornado wind attack. This can be used in a variety of ways, including a tricky way to send your own navi flying fowards at high speeds.
Chip Name: Gaia Hammer
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 21
Also Appears In: none
Description: The navi forms a large heavy hammer which can be used to strike the ground and form a massive ground-breaking shockwave effect.
Chip Name: Aqua Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 22
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episode 38, 56
Description: The navi's hand and forarm and transformed into a blue sword with a small water-filled container at the base. This aqua element sword is strongest against heat element foes.
Chip Name: Anubis
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 25
Also Appears In: none
Description: A strange statue is summoned with the ability to transform navis who see it into stone.
Chip Name: High Cannon
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 27
Also Appears In: none
Description: The navi's hand is replaced by a blue cannon capable of multiple shots.
Chip Name: Bronze Fist
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 29
Also Appears In: none
Description: A bronze gauntlet forms around he navi's fist allowing for more powerful punch attacks.
Chip Name: Freeze Bomb
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 31
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 32, 38
Description: Forms a small minibomb-like bomb in the navis hand. This bomb creates an aqua-type explosion.
Chip Name: Cross Gun
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 31
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 38
Description: The navi's hand and forarm become a gun which fires a "plus sign" pattern.
Chip Name: Cannon
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 32
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 37, 40, 45
Description: A supporting cannon forms near the navi and can fire repeatedly if desired. However,, in some cases, this will form a cannon in place of the navis hand instead.
Chip Name: Spread Gun
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 32
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 45, 51, 56
Description: Much like the older Shotgun battle chip, this chip fires a salvo of smaller energy blasts.
Chip Name: Tornado
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 32
Also Appears In: none
Description: One or two large swirling tornados form and can be sent off towards the navi's opponent.
Chip Name: Gold Fist
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 33
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episode 54
Description: A large golden gauntlet forms around he navi's fist allowing for more powerful punch attacks.
Chip Name: Variable Sword
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 33
Also Appears In: none
Description: A strangely shaped mystical sword forms over the navi's hand and forearm. This chip is also capable of generating sonic boom attacks, creating waves of scything energy.
Chip Name: Giga Meteor
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 33
Also Appears In: none
Description: Large meteors rain from the sky around the navi, causing massive collateral damage.
Chip Name: Magnet Line
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 34
Also Appears In: none
Description: A line of magnetic panels is created in a straight line beginning at the navi's feet.
Chip Name: Meteor 9
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 34
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 45
Description: A series of meteors fall from the sky in front of the navi, causing damage to the panels.
Chip Name: Quick Boomerang
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 35
Also Appears In: none
Description: A large boomerang is formed. The boomerange flies around attempting to hit its target repeatedly.
Chip Name: Burning Body
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 35
Also Appears In: none
Description: A red Dash Condor virus is summoned and performs a fiery dash attack.
Chip Name: Dash Attack
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 36
Also Appears In: none
Description: A glider formed of energy appears and carries the navi forward in a straight-on frontal attack.
Chip Name: Flame Blade
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 38
Also Appears In: none
Description: A longer, curved sword blade appears over the navi's hand and forearm. This blade glows fiery orange with the heat element.
Chip Name: Stone Body
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 39
Also Appears In: none
Description: Similar to the Iron Body chip, this chip makes the navi's body takes on a stone-like appearance. This form makes the navi much more durable, lowering the damage they take from an attack to nearly nothing.
Chip Name: Aqua Blade
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 39
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episode 55
Description: A longer, curved sword blade appears over the navi's hand and forearm. This blade glows blue-green with the aqua element.
Chip Name: Elec Blade
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 39
Also Appears In: none
Description: A longer, curved sword blade appears over the navi's hand and forearm. This blade glows yellow and pulses with electricity.
Chip Name: Ratton
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 41
Also Appears In: none
Description: Summons a Ratton which attacks by sliding along the ground and is capable of sliding up walls.
Chip Name: Iron Ball
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 44
Also Appears In: none
Description: A large iron ball forms, apparently in a location controlled by the operator. It was used to knock the hypnotized Glyde out when Yaito dropped it on his head.
Chip Name: Satellite
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 44
Also Appears In: none
Description: An electric satellite virus is summoned. Typically, it then execute a weaving forward-moving attack.
Chip Name: Kawarimi
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 45
Also Appears In: Rockman.EXE episodes 50
Description: A false clone of the navi is formed to fool an attacker or to take damage in place of the true navi. Often, the fake will take the form of a small plush doll.
Chip Name: Bouy Gun
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 45
Also Appears In: none
Description: A machine gun platform is formed near the navi. This platform requires the navi to operate it.
Chip Name: Hiraishin
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 48
Also Appears In: none
Description: A lightning rod appears behind the navi. Electrical attacks are attracted to the rod, diverting the attack from striking the navi.
Chip Name: Fumikomizan
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 53
Also Appears In: none
Description: The navi is warped forward, allowing for a quick and unexpected close-range sword attack.
Chip Name: Hi-Guts Beam
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 54
Also Appears In: none
Description: A fish appears and fires a high-powered energy beam.
Chip Name: Bubble Shot
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 56
Also Appears In: none
Description: The navi fires a bubbling stream of water from a cannon on their arm.
Chip Name: Kanketsusen
First Appearance: Rockman.EXE episode 56
Also Appears In: none
Description: A geyser of water bursts forth from the ground underneath the navi's enemy.