First Place!
Entrant: Seth ~*~ Ryouko's Pick! ~*~ ~*~ PlaguedOne's Pick! ~*~
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 30.5
Ryouko's Comments: This is....interesting. o_o and I like it very much! I love how everything you do with it doesn't cause direct
damage, but instead will probably annoy the hell out of your opponent. XD Very nice indeed. I'd use that one. A lot.
PlaguedOne's Comments: The ability to play with the settings within the battle is very powerful, but as no direct damage is done, the chip is actually very well thought out and not overly powerful. It seems as though it would be a wonderful chip to have around, whether to set up your own attacks or to set up a powerful defense. The image of a planet and swirling fog represents the effects of this chip perfectly.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Fun concept, though it can be rather overpowering, it's got its downsides. I just love the fact you 'get to be god' XD
Second Place!
Entrant: railracer7 ~*~ PlantmanEXE's Pick! ~*~
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 28.5
Ryouko's Comments: This is a very well thought out and balanced chip, and one that actually makes a lot of sense. Very nice! I like
the aid effects it does, without being too overly powerful. Very interesting concept.
PlaguedOne's Comments: This was one of my favorite concepts. A quicker way to pull of a much needed Program Advance is very useful. The chip image is somewhat monotone, though.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: I definitively liked this chip and its work as comodin.
Third Place Tie!
Entrant: Ming
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 25.5
Ryouko's Comments: Yay, Aki-chan! Since Aki is only included in the anime, it would be fun to see her brought into the games. ^_^ and
what a perfect way to do so! Nice effects for the chip, they represent Aki-chan very well, and the chip is believable.
PlaguedOne's Comments: An enjoyable chip with a very balanced and well-made "attack" method. As an added effect, the user should don the Aki-chan outfit! The chip art is very pretty and colorful, which is exactly as I'd image it.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Pretty original.. but aaaah make the "Install your Heart" craze stop! ;-; Mommy
Third Place Tie!
Entrant: Ryan
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 25.5
Ryouko's Comments: The damage and heal effects of this chip are well balanced, but when you include the sucking in of your opponents
abilities and qualities, the chip just gets tipped way too powerful. I love the fact that you gave full consideration to your
opponenets variations though, especially in the case of them being female. XD
PlaguedOne's Comments: Skullman returns to show us the true meaning of fear. The life drain ability is powerful, but the ability of this chip to attack differently depending on the situation it is presented creates a very flexible attack. And "nuts to this" just makes it all the sweeter. Oh, and so does the art! Very well done!
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Yet another navi chip, with quite some nice effects. Though it can be rather overpowered.
Fourth Place!
Entrant: Tachyon360
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 25
Ryouko's Comments: What a gorgeous chip design. O_o and what an awesome chip description! I love how you also included the press
release, what an ingenious idea. Kudos to you for being unique!
PlaguedOne's Comments: You really went beyond the requirements with your decription! I love the little corporate press release you included with the chip's description. It really adds to it, in my opinion. The chip effect itself seems like a super powered Leaf Shield which doesn't go away when struck. Nastiness. The image certainly looks like the chip's name implies and thus fits it well and is quite beautiful.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: While the chip is not necesarily the greatest thing since sliced bread, the background info about it certainly adds up a touch to it.
Fifth Place!
Entrant: WanderingMind
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 24.5
Ryouko's Comments: This was one of the best elemental based chip ideas we received, and I really liked it a lot. Nice effects, and
well balanced pros and cons to its use. Good job!
PlaguedOne's Comments: I really like this chip for the elemental theme it supports. I could see Capcom doing something like this in the games, a different chip for each element. Drawing on the power of the like-element chips in your folder is a neat idea. I also like the little virus you created for the image.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Kudos for paying attention to other elemental types other than Light or Dark.
Sixth Place Tie!
Entrant: Datamaster-Zero
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 24
Ryouko's Comments: This entry by far was most impressive! We never said in the rules that you could not create a back history for your
chip, and it delights me that someone took the effort to make such a great one. Awesome!
PlaguedOne's Comments: The story accompanying this entry was interesting, indeed. A powerful chip of legend depected by a stunning peice of artwork.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: That was like... a fanfic thrown in for the chip. While informative I found all the fanfic orientation a bit too extensive covering unnecesary points. On the other hand, the chip just seems incredibly overpowered.
Sixth Place Tie!
Entrant: Leeveey
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 24
Ryouko's Comments: This was also a very nice chip, and one of the few using a fan navi character that really feels like it fits into
the series. The description on how to even obtain the chip was also very helpful. Nice job!
PlaguedOne's Comments: Unique combination of abilities make this chip what it is. I also liked that she included how the chip is obtained. The picture is very beautiful done and fits the chip well.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: It was a nice detail to add up how to adquire the chip and justify why it is a Giga class chip. I personally like the combination of factors and the requirement of chips to sacrifice in order to use this one.
Seventh Place!
Entrant: Kirbopher15
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 23.5
Ryouko's Comments: I would assume that if you're not in an Soul Unison at the time of use, then you get the default "BOOM" flag? I
really like how you created different effects though, it adds an interesting touch. ^_^ I keep mistaking Bomberman for the
EXE Bomberman though. XD
PlaguedOne's Comments: This is why Stoneman's buddy is Bombman.EXE! *bricked again* I liked the multiple possibilities of this chip. The character on the chip is a cute EXE-ification of the Bomberman character.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Another crossover, good work planning out different variables for Rockman with and without Soul Unisons.
Eighth Place Tie!
Entrant: Evan
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 23
Ryouko's Comments: I am guessing the seven shurikens together count as the 130 damage? This chip was very nice, and of course everyone
knows that ninjas are cool.
PlaguedOne's Comments: I'll let the chip's name slide XP (Kagebushin being the Japanese name of the Shadow chips). *bricked* Maybe it's the Shadowman fan in me, but I very much enjoyed this combo-chip. It's very specific, and a Giga Chip as well, so it seems to be balanced, as well. The artwork for the chip reflects it's powers accurately (and it's really neato :P)
PlantmanEXE's Comments: What can I say, good use of combining different chips for this one to take a good effect.
Eighth Place Tie!
Entrant: Kustin
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 23
Ryouko's Comments: Yet another entry that included some sort of history with their chip. :) Very nice. I really, really like the
effects this chip has too. It's interesting to see a chip used more for the aid of battle rather than being a source of
ultimate power.
PlaguedOne's Comments: Another extremely in-depth description, not only of the chip's effects, but also its origins. Great work on all of that detail.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: It's an interesting chip though I'm still unsure of some effects of the chip.
Ninth Place Tie!
Entrant: MegaMatt.EXE
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 22.5
Ryouko's Comments: Having never played the vs mode, it took me a bit to understand the terms of the chip. This was very unique though,
as it was the only entry that made use of them in ordinance with a battle chip. Some of the effects were rather startling
high, however.
PlaguedOne's Comments: This chip is very restrictive, but with good reason due to the potential power it can unleash. A unique concept in using the Blue Moon/Red Sun points for something other than the Blue Moon and Red Sun chips.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Found it a bit complex but rather well planned.
Ninth Place Tie!
Entrant: Sketch
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 22.5
Ryouko's Comments: Very nice; a solid description and a restricted set effects, that are benificial but not too overpowering. Nice
balance here!
PlaguedOne's Comments: This chip seems as though it would be great to have when virus busting, since it will strike all panels. Ah, a true clash of the titans, I almost expected something vastly overpowered. Glad I didn't find that.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Nothing much to say about this one, it's an interesting idea to have two navis in the field casting the attack.
Tenth Place Tie!
Entrant: BlazeQuest
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 22
Ryouko's Comments: I absolutely LOVE the artwork on the chip. XD But since we're judging more on what the chip actually does - I have
to say the effects are really confusing. There's just way too many of them - I can't see anyone using this chip for real in
the EXE enviroment. I know you mentioned it was not donned for public use - but then why make it in the first place?
PlaguedOne's Comments: One of the few humorous chips, imagining the effects of this chip was amusing. Very detailed description with a lot going on. The chip's image also strikes a humorous tone, in that we see Forte in a way contrary to his typical depiction. Poor Forte... :P
PlantmanEXE's Comments: While amusing, I find the concept a bit too used, try using something other than 'fangirls' next time XD the joke is getting old. However, the planning and description of the way the chip works is excelent.
Tenth Place Tie!
Entrant: Elementalman.EXE
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 22
Ryouko's Comments: This is one of the more original entries if I ever saw one! Awesome idea to include history in your chip, and such
an interesting one at that. The chip seems a little too powerful, though at least you gave it a disadvantage quality. Nice
PlaguedOne's Comments: This is an interestingly themed multi-attack chip. It was obviously created by somebody with a certain amount of pride to display. Certainly an intriguing idea.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: I think the idea of using old weaponry for the attacks was quite original and a nice touch. Though, I find it a bit strange to use historical events of one country for a battle chip. What's a Texican?
Tenth Place Tie!
Entrant: Megaman7
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 22
Ryouko's Comments: A nice, easy to understand chip, that's powerful but not too much so. ^_^ Just right! The usage and terms of this
chip are very interesting as well, and make a lot of sense. Good work!
PlaguedOne's Comments: This is a powerful yet balanced chip, with a Gaia Blade feel to it. The prism shattering light ties into the chip's power well.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: I liked the idea of using light chips to produce the spectrum.
Tenth Place Tie!
Entrant: Redd7452
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 22
Ryouko's Comments: This chip was rather...disturbing, but very interesting at the same time. The only part that doesn't make sense is
"after combat the users health drops down to 1 hp". Otherwise the description makes it sound like the battle will continue as
a duel to the very last, using only the navi's default attacks and stamina.
PlaguedOne's Comments: I like chaotic ideas such as this. It's not something that benefits the user alone, but changes the way the game is played. Good work. It might make Navi vs Navi battle drag out though, since it will stop future battle chip use.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Title and art are quite misleading, but the effect of the chip is quite original and interesting.
Tenth Place Tie!
Entrant: Yuumi
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 22
Ryouko's Comments: I love the little happy Forte in the chip art. XD lol. The effects of the chip are nice, but a little
contradictory. Why include the element requirement (or lack of) if the actual effects of the chip have no need of element?
Also, while the opponenet is frozen, can the user use only default attacks? Battle chips? Some things are left unclear.
PlaguedOne's Comments: This is a cute little chip, as the name might suggest. :P Roll was a perfect choice for the artwork on this one.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Female navis fans would love this chip, but there's nothing very special to it IMO outside of its exclusivity to females.
Entrant: Malik Kitsune
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 21
Ryouko's Comments: When you say "flash something"....I get very disturbed mental images. XD I'm not quite sure what flashing something
has to do with a rabid fangirl though. I absolutely adore the combination with Moku Rush though! However, the attack power is
just way too high. n.n;
PlaguedOne's Comments: Flash "something"? I didn't think we were accepting THAT kind of chip. XD Another funny idea, though... I wish we had gotten more humorous ones like this. Fangirls are scary.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Another fangirl chiiiip! At least this one isn't so predictable XD
Entrant: Rockman EXE
Battle Chip: (( Description Here )) (( Additional Images ))
Total Points: 21
Ryouko's Comments: Way too many ways to use this chip, and no patience to remember them all if I was the chip user. Again, the normal
attacks outside of the PA are way too high for a single chip.
PlaguedOne's Comments: There is just a huge array of posabilities for this very detailed battle chip. With abilities and power being affected by your 'Karma,' this chip's true power is difficult to gauge. The extra sprite battle scenes really help to explain the way this complex chip works. Rockman gets center stage for the chip art, which is certainly not uncommon. He must have connections.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: I gotta start making these shorter. Very
nicely done considering the concept, I like the way it works along with Rockman's 'karma'.
Entrant: Alex
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 19.5
Ryouko's Comments: A pretty powerful chip - though the power comes at a price at your own hit points. This sort of reminds me of the Muramasa chip. Though if you don't use this one right away, your hit points will be wittled down by your opponent, and then it wouldn't be very useful to you. Kind of a double edged sword.
PlaguedOne's Comments: Quick and to the point, although possibly powerful to the point of abuse. The chip's image is appropriate to the effects, as the scythe and shadow aspects reflect upon death.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Interesting concept, I like the idea of taking half of the HP of the user to deal the damage on the enemy. However, reminds me a bit too much of the Final Fantasy gravity based magic.
Entrant: MagnetLord
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 19.5
Ryouko's Comments: Is there such thing as sunlight panels? o.o While the name and the terms to be used are interesting, the effects of
the chip are just very bland. If I wanted to double the effects of a chip, I'd just use a program advance or a double slot
PlaguedOne's Comments: This chip has the potential to be extremely powerful. Good thing it's an obstacle, which builds in a bit a restriction.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Pretty interesting way to interact and create a new kind of 'panel' to work with the chip.
Entrant: PrimoPiccolo
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 19.5
Ryouko's Comments: The art for this chip is fruggin hilarious. XD I have no idea why you made him pimpin' when the description doesn't
give any reason though. But still...yeah, it's hilarious. I really liked the effects for this chip, very nice!
PlaguedOne's Comments: This chip sounds as though it would be fun to use, even if it did low damage. Where did Rock get the bling, though? Wario?
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Cute idea, but overall that'd be ackward to play with.
Entrant: Daidairo
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 19
Ryouko's Comments: There are a LOT of conditions and effects in using this chip....maybe too much so. If you look at the chips in the
games and anime - their effects and understanding are very simple. I'm not saying yours is a bad chip, it just doesn't seem
to fit into the EXE theme too well. Otherwise, the effects are VERY original!
PlaguedOne's Comments: If you don't mind... WTF? XD A lot of strange things going on with this chip. I don't know if the humor was intentional, but I found this chip rather funny.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: "Interesting" concept... but way too complex for my taste. At some points I didn't know if it was aiding or harming the player.
Entrant: Enzan1564
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 19
Ryouko's Comments: This would be a really believable chip...if the waves emitted were not infinite prior to the speaker being forcibly
destroyed. Set the waves to a restricted number, and this chip would have been perfect. Otherwise it's just too powerful for
a standard chip.
PlaguedOne's Comments: This chip is very balanced, and certainly not overpowered in any way. It seems like the kind of thing one might actually find in the games. Well done.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Pretty much an average chip with a program advance.
Entrant: Kevin
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 19
Ryouko's Comments: This was a rather....interesting chip. XD The qualities and side effects are very interesting, but the attack power
is just way too high. This chip would pretty much garauntee you an instant win.
PlaguedOne's Comments: This is a very powerful chip, which is somewhat balanced by the SaitoStyle restriction. The idea of a two-chip Program Advance with this level of power is a bit scary.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Django is starting a trend I see. I find this chip a bit too overpowered, though it has a lot of requirements that somewhat even it out.
Entrant: CBIzumi
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 18
Ryouko's Comments: There is a really strong concept here - but the explanation is kind of fuzzy. I would have liked to see a grid
example of the chip in use if possible. There's not enough rules in place to make this chip seem believable.
PlaguedOne's Comments: Very balanced chip which can see a wide variety of combos with other existing chips. The images fits well, although Mettools appear on many chips.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: I am not enterely sure how the hole would damage the enemy or what would happen to it, it's a bit confusing to me.
Entrant: Saito Midori
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 18
Ryouko's Comments: Not a bad chip, though a little confusing in description. I like the varied effects though, keeps things
interesting at least.
PlaguedOne's Comments: The fact that this chip attack differently depending on enemy position makes thisnother flexible chip, similar to Ryan's above. It is certainly not overpowered, which is good to see from a custom design.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Gotta love chips that allow a double type of weapon effect.
Entrant: Chrys
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 17
Ryouko's Comments: You mention that the chip can only be used on two kinds of fields - but then explain effects for types of fields
other than these two. Conflicting information is very confusing when trying to understand a chip's effects.
PlaguedOne's Comments: Interesting chip. The ability reminded me a lot of Shadowman's chip from the first game. Obviously, the image of the navi summoned by the chip fits it well.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: The chip description seems to treat it like any other chip that could be used, yet acts as a Navi Chip and performs a PA like regular chips would do, kinda confussing.
Entrant: DS Rockman.EXE
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 16.5
Ryouko's Comments: Another Dark Chip. n.n; At least this one has a little variation to it. Nice simple chip, that is easy to
PlaguedOne's Comments: Sacrificing power for speed can be a wise choice. Somewhat odd for a Dark Chip, but can we really predict darkness? The image is direct in its representation.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: The concept isn't really very innovative, though I can see this kind of chip being in any of the games easily.
Entrant: Forceman.exe
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 16.5
Ryouko's Comments: Booo...screenshot. Even those who can't draw worth a spit tried their hand at it. If your chip is a navichip, you
would have to expect to defeat Megaman in order to get it. I wonder how many people could? Considering he's the main
character and all. For that much triumph, the effects of the chip are very low and unrewarding.
PlaguedOne's Comments: The concept of this chip almost elluded me at first, but after I thought about it, I think I saw what this entrant was going for. Rockman can gain the chips of the navis he battles in the games as he defeats them. So, why couldn't a navi who defeats Rockman get a chip of him? It makes sense to me. I would have enjoyed something other than a screenshot in the chip's image, though.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: I am not sure of... how this chip is supposed to work. I imagine it's a navi chip thought to be summoned by other net navis of upcoming games.
Entrant: SPDBlue
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 16.5
Ryouko's Comments: The concept of this chip is so very nice, but it really needs to be fleshed out more. The mb setting also seems
rather low for the amount of damage this dragon deals out to the opponenet(s).
PlaguedOne's Comments: The chip image is pretty, but the effects are pretty much the same as the original Forte chips, as you mention.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Not the most imaginative I might say.
Entrant: Lord of the Devotees
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 16
Ryouko's Comments: I don't see how this chip differs from any other dark chip in the game or series. Not to mention that you just
recolored official art....lazy.
PlaguedOne's Comments: Welcome to the Dark Side. I really like the concept, but was somewhat turned off by the re-use of the Fumikomizan (Step Sword) battle chip art.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: It didn't really impress me what the chip was supposed to do, didn't seem any different over what a dark chip was supposed to do in the first place.
Entrant: Gonzalo
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 16
Ryouko's Comments: So...you can use Double Soul with any navi chip in your folder...but you don't need their actual soul when you use
this chip. That kind of seems like cheating to me. XD and rather defeats the purpose of the Double Soul / Soul Unison
PlaguedOne's Comments: Basically, this gives you an extra shot at Soul Unison, as well as a lot of flexability. Definately a neat concept.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: An interesting idea, however I find it to be a bit overpowered, it can be used and abused at will.
Entrant: neoendgame
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 15.5
Ryouko's Comments: Yet another chip that's just way too powerful without being a program advance. The concept is good though, even if
a little bland.
PlaguedOne's Comments: Another extremely powerful Giga class chip. 500 points of damage with no way to dodge it might be a little overpowered. Then again, Giga chips tend to work that way.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: That's an... interesting way to put Forte on the scene XD
Entrant: AnimeMasterZero
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 15
Ryouko's Comments: This seems a LOT like a basic Soul Unison chip. But more-over it reminds me of Rockman's Elec Brother style change, minus the change in appearances. Not so high on the original side.
PlaguedOne's Comments: I was a bit confused as to how this differs from Soul Unison, and got the image of a Dragonball Z-like fusion technique. The chip's image is interesting, however, portraying two opposite style of navi.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: The concept would be interesting if Soul Unison and other merging methods hadn't been used already. Also the description is a bit too vague in regards of how skills and atributes would work. And the fact it sounds a lot like the DBZ Fusions.
Entrant: SaitoRockman
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 15
Ryouko's Comments: Un....more "borrowed" art. I'm not quite sure you need that character with the effects of the chip, either, as
they're just fine on their own.
PlaguedOne's Comments: The attack method is very uncommon. Moreso is the fact that it moves the user without returning them to their original location. I was somewhat turned off by the use of official art from another series.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Ah yes... we needed more crossovers with Street Fighter.
Entrant: GoldJedi
Battle Chip: (( Description Here )) (( Additional Image ))
Total Points: 14
Ryouko's Comments: I'm not quite sure how this varies from the V-Shot chip, other than being a sword instead of a gun. n.n;
PlaguedOne's Comments: We've got a V-gun, so why not a V-Sword? A neat idea which is somewhat similar to the Kunai chips from the third game. It would be interesting to see how a navi would wield this sword in the anime.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Not much that I can say about this chip, description didn't say much about it.
Entrant: Loretta
Battle Chip: (( Description Here ))
Total Points: 12.5
Ryouko's Comments: You give the terms in which you can use the chip....but there is no absolutely no description about what the chip
actually does. n.n; Yes, it does heal, but for how much? Does it attack your opponent? Too much missing information.
PlaguedOne's Comments: I was a bit confused by the description. I'm not really sure if I understood what the chip does. The ability to choose to heal your foe is intriguing, though.
PlantmanEXE's Comments: Pretty average chip, but probably good if you're a masochist and like to have Duo refilling his HP thanks to this chip.