Rockman / Megaman belongs to Capcom. This song parody was created for the Tri-Monthly Contest at Rockman.exe Online. Please do not post this fiction anywhere without the author's permission.


Title: The Fives Moves of Forte

Based On: The twelve days of Christmas

By: Darwin Walters


On the first day of Christmas, the Forte gave to me. He threw Wily on a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas, what did he do now? Blew up a web ring and threw Wily in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas, he did something I bet. Deleted Alpha, blew up a web ring, and threw Wily in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas, he did something I swear. Defeated Rockman, deleted Alpha, blew up a web ring, and threw Wily in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas, did something but what? Deleted Blues. Defeated Rockman, deleted Alpha, blew up a web ring, and threw Wily in a pear tree.