Artwork done by Tabby, please do not steal!

((- Anime -- Manga -- Card Game -- PETs -- Figures -- Music -- Plush -- Etc -))

The Card Game

There have been two Starter Decks released, a Rockman and a Forte deck. There are also normal decks, including 2 of Rockman, and one Blues. Unfortunately, I've only found one place that offers the two Regular Decks, which is located at Toys n Joys online, found ((- here -))

There is also a card game relating to the Rockman.exe Axess series. These new cards can be used in a device that looks like the new PETs from EXE4 and Axess, which is called the Starter Set. This toy and the cards can be found at Toys n Joys.

More recentely an english version of a new card game was released by Decipher Games. This company produced many different decks for gamers to compile, and has been enjoyed by many across the country. Unfortunately these cards are no longer being made, as Decipher has decided to stop production. However, they have said they will still support gamers who wish to play MegaMan at their local tournaments. So don't give up! You can check out their store at Many of your local comic book or card dealers should also carry these.

I will keep updating this page as more merchandise becomes available.
If you finding something Rockman.exe related, and it is not listed here, please let me know!