Aqua Custom
Episode Premiered In:
Episode 45, "Lets Go to the Moon!"
Following Appearances:
Episodes 51, 56
Activation: Rockman first used this style change with the combination of an "Extra Code", during a battle with Planetman. The merging of the two used an enormous amount of Rockman's energy, which was dangerous to his health, but gave him incredible power in exchange.
Special Attributes: Aqua Custom allows Netto and Rockman to use a consecutive amount of the same battle chips together, to perform Program Advances very easily. This style also gives Rockman a water based offensive, and is strong against fire.
Gained Attacks: Program Advances: Hyper Burst (Spread Gun x 3), Megadeus Burst (Spread Gun x 5)
Disadvantages: The aqua element is weak against lighting based attacks. This style change also depends highly on the operator's assitance, since Rockman needs battle chips to perform the Program Advances.